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COMP 232

– TUT 2
FALL 2023
Material Covered

 Chapter 1 - The Foundations: Logic and Proofs

 Section 1.4 – Predicates and Quantifiers
Reminder: Predicate Logic

 Features of Predicate Logic:

 Variables: x, y, z …
 Predicates: P(x), M(x) …
 Quantifiers: ,  …

 Propositional functions are a generalization of propositions.

 They contain variables and a predicate, e.g., P(x)
 Variables can be replaced by elements from their domain.
Reminder: Quantifiers

 Some quantifiers:
 Universal Quantifier: ∀x ∈ S P(x) means “ P(x) = T for all x ∈ S ”.
 Existential Quantifier: ∃x ∈ S P(x) means “ there exists an x ∈ S for which
P(x) = T ”.
 Uniqueness Quantifier: ∃!x ∈ S P(x) means “ there is a unique x ∈ S for
which P(x) = T ”.

 Quantifiers have higher precedence than all logical operators

 De Morgan’s Laws for Quantifiers:

Exercise 1

 Let P(x) be the statement “x spends more than 5 hours every weekday in class” where
the domain for x consists of all students. Express each quantifications in English
Exercise 2

 Translate these statements into English where C(x) is “x is a comedian” and F(x) is “x is funny”
and the domain consists of all people:
Exercise 3

 Let P(x) be the statement “x = x^2”. If the domain consists of the integers, what are these truth
Exercise 4

 Translate each of these statements into logical expressions using predicates, quantifiers and
logical connectives:
Exercise 5

 Find a counterexample, if possible to these universally quantified statements, where the domain
for all variables consists of all real numbers:

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