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CORRECTNESS Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates

thorough satisfactory limited
understanding understanding understanding with
with accurate and with mostly partially accurate
detailed responses, accurate responses, shows
shows critical responses, shows limited critical
thinking and some critical thinking and
problem-solving thinking and problem-solving
skills, few or no problem-solving skills, frequent
errors. skills, occasional errors.
TIMELINESS Consistently Mostly submits Occasionally
submits work on work on time, submits work on
time, completes completes tasks time, struggles to
tasks within the within a complete tasks
timeframe, uses reasonable within the
time effectively, timeframe, uses timeframe, uses time
demonstrates time adequately, inefficiently at times,
excellent time demonstrates demonstrates limited
management. satisfactory time time management.
COOPERATION Actively listens Mostly listens and Occasionally listens
and follows follows and follows
instructions, instructions, instructions, needs
works well with works adequately reminders to work
the group, shows with the group, with the group,
empathy and shows some shows limited
kindness, empathy and empathy and
participates kindness, kindness,
willingly. participates participates
satisfactorily. minimally.
Cooperation: 5 points: Actively listens and follows instructions, works well with the group, shows
empathy and kindness, participates willingly. 4 points: Mostly listens and follows instructions, works
adequately with the group, shows some empathy and kindness, participates satisfactorily. 3 points:
Occasionally listens and follows instructions, needs reminders to work with the group, shows limited
empathy and kindness, participates minimally. Correctness: 5 points: Demonstrates a thorough
understanding with accurate and detailed responses, shows critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, few or no errors. 4 points: Demonstrates satisfactory understanding with mostly accurate
responses, shows some critical thinking and problem-solving skills, occasional errors. 3 points:
Demonstrates limited understanding with partially accurate responses, shows limited critical thinking
and problem-solving skills, frequent errors. Timeliness: 5 points: Consistently submits work on time,
completes tasks within the timeframe, uses time effectively, demonstrates excellent time
management. 4 points: Mostly submits work on time, completes tasks within a reasonable timeframe,
uses time adequately, demonstrates satisfactory time management. 3 points: Occasionally submits
work on time, struggles to complete tasks within the timeframe, uses time inefficiently at times,
demonstrates limited time management.

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