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Name (Optional):______________________________________________________

Direction: Check the number that corresponds to your answer.

Scale: Description Interpretation

4 –Highly agree - observed all the time
3 -Agree - observed most of the time
2 -Moderately agree - rarely observed
1 -Highly Disagree - never observed

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
Classroom Arrangement
1. The state of the classroom has made me more
2. The classroom temperature has met my needs.
3. The state of the classroom has minimized
4. The classroom does a good job at facilitating
5. The classroom rules and expectations support
my learning acceptably.
Physical Environment
6. The lighting in the classroom has met my needs.
7. The classroom has made collaboration and
facilitating group work easy.
8. The classroom has helped with my learning style
and needs.
9. The classroom has met my comfort and well-
10. The classroom has met my aesthetic
Classroom Setting
11. The classroom layout has helped support my
12. The supply of technology in the classroom has
supported my learning.
13. The classrooms atmosphere has encouraged
interacttion among students
14. The classrooms atmosphere encourages
student engagement
15. The classroom helps foster a sense of
community among the students.

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