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The socket-shield technique:

a step-by-step protocol
after 12 years of experience

Philip Staehler, DMD

Private Practice, Munich, Germany

Sophia M. Abraha, DMD

Private Practice, Munich, Germany

Joel Bastos, DMD

Private Practice, Munich, Germany

Otto Zuhr, DMD

Private Practice, Munich, Germany
Department of Periodontology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt,

Markus Hürzeler, DMD, PhD

Private Practice, Munich, Germany
Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology,
Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Correspondence to: Dr Philip Staehler

Private Practice Hürzeler/Zuhr, Rosenkavalierplatz 18, Munich, Germany;
Tel: +49 89 189 1750, Fax: +49 89 189 17528; Email: p.staehler@huerzelerzuhr.com

288 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Abstract ‘locking’ comprises a direct contact between the im-

plant and the shield, whereas the biologic approach
The socket-shield technique, first published in 2010, facilitates ankylosis of the shield, preventing its coro-
has gained worldwide scientific and clinical accept- nal displacement. The coronal part of the shield is
ance. To address possible complications with this in- brought into a concave shape, ending up 0.5 mm cor-
novative approach in esthetic implant dentistry, we onal to the buccal bone. The implant is consequently
provide a comprehensive step-by-step protocol incor- inserted, and an individualized healing cap fabricated.
porating what we have learnt in the past decade. After When performed according to the underlying biologic
initial decoronation of the tooth, the implant bed is and mechanical principles, the socket-shield tech-
prepared through the root of the tooth to be extract- nique can provide highly esthetic and predictable out-
ed. Following extraction of the palatal root fragments, comes.
the shield is prepared according to either a mechani-
cal or biologic ‘locking’ principle. The mechanical (Int J Esthet Dent 2020;15:288–305)

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 289

Introduction A technique called ‘socket shield’ is

based on this principle. It was developed to
Complete preservation or reconstruction preserve healthy periodontium in the mar-
of the peri-implant soft tissue remains one ginal area on the buccal side of the implant
of the biggest challenges in implant dentist- by partial root retention.9 The technique
ry. To counteract defect formation that combines the advantages of incision-free
negatively influences the esthetic appear- immediate implants such as a reduced
ance of dental implants, numerous tech- number of interventions, shortened treat-
niques have been described,1 ie, hard and ment time, reduced morbidity, and superior
soft tissue augmentation procedures, im- soft tissue surface texture, with primary pre-
mediate provisionalization, flapless implant vention of tissue loss. Case reports and co-
placement, a more palatal orientation of hort studies on the technique have been
the implant in the socket, and the possible published in the literature and summarized
use of platform switching. Despite the pos- in a literature review,10 where a failure rate of
itive aspects of all these techniques, the re- 6.96% of all implants placed was reported.
ality is that optimal esthetics is only achieved Since the first publication on the sock-
in select cases,2 as it is not possible to com- et-shield technique,9 our working group has
pletely prevent or compensate for tissue undergone a learning curve. This article in-
changes.1,3,4 tends to standardize the protocol of per-
Nowadays, it is well established that loss forming the socket-shield technique. It also
of the periodontal ligament and the bundle addresses ways to minimize possible com-
bone play a significant role in influencing plications with this technique, and presents
the resorption process that leads to peri-im- a comprehensive review of the surgical ap-
plant soft tissue recession and esthetic de- proach, incorporating what has been learnt
terioration. As those structures will be lost, in the past decade.
the buccal bone plate and soft tissue cover-
ing will be reduced in height because the Step-by-step protocol
bundle bone extends into the tip of the buc-
cal bone wall. In the maxillary anterior, the The socket-shield technique is only utilized
coronal part of the buccal lamella often in the zone of high esthetic relevance,
consists of bundle bone only, and therefore namely the maxillary anterior area from ca-
its loss will lead to the complete resorption nine to canine. In the esthetically less-
of the buccal bone in this area.5 demanding zones in the posterior and man-
In 1965, Björn et al6 published the first re- dibular anterior area, there are well-
port of root submersion in humans to gain established implant placement concepts
periodontal reattachment. In 1978, Welker available that omit the need to leave in place
et al7 were the first group to aim at prevent- parts of the tooth to be extracted.
ing residual alveolar ridge reduction by the Before the treatment, it is mandatory to
mucosal coverage of the roots.7 Today, the assess the patient’s medical history and oral
root-submergence technique has been health status. The absence of periodontal
made popular again by Salama et al.8 The disease and infrabony periodontal defects
principle behind it is simple: the preserva- needs to be confirmed as well as radio-
tion of the periodontal attachment, includ- graphically significant dehiscence in the
ing the cementum, periodontal ligament, buccal bone plate of the tooth requiring ex-
and bundle bone, prevents the resorption of traction. Clinically, there should be no verti-
these structures. cal and no subcrestal horizontal or oblique

290 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Fig 1 Sagittal view of the mechanical Fig 2 Occlusal view of the mechanical Fig 3 Occlusal view demonstrating the
‘locking’ approach of the shield with the ‘locking’ approach in the interproximal area thinning out of the shield interproximally to
implant in the apical area. with the implant. allow for better vascularization and
osteogenesis from the side.

fractures detectable on the facial aspect of There are two possible ways to achieve
the tooth. Following the preoperative this. The first is the preferred mechanical
analysis of the specific issues concerning principle comprising the mere ‘locking’ of
the clinical socket shield, the implant pos- the shield with the implant threads in the
ition is digitally planned using an optical apical area. The implant shoulder should
scan and cone beam computed tomogra- not have contact with the shield. In the
phy. The implant position itself is not influ- three-dimensional analysis, the possible
enced by the application of the socket- mechanical ‘locking’ options can be deter-
shield technique. mined. By leaving the apical part of the
The key to the success of the socket- shield thicker, the implant threads can ‘lock’
shield technique is the radiographic analysis the shield apically (Fig 1). A variable thick-
of the implant position in relation to the ness of the shield can therefore be expect-
shield. Precise measurements of the hori- ed in this case. Another possibility of ‘lock-
zontal dimension (thickness of the shield), ing’ the shield can be found in the
the dimension of the shield interproximally, interproximal region, by leaving the shield
and the vertical dimension (length of the extended in this area (as was suggested by
shield in the apicocoronal direction) are Kan and Rungcharassaeng12) (Fig 2). The
conducted. contact of the implant in this area should
In our approach, the shield design re- always be below the bone level.
flects the biologic idea of preserving the The second possible way, the biologic
bundle bone, but nowadays also incorpo- approach, is to create a non-inflammatory
rates our understanding of facial growth and ankylosis between the shield and the im-
the possibility of resulting complications. As plant surface, preventing future displace-
demonstrated in a recent article by Zuhr et ment of the shield, as reported by Zuhr et
al,11 lifelong growth of the maxilla and the al.11 Therefore, the goal when preparing the
involved teeth can result in complications shield with this approach is to leave as much
with the socket-shield technique. Therefore, as possible of the dentin shield in place to
the need to prevent the antero-caudal facilitate ankylosis. Also, the interproximal
movement of the dentin shield compared sides of the shield should be thinned out to
with the ankylosed implant is addressed by enable vascularization and the subsequent
‘locking’ the shield to the implant. osteogenesis with ankylosis (Fig 3).

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 291

1. Decoronation and endodontic post


The removal of the crown or other restor-

ations takes place before the surgical pro-
cedure (Fig 5). The tooth is ground down to
the level of the gingiva. Metal posts are re-
moved by cutting down the dentin mainly
on the palatal side to avoid damaging the
root on the facial aspect (Fig 6). Fiber posts
and composite fillings are removed with a
small Lindemann bur (Fig 7), following the
root canal as far to the apex as possible –
the rationale being that these materials are
hard enough to blunt the implant burs and
Fig 4 Additional burs needed for performing the socket-shield technique.
therefore need to be removed in advance.

One hour before surgery, a single-shot 2. Preparation of the implant bed

oral antibiotic is administered comprising
2 g amoxicillin, or 600 mg clindamycin in The implant bed is prepared through the
case of penicillin allergy. root using a 2-mm pilot drill and a surgical
The required instruments for the sock- guide (Fig 8). The preparation should be lo-
et-shield technique should be minimal. cated toward the palatal side of the root
Therefore, only the following instruments (Fig 9). The intact root guarantees a stable
are recommended in addition to those re- guidance of the bur during implant bed
quired for conventional implant placement: preparation (Fig 10). The implant bed is
■ Straight handpiece. completely prepared following the specific
■ Straight desmotome (Deppeler). protocol of the implant manufacturer. As
■ Small Lindemann bur for angled hand- shown in the examples of digitally planned
piece (Komet Dental) (Fig 4). implant positions, the implant bed does not
■ Diamond bur for angled handpiece follow the course of the root canal but in-
(Fig 4). stead is palatally oriented.
■ Round carbide bur for straight handpiece
(Fig 4).
■ Round diamond bur for straight hand-
piece (Fig 4).

292 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Fig 5 Removal of the crown prior to surgery. Fig 6 Removal of the posts by the palatal reduction of the dentin,
saving the buccal dentin.

Fig 7 Removal of fiber posts and composite fillings with the small Fig 8 Preparation of the implant bed through the root using a
Lindemann bur. surgical template and the 2-mm pilot drill.

Fig 9 The small notch represents the middle of the palatally Fig 10 The intact root guarantees a stable guidance of the bur
oriented implant bed preparation. during implant bed preparation.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 293

Fig 11 The root is separated in a mesiodistal direction using a small Fig 12 A sulcular incision is performed on the palatal side before
Lindemann bur. the extraction of the palatal root.

Fig 13 The palatal root is

removed with a desmotome.

3. Removing the palatal part of the against the buccal bone and dentin shield
root and the apex will quickly lead to fracture and mobilization
of the buccal shield.
After the preparation of the implant bed, the
remaining palatal part of the tooth is mostly 4. Preparation of the shield in the
very thin due to the palatally oriented im- horizontal and vertical dimensions
plant position. With a small Lindemann bur
(Fig 11), the root is separated in a mesiodistal Preparing the buccal shield to be the correct
direction, creating a buccal and a palatal length, thickness, and extension to the inter-
root piece. A sulcular incision should be proximal area is the most critical part when
made on the palatal side (Fig 12) with a mi- performing the socket-shield technique.
croblade before the palatal piece can be re- Visual magnification, with sufficient illumina-
moved carefully with a straight desmotome tion of the surgical field, as well as a direct
(Deppeler) (Fig 13). Care must be taken to line of sight are mandatory to performing this
only apply force to the palatal bone, which step. The preparation of the shield is initially
functions as the hypomochlion. Levering carried out with a 2.8-mm diameter round

294 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

reinforced bur, following the root canal pre- two implants need to be placed side by side in
cisely until the former apex (Fig 14). As a tac- the esthetic zone, one of the shields should
tile support, the index finger of the non-dom- extend further into the interproximal area, giv-
inant hand should be pressed against the ing support to the interimplant papilla.12
alveolar bone so that possible perforations to The second factor is the potential need
the vestibule can be felt in advance. The apex for a mechanical ‘locking’ of the shield. The
needs to be cut roughly 2 to 3 mm coronal shield needs to be extended to the interprox-
to the tip of the root with a small, long-shaft- imal area when a mechanical ‘locking’ ap-
ed Lindemann bur. The access and removal proach cannot successfully be achieved, by
of the apical delta is carried out through the ‘locking’ the screws to the apicobuccal side.
implant bed. The removal of the apical delta In this case, a direct contact between shield
will counteract possible inflammatory com- and implant can still be accomplished on ei-
plications originating from bacterially colo- ther side of the implant interproximally (Fig 2).
nized root canal branching.13 The radio- This interproximal contact should always be
graphic image provides additional orientation. below bone level, never in the coronal part.
Any remaining root canal filling material is
removed from the buccal shield under direct 5. Coronal shield preparation
vision. The exact dimensional outline of the
shield in an apicocoronal direction and inter- There are various aspects to consider when
proximally follows the principles described preparing the coronal part of the shield. In
above. Depending on whether a biologic or the presented protocol, we recommend re-
mechanical ‘locking’ approach is adopted, ducing the shield to 0.5 mm above the buc-
the horizontal thickness can vary from coro- cal bone height. The amount of reduction is
nal to apical. In our opinion, a thickness of 1 determined following bone sounding on the
to 2 mm in general provides enough stability buccal side. The first step comprises the
for the shield itself. If the shield can be locked preparation of the shield in a concave shape,
mechanically, the apical thickness is greater leaving as much space as possible between
than with the biologic approach. The inter- the emergence profile of the future crown
proximal dimension (how far the shield and the dentin shield.9,14 A carbide bur is uti-
should extend in the interproximal area) and lized for this part of the preparation (Fig 14).
the design of the shield at the interface to the The reduction in height is realized with a
bone (ie, a feather edge or an edge) also play round diamond bur with the same diameter
a role. Preparing the margins of the shield in as the carbide bur (Fig 15). By thinning out the
a feather-edge design facilitates the ingrowth concave shape from the inside out until di-
of bone between the shield and the implant rect contact with the periodontal soft tissue
surface. However, overly reducing the thick- is achieved, the dentin shield is brought down
ness can render the shield prone to fracture to the desired amount of 0.5 mm above the
(ie, from 1 to 2 mm moving to 0.5 mm) buccal bone crest. The tissue-friendly dia-
(Fig 3). mond bur will create a slightly bleeding sur-
How far the shield is left interproximally face, without thinning out the tissue as the
also depends on two factors. The first is the carbide bur would do (Fig 16). A minor bleed-
presence of natural teeth adjacent to the im- ing surface is supportive to create a stable
plant, which allows for a strictly buccally pre- blood coagulum between the shield and the
pared shield. In this case, the preparation from healing abutment or the provisional crown.
line angle to line angle is sufficient to maintain This increases the chances of a maximal soft
the natural soft tissue contour. In a case where tissue infill, thus avoiding shield exposure.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 295

Fig 14 The shield is initially prepared with a 2.8-mm diameter, Fig 15 The shield is reduced in height with a round diamond bur.
round, reinforced bur, following the root until the former apex.

Fig 16 The finalized shield preparation 0.5 mm above the Fig 17 Methylene blue is used to visualize possible cracks
buccal bone crest. in the shield.

6. Control of the shield integrity and forces draw the staining agent into the crack
stability and enable visual confirmation (Fig 17).
When a crack becomes visible, it needs to
The shield needs to be checked for the ab- be opened with the same small Lindemann
sence of cracks. Most teeth suitable for a bur as described above. The opening allows
socket-shield implant exhibit failed endo- blood vessels to grow into the space, elimi-
dontic treatments. These teeth are at higher nates microorganisms, and enables the in-
risk of developing a vertical root fracture.15 growth of bone.14 As a next step, the ab-
To avoid complications due to a microbial sence of mobility of the shield needs to be
colonized crack, methylene blue, a blue in checked gently with forceps. If instability of
vivo staining agent, is applied to the shield the shield is present, the removal of the
from the inside. If a crack exists, capillary shield is recommended.

296 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Fig 18 The implant is placed into the implant bed. Fig 19 The implant shoulder is positioned on the level of the
buccal bone crest. The gap is left without filling material.

7. Implant placement 9. Soft tissue management

In the next step, the implant is inserted As demonstrated in the first socket-shield
(Fig 18), anchored in the bone apical to the technique publication,9 there is no need
former apex. If a mechanical ‘locking’ ap- for adding a soft tissue graft. However, it
proach is chosen, the implant design can is mandatory that an individualized heal-
negatively impact the integrity of the shield. ing cap or a provisional anatomical crown
An implant with an aggressive thread design with the original soft tissue profile be con-
or a tapered body design may create exces- structed and installed on the implant. The
sive pressure on the shield in the apical area. individualized healing cap is fabricated
In this case, the clinician should consider using a sandblasted provisional abutment
using a parallel-walled implant, which does and flowable, light-curing, bulk-fill com-
not administer buccal force to the shield. posite. The exposed bone and tissue apical
The position of the implant shoulder also to the sandblasted individual abutment is
depends on the implant design. The implant protected by a small piece of rubber dam
shoulder is positioned at the level of the buc- (Fig 20). Afterwards, the concave emer-
cal bone crest, ie, 0.5 mm below the shield, if gence profile of the individualized abut-
a butt-joint connection implant is used (Fig 19). ment is finalized, polished, and screwed
on the implant (Fig 21). When the initial
8. Management of the gap stabilization of the implant allows for an
immediate provisionalization, a provisional
Grafting materials are not used to fill the gap crown using the same emergence profile
(Fig 19). Various studies have demonstrated as the individualized abutment may be in-
the healing potential of the body, showing stalled. Another option could be a provi-
the ingrowth of the bone and the ankylosis sional that is screwed on a palatally placed
of the shield and implant.9,16 Placing any implant (Fig 22), ending up as a pontic
type of grafting material seems unnecessary over the individualized healing abutment
and might impede the healing process. (Fig 23).

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 297

Fig 20 Before applying the composite to the provisional abutment Fig 21 Finalized provisional abutment in place.
for creating an individualized abutment, the exposed bone is
protected by a small piece of rubber dam.

Fig 22 Palatal view of the provisional screw-retained crown. Fig 23 Provisional screw-retained crown placed on a palatally
placed implant, ending as a pontic over the individualized abutment.

10. Postoperative maintenance Discussion

After rinsing for 1 week postsurgery with The socket-shield technique, first described
chlorhexidine mouth rinse, the patient is in- by Hürzeler et al,9 is a relatively novel ap-
structed to start a regular oral hygiene rou- proach in esthetic implant dentistry (Figs 24
tine again, using a toothbrush and interden- to 27). After worldwide clinical application
tal brushes. Depending on the final insertion of this technique and numerous published
torque and the specific implant system, the studies, it can no longer be called experi-
impression for the final crown is taken 6 to mental. Over the past decade, we have de-
12 weeks later. The final crown can then be veloped a detailed knowledge of this pro-
placed. cedure and its corresponding difficulties.

298 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Fig 24 Preoperative view of the first documented socket-shield Fig 25 Shield preparation before implant placement. Notice the
case from 2008. coronal placement of the shoulder of the shield.

Fig 26 12-year follow-up radiograph. Fig 27 12-year postoperative view.

With this step-by-step protocol incorporat- human trails. Various approaches were in-
ing the underlying understanding of post- cluded, ranging from the T-Belt technique18
extractional tissue alterations and skeletal to transdental fixations in animal studies, pri-
growth, an attempt is made to address the marily not intended as a socket-shield pro-
avoidable complications and possible pit- cedure.19 The heterogeneity of the different
falls when applying the technique. approaches complicates the comparison of
Currently, two systematic literature re- the treatment results and might be a reason
views have been published on the socket- for the high number of failures. A more re-
shield technique.10,17 The first, by Gharpure cent literature review by Mourya et al10 com-
and Bhatavadekar,17 reported complications pared clinical studies from 2017 onwards
occurring in 24% of all included implants in and reported a failure rate of 7%.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 299

A 5-year clinical, radiographic, and volu- The ‘root membrane technique’ by

metric analysis confirmed the value of the Siormpas et al25 and Mitsias et al26 is another
socket-shield technique in preventing loss adaptation of the socket-shield approach.
of volume on the buccal side when placing After grinding down the tooth to 0.5 to
immediate implants.20 Gluckman et al21 1.0 mm above the bone crest, the implant
demonstrated over 4 years that the survival bed is prepared through the long axis of the
rate of implants placed with the socket- tooth in a more palatal position to preserve
shield technique is comparable to that of the labial socket shield. Two longitudinal
conventional immediate and early/delayed cuts are created through the dentin along
implant placement. The first randomized the long axis of the tooth to lever out the
clinical trial over 2 years reported improved approximal and palatal remnants of the
functional and esthetic outcomes with the tooth. According to these authors, the
socket-shield technique by maintaining al- oro-vestibular thickness of the shield should
veolar bone volume and peri-implant tissue be 1.0 to 1.5 mm. The tapered implant
when compared with conventional flapless seems to be placed at the level of the labial
immediate implantation.22 bone. No further information is given as to
There are minor differences between the shape of preparation of the coronal
the most frequently described protocols shield. The provisional is cemented on top
for the socket-shield technique23,24 and our of a provisional abutment.
protocol. What the above two methods have in
The ‘partial extraction therapy’ by common with each other and with our pro-
Gluckman et al23 comprises decoronation tocol is the initial step of grinding down the
of the tooth and sectioning of the root me- tooth to the level of the gingiva. In a similar
siodistally in a longitudinal axis, with the way to Gluckman et al,23 we use a navigated
root canal as a reference. The resected surgical template for implant bed prepar-
palatal half is removed with the help of a ation. Like Mitsias et al,26 we leave the root
micro-periotome. The labial root shield is of the tooth in place during implant bed
reduced to the level of the alveolar labial preparation, which provides more mechan-
bone crest, and the most coronal 2 mm of ical stability for the implant bur during prep-
the shield is reduced with a large round aration compared with the postextraction
bur, creating a beveled chamfer. This al- empty alveolar socket.27. Contrary to Mitias
lows for additional prosthetic space be- et al,26 we do not prepare the implant bed
cause, later on, the implant shoulder is along the axis of the tooth, but follow the
placed 1.5 mm below the shield. The navigated surgical template. This leads to a
oro-vestibular thickness of the labial shield more palatally positioned implant com-
is somewhat reduced. The exact implant pared with the tooth.
position in relation to the shield in the hori- The coronal part of the shield is prepared
zontal dimension is not reported on, al- differently to how it is described in the initial
though the contact of implant and shield publication by Hürzeler et al,9 where it was
does not seem to be encouraged. If a gap suggested to prepare the root 1 mm coro-
between implant and shield is present, we nal to the buccal bone plate. Gluckman et
recommended that it be filled with particu- al23 concluded that the supracrestal prepar-
late bone-grafting material. An individual- ation frequently results in exposure of the
ized healing abutment or an immediate shield. Therefore, they proposed to reduce
provisional then needs to be fabricated to the shield until it is level with the buccal
support the soft tissue situation. bone. In 1983, Carnevale et al28 prepared

300 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

tooth structure up to the alveolar crest and a complication with the socket-shield tech-
demonstrated a 1 mm loss of buccal bone nique. The dentin shield, designed to be
height after preparing the tooth to the level very short and not be in direct contact with
of the bone. These findings were attributed the implant, moved like a natural tooth in
to the need for a reestablishment of the su- the antero-caudal direction within 6 years of
pracrestal connective tissue barrier. With re- function. After coming into contact with the
gard to this study, we hypothesize that pre- implant crown placed on the ankylosed im-
paring the shield on the level of the bone plant, oral microorganisms gained access
will lead to a resorption of 1 mm of the buc- through the disrupted soft tissue barrier
cal bone. However, the clinical results ana- around the shield. This caused an infection
lyzed by the pink esthetic score (PES)29 will that necessitated the surgical removal of the
still demonstrate a high level of success and shield. Hence, the movement of the shield
will be as good as the conventional ap- in the antero-caudal direction needs to be
proach of implant placement in the esthetic prevented by ‘locking’ the shield to the im-
zone.30 plant. Due to the short preparation of the
The thickness of the shield is afterwards shield, which became infected later on, an
prepared to about 1.0 to 2.0 mm and can ankylosis between the shield and the bone
vary in the corono-apical direction. There had not occurred. This ankylosis would
are many recommendations in the literature have prevented further movement of the
about this issue. In their study, Guirado et shield and would have kept its relation to
al31 recommend a thickness of 2 mm. Tan et the implant. Already in 2010, Hürzeler et al9
al32 suggested an ideal thickness of 0.5 to found newly formed bone on the implant
1.5 mm. In 2019, Calvo-Guirade et al33 ad- surface toward the shield, and showed new
vised a short piece of root in the coronal cementum on the shield. It was hypothe-
part of the alveolus. In our protocol, the cor- sized that the application of Emdogain
onal part of the shield is positioned about (Straumann) may have caused the newly
0.5 mm above the buccal bone. This is a formed cementum. In 2013, Bäumer et al14
compromise between limiting the risk of did not administer Emdogain in the same
shield exposure and preserving as much fa- animal model in the maxilla. These authors
cial tissue as possible. The coronal part of could demonstrate new bone formation
the shield is prepared in a concave shape, as between the implant and the shield. Also, in
was demonstrated in 2013.14 In contrast to 2018, Schwimer et al16 reported on a human
Mitsias et al,26 a parallel implant is preferred histology with evidence of bone fill between
so as to avoid uncontrollable pressure on the root dentin and an osseointegrated im-
the labial shield, if contact is expected. Also, plant surface. Therefore, in our understand-
a screw-retained suprastructure is used ing, a noninflammatory ankylosis of the
where there is no need for cementation. shield to the bone will most likely ensue if a
In our opinion, the necessity for a bio- sufficient amount of shield is exposed to the
logic or mechanical ‘locking’ of the shield bone. This biologic ‘locking’ approach is fa-
needs to be understood. Björk34 and Björk cilitated if the shield is left as long as possi-
and Skieller35 demonstrated the lifelong ble in an apicocoronal direction, and if the
growth of the maxilla in an antero-caudal interproximal areas of the shield are thinned
direction. This phenomenon could cause a out to allow the best possible vasculariza-
long-term complication of the socket-shield tion for osteogenesis between implant and
technique.11 Zuhr et al11 demonstrated how shield. Contrary to Gluckman et al,23 we rec-
this antero-caudal growth vector provoked ommend (if allowed by the implant position)

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 301

the creation of a direct contact between the Also, grafting the gap between the shield
implant and shield in the apical area or inter- and the implant, and the height of the shield
proximally achieving a mechanical ‘locking’ in relation to the buccal bone, are still is-
of the shield. A small area of contact seems sues. The present tendency to reduce the
to be sufficient, and no intimate contact be- shield to the level of the buccal bone may
tween the implant and shield over the length end up with some loss of the buccal bone,
of the entire root is necessary. In our opin- but could be safer in terms of shield expo-
ion, whenever a parallel wall implant is used, sure. In addition, it is still not clear whether
the advocated danger of fracturing the root the ingrowth of bone between the shield
with the pressure of implant insertion seems and implant surface can be influenced by
to be low. This mechanical ‘locking’ pro- any parameters. Nonetheless, it is evident
vides the clinician with the direct certainty that the socket-shield technique is techni-
that the shield will remain in position, com- cally demanding and sensitive, and requires
pared with the biologic approach where an- a high level of skill, experience, and biologic
kylosis has to occur. Nevertheless, if the understanding on the part of the clinician.
mechanical ‘locking’ cannot be realized, the With the knowledge we have gained in
ingrowth of bone between the implant and the 12 years of using this technique as well
shield needs to be motivated.9,16 Biologic as our understanding of relevant mechani-
‘locking’ or functionally ankylosing the cal and biologic factors, we believe that very
shield is achieved by the ingrowth of bone positive and predictable outcomes can be
between the implant and shield, without achieved if the procedure is executed cor-
there being direct contact between them. rectly, even in very challenging clinical situ-
The implant position in the present pro- ations like the replacement of adjacent
tocol differs from the position described by teeth in the esthetic zone (Figs 28 to 30).
Gluckmann et al,23 who placed the implant
shoulder below the buccal bone using a Conclusion
platform-switched implant. These authors
reduced the shield to the level of the bone. A considerable amount of data about the
This means that with a parallel-wall implant socket-shield technique have been pub-
connected with a butt joint, the implant lished in recent years. The latest systematic
shoulder would be placed on the level of literature review,10 as well as our findings
the buccal bone; meanwhile, with a plat- over the past decade, suggest that the tech-
form-switched implant, the implant shoul- nique works predictably and delivers satisfy-
der would be placed below the buccal ing short- and long-term success. To miti-
bone. In total, a platform-switched implant gate the known possible risks of applying
would be placed 1 to 1.5 mm deeper. This the technique in a wider field, standardiza-
situation can create additional problems tion of this procedure is necessary. For this
with the contour of the clinical crown on reason, this article offers a comprehensive
the buccal side. review of the protocol, and introduces the
Although there are many improvements concept of ‘locking’ the shield to prevent its
and better understandings available, much coronal displacement. Given the right indi-
remains unknown such as the ideal thick- cation in high esthetic cases in the maxillary
ness of the shield, the ideal length, and the anterior area, this technique can provide a
ideal extension in the interproximal area. new treatment option for the patient.

302 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020

Fig 28 Preoperative view of a socket-shield case with two adjacent Fig 29 Clinical situation before placement of the crowns. Notice
implants in the maxillary central incisors. the col of the interimplant papilla.

Fig 30 7-year
follow-up of the
case. Complete
preservation of the
soft tissue can be

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 3 | Autumn 2020 | 303

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