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701 Smithfield Street  Pittsburgh, PA 15222  (412) 288-4543  FAX (412) 288-1786



AGREEMENT, made this _____ day of ____ 2013, between

Boukhroufa Amar
4277 Annaba PC
Salem City, Sidi ALGERIA

hereinafter called the Author, and Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a company engaged in
performing fee-based publishing services, hereinafter called Dorrance.

Dorrance is a publishing services company that charges an author a fee to perform the services outlined below.


Whereas the Author desires to publish a Work for print and e-book distribution, while retaining all other rights, the
Author grants and assigns to Dorrance during the full term of this contract the non-exclusive right to offer print and
digital versions of and fulfill orders for a Work described as or titled “The Invaders of Dreams” hereinafter called the


The Author agrees to deliver to Dorrance, on or before the date of the signing of this Agreement, a copy of the
completed Work, together with all necessary drawings, photographs, charts, and designs, if any, properly prepared for
reproduction, and to provide and pay the additional cost for the inclusion and production of an alphabetical index, if the
Author deems the Work requires one.

Dorrance shall exercise reasonable care in the handling of all materials belonging to the Author and in the possession of
Dorrance during the term of this Agreement. Dorrance shall not, however, be responsible for any loss or damage to, nor
carry any insurance on, the Author's material. The Author agrees to keep copies of all materials provided to Dorrance.


The Author agrees to pay Dorrance the sum of $6400 in consideration of this Agreement as follows: the sum of $2200
to be paid upon this contract’s signature by the Author; $2100 to be paid upon submission of edited manuscript; and
$2100 to be paid upon submission of page proofs. Payments must be received in a timely manner to avoid interruption
in the progress of the Work’s publication.

The Author understands that Dorrance makes no contribution to the cost of the initial publication.

There will be no other cost to the Author for the production of the Work unless the Author shall request or approve any
changes or alterations to the proofs of the Work which deviate from the manuscript as originally submitted to Dorrance
and edited by Dorrance and approved by the Author.

The Author may add new material, or make substantive changes, to the Work only during the editing process, for a fee
to be assessed by Dorrance, and agrees to add no additional material after Dorrance has created the first draft of the
book’s formatted pages. The Author understands that all final changes to the Work must be made during the book
design review process and that Dorrance is under no obligation to add additional material, or make substantive changes,
after the Author has approved the book page design and the initial printing of the book has been completed.


Dorrance agrees to have assigned an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and uploaded both the cover and text
to the Dorrance bookstore web site (, where it will be available for purchase as a printed book
or e-book, and produced the number of Author Copies specified in Section VIII of this Agreement, within 170 business
days after execution of this contract by Dorrance, unless Dorrance is prevented by delays by third-party labor; acts of
God; failure on the part of the Author to meet all requested review due dates as explained in Section V; or other
circumstances beyond its control.

The Author agrees to accept via email and read, correct, and return all materials submitted by Dorrance to the Author
for review within six (6) business days in order to allow for meeting of production schedules. If the Author is unable to
accept materials via email, material should be returned to Dorrance via expedited mail services in order to meet all
deadlines. Should the Author not meet these deadlines, production of the Work shall be delayed.


The Publisher agrees to produce the Work according to the following specifications:

 Finished Book Dimensions: 6 inches wide by 9 inches high

 Type Size: 10/12
 Length: Number of designed pages resulting from 75 manuscript pages provided by Author. Publisher
will perform no text input.
 Text Stock: 60 LB white offset
 Cover Stock: 10 PT C1S
 Binding: Paperback, perfectbound
 Cover: Full Color
 Text: black ink only
 Illustrations: none
 Books printed at United States (U.S.) manufacturing location

Dorrance will work with the Author throughout the production of the Work, providing the Author production materials
for review and approval. Production materials sent to the Author for review and approval may include (but are not
restricted or guaranteed to include, unless specified above) the edited manuscript, formatted book text copy (page

proofs) and up to two sets of text proof revisions, book cover design and up to two sets of cover proof revisions,
publisher-supplied illustrations, printer proofs, and back ad copy. The Author understands the proofs represent the
exact appearance of the printed book, and materials not appearing in the proofs will not appear in or on the completed
Work. The Author’s approval of final text and cover material constitutes authorization to complete the work As Is.

The Author’s design suggestions will be considered and implemented whenever feasible and should be submitted
immediately upon signature of this Agreement; however, the Author agrees that all final decisions connected with the
production of the Work shall be left to the judgment of Dorrance except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.

The editing provided by Dorrance will be restricted to what is often referred to as mechanical editing. This process
consists of a reading of the manuscript to improve consistency in spelling, capitalization, and hyphenation; agreement
of subjects and verbs; correction of grammar and punctuation; and other such mechanics of written communication.
This editing will be limited to the English language. Dorrance will perform no rewriting, reorganization, or suggestions
for improvement of presentation, content, literary expression, or style of writing of the manuscript.

Author agrees the accuracy of all final material is a joint responsibility shared by Dorrance and the Author, and
Dorrance shall not carry responsibility for any errors in the printed books approved by the Author during the production
process. By approving work, the Author causes Dorrance to incur production expenses which can never be recovered.
Therefore Dorrance will not be liable for bearing the cost to make corrections to material that the Author had approved
at an earlier stage.


Should the Author desire the return of any original material submitted for use during the production of the Work,
Author shall notify Dorrance, in writing, within thirty (30) days after signing the Agreement. Failure on the part of the
Author to make such request will automatically remove from Dorrance any and all responsibility for the return of any
original material provided by the Author.


Dorrance shall determine the retail price of the Work based on the manufacturing costs associated with the final page
count of the designed Work. Upon notification of the retail price, the Author shall have 30 (thirty) days to increase the
retail price. Dorrance agrees to remit to the Author payments on sales of the Work at the following rate(s):

 For books sold by Dorrance at a required discount to bookstores, wholesalers, distributors, or what is known as
the “book trade,” the Author receives 20% of the wholesale (discounted) price for each book sold and paid for.
 For books sold directly to individual consumers, the Author receives 40% of the retail price (the price printed
on the book) for each book sold and paid for. Books sold to individual consumers are non-returnable and
 The Author, or a legally recognized corporate entity of which the author is materially associated, may purchase
further copies at a 45% discount from the retail price plus cost of shipping. Any books purchased by the
Author, or a legally recognized corporate entity of which the author is materially associated, are non-returnable
and nonrefundable.

It is understood that no payments shall be made on books that are damaged or destroyed; supplied in exchange, given
away, or distributed for promotion purposes; furnished at no charge or sold to the Author; sold to a legally recognized
corporate entity of which the author is materially associated; and shipped but for which Dorrance has not received

Dorrance shall send to the Author a statement of the number of qualifying sales that result in earnings and remit the
Author’s payments from the sale of the Work on January 31 and July 31 of each year via electronic funds transfer in
U.S. funds. Statement of qualifying sales shall be based on all sales made and paid for as of the previous October 31
and April 30 respectively to allow for a proper accounting. If no sales qualify for earnings, then a statement will not be

issued. If Author’s earnings amount is less than $25.00 in a given earnings period, Author’s earnings will accumulate
until the amount of $25.00 or more is reached and then will be paid at the next regularly occurring earnings payment
date. To facilitate electronic funds transfer, the Author will provide Dorrance with current bank account and bank
routing information. If the address of the Author, as indicated in this Agreement, is located outside of the 50 recognized
U.S. states, then the Author’s earnings on sales will be made in bank check form in U.S. funds. Upon termination of
this contract as described in Section XV of this Agreement, Dorrance will remit to the Author payments on sales then
accrued or thereafter accruing and will be paid at the next regularly occurring earnings payment date.

Author agrees to provide Dorrance with any changes to the Author's legal name, mailing address, email address, or
bank information a minimum of forty-five (45) days prior to the next regularly scheduled earnings payment dates of
January 31 and July 31. If such changes are not provided within this timeframe, then Dorrance cannot guarantee that
such changes can be made before the next regularly scheduled earnings payment date, and any requests for reissuance
of earnings monies will be honored only with Author payment of an administrative charge of $35.00.

Failure by Author to pay Subsidy Fee, as outlined in Section III of this Agreement or as part of an attached Payment
Addendum, will result in any earnings accrued and due to the Author to be applied towards the past-due contract
payment amount.

Dorrance may from time to time increase the retail price of the Work as shall in its judgment be required after the sale
of the initial printing quantity provided for in this Agreement. In the event of a revised retail price, Dorrance will notify
the Author in advance of the change and will remit subsequent Author payments on the sale of the Work at the
percentages provided for in this Agreement based on the revised retail price.


After the book pages and cover are designed and the book listing is uploaded to, Dorrance
shall send the Author fifty (50) copies of the printed Work at no extra charge. The author is responsible for paying any
customs fees, duties, or tariffs, if applicable.

The Author, or a legally recognized corporate entity of which the author is materially associated, may purchase further
copies at a 45% discount from the retail price plus cost of shipping. The Author is responsible for paying any customs
fees, duties, or tariffs, if applicable. Any books purchased by the Author, or a legally recognized corporate entity of
which the author is materially associated, are non-returnable and nonrefundable and garner for the Author no earnings.


Dorrance agrees to perform limited, specified promotion of the Work for the purpose of attempting to gain some
recognition for the Work. Dorrance shall submit the Work to a specified number of local and/or selected national
media, outlets, and organizations located within the United States. In those instances where reviews or publicity may be
obtained, Dorrance has no influence over the content of those reviews or publicity.

Dorrance shall make out-of-pocket expenditures, or provide the equivalent in value of services performed by
employees, in the amount of $1000 in promoting the Work. This expenditure or allocation in preparation and
implementation of the following promotional activities shall constitute full and complete compliance with the
promotional requirements of this Agreement, whether or not undertaking and completion of such activities generates
sale of the book. The Author’s suggestions will be considered and implemented whenever feasible within budgetary
restrictions by substituting these suggested activities for some or all activities listed below. Dorrance reserves the right
to substitute a comparable promotional requirement should a third-party service provider used to implement a
promotional requirement be unable or fail to perform such task.

 Notifying media of book availability through compiling a review and publicity list and distributing a publicity
release to approximately three hundred (300) media contacts appropriate for the Work and/or the Author.

 Creating a listing at publisher’s media site,, which credentialed media personnel can
search by book title, author name, or topic, and providing up to twenty-five (25) printed review copies, and
unlimited digital copies, at the request of credentialed media.
 Providing one (1) printed review copy to up to ten (10) media or book publishing industry contacts provided
by the Author, with the Author to supply all necessary contact information.
 Distributing the publicity release to online news media and RSS news feeds appropriate to the Work and/or the
 Notifying retailers of book availability through creation of a New Book Project Summary, a full-color
marketing piece containing introductory information about the Work and the Author, with distribution to up to
twenty-five (25) selected booksellers and ten (10) selected local libraries in the Author’s area.
 Distributing new book release data to up to twenty (20) wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, and major book
chain headquarters, primarily as reference materials announcing availability of the Work.
 Submitting book availability information to online bookseller and Books In Print, an essential
bibliographic tool for libraries and booksellers, and creating a listing on the Dorrance Bookstore website.
 Creating and printing one hundred (100) full-color direct mail marketing postcards, sent to the Author for
personal use. A digital version of the postcard will also be provided to the Author.
 Providing the Work for limited preview through Google Books along with availability and ordering
 Publishing notice of the Work’s availability in the Dorrance Email Newsletter, which includes a short
description of the Work and a link to the Work’s listing on the Dorrance online bookstore.
 Distributing the Work through Lightning Source, the printing arm of Ingram, one of the nation's largest book
distributors, for accessibility to larger chain retailers and faster international distribution, if the Work meets the
eligibility requirements of that company.
 Providing information about the Work and its availability to Baker & Taylor, a nationwide distributor utilized
by bookstores.
 Placing ads totaling $200 in Google based on keywords developed for the Work, recommended for
nonfiction and specialty titles
 Writing and placing announcement of availability of the Work in one issue of Publishers Weekly, a book-
focused publication boasting circulation of more than 21,000 subscribers, which includes booksellers,
publishers, libraries, wholesalers, and distributors.
 Telephoning up to 12 selected booksellers in the author’s area to introduce the availability of the work,
making an offer for an appearance for an autograph reception

While the Author may undertake additional promotion of the Work at the Author’s own expense, if so desired, it is
suggested the Author discuss any such promotion with Dorrance, in advance, for feedback on any technical, creative,
and legal issues, to help ensure best practices.


Subsidiary rights are comprised of book club, paperback, hardback, reprint, paperback reprint, serial reprint, dramatic,
motion picture, television, radio, translation, and other such rights. Dorrance does not seek out opportunities for the sale
of subsidiary rights and sale of such is unlikely. However, should a legitimate subsidiary rights opportunity present
itself, Dorrance will pursue it and may sell the subsidiary rights to the Work.

The net proceeds of the sale of any of the aforementioned rights or any other rights not specifically mentioned shall be
divided in the proportion of 80% to the Author and 20% to Dorrance.

Only for the purpose of attempting to gain some recognition for the Work, Dorrance may, without compensation to the
Author, publish or permit others to publish or to use selections of the Work free of charge.


Dorrance shall, at no added charge to the Author, take the steps necessary to secure the rights and protection afforded to
a literary work by U.S. copyright laws and will file the copyright in the Author’s name.


The Author covenants that the Work contains no matter which, if published, will be libelous or otherwise unlawful or
which will infringe on any proprietary interest at common law or statutory copyright; that the Author is the sole author
and proprietor of the Work and has full power to enter into this Agreement; that the Author has attained at least
eighteen (18) years of age; that the Author and his/her legal successors will hold harmless and indemnify Dorrance
from all manner of claims, suits, judgments, recoveries, expenses, and attorney’s fees arising from any alleged
violation, whether or not sustained by a court of law, of proprietary right or copyright by the Work, including
plagiarism, or from any libelous, obscene, or otherwise unlawful matter contained in the Work. Shall the Author breach
any said guarantees, servicing of the Work shall stop, the Agreement will be terminated, and all monies paid by the
Author will be forfeited.

If in Dorrance’s judgment the Work contains any libelous, obscene, or otherwise injurious or unlawful matter or any
infringement of common law or statutory copyright, Dorrance shall be under no obligation to issue such part or parts of
the Work and the Author shall remove such sections of the Work as requested by Dorrance. If the Work contains any
previously copyrighted material, it shall be the responsibility of the Author to secure, entirely at the Author’s expense,
written permission to reprint the material three months before the expected completion of the production schedule.


Dorrance will make the Work available in digital formats that can be read on computers, Smartphones, tablets, and
other portable reading devices within forty-five (45) business days after completion of the printed book, unless delayed
due to performance of third-party digital service providers. The same copyright protection that covers the Work in
printed form will extend to its electronic form. The appearance of the Work in digital form will be as close as possible
to the printed version, though some differences in typeface, graphics, or photographs and other illustrations may occur
due to constraints of digital formatting and distribution. No new mechanical editing, typesetting, proofreading, or text
page or cover design will be performed in creating the digital version of the Work.

Digital Portable Document Format (PDF) and ePub versions of the Work will be made available for purchase at a retail
price determined by Dorrance directly from its online bookstore, with Author earnings paid at the rate of 80% of the
retail price on the same schedule and for the same sales periods as for sales of the printed books. As with the printed
books, Dorrance does not guarantee that any specific number of books in the digital form will be sold.

Third-party digital retailers, such as and Google Play, will prepare the Work in other formats and set the
retail and wholesale price and determine any digital conversion fees for digital versions of the Work to allow for its
purchase and download on portable reading devices. Author earnings will be paid at the rate of 40% of any payment
received by Dorrance, which is traditionally the wholesale price minus the cost of third-party digital retailer conversion
fees on the same schedule and for the same sales periods as for sales of the printed books. As with the printed books,
Dorrance does not guarantee that any specific number of books in the digital form will be sold.


After two years have passed from the time the Work is first made available by Dorrance for purchase, Dorrance
reserves the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by informing the Author in writing via certified mail. After
two years, the Author shall also have the right to terminate the contract by notifying Dorrance by certified mail. If
either party terminates the contract, Dorrance will remit to the Author payments on sales then accrued or thereafter
accruing. If the Author chose to pay for publishing services via a monthly payment plan, this Agreement may not be
terminated by the Author until the publishing services fee balance has been paid in full.

Upon such termination, the rights to and in the Work, granted by the Author to Dorrance and still remaining in it, shall
revert to the Author, and all Dorrance’s liability under this contract shall terminate.

If the Author fails to make the payments specified in this contract, Dorrance may terminate the contract on thirty (30)
days’ written notice sent by first-class mail to the Author’s last known address. Any sums previously remitted to
Dorrance by the Author shall be forfeited. If the Author terminates the Agreement during the production process, and
Dorrance is not in breach of this Agreement as described in Section XVIII, then any sums previously remitted to
Dorrance by the Author will be forfeited.

If, after publication of the Work, Dorrance determines, in its sole judgment, that the Work contains libelous, obscene,
or otherwise injurious or unlawful matter, or infringes upon any common law or statutory copyright, Dorrance may
terminate the contract immediately upon written notice to the Author sent by first-class mail to the Author’s last known
address. All sums previously remitted and/or owing to Dorrance by the Author shall be forfeited or payable in such


It is further understood that Dorrance has not guaranteed, nor intends to guarantee, the sale of any specific number of
copies of the Work, or receipts from possible subsidiary rights.


This contract represents the complete Agreement between the Author and Dorrance, and no representation other than
those contained herein shall be binding. No modification, alteration, or waiver of any provisions of this contract shall
be valid unless provided for in writing and acknowledged by both parties.

This Agreement is offered for acceptance within ninety (90) days from the date it is first mailed to the Author. If not
signed by such time, Dorrance reserves the right to revise the terms of this Agreement.


The address of the Author is as indicated in this Agreement. All letters, communications, and notices sent to the Author
to the address so indicated shall be deemed good and sufficient, unless the Author shall have notified Dorrance, in
writing, by certified or registered mail, of change of address.


This Agreement is entered into in the County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and represents the
entire Agreement between the parties. Any verbal statements not specifically incorporated into this written Agreement
are abandoned, void, and of no force and effect. This written Agreement is the entire and only Agreement between the

Any dispute, controversy, or claim, of whatsoever nature, concerning, arising out of or relating to this agreement, or the
breach thereof, or the said Work, and any dispute, controversy, or claim, of whatsoever nature, arising between Author
and Dorrance (including Dorrance’s officers, directors, and employees) shall be governed by the substantive and
procedural law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including Pennsylvania arbitration law, and shall be resolved by
binding arbitration, administered by the American Arbitration Association then in effect, and judgment upon the award
rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in a court having jurisdiction thereof.

In rendering the award, the arbitrator shall determine the rights and obligations of the parties according to the
substantive and procedural law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including Pennsylvania arbitration law. The
parties waive any claim for punitive damages, and waive any claim for damages in excess of the amounts paid to each
other with respect to the said Work. The arbitrator shall have no authority to, and shall not and may not, award punitive

damages. The arbitrator shall have no authority to and shall not and may not, make any award to either party in excess
of the amounts paid by that party to the other party with respect to the said Work. The arbitrator shall not and may not,
in any event, make any ruling, finding, or award that does not conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The arbitration proceedings shall be held and conducted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Each party shall be required to
appear at the arbitration proceeding in person and expressly waives the right, if any, to appear telephonically or by
written submission. Neither the parties nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results of any
arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of all parties. The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award
of reasonable attorney’s fees, arbitrator’s fees, and administrative fees.

Dorrance shall not be in default of any provisions of this Agreement if the Author has not fully performed all terms and
conditions thereof by him/her to be performed, it being understood that performance by Dorrance is based upon full
compliance by the Author.

If Dorrance shall fail to perform any of the conditions by it to be performed, then and in that event it shall not be
deemed a breach of this Agreement unless the Author shall have given Dorrance written notice thereof by registered or
certified mail, and Dorrance shall have failed to show all efforts to cure the default within ninety (90) business days


It is agreed that the stipulations and agreements herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, and
assigns of the Author, and the successors and assigns of Dorrance.






In witness whereof the parties hereunto set their hands the day, month, and year first above written.



Social Security Number


by its

Contract Amendment

The author agrees that this addendum supercedes Section III, Paragraph 1 and Section IV Sentence 1 of
the subsidy publishing agreement.

The Author agrees to pay Dorrance the sum of $________ in consideration of this Agreement as
follows: the sum of $_____ to be paid upon this contract's signature by the Author; _____ monthly
payments in the amount of $_____. The Author understands that Dorrance makes no contribution to the
cost of the initial publication. If payment is more than 30 (thirty) days late, a $5.00 late fee will be
charged. If the delinquency continues for more than two months, Dorrance will charge a 1-½% per
month penalty on only the amount overdue. Payments must be received in a timely manner to avoid
interruption in the progress of the Work.

Dorrance agrees to produce a first edition of the Work within ____ working days after execution of this
contract by Dorrance unless prevented by delays by labor or by the Author, acts of God, or other
circumstances beyond its control.

__________________________ ______________________
Author Date

__________________________ ______________________
Dorrance Publishing Co. Date

Author agrees to have monthly payments debited directly from the author’s bank account on the 10 th
of each month as follows:
Please note, this option available only for Authors with U.S. bank accounts

Account Number___________________________________________

Transit Routing Number______________________________________

Author agrees to have monthly payments charged to the author’s credit card on the 10th of each
month as follows:

Card Type__________________________________

Account number ___________________________________ Expires________

Author will mail a check each month.

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