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1 Theory

1.1 Linear Oscillations of Spherical Bubbles

We will briefly look into the equations that determine the dynamics of single bubble oscillations.
From the Navier Stokes equation we can derive the Rayleigh-Plesset momentum balance equation
(Eq.1) by assuming spherical symmetry and integrating from the surface of the sphere to infinity.

Z ∞
ρ(RR̈ + Ṙ2 ) = p(R) − p∞ + |∇ · τ |r dr (1)
2 R

We can write the stress term in Eq.1 in terms of a viscous and an elastic term. For small
amplitude oscillation amplitudes, a simple linear constitutive equation that includes both viscous
and elastic effects is the Kelvin-Voight model, Eq.2. This model represents a solid undergoing
reversible viscoelastic strain.

τrr = 2(Gϵrr + µϵrr

˙ ) (2)

By combining Eq.1 and Eq.2 we get the second-order linear differential equation, Eq.3, that
governs single bubble oscillation dynamics in the linear regime

ζ̈ + 2β ζ̇ + 4π 2 f02 ζ = sin(2πf t) (3)

where ζ is the oscillation amplitude, f0 is the natural frequency of the bubble, β is the damping
parameter, R0 is the radius of the bubble , ρ is the density of the fluid and f is the applied acoustic
frequency. Upon linearization of Eq.3 we get Eq.4 which is one of two equations needed to fit a
resonance curve for a single bubble. The other is the equation for the natural oscillation frequency
given by Eq.5.

ρ0 R02
ζ= p (4)
4π π 2 (f02 − f 2 ) + β 2 f 2

3κp0 + R0 + 4G
f02 = (5)
4π 2 ρR02

The resonance radius can be derived from Minnaert’s resonance formula given by Eq.6.

1 3κp0
f= (6)
2πR0 ρ

1.2 Bubble Pair Dynamics

When two bubbles are oscillating in an acoustically driven field, the two bubbles experience an
inter-bubble force, the secondary Bjerknes force. This force can be either attractive or repulsive in
nature and the mutual attraction or repulsion results from the secondary radiated sound fields of
the pulsating bubbles.

The radius of one bubble can be given by Eq.7, where ζ1 is the pulsation/oscillation amplitude
and R̄1 is the mean radius of the bubble. The same equation applies for the second bubble.

R1 (t) = R̄1 + ζ1 sin(ωt) (7)

The force between the two bubbles is given by Eq.8.

FB = ρR¯12 ω 2 ζ1 ⟨V2 (t) sin(ωt)⟩( 3 ) (8)

where V2 (t) = 4 ¯3 + 4π R¯2 2 ζ2 sin(ωt) and ϕ is the phase angle between R1 (t) and R2 (t).
3 π R2

Finally the Bjerknes force between two bubbles of mean radii R̄1 and R̄2 and oscillation amplitudes
ζ1 and ζ2 separated by a distance r is given by Eq.9.

FB = −2πρω 2 R¯1 2 ζ1 R¯2 2 ζ2 cos(ϕ)( 3 ) (9)

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