FTL - 13.01.PR.001 - Driving Policy

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Procedure NO.

Issue Date Page

FTL - Oct 11, 2015 1 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

1. Changes to previous revisions

Added 5.3.17.

2. Objective

This procedure aims to establish all the practices to be followed to ensure a safe driving attitude
with the purpose of avoiding motorized vehicles crashes.

3. Definitions

HSEQ Health, Safety, Environment and Quality

4. Responsibilities and competences

R = Responsible
A = Accountable

HSE Officer
C = Consulted


I = Informed HSEQ

Prepares and review this procedure A R Other

Approves this procedure R A
Comply with all the requirements established in this procedure A/R A/R A/R R R
Keep updated the authorized drivers’ list A R
Delivers the training for ensuring a safe driving A R

5. Procedure / work instruction

5.1. VTTI employees driving vehicles inside VTTI Fujairah premises

5.1.1. Employees using vehicles (pick-ups, forklifts, others) are responsible for the safe operation
of their vehicles.
5.1.2. Employees using vehicles must have a valid driver's license for the class of vehicle to be
driven and from their state of residence, which means:
i. International driving license will be used while the VISA is being processed in the
meantime, when allowed.
ii. UAE driving license for the type of car that the employee needs to drive. Pick-ups
are restricted only to drivers with license which is not restricted to only
“automated cars”.
5.1.3. All employees driving company vehicles shall be trained on the safety rules and risks
involved during driving inside the facility.

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Procedure NO. Issue Date Page
FTL - Oct 11, 2015 2 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

5.1.4. A list of authorized employees for driving company vehicles inside VTTI Fujairah premises
shall be issued and maintained by the HSEQ Department.
5.1.5. All employees driving vehicles inside VTTI Fujairah premise must comply with all driving
regulations and signs.

5.2. Contractors driving inside VTTI Fujairah premises

5.2.1. Third-party contractor operating any motorized vehicles shall meet all applicable UAE law /
regulations over the road license requirements in order to operate them inside the
5.2.2. Contractors of motorized vehicles must have a valid driver's license from UAE, according
to the type of vehicle they want to drive.
5.2.3. All contractors driving vehicles inside VTTI Fujairah premise must comply with all driving
regulations and signs.
5.2.4. For long term contractors, a list of authorized employees for driving their company vehicles
inside VTTI Fujairah premises shall be issued and maintained by the HSEQ Department.
The list shall be reviewed and renewed on a yearly basis. This authorization does not
include the use of the vehicles for transporting people, only for driving vehicles such as
pick-ups inside the premises.

5.3. General driving requirements

5.3.1. No driver shall operate a vehicle when under influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or
5.3.2. Use of seat belts by all vehicle occupants is compulsory in motorized vehicles equipped
with seat belts.
5.3.3. All drivers shall neither initiate nor answer a mobile phone call while driving a vehicle
(applicable from Gate #1 to parking area).
5.3.4. Don’t use the radio whilst driving. If do you need to talk, stop the vehicle, switch on the
warning lights to make the vehicle visible, and use the radio.
5.3.5. Traffic signs and signals must be obeyed at all times
5.3.6. Driving is allowed without vehicle entry pass only on the green roads shown in Appendix
5.3.7. Contractors that need to get access onto the red roads shown in Appendix 1 shall need a
Vehicle Entry Permit issued either by Terminal or Refinery (according to the area). For
employees, at least a verbal authorization through radio shall be required.
5.3.8. The maximum speed inside VTTI Fujairah premises is 25 km/h.
5.3.9. All vehicles on operating areas must be diesel driven with spark / flame arrestor.
5.3.10. Motorized vehicle drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclists, fire fighting
equipment and personnel responding to emergencies. Conversely, at intersections,
crosswalks, and along roadways, emergency equipment drivers, bicyclists, and

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Procedure NO. Issue Date Page
FTL - Oct 11, 2015 3 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

pedestrians have an equal responsibility to ensure their visibility, etc., in order to avoid
5.3.11. Motorized vehicle drivers must park in such a way to not block the road to fire fighting
5.3.12. Over taking vehicles is strictly forbidden at all roads of the facilities.
5.3.13. A safety distance of at least 4 meters will be kept when following another vehicle.
5.3.14. Use extreme caution when backing up. If complete visibility is not available, get out
before moving vehicle and check area to the rear. Use a guide if necessary.
5.3.15. Cellular phone use while driving is prohibited (for all employees including those
authorized to park their own vehicle at the internal parking). Drivers may not use cellular
telephones in vehicles except when the vehicle is properly parked in a rest area,
designated parking area, or other safe location.
5.3.16. All drivers employed as drivers and professional drivers driving on company business
must be medically assessed with a minimum follow-up at least every 5 years. Petrol engine vehicle or any vehicle with petrol engine pump will not be allowed
beyond car parking except the water tanker with petrol engine pump till fire water tank.
however, if the tanker with the pump without petrol can move to the approved area as per
the route shown.....Only diesel engine vehicle with flame arrestor is accepted inside plant
with Vehicle entry permit

5.4. Vehicle parking requirements

5.4.1. Whenever possible, vehicles shall be backed into parking spots. This will ensure that the
vehicle will return to the thoroughfare in a safer manner than backing into the line of
traffic. However, this is a non-mandatory requirement.
5.4.2. Parking inside processing areas will be done at proper locations, without obstructing the
transit and any fire fighting equipment. In all cases, ignition keys must be left in the
ignition, and the doors left unlocked.

5.5. Requirements for carrying passengers and cargo

5.5.1. Passenger occupancy will conform to vehicle design. Each seat that is occupied will be
equipped with a safety operating seatbelt.
5.5.2. Passengers are prohibited from
a. Sitting on wheel-wells or resting against tailgates or van doors
b. Riding with their arms, feet, or legs extending over the side or end of the vehicle
c. Riding in the back of cargo vans and/or pickup trucks
d. Getting on or off moving equipment
5.5.3. Under no circumstances will passengers be transported in or on any "non-passenger"
vehicles including, but not limited to, dump trucks, tractors, fork lifts, welding trucks or
similar equipment.

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Procedure NO. Issue Date Page
FTL - Oct 11, 2015 4 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

5.5.4. Passenger compartments must meet the following requirements:

a. Proper seatbelts must be provided for all occupants
b. Doors must be fully closed and latched when vehicle is moving
c. All sharp edged tools must be sheathed or placed in a covered box
a. The passenger carrying area must be free of hazardous substances and/ or other
objects likely to be hazardous to the passengers
5.5.5. Requirements for carrying cargo are as follows:
a. Cargo being transported must be safely secured to prevent movement while in
b. Motorized vehicles that are transporting containers/sample containers containing
any hydrocarbons must do so in the back/bed of a pickup truck.
c. If it is needed to transport chemical samples in small quantities in a pick up
i. The driver must be aware of the hazmats being transported
ii. Containers must be leak-tight, securely closed, secured against shifting,
and protected against damage
iii. Sample containers of hazmat must be marked with a common name,
date and origin.
5.5.6. All goods coming in / going out will be in full compliance with the goods in / goods out
procedure (FTL-18.01.PR.009).

5.6. VTTI employees driving vehicles outside VTTI Fujairah premises

5.6.1. All employees driving a company vehicle outside the VTTI Fujairah premises (for
example, to get access to Port of Fujairah) will follow all the traffic rules without any
5.6.2. Whilst driving it is strictly forbidden to use the mobile phone. All drivers shall neither
initiate nor answer a mobile phone call while driving a vehicle. An exemption can be
made for hands free devices in vehicles where permitted by legislation. Use of hands free
mobile communication should however be limited
5.6.3. Any incident happened driving a company car outside the VTTI Fujairah premises must
be immediately reported to the concerned Manager or HSEQ Manager.

5.7. Driving inside VTTI FTL premises during emergency

5.7.1. In case of emergency the use of particular vehicles is strictly prohibited. Personal
vehicles shall remain at their parking areas and the staff will evacuate the facilities by
walking to the designated Assembly Point.
5.7.2. Use of vehicles during emergency situations is not allowed. Exception: emergency
vehicles or other ones authorized by the Incident Commander. In this case, those

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Procedure NO. Issue Date Page
FTL - Oct 11, 2015 5 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

persons with specific roles during emergency (HSE, Security Officer, TRT members,
logistic members) with valid licenses will be allowed to use vehicles under requirement.
5.7.3. If the ERP is activated (hearing the siren) whilst driving, the vehicle will be parked on a
safe position, ensuring that the road or any firefighting equipment are unblocked, so the
driver must find the best position for parking his vehicle. After that, the driver will leave
the vehicle with the key inside, and he will move to the nearest or most suitable
(according to wind direction) muster point.
5.7.4. Any driver will inform at the Muster Point about any vehicle he had parked (VTTI
employees, cranes, etc.). Muster Point checker will ask for it and he will pass the
information to the Incident Commander, highlighting if any of these vehicles could be an
obstacle for emergency operations.

5.7 Information and communication requirements

5.7.5. Once issued, this procedure will issued for familiarization to:
 All employees through Quality on Line.
5.7.6. Long term contractor companies shall be informed about the new procedure through a
meeting once it has been issued in QoL, with the participation of the drivers and persons
authorized to drive a pick up inside the VTTI Fujairah premises.

5.8 Training requirements

5.8.1. All employees who are authorized to drive a company car shall be trained on this
procedure and also on a theoretical basic defensive training).

References to other procedures / work instructions

VTTI-13.01.PR.011 Safe road transport It contains all the safety requirements

related to driving and us of vehicles.
FTL-18.01.PR.009 Goods in / Goods Out This procedure includes all the
requirements to authorize any good to go
in or go out of the VTTI premises.

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Procedure NO. Issue Date Page
FTL - Oct 11, 2015 6 of 6
Revision NO. Written by: Approved by:
3 Roijals, Oscar Alishahpour,
(HSE Manager) Siavash (All
VTTI FTL Procedure
Subject Safe driving procedure

In the following document are highlighted the roads inside VTTI FTL premises from where Entry
Vehicle Permit is required.

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