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Unit 2 Key Terms 1. Abbasid 2. Abu Bakr 3. Ali 4. Axum 5. Baghdad 6. Battle of Tours 7. Benin 8. Bourbons 9. Burghers 10.

Byzantine Empire 11. Caliphate 12. Carolingian Dynasty 13. Caste 14. Charlemagne 15. Charles Martel 16. Chichen Itza 17. Code of Bushido 18. Code of chivalry 19. Crusades 20. Czar 21. Daimyo 22. Dome of the Rock 23. Dynasty 24. Eleanor of Aquitaine

25. Emperor Xuanzong 26. Ferdinand 27. Feudalism 28. Five Pillars of Islam 29. Franks 30. Genghis Khan 31. Golden Horde 32. Hagia Sophia 33. Hanseatic League 34. Heresies 35. Holy Roman Empire 36. Hordes 37. Hundred Years War 38. Incan 39. Inquisition 40. Interregnum 41. Islam 42. Ivan the Terrible 43. Joan of Arc 44. Justinian 45. Justinian Code 46. King Clovis 47. King Hugh Capet 48. Kublai Khan 49. Kush

50. Machu Picchu 51. Magna Carta 52. Magyars 53. Mali 54. Manors 55. Mansa Musa 56. Marco Polo 57. Mayan 58. Mecca 59. Medina 60. Mesoamerica 61. Middle Ages 62. Ming 63. Mohammed 64. Mongol 65. Muslims 66. Oral literature 67. Orthodox Christianity 68. Otto the Great 69. Peasant 70. Pepin 71. Pope 72. Pope Innocent III 73. Primogeniture 74. Prince Shotoku

75. Queen Isabella 76. quipu 77. Quran 78. Scholasticism 79. Serfs 80. Shogun 81. Shogunate (bakufu) 82. Song 84. Spanish Inquisition 85. St. Cyril 86. Sufis 87. Sunni/Shia 88. Tang 89. Taika Reforms 90. Tang 91. Tatars 92. Temple of the Sun 93. Tenochtitlan 94. Thomas Aquinas 95. Tikal 96. Timur Lang 97. Timur the Lame 98. Treaty of Verdun 99. Umayidd 100. Vassals

101. Viking/Norse 102. Vladimir

103. William the Conqueror

104. Wu Zhao 106. provincial leaders 107. Sharia 108. ulama 109. jihad 110. Bedouins 111. Moors 112. Sephardim 113. Christian monks 114. ideographic 115. Cyrillic alphabet 116. Hagia Sofia 117. woodblock printing 118. Arabesque 119. astrolabe 120. Arabic numerals 121. mosque 122. minaret 123. dome 124. pillars 125. vernacular languages 126. polyphonic music

127. Romanesque 128. Avicenna 129. Al Razi 130. Al Khwarizmi 131. Omar Khayyam 132. Rubaiyat in Persian 133. Li Tai-Po 134. Orthodox 135. Conservative 136. Hadith 137. Legalism 138. Shinto 139. Tao Te Ching
140. Thousand and One Nights

141. Great Schism 142. Patriarch

143. Greek Orthodox Church 144. Roman Catholic Church

145. Swahili 146. Sofala 147. Kilwa 148. monsoons 149. Silk Road 150. mawali 151. Mali Empire

152. Songhay Empire 153. hajj 154. scholar gentry 155. Ibn Battuta 156. Mansa Musa 157. Ibn Battuta 158. calligraphy 159. monochrome
160. footbinding as metaphor

161. interregnum 162. shogun 163. puppet emperor 164. Taika reforms 165. uji 166. warlordism 167. imperial bureaucracy 168. Muhammad 169. caliph 170. Ali 171. Yuan dynasty 172. junk 173. compass 174. abacus 175. movable type 176. landscape painting

177. currency-based economy

178. new strains of rice 179. Prince Shotoku 180. Yamato clan
181. compatibility of Chinese values

182. sedentary agriculture 183. shifting cultivation 184. pastoral nomadism 185. foraging 186. feudalism 187. manorialism 188. fiefs 189. vassals
190. reciprocal relationship

191. samurai 192. nation-states 193. absolute despotism

194. William the Conqueror

195. jury system 196. King John 197. Magna Carta 198. Parliament 199. power of the purse 200. Hugh Capets 201. Sundiata

202. Timbuktu 203. Louis IX 204. centralized monarchy 205. Renaissance 206. Aristotle 207. Plato 208. Cicero 209. humanism 210. scholasticism 211. Byzantine Empire
212. iconoclastic controversy

213. clergy 214. Avignon 215. Reformation 216. Counter-reformation 217. Charlemagne 218. Eleanor of Aquitaine 219. Humanists 220. Vikings 221. Code of chivalry 222. Code of the samurai 223. Demesne land 224. Guilds 225. Gothic architecture 226. Hanseatic League

227. Hundred Years War 228. Interdict 229. Inquisition

230. Monasticism, importance of

231. Northern Renaissance

232. High Renaissance 233. Papal States

234. Russian Orthodox Church

235. Perspective in art 236. Villein 237. Seljuk Turks 238. Ottoman Turks 239. sultan 240. Crusade 241. Bantun 242. Zimbabwe 243. Mamluks 244. Tatars 245. Genghis Khan 246. khanates 247. Golden Horde 248. Khazars

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