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Un eashing Terror

<< Through Lighting ))

Cinemat ographers discuss sorne of the strategies
and tools they use to frighten audiences.
lntroduction by Stephen Pizzello

ear of the dark is a nearly universal neurosis - it's why fingers. Whether the apprehensionis caused by a lightning sto1m (Fran-
smaU children plead for a nightlight at bedtime, and why kenstein, shot by Arthur Edeson, ASC and Paul !vano, ASC), a backlit
even levelheaded grownups might hesitate to descend shower curtain (Psycho, John L. Russell Jr., ASC), illuminated fog
an unlit staircase. Filmmakers seeking to terrify audi- (The Exorcist, Owen Roizman, ASC), a flashlight imder the bedcovers
ences know this, of course, and are ready to exploit our (Don'L Be Afraid o/ the Dark, Oliver Scapleton. BSC) or the tlick of a wall
common trauma trigger for ali it's worth. lronically, thcir switch (Lights Out, Marc Spiccr, ACS), the selectíve use oflight and shad-
main weapon is light. ow is a key tactic fo,r raising pulse rates.
Tbe makers of suspense and horror films can choosc from a wide ASC member Roy H. Wagner, a dneaste who began his carcer with
rangc of techniques to establish an ominous ambience and ratchet np frightfests such as Witchboard, Retum to Horror High and A Night:mare on
momcnts of terror. Strategically directional lighting, silhouettes, spot- Elm Street 3: Dream Waniors, knows a thing or two about umnerving au-
lighting, underexposure, projected shaclows, the creepy placement of cliences this way. Mln a movie, where the shadows are is where the audi-
practical sources, and washing the frame wiU1 saturated colors are all ence doesn't want to be," he says. "\Vhat kind of person walks into a dark
ractics that can make viewers cower and watch a scene through their room and doesn't r,each for a light? But if you put the main character in

38 / OCTOBER 2023
Opposlte page, clockwlse from lop left. Lights Oul (2016),
Psycho (19601. The Others (2001) and The lnnacenls (1961)
all use light to lerrlfylng effect Thls page Roy H. Wagner, ASC
eyes a shot wlth actor Robert Englund (portraying horror ícon
Freddy Krueger) on the sel of A N,ghtmare on Elm Street 3:
Dream Wi,mors (19871

· v~hat kind of person walks into e dark

room and doesn't reach for a light?"

the líght and surround that person with shadows. the aud ience insúnc- a1 the end oí the hall, as an audience member you think, ' is scary
tivcly wantsto know what's going on in that darkness. - l'm bcing p layed."'
"On Elm Streec 3, the biggest mandate I had with Freddy Krueger The Exorcisc (1973) is another film Wagner feels is ldeally litand struc-
(piayed by Robert Englund] was to not ler thc audience seehimfully,~ he turcd to disturb the audience progrcssively. ".In thc downstairs part of
says. '·Exposure was crlrically important on that character, because we che bouse, everything looks nice andnormal," he says. "Butwhen you
didn't want the audience to be able to ldentify too much of who he was. go up the stalrs. it gers a ble darker. and wheD you gó into [Linda l31alr's
Jf you revea! ·h im completely, the audience can relax a little. But lf d1ey character] Regan's bedroom. that cold, green-blue color immediat~y
can't figure him out, be's scarler. rt's like in real lite, if you meeL someone tells you. ít's not safe In there - even with Catbolic priests leading thc

( \.. and they aren't you any sígnals about whether thcy Jil<c you or

'11ot. lt keeps you off balance, and it can make you uneasy."
Terror tacrics vary depending on the intent or the gcnre, bur Wagner
Wagner also mentlons The Ochers (2001), shoL by Javier Aguirresarobé,
ASC, AEC, as a pidure that spooked him with its lightlng Strategi,es. "fn
tbat movie, the light is a character." he says. "The movie wouldn't really
~ ieels that sorne younger fümmakers fail to recognize the importance of
g visual symbolism. and how to use it properly. ·'Man y of them tend to em- work if il was lit normally, buL by líghtlng for shadows, the cinematog-
~ ,.,. u late what other pc()ple have done, while not rruly 1.mderstanding why ir rapber crcates tbe inference that's something's not right. ft's unsettling
r~ .was done lhat way," he says. "Tbey just know that lt's effectlve, whícb is
5. il why we have so many copycat movies now.
for Lhe audíence, and it's unreleming. When the characters go oucside
house, it's a dlffer!f!nt world. To me, it's one of the best cxamples l've
~] "Sorne of tbose movies are like fuohouse rides, with Jots of Jump seen of.filmmakers light to scare tbe audience. Jt's nor Rembrandt
~ sea.res," Wagner ndds. ·•But the problem wlth Lhos:e types of pictures Is llghtJng, or Gothic llghtlng; lt's a falrly even. dark-lookfng film. lt's very
subtle - and very effective."
g< ;-~ that tbey often rely heavily on postprodLtction sound andmusic in order Ln addition to establlshing atmosphere, llghtlng can be deployed for
~ ;§ LO make them work. lf you watcb them wlLhout sound, they're not scary
~ ;:'. at all - Jt's all jusi Jump cuts and shricking musical cucs. Fllms Ukc thal many other purposcs - induding misdircction, by cxploiting familiar
:e~ "' ~ don't t.ake advamage of tbe dassical, subll.m.ina1 :use of strateg!es llke rues. ''Jf you light someone to look normal, lt puts che audience at ease,"
tJJ. ~
~ ~ lighr, shadow. colorand composltion to frlghten }'OU. Personally, I p1•efer Wagner observes. "Or you can go the other \,\•ay and light a c.haracter ro
~ g crearing the lónd ofpsychological tension tha.t has you dreadingwhar·s lpok like a villain, even if it turns out they're not. Those chokes are n.oc
trl t; coming.'' always In the script, so ir becomes a decision you make on the set -
whether to light frorn a low angle w a .h igh angle, and whcre you posi-
~! Asked co cite a few films that used tighting to creare especially ef-
o.."' fectlve m.oments of arudety, Wagner is qukk ro mention T11e lnnocents tion tbe dark area:s of a trame.
< . (1961). sh ot in widescreen Cinemascope by Fredclic Francis, BSC. "When "A lot depeods on how a story Is structured," he adds. "With movies.
~~ Oeborab Kert's character is walking through that h0use at níght, the ic's ali about intention - it's never about reality. so U1e scenario doesn't
ou. "'i=' normal Lhing to do would be m start sbadowing the hard sides of the necessanly have to work according co logic. Sometlmes, che more illogi-
> o
cal it gets, the better it is. That's especially true of lighting. If you·re dcal-
"' UJ
frame so you would.n't see the whole CínemaScope frame. But Francis
g o and the director. Jack Clnyton. did somethíng really inreresting: 'l'hey a character an.d yougo inside their mind, the normal rules don't
o~ allow you to see the whole frame, butthcy only show you what they want apply - it's your perception of where that cnaracter is at that point ín
~ g¡
< w you to see.. So. there are things in tbe frame lhat are out of focus, or time, and maybe they're unbalanced or their perspectlve is unreliable.
w o.. Or, you can light something to create a normal set of expcctatlons for the
e -;;i_ slightmovemcnt in thc background, wbích makes you wonder if therc·s
~ g something back there or not - and that is powerful, because now you're viewers, and then take it away from them to freak them out. Once you
a. ....
o o in tite room wtth her. If those sbots bad been just tight dose-ups of her establlsh a paltem for Lbe audlence. lfyou suddenly break :Lhat patrem.
z ¡;:
º6 face, you might have thought it was just her neurosis kicking in. But the you're going to make the.m feel amctous:·
"' :;¡: In Lbe following pages. flve more dnematographers detall s tr-acegies
~ ~ filmmakers are saylng, ' l'mgoing to allow you to think that d,ere's really
~ ! something there.' So, when they cut to a s bot where there's a sbadow they"ve used on recent fe-atures ro give viewcrs goosebumps.

OCTOBER 2023 / 39

The Blackening l"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" Leaving Story ancl thc actors to bring out the comedy, Dos Reís cm-
By Míchael Kogge ployed many techniques he had mastered shooting music v ideos and
scripted television shows to creare t he dark, claustrophobic look of '1'11e
The genre h ybrid The 8/ackening mixes elements of horror with race-con- Blackeníng. "No matter what the situation, I lean more toward the dark
scious cornedy: A group of co11ege friends plans to spend the Juncteentb sidet the cinematographer says. "l like to deal with pools of light a nd try
holiday at a cabin in the foresr, where they contend with a killer who to !et darkness take over the majority of the trame. 1like to see eyes no
seems to have stepped out of a horror film. maner how dark the room is, so I always play with the eye light; I feel like
Jokes abound, and director Tiro Story is well known for comedies like if 1can see an eye, 1 can see the actor and I can see the character."
Barbersltop (AC Oct. '02) and Ride Along, butTodd A. Dos Reis, ASC was Dos Reis routinely pushed the boundaries of w hat the show's Red
keen ro avoid shooting ·11te Blackening like a comedy. lnstead, horror Ranger Monstro 8K W camera could capture. He recalls, "My Dl'I' would
dassics like Tire Exor cist and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, along with say, 'Todd, 1 think you're a lirtle dark in the shadows, I think you need to
the more recent Tite Strangers and Don'l Brcathe, served as inspi.rations. bring it up.' I would say, 'Don·t be afraid of Lhe dark. What would Gordon
Wtllis say?!"'
#A Little Claust rophobic"
"When Tirn and I started talking about this, becausc he's a master of On Location in LA.
comedy, I told him I was not going to have any cornedy-lighting tropes The production schedule for The Blackening was 20 days, none on stu-
for film - I was shooting this as straight horror ora very dark dio soundstages. Most of the L.A.-based shoot took place on location
drama," says Dos Reis. M There are literally no ,vide, bright, mulri-charac- at a house in Brentwood and a house in West Adams. The Brentwood
ter shots w ith a bunch of physical cornedy. lt was more tight - 1wanted house was used for ali exteriors, and also had a game room, Living room
the frame to be a little daustrophobic.." and kitchen where much of the story unfolds. With Httle space to hiele

40 / OCTOBER 2023

T ech Spécs:

Cameras Red Ranger Monstro.8K vv
Lensés .I Ar rl/Zeiss Masúw PrÍm&

ligbting rigs, Dos Reís rclicd primarfly on thc rrack lighting already ln- As for the suspcnscful momcnts in The Blackening, ''I just let the ac-
s talled In the celüng. Tomake each scene vlsually distinct, be'd add Rosco tors bandle il. I don'l think it's about special lfghtlng. Because l do tertd
1/i CTB and flull CTB to the MR16 bu lbs In th e trackUgbting. ~Evcry time toward rhc dark sldc, you can't see w h at's coming - you somctimes
1 bacl to reuse tbe same locatíon, 1 chaoged tbe lighting, which also for- have crouble seeing in dark corners or even aroundsorneone's shoulde.r.
w-t1rded the story because there was something happenlng that caused 1wan1ed t0 make it seem like thcre couJd be somebody close by, some-
the llghting change." one in an anic, someone 1n a basemen t. It's about playing with the toe
oftbe llghting curve. in the sh adowparit. andletting that scarehappen."
Lighting Strategies
In regard to lighting Black perfonners. Dos Reís notes, "I started out
llghting music videos fo r rap art:ists and R&B artists, so l've been light-
ingBlack people for my en tire career. l don't do anything spedal; a lot of
iL is playing reflecred light otI of varying Ulack sldn tones. Jf you have a
white person with a Black person in a scenc, obviously, you havc co ci-
ther bdng the Black person up or the white person down. Tn movie,
wc bad very fcw whitc _people to bring down. bu t I thlnk it aTI worked o ut
pretty welLM
Opposíle: Targeted by a klller at a cabin in lhe woods, a group ol
fr1emls - played by (from lelt) MelVln Gregg, Grace Byers, Antolnerte
Robertson (foreground), Sinqua w,11:s Jermalne Fowler, Dewayne
"Because I do tend toward the dark side, you Perkins and X Mayo -must rely upon thelr wits to 'fUrvlve. Thls page;
can't see what's coming." Todd A. Dos Rels, ASC chucks hís framlng

OCTOBER 2023 / 41

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