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Ul Lena Loismann "Tne Spanish Civil Wor wan Dados Oo domenic maker tor rapiddy become an inkrnak anal issue.! To whok exkeuk dor you eugpee © . Sood ps The Spanish Cuil wor Wor a conQeich of 4 s that — dxashe outcoms flor ue Spourish apeutabion. 7 aoe AQ Ss : . Framcey Stk wp yO repress we and violew dicraborshio which dominsed Soin unti~ Fromncel s Beat in ISIS. The Spanish Gl Wak war covsed to . ae Rt 3 @ mest Spoin cdokd issves suck. as discontent ia kw popularon eg. He, Owe of Hae. Lok +o hing lashing relot ms and tue Loatlue of He Tan to accept Orgs \k_ com Merefow be said tak WZ Spamish Guid WarGoos mostly oa domestic issue. Koear, ‘Wite 1s Some dwooxe uk Woon tris inkermal conblick woud: have med into a civil war without grternai eke Excellent aparing - conlexk + thesis. Ap Tuskiy Aw Spanish Cuil War lad Long tam causes \ Anak Were saree? purely Domestic {sua and tw/efore ry was eseenl at domeshc matter Anal later huned inks An inkernakicnal issae. The Undox dying problems | Awol Sigg weve Couses of ta SCW (Spamish Civil Wor) were problems that Spain had offer atooliswing Wwe AickokorshiG of Primo de Rivet oo im ABD. These issues wue things such as Hay, tue LoliGundio System of landoronexship White War welleckve Oink coused ots of economic gr obkems , Ye Toe Hoot Ye Cure and tw. army ol Lia Soaid and Low Living standards of induistriod uihiteh fod to Wscenlemt in the Spanish populahon. Two problom 6 of Kwase issues ‘hat Hwy i nol solved 2Mecty we Spanish AUVLAS. The Spoumrsle intetnal Stonisht Noten Roree that moved Mlee a perdu tom Lek WLAQ to DAO wing was unalse +0 solve Ma countries, problems of economy one Socleky « ae Lowd’ colors Ahak hed been made dy hrake dicing ae Second , Repubiic Crom 93] 4ONGDS , cheer wee lnalted AWE right win er amet CEDA and oxfies tee sriedt to je reestolbushedk Hua Popular Font government in d9S6. This shows clearky that tno Teasons for the outbreak of +e, sew and Muielore essen We Sew its? WAS % poo Ge problems Another point Sak shows Mw 4 SCwW was a domestic “EEX issue ‘hat kurnad into On inreinatonfal cost is Wwe immedi® Cause ik resulted Crom , namely te eon miikary Cou of she right AAG, opgosii en ageing Wa Hg Poguior Front Qevercunent on ke (1 duly (SSG. Tis wyPhan y ROS, spited low ¥ aniny's er Bf" Woshg, he aes, and Yair anwBangness fo qoree +o any reforms . fags Many historians blame the Loft wing anment of Araparfor te SCW,as they Paidedin i rodaccin feLorms,: ‘Noweuer, {we Wistorvan Robt Reston claims that tw riqht was revel willing bo a romge. Tris sltongly suggests that te Sew Bas a domestic motel xe one coneed. by tw xgwis _ Beck ar dness and conservahsmn . Wis clearly visible tkrougdsout Se case of the © Lena. Zaismanve CO +Wat internghonal inyors hou sa 1, dra part ow We voor, aaa he brea. ake be i fee ‘mat te involvement _ of mar SEED, mace Lo war possible Omd. Murekors tue ee WAS aN label natonal issue prom 4 Manning in (936 to its enol in 1939, | Rs tue Condor Legion “holped to OR LiCK te National, | orm from Thoroaco bo nan Land Spin, tehere Wey? WAL “able +O Seite power in Andorkasiac, \' cord He argued that only Mecause of We Qeronan javolvened Awe Wor coe Sarted’ WiWour tuo German help Franco's ACM sadolat Ol ave Aen OWL to ceach mainband. Sears and as ollur So WUSh WMHas were ack as Song a8 the Waroceon amy tho Nationalisds might not have risked, 40 shock a Cul” Dor ond AWareQo ne “ose mag nok have fnoken out In conclusion , | voourd Pique Mak the Spounish Cvik war Was an essential doveske matter aS Wh tesudeed MOSH from internal \askaloilities ond problems , boul later, as cad. | be Seem in He involvemunt of many, [ray che VSSQ eid Britain and Porkug at turned into an issue, of inlanaktonal importance. The Wistorian Hugh Tromas iso Agrees as ne choime Wat te Sew Was ov inlexnalt issub' that was oekamined b external actors', Wy external Cactors meanin. foreign assistance, Tour 0.5 the trigges of Hae war the cup d'ehat % on T Yuly 1956 wae moole possible Awrough German assistance tt could also Le Argued tat it was GF on internak onal | conflict from Hoe stact | thn ecelleav say Lena.

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