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SESSION 2023-2024
January 17, 2024
Dear Parent
The ability to communicate effectively is a key skill that should be nurtured from a very
young age. It develops language acquisition, critical thinking and self-esteem. Debate is
one such activity that gives children an opportunity to research, structure their thought
and express their opinion confidently.
To hone this talent among children, Class V is organizing ‘Debate’ as a part of Yogyata
Khoj on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
Kindly note: -

The child has to select any one topic from the following and prepare either for or
against the motion:

• School students should be allowed to have smartphones.

• Computers can replace teachers.
• Video games are helpful for children.
• It is better to be good at academics than to be good at sports.

Take care of the following parameters while preparing for the event: -
• Originality of ideas
• Clarity
• Expression
• Conviction

Time Duration: One to one and a half minutes.

The selection for the event will be held on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 in the
respective classrooms.

Class Coordinator

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