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MB V 6.0

1. Webservices

2. Security

3. Adapter Nodes -- SAP, Sieble,Peoplesoft,Twineball

4. File Nodes

5. Usability

6. Other Nodes -- Collector Nodes, Database Retrieve, Database Route node, Emai
VlOutput Node, Route Node

7. Performance - XML Parser Performance, XSLT Performance, Storage Performance

8. DB2 Mandatory to create Broker Database

9. Configuration Manager and Broker Administrative perspective to deploy Bar Files

MB V 6.1
All the features of MB V 6.0 plus Webservice (SOAP Nodes) and File Nodes.
MB V 7

1. Removed configuration manager and DB2, now we can directly deploy from Broker
development perspective instead of Broker Administrative perspective.

2. The architecture of WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0 has been simplified:

3. The broker has no requirement for a database. When you migrate from a previous
version, the following changes apply:

4. Because a database is no longer a mandatory requirement for a broker, DB2® and DB2
Runtime Client (the Derby database supported only on Windows systems) are not
supplied when you purchase WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0.

5. Simplicity and productivity

6. Brokers maintain configuration data in the local file system

7. Optimized deployment and interactions with the broker

8. Administration security

9. WebSphere Message Broker Explorer

10. Publish/subscribe support

11. Patterns

12. Universal connectivity for SOA

13. Dynamic operation management

14. Multi-instance brokers

15. Audit and monitoring

16. Resource statistics

17. Service Federation Management enablement


1. Application development enhancements such as Applications & Libraries

2. Improved .NET Support

3. Record and Replay

4. Web service enhancement

5. Improved Graphical mapping

6. Deployment and Administration enhancements

7. Improved message modeling

IBM decided to stop support for Websphere Enterprise Service Bus and merged it with
Websphere Message Broker and named the product as IBM Integration Bus.

Note: In IIB we call Broker as Integration Node and Execution Group as Integration Server.

All the features of MB V 8 plus below

1. Improved Web Visualization and Analytics

2. Detecting & Resolving Unresponsive message flows

3. Service Discovery & Cataloguing

4. Integration with BPM

5. Workload management

6. Embedded Business Rules

7. Database services and Analysis

All the features of IIB V9 plus below new features

1. REST API Nodes

2. Callable Flows

3. Sales Force Node

4. Loop Back Connector

5. Shared Library

6. MQ Queue Manager optional to create Integration Node

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