First 12 Affidavits Moorish National Federal Republic Gov Grace

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empire state uf morokko united states fore amerika moorishe nashunall repubblik federal governmente so ~societas repubblikar ea al maurikanos= ‘moorishe divpne anbe nashunall muvemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + northe weste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abjfoining istanbes ‘& ~tempel uf the moon ante sun~ ‘the true ande be jure naturall poeples + heirs uf the fande s.La.m— wo empive state uf morokko unniversall sovereiqne ovigeneall innbigeneous naturall dibyne affidavit knowtifikashune fore akkeptense kobersheete sovereigne Library uf Congress rekorde nummber aa222141 (al truth) ‘USS, State Department rekorde nummber a222141 al truth all rize ande stande ande remmain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune, we are the sovereigne livvinge justise in ‘kapitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. all ‘moors are the origeneall inndigeneous Sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites. our fulle faithe ande ‘truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves fore we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous natural divyne annciente empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federal! governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the artikile iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are Peace. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all Sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes in tyme nung pro tung, recceipte, akknowledgemente ande lawfulle immediate kompleshune uf all kommandes bye the subbjektes naimed beelow is the suppreeme law fore the lande, retturne akknowledgemente shalle be reseivved at the phollowing annciente mailing lokashune: ‘empire state uf morokko clo 722 weste rooseveltt boulevardd filadelphia kountee, pennsylvaniaa reeservashune kopies uf these unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne affidavid laws are akkepted ande rekorded bye 1. custodian Hayden, Carla sovereigne LIBRARY fore KONGRESS| 101 Independence Ave SE, [Washington,DC 20540] 2. custodian Hsu, Michael J. UFFICE UF THE KOMPTROLLER UF KURRENCIE 400 7th St. SW [Washington, DC 20219} 3. custodian Yellen, Janet yer7S GORY UsOS-26 ygigeeg WE czoe U.S. DEPARTMENTE UF THE TREASURY 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (Washington, D.C. 20220) 4, custodian Blinken, Antony J. U.S. DEPARTMENT UF THE STATE 2201 C St. NW Room 2206 [Washington, DC 20520] 5. custodian Miller, Duane __ UFFICE UF THE PROVOSTE MARSHAL GGENERAL, 2800 Army Pentagon [Washington, DC 20310-2800) 6. custodian Powell, Jerome UFFICE UF THE FEDERALL RESERVVE Constitution Ave NW &, 20th St NW [Washington, DC 20551] 7. custodian Bowser, Muriel UFFICE UF THE CHIEF PHINANSIAL UFFISER 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW #203 [Washington, DC 20004] 8. custodian O'Connor, Patrick T FEDERALL BUREAU UF PRISONS 320 Ist StNW. [Washington, DC 20534] 9. custodian Gensler, Gary SYKURITIES ANDE EXXCHANGE KOMMISSHUN 1191 2nd Ave {[Seattle, WA 98101] 10.custodian Jabbour, Anthony DUN & BRADSTREET 101 JFK Parkway [Short Hills, NJ 07078] LL, custodian Cassin, Brian EXXPERIAN KREDDIT REPORTING 955 American Lane {Schaumburg, IL. 60173] 12. custodian Begor, Mark EQQUIFAX REDIT REPORTING 1550 Peachtree St. NW [Atlanta, Georgia 30309] 13.custodian Cartwright, Christopher A. TRANSUNNION KREDDIT REPORTING ‘555 West Adams Street Sixth Floor [Chicago, IL 60661-3614] 14.custodian Biden, Joseph R UNITED STATES KORPORASHUN KOMPANY 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue [Washington, DC 20500] 15. custodian Deloy, Louis UNITED STATES POSTALL SERVVICE 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, [Washington, D.C. 20260) 16. custodian Rettig, Charles P INNTERNAL REVVENUE SERVVICE 1111 Constitution Ave., NW [Washington, D.C. 20224] 17. custodian Panella, Jack A. PHILADELPHIA KOUNTY SUPPERIOR KOURT 1515 Market Street, Suite 1414 [Philadelphia, PA 19102) 18. custodian Bender, John T. PHILADELPHIA KOUNTY SUPPERIOR KOURT. 1515 Market Street, Suite 1414 (Philadelphia, PA 19102] knowtise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principal is knowtise to agente. ‘the phollowing unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigencous anneiente livving natural divyne lavflle afidavids frome, bye ande fore the peepel are herebye attached: 1. koversheete ande moorishe sovereigne dollarium (gold backed msd) 2. konstitushune fore the united states 1789 ande 1791 affidavid 3. empire state uf morokko statehood affidavid 4. empire state uf morokko phidusiarie affidavid 5. _annciente morokko, the munisipalitie ande seatt uf governmente 6. 7. 8 9. state kurrencee konntroller affidavid sykurities ande exxchange exxempte phorm d affidavid (gold msd earthwide disstribushune) spesiall stattus depposit ellektronik money innterchange kommande (swift) )~unniversall transfers fore minores law affidavid 10 _unniversall kommerciall kode 4 lien on [UNITED STATES KORPORASHUN KOMPANY] 11, artikile ii Konsular Kourte akshune on (UNITED STATES KORPORASHUN KOMPANY] 12. _artikile il kourte akshune arreste kommande fore [UNITED STATES KORPORASHUN KOMPANY] 13. _innternal rewenue serrvice dokumente withe kredditor banking kodes 14. _unniversall kommerciall kode 1 lien on the [U.S. KORPORASHUN KOMPANY BANKS] 415, _artikile ili lourte akshune on [U.S. KORPORASHUN KOMPANY BANKS] 16, _artiklle ii kourte akshune arreste kommande on [U.S. KORPORASHUN KOMPANY BANKS} 17. _inndemnis facere fore $100,000,000 in gold backed moorishe sovereigne dollarium. 18. _unniversall sovereigne unum sanctam affidavid 19. _unniversail sovereigne poste masster generall affidavid 20. unniversall sovereigne preseedente uf the united states 21. _unniversall sovereigne governore affidavid 22. _unniversall sovereigne lawyah affidavid 23. _unniversall sovereigne cheif fore police affidavid 24, unniversall sovereigne cheif exxekutive ufficer + deffense producshune law 25. _artiklleifi zodiak konstitushune affidavid 26. sovereigne title to all ande, all naturall ressources ande all kommerce 27. empire state uf morokko governmente serwices affidavid 28. al morokkan amerikan exxchange (amax) lisst uf inherited kompanies 29. appellashune change affidavid 30. _judisiall proclamashune 31, unniversall terminashune uf all {UNITED STATES KORPORASHUN KOMPANY] kontrakts 32. _kopy uf moorishe amerikan id, in red ink in kapitis diminutio nolo in red ink 33. sovereigne living bearthe affidavid 34. sovereigne secyuritie nummber affidavid 35. proklamashune uf truste 36, _unniversall kommersiall kode 1 lien on [U.S.] [NOM DE GUERRE WAR NAME] 37. _artiklle Ili konsular kourte akshune fore [U.S.] [NOM DE GUERRE WAR NAME], [SSN] 38. _spesiall status deposit, akkeptted ande signed fore bye custodian Gallagher, Danielle, Eagle One Federal Credit Union decembre 21, 1442 [2021] hand delivered bye sovereigne poste masster generall 39. uc! artiklle 9 right uf possesshune ande konstitushune amendmente v takings affidavid 40. 10992 aqqcuisishune, 10990id in gold usd origeneallisshue disskounte ande 1099k stored vallue carde affidavid all sobereigne origeneall innbigeneous anneiente bivpne mootishe amerikan autogratts affirming this ande all sobereigue origeneall innbigencous annciente empire state uf morokko anbe the be jure moorishe nastunall repubblié federall governmente bokumentes are om the pubblik rekorbe at ameria, amnciente morkho, notthe weste amexem, northe weste affrika, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia’, midguarde, arte. kbronos betember 21, 2021 mp [2021 ctp] tpme immemorial inn to vervetuitee OU FGKtsS Peser veel egosum TCb!e Grace marie xie iustse vl oS in capitis diminatio noo, in red ink, in propria persona sui ju solo in proprio ieeddes— ‘nowtise to agente is knowtise to princpall.nowtise to principall is knovtise to agente, = cmpire state uf morokko ‘moorishe nashunallrepubblik federal overnmente all sovercignerightesexxercised a ll tymes {ree moor / muur northeweste ammexem / northewesteaffika /northe am ‘moorishe nashunall repubblikfederall goverumente ‘moorishe amerikan konsulate | cuire uf {post uffise box 34524 ‘ear filadelfiaa kountee pennsylvaniaa repubblik ‘wuniversll natural! area Kode is 844nnpn39 1) latitude nd. 021480" w75. 138310" sion ne shakomoxen | & See ok! ae ia & @ registered mail no. re 123 456 789 US 4 private ekklesiastikallie innternashunal kommisshuned divyne naturall aggreemente moorishe nashunal repubblik feberall gobernmente notthe east amexem territories anbe dominions ‘> ~ an unninkorporated moorishe science temple fore amevika ~ o> the true anbe be fure natural heirs anbb innberitors to the lanbe & ~isLam.~ o& affidavid uf right to travell Go back to “Table of Contents” know all men ande women bye these pressents, that noble grace marie xi el, being first dulie affirm an oath, deposes ande says: 1. iam noble grace marie xi el, moorishe amerikan nashunal, divynelie manifested inn the flesh as a fraktal uf the kreator, exxpress ande duly konvey the following to be true ande Korrect. i have the mailing lokashun: cauire uf 722 weste rooseveltt boulevard, near [philadelphia ande pennsylvania repubblik], zip kode exxempt dmm 602 1.3e (2). unless uttherwyze stated, i have inndivvidual knowledge uf the matters kontainned herein this affidavid. i am uf sound bodie ande mind ande fullie kompetent to testify/state withe resspekt to these matters kontainned hereinn. 2. i have ressearched exxtensivelie the hermetik laws (i.e. thoth) ande organik laws uf the united states uf amerika, innkluding two hundred years uf amerikan kase law (i.e. kommon law) ande affirm that the kreator uf mye soul has alreadic sykured mye unnalienabble, phundamental, unnrestrikted, ande ‘unnreggulated right to travell, upone both the pubblik walkways ande the highwayes, ande transport mye persunall ande allodial proppertie, dulie konvveyed, unnhindered, bye anye privvate, korporate ‘or statutorie law, or department uf motor vehikles (dmv) reggulashun or so+called reqquiremente. this unnalienable right to travell is guaranteed bye the law uf vibbrashun, the 9th ande 10th ammendmentes uf the organik konstitushun fore the united states fore amerika ande the bill uf rights, whiche are uphelde bye manye kourt desishuns inn support uf that right. i now exxplikitlie reservve, assert ande dephend that right. 3. this affidavid is subbmitted bye demand uf a driver’s license, registrashun or pruuf uf insurance as Part uf the ufficial rekord uf anye ensuing akshun ande must be introduced as evvidence in said akshun. 4. that i, noble grace marie xi el, do not unnder anye sirkumstances utilize the pubblik highwayes phore gainful okkupashun or kommersial purpose. iam not a 14th ammendmente legal “persun” enngaged inn interstate kommerce, nor do i derivve innkome phrom the travell ande transport uf kommersial goods. i am not a “driver,” nor am i an “upperator” uf a “motor vehikle,” the driver’s license is phore motor vehikles innvvolved inn kommerce onlly. mye privvate, self-propelled konveyance/karriage is not innvvolved inn kommerce; therephore, it is not a “motor vehikle.” the korporate PENNSYLVANIA STATE, department uf motor vehikles kode does not disklose the ‘true inntent ande purppose uf the statute, though a “motor vehikle” is adeqquatelie ande klearlie dephined inn the united states kode (usc)."mofor vehikle means every deskripshun uf karriage or utther kontriveance propelled or drawn bye mechanikal power ande yused fore kommersial purppose.” + 18 usc 31. “the privvilege uf yusing the streets ande highwayes bye the upperashun thereon uf motor karriers hore hire kan be acqquired onlly bye permisshun or license phrom the state or its politikal subbdivvishun.” | + black law’s dikshunary, 5th edishun page 830, 4. i kannot in good faith applie phore ande akkept a driver’s license, as i would be kommitting perjury i would have to affirm under oath that i am a membber uf, sitizen uf, phranchise uf, or ressident [Page 1 of 5] 1 & breligious concepts moorishe estate trust _doki# abed+ 10272019--00002 me B ost iz ond se faa! 8 & registered mail no. re 123 456 789 US @ private ekklesiastikallie innternashunal kommisshuned divyne naturall aggreemente (agent, us. sitizen) uf [phidusiary, surety phore] the korporate state “STATE UF PENNSYLVANIA" when alreadie the esstabblished fakts bye affidavid have evvidence i am not a membber uf sitizen uf, phranchise uf, or ressident (agent, us sitizen) uf the korporate “STATE UF PENNSYLVANIA” ot the federall UNITED STATES. 5. i ani knot ¢ffektivelié konnekted withe a trade or business inn the korporate monopolie uf the UNITED STATES governmente, whether federall, state, kountie or munisipal. i am knot a ressident “USS. sitizen, "but a naturall born sitizen uf the sevveral union states domisiled inn the sovereigne state uf pennsylvania repubblik 1787, an amerikan state sitizen uf the united states uf amerika. i am domisiled inn a foreigne jurisdikshun to both, the korporate state ande federall governmentes. i have knot knowinglie or willinglie waivved anye uf mye unalienabble rights, amerikan kase law has Klearlie adjjudikated that: “the right uf the sitizen to travvell pone the pubblik highwayes ande to transport his/her proppertie thereon either bye Aarriage or automobile, iti knot a mere privilege whiche a ctye [or state] maye prohibbit or permmit at wil, but ommon righ whiche he/she has unnder the right o life, Ubbertte ande the pursuit uf happiness.” “thompson v. smith, 134 se $79 “even the legislature has no power to denie toa siizen the right to travvell upone the highwaye ande transport his/her propperte inn the orddinarie kourse uf his/her busines or pleasure, though this right maye be regulated fan akkordance withe the innterest ande konvenience.” [reggeulated” fete enn top light, signs : a ee aa +tehicago motor koach v. chicago, 169 ne 22 6. therephore, i have determmined ande herebye affirm bye affidavid ande under oath, bye virtue uf mye deklared sovereigne state sitizenship ande amerikan kase law, that i am knot required to have governmente permisshun to travvell, knot reqquired to have a driver's license, knot required to have Vehikle reggistrashun uf mye persunal proppertie, nor to surrender the lawful title uf mye dulie konvveyed proppertie to the state as sekuritie aggainst governmente inndebbtedness ande the unndeklared federall bankruptcie. anye admministrative rule, reggulashun, or statutorie akt uf anye state leggislature or judisial trybbunal to the kontrarie is unlawful ande klearlie unnkonstitushunal, thus null ande wvoid. amerikan kase law has kleatlie adjjudikated that: “where rights sykured bye the konstitushun are innvwolved, there kan be no rule making or leggislashun whiche would abbroggate them.” +miranda v. arizona, 384 u.s, “the klaim ande exxersise uf a Konstitushunal right kannot be Konwverted innto @ krime,” ‘miller v. u.s., 230 f2d 486, 489 “there kan be no sankshun or penaltie Immpposed upone one bekalise uf this exxersise uf konstitushunal rights,” +sherar v. cullen, 481 f. 945 7. anye akshun innwvolving a sitashun or tikket issued, konphiskashun, immpoundmente or search ande seizure uf mye privvate proppertie bye a polisie ennforser [polise uffiser] or anye uther pubblik servvant or emmployee that karries a phine or jail tyme is a penaltie or sankshun, thus Konwverting a right innto a krime. anye sitashun or tikiket is thus null ande vvoid. unnder every sirkumstance witheoutt exxsepshun, governmente uffisials muste holde the konstitushun phore the united states uf amerika (1791) supreme uvver anye utther laws, reggulashuns or orders. every polise (exxekutive) agent or judisial agent has sworn an oath, an oath to protekt the livves, proppertie ande Tights uf the sitizens uf the united states uf amerika unnder the suppreme law uf the lande. anye akt to deprivve a naturall born state sitizen uf their konstitushunallie protekted rights is a direkt violashun uf their oath uf uffise, a phelonie ande a federall krime. “the senators ande representatives beffore menshuned, ande the membbers uf the several state leggislatures, ande all exxekutives ande judisial uffisers, both uf the united states ande uf the ‘several states, shall be bounde bye oath oraffirmashun, to Support the konstitushun.” +konstitushun uf the united states uf amerika, artiklle 6 8. anye akshun bye a polise (i.e., exxekutive) agent, uffiser uf the kourt, pubblik servvant or governmente uffisial to assert an unnlawful authoritie unnder the “kolor uf law” will be konstrued as a direkt ande willful violashun uf mye universal, naturall ande konstitushunallie protekted rights, ande will face a lien or prosykuted to the full exxtent uf the amerikan law. [Page 2 of 5] + & b religious concepts moorishe estate trust __dok# abed+ 10272019+-00002 @ @ privvate ekklesiastikallle inntemashunal kommisshuned divyne naturall aggreemente registered mail no. re 123 456 789 US “pubbik uffisials are knot immune phrom suit when they transcend their lawful authoritie bye innwvading konstitushunal rights” +aflcio v. woodward, 406 f2d 137 “whoever unnder the kolor uf anye law, statute, orddinance, reggulashun, or kustom, wilfully subbjekts anye innhabbitant uf anye state, territory, or distr to the deprivvashun uf anye rights, privileges or immunities sykured or protekted bye the konstitushun uf laws uf the united states... shalle be phined no more than $1,000 or Immprysoned not more than one year; or both: 18 usc 9. this affidavid allso sertphies that i have prevviouslie kompleted ande passed a test measuring mye kompetencie ‘to safelie kontrol a motorized vehikle upone the pubblik highwayes witheinn the united states uf amerika. i allso met or exxseeded all kommon sense reqquirementes konserning the “rules uf the road” ande the abbi to maneuver a motorized vehikle inn a safe ande ressponsibble manner, naturall law + hermetik principals + emerald tablets (thoth)4 10. the prinsipal uf “mentalism” + she nature uf ennergy, power ande matter, being subborddinate to the mind. 12. the prinsipal uf “korrespondence” + as abbove, so bellow; as bellow, $0 abbove. as witheinn so witheoult, as witheoutt, so witheinn. 13, the prinsipal uf “vibbrashun” + nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibbrates. 14. the prinsipal uf “polaritie” + everything is dual, everythir is uf upposites; Tike nde unite are te same; upposite are ident le sur, ba rote eae ‘meet; all truths, are but half-truths; all paradoxes maye be rekonsiled. 15. the priscipal uf “rhythm” + everything flows outt ande inn; everything has its tydes; all things ryze ande fall the pendulum swing manifests inn everything; the measure uf the swing to the right is a measure uf the swing to the left; rhythm kompensates. 16. the prinsipal uf “kause ande effekt” + every kause has its effekt; every effeks has its kause; everything happens akkording to law’ chanse is but a naime phore law not rekkognized’ there are manye planes uf kausashun, but nothing eskapes the law. 17, the prinsipal uf “gender” + she prinsipal uf gender is inn everything; everything has its maskuline ande feminine prinsipals; gender manifests on all planes. treatie uf peace ande friendship artikles shalle applic 18. _artikile 3+ if cither uf the parties shalle be at war withe anye nashun whatever ande take @ pryze bellonging — to that nashumn, ande there shalle be phound on board subbjekts or effekts bellonging to either uf the parties, the subbjekts shalle be set at libbertic ande the effekts retturned to the owners. ande if anye goods bellonging to anye nashun, withe whom either uf the parties shalle be at war, shalle be loaded on vessels bellonging to the utther partie, they shalle pass free ande unmolested witheoutt anye attemppt being made to take or dettain them. 18. artiklle 4 + a signal or pass shalle be givven to all vessels bellonging to both parties, bye whiche they are to be known when they meet at sea, ande if the kommander uf a ship uf war uf either partie shalle have utther ships uunnder his konvvoy, the deklarashun uf the kommander shalle allone be suffisient to exxemppt anye uf them phrom exxaminashun, 19. artikile 5 + if either uf the parties shalle be at war, ande shalle meet a vessel at see, bellonging to the uther, it is aggreed that if an exxaminashun is made, it shalle be done bye sending a boat withe two or three men onlly, ande if anye gun shalle be bred ande injjurie done witheoutt reasun, the uffending partie shalle make good all damages. 20. artikile 6 + if anye moor shalle bring sitizens uf the united states or their effekts to his majestic, the sitizen shalle be immediatelie set at Iibbertie ande the effekts restored, ande inn like manner, if anye moor knot a —subbjekt-uf these dominions shatle make « pryze-uf anye-uf the sitizens uf amerika or their effekts ande bring them innto anye uf the ports uf his majestie, they shalle be immediatelie released, as they will then be konsidered as unnder his majestie protekshun, [Page 3 of 5] 1 & b religious concepts moorishe estate trust _dok# abed+ 10272019+-00002 bad as alk] & @ registered mail no. re 123 456 789 US @ privvate ekklesiastikallie innternashunal kommisshuned divyne naturall aggreemente 21, artikile 7 + if anye vessel uf either parte shale put innto a port uf the utther ande have okkashun phore provvishuns or utther supplies, they shalle be phurnished witheoutt anye innterrupshun or molestashun, 22. artildle 8+ if anye vessel uf the united states shalle meet withe a disaster at sea ande put innto one uf our ports to repair, she shalle be at libbertie to lande ande reload her kargo, witheoutt paying anye dutie whatever. 23. artikile 10 + if anye vessel uf either uf the parties shalle have an enngagemente withe a vessel bellonging to anye uf the khristian powers witheinn gunshot uf the phorts uf the utther, the yessel so enngaged shalle be de phended ande protekted as muche as possibble unntil she is inn safetie; ande if anye amerikan vessel shalle be kast on shore on the Koast uf wadnoon or anye koast there about, the peeple bellonging to her shalle be protekted, ande assysted unntil bye the help uf god, they shalle be sent to their kountrie, 2A. artiklle 20 + if anye uf the sitizens uf the united states, or anye persuns unnder their protekshun, shalle have anye disputes withe eache utther, the konsul shalle desside bettween the parties, ande whenever the konsul shalle reqquire anye aid or assistance phrom our governmente, to ennforse his desishuns, it shalle be immediatelie granted to him, acknowledgemente pursuant to title 28 use § 1746(1) ande exxekuted “‘witheoutt the united states,” i affirm unnder penaltie uf perijury lunnder the laws uf the united states phore amerika that the foregoing is true ande karrekt, to the best uf mye bellieph ande innphormed knowledge. ande phurther depponent saith knot. i now affix mye autograff ande uffisial seal to all uf the abbove affirmashuns withe exxplisit reservvashun uf all uf mye unnalienabble unniversal rights, witheoutt rejjudice to anye ande all uf those rights. resspektfullie, OWS reserved Obie Qeree MAGES er bye: marie xi el, jurat upone mye innherited status, i noble grace marie xi el, being a descendant uf the anncient moabites in uitther respekt known as amerikan + al morokkan + moor, standing squarelie affirmed upone mye oath to the ‘five points uf light’ + tave, tuit, peace, freedom, ande justise; being kompetent (inn mye own propper persun) to attest to this affidavid upone whiche i place mye autograff; whereas, i state, Proklaim, ande deklare the following to be true, korrekt, knot misleading, ande not inntended to be pressented fore anye misrepressented, ‘kolored’ or immpropper yuse or purppose. iam: _nNobie fate mace xi el noble grace marie xi el, de jure, sui juris heir to the worldes vaste esstate, all rights reserved moorishe amerikan nashunal uf northwest amexem autograff, omnia iura reservantis kare uf post uffice box 34524 near: philadelphia kouty, pennsylvania repubblik, zip exempt phone: (267) 780+6703 email: northeweste amexem + northeweste afrika + northe amerika + the northe gate sentral amexem + southe amexem + adjoining ande amerikana islandes tantum est unum exitum. all sovereigne origeneall inndigencous annciente divpne ‘moorishe amerikan autogratfs fore this ande all Sovereiqne origeneall inndigencous united nashunes dokumentes. -are on the pubblikt rekorbe at amerika. = kbronos: tyme immemoriall innto perpetuitee : Gt ° ‘6 Ats reserveot egosum WObIE hrace More — S BON Gt Sever min inn kapitis diminatio noo, inn ed ink, inn propria persuiurs inn propio solo inn proprio eredes [Page 4 of 5] ¥& breligious concepts modyjaGe ésito trust ok! abed+ 10272019+00002 ie ae sil 8 & registered mail no. re 123 456 789 US tikallie innternashunal kommisshuned divyne natural aggreemente a privvate okklesi knowtice to agente is knowtice to principall. knowtice to principal is knowtice to agente. united states fore amerika moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente cuire uf 722 weste rooseveltt boulevardd near filadelphiaa countie pennsylvania repubblik uuuniversall naturall area kode is 8q4nnpn391]] lattitude n40..021481” w-75'.138313" sion ne shakomoxen ‘amen, amen dco vols, quascumque allgaverts super terra eruntligata et eo in caelo et qusecumaue soherts super terram erunt oluta etn ealo ‘amen, amen deo vob, quacumquealgavers super team eruntRgataetegon cabo et quaecumaue Solvers super terram erunt solta etn caelo amen, amen dco vobis,qumcumaue agave super terram erunt Kata at eg in caelo et quaecuque ‘solvers super taram eunt slut etn caelo [Page 5 of 5} doki# abed+ 10272019+00002 united states, shalle be a membber uf either house during his kontinnuanee inn uffise. sykshun 7, all bills phore rayzing revvenue shalle originate inn the house uf representatives; but the senate maye Proppose or konkur withe amendmentes as on uther bills. every bill whiche shalle have passed the house Uf repressentatives ande the senate, shalle, beffore it bekome a law, be pressented to the pressident uf the Lnited states; if he approvve he shalle sign it, but if not he shalle retturn it, withe his obbjekshuns to that house inn whiche it shalle have originated, whoo shalle ennter the obbjekshuns at large on their jjournal, ande proseed to rekonsyder it. if affter suche rekonsyderashun two thirds uf that house shalle aggree to pass the bill, it shalle be sent, together withe the obbjekshuns, to the uther house, bye whiche it shalle likewyze be rekonsydered, ande if approvved bye two thirds uf that house, it shalle bekome a law. but inn all suche kases the votes uf both houses shalle be determmined bye yeas ande nays, ande the naimes uf ‘the persuns voting phore ande aggainst the bill shalle be enntered on the {journal uf eache house respektivelie, if anye bill shalle not be rettumed bye the pressident witheinn ten dayes (sundayes exxsepted) affter it shalle have beene pressented to him, the same shalle be a law, inn like manner as if he had signed it, unnless the kongress bye their adjjournamente prevvent its retturn, inn whiche kase it shalle not be a law. every order, ressolushun, or vote to whiche the konkurrence uf the senate ande house uf repressentatives maye be necessarie (exxsept on a qquesshun uf adjjournmente) shalle be pressented to the pressident uf the united states; ande beffore the same shalle take effekt, shalle be approvved bye him, or being disapprovved bye him, shalle be repassed bye two thirds uf the senate ande house uf repressentatives, ‘akkording to the rules ande limmitashuns preskribbed inn the kase uf a bill. sykshun 8. the al morokkan moorishe amerikan kongress shalle have power to laye ande kollect taxxes, duties, immposts ande exxsizes, to pay the debbts ande provvyde phore the kommion dephence ande ggeneral wellphare uf the united states; but all duties, immposts ande exxsizes shalle be unniphorm throughout the united states; to borrow money on the kreddit uf the united states; to reggulate kommerce withe foreigne nashuns, ande ammong the sevveral states, ande withe the indian trybbes; to esstabblish an unniphorm rule uf naturalizashun, ande unniphorm laws on the subbjekt uf bankruptsies throughoutt the United States; to coin money, reggulate the vallue thereuf, ande uf foreigne coin, ande phix the standard uf weights ande measures; to provvyde phore the punisshmente uf kounterpheiting the sykurities ande kurrent coin uf the united states; to esstabblish post uffises ande post roads; to prommote the proggress uf science ande yuseful arts, bye sykuring phore limmited tymes to authors ande innvventors the exxklusive right to their resspektive writings ande diskovveries; to konstitute trybbunals innpherior to the suppreme ourt; to dephine ande punissh piracies ande phelonies kommitted on the high seas, ande uffenses aggainst the law uf nashuns; to deklare war, grant letters uf marque ande reprissal, ande make rules konserning kaptures on lande ande watter, to rayze ande support armies, but no appropryashun uf money to that yuse shall be phore a longer term than two years; to provvyde ande mainntain a navie; to make rules phore the governmente ande reggulashun uf the lande ande naval phorces: to provvyde phore kelling forth the militia to exxekute the laws uf the unnion, suppress innsurrekshuns ande repel innvashuns; to provvyde phore organizing, arming, ande disciplining, the militia, ande phore govemneing suche part uf ‘them as maye be emmployed inn the servvice uf the united states, reservving to the states resspektivelie, the appoyntmente uf the uffisers, ande the authoritie uf training the militia akkording to the discipline preskribbed bye kongress; to exxersize exxklusive leggislashun inn all kases whatsoever, ovver suche distrikt (not exxseeding ten miles square) as maye, bye cession uf partikular states, ande the akeptance uf kKongress, bekome the seat uf the governmente uf the united states, ande to exxersize like authoritie ovver all plaices purchased bye the konsent uf the leggislature uf the state inn which the same shalle be, phore the erekshun uf phorts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards ande uther needfull buildings; ande to make all laws whiche shalle be necessarie ande propper phore karrying innto exxekushun the phoregoing powers, ande all utther powers vessted bye this konstitushun inn the governmente uf the united states, or inn anye departmente or uffiserthereuf. sykshun 9. Klause 1. the miggrashun or immportashun uf suche persuns as anye uf the states now exxisting shalle think propper to admmit, shalle not be prohibbited bye the kongress prior to the year two thousand twentie ande two, but a taxx or dutie maye be immposed on suche immportashun, not exxseeding ten dollars phore eache persun, Klause 2. the privvilege uf the writ uf habbeas korpus shalle not be susspended, unnless when inn kkases uf rebbellion or innvvashun the pubblik safetie maye reqquire it. Klause 3. no bill uf attainder or ex post phakto law shalle be passed, kklause 4. no kapitashun, or utther direkt, taxx shalle be laid, unless inn proporshun to the sensus or ennumerashun herein beffore direkted to be taken, Klause 5. no taxx or dutie shalle be laid on artiklles exxported phrom anye state, ec AIO » united states uf amerika moorishe nashunall repubblié feberall governmente ‘% ~societas republicae ea al maurikanos~ moorishe bibpne ande nashunall muvemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + northe weste affrika + northe amerika + the nocthe gate all abjfoining istanbes ‘© ~tempel uf the moon anbe sun~ the true anbe be jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the Lande PisLam~ > unniversall sobereiqne origeneall inndigeneous natural divpne affidavit constitushune fore the Gnited States uf America 1442 all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. i am sovereigne livvinge justise grace marie xi el__ inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio hetedes. we are the origeneall inndigencous sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendentes uf the greate pharoshs uf kemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, ande our innergy arre herebye vessted inn ourselives phore we arre the peepel whoo arre the origeneall wdigeneous naturall divyne de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all tymes nung pro tung, we the peepel uf the united states, inn orrder to phorme a more perfekte union, esstabblish justise, insure domesstik tranqquilitie, provvyde phore the kommon deefense, prommote the ggenerall wellphare, ande sykyure the blissings uf libbertie to oursellves ande our posteritie, do orddaine ande esstabblishe this konstitushune phore the United States uf Amerika. artiklle i jslaive powers hereinn granted shalle be vessted inn @ kongress uf the united states, whiche shalle konsist ufa senate ande house uf repressentatives. ssykshun 2 the house uf repressentatives shalel be kompposed uf membbers chozen every sykond year bye the peepel uf the sevveral states, ande the elektors inn eache state shalle have the qqualiphikashuns reqquisite phore elektors uf the moste numerous branch uf the state leggislature. no persun shalle be a repressentative ‘whoo shalle not have attained to the age uf twentie five years, ande beene sevven years a sitizen uf the ‘united states, ande whoo shalle not, when elekted, be an innhabbitante uf that state inn whiche he shalle be chozen. [repressentatives ande direkt taxxes shalle be apporshuned ammong the sevveral states whiche maye be innkluded witheinn this unnion, akkording to their resspektive nnumbers, whiche shalle be determmined bye adding to the whole nnumber uf free persuns, innkluding those bounde to serwice hore a term uf years, ande exxkluding indians not taxxed, three fifths uf all uther persuns.]* the aktual ‘ennumerashun shalle be made witheinn three years affter the first meeting uf the kongress uf the united states, ande witheinn every subbseqquent term uf ten years, inn suche manner as they shalle bye law direkt. the nnumber uf repressentatives shalle not exxseed one phore every thirtie thousand, but eache state shalle have at least one repressentative; ande unntil suche ennumerashun shalle be made, the state uf’ new hampshire shalle be entitled to chuse three, massachusetts eight, rhode islande ande provvidence Plantashuns one, konnekticut five, new york six, new jersey four, pennsylvania eight, delaware one, ‘maryland six, virginia ten, northe karolina five, southe karolina five, ande georgia three. when vakancies happen inn the repressentashun phrom anye state, the exxekutive authoritie thereuf shalle issue writs uf elekshun to fill suche vakancies. the house uf repressentatives shalle chuse their speaker ande uther uffisers; ande shalle have the sole power uf immpeachmente. sykshun 3, the senate uf the united states shalle be kompposed uf two senators phrom eache state, [chozen bye the eggislature there uf,}* phore six years; ande eache senator shalle have one vote. immediatelie affter they shalle be assembbled inn konseqquence uf the first elekshun, they shalle be divvided as eqquallie as maye be innto three klasses. the seats uf the senators uf the first klass shalle be vakated at the exxpyrashun uf the second year, uf the second klass at the exxpyrashun uf the fourth year, ande uf the third klass at the exxpyrashun uf the sixth year, 50 that one third maye be chozen every sykond year; [ande if vakancies happen bye Tesyggnashun, or utherwyze, during the resess uf the leggislature uf anye state, the exxekutive thereuf maye make temporarie appoyntmentes unntil the next meeting uf the leggislature, whiche shalle then hill suche vakancies.]* no persun shalle be a senator whoo shalle not have attained to the age uf thirtie years, ande bene nine years a sitizen uf the united states, ande whoo shalle not, when elekted, be an innhabbitante uf that state phore whiche he shalle be chozen. the vice pressidente uf the united states shalle be pressidente uf the senate, but shalle have no vote, unnless they be eqquallie divvided. the senate shalle chuse their uther uffisers, ande allso a pressidente pro tempore, inn the absence uf the vice pressidente, or when he shalle exxersize the uffise uf pressidente uf the united states. the senate shalle have the sole power to try all immpeachmentes. when sitting phore that purpose, they shalle be on oath or affirmashun. when the pressidente uf the united states is tried, the chieph justise shalle presside: ande no persun shalle be konvikted witheoutt the konkurrence uf two thirds uf the membbers pressent. judgmente inn kases uf immpeachmente shalle not exxtend phurther than to removval phrom uffise, ande disqqualiphikashun to holde ande enjoy anye uffise uf honor, trust or prophit unnder the united states: but the partie Konvikted shalle nevertheless be liable ande subbjekt to inndiktmente, tryal, judgmente ande punishmente, akkording to law. sykshun 4. the tymes, plaices ande manner uf holdeing elekshuns phore senators ande repressentatives, shalle be preskribbed inn eache state bye the leggislature thereuf: but the kongress maye at anye tyme bye law make or allter suche reggulashuns, exxsept as to the plaices uf chusing senators. the kongress shalle assemble at leaste once inn every year, ande suche meeting shalle be [on the first mondaye inn december,]* unnless they shalle bye law appoynt a different daye. sykshun 5. eache house shalle be the judge uf the elekshuns, rettums ande qqualiphikashuns uf its own membbers, ande a majoriie uf eache shalle Konstitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller nnumber maye adjjourn phrom daye to daye, ande maye be authorized to komppel the attendance uf abbsent membbers, inn suche ‘manner, ande unnder such penalties as eache house maye provvyde. eache house maye determmine the rules uf its proseedings, punish its members phore disorderlie behavviour, ande, withe the konkurrence uf two thirds, exxppel a membber. eache house shalle keep a journal uf its proseedings, ande phrom tyme to tyme publish the same, exxsepting suche parts as maye inn their judgmente require sykrecie; ande the yeas ande nays uf the membbers uf either house on anye qquesshun shalle, atthe desire uf one fifth uf those pressent, be enntered on the jjoumal. neither house, during the sesshun uf kongress, shalle, withe utt the konsent uf the uther, adjjourn phore more than three dayes, nor to anye uther plaice than that inn whiche the two houses shall be sitting, sykshun 6 the senators ande representatives shalle reseivve a kompensashun phore their servvices, to be ascertained bye law, ande payd outt uf the treasurie uf the united states. they shalle inn all kases, exxsept ‘reason, felonie ande breach uf the peace, be privvileged phrom arrest during their attendance at the sesshun uf their resspektive houses, ande inn going to ande retturning phrom the same; ande phore anye speech or debbate inn either house, they shalle not be qquesshuned inn anye uther plaice. no senator or representative shalle, during the tyme phore whiche he was elekted, be appoynted to anye sivil uffise unnder the authoritic uf the united states, whiche shale have bene kreated, or the emmolumentes ‘whereuf shalle have bene ennkreased during suche tyme; ande no persun holdeing anye uffise under the Klause 6. no prepherence shalle be givven bye anye reggulashun uf kommerce or revvenue to the ports uf one state ovver those uf another: nor shalle vessels bounde to, or plrom one state be obbliged to ennter, Klear, or pay duties inn another. “***klause 7. no money shalle be drawn phrom the treasurie, but inn konseqquence uf appropryashuns made bye law; ande a reggular statemente ande akKount uf the reseipts ande ‘exxpenditures uf all pubblik money shalle be published phrom tyme to tyme.**** klause 8. no title uf nobilitie shalle be geranted bye the United States: ande no persun holdeing anye uffise uf prophit or trust unnder them, shalle, witheoutt the konsent uf the kongress, akksept uf anye pressent, emmolumente,uffise, or ttle uf anye kind whatever, phrom anye king, prince, or foreigne state sykshun 10, no State shalle ennter innto anye treatie, alliance, or konfederashun; grant letters uf marque ande repprisal; coin money; emmit bills uf kreddit; make anye thing but gold ande silver coin a tender inn paymente uf debbts; pass anye bill uf attainder, exx post phakto law, or law immpairing the obbligashun uf kontrakts, or grant anye title uf nobilite. no State shalle, witheoutt the konsent uf the kongress, laye anye immposts or duties on immports or exxports, exxsept what maye be abbsolutelie necessarie phore exxekuting it’s innspekshun laws: ande the net produce uf all duties ande immposts, laid bye anye State on immports or exxports, shalle be phore the yuse uf the treasurie uf the united states; ande all suche laws shalle be subbjekt to the revvishun ande kontrou! uf the Kongress. no State shalle, witheoutt the konsent uf kongress, laye anye dutie uf tonnage, keep troops, or ships uf war inn tyme uf peace, ennter innto anye aggreemente or kompakt withe another State, or withe a foreigne power, or engage inn war, unnless aktuallie innvvaded, or inn suche imminente danger as wille not admmit uf delay. artiklle i, sykshun 1. the exxekutive power shalle be vessted inn a Pressident uf the United States uf Amerika, He shalle holde his uffise during the term uf four years, ande, together withe the Vice Pressident, chozen phore the same term, be elekted, as phollows: eache State shalle appoynt, inn suche manner as the legislature thereuf maye direkt, a number uf elektors, eqqual to the hole nnumber uf senators ande repressentatives to Whiche the State maye be enntitled inn the kongress: but no senator of repressentative, or persun holdeing an uffise uf trust or prophit unnder the united states, shalle be appoynted an elektor. [the elektors shalle meet inn their resspektive states, ande vore bye ballot phore two persuns, uf whom one at least shalle not be an innhabbitant uf the same state withe themselves. ande they shalle make a list uf all the Persuns voted phore, ande uf the number uf votes phore cache; whiche list they shalle sign ande sertiphie, ande transmmit sealed to the seat uf the governmente uf the united states, direkted to the pressidente uf the senate, the pressidente uf the senate shalle, in the pressence uf the senate ande House uf Representatives, oppen all the sertiphikates, ande the votes shalle then be kounted. the persun having the greatest nnumber uf votes shalle be the Pressident, if suche nnumber be a majoritie uf the whole nnumber uf elektors appoynted; ande if there be more than one whoo have suche majoritie, ande have an eqqual number uf votes, then the House uf Representatives shalle immediatelie chuse bye ballot one uf them phore President; ande if no persun have a majoritie, then phrom the five highest on the list the saide House shalle inn like manner chuse the Pressidente. but inn chusing the Pressidente, the votes shalle be taken bye States, the repressentashun phrom eache State having one vote; a quorum phore this purppose shalle Konsist uf a membber or membbers phrom two thirds uf the States, ande a majoritie uf all the States shalle be necessarie to a choyce. inn every kase, affier the choyce uf the Pressidente, the persun having, the greatest nnumber uf votes uf the elektors shalle be the Vice Pressidente. but if there should remmain ‘two or more whoo have eqqual votes, the senate shalle chuse phrom them bye ballot the Vice Pressidente. * the kongress maye determmine the tyme uf chusing the elektors, ande the daye on whiche they shalle givve their votes; whiche daye shalle be the same throughoutt the united states. no persun exxsept a natural born sitizen, or a sitizen uf the united states, at the tyme uf the adoppshun uf this konstitushun, shalle be eliggibble to the uffise uf pressident; neither shalle anye persun be eliggibble to that uifise whoo shalle not have attained to the age uf thirtie five years, ande beene fourteen years a ressident witheinn the united states. [inn kase uf the remowval uf the Pressidente phrom uffise, or uf his death, resiggnashun, or innabbilitie to discharge the powers ande duties uf the saide uffise, the same shalle devvolve on the vice Pressidente, ande the kongress maye bye law prowvyde phore the kase uf removval, death, resiggnashun or innabilitie, both uf the Pressidente ande vice Pressidente, deklaring what uffiser shalle then akt as Pressidente, ande suche uffiser shalle akt akkordingiey, unntil the disabbilitie be removved, or a Pressidente shalle be elekted.]* the Pressidente shalle, at stated tymes, reseivve phore his servvices, a Kompensashun, whiche shalle neither be innkreased nor diminished during the peryod phore whiche he shalle have bene elekted, ande he shalle not reseivve witheinn that peryod anye uther emmolumente phrom the united states, or anye uf them. beffore he ennter on the exxekushun uf his uffise, he shalle take ‘the phollowing oath or affirmashun: “i do solemnlic swear (or affirm) that i wille faithfullie exxekute the uffise uf Pressidente uf the united states, ande wille to the best uf mye abbilitie, preservve, protekt ande de phend the konstitushun uf the united states.” sykshun 2 the Pressidente shalle be kommander inn chieph uf the armie ande navie uf the united states, ande uf the militia uf the several states, when kalled innto the aktual servvice uf the united states, he maye require the opinhun, inn writing, uf the prinsipal uffiser inn eache uf the exxekutive departmentes, upone anye subbjekt relating to the duties uf their resspektive uffises, ande he shalle have power to garant reprievves ande pardons phore uffenses against the united states, exxsept in kases uf immpeachmente. he shalle have power, bye ande withe the advvice ande konsent uf the senate, to make treaties, provvyded two thirds uf the senators pressent konkur; ande he shale nominate, ande bye ande witehe the advice ande Konsent uf the senate, shalle appoynt ambassadors, uther pubblik ministers ande konsuls, judges uf the supreme kourt, ande all utther uffisers uf the united states, whose appoyntmentes arre not hereinn uttherwyze provvyded phore, ande whiche shalle be esstabblished bye law; but the kongress maye bye law vesst the appoyntmente uf suche innpherior uffisers, as they think propper, inn the Pressidente allone, inn the kourts uf law, or inn the heads uf departmentes. the Pressidente shalle have power to phill up all vakancies that maye happen during the resess uf the senate, bye geranting kommisshuns whiche shalle ‘exxpyre at the end uf their nexxt session, sykshun 3. he shalle phrom tyme to tyme give to the kongress innphormashun uf the state uf the union, ande rekommend to their konsiderashun suche measures as he shalle judge necessarie ande exxpediente; he maye, on exxtraorddinarie ukkashuns, konvvene both houses, or either uf them, ande inn kase uf disaggreemente bettween them, withe resspekt to the tyme uf adjjournmente, he maye adjjourn them to suche tyme as he shalle think propper; he shale reseivve ambassadors ande utther pubblik ministers, he shalle take kare that the laws be faithfullie exxekuted, ande shalle kommisshun all the uffisers uf the united states sykshun 4 the Pressidente, vice Pressidente ande all sivil uffisers uf the united states, shale be removved phrom uffise on immpeachmente phore, ande konvvikshun uf, treason, bribberie, or uther high krimes ande misdemeanors. artiklle ii, sykshun 1 the judisial power uf the united states, shalle be vessted inn one supreme kourt, ande inn suche innpherior kourts as the kongress maye phrom tyme to tyme orddain ande esstabblish. the judges, both uf the supreme ande innpherior kourts, shalle holde their uffises during good behavviour, ande shalle at stated tymes, reseivve phore their servvices, a kompensashun, whiche shalle not be diminished during ‘their kontinnuance inn uffise sykshun 2 the judisial power shalle exxtend to all kases, inn law ande eqquity, arysing unnder this konstitushun, the Jaws uf the united states, ande treaties made, or whiche shalle be made, unnder their authoritie; to all kases affekting ambassadors, uther pubblik ministers ande konsuls; to all kases uf admiraltie ande ‘marityme jurisdikshun; to Kontrovversies to whiche the united states shalle be a partie; to kontrovversies bettween two or more states; [bettween a state ande sitizens uf annother state:-]* bettween sitizens uf different states, bettween sitizens uf the same state klaiming landes unnder ggrants uf different states, {ande bettween a state, or the sitizens thereuf; ande foreigne states, sitizens or subbjekts.}* inn all kases affekting ambassadors, utther pubblik ministers ande konsuls, ande those inn whiche a state shall be Partie, the suppreme kourt shalle have original jurisdikshun. inn all the uther kases beffore menshuned, ‘the supreme kourt shalle have appellate jurisdikshun, bothe as to law ande phakt, withe suche cexxsepshuns, ande under suche reggulashuns as the kongress shalle make. the tryal uf all krimes, exxsept inn kases uf immpeachmente, shalle be bye jurie; ande suche tryal shalle be helde inn the state where the saide krimes shalle have beene kommitted; but when not kommitted witheinn anye state, the tryal shalle be at suche plaice or plaices as the kongress maye bye law have direkted. sykshun 3. treason aggainst the united states, shalle konsist onlly inn levying war aggainst them, or inn adhering to their ennemies, givving them aid ande komphort, no persun shalle be konvvikted uf treason unnless on the testimonie uf two witnesses to the same uvvert akt, or on konphesshun inn oppen kourt. the kongress shalle have power to deklare the punyshmente uf treason, but no attainder uf treason shalle work orrupshun uf blood, or phorpheiture exxsept during the life uf the persun attainted. artiklle iv. sykshun 1. full faithe ande kreddit shalle be givven inn eache state to the pubblik akts, rekords, ande judisial proseedings uf every utther state. ande the kongress maye bye ggeneral laws preskribbe the mariner inn whiche suche akts, rekords ande proseedings shalle be proved, ande the effekt thereuf. sykshun 2. the sitizens uf eache state shalle be entitled to all privvileges ande immunities uf sitizens inn the sevveral states. a persun charged inn anye state withe treason, phelonie, or utther krime, whoo shalle flee phrom justise, ande be founde inn annother state, shalle on demand uf the exxekutive authoritie uf the state phrom whiche he fled, be delivvered up, to be remowved to the state having jurisdikshun uf the krime. [n0 Persun helde to servvice or labour inn one state, unnder the laws thereuf, esscaping innto annother, shalel, inn konseqquence uf anye law or reggulashun therein, be discharged phrom suche servvice or labbour, but shalle be delivvered up on klaim uf the partie to whom suche servvice or labbour maye be due,]* sykshun 3. new states maye be admmitted bye the kongress innto this union; but no new state shalle be phormed or erekted witheinn the jurisdikshun uf anye utther state; nor anye state be formed bye the junkshun uf two ‘or more states, or parts uf states, witheoutt the Konsent uf the leggislatures uf the states Konsemed as well as uf the kongress. the kongress shalle have power to disppose uf ande make all needfull rules ande reggulashuns resspekting the territorie or uther proppertie bellonging to the united states; ande nothing inn this konstitushun shalle be so konstrued as to prejudise anye klaims uf the united states, or uf anye partikular state. sykshun 4. the united states shalle guarantee to every state inn this union a repubblikan phorm uf governmente, ande shalle protekt eache uf them aggainst innvvashun; ande on applikashun uf the legislature, or uf the ‘exxekutive (when the leggislature kannot be konvvened) aggainst domestik vviolence. artikle v. the Kongress, whenever two thirds uf bothe houses shalle deem it necessarie, shalle proppose ammendmentes to this konstitushun, or, on the applikashun uf the legislatures uf two thirds uf the sewveral states, shalle kall a konvvenshun phore propposing ammendmentes, whiche inn either kase, shalle be vallid to all inntents ande purpposes, as part uf this konstitushun, when ratiphied bye the leggislatures uf three fourths uf the sevveral states, or bye Konvvenshuns inn three fourths thereuf, as the one or the utther mode uf ratiphikashun maye be propposed bye the kongress; provvyded that no ammendmente whiche maye be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred ande eight shalle inn anye manner affekt the first ande fourth klauses inn the ninth sykshun uf the first artiklle; ande that no state, witheoutt its konsent, shalle be deprivved uf its eqqual suffrage inn the senate. artiklle vi all debbts kontrakted ande enngagementes enntered innto, beffore the adoppshun uf this konstitushun, shalle be as vallid against the United States unnder this konstitushun, as unnder the konfederashun. this onstitushun, ande the laws uf the United States whiche shall be made inn pursuance thereuf: ande all treaties made, or whiche shalle be made, unnder the authoritie uf the united states, shalle be the supreme law uf the lande; ande the judges inn every state shalle be bounde therebye, anye thing inn the Konstitushun or laws uf anye State to the kontrary notwithestanding. the schators ande repressentatives beffore menshuned, ande the membbers uf the sevveral State legislatures, ande all exxekutive ande judisial uffisers, bothe uf the United States ande uf the sevveral states, shalle be bounde bye oath or affirmashun to support this konstitushun; but no religgious test shalle ever be reqquired as a qualiphikashun to anye uffise or pubblik trust unnder the united states. artiklle vi. the ratiphikashun uf the Konvvenshuns uf nine States, shalle be suffisient phore the esstabblishmente uf this konstitushun bettween the States so ratiphieing the same, done inn konvvenshun bye the unnanimous kkonsent uf the States pressent the sevventeenth daye uf september in the year uf our lord one thousand sevven hundred ande eighty sevven ande uf the inndependence uf the United States uf Amerika, the firste, inn witness whereuf our sovereigne appellashunes arre herebye autograffed. this sovereigne konstitushune phore the Gnited States uf EImerika is herebye givben to all Sitisen ‘Subbjektes on our sovercigne fande ande plaiceh on the pubblik rekorbe bye the sobereigne annciente al morokkan moarishe amerikan heirs as the suppreme law phore the Lande. all sovereigne origeneall innbigeneous anneiente bivyne moorishe amerikan autografts phore this anbe all sobereigne otigeneall inndigeneous supreme laws arre on the pubblik rekorbe at amevita. mM EM Or1all inndO PLEPAL EE Qi cignts reserved © egosum = ob \e grace marie ¥te Khronos tyme ‘ Justse tar a ‘nn kapitis diminuto noo, inn red ink, in propria persuna sui juris ina proprio solo inn proprio heredes. knowitise to agente is knowtise fo prinsipall. knowrise to prinsipal s knowse to agente. ‘moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente ‘moorishe amerikan konsulate clo 722 westeroosevelte houlevardd ‘near filadelphia countie, pennsylvaniaa repubblik annciente pennsylvaniaa district for shakamoxen "nniversall natural] area codde: 8q4lmpn36w latitude 40.021481 longitude +75.138313 @ 4 empire state ov morocco moorishe nationall reepublic federal governmente © ~societas republicae ea al maurikanes= ws moorishe divpne ande nationall muvemente ov the eatthe norihe weste amexem + north weste atfrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abbjoining isslands so =tempel ob the moon ande sun= we the true ande de jure naturall peeples + firs ov the Lande eo Hislam SS universall sovereigne ovigeneall imnbigeneous annciente al morakkan moovishe amevikan affibavid empire state uf morokko all ryze ande stande ande remmain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente artiklle ii ‘moorishe amerikan al morokkan Kourte akshune. i am sovereigne livvinge justise grace marie xi el roberts hines fowlkes chisholm seott smith moore inn kapitis diminutio nol, inn red ink, inn propria persona su juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. mye free chozen nashunall appellashune is grace marie xi el inn kapitis dimimutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persona sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the ‘origencall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kkemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites. our fulle fithe ande tuste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande ‘our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves fore we are the peepel who are the oFigeneall inndigeneous natural dlivyne annciente empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, we are one god. we herebye exxereise all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes in tyme nung pro tung. akkordinge to this innternashunall kourte phore justise, inn orrder phore klaims reggarding lande, naturall ressources ande kommuurs to be vallid, a peepel mute firste pruuve that they are a sovereigne state, unnphied nashune ande akktive governmente. what konstitutes statehood akkordinge to innternashunall law? |. nashunalitie proklaimed on the pubblik reckorde bye the peepel withe at leaste 500 in nnumber. 2. a konstitushune uf whiche we have two, the konstitushune phore the united states 1789 ande 1791 inn red ink ande all lower kase letters ande the zodiak konstitushune inn red ink ande all lower kase letters. who are the united states uf amerika? all uf the sovereigne origineall inndigenteous states on our landes at amerika whiche is annciente morokko ande all adjjoining landes. p.s. all landes are konnekted regardless uf the ammounte uf water bettween them. 3. a state seall. 4. a flagg = we fly the mother flagg at all tymes sense it is the flagg phore all uf midguarde. it is red withe the greene five poynted star. we proklaim the wholle earthe as our vasst provvinse, esstate, ande innheritense. addishunallie, we fly the annciente kontinentall lande flag uf ur sovereigne fourmothers ande fourfathers whiche is red withe a green cedar uf lebanon on a white fielde, a 5. elleeshunes = we have beene having ellecshunes whiche are on the pubblik rekorde. we are gearing up BSH ES HE ssp COS BAECS if 220

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