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302 Math

single solution 6. inconsistent, not dependent, has no solution 7. Consistent,

dependent, innumerable solution 8. Consistent, dependent, innumerable
solution 9. Consistent, dependent, single solution 10. Consistent, not
dependent, single solution .

Exercise 12.2

Exercise 12.3

Exercise 12.4
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b 7(1) . c 7(2). d
7 15
7(3) d 8. 9. 10. 27 11. 37 or 73 12. 30 years 13.
9 26
length 17 m. breadth 9 metre 14. spread of boat 10 km. per hour, spead of
corrent 5 km. per hour 15. starting salary Tk. 4000, yearly increment Tk. 25
x7 x 3
16. a. one b. (4, 6) c. sq.unit 17. a. 2, 1, b. (3, 5),
y y2 5

Exercise 13.1
1. 7 Ges 75, 2. 129 Zg, 3. 100 Zg, 4. p2  pq  q2 , 5. 0 , 6. n2 , 7. 360 , 8. 320 ,
9. 42 , 10. 1771 , 11. 620 , 12. 18, 13. 50, 14. 2  4  6  ........,, 15. 110 , 16. 0,
17. (m+n), 20. 50 .
Exercise 13.2
1 1
5. , 2. 3 6. (3141), 7. 9th term, 8. , 9. 9th term, 10. x 15, y 45 ,
2 3
Math 303

11. x 9, y 27, z 81 , 12. 86, 13. 1, 14. 55log 2, 15. 650log 2, 16. n 7,
. n 5, S 165 , 20. 3069 , 21. 20, 22. 24.47mm
17. 0 , 18. n 6, S 21 , 19
a( pp.)
Exercise 16⋅1
1. 20 m., 15 m. 2. 12 m. 3. 12 sq. m. 4. 327 ˜ 26 sq. m. a( pp.) 5. 5 m.
6. 30o 7. 36 or 12 cm. 8. 12 or 16 m. 9. 44 ˜ 44 km. a( pp.)
10. 24 ˜ 249 cm. (app.), 254 ˜ 611 sq. cm. (app.)
Exercise 16⋅2
1. 96 m. 2. 1056 sq. m. 3. 30 m. and 20 m. 4. 400 m.
5. 6400 6. 16 m. and 10 m. 7. 16˜5 m. and 22 m.8. 35˜35 m. (app.)
9. 48˜66 cm. (app.) 10. 72 cm., 1944 sq. cm. 11. 17 cm. and 9 cm.
12. 95 ˜75 sq. cm. a( pp.) 13. 6˜36 sq. m. (app.)

Exercise 16.3
1. 32 ˜ 987 cm. (app.) 2. 31˜ 513 m. (app.) 3. 20 ˜ 008 (app.) 4. 128 ˜ 282 sq.
cm. (app.) 5. 7 ˜ 003 m. (app.) 6. 175 ˜ 93 m. a( pp.) 7. 20 times
8. 49 ˜ 517 m. a( pp.) 9. 3 3 :π

Exercise 16⋅4
8. 636 sq. m., 20 ˜ 5 m., 864 cubic metre. .9 14040 sq. m. 10. 12 m., 4 m.
11. 1 cm. 12. 300000 13. 34 ˜ 641 sq. cm. 14. 534 ˜ 071 sq. cm. a( pp.)
42 ˜ 48 cubic cm. a( pp.) 15. 5˜ 305 sq. cm. 3 cm.. 16. 6111˜ 8 sq. cm.
17. 147 ˜ 027 kg. (app.)

Exercise 17
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9.(c)
10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (a) 20. Median
g , (b)62.8 gK.
60 21. a( )62 K
Academic Year
9-10 Math

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