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Read the invitation and the response:

Dear George?
How are you? I haven’t heard from you for ages! I was thinking why don’t you come and
visit me during the winter break? I know you have always wanted to visit Ireland and I’d be
more than happy to show you around?

Anyway, I have to go now. Give my regards to your parents. Write back soon.

Take care,

Dear Patrick, 1. Greeting

Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but 2. Reason for writing
I’ve been so busy with school lately.

Thanks for inviting me to visit you during the winter break. It is 3. Main body
very nice of you but I’m afraid I can’t come to Ireland then. You Thanking
see, my brother is getting married in February and I’ve promised to Acceptance / refusal
help him with all the preparations. Reason

How about we meet up at Easter instead? Think about it and let me

know. 4. Closing remarks

5. Signing off

I. Layout: how should a letter look like

1. Greeting.
2. Opening paragraph: introduction, reason for writing, reply.
3. Main Body:
 Thanking.
 Accepting or refusing the invitation.
 Reasoning.
4. Making suggestions if you refused the invitation.
5. Signing off.
II. Useful phrases and expression: things to use

1. Greeting: greet the addressee

 Dear …,
 Hey!

2. Opening paragraph: reason for writing

Write an introduction; invite someone to somewhere. If you have been invited, write a

 What have you been up to?

 How are things?
 I’m sorry I haven’t written for ages.
 What are your plans … (for the summer)?
 I’m writing to let you know…
 Great to hear from you!
 Hope you’re well.
 Thanks for your letter / email.

3. Main body:
If you want to invite someone, make an invitation, in which you describe the event. If
you have been invited by someone, accept or refuse the invitation and give reasons.
Use phrases like:

Inviting someone:
 I’m/We’re organizing / having a party to celebrate…
 I/We would like to invite you to… —Tanúsítványom van …ból.
 The … will take place / start at… —
 To get there, take the bus / go to…
 Please bring…

Accepting invitation:
 Thanks for inviting me…
 I’d like to come to…
 I wouldn’t miss… for the world!
 Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to…
 Yes, thanks. That would be great / wonderful.

Refusing invitation:
 I’m afraid I can’t come because…
 It was nice of you to invite me but…
 I’m awfully / terribly sorry but I have other plans…
 I’d really like to, but I’m already tied up.
 Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m busy
Giving reasons:
 You see…
 The truth / reason / problem is…
 The fact that I have to … means that…
 This will involve … which means that...

4. Making suggestions:
If you had to refuse the invitation try finding another program and invite your friend
CV. Use set phrases like:
 What about…
 Instead of… why don’t we…
 If you like, we would…
 What do you think about...
 How do you feel about...
 .

5. Signing off:
 Yours sincerely, —If you know the name of the addressee.
 Yours faithfully, —If you do not know the name of the addressee.

You shall write this to almost any parts of your work:


 I would be well suited to the position because… —Alkalmas lennék a
pozícióra, mivel…
 I have a lively interest in … and would appreciate the opportunity / chance to
broaden my knowledge by working with you. —Élénk érdeklődést mutatok a
… iránt, és nagyra értékelném a lehetőséget, hogy Önnel együtt dolgozva
bővítsem tudásomat.
 And thus I would have the opportunity to combine my interests with this
placement. —Így lehetőségem nyílna arra, hogy érdeklődésemet
összekapcsoljam ezzel az elhelyezkedéssel.

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