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Knowledge Representation and Tool Support for Critiquing

Clinical Trial Protocols

Daniel L. Rubin,"2 John Gennari,3 and Mark A. Musen2
'Center for Health Care Evaluation, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA
2Stanford Medical Informatics, Stanford University School of Medicine
3Information & Computer Science Department, University of CA, Irvine

Abstract toxicities, and multiple monitoring events that vary

The increasing complexities of clinical trials have led with disease history must be specified. Drug contrain-
to increasing costs for investigators and organizations dications must be checked against all eligibility crite-
that author and administer those trials. The process of ria, and potential drug interactions with other drugs or
authoring a clinical trial protocol, the document that concurrent patient diseases must be considered. lh-
specifies the details of the study, is usually a manual fortunately, new protocol design usually focuses on the
task, and thus authors may introduce subtle errors in primary efficacy endpoint, with less attention given to
medical and procedural content. We have created a side effects relating to the primary treatment [2]. Thus,
protocol inspection and critiquing tool (PICASSO) that toxicity-related omissions in protocol design are likely.
evaluates the procedural aspects of a clinical trial Automated methods can streamline and improve
protocol. To implement this tool, we developed a the entire process of clinical research. The National
knowledge base for clinical trials that contains Cancer Institute is developing a Cancer Informatics
knowledge of the medical domain (diseases, drugs, lab Infrastructure (CII) to help automate clinical research
tests, etc.) and of specific requirementsforclinical trial [3]. An objective of the CII group is to create con-
protocols (eligibility criteria, patient treatments, and puter-based tools that improve the efficacy of protocol
monitoring activities). We also developed a set of authoring and deployment. To support these protocol
constraints, expressed in a formal language, that tools, there is a need for a general-purpose knowledge
describe appropriate practices for authoring clinical base for clinical trial protocols.
trials. If a clinical trial designed with PICASSO In this paper, we report on initial development of
violates any ofthese constraints, PICASSO generates a one aspect of protocol authoring: a protocol-critiquing
message to the user and a list of inconsistencies for tool. Tools for protocol authoring could increase the
each violated constraint. To test our methodology, we efficiency of new trial development and reduce errors
encoded portions of a hypothetical protocol and in protocol specifications by evaluating their contents.
implemented designs consistent and inconsistent with A critiquing tool with a knowledge base of drugs, con-
known clinical trial practice. Our hope is that this traindications, toxicities, recommended patient moni-
methodology will be useful for standardizing new toring activities, and drug interactions could evaluate a
protocols and improving their quality. new protocol design and alert the author if inconsisten-
cies or errors are detected. If the tool had information
Background and Rationale about possible corrections in its knowledge base, the
The progressive reliance on clinical trials for thema- tool could even automatically correct problems that it
peutic advances and for developing clinical prsotice finds. In the long term, the tool could be integrated
guidelines has caused a sharp increase in the number of with other protocol authoring tools, and its knowledge
protocols written each year. Developing new clinical base could be integrated with the knowledge base of
trial protocols is a long and expensive process. Gener- other clinical trial applications.
ally, multiple layers of expert committee review are Clinical trial protocols can be critiqued on two
required to finalize a protocol. Despite this oversight, levels: protocol methodology and protocol structure.
many new protocols have serious problems involving Protocol methodology is the statistical and study b
incomplete or inconsistent specifications of treatment sign: sample size, statistical model, definitions of end-
procedures and patient monitoring events, as well as points, and choice of study arms. Protocol structure is
errors in study methodology [1]. For instance, a proto- the medical and procedural content: patient treatments,
col using a cardiotoxic drug may fail to require that monitoring tests, and drug toxicity. Protocol critiquing
patients be screened for heart disease, or may not state systems have been described [4, 5], but these systems
the need for a left ventricular function screening test if have primarily evaluated protocol methodology and
a patient has a history of cardiac insufficiency. statistical design, rather than protocol structure and
Oncology trials can be particularly problematic, as treatment planning.
they are frequently complex and use multiple drug Errors in protocol structure may be significant be-
treatments. Chemotherapeutic drugs often have serious cause they contribute to misunderstandings and devia-
tions from the protocol [6]. To our knowledge, a sys-

1067-5027/00/$5.00 C) 2000 AMIA, Inc. 724

Figure 1. Relationships in the data model for critiquing trial protocols. Circled entities are classes of knowledge in
the knowledge base. Arrows depict relationships between classes of knowledge. For example, eligibility criteria are
specified using knowledge of diseases and drug treatments.
tern that evaluates and critiques clinical trial protocols framework within which to organize knowledge using
from a structural perspective has not yet been devel-: a hierarchy of taxonomic and other relationships. For
oped. example, both daunorubicin and doxorubicin are sub-
We hypothesize that authors will produce proto- classes of the "sAntitumor Antibiotic" class, which in
cols with have fewer errors if they use a tool that cri- turn is a subclass of the cytotoxic drug class. This
tiques clinical trial protocol structure. We are devel- knowledge organization allows us to deduce relation-
oping such a tool, and call it the Protocol Inspection ships from the hierarchy, such as the fact that daunom-
and Critiquing Tool of Study Structure, or PICASSO. bicin is a cytotoxic drug.
PICASSO automatically evaluates and critiques the Malogolowkin analyzed the clinical trial design
procedural and medical aspects of a clinical trial proto- process used by experts and showed that protocol con-
col design. It accomplishes this evaluation by using tent can be classified into information categories for
medical knowledge, clinical trial protocol knowledge, depicting the structure of a clinical trial [2]. We identi-
and formal constraints that describe the sorts of errors fled several of these attributes in the clinical trial and
we wish to find in a protocol. medical domains. These attributes are fundamental to
Clinical trial protocols are very detailed, and the modeling protocols for critiquing. For the clinical trial
requirements to fully model a protocol are extensive, domain, they include drugs, eligibility criteria, and
Therefore, we initially chose to restrict our modeling patient monitoring activities. For the medical domain,
efforts to a subset of the clinical trial protocol. Our fundamental attributes include diseases, patient treat-
initial objective was to develop a knowledge base for ments, drug contraindications and toxicities (adverse
the critiquing tool and a prototype engine that imple- events), and monitoring activities. Figure 1 shows
ments critiquing with respect to diseases, drugs, and some of these attributes, as well as some of the reb-
patient monitoring. Because we are using a modular tionships among them in our model of clinical trial
design, our model is extensible, and can be applied to a protocols.
complete representation of protocols in the future. In our model, a clinical trial protocol consists of
A Knowledge Base for Critiquing eligibility criteria, study treatments, and patient moni-
toring. Eligibility criteria define the medical conditions
In our knowledge base for clinical trial protocols, of the clinical trial patient population. In our knowl-
we divide knowledge into two classes: medical domain edge base, we link drug treatments in a protocol to po-
knowledge and clinical trial domain knowledge. The tential drug toxicities for that agent, and to specific
medical domain component of the knowledge base monitoring tests for detecting those toxicities (Figure
describes information about patient conditions, diag- 1).
nostic tests, and therapeutic procedures.< The clinical As an example of some of the information in our
trial domain component of the knowledge base repre- knowledge base, there is an instance for the disease
sents issues specific to clinical trials: the specification "breast cancer" that contains the knowledge that doxD-
of the protocol, and the notions of toxicity and patient rubicin, cyclophosphamide, and tmoxifen are indi-
monitoring. Both components are modeled with an cated drugs for this condition, whereas corticosteroids
ontology: a set of related concepts that defines the rele- and estrogen are contraindicated. Similarly, there is an
vant domain of discourse. The ontology provides a instance in the knowledge base describing daunorubi-

Figure 2. Example output produced by PICASSO. PICASSO has evaluated Protocol 3, and critiques
this protocol with respect to drug contraindications, drug interactions, and patient monitoring.

cin, which contains information about disease indica- eligibility criteria, drug treatments, and patient moni-
tions, contraindications, and drug toxicity. toring events for the trial. Figure 3 shows an example
Ourmodel of clinical trial protocols is limited, and protocol, modeled after a clinical trial for lymphoma.
is not sufficient to represent all aspects of a clinical Once the user enters the protocol specification,
trial protocol. However, the goal for this initial stage is PICASSO can critique it.
to demonstrate the feasibility of critiquing protocol In our approach, protocols are critiqued with pro-
structure with asubset of the domain. Because we have tocol constraints expressed in a formal axiom lan-
used a highly organized ontology to frame our knowl- guage. Thus far, we have captured three constraints
edge representation, our model can be easily extended. about protocols:
Future work will expand our knowledge base to model 1) Do not gre,cribe contraindicated drugs: The
clinical trial protocols more fully. An advantage of drug treatments listed in the protocol must
using an extensible ontology for capturing protocol not be contraindicated by any of the diseases
knowledge is that the knowledge base can be easily listed in the eligibility criteria.
extended or revised to accommodate new information 2) Inlude all required monitoring actions: The
without necessarily requiring changes to the critiquing monitoring actions listed in the protocol
engine. must include all required actions listed by
The knowledge base for the authoring tool was de- each of the protocol's drug treatments.
veloped with the Protege suite of tools [7]. Our organi- 3) Do not prescribe interacting drugs: The drug
zation and understanding of the critiquing task evolved treatments listed in the protocol must not in-
as we built our knowledge base. Protege is designed for teract with each other.
rapidly evolving knowledge bases, which made man- The specification of these constraints is dependent
aging changes easier for us. The tool set also made the on our ontologies of medical knowledge and of proto-
knowledge base readily available to applications such cols. As these models become richer, we expect to add
as our critiquing tool. Protege is designed as a set of new constraints that describe other aspects of protocol
interacting "4plug-in" components. We developed authoring. To allow us to add constraints easily, we
PICASSO as a plug-in, and any Protege plug-in can specify our constraints in the formal axiom language
access Protege knowledge bases via a Java application- that is part of the Protege environment (PAL, or pro-
programming interface. tege axiom language). Figure 4 shows the axiom for
A Protocol Critiquiing Tool drug-drug interactions as written in PAL.
By using this type of formal constraint specifica-
Figure 2 shows a screen shot of our protocol cri- tion, we can be unambiguous, clear, and precise about
tiquing tool. The tool can evaluate protocols for several the types of protocol authoring errors we wish to find.
different clinical trials. The figure shows a list of pro- In addition, when we need to add new constraints, we
tocols on the left, and a critique of the selected protocol do not need to make any code-level modifications to
on the right. To use our tool, a protocol author builds a the system. We can simply add new constraints, and
new protocol as a collection of instances describing the the PAL general-purpose engine will check them

Figure 3. A knowledge instance specifying a particular clinical trial protocol.
against our knowledge base. Although the current im- also contraindicated in complicated rheumatic heart
plementation does not include a direct connection be- disease by evaluating the latter's relationship to heart
tween the PAL engine and PICASSO, both are Protege failure in the ontology.
plug-ins, and thus, could be connected easily. Dlscussi and Conclusions
We have not yet conducted formal evaluation Discussion and Conclusions
studies of our tool. However, we tested the face valid- Many clinical trials are developed annually, yet
ity of our approach by entering a few variations on a most are written from scratch. Errors in the protocols
protocol for treating lymphoma and critiquing them. for new clinical trials occur commonly [1], and include
The initial draft protocol specified lymphoma and heart omissions and ambiguities in protocol semantics [6].
failure in the eligibility criteria, five drugs (prednisone, We undertook this study to develop a tool that uncov-
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, and ers semantic errors in clinical trial protocols by evalu-
phenytoin), and multiple monitoring events (Figure 3). ating their medical and procedural contents. We as-
As shown in Figure 2, PICASSO reported that (1) dau- sume that all necessary information can be modeled in
norubicin is contraindicated because heart failure was a knowledge base of the medical and clinical trial do-
listed as an eligibility criterion, and that (2) three nec- mains.
essary monitoring events were omitted. When we In developing our critiquing model, we distinguish
changed the eligibility criteria from "heart failure" to medical knowledge from critiquing knowledge [8], and
"rheumatic heart disease, complicated by heart failure," model these separately. Medical knowledge includes
PICASSO still produced the appropriate critique (Fig- information about diagnostic and therapeutic proce-
ure 2, right top panel). Importantly, although the dures, whereas critiquing knowledge includes the n-
knowledge base only includes daunorubicin's contrai- formation content of clinical trial protocols and how
dication in heart failure, PICASSO deduced that it is structural design errors may occur. This distinction is
useful because medical knowledge is independent of
plug-ins,____and_thus,___could__be__connected clinical trial protocols, while critiquing knowledge is
eforall ?protocols (forall ?drugTreaty more specific, and describes how to evaluate protocol
forall ?drugTreat2 structure. Our approach to knowledge modeling for the
Figrheumati (DrugTreatients
oand(Dhe prhotocols
hAr disease,e complcae
dr(= ugTreatments?pe o ?an drugTrea
PAL theart failure,"
? drugTreat2)
moe ths taskseaaey
expert system isthat
similar that used by HyperCritic, an
advises in the management of hy-
ure ?not
, rihttpb?d ritria,l?drugsTperaet
pael).Imprtanly, lthogh te pertensive
drues, wheeapatients
criatiqo [9]. uin
knpowledgexplicitly separates
(=> (and (Drug ?drugKnow critiquing knowledge from medical knowledge, which
(DrugAdmwIne ?AdSrugOTrepatr)) | is advantageous for knowledge modeling and reus [9].
(n is(DrugIcntracdinste ?drugnohearultlea) A challenge for designers of expert systems like
no DrugAminter ed tat2)t PICASSO is to deal with knowledge that changes over
))) )))) time. In traditional knowledge-based systems, adding
axim inPAL hat dentfiesnew knowledge often breaks the inference engine, es-
4. Asimpifie
protocols that have drug-drug interactions. The first ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pecial y
if that system uses declarative production
rule. on advatageoftourap c thatknowed
portion states that thls constraint only apples to proto- modeledon antextenibl tolothat e od
cols with at least two dilstct drug treatments. The sec knowledgesi tefrso ationshipsa concets in
ond implication searches through the drug knowledge a hierarchy.
base and claims that there should be no drug listed un-
der the interactions for "drugTreatl" that matches

For example, the knowledge base could have an
entry stating that all beta blocker drugs are contraindi- Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the work
cated in heart failure. As new beta blockers are devel- and assistance of the Prot6ge scientific staff, and espe-
oped, we could add to them knowledge base and the cially William Grosso for the development of Protege
critiquing tool would correctly recognize that these Axiom Language. Thanks to Valerie Natale for com-
drugs are also contraindicated in heart failure. Likewise ments on this manuscript.
in our test case, we were able to encode high level con- References
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vantage of working within Prot6g6 is that models can 4. Wyatt JC, Altman DG, Heathfield HA, Pantin
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enrolled in clinical trials [11]. All of these tools can 7. Musen MA, Fergerson RW, Grosso WE, Noy
utilize an integrated knowledge base for clinical trial
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for PICASSO was created from a knowledge base de- port for Building Knowledge-Acquisition Systems. In:
veloped for our patient monitoring tool. Our approach Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Inforns-
is to model protocol knowledge from the "bottom-up": tion Processing (IIP 2000) of the International Federa-
tion for Information Processing World Computer Con-
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Protege tool set allows us to easily combine and inte-
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(3) improved quality and clarity of new protocols.
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improve the quality of protocols in the future, and 1993;32(4):317-25.
could support standardization for clinical trials. Tools
like PICASSO that support the clinical trial process
could lead to faster protocol deployment and patient
accrual, and could ultimately lead to a more efficient
and successful process for clinical research.


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