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Which script is Run sql.bsq script from rdbms/admin directory.

Run sql.bsq script from rdbms/admin directory.

Which are the views for finding the database version, options and port installed?

You can Query sys.v_$option and sys.v_$version view to get them

Can one change the INITIAL and NEXT parameter of an object once it is created?

No, drop and recreate the objects.

How can one coalesce free space in a tablespace?


Which data dictionary view should one query to get the name of database's datafiles and redo log files?

You can query v$datafile and v$logfile views for finding datafiles and redo log file information

What is the effect of DB_Name parameter and database name on each other in control file?

If during database instance startup the value of DB_Name Parameter and the database name are not same in control file,

then the database won't start.

How can one determine the size of buffers in the buffer cache of SGA?

DB_Block_Size determines the size of database buffers in the buffer cache of SGA(System Global Area).

How you can check the version of oracle and its components in your database?

To see which release of oracle and its component you are using, Query the data dictionary view

rename the database user?

No, You cannot rename a database user directly. But if it is needed then you can take export of the user which has to be

changed and create a new user with new name. Import the exported objects by using FROMUSER and TOUSER .

Finally you can drop the pervious user.

Note: It is advisable to generate script for creating the new user from the existing user because you can have same values for

all parameters and just replace the new user name with the old one. Use any reverse engineering tool for this. You can use SQ
Can one resize the data files if experiencing problem with the tablespace size?

One can manually increase or decrease the size of a datafile from Oracle 7.2 using the ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '
filename1' RESIZE 100M; command. Because you can change the sizes of datafiles, you can add more space to your
database without adding more datafiles.
I would like to increase the size of the archive logs which should hopefully decrease the number of logs switched per minute

The best way is to create new logs with the larger size and then drop the old ones after you switch from the old ones to the

new logs

``create logs 5-8

``switch to log 5
``drop logs 1-4

````That way you do not have to have any downtime etc.

Describe REDO and UNDO in detail?

Redo records contain information used to modify a database block (or page, depending on what your background is in) from

a previous coherent state to a new coherent state. In other words, Redo records contain the information required in order to

apply data deltas or changes to a database block.

Undo records contain information used to reverse (or Undo) the changes made to a database block, reversing it from one

coherent state to a previous coherent state. This information is used for the purpose of rolling back transactions and,

in the case of Oracle, providing other sessions with a point-in-time snapshot of what a database block looked like before

changes were applied to it.

Which oracle facility can be used for sending mails.

You can use Oracle Package UTL_SMTP. Describe package for more details.
Which oracle facility can be used for scheduling jobs.

You can use Oracle Package DBMS_JOBS. Describe package for more details.
I am getting error " Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE Warning: Product user profile information not loaded!"?

Probably you have not run PUPBLD.SQL to generate the user profile. Run this script as SYSTEM User.

How can I get the largest amount of physical reads by any query?
You can use the following statement to get the largest amount of physical reads by any query. This will search those queries

where disk reads are grater then 1,000. According to your system, you can set it to higher.

select disk_reads, sql_text from v$sqlarea where disk_reads >1000 order by disk_reads desc ;

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