U5 Test PR GR A

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Unit 5 Poziom rozszerzony Test A

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 19 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad na temat zjawiska określanego jako boomerang generation.
Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz na pytania 1–5. Na pytania należy
odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.
1 Who is Sasha Dunham?
2 Where is the interview taking place?
3 What is Ms Dunham’s opinion on why young people move back home?
4 What proportion of young men are still living with their parents?
5 Generally speaking, how have attitudes changed towards young people moving back home?
___ / 5
2 Przeczytaj dwa teksty o relacjach z rodzeństwem. Wykonaj zadania 1–5 zgodnie z poleceniami.
W zadaniach 1–3 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter:
A, B, C albo D.
I’m not a great believer in the idea that where your birthday places you in your family plays a big role
in forming your personality. But as someone with an older sister and a younger brother, I inevitably became
curious about what sort of personality I might have been ‘doomed’ to adopting as a result of being a middle
child. So I began thinking about our family dynamics as I was growing up, trying to see if they’d had any lasting
effects on me as a person.
I clearly remember one particular incident that seemed to define my role, at least as far as others perceived
me. I had gone on holiday with my uncle, his wife and their two children: our cousins Nate and Marcus. We had
always spent loads of time together, to the point that Nate and Marcus were almost like brothers. But since
Nate was a year older than I was, and Marcus a year younger, I was again in the middle.
The seaside cottage we were renting turned out not to have as many beds as had been advertised, and after
everyone else had claimed a place in a typically competitive manner, I was left with nowhere to sleep. My
uncle, who was both practical and decisive, said ‘There’s a sofa in the small sitting room. It doesn’t open up
into a bed, but I’m sure it’s big enough for a ten-year-old. And Carly won’t mind.’
That was the first time I’d heard that phrase from someone outside the immediate family, but I realise now
that it was the constant theme of my childhood and teenage years. ‘Carly won’t mind’ if her brother,
for example, has tennis lessons while she goes without, if her sister has a new coat, but she doesn’t, and so on.
It only occurred to me later that this assumption must have been based on my position as the middle child,
the one who rarely complained but who accepted her lot in life quietly and even a little bit passively.
The truth is, though, that once I had gone to university and moved away from my family, I found I was just
as assertive, ambitious and self-assured as any of my friends, and if there was a stereotypical middle child,
I certainly didn’t fit the mould. With one exception, I must add. Later on, reading about the so-called ‘middle-
child syndrome’ and the traits that might be related to it, I recognised a definite tendency towards
perfectionism. If something is not done exactly right, it is not good enough for me. As a soon-to-be solicitor,
this is definitely a positive trait. As for the rest of the middle-child stereotype, let’s say no one can be sure
if it’s true or not.
1 Why does the author use the word ‘doomed’ in the first paragraph?
A She believes being a middle child is always harmful.
B She thinks stereotypes about middle children are exaggerated.
C She feels that being a middle child is special.
D Her feelings about being a middle child are quite negative.

2 What does the story about the visit to the seaside illustrate?
A That Carly got on well with her cousins.
B That Carly liked to please others as a child.
C That Carly’s uncle was not fond of her.
D That all the family made certain assumptions about Carly.

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3 What does Carly think now about middle-child syndrome?
A She is still undecided about its influence on her personality.
B That it may have influenced several aspects of her personality.
C That it has obviously helped form her entire personality.
D She does not believe it has had any effect on her personality.

Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 4–5 zgodnie z treścią tekstu tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać jego
sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Since the mid-1960s, when a psychologist first put forward the theory that middle children are often
disadvantaged by their position in the family, it has been a commonplace belief that middle children enter
adulthood with poor relationship skills and a lack of motivation to succeed. According to the theory, middle
children often get less attention than their siblings, and frequently feel unable to compete with the attention
lavished on older and younger children. As a result, middle children feel left out, and their isolation within
the family leaves them with negative traits as they mature. A feeling of never being anyone’s ‘favourite’,
which can lead to relationship problems, is an example of these supposedly negative effects, along
with a requirement for everything they do to be ‘perfect’.
Interestingly, the more studies that have been carried out on this theory, the less certainty there is that there is
any truth to it. These studies have focused on bad behaviour, the ability to confide in parents, a variety
of mental health issues, and even success in the workplace, and while some have shown that middle children
may have a higher incidence of certain traits, the numbers are not so very different from their older or younger
siblings. More importantly, many of these findings would have to be considered coincidental, meaning
that nothing in the statistics indicates that the differences are in any way related to being a middle child.
In other words, the jury is still out, but it seems likely that being a middle child is no more significant
personality-wise than the colour of your hair.
4 People’s beliefs about middle children are ____________________ that was first suggested in the 1960s.
5 Studies ____________________ that there is anything significantly different about middle children.
___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 Tom and Jerry are _ w _ r _ enemies. They’re always arguing.
2 I took my girlfriend to an expensive restaurant as a birthday t _ _ _ t.
3 Sarah’s keen on classical music, whereas Mark listens to heavy metal. They are complete _ p _ _s_ _ _ _.
4 I felt so offended by his remark that I decided to give him the _ _ l _ nt treatment.
5 A week before Ken got married, his male friends held a s _ _ _ party for him, which he really enjoyed.
___ / 5

4 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 After working in the garden all day, she decided to freshen …
2 When raising young children, it is important to set …
3 Neither of us felt like cooking, so we decided to pick …
4 As a university student it’s easy to get discouraged, but you should never lose …
5 Having to work every weekend really got Sharon …

A up a takeaway from the local chip shop.

B sight of your ultimate goal of graduating with a degree.
C up before going out to dinner with her friends.
D down, so she’s arranged to take Sundays off.
E boundaries, including limiting screen time.
___ / 5

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5 Translate the fragments in brackets to complete the sentences.
1 ‘You are not going out until you ________________ (wykonasz swoje obowiązki domowe),’ my mother said.
2 There was so many negative emotions in the family that we decided to sit down and _______________
(przedyskutować sprawę) in order to find a solution.
3 Managing her own affairs was a steep ________________ (tempo uczenia się) for Patty, since her parents
had done everything for such a long time.
4 You really shouldn’t ________________ (nakręcać się) your brother’s criticism of you. You know he means
5 Kathy’s mother has ________________ (wstrzymała jej kieszonkowe) for a month because she went
to a party without asking for permission first.

___ / 5

6 Wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij zdania tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów i formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
pięć wyrazów.
1 If you have a problem with your parents, I suggest that you sit down and discuss it with them. TO
If you have a problem with your parents, you ____________________ and discuss it with them.
2 I’m sure that Paul missed the bus – he said he’d be here by now. HAVE
Paul ____________________ – he said he’d be here by now.
3 Please don’t forget to ring your grandmother – she really wants to talk to you. NOT
You ____________________ your grandmother – she really wants to talk to you.
4 It’s not possible that Sarah said such unkind things about her brother! SAID
Sarah ____________________ such unkind things about her brother!
5 There’s a chance I can come over later, but I have to ask my mum first. BE
I ____________________ to come over later, but I have to ask my mum first.
___ / 5

7 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
As an only child, I have always thought that it (1) _______ be great to have several siblings, but my friend Kelly
– who is one of six children – keeps telling me that I should not wish for anything so foolish. In fact, she insists
that I must (2) _______ seen some fairy tale-like film about a big, happy family to have formed such an idea.
The fact is, I’m not sure why Kelly feels that she (3) _______ to portray her family in such a negative way.
I suppose there might be some disagreements now and again, but for the most part, they are the most
supportive and affectionate brothers and sisters I have ever seen. I have told her that she had (4) _______
admit that she has a great family, and that she (5) _______ not worry about making other people envious.
To put it in a nutshell, her family is a great example of what a truly functional family should be.
___ / 5

8 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
1 I _______________ (mogę się spóźnić) for the family reunion, but I promise to be there.
2 Do you think Perry _______________ (mógł zacząć) that rumour about Olivia?
3 You _______________ (lepiej nie wystawiaj) your house on the market until you’ve decided where
to move to.
4 I’m not sure if I saw Stephen this morning. Actually, it _______________ (mogło być) yesterday.
5 Paula, _______________ (czy musisz puszczać) your music quite so loud? You’re disturbing the neighbours.

___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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