Các Linking Words Trong Writing

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Mở đầu: Introduction
 To begin with, it is widely believed that...
 In contemporary society, the issue of [topic] has become a matter of great concern.
 Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate regarding...

 I believe / I think
 Personally,…
 In my opinion
 In my view…..
 From my point of view…..
 From my perspective….
 It seems to me that ..
 First and foremost: Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất
 Lastly and most importantly: Cuối cùng và quan trọng nhất
 Last but not least: Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng
 Meanwhile: Trong khi đó
 At the same time: Đồng thời
 Previously: Trước đây
 On the one hand: Một mặt
 On the other hand: Mặt khác
 Firstly/First: Đầu tiên
 Secondly/Second: Thứ hai
 Thirdly/Third: Thứ ba
 To begin with: Đầu tiên là, để bắt đầu
 Following: Tiếp theo
 Following this: Theo sau đó
 Afterwards: Sau đó
 After: Sau
 After this/that: Sau đó
 Then: Sau đó
 Simultaneously: Đồng thời
 During: Trong khi
 Finally: Cuối cùng
 Lastly: Cuối cùng
 As soon as: Ngay khi
 Above all: Trên hế
Nêu vấn đề: Stating the Problem
 The primary issue at hand is...
 One of the key challenges facing [society/countries/etc.] is...
 A significant problem that needs addressing is...

Tóm tắt ý kiến: Summarizing Opinions

 People hold divergent opinions on this matter.
 Opinions are divided when it comes to this issue.
 There is a wide range of views on this topic.

Phát triển ý kiến: Developing Opinions

 From my perspective, I am inclined to believe that...
 I am of the opinion that...
 Personally, I think...

Đưa ra ví dụ: Providing Examples

 For instance, in recent years, [example] has demonstrated...
 A case in point is [example], which vividly illustrates...
 To illustrate this, let's consider the example of [example].

 For instance
 For example
 To cite an example
 To illustrate
 Namely
 Such as
 In other words
Phản đối: Presenting Counterarguments
 However, there are those who argue that...
 Some individuals contend that...
 It is important to acknowledge the opposing viewpoint, which suggests...
 On the contray = however=yet=in contrast=conversely= on the other hand

Lập luận: Making Arguments

 Furthermore, [reason/point].
 Additionally, [reason/point].
 Moreover, [reason/point].

Liên kết ý: Linking Ideas

 In addition to that, [reason/point].
 Furthermore, [reason/point].
 Moreover, [reason/point].

Kết hợp ý kiến: Balancing Opinions


 While it is true that [opinion], it is equally important to consider...

 Although [opinion], there are merits to...
 While [opinion], it is also worth noting...

Tóm tắt ý chính: Summarizing Main Points

 In conclusion, it is evident that...
 To sum up, the main points discussed include...
 To conclude, the evidence suggests that...

Nhấn mạnh: Emphasizing Significance

 It is crucial that [solution/action] is taken to address...
 It is imperative that [solution/action] is implemented to tackle...
 Thus, it is of utmost importance that steps are taken to resolve...

Dự đoán hệ quả: Predicting Consequences

 Failure to address this issue could lead to...
 If [situation] is not remedied, the implications could include...
 Ignoring this concern may result in...

Khuyến nghị giải pháp: Proposing Solutions

 To mitigate these challenges, it is advisable to...
 A potential solution to this problem could be...
 One effective approach to tackling this issue is...

Đưa ra lời khuyên: Giving Advice

 Individuals and policymakers alike should consider...
 It would be wise for governments to implement...
 Society would benefit from taking steps to...

Chốt lại vấn đề đoạn + Thêm thông tin

 As a result/ Consequently

 As a result
 Therefore
 Thus
 Consequently / As a consequence
 For this reason
 So
 Henc
 Not only, but also

 Also
 Moreover
 And
 As well as
Từ đồng nghĩa :
 To have a negative effect on= to have an adverse impact on
 The primary cause (reason) of (for)=the principal cause( reason) of (for) : nguyên
nhân ( lý do) chính của(cho)
 To be harmful=to be detrimental to; có hại cho
 Benefits=merits=ad=benefical effects : lợi ích
 Solution=measure=approach:giải pháp
 The best way to= the most effective method to
 The government should=it is necessary for the government to : chính phủ cần lmj
 Nowadays=these days=in modern society=in today’s world= in today’s
society=currently=in today’s global : ngày nay
 To solve a problem= to tackle an issue : giải quyết
 To result in = to lead to: gây ra

 Obviously: Chắc chắn, rõ ràng, hiển nhiên
 Undoubtedly: Không còn nghi ngờ gì
 Especially: Đặc biệt
 Indeed: Thực sự
 Clearly: Rõ ràng
 Without a doubt: Không còn nghi ngờ gì
 Unquestionably: Chắc chắn, không còn nghi ngờ gì
 Certainly: Chắc chắn
 Definitely: Chắc chắn
 Particularly: Cụ thể, đặc biệt
 In particular: Cụ thể, đặc biệt
 Importantly: Quan trọng
 Of course: Tất nhiên
 Absolutely: Chắc chắn
 It should be noted: Cần lưu ý
 Above all: Trên hết
 Positively: Tích cực

Kết luận: Conclusion

 In conclusion, after examining both sides of the argument, it is clear that...
 In summary, while there are valid points on both sides, the evidence suggests that...
 To conclude, striking a balance between [opposing ideas] is essential for...

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