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National Income Life


Bablu kumar Gautam

This Freelance Agreement is made at Thiruvananthapuram city, Kerala state and
effective this 7th of November, 2023

BETWEEN: National Income Life Ltd. (the "Client"), a Firm registered in India
having its registered office at: 3rd Floor, Kailas Plaza Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram -
695004, India. the Party to the First part

AND: M/S Bablu kumar Gautam (the "Freelancer") a registered in India having its
registered address at: AHATA KAPTAN HABIBPUR SITAPUR PINCODE-261001
Adhar-413181700685, India. the Party to the Second part

(Collectively referred to as ‘’Parties’’) The following terms and conditions are

agreed upon by both parties:

1) Assignment/Project: This Agreement covers following assignments/ projects to

be carried by the Freelancer:

The original data will be available on the work environment software provided by
company at the time of signup. Business associate are required to feed the provided
data in the provided software as per the guidelines. Data supply and preservation of
the output file is done online on real time basis. the party of the first part is
collecting is collecting data for banking formalities & auto dealers of our end
clients, by typing in company’s portal are also working on this project those person
are qualified in their work and fulfil the company requirement the company will pay
for them according to terms & condition

The First Party shall provide details of the FORMS through the login credentials
shared through SMS Or Email.

The Second Party further Represents to the First Party, the time for the Completion
of the said data entry related services as mentioned in this Agreement, shall
Commence Immediately upon logging on the portal OR if the Commencement Date
is mentioned in the said Communication, from such date, and it shall Continue to
Access its said Portal/E-Mail as provided in the Records of the First Party, as
frequently as necessary for the said Purpose.

That the Second Party agrees to pay Rs. 7628+18% STAMP DUTY as charges for
membership, Portal charges, stamp duty and other applicable charges in case of
failure to submit complete workload or to provide workload on time with desired

2) Contract Period: Freelancer and Client agree that this Agreement shall begin on
the date listed above, and continue until the assignment/project is completed, or
until terminated by either party However That in lieu/consideration of the above
Fees/charges, the first party will provide agreement which will be valid for 1 month
but project duration will be 4 days as mentioned. It also pertinent to mention here
that one project will contain 300 FORMS in one project also total projects are 5
freelancer have to complete all projects on time with desired accuracy if not
Completed freelancer have to bear the all project loss cost Rs. 34000 for the
agreement termination charges.

3) Compensation: Second party will get 300 forms for 4 days. Per form rate will be
Rs. 45/-
No initial payment is required to be given by second party.

After getting the accuracy report of having 80% above accuracy, your payment will
be processed within 2 international working days in to your respective bank
account. An accurate form is that which doesn't have any error such as
spelling/punctuation/extra space/extra text/missing text.

Company is in need of a data entry operator for form filling projects and has
expressed interest in commissioning Freelancer for the performance of certain duties
in line with the aforementioned purposes.

In the matter of failure, non-submission, accuracy below 80% then company is

entitled to receive amount of Rs. 7628+18% stamp duty* by any cost from the
second party. If in case second party need extra time then charges will be Rs. 1770/-
for 24 hrs but second party need to inform before 06:00 PM of last day.

Also confirm that upon paying the portal charge, freelancer will promptly receive
the payment for accurate forms submitted 45 rs per form value of 2nd party
contributions and understand the importance of timely compensation in case of
accuracy failure 1st party will provide you second project or rectify the mistakes
after paying portal charges.

1st party agrees to pay Amount of Rs 16200 to Rs 34000 per project amount to
Freelancer (2nd party), and will release the payment on Weekly Basis, after the
Completion of job with desired accuracy 80%. Freelancer will submit an bank
details to Client on Weekly Basis.

The payment for every accurate FORM will be INR 45 but achieving 80% accuracy
is compulsory for this payment and compensation. If you will achieve accuracy
below 80% then INR 15 will be given per accurate FORMS but completion of all
project is mandatory

4) Relationship: Freelancer and Client stipulate that this Agreement does not imply
any other relationship between the Client and Freelancer, and that any additional
relationship desired by either party must be outlined in a Separate Agreement.

5) Non Disclosure: The Freelancer should not disclose the details of the Client or
the Assignment/Work unless required and approved by the Client in writing.
Company can combine this agreement with Separate NDA

6) Termination: The Client/ Freelancer may terminate this contract on mutual

consent and in writing and on reasonable charges as mentioned previously , just &
fair grounds which are not detrimental to the interests of the Company / Freelancer.

Arbitration/Conciliation: In case of any dispute under this agreement, the Courts of

Trivandrum District Court, Kerala, India will have jurisdiction for Arbitration/
Conciliation. 7) Arbitration/Conciliation: In case of any dispute under this
agreement, the Courts of Trivandrum District Court, Kerala, India will have
jurisdiction for Arbitration/ Conciliation.


1. I hereby declare that I have read the firms Policy for Use of Computer Facilities
which explains the behaviour expected from the freelancer and also their obligations
relating to the agreement:- Not to disclose the system password to anyone. Not to
leave my PC unattended. I would be personally responsible for its misuse of any
nature when I am away. Not to share Company's confidential information with
anyone. Nor proprietary/confidential information. I assure that the sign which is
done digitally is done by me with full responsibility. I am liable to pay the portal
charge, if I don’t complete the task within stipulated time or with desired accuracy.
To take print out of mails only when absolutely necessary. To always send
documents in pdf format. Not to use any type of software from any source at any
time whatsoever. If required for official purpose at any time, approval from IT
department will be taken in writing to make sure such software are scanned properly
before use, and such software will be downloaded legally and with IT department’s
consensus. Password given should be confidential.

2. I fully agree and accept that it is my personal responsibility to adhere to the

Company's I.T. Policy and any amendment / modification thereof and to comply
with all of the provisions stated therein in true letter and spirit. I understand and
accountable for any consequence or any misuse of system. I further undertake to
abide by the I.T. Policy guidelines as a condition of my employment and my
continuing employment in the Company.


This Agreement has been executed on the date set forth herein in two (2) copies of
which the Parties have taken one each.

For Company For Freelancer

Bablu kumar Gautam




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