Library Design in Combinatorial Chemistry by Monte Carlo Methods

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Library Design in Combinatorial Chemistry by Monte Carlo Methods

Marco Falcioni and Michael W. Deem

Chemical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 90095–1592
Strategies for searching the space of variables in combinatorial chemistry experiments are presented,
and a random energy model of combinatorial chemistry experiments is introduced. The search
arXiv:cond-mat/0007114v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 6 Jul 2000

strategies, derived by analogy with the computer modeling technique of Monte Carlo, effectively
search the variable space even in combinatorial chemistry experiments of modest size. Efficient
implementations of the library design and redesign strategies are feasible with current experimental

02.50.Ng, 05.10.Ln, 82.90.+j

I. INTRODUCTION purity level can greatly affect the figure of merit [16]. In
addition, the “crystallinity” of the material can affect the
The goal of combinatorial materials discovery is to find observed figure of merit [17]. Finally, the method of nu-
compositions of matter that maximize a specific mate- cleation or synthesis may affect the phase or morphology
rial property [1–3], such as superconductivity [4], mag- of the material and so affect the figure of merit [19].
netoresistance [5], luminescence [6–8], ligand specificity We assume that the composition and non-composition
[9], sensor response [10], or catalytic activity [2,11–16]. variables of each sample can be changed independently
This problem can be reformulated as one of searching [1,14]. Then, instead of a grid search on the composition
a multi-dimensional space, with the material composi- and non-composition variables, we consider choosing the
tion, impurity levels, and synthesis conditions as vari- variables at random from the allowed values. We also
ables. The property to be optimized, the figure of merit, consider choosing the variables in a fashion that attempts
is generally an unknown function of the variables and can to maximize the amount of information gained from the
be measured only experimentally. limited number of samples screened, via a quasi-random,
Present approaches to combinatorial library design and low-discrepancy sequence [20].
screening invariably perform a grid search in composition We further consider performing multiple rounds of
space, followed by a “steepest-ascent” maximization of screening, incorporating feedback as the experiment pro-
the figure of merit. This procedure becomes inefficient in ceeds by treating the combinatorial chemistry experiment
high-dimensional spaces or when the figure of merit is not as a Monte Carlo in the laboratory. This leads to sam-
a smooth function of the variables, and its use has limited pling the experimental figure of merit, E, proportional
most combinatorial chemistry experiments to ternary or to exp(βE). If β is large, then the Monte Carlo proce-
quaternary compounds. dure will seek out values of the composition and non-
In this paper, we suggest new experimental proto- composition variables that maximize the figure of merit.
cols for searching the space of variables in combinatorial If β is too large, however, the Monte Carlo procedure
chemistry, exploiting an analogy between combinatorial will get stuck in relatively low-lying local maxima. The
materials discovery and Monte Carlo computer model- first round is initiated by choosing the composition and
ing methods. In Section II we discuss several of these non-composition variables at random from the allowed
strategies for library design and redesign. In Section III values. The variables are changed in succeeding rounds
we introduce the Random Phase Volume Model that we as dictated by the Monte Carlo procedure.
will use to compare the different methods. The effective- Two ways of changing the variables are considered:
ness of different strategies is discussed in Section IV. We randomly changing the variables of a randomly chosen
conclude in Section V. sample a small amount and exchanging a subset of the
variables between two randomly chosen samples. These
moves are repeated until all the samples in a round have
II. SAMPLING THE SPACE OF VARIABLES IN been modified. The values of the figure of merit for the
MATERIALS DISCOVERY proposed new samples are then measured. Whether to
accept the newly proposed samples or to keep the current
Several variables can be manipulated in order to seek samples for the next round is decided according to the
the material with the optimal figure of merit. Material detailed balance acceptance criterion. For the random
composition is certainly a variable. But also, film thick- change of one sample, we find the Metropolis acceptance
ness [17] and deposition method [18] are variables for probability:
materials made in thin film form. The processing his-
tory, such as temperature, pressure, pH, and atmospheric acc(c → p) = min {1, exp [β (Eproposed − Ecurrent )]} .
composition, is a variable. The guest composition or im- (1)

Proposed samples that increase the figure of merit are al- tial library of samples, measuring the initial figures of
ways accepted; proposed samples that decrease the figure merit, changing the variables of each sample a small ran-
of merit are accepted with the Metropolis probability. Al- dom amount or swapping subsets of the variables between
lowing the figure of merit occasionally to decrease is what pairs of samples, constructing the proposed new library
allows samples to escape from local maxima. The random of samples, measuring the figures of merit of the pro-
displacement of the d mole fraction variables, xi , is done posed new samples, accepting or rejecting each of the pro-
in the (d − 1)-dimensional subspace orthogonal to the d- posed new samples, and performing parallel tempering
dimensional vector (1, 1, . . . , 1). This procedure ensures exchanges. Following rounds of combinatorial chemistry
that the constraint i=1 xi = 1 is maintained. This
repeat these steps, starting with making changes to the
subspace is identified by the Gram-Schmidt procedure. current values of the composition and non-composition
Moves that violate the constraint xi ≥ 0 are rejected. variables. These steps are repeated for as many rounds
Moves that lead to invalid values of the non-composition as desired, or until maximal figures of merit are found.
variables are also rejected. For the swapping move ap- We have chosen to sample the figure of merit by Monte
plied to samples i and j, we find the modified acceptance Carlo, rather than to optimize it globally by some other
probability: method, for several reasons. First, Monte Carlo is an
   effective stochastic optimization method. Second, sim-
acc(c → p) = min 1, exp β Eproposed i j
+ Eproposed ple global optimization may be misleading since concerns
 such as patentability, cost of materials, and ease of syn-
i j thesis are not usually included in the experimental figure
− Ecurrent − Ecurrent . (2)
of merit. Moreover, the screen that is most easily per-
formed in the laboratory, the “primary screen,” is usually
Fig. 1a shows one round of a Monte Carlo procedure. only roughly correlated with the true figure of merit. In-
The parameter β is not related to the thermodynamic deed, after finding materials that look promising based
temperature of the experiment and should be optimized upon the primary screen, experimental secondary and
for best efficiency. The characteristic sizes of the random tertiary screens are usually performed to identify that
changes in the composition and non-composition vari- material which is truly optimal. Third, it might be ad-
ables are also parameters that should be optimized. vantageous to screen for several figures of merit at once.
If the number of composition and non-composition For all of these reasons, sampling by Monte Carlo to pro-
variables is too great, or if the figure of merit changes duce several candidate materials is preferred over global
with the variables in a too-rough fashion, normal Monte optimization.
Carlo will not achieve effective sampling. Parallel tem-
pering is a natural extension of Monte Carlo that is used
to study statistical [21], spin glass [22], and molecular [23] III. THE RANDOM PHASE VOLUME MODEL
systems with rugged energy landscapes. Our most power-
ful protocol incorporates the method of parallel temper- The effectiveness of these protocols is demonstrated
ing for changing the system variables. In parallel tem- by combinatorial chemistry experiments as simulated by
pering, a fraction of the samples are updated by Monte the Random Phase Volume Model. The Random Phase
Carlo with parameter β1 , a fraction by Monte Carlo with Volume Model is not fundamental to the protocols; it is
parameter β2 , and so on. At the end of each round, sam- introduced as a simple way to test, parameterize, and
ples are randomly exchanged between the groups with validate the various searching methods. The model re-
different β’s, as shown in Fig. 1b. The acceptance prob- lates the figure of merit to the composition and non-
ability for exchanging two samples is composition variables in a statistical way. The model
acc(c → p) = min {1, exp [∆β∆E]} , (3) is fast enough to allow for validation of the proposed
searching methods on an enormous number of samples,
where ∆β is the difference in the values of β between yet possesses the correct statistics for the figure-of-merit
the two groups, and ∆E is the difference in the figures landscape. The d-dimensional vector of composition mole
of merit between the two samples. It is important to fractions is denoted by x. The composition mole fractions
notice that this exchange step does not involve any ex- are non-negative and sum to unity, and so the allowed
tra screening compared to Monte Carlo and is, therefore, compositions are constrained to lie within a simplex in d
“free” in terms of experimental costs. This step is, how- dimensions. For the familiar ternary system, this simplex
ever, dramatically effective at facilitating the protocol to is an equilateral triangle. The composition variables are
escape from local maxima. The number of different sys- grouped into phases centered around Nx points xα ran-
tems and the temperatures of each system are parameters domly placed within the allowed composition range (the
that must be optimized. phases form a Voronoi diagram [24], see Fig. 2). The
To summarize, the first round of combinatorial chem- model is defined for any number of composition variables,
istry consists of the following steps: constructing the ini- and the number of phase points is defined by requiring

the average spacing between phase points to be ξ = 0.25. The total number of samples whose figure of merit will
To avoid edge effects, additional points are added in a be measured is fixed at M = 100, 000, so that all pro-
belt of width 2ξ around the simplex of allowed composi- tocols have the same experimental cost. The single pass
tions. The figure of merit should change dramatically be- protocols Grid, Random, and LDS are considered. For
tween composition phases. Moreover, within each phase the Grid method, we define Mx = M (d−1)/(d−1+b) and
α, the figure of merit should also vary with y = x − xα Mz = M b/(d−1+b) . The grid spacing of the composition
due to crystallinity effects such as crystallite size, inter- variables is ζx = (Vd /Mx ) , where
growths, defects, and faulting [17]. In addition, the non- √
composition variables should also affect the measured fig- d
Vd = (6)
ure of merit. The non-composition variables are denoted (d − 1)!
by the b-dimensional vector z, with each component con- is the volume of the allowed composition simplex. Note
strained to fall within the range [−1, 1] without loss of that the distance from the centroid of the simplex to the
generality. There can be any number of non-composition closest point on the boundary of the simplex is
variables. The figure of merit depends on the composi- 1
tion and non-composition variables in a correlated fash- Rd = 1/2
. (7)
ion, and so the non-composition variables also fall within [d(d − 1)]
Nz “z-phases” defined in the space of composition vari- The spacing for each component of the non-composition
ables. There are a factor of 10 fewer non-composition variables is ζz = 2/Mz . For the LDS method, differ-
phases than composition phases. The functional form of ent quasi-random sequences are used for the composition
the model when x is in composition phase α and non- and non-composition variables. The feedback protocols
composition-phase γ is Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo with swap, and Parallel Tem-
pering are considered. The Monte Carlo parameters were
E(x, z) = Uα
optimized on test cases. It was optimal to perform 100
q d
X X (αk) rounds of 1,000 samples with β = 2 for d = 3 and β = 1
+σx fi1 ...ik ξx−k Ai1 ...ik yi1 yi2 . . . yik
for d = 4 or 5, and ∆x = 0.1Rd and ∆z = 0.12 for
k=1 i1 ≥...≥ik =1
the maximum random displacement in each component.
1 The swapping move consisted of an attempt to swap all
+ Wγ
2 of the non-composition values between the two chosen
q b
X X (γk)
 samples, and it was optimal to use Pswap ≃ 0.1 for the
+σz fi1 ...ik ξz−k Bi1 ...ik zi1 zi2 . . . zik , (4) probability of a swap versus a regular random displace-
k=1 i1 ≥...≥ik =1
ment. For Parallel Tempering it was optimal to perform
where fi1 ...ik is a constant symmetry factor, ξx and ξz are 100 rounds with 1,000 samples, divided into three sub-
(αk) (γk)
constant scale factors, and Uα , Wγ , Ai1 ...ik , and Bi1 ...ik sets: 50 samples at β1 = 50, 500 samples at β2 = 10,
are random Gaussian variables with unit variance. In and 450 samples at β3 = 1. The 50 samples at large β
more detail, the symmetry factor is given by essentially perform a “steepest-ascent” optimization and
have smaller ∆x = 0.01Rd and ∆z = 0.012.
fi1 ...ik = Ql , (5) The figures of merit found by the protocols are shown
i=1 oi ! in Fig. 3. The Random and LDS protocols find better so-
where l is the number of distinct integer values in the set lutions than does Grid in one round of experiment. More
{i1 , . . . , ik }, and oi is the number of times that distinct importantly, the Monte Carlo methods have a tremen-
value dous advantage over one pass methods, especially as the
Pl i is repeated in the set. Note that 1 ≤ l ≤ k and
i=1 oi = k. The scale factors are chosen so that each
number of variables increases, with Parallel Tempering
term in the multinomial contributes roughly the same the best method. The Monte Carlo methods, in essence,
amount: ξx = ξ/2 and ξz = (hz 6 i/hz 2 i)1/4 = (3/7)1/4 . gather more information about how best to search the
The σx and σz are chosen so that the multinomial, crys- variable space with each succeeding round. This feedback
tallinity terms contribute 40% as much as the constant, mechanism proves to be effective even for the relatively
phase terms on average. For both multinomials q = 6. small total sample size of 100,000 considered here. We
As Fig. 2 shows, the Random Phase Volume Model de- expect that the advantage of the Monte Carlo methods
scribes a rugged figure of merit landscape, with subtle will become even greater for larger sample sizes. Note
variations, local maxima, and discontinuous boundaries. that in cases such as catalytic activity, sensor response,
or ligand specificity [25], the experimental figure of merit
would likely be exponential in the values shown in Fig. 3,
IV. RESULTS so that the success of the Monte Carlo methods would be
even more dramatic. A better calibration of the param-
Six different search protocols are tested with increasing eters in Eq. 4 may be possible as more data becomes
numbers of composition and non-composition variables. available in the literature.

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Max E

Min E
FIG. 2. The Random Phase Volume Model. The model
is shown for the case of three composition variables and one
non-composition variable. The boundaries of the x phases are
evident by the sharp discontinuities in the figure of merit. To
generate this figure, the z variable was held constant. The
boundaries of the z phases are shown as thin dark lines.

Relative Figure of Merit

Monte Carlo
2 MC Swap
Parallel Tempering





Number of Components
FIG. 3. The maximum figure of merit found with different
protocols on systems with different number of composition
(x) and non-composition (z) variables. The results are scaled
to the maximum found by the Grid searching method. Each
value is averaged over scaled results on 10 different instances
of the Random Phase Volume Model with different random
phases. The Monte Carlo methods are especially effective
on the systems with larger number of variables, where the
maximal figures of merit are more difficult to locate.

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