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Biologia w jezyku angielskim

1.Why are viruses not organism? odp1. They do not have a celluar structure

2. describe the sructure of viruses odp2.Viruses are very particles, up to several hundred nawometers in
size.They are only able to muliply in the cells of another organism. 3.Virus clasification odp3. a)Due to the
types tepe of nuleic acid found in the DNA or RNA virus. b) depending on the type of most in which they
multiply: bacteriophades,plant viruses. 4.What is the importate of viruses? They from part of the
body's microbiome and safeguard our healthy.they can be harnessed to treat illness. 5.List viral diseases
influenza,smallpox,measles,mumps,chickenpox,covid 19,hapatitis A or B,polio,rubella 6.list the types of
viruses helical viruses,polyhedral viruses,spherical viruses

7.wirus-virus bakteriofag-bacteriophage królestwo-kingdom rodzina-family typ-type klasa-class rząd-

government gatunek-type kapsyd-kapsid osłonka lipidowa-lipid envelope glikoproteina-glikaprotein

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