Project Management BG ENGM91 Session 5

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Session 5

November 2023
The Team Tasks for Session 5

All changes made and tracking done this week must be to the baseline plan that you
created at the end of session 3B and that you tracked for session 4.

At this stage in the project you cannot switch to a different supplier or contractor.

1. Before any of this session’s tasks are undertaken, any shortcomings in last weeks
task identified during peer assessment must be addressed.

2. Utilising the information below make decisions that are appropriate to your
project and document why these decisions were made.

1. Update your project plan to take account of the decisions your team have made.
Don’t forget the hope for completion within 114 weeks.

2. Update the cost model taking account of the same information used to update
project plan.

3. Consider the proposal found at the end of this document.

Project Date Now

The project will have started on the first Monday of June next year.

It is now week 45 of the project.

The Situation at Week 45 of the Project

1. All shipping activities still to take place are forecast to deliver as follows:

Supplier rating Scheduled delivery

4 5 weeks early
3 2 weeks early
2 2 weeks late
1 6 weeks late

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Ian Ridley
Session 5
November 2023
2. All suppliers rated 1 have confirmed spiraling costs 12% over the original
quotation (a loophole in the Invitation to Tender document unfortunately permits

3. The erection of the jetty:

a. Rating 4 jetty contractors are currently scheduled to finish 4 weeks ahead
of schedule.
b. All other jetty contractors are running 6 weeks behind schedule.

NOTE – the times given for running ahead or behind schedule relate to the
original quotation, and /or any imposed decisions that have subsequently been
made due to session 4 data.

4. Hydro Scheme
All hydro scheme tasks currently taking place at week 45 are running 8 weeks
behind schedule.

5. Other activities not mentioned have been progressing according to schedule and

A Proposal

If you were allowed to change suppliers how would your team consider the proposal
offered below?

How does this fit in with your vendor selection policy?

If your team was allowed to change suppliers what would your group propose to do?

Foundations for civil buildings started when scheduled and finished 2 weeks late.
Construction of civil buildings has not yet begun at this stage of the project. A
further supplier (Santini from Italy) has submitted a quotation late for this
construction work. The supplier is rated 2, and quotes 40 weeks for the civil
buildings. Total cost from this supplier is 18% lower than your selected supplier.

a. This is only hypothetical and you are not allowed to actually change any
supplier or contractors.
b. The team must have written evidence of how the above proposal was

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Ian Ridley

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