Lorenzo Berardinetti - Final Book

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The Owl and the

(Also known as The Fundamental Nature
of Our Reality)

Lorenzo Berardinetti
Copyright © 2023

All Rights Reserved


I dedicate this book to individuals like you, who are seeking
answers to the most important questions regarding the existence of
God and the nature of physical reality, and to the most basic
question: Why am I here?

I would like to thank God and Artificial Intelligence for helping
write this book.

Table of Contents




Chapter 1 Meeting the owl and the dove.............................4

Chapter 2 The Scientific Method.......................................12

Chapter 3 No Distractions..................................................15

Chapter 4 The Purple Butterfly..........................................18

Chapter 5 Consciousness and the Universe.......................22

Chapter 6 The Dream Reality............................................42

Chapter 7 The Physical Reality..........................................50

Chapter 8 The Cardinal and the Arctic Tern......................55

Chapter 9 Karma................................................................60

Chapter 10 Lorenzo’s Dream.............................................68

Chapter 11 Affirmations....................................................72

Chapter 12 Emotions..........................................................84

Chapter 13 Creative Visualization and Thoughts..............90

Chapter 14 Spirituality.......................................................96

Chapter 15 The Hedgehog...............................................102

Chapter 16 Fear................................................................108

Chapter 17 Childhood......................................................113

Chapter 18 Meditation.....................................................126

Chapter 19 Desire............................................................130

Chapter 20 Manifestation.................................................135

Chapter 21 Feelings and Chakras....................................143

Chapter 22 Mood and Curiosity.......................................153

Chapter 23 Gratitude........................................................159

Chapter 24 Motivation.....................................................167

Chapter 25 Love...............................................................173

Chapter 26 Peace..............................................................182

Chapter 27 The Illusion...................................................190

Chapter 28 Your Life Purpose.........................................196

Final Words......................................................................204

About the Author.............................................................205

The fundamental nature of our reality has been a subject of
philosophical inquiry for many centuries. Different philosophical
schools have approached this question in different ways. However,
some general ideas about the nature of reality are commonly
discussed in philosophical discourse.

One view is that reality is fundamentally physical, meaning

that the universe is made up of material objects and phenomena
that can be observed and studied through empirical science. This
view is often associated with the scientific method and the idea
that natural laws and principles govern the world. Subjects such as
physics, mathematics, astronomy, and cosmology often are
associated with this view.

Another view is that reality is fundamentally mental,

meaning that consciousness and subjective experience are the
universe's essence and that physical reality is an emergent
property of the mind or consciousness. This view is often
associated with spiritual and physical philosophical traditions like
idealism. Religions are often included here.

A third view is that reality is fundamentally dualistic,

meaning that it consists of both physical and mental aspects that
are separate but interact with each other.

Regardless of the scientific or philosophical view, most
agree that our perception and understanding of reality is shaped by
our subjective experience, as well as our cultural and historical
context in this sense, there is always a level of subjectivity
involved in our interpretation of the world around us, and our
understanding of reality is constantly evolving as we learn new
information and gain new perspectives.

In this book, an attempt is made to look at all aspects of

reality. We must understand our reality, especially if we want to
grow in our life. This means growing physically, emotionally,
mentally, and especially spiritually. And understanding our life

Furthermore, we delve into the question, “What is the

truth?” Truth can be defined as a statement or a fact that accurately
represents reality. Truth is objective, and it can be supported by
empirical evidence, logic, or reasoning. It is not based on personal
opinions or feelings but is an accurate representation of the world
around us. The pursuit of truth has been an integral part of human
history and has led to great discoveries in science, philosophy, and
many other fields of study. However, determining what is true can
sometimes be difficult, and people often have different
interpretations and perspectives on what is true. By having a
thorough conversation between an owl and a dove, I hope that the
truth is revealed. Especially concerning the truth about our reality

and discovering your life purpose.

Finally, I want to mention that when I was thinking about

writing this book, I imagined a conversation between two people. I
decided to choose animals instead. An owl representing knowledge
and wisdom. And a dove representing spirituality and philosophy.
Oftentimes they present opposing arguments about our reality.
Even a purple butterfly and a very nervous hedgehog get involved
in the conversation between the owl and the dove. Offering their
own insights to our reality.

While the reader gets to decide who is right or wrong.

Trying to get to their own truth.

The Owl and the Dove

Lorenzo Berardinetti


The owl asked the dove: “how do we know what light is?”

The dove responded by saying that “light is the opposite of


The owl asked the dove: “how do we know what sound is?”

The dove responded by saying that “silence is the opposite of


The owl asked the dove: “How can we appreciate the feelings of

The dove replied by saying that “by experiencing hate, we can

understand that love is the opposite of hate.”

The owl concluded that to appreciate the good things in life, we

must experience the opposite reality. That’s why negativity exists.

The dove said that without darkness, silence and hate we could
never understand what light, sound and love is. Furthermore, God
created this physical reality so that we could understand many

The Owl and the Dove

things that are important to God and important for the growth of
every soul.

Finally, the owl said: “Let’s go visit our friend and talk about
many important issues about life on this earth plane.”

So the owl and the dove flew to visit their friend.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 1
Meeting the owl and the dove

On a
sunny, warm

afternoon, about 3 pm, I was sitting in a comfortable chair my

backyard. Trying to understand life. I had recently been in a
hospital where I experienced several brain seizures and had been in
a coma for over a month. My doctors told me to rest. As I slowly
recovered from this experience, I had become a bit of an atheist.
Thinking that God did not exist. How could God allow me to go
through this terrible experience? Is God not all-loving? Why does
God allow terrible things to happen? Not just to me, but with
terrible earthquakes, tsunamis, and many wars. That affects so

The Owl and the Dove

many innocent people. Surely an all-loving God would not allow

these things to happen. These thoughts saddened me.

As I sat in silence, soaking up the sun and getting fresh air,

an owl swooped down from the branches of a nearby tree. I felt a
sense of awe and respect as I gazed upon the owl’s serene and all-
knowing presence.

“Hello, dear owl,” I said. “I am honoured to meet you.”

The owl responded with a gentle hoot. “Greetings, young

man. I am pleased to make your acquaintance as well.”

A pure white dove descended from the sky as the owl

perched on a nearby branch. And landed gracefully on another
nearby branch. I felt a sense of warmth and love emanating from
the dove’s presence.

I spoke to the dove, saying: “Hello, dear dove, I am grateful

for your company.”

The dove cooed softly. “Greetings, my friend. I am here to

help guide you on your journey toward spiritual enlightenment.” I
replied to the dove that I did not believe in God anymore. I
explained to the dove and the owl my recent hospital experiences.

“Do you think that you are the only person to have brain
seizures and go into a coma?” Asked the owl.

“No” was my reply.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Then the dove began a conversation with the owl.

“Dear owl,” said the dove.

“How can we help our friend to understand and tap into the
power of God? Also, how can we ensure that our friend empowers
himself as he walks through his pathway or life? The owl
responded by saying: “we need to help our friend here by teaching
him some basic metaphysical and spiritual principles. And teach
him the true nature of our universe. Our physical reality.”

The owl responded by saying, “Well, my dear dove, it is

important to first understand that our thoughts create our reality. If
we want to manifest our dreams and desires, we must first
visualize them in our minds. This is the key to unlocking our true

The dove nodded in agreement. “Yes, dear owl, and it is

also important to remember that we are all divine beings,
connected to the source of all creation which we call God. We can
manifest anything we desire by tapping into this divine power.”

As I listened to the owl and the dove’s conversation, I

began to feel a sense of clarity and understanding wash over me.
On a certain level, this made sense to me. I realized that by
combining the power of my thoughts with creative visualizations
with emotions and feelings and by acknowledging my divine
connection to the universe, I could create a life filled with joy,

The Owl and the Dove

abundance, and love.

But on another level, my mind was filled with questions

and doubts. “Maybe this is nothing but wishful thinking. I’m not
sure that God exists.”

The dove said, "We are not surprised that you are full of
doubts. The best way to understand us is by questioning us. We
will try to answer all your questions.

The dove spoke:

“We want to clarify the definition of a soul or a spirit. They

are often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs, and their
definitions can vary depending on cultural and religious traditions.
Generally, the soul is believed to be an immaterial and immortal
(eternal) aspect of a person or being, which is often thought to be
responsible for

1. Consciousness
2. Personality and
3. Moral character.

The concept of a spirit is similar, referring to a non-

physical entity that is often believed to be capable of interacting
with the physical world or influencing human behaviour.

“Every human being has a soul,” continued the dove. A

soul is much different from an ego, which interprets reality through

Lorenzo Berardinetti

our 5 senses. (Vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching).

Many people on earth believe that they are just their ego and
nothing more. They believe that the only way to interpret and
understand this physical reality is through their five senses. They
conclude that when the five senses stop functioning, they just die,
and their existence ceases. They return to dust.

But we are here to tell you that you have a soul. That God’s
spirit dwells within you. In a way, you are God,” said the dove.
“His spirit lives within you. The soul never dies. It is eternal. And
because consciousness is a part of the soul, it, too, never dies.

As a soul, we plan our lives in the World of Spirit before

we are born. We choose our parents, siblings, and goals that we
want to achieve in each lifetime. If we do not learn those lessons,
we can return to this physical reality through reincarnation. Most
souls reincarnate many times. So that they learn the lessons that
they had planned before they came onto this earth plane. Each time
we learn a lesson, our vibration speeds up.”

“Reincarnation? Are you serious?” was my reply. “Then

why can’t I remember my past lives?”

The dove replied, “If you were to reincarnate and have

memories of all your previous lives, you would not accomplish
your goals for this one lifetime. You would be confused. You
come on this earth plane to learn specific lessons. Remembering all

The Owl and the Dove

your past lifetimes would not help you in any way in your present

The owl, who had been silent until now, started to speak.

“You know that I read many books. This is how I gain my

knowledge. But I want to read out part of a poem by William

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting,

The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
Hath had elsewhere it's setting, And cometh
from afar.
Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter
But trailing clouds of glory, do we come.
From God, who is our home.
The point I want to make is that we are all God. Every
human, regardless of their religion or background, is a divine soul.
We forget who we are when we come to this earth plane so that we
can learn our lessons without being distracted or confused.

“I’m not sure that I agree. Did not Jesus say that “The
Father and I are one?”

“Yes,” said the dove. Jesus was right. But all of us are one
with the Father (God). Many of us don’t realize or believe this, but
Jesus fully understood this. Every person who has ever existed or
will ever exist carries in their soul a divine “spark” of God’s spirit

Lorenzo Berardinetti

within us. If we remove all negative thoughts and behaviours from

our minds, we can truly say that we are one with God.

This is why the quality of your thoughts are so important.

Jesus had only pure, loving thoughts in his mind. There was no
negativity. He became what God is. And was able to perform
incredible miracles.

Every time you think, you start a chain of causation that

will create a condition in strict accord with the quality of thought
which originated it. We will discuss this concept in more detail

We do also want to mention the connection of “thought”

with “existence”. The French philosopher and mathematician Rene
Descartes wrote a famous paper where he stated: “Cogito, ergo,
sum,” which translates to “I think; therefore I am”. This theory
asserts that the only thing that can be certain is that a thinking
being exists because the very act of thinking proves that one exists.
We will have more to say about thoughts and consciousness as our
conversation continues.

One other thing we want to establish is that thoughts are

real, and they travel. They are created in the mind, which consists
of the conscious and subconscious mind. Thoughts are just like
radio waves, as we cannot see or touch them, but we know that
they exist. Both radio waves and thoughts can travel through walls,

The Owl and the Dove

people, and entire buildings. Radio waves are sent out by a

transmitter and picked up (absorbed) by a receiver. The same
principle applies to thought. The brain is the transmitter, and the
universe is the receiver of our thoughts. The only difference is that
the universe, receiving our thoughts, will create reality from those

The dove wanted the empathize the next point. “The

other element of consciousness that is as important as thought
are your feelings. Let us make the connection between the
heart and your feelings just as we connect the brain and your

With the brain, we ask, "how do I think?”

With our hearts, we ask, "How do I feel?”

Reality is created when the thoughts from the brain

(mind) are connected to the heart and your feelings.”

The owl was more comfortable with using the brain, while
the dove was more in tune with using the heart.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 2
The Scientific Method

The owl spoke. He took out his notes and read from them.

“I want to talk about the scientific method. I want to make

sure that if we are going to have a serious discussion of our reality,
we must be cognizant of the scientific method. The scientific
method is a systematic approach to investigating and
understanding the natural world. It is a process that scientists have
used for centuries. In the scientific method, questions are asked,
observations are made, hypotheses are developed, hypotheses are
then tested through experiments or other empirical methods and
conclusions are drawn based on the results of those tests.

The scientific method typically involves the following


1. Observation: scientists first observe some

aspects of the natural world. This observation could be
made through direct observation, measurement, or

The Owl and the Dove

2. Formulation of a question: Based on the

observation, the scientist formulates a question that they
want to answer. This question should be specific and
testable. Other scientists should be able to conduct the same
observation and test.
3. Formulation of a hypothesis: The scientist
then develops a hypothesis, which is a tentative explanation
for the observation or question. The hypothesis should be
testable and should make predictions about what should
happen under certain conditions.
4. Prediction: Based on the hypothesis, the
scientist makes a prediction about what they expect to
observe if the hypothesis is correct.
5. Testing the hypothesis: the scientist then
designs and conducts experiments or other tests to gather
data and test the hypothesis. The data should be collected in
a controlled and systematic way so that any observed
effects can be attributed to the hypothesis being tested.
6. Analysis of the data: the scientist analyzes
the data to determine whether the hypothesis is supported
or not. This analysis may involve statistical tests to
determine the likelihood that the observed results are due to

Lorenzo Berardinetti

7. Conclusion: Based on the results of the

experiments or tests, the scientist draws conclusions about
whether the hypothesis is supported or not. If the
hypothesis is supported, the scientists may suggest further
experiments or tests to confirm or refine the results. If the
hypothesis is not supported, the scientists may revise the
hypothesis or develop a new one and repeat the process.
8. Communication: The scientist
communicates the results of the study to other scientists
and the broader scientific community; this may involve
publishing the results and assigned to pick journal (such as
The Lancet or the New England Journal of Medicine). Or
presenting the findings at a scientific conference.

The scientific method is self-correcting process, meaning

that it is designed to identify incorrect errors in our understanding
of the natural world. Through repeated testing and refinement of
hypotheses, scientists can develop increasingly accurate and
comprehensive explanations for the phenomena they observe.

The dove said he had no problems using the scientific

method when it came to asking questions about math, science, and
astronomy. For example, he agreed with the owl about the speed
of light. And how many stars there are in the Milky Way. But the
dove said that when it came to important questions, such as
whether God existed, he would rather use his heart over his head

The Owl and the Dove

because he considered these types of questions to be more

subjective than objective. And that he trusted his “feelings” over
his head (thought).

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 3
No Distractions
The owl started to speak. And with his educational
background, he stated that;

“Studies have shown that most people that buy a book to

read never finish it.” He told me to promise him that I would read
this entire short book. I agreed to read it.

“People become distracted by other things. They are people

in a boat without a rudder,” said the owl.

“Distractions are things that turn away one's attention or

focus away from the task or activity at hand. In this case, while
you are trying to grow and become more spiritual and financially
abundant, your mind will automatically get distracted and pay
attention to other things. This is natural and happens to almost

Actions can be physical, such as noise, movement, or

objects in our environment. Distractions such as thoughts, worries,
and emotions can also be mental. Distractions can disrupt our
productivity, causing us to lose track of time or result in mistakes
or accidents.

Common examples of distractions may include social

media, phone calls, emails, notifications, chatting with coworkers,

The Owl and the Dove

daydreaming, hunger, discomfort, or fatigue. Managing

distractions is an important skill that can help improve our ability
to concentrate, maintain our mental energy, and achieve our goals
more efficiently.

Most, if not all, successful people know how to recognize

and then eliminate distractions. If you are seriously committed to
positive change, your focus must be on your desires and goals.
Everything else (except the obvious such as work, school, sleep, or
an appointment) must be ignored or removed through meditation

I had to mention my experience here.

“When I first started to meditate, I would be distracted

immediately. My thoughts would drift on to paying my bills,
paying my rent, buying groceries, thinking about what someone
recently said to me and so on. As I got better with meditation, I
would still see the distractions in my mind, but I learned to let
them “Float” away. Not to give these thoughts any energy.
Eventually, I noticed that less distractions would show up when I
meditated and attempted to manifest the things that I truly want.

If you honestly want to change your life for the better, there
must be zero tolerance for any type of distraction.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for us to

become aware of your distractions and then eliminate them.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Find a quiet place to read this book. Make the commitment

to study each chapter carefully. You will learn new ways of
viewing our physical reality.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 4
The Purple Butterfly

As the owl and dove sat on the branches, a butterfly landed on a

nearby branch. Now, this was not a normal butterfly. It was
mostly purple in colour with a bit of white and was almost as big
as the dove. The butterfly spoke.

“Hello, Mr. Owl and Ms. Dove. What a lovely night. I have

Lorenzo Berardinetti

been flying all day to get exercise. Have you two flown today?”

The owl responded: “We have been mostly sitting in this

tree. Speaking with our friend.”

The butterfly responded: “What have you been talking


The dove spoke. “We are trying to explain to our friend the
nature of our reality. And helping him to find his purpose in life.”

“Do you mind if I listen to the conversation? I won’t stay


All of us agreed to have the butterfly listen to our

conversation and stay if he wanted to.

The owl said that the butterfly was a symbolic figure.

He went on to say:

“Throughout history, humans have intertwined the butterfly

with dreams and even used them symbolically in various cultures
and traditions. The butterfly, known for its beautiful and vibrant
wings, has captivated us for centuries and has been revered as a
symbol of change, transformation and renewal.”

“How appropriate,” said the dove. “We are discussing

spiritual awakening, and the butterfly represents spiritual
awakening. Your purple colour is also important. Because it is
related to the crown chakra,” said the dove.

The Owl and the Dove

“What is a crown chakra? Is it a crown that I wear on my

head like a king?” Asked the butterfly.

“No,” said the dove. We are going to discuss the chakras,

including the crown chakra, a little later. We must explain
everything we know to our friends. But we must go step by step. Is
that o.k., Ms. Butterfly?

“That’s fine,” said the butterfly.

“I was once a caterpillar, and I mostly walked around,

searching for green leaves to munch on. But then, one day, I felt
very sleepy and built a cocoon for myself. I don’t know how long I
slept, but when I woke up, I was no longer a caterpillar but became
a butterfly! It happened on its own. I was not conscious of the
change. Humans call it metamorphosis. But I just call it change.
Now I can fly in the sky. It is very beautiful. I enjoy flying, and
now I eat my food from flowers and their pollen.

All I wanted to say is that change happens everywhere. I

am an excellent example of change as I went from being a
caterpillar to becoming a butterfly.

The universe is similar. It is always changing. In fact,

nothing stands still. The earth rotates, moves around the sun and
tilts on its axis. Our sun moves around the centre of the Milky
Way, and the Milky Way also moves because of the big bang.
“Yes, this is very interesting,” said the dove. “I think the owl has

Lorenzo Berardinetti

more to say about what you represent.”

“I would really like to hear what Mr. Owl has to say.”

Mr. Owl started to speak.

“The butterfly has come to represent the fleeting nature of

dreams. Just like a butterfly that flies from flower to flower, our
dreams are often fleeting and hard to hold onto. However, they
can also be beautiful and transformative, just like the butterfly.”

In modern times, the butterfly has also been used in

psychology and psychoanalysis as a symbol of personal growth
and transformation. The idea of the “butterfly effect”, the concept
that small changes can have a large impact on future events, has
become a popular metaphor for personal growth.

“The butterfly has played a significant role in human

history and culture, particularly when it comes to our relationship
with dreams and the subconscious mind. Whether viewed as a
symbol of transformation, a sign of enlightenment, or as a
representation of the fleeting nature of our dreams, the butterfly
remains UN enduring and fascinating creature that continues to
capture our imagination.”

“I agree with what you just explained,” said the butterfly.

“I want to stay for a while and listen in on your

conversation. Is that ok?”

Again, there was no objection from any of us. So the

The Owl and the Dove

butterfly moved closer to me and decided to listen in on this


Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 5
Consciousness and the Universe

So, the owl, always full of knowledge, asked me a question.

“Do you understand what consciousness is?” I replied that
consciousness is being awake. Unlike my coma. The ability to
think and perceive reality through my five senses.

The owl replied: “Consciousness can be defined as the state

of being aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts, feelings, and
sensations. You are the awareness that is behind your thoughts. It
is the subjective experience of being alive and aware of the world
around us. Usually, we use our five senses to be aware of the world

The Owl and the Dove

around us. We have five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting,

and touching. Consciousness is often associated with the brain and
the nervous system. As it is through our senses that we perceive
and interpret this world. However, the nature and origin of
consciousness remain a subject of debate and investigation in
philosophy, neuroscience, and other fields. Some theories suggest
that consciousness arises from complex interactions between
neurons in the brain, while others propose that it is a fundamental
aspect of the universe itself.

I replied by saying, “How can consciousness have anything

to do with the universe? The universe contains stars, planets,
moons, and galaxies. This is an area of study for astronomers and

The owl spoke and said, “We are all taught that nothing
could go faster than the speed of light. The speed of light, denoted
by the symbol c, is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second
(or about 186,282 miles per second) in a vacuum. For scientists,
this is a fundamental constant of the universe and is used as a basis
for many calculations in physics and cosmology. According to
science, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

The dove spoke and stated that “There is one thing that
travels faster than the speed of light, and that is the speed of
thought. If I think of being 50 million light years away from earth,

Lorenzo Berardinetti

my thoughts take me there instantaneously. My thoughts are not

limited by the speed of light.

How else did God create this universe? He thought. And

God said “Let there be light”, and there was light. Then he
spoke with his words, and the universe was created. It
expanded and has no end. We, as spiritual beings, also grow
and expand like the universe. We have no end. We create just
as God creates. That’s why I say that you are God.

The Creator and the Creation are the same thing. They
exist simultaneously. The universe is God. And God is the
universe. The universe is conscious. And is resplendent with
life, love, and energy.”

I had never thought this way before. But it made sense to

me. If someone were to say the word “India” to me, a part of me
would be instantaneously transported to India. There would be no
time delay.

The purple butterfly was listening closely. She was learning

new things.

“I remembered having read the book “Jonathan Livingston

Seagull” and how powerful thoughts could be,” said the dove.

In this book by Richard Bach, the story is told of a seagull

named Jonathan, who dreams of flying higher and faster than any

The Owl and the Dove

other bird. He rebels against the traditional expectations of his

flock to only fly and eat to survive. Instead, he wants to perfect his
flying skills and explore the limits of his abilities. Jonathan spends
most of the time perfecting his flying technique and exploring the
limits of his physical abilities. He eventually meets other seagulls
who share his passion for flight, and they teach him valuable
lessons about living life to the fullest and pushing beyond what is
considered “possible” or “normal”. This book uses the metaphor
of the seagull’s journey to explain that life is a journey of self-
discovery and self-improvement and encourages readers to
question the limitations that they place on themselves and to strive
for greatness. Jonathan uses thought to travel to another planet
instantaneously. The book's message has inspired many readers to
embrace new challenges and pursue their dreams with vigor and

“Our earth”, said the owl, “is 93 million miles from the sun.
If the earth was 94 million miles away, we would all freeze to
death. We would all burn to death if it was 92 million miles away.
We are at the perfect distance from the sun. Not only does the earth
spin one rotation every 24 hours, but it tilts back and forth. And
that gives us our four seasons. It also circles around the sun about
once a year. (There is an added day once every four years except in
certain special years).

The owl got excited because he really liked astronomy. The

Lorenzo Berardinetti

owl stated: The earth has one moon. It is about 238,855 miles away
from the earth. At that distance, the moon affects the Earth in many

1. Tides: one of the most noticeable effects of

the moon on the earth is the ocean tides. The moon's
gravity causes a bulge in the earth’s oceans which creates 2
high tides and two low tides every day.
2. Stability of Orientation: the presence of the
moon helps to stabilize the tilt of the earth's axis. This is
important because it helps to create a stable climate on
3. Lunar eclipse: the moon can create a lunar
eclipse when it passes directly behind the earth, and the sun
and the earth are aligned.
4. Biological rhythms: there is some evidence
that the moon may affect the behavior of some species on
earth, including humans. Some people believe that the full
moon can affect their sleep, mood, and behavior.

Everything works perfectly. The earth revolves every 24

hours. We get daytime and nighttime. When it is nighttime, it
becomes dark, and we go to sleep. Our body releases chemicals to
help repair the body while we sleep.

“I want to continue to talk about our universe”, said the

The Owl and the Dove


Only within the last 30 to 40 years did we discover other

planets rotating around other stars. Some of these planets may
contain life. This is known as the Goldilocks effect. The
Goldilocks effect, also known as the habitable zone, refers to the
range of distances from which a star or a planet could maintain the
necessary conditions to support life as we know it.

A planet located too close to its star would be too hot, and
any liquid water would evaporate, making life impossible. A planet
that is too far from its star will be too cold, and any liquid water
would freeze, making life impossible.

Therefore, a planet located within the habitable zone of its

star, where the temperature is not too hot or too cold, would be
able to maintain conditions that could support life. This is known
as the Goldilocks effect, as it is like the story of Goldilocks and the
three bears, where she found the porridge, chair, and bed that were
“just right”.

We have discovered more than 100 planets that are in the

“Goldilocks zone”. And we will discover many more soon.”

“Our earth and sun are part of the Milky Way galaxy. The
nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is the Andromeda Galaxy. It is
approximately 2.5 million light years from earth. That means light
must travel about 2.5 million light years to reach our eyes and

Lorenzo Berardinetti

consciousness. But if we talk and describe the details of the

Andromeda Galaxy, our conscious mind can immediately
understand the Andromeda Galaxy. We can use our imagination
and see in our mind the Andromeda galaxy immediately. We can
describe that galaxy with abundant details. To understand it, we
don’t need to physically see the Andromeda Galaxy.”

“Let me explain consciousness in a different way,” said the

butterfly. “Everything is a nonphysical system of energy, including
the universe, your body, and your brain. The brain is a system of
energy, of mind which has the function of tuning your
consciousness to perceive the physical world around you. Contrary
to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces
consciousness but rather a consciousness that creates the
appearance of the brain. Think of the brain not as what you are but
like a virtual reality headset that you, as a divine, eternal being of
frequencies, puts on to experience the illusion of the physical
world. Like a Virtual Reality Headset blocks out the information
of one world and gives you the illusion of another world. The brain
behaves in a similar way. I cannot emphasize enough that this
reality is an illusion”.

The owl, always eager and full of knowledge, especially

scientific knowledge, continued: “I am going to talk in scientific
terms for a few minutes. I must put on my reading glasses and read
my notes. The following may be a bit technical, but it is extremely

The Owl and the Dove


“Did you know that the behaviour of photons (and other

subatomic particles) can be described by quantum mechanics,
which is a mathematical framework that explains the behaviour of
particles on a very small scale? According to quantum mechanics,
particles do not have a definite position or momentum until they
are observed or measured. Instead, particles exist in a state of
superposition, where they can be in multiple momenta

When a photon is observed or measured, it interacts

with the measurement apparatus and collapses into a single,
definite state. This process is known as wave function collapse.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

The act of measurement disturbs the photon’s state, and this

disturbance affects its behaviour.

This phenomenon is known as the measurement problem or

the observer effect. It has been the subject of much debate and
interpretation in the field of quantum mechanics. Some
interpretations of quantum mechanics suggest that the
observer effect is an inherent property of the universe, while
others propose alternative explanations. However, the fact
remains that photons and other subatomic particles do behave
differently when they are observed or measured, and this behaviour
is described by the mathematical framework of quantum

The dove was intrigued with this information. He asked

the owl:

“Are you telling us that photons and other subatomic

particles have consciousness?”

The owl replied: “It is possible. But more research needs to

be done. My point was to state that scientists do not fully
understand the universe. The entire universe may be conscious, but
scientists have yet to confirm this.”

“Interesting,” replied the dove. “This leads me to another

question about the universe. What is Dark Matter?”

The Owl and the Dove

“Dark Matter”, said the owl, is a type of matter that is

believed to exist in the universe but does not interact with light or
any other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is called “Dark”
because it cannot be detected directly, and only its gravitational
effects can be observed.

Observations of the movement of stars and galaxies suggest

that there is much more mass in the universe that can be accounted
for by visible matter, such as stars, planets, and gas clouds. Dark
matter is one of the leading explanations for this discrepancy in
mass. The presence of dark matter can explain the observed
gravitational effects on visible matter, such as the rotation of
galaxies and the gravitational lensing of light.

The dove then asked: “Could dark matter just be other

dimensions of the universe? Could dark matter be other universes
which our five senses cannot detect? Or could dark matter be
where the World of Spirit exists?

“Good question,” said the owl. ‘Having a scientific mind, I

will wait for science to explain what dark matter is. The exact
nature of dark matter is still unknown, and it is one of the most
intriguing mysteries in modern physics. The most widely accepted
theory is that dark matter consists of as-yet-undiscovered particles
that interact only weakly with normal matter. This particle is
thought to be much more massive than the particles that make up

Lorenzo Berardinetti

ordinary matter and is believed to have been present in the early

universe, playing a key role in the formation of galaxies and other
large structures.”

“I think that dark matter is closely related to something

called String Theory. Would you like me to give you a brief
explanation of String Theory?” asked the owl.

“Sure,” said the dove. “You certainly have done a lot of

scientific research on the universe.”

“That’s my nature,” said the owl. “God made me this way.

This is my talent. Every person is born with unique talents. We
can discuss this later. Suffice it to say that by understanding your
talents, you can know what your life purpose is. Our scientists, our
astronomers our cosmologists knew little about our universe until
the 20th century. They believed that our galaxy was the entire
universe. They did not know that other galaxies existed until the
last century.

By the early 20th century, astronomers had begun to study

the Milky Way in more detail using new technologies such as
photography and spectroscopy. In 1917 the American astronomer
Harlow Shapley used observations of various stars to estimate the
size of the Milky Way and to determine that it was not the entire
universe as had been previously thought.

So, the Milky Way has been known to humans for

The Owl and the Dove

thousands of years, but understanding of its true nature and

structure has developed over time through the work of many
astronomers and scientists, especially in the 20th and 21st century.

We now know, for example, that the Milky Way is a barred

spiral galaxy that contains our solar system. It is a large and
complex galaxy that is estimated to be around 100,000 light years
in diameter and contains billions of stars, as well as a variety of
other celestial objects such as thousands of planets, asteroids,
comets, and more.

The Milky Way appears as a diffuse band of white light in

the night sky, and its name derives from the ancient Greek word
for “milky circle”. From Earth, we can observe only a small
portion of the Milky Way because of the interstellar dust and gas
that blocks out some of the light. Our sun and its orbiting planets
reside in one of the arms of the Milky Way, approximately 25,000
light years away from the centre of this galaxy.

I want you to understand that the universe is infinite. It has

no end to it. I know that this is difficult for you to understand, bit
to be quite honest with you, no human can fully understand that the
universe is infinite.

According to the latest estimates, the observable universe

has between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies, with each galaxy
containing between 100 billion and 400 billion stars.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

This number may change as our technology and methods

for observing the universe improve. There are more stars in the
universe then there are grains of sand on our entire planet.

Scientists today have access to better equipment (better

telescopes, observatories, and particle colliders, to mention a few)
that have helped us understand the universe in so many ways. Most
(but not all scientists) believe in String Theory. I will explain this
to you as easily as possible:

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that

attempts to explain the fundamental nature of matter and the forces
that govern it. It suggests that the basic building blocks of the
universe are not point-like particles, as in traditional particle
physics, but rather tiny, one-dimensional objects called strings.

The Owl and the Dove

According to string theory, these strings vibrate at different

frequencies, and the different vibration modes give rise to different
types of particles, such as quarks, electrons, and photons. The
theory also suggests that the universe has more dimensions than
the four we experience (three spatial dimensions and time) and that
the strings can move in these extra dimensions.

One of the most intriguing aspects of string theory is that it

unifies the four fundamental forces of nature: gravity,
electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. In
traditional physics, these forces are described by separate theories,
but they are all part of a single framework in string theory.

Albert Einstein, during his lifetime, tried to unify all the

fundamental forces of nature in one theory, but he was unable to
do so. This is known as “Einstein’s Dream”. Einstein’s dream was
about a single equation that could explain the entire universe and
unite all the fundamental forces of nature, such as gravity,
electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. This
theory, known as the unified field theory, was the culmination of
Einstein’s lifelong quest to understand the nature of the universe
and its mysteries.

Although he never fully realized this dream, his work laid

the foundation for many of the breakthroughs in modern physics

Lorenzo Berardinetti

and still inspires scientists today.

I prefer the explanation provided by String theory as it

provides a unified explanation for the four fundamental forces of

“Finally,” said the owl, “String theory is still a work in

progress, and many aspects of the theory remain unproven. One of
the biggest challenges facing string theory is that it has yet to make
testable predictions that can be verified through scientific

Nonetheless, the theory has provided a new and exciting

way of thinking about the nature of the universe, and it continues
to be an active area of research in theoretical physics.”

The dove added, “Perhaps these strings move from one

reality (Universe) to another. That would most certainly prove that
the World of Spirit exists.”

The owl replied: “Perhaps.” In Switzerland, there is the

CERN particle accelerator, also known as the large Hadron
Collider (LHC). It is the largest and most powerful particle
accelerator in the world. It consists of a 27-kilometer ring of
superconducting magnets that accelerate particles to nearly the
speed of light before smashing them into one another.

The LHC is used for a variety of scientific experiments

The Owl and the Dove

primarily to study the fundamental nature of matter and the forces

that govern it. The high energy collisions produced by the LHC
recreate the conditions that existed in the universe shortly after the
Big Bang, allowing scientists to study the behavior of particles
under extreme conditions.

One of the main goals of the LHC is to search for the Higgs
boson, a particle that was predicted by the standard model of
particle physics but had not been observed until the LHC
experiments. The discovery of the Higgs boson, also known as the
God particle, in 2012 was a major milestone in particle physics and
confirmed the existence of the Higgs field, which is responsible for
giving particles their mass.

In addition to the search for the Higgs boson, the LHC is

used to study other particles and phenomenon, such as the
properties of dark matter. The LHC also produces large amounts of
data analyzed by scientists worldwide to further understand our

Overall, the CERN particle accelerator is a powerful tool

for scientific discovery pushing the boundaries of our
understanding of the nature of matter and the universe.

“Amazing,” said the dove. “I believe that when two protons

hit each other at nearly the speed of light, coming from opposite
directions, some of the materials produced by the collision move

Lorenzo Berardinetti

into another dimension or universe. Some of the “strings” go to

another reality, perhaps the world of spirit.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions yet,” said the owl. Scientists

have yet to prove that this happens. You may be right, but I will
wait for scientific proof.

“That’s fine”, said the dove, “but instead of a scientific

explanation, do you mind if I briefly bring up a philosophical
explanation of this physical reality? Because I believe that this
reality is an illusion. And it cannot be explained scientifically but
rather philosophically.

God created this physical reality as a sort of school for us,

as we, as eternal souls, learn important lessons such as how to
manifest and how to manipulate the energy here. Besides science, I
believe that our physical reality can be explained in terms of
philosophy. And I want to bring up one of Plato’s famous theories.

I had to interject here. “You guys are bringing up a lot of

important information. From scientific information about the
nature of our universe and the speed of light. Now you want to talk

“Yes”, said the dove. “Let me explain”.

“Plato's theory of Forms, also known as his theory of ideas,

is a central concept in his philosophy. According to this theory, a

The Owl and the Dove

realm of abstract, eternal Forms or ideas exists independently of

the physical world. The physical world that we experience through
our senses is only a shadow or imperfect copy of the world of

Plato believed that the Forms are the ultimate reality and
that the physical world only reflects or imitates the Forms. For
example, when we see a beautiful object in the physical world,
such as a plant, flower, or a painting, we are seeing a reflection of
the Form of beauty, which exists independently in the realm of

Plato held that the Forms are perfect, unchanging, and

eternal, while our physical reality is imperfect, constantly
changing, and subject to decay and destruction. The Forms are also
more real and more knowable than the physical world, which is
always in flux and subject to our imperfect senses and perceptions.

Plato believed that true knowledge and understanding can

only be attained through contemplation of the Forms. The
philosopher's task is to move beyond the illusions of physical
reality and to apprehend the eternal, unchanging Forms through
reason and intuition.

According to Plato, knowledge of the Forms is essential for

understanding the true nature of reality. The Forms are eternal,
unchanging, and perfect, while the physical world is in a constant

Lorenzo Berardinetti

state of change and imperfection.

The theory of Forms is central to many of Plato's other

philosophical ideas, including his views on ethics, politics, and
epistemology. For example, he believed that the Form of the Good
is the ultimate source of all moral value and that the philosopher
kings who govern his ideal society must have knowledge of the
Forms to rule justly and wisely.

Another example is the concept of beauty. Plato believed

that there is an idea or Form of beauty that is beyond the material
world an exists independently of any physical object. All physical
objects that are perceived as beautiful only reflect the essence of
the Form, which is perfect and unchanging.

Another example is the Form of justice. Plato believed that

justice is not just a concept or idea created by humans but is
instead an abstract idea that exists independently of human society.
All human laws and systems of justice are just attempts to
understand and imitate the true Form of justice.

Plato's theory of forms emphasizes that the physical

world is just a shadow or a reflection of a higher reality that
exists beyond our senses. I believe that he is referring to the
world of spirit, where everything is perfect.

The Owl and the Dove

Overall Plato's theory of Forms is a complex and

controversial concept that philosophers have debated for centuries.
However, it remains an important and influential idea in western
philosophy and continues to inspire new insights and debates
among scholars and thinkers today.”

“I believe,” said the dove, “that the World of Spirit is made

up of Forms”.

The owl replied: “But you have no proof of this. Have any
science experiments been done to prove this theory of “Forms?”

The dove replied: “This is a philosophical question, not a

scientific question. I don't think that science can ever prove the
existence of the theory of Forms. We are not equipped with the
senses to prove the theory of Forms. Let's just agree to disagree.”

“I believe Plato’s theory of Forms”, said the purple

butterfly. “God is pure spirit. His theory cannot be explained or
tested using the scientific method. But there is a knowing inside of
me. My feelings tell me that Plato is right. No one can convince
me of any other explanation.”

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Milky Way Galaxy

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 6
The Dream Reality
The dove wanted to bring up the topic of dreams.

“We have just discussed consciousness. We have agreed

that consciousness is basically the awareness behind your thoughts.
And unconsciousness is where the awareness is not there. But how
do we explain consciousness when it comes to dreams? Is the
dream world another reality? What is happening to our
consciousness when we dream?

The owl replied. “I think that dreams are part of our

subconscious mind.”

“But we are aware of ourselves in dreams,” said the dove.

“Of course, you are aware when you dream,” said the
purple butterfly. “We are indeed conscious during our dreams as
we experience vivid sensory perceptions, emotional responses, and
cognitive processing akin to our waking state. However, the level
of consciousness during the dreams may vary among individuals,
with some people experiencing more lucid or vivid dreams than
others. Still, we do have a sense of awareness and subjective
experience during our dream state, even if it may not always be
rational or coherent.”

“Let’s find some common ground regarding dreams,”

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replied the owl.

“At their simplest, dreams are a series of thoughts, images,

and sensations that occur while we sleep. They can be vivid or
hazy, mundane or fantastical, and often involve people, places, or
situations from our waking lives. Dreams can be experienced by
anyone, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background, and are
a universal human experience.

Despite decades of research, the exact purpose of dreaming

remains a mystery. One of the most popular theories is that dreams
serve as a way for our brains to process and consolidate memories.
During sleep, our brains replay recent experiences and integrate
them with existing knowledge and beliefs, creating new
connections and insights. This process may help us learn and
problem solve more effectively and explain why we often dream
about things that happened during the day.

Another theory is that dreams allow us to work through

unresolved emotions and conflicts. As we sleep, our brains create
scenarios that allow us to express and process difficult feelings,
Such as anxiety or fear. This could explain why dreams can be
intense or even nightmarish at times and why they often involve
people or situations that trigger strong emotions.

Some researchers believe dreams are simply a by-product

of the brain's normal activity during sleep and serve no particular

The Owl and the Dove

purpose. Others suggest that they may have evolved as a way for
our ancestors to simulate dangerous or challenging situations,
allowing them to practice and prepare for real-life scenarios.

While all dreams involve some degree of sensory

experience and mental activity, there are several different
categories of dreams that have been identified. These include:

1. Normal dreams: these are the most common

types of dreams and involve a wide range of sensory
experiences and emotions.
2. Lucid dreams: in a lucid dream, the dreamer
is aware that they are dreaming and may be able to control
or manipulate the content of the dream.
3. Nightmares: nightmares are intense,
disturbing dreams that often involve feelings of fear,
anxiety, or terror.
4. Recurring dreams: recurring dreams are
those that happen repeatedly over time, often featuring
similar themes or scenarios.
5. False awakenings: In a false awakening, the
dreamer believes they have woken up from the dream, only
to realize they are still dreaming.
6. Prophetic dreams: prophetic dreams are
those that seem to predict the future or offer insights into a
person’s life or circumstances.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

One of the most intriguing aspects of dreams is the

symbolism that often appears in them. For centuries, people have
interpreted different dream symbols as having specific meanings,
often based on cultural or mythological traditions. Sigmund Freud
argued that everyone experienced four types of dreams:

1. Falling: Many People dream about falling,

which is often interpreted as a fear of losing control or
experiencing failure.
2. Being inappropriately dressed in a public
setting. Many people have had dreams where they may be
in their underwear or nude in a public place.
3. Entering a classroom without having studied
for the exam. In this scenario, the dreamer realizes that they
have not studied at all and are having to write an
examination without studying the material. The person in
the dream is usually walking to school or is already in the
4. Discovering that one of your parents have
deceased. Your parent or parents may be alive, but you
have a dream that you are attending their funeral or that
you open their confidence and find their body inside there.
This is often referred to as the Oedipus complex. Sigmund
Freud argued that all men had the Oedipus complex, where

The Owl and the Dove

they kill their father and marry their mother. And that this
would be a subconscious desire, not conscious one.

Dreams also contain symbols. There are thousands

of symbols. When we discuss Carl Jung later, we will
explain more about dreams. Some common symbols in
dreams include:

1. Water: water in dreams can represent

emotions, relationships or the subconscious mind,
depending on the context.
2. Teeth: dreams about teeth falling out or
breaking can indicate feelings of vulnerability or loss of
3. Death: dreams about death can be unsettling,
but they often symbolize the end of one phase of life and
the beginning of another.
4. Animals: different animals can represent
different qualities or traits in dreams. For example, a lion
may represent strength and courage while a snake may
represent danger or temptation.

And a butterfly can represent changes happening in your

life,” added the butterfly. “A butterfly starts as a caterpillar before
going through a metamorphosis. This is also known as
“transformation”. When I finally understood our reality, I changed

Lorenzo Berardinetti

from a caterpillar to a purple butterfly.”

The owl continued:

“It is important to note, however, that dream symbols can

be highly personal and subjective, and their meanings can vary
widely depending on the individual and their experiences.

Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing and

understanding the meaning of dreams, often with the help of a
trained professional such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. While
some people believe that dreams have universal meanings that can
be deciphered through symbolism, others argue that dreams are
highly personal and context-specific and can only be understood
within the context of the dreamers life and experiences.

While there is no scientific consensus on the validity of

dream interpretation, many people find it helpful in gaining
insights into their emotions, relationships, and inner self.

Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are

dreaming and to control or manipulate the dream’s context. While
not everyone is able to lucid dream, there are several techniques
that can be used to increase the likelihood of having a lucid dream,
such as reality testing, dream journaling and visualization

Some people use lucid dreaming as a tool for personal

The Owl and the Dove

growth and self-exploration, while others use it to overcome fears

or practice new skills.

Finally, dreams are a complex and mysterious aspect of the

human experience that has confounded and intrigued people for
centuries. There are many narratives in the Bible that involve a
prophetic dream. While there is still much we don't understand
about dreams, the research sheds light on some of their functions
and characteristics. Whether we see them as a window into our
subconscious mind, a source of inspiration and creativity, or
simply a by-product of our brains' normal activity, there is no
denying the power and fascination of dreams.”

The dove wanted to make a point.

“When we fall asleep, our soul leaves our body and travels
into the world of spirit. This is because the soul never gets tired.
And, while we are sleeping, we can go to the world of spirit to
meet our guides and make sure that we stay on our pathway. We
may even place obstacles in front of us so that when we awaken
and enter the physical reality, we must overcome these obstacles.”

The owl frowned. He did not like what the dove had just
said, and he asked for a scientific explanation.

The dove admitted that he could not explain this

scientifically, but according to his worldview, souls could do many
different things while the body was asleep.”

Lorenzo Berardinetti

The dove also brought up the fact that there was a

particular type of sleep known as REM sleep. REM is an acronym
for “Rapid Eye Movement”. During REM sleep, the mind
experiences dreams, and the body repairs itself.

“I believe that there is a place called the dream reality,

where we experience our dreams for the reasons listed above. This
is a different consciousness,” said the dove.

The owl did not agree. By stating that there is a scientific

explanation for dreams. And that dreams were just a way for our
subconscious mind to sort things out. The purple butterfly was
upset with the owl, and he told the owl and the dove that he was
going to fly for a while. Promising to return later. Hoping to cool
off from this heated debate.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 7
The Physical Reality
The dove asked the owl: “What is real? What is our
physical reality?

The owl replied:

“The concept of reality is one of the most fundamental and

complex concepts in philosophy, science, and everyday life. There
are many different perspectives on what reality is and what it
entails, and these perspectives have evolved over time as our
understanding of the world has grown.

At a basic level, reality refers to the existence of things as

they are, independent of our perceptions or beliefs about them.
This includes everything from physical objects like rocks and trees
to more abstract concepts like love and justice. However, the
nature of reality is far from straightforward, and there are many
different philosophical and scientific approaches to understanding

One traditional way of thinking about reality is as a

collection of objective facts or truths that exist independently of
human perception or interpretation. This view is sometimes called
realism, and it holds that there is a single, objective reality that can
be discovered through empirical investigation and logical

Lorenzo Berardinetti

reasoning. According to this view, the world exists as it is,

regardless of how we perceive or understand it.

However, there are also many philosophical and scientific

approaches that challenges view of reality. One such approach is
constructivism, which holds that reality is constructed through
social and cultural practices and is, therefore, subjective and
relative to contexts. From this perspective, reality is not objective
but rather is shaped by the ways in which we interpret and make
sense of the world around us.

Another perspective on reality comes from quantum

mechanics, which suggests that reality is fundamentally
probabilistic and indeterminant. According to this view, the
physical world operates according to probabilistic laws that allow
for multiple possible outcomes rather than deterministic laws that
dictate a single outcome. This has profound implications for our
understanding of reality, suggesting that it may be more fluid and
uncertain than we previously thought.

Ultimately, the nature of reality is a complex and

multifaceted concept that depends on a range of philosophical and
scientific perspectives. While there is no single answer to the
question of what reality is, our understanding of it continues to
evolve over time as we uncover new information and develop new
theories and frameworks to understand the world around us.”

The Owl and the Dove

The dove decided to offer his perspective of reality.

“We cannot pretend to be outside of our reality, looking

inside of it. Trying to analyze it and understand it. Instead, we
are part of reality, and we cannot detach ourselves from
reality. Another way of saying this would be that we are the
universe, and the universe is not separate from us.

Also, think of it this way. We are inside our bodies. We

cannot go outside of our body. We cannot see parts of our own
body, like our face and our back, unless we use a mirror. We
cannot see our entire body. Scientists who study our universe must
understand that they are a part of the universe and cannot leave our
universe to study or investigate it.”

Where did the purple butterfly go? Asked the owl.

“I don’t know,” said the dove. Then she added that “We
sure could ask her what she thinks reality is.”

I had to speak and tell the owl and the dove that the purple
butterfly was standing beside them.

So the dove asked the butterfly about reality.

The purple butterfly gave an analogy.

“Do you know what a rollercoaster is? There are two ways
to view a rollercoaster. You can watch from afar, or you can ride
the rollercoaster. If we are all riding the rollercoaster, then how can

Lorenzo Berardinetti

we measure things objectively since the rollercoaster is always

moving once you have boarded it? The universe is a rollercoaster,
and we are its passengers.”

I had to say something.

“Each culture views reality differently. Each language is

unique. Besides English, I can speak Italian. There are some Italian
expressions that are hard to explain in English. One example is
saying “Buon lavoro” to someone who is working. Translated into
English, that expression means “Good work”. When I am in Italy
and leave a cab. I always say “Buon lavoro” to the cab driver.
What I am trying to say to the cab driver is, “Have a good
workday”. Another example is the Italian expression “in bocca al
lupo”. This translates to “In the mouth of the wolf”. The
expression means “good luck.” I can’t imagine using that
expression in any other culture. There are countless other examples
where I use Italian words that are not used in English.

The language was created for communication purposes. But

each language has its own unique expressions. Its own way of
viewing and expressing our reality.

The owl had something that he wanted to say.

“I want to explain reality as being measured on a scale or

spectrum that went from 0 to 100, and we could only experience
reality in the range of 0 to 25. What would we call the reality that

The Owl and the Dove

existed from 26 to 100? Invisible? Or non-existent? Something to

think about. There could be different realities that only function in
the ranges between 26 to 100. Our senses cannot see the realities
that exist from 26 to 100 on our spectrum.”

The dove added: “The range between 26 to 100 could be

realities that are different from our own. It could be where the
world of spirit exists.”

The owl responded.

“There is no scientific proof for what you just said.”

The dove replied.

“I’m using a philosophical approach to reality. That’s all.

What if everyone was born without ears? Would sound exist?
What if there is a sixth sense that we were not equipped with the
physical body to experience or understand? We are limited by our
five senses to understand our reality.”

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 8
The Cardinal and the Arctic Tern

I was trying to understand the explanations given by the

owl and the dove about our reality when 2 other birds landed close
to me by the bird feeder on my tree.

I recognized the birds. One was a cardinal, while the other

bird was an Arctic tern. They were busy talking to each other, and
I was listening carefully. They were frequent visitors to my bird

The Owl and the Dove


The cardinal was trying to explain to the Arctic tern that he

did not need to fly from the North Pole to the South Pole to find
food to eat.

Arctic terns are medium-sized birds with white body and

blackheads. The Arctic tern is famous for its migration; it flies
from its Arctic breeding grounds to the Antarctic and back again
every year. The long journey ensures that this bird sees 2 summers

Lorenzo Berardinetti

per year and more daylight than any other creature on the planet.

The cardinal was trying to convince the Arctic tern to stop

flying from the North Pole to the South Pole.

“There’s plenty of food in this bird feeder. You don’t need

to fly from pole to pole just to eat. There’s always plenty of food in
this bird feeder.”

The Arctic tern replied:

“It’s my nature to fly great distances to get fresh food. My

parents do the same thing. Our entire species travel from pole to
pole to get food. It is our nature. It is our reality. I cannot change
my nature. Even if I could, I would not change my reality. There is
more than one way to do things. Just like there is more than just
one religion on this earth plane. Didn’t Jesus say?

In my Father’s house there are many rooms; if it

were not so, I would have told you. I am going
there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will come back and
take you to be with me so that you also may be
where I am.
“I believe in Jesus and his words,” said the Arctic tern.

The owl, the dove and the butterfly were listening to this
conversation, but they remained silent.

“I don’t try to change you. Even though you are agnostic.”

Said the Arctic tern to the cardinal.

The Owl and the Dove

The owl wanted to add to the conversation.

It’s important to respect every person’s beliefs or religion.

People get into trouble when they believe that their religion is the
only true religion and try to push their religion on other people.
The owl also wanted to provide a scientific explanation of what an
agnostic is.

“Do you mind if I explain scientifically what an agnostic


Both the cardinal and the Arctic tern agreed to let the owl
explain what an agnostic is. They were close friends with the owl
and the dove. They also knew that the owl and the dove always had
great conversations.

The owl went on to say.

“Agnostics generally hold the belief that it is impossible to

know with certainty whether a higher power or deity exists.
Agnostics tend to be skeptical of any claims to knowledge about
the nature of God or the universe and often maintain that religious
or spiritual beliefs cannot be proven or disproven through rational
inquiry. Some agnostics may be open to the possibility of the
existence except of a higher power, while others may hold that the
question of God's existence is ultimately unanswerable.”

The dove had to interrupt the owl: “Earlier, we discussed

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the fact that everyone has a soul. And that the soul is eternal. We
also talked about our consciousness being eternal.”

The cardinal was not happy with what the dove just said.
He went on to say: “I don’t care what you say to me. God’s
existence cannot be proven to me. I will always be an agnostic.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 9
I asked the dove and the owl if they could explain Karma to
me. The dove started speaking:

“Karma is a belief that is central to many Eastern religions.

Karma is a Sanskrit term that means “action”, and it refers to the
idea that every action a person takes in their life has consequences.
The consequences of these actions can come in the form of
positive or negative outcomes, which are believed to be
inescapable according to some Eastern spiritual traditions. The
ultimate negative karma would be to take another person’s life. If
you are killed by an individual, God will pay you back. In other
words, if you are killed by an individual, in your next life or lives,
you will experience a better life. Also, it is important to know that
it is not necessary for you to kill the person who killed you in a
previous life. That part is left for God to do.

In Eastern philosophy, karma is seen as a fundamental

principle of the universe and is believed to apply to all living
beings, including humans and animals. Karma is linked to the
concept of reincarnation or rebirth, which suggests that the soul is
reborn in a new body after death. It is believed that the actions
taken in one's past life lives can influence the nature of their future

Lorenzo Berardinetti

lives. Thus, the law of karma is thought to dictate the cycle of birth
and death in the universe.

Karma is not just related to actions, but it can also be

influenced by one's thoughts and intentions. As we will discuss
later, my thoughts are real. And thoughts help create your future

The concept of karma is further divided into three types

which include Sanchita karma, Prarabdha karma, and Kriyamana
karma. Sanchita karma refers to the actions a person has
accumulated during all their past lives, which will continue to
impact their present and future lives. Prarabdha karma refers to the
consequences of past actions that will manifest in the present life.
Kriyamana Karma refers to the actions that individuals perform
presently, which can influence their future.

The principle of karma can be seen as a way of promoting

accountability, personal responsibility, and ethical behavior. It
emphasizes the belief that individuals are responsible for their
thoughts and actions and that they will face the consequences of
their actions eventually. Therefore, Eastern spiritual traditions
encourage individuals to live a virtuous life, taking actions and
cultivating thoughts and beliefs that promote peace, love, and
positive energy. This will help individuals to achieve higher levels
of consciousness and spiritual progress.

The Owl and the Dove

The owl was skeptical about karma. The whole idea of

reincarnation was something that the owl was having difficulty in
believing. So he asked the dove, “Can you provide me with some
examples of karma and how it works?”

The dove responded, “Sure. I will provide you with some


1. A person who is consistently kind and

compassionate towards others is likely to receive kindness
and compassion in return from others, resulting in a
positive cycle of good karma.
2. If a person consistently lies and cheats on
others, it is likely that they will experience negative
consequences, such as losing the trust of others or facing
legal repercussions. This is an example of bad karma.
3. A Person who volunteers their time and
resources to help those in need is likely to experience
positive outcomes, such as a sense of gratitude and
fulfillment from those they help. This is an example of
good karma.
4. Karma can also affect the circumstances of
a person's life. For example, a person who is born into a
wealthy and privileged family may have accumulated good
karma through their past actions, while a person born into
poverty may have accumulated bad karma.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

It is important to understand that karma is not a simple

cause-and-effect relationship, and it is not always clear how one's
actions will result. The consequences of karma can manifest in a
complex and mysterious manner. It may not always be
immediately apparent. This is because a lot of the calculation is
worked out in the World of Spirit and not on this physical plane.

Furthermore, karma is not only the product of individual

actions but also the collective actions of groups and society as a

“There is no scientific proof for the existence of karma.”

Said the owl.

The dove responded by saying that our reality is an illusion.

And that this illusion cannot be explained by science.

“One must use faith and discuss this reality from a

philosophical perspective,” said the dove.

“I prefer a scientific proof,” said the owl.

“Then try to use science to explain the concept of infinity,”

said the dove.

The owl stated that:

“Infinity is a mathematical concept that refers to the idea of

something being endless or without limits. In mathematics, Infinity
is often represented by a symbol of the letter 8 turned on its side.

The Owl and the Dove

Infinity is not a number in the usual sense. It is more like a concept

that represents the possibility of an unbounded quantity.

Infinity can refer to both positive and negative values and

can be used to describe a range of different mathematical ideas,
such as the infinite series, limits, and uncountable sets. In set
theory, Infinity is used to describe sets that contain an infinite
number of elements and cannot be counted or enumerated, such as
the set of all real numbers.”

“I understand your theory of infinity, “said the dove. “But I

prefer to describe Infinity as a philosophical concept representing a
boundless magnitude. It is often used to describe something that is
incomprehensible or unmeasurable. It can represent the infinite
expanse of the universe or the infinite nature of our soul.”

I interjected and stated that both the owl and the dove were

“In summary,” I stated, “Infinity is a mathematical and

philosophical concept that represents the idea of something being
without bounds or limits. It has a significant role in mathematics,
physics, astronomy, but also philosophy. It is used to describe a
diverse range of phenomena in our world. I guess a person must
decide whether to take a scientific approach to infinity or a
philosophical approach.”

The owl spoke. “If we are to accept a philosophical

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approach, I would like to discuss the approach taken by David

Hume. He was a Scottish philosopher who lived in the 18th
century and is widely regarded as one of the most important
figures in the history of Western philosophy, just behind Plato.

Hume was critical of many traditional religious doctrines

and beliefs, and his philosophical works challenged the arguments
in favor of the existence of God. For example, in his famous work
“Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion”, he presents a sceptical
view of religious arguments and asserts that we cannot reason our
way to God's existence.

On the other hand, Hume argued that we cannot know the

characteristics or qualities of God with certainty and that any
knowledge we have about God is based on our own subjective
experiences or beliefs. He also questioned the concept of a
perfectly benevolent all-powerful deity considering the presence of
evil and suffering in the world.

Hume's views on the existence of God were skeptical and

critical. During the period, he did not believe that there is sufficient
evidence to support the conclusion that God exists, and he
challenged many traditional arguments in favor of God's existence.
However, it is important to note that Hume's philosophical views
were complex and nuanced, and his ideas on this topic were
subject to ongoing interpretation and debate among scholars.”

The Owl and the Dove

The dove was listening carefully. Then he asked the owl:

“Have you ever heard of the philosopher Emanuel Kant?”

“Of course,” said the owl.

“Then you must know that in his philosophical writings,

Kant explored the nature of morality, metaphysics, and the limits
of human knowledge. He argued that certain aspects of the human
experience, such as the existence of God, the human soul, and free
will, cannot be known through empirical observations or rational
arguments alone.

Kant was respectful of religion and spirituality, and he

recognized the importance of the concept of God in morality and
social order. He also believed that the concept of God could not be
proven through rational argument and that it could only be
accepted based on faith.

Kant’s philosophy emphasized the importance of critical

thinking and rational thought, and he regarded faith as a separate
sphere of human experience that was not subject to the same rules
of proof and argumentation as scientific knowledge.

In his view, religion and faith were valuable for their ability
to provide meaning and purpose to human life, but they were not
subject to philosophical inquiry in the same way as empirical
science or metaphysics.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

So you see, faith is not subject to the same rules of proof as

scientific knowledge,” said the dove.

I decided to put an end to this debate. “Mr. Owl, I respect

your point of view of leaning on science and related scientifical
fields in understanding our reality. But I also understand Ms.
Dove’s argument regarding faith.

I prefer to apply the Golden Rule when dealing with

Karma. The Golden Rule states: “Do unto others that which you
would want done to you”. I don’t want to be treated better than my
neighbour. Just equal.

Furthermore, I think forgiveness is very important. If we

apply “an eye for an eye”, eventually, everyone would be blind. To
stop this endless wheel of karma, the best solution is forgiveness.
Forgive those who try to harm you.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 10
Lorenzo’s Dream
After I had finished speaking, I had to go inside for a
moment because I had to use the bathroom. I suddenly started to
feel tired. So I lay down in my bed. As I drifted off to sleep, my
mind began to wander and I found myself in a strange and
unsettling dream world. I looked around and saw that I was
standing in the middle of a dimly lit church with rows of pews
stretching out in front of me. The air was thick with incense, and I
could hear the faint sound of chanting in the distance.

As I took a few steps forward, I suddenly felt a heavy hand

on my shoulder. I turned around to see a stern-looking catholic
priest staring at me with disapproval in his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” The priest asked me. “This is a
place of worship, not a playground for children like you.”

I tried to open my mouth to respond, but no words came

out. I felt paralyzed. The priest glared down at me and was clearly
unimpressed with my lack of response.

“I won't tolerate this kind of behavior in my church,” the

priest continued. “You need to show some respect and behave

I nodded meekly, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. As I

Lorenzo Berardinetti

looked down at my feet, I noticed that I was wearing a pair of dirty

sneakers. I suddenly realized that I was not dressed appropriately
for church. The priest noticed my attire and shook his head in

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” he said. “You are

disrespecting this holy place with your casual dress and your
disrespectful behavior.”

I tried to apologize, but the words got caught in my throat.

The priest continued to scold me, his voice growing louder and
sterner with each passing moment.

“You need to learn some respect”, he said. “This is not a

place for you to come and play around. You need to take life more

As his voice got louder, the church around me began to

change. The walls started to crumble, and the pews disappeared,
leaving me standing alone in an empty dark space.

The priest's voice echoed around me, filling the emptiness

with his angry tone. I started to feel a sense of panic rising within
me. Suddenly the priest brought over a man. Immediately, I knew
it was the devil. The priest walked away. But the devil started to
walk swiftly towards me, with great purpose.

I heard this deep sinister laugh coming from behind me. I

The Owl and the Dove

turned around and saw a figure emerging from the mist. The devil
had fiery eyes and horns protruding from his head. His face was
twisted into a cruel grin, and I could feel his malevolent presence
rating towards me.

“What do you want from me?” I asked, feeling a sense of

fear rising within me.

The devil stepped closer; his eyes locked onto mine. I felt a
sense of dread as I realized that he was starting to go inside my

“I want your soul”, he hissed; his voice was cold and

menacing. “I want to claim it as my own. You have strayed away
from the only true religion. You have abandoned your saviour,
Jesus Christ.” I was thinking in my mind that I would cease to
exist. Forever. Or burn in hell.

“You cannot escape me,” he said. “I am the master of this

realm, and you are mine to claim.”

I tried to fight back, but the devil was too powerful. His
dark magic overwhelmed me, and I felt myself falling into a deep
dark abyss. I was frozen in his grip. I could not move.

As I was falling. I felt paralyzed. I saw visions of my past

sins and mistakes flashing over my eyes. All the negative karma
that I had created. Or all the negative karma that I believed I had

Lorenzo Berardinetti

created. I started feeling guilty and sinful.

Then suddenly, I saw from the distance a figure emerging

from the light, and I felt a sense of hope rising within me. The
figure was an angel with wings of pure white and a face filled with
grace and compassion.

The angel spoke to me and spoke. “Lorenzo, wake up….

you are dreaming………wake up……. Lorenzo, wake up.”

I woke up from this nightmare. For a moment, I did not

know where I was. Eventually, I realized that I had left my friends
outside. And I wanted to continue our conversation.

I decided not to mention my dream (nightmare). I already

had a “knowing” that my subconscious mind was playing out my
fears. As if it was a movie. I did not give it my energy. I was raised
as a Roman Catholic and served for many years as an altar boy and
Church reader. Both of my parents were devout Roman Catholics.
I am not doing any wrong. Just trying to figure out this reality and
my life purpose. I do not believe that that offends God. So I
decided to continue to talk with my winged friends. And find a
way to reprogram my subconscious mind. To eliminate this type of
dream. And all fear.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 11
I went outside and sat in my chair. I noticed that the owl
and the dove were making light conversation about the weather.

The owl and the dove sat together on a branch of the tree in
my backyard, looking out at the moonlit sky. It was getting late,
but both the owl and the dove wanted to continue our conversation.
The owl, known for his wisdom and knowledge, turned to the dove
and asked, “Have you ever heard of affirmations?”

The dove, known for his spiritual nature, nodded his head.
“Yes, I have heard of affirmations. They are positive statements
that we repeat to ourselves to change our beliefs and behaviours,
right? Some people believe that thoughts are divine.”

“Affirmations are a powerful tool for self-improvement and

personal growth. By focusing on positive statements, we can
reprogram our minds to think and act in more positive ways,” said
the owl. He continued speaking.

“Affirmations are a great way to get rid of fear. Especially

subconscious fear. Furthermore, you can use affirmations to
change your reality.”

The dove looked interested. “Can you give me an example

of how affirmations work?”

Lorenzo Berardinetti

“Sure,” said the owl. “Let’s say you want to improve your
self-confidence. You could repeat affirmations such as ‘I am
confident and capable’ or ‘I believe in myself’ daily. By doing this,
you are training your mind to focus on your strengths and abilities
instead of your weaknesses and limitations.”

The dove nodded his head thoughtfully.

“I see. So, affirmations can help us shift our mindset from

negative to positive?”

“Exactly,” said the owl.

“And the more you repeat these affirmations, the more they
become ingrained in your subconscious mind. Eventually, you start
to believe them on a deeper level, and this can lead to changes in
your behaviour and outcomes.”

The dove looked impressed. “That sounds like a powerful

tool for personal growth.”

“It is,” said the owl. “But it’s important to remember that
affirmations are not a magic solution. They work best when they
are said with emotion.”

The dove asked: “What is the purpose of emotion?”

The owl replied: “Emotions are the key. The subconscious

mind does not operate the same as the conscious mind. Any
statement delivered to the subconscious mind that has emotion

The Owl and the Dove

attached to it is very powerful. The subconscious mind works with

the universe. It cannot differentiate between reality and fantasy.
Thoughts are more likely to manifest when a powerful emotion is
attached to the thought(s), and the thought(s) are sent to your
subconscious mind.”

“Interesting”, said the dove. “Are there any tips you can
give me for using affirmations effectively?”

“Sure,” said the owl. “Here are a few tips:

1. Keep your affirmations concise and specific.

Focus on one or two key statements that reflect your
desired outcome.
2. Use the present tense. Phrase your
affirmations as if they are already true rather than
something you hope to achieve in the future.
3. Repeat your affirmations regularly. Set aside
a few minutes each day to repeat your affirmations to
yourself, either out loud or in your mind.
4. Pair your affirmations with visualization.
Imagine yourself embodying the qualities or behaviours
you are affirming and visualize yourself achieving your
desired outcome.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

5. Stay positive and confident. Trust in the

power of affirmations to help you achieve your goals and to
be open to new opportunities and experiences.”

The dove nodded his head, taking in the owl’s advice.

“Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I will try using
affirmations in my own life.”

The owl smiled. “You are welcome, my friend. Remember,

the key to success with affirmations is to approach them with a
positive and open mindset and to be consistent in your practice.
With time and effort, you can use affirmations to create a more
positive and fulfilling life.”

The dove nodded his head, feeling inspired. “I will keep

that in mind. Thank you again for your guidance.”

The owl nodded back, feeling content. “It was my pleasure.

Remember, the power to change your life is within you. Not
outside of you. You must understand that you are powerful. And
that the power to change lies within you.”

With that, the owl and the dove sat together on the same
branch, looking out at the moonlit sky, feeling grateful for the
wisdom and connection they shared.

I was listening to this conversation, and I thought how wise

the owl was. Being raised as a Roman Catholic, the words of Jesus

The Owl and the Dove

Christ came into my mind. I asked a question. “Are affirmations

like praying?” I asked the owl. “I remember reading from the Bible
Jesus’ words:

‘Ask and you shall receive.’”

“Jesus was right,” said the owl. You just need to understand
how to ask in a proper way.

“The best affirmations are formed in a structure of a

question. And said with emotion.” Thoughts and emotions must
become one. Emotions carry thoughts from the conscious mind to
the subconscious mind. If a thought charged with positive
emotions enters the subconscious mind, it will manifest. Why?
Because the subconscious mind is connected to the universal mind,
which is God. Here are some good affirmations:

1. Why do things always work out for me in

such a perfect and beautiful way every day?
2. Why am I so blessed in every part of my
3. Why is it so easy for me to manifest
unlimited wealth, abundance, and happiness?
4. How is it that I am becoming healthier,
stronger, and more attractive as the days go by?

The dove decided to add to the discussion:

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“Your self-worth is your net worth. What you tell yourself

is what you will receive. Everything in the universe is a projection
of your energy, frequency, and vibration, of which your feelings
and emotions are at the centre.” “If you want to be wealthy, then
start vibrating the frequency of wealth and unlimited abundance.
This starts by showing gratitude. Be grateful for everything you
have. Start with the air that you breathe. Then thank God for
creating you. For the wealth you have.”

I asked the dove to elaborate. He replied by saying:

“For you to feel rich, you must change your definition of

what it means to be rich. If you are truly happy and express
gratitude for all you have already, as you move towards your goals
with a strong intention, you will enter the vibration of being rich.

The universe will, in turn, send more opportunities for

wealth and prosperity to you. You will then feel the strength of
your own self-abundance that will begin to attract that life for
yourself that you thought was unattainable. You will experience an
awakening that you never experienced before.”

The owl, who had been listening so attentively to the dove,

suggested affirmations which are his personal favourites:

“I now accept within myself that I am God and that all

answers exist within me. And I now allow all these answers to
stream forth and forward into my conscious mind. And I now

The Owl and the Dove

allow my conscious mind to be convinced of all such answers.”

“This is the first affirmation that I say to start my day.

There are a few other good ones. Would you like to hear them?”

“Yes,” replied the dove and me.

Before going to bed at night, always repeat this affirmation.

Several times.

“I am healthy, strong, young, powerful, loving,

harmonious, successful, and happy.”

If you want money or abundance in your life, use the

following affirmation.

“I allow the universe to supply me with everything I

need to live an amazing life. I deserve the best this universe has
to offer. I am in tune with the vibration of wealth and

God and the universe want to give you the best of

everything. Why? Because God loves you more than you could
ever imagine. God and the universe are incredibly abundant. Some
of that abundance has been set aside for you. Claim it! The
affirmation below has been used by many people. It should be
repeated 3 times a day for at least 7 days.

“I’m so happy and grateful now that money comes to

me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a

Lorenzo Berardinetti

continuous basis.”

Another extremely powerful affirmation is:

“I always have more money than I need, and I cannot

help but attract more money into my life.”

I use the next affirmation when I am emotional. Remember,

your subconscious will respond to your emotionally charged
thoughts which is a specific, powerful vibration:

“I am shifting my reality to always feel good. I am

abundant inside and out and every time I breathe, beautiful
things attract to me. The universe always has my back and
wants the best for me. Including financial abundance.”

With this affirmation, you are simply stating the truth.

With all affirmations, recognize that you are proclaiming

truth in the present tense and that you are affirming to all parts of
yourself as well as affirming to the universe.

Here’s another technique. A bit different from reading an

affirmation. Here, you are swearing an oath to the universe. You
are promising to tell the truth to God, the universe and most
importantly, to yourself!

Imagine you are in a Spiritual courtroom located on another

planet. The judge walks in and asks you to swear on the bible of
the universe. You place your left hand on this special oath, raise

The Owl and the Dove

your right hand and state loudly.

I, (YOUR NAME), hereby affirm with all my heart the

following truths:

I now release all negative programming from my


I now release all fear from my conscious and subconscious

mind, including fear of death.

I understand that thoughts are real. Thoughts are things.

Thoughts create. My thoughts create my reality.

I do not chase. I attract. I acknowledge the Law of


Everything vibrates. I acknowledge the Law of Vibration.

The faster that a thing vibrates, the more spiritual it


What belongs to me will simply find me.

I am fully in control of my reality.

I speak my dreams into existence.

I find myself in a state of perpetual happiness and joy.

The universe works for me and with me.

I give thanks to God, my creator, for allowing me to live

Lorenzo Berardinetti

this life fully on all levels. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and

especially spiritually. I express gratitude on all levels. I express
love whenever and wherever possible.

I recognize that I am a soul created by God. I was never

born, and I will never die.

If you write or type this Oath, and print it off, keep a copy
close to your bed. Upon awakening and before going to bed, take
the sheet and hold it in your left hand. Then lift your right arm. As
you speak the words, imagine that you are surrounded by your
spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones and any of your heroes.
It doesn’t matter if they are alive or dead.

Imagine your room full of these people in the courtroom of

Spirituality. You are swearing an Oath, which is a very powerful
thing to do. Your voice is heard by everyone in the room. Your
voice also travels throughout the universe. You are proclaiming
your truths to the entire universe. The universe and God are
listening. They understand that you are serious. You are opening
your heart to God. And God is pleased with that.

The owl, wanting to discuss prosperity and abundance, had

collected a series of short, powerful affirmations, which he named
as his “Money Affirmations:”

“I want financial abundance in my life. So, every day, I say

the following short but very effective affirmations:

The Owl and the Dove

I attract money easily and effortlessly.

I am worthy of financial success.

I attract money happily in my life.

Money is abundant to me.

I am at peace with having a lot of money.

Attracting money comes easily to me.

I embrace new avenues of income.

The more I give, the more I receive.

Money is my friend.

I am a money magnet.

I attract money very fast.

Money comes to me automatically.

Money is my best friend.

The money I spend comes back to me multiplied.

My income is constantly growing.

I attract big money into my life.

I have money to fulfill all my desires.”

The owl kept this list of money affirmations always close at

hand. They are short, concise, and effective. Especially when

Lorenzo Berardinetti

repeated several times.

The owl suggested going on the internet and printing out

images of stacks of money.

“Keep those images close to your bed, preferably taped to a

wall close to your bed or placed in a scrapbook. View the
scrapbook daily. And add new images or ideas inside of it. You
can even print out images of your favourite home or car. Or
anything your heart desires”.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 12
The dove asked the owl,

“Since emotions play such an important role in creating

affirmations, I believe we should delve into the issue of emotions.
We have already discussed that emotions, especially positive ones,
will help with our affirmations.”

The owl responded,

“Emotions are complex psychological and physiological

states that are characterized by subjective feelings, behavioral
expressions and psychological changes. They are central to human
experience, influencing how we perceive and respond to the world
around us, and they play a crucial role in our social interactions,
our overall well-being and, of course, our decision-making.

Emotions can be triggered by a wide range of internal and

external factors, including memories, thoughts, sensory
experiences, social interactions, and physiological changes such as
hunger or fatigue.

One example is the reaction that a baby will have if they

are hungry or fatigued. They will usually cry. And crying is a very
interesting emotion. When a baby cries, it is almost as if the baby
is saying, “I am alive, pay attention to me”. People also cry when

Lorenzo Berardinetti

they cannot contain their happiness. If you were to win the $50
million dollar lottery grand prize, you would become emotional
and in many cases, you will cry like reacting to hunger or fatigue
where you end up crying. The crying emotion is where you are
telling everyone that you are alive.

The experience of emotion typically involves several

different components, including subjective feelings, physiological
changes, and behavioral expressions.

Subjective feelings are the conscious experience of an

emotion, such as feeling happy, sad, angry, or afraid. These
feelings can range in intensity and duration, and they are
accompanied by specific thoughts or beliefs about the cause or
meaning of the emotion.

Physiological changes are the bodily responses that are

associated with an emotional experience, such as changes in heart
rate, breathing, blood pressure, muscle tension or sweating. These
changes are largely controlled by the autonomic nervous system,
which is responsible for regulating many of the body's automatic
functions, such as heartbeat and breathing.

Behavioral expressions are the outward sign of an

emotional state, such as facial expressions, body language, vocal
cues or actions. When we met the hedgehog, we could see his
behavioral expressions, especially his facial expressions, which

The Owl and the Dove

indicated being afraid or being scared. His expressions provided us

with an insight into his emotional state.

Emotions can be categorized in several ways, but one

common approach is to distinguish between basic emotions and
complex emotions. Basic emotions are thought to be universal and
cross-cultural lines. These emotions include happiness, fear, anger,
sadness, disgust, and surprise. Complex emotions, on the other
hand, are thought to be more culturally specific and include
emotions such as guilt, envy, pride, and shame.

Emotions can also be characterized by their reactivity.

(Positive or negative) and their intensity (low or high). Positive
emotions are typically associated with feelings of pleasure,
happiness, or contentment. Negative emotions are associated with
feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger. The intensity of an emotion
can range from mild to intense and can be influenced by a few
factors, including the situation, the individual's personality and
coping style, and their previous experiences with similar emotions.

The study of emotions is a broad and interdisciplinary field,

drawing on insights from psychology, neuroscience, sociology,
philosophy and other disciplines. Researchers have used a variety
of methods to study emotions, including self-report measures,
behavioral observation, physiological measures and brain imaging

Lorenzo Berardinetti

One key area of research has focused on the neural

mechanisms underlying emotional processing. Studies have
identified several brain regions that are involved in emotional
processing, including the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the
insula. These regions are thought to work together to process and
integrate emotional information and to regulate emotional

Another area of research has focused on the role of

emotions in social interactions. Emotions play a key role in
communication, helping us to convey information about our
internal states to others and to interpret the emotional states of
others. Research has shown that emotions can influence a wide
range of social behaviors, including cooperation, conformity, and

Emotions also play an important role in decision-making,

influencing how we evaluate and respond to different options.
Research has shown that emotions can bias our judgment and
decisions, leading us to make choices that are driven more by our
emotional state than rational consideration.”

The dove replied by saying, “For example, we may agree to

both use the scientific method when researching something. But
depending on our emotions, we may decide to apply only science
or apply reasoning and using philosophy as well.

The Owl and the Dove

When it comes to the big questions about the existence of

God or why I exist, we must check our emotions before making
our decision.”

The owl asked, “Is God emotional?”

“Of course,” replied the dove. “God is love, and love is the
most emotional experience that we can have.”

Then the owl pulled out his notes and said that he was going to

list the major emotions that we experience.

"I want to provide a brief description of some of the basic and

commonly recognized emotions:

1- Happiness: Happiness is it positive emotion characterized

by feelings of joy, contentment, and satisfaction. It is often
accompanied by smiling, laughter, and a sense of well-

2- Sadness: Sadness is a negative emotion typically

associated with feelings of unhappiness grief or loss. It can
manifest as cheerfulness a sense of emptiness or a lack of

Lorenzo Berardinetti

3- Anger: Anger is a very strong and often intense emotion

that arises in response to perceived threats come frustration,
or injustice. It can lead to feelings of irritation, resentment,
and a desire to confront or retaliate.

4- Fear: Fear is an emotion triggered by perceived danger or

threat. It prepares the body for a fight or flight response and
can manifest as a heightened sense of alertness, increased
heart rate, and a strong desire to escape the situation. We
discuss fear in more detail in chapter 16.

5- Surprise: Surprise is a brief emotional state that occurs

when something unexpected happens. It is characterized by
heightened state of awareness and can be accompanied by
wide eyes, an open mouth, and a quick reaction.

6- Disgust: Disgust is an emotion that arises in response to

something offensive, unpleasant, or repulsive. It can be
triggered by certain tastes, smells, or behaviors and often
leads to a desire to avoid or reject the source of disgust.

7- Love: Love is a complex emotion encompassing a range of

feelings, including affection, attachment, and deep care for
someone or something. It can manifest in various forms
such as romantic love, parental love, or love for friends and
pets. Love is an extremely powerful emotion, and we
discuss love in chapter 25. Love is the most powerful force
in the universe.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 13
Creative Visualization and Thoughts
The owl brought up the subject of Creative Visualization.
This is a concept first popularized by the American author Shakti
Gawain in her book of the same name.

“It is a technique that involves using your imagination to

create a mental image of what you want to achieve or experience in
your life. The idea behind creative visualization is that by focusing
your mind on a specific goal or outcome, you can attract it into
your life to the power of your thoughts and emotions.

To practice creative visualization, you typically start by

finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and
focus your mind. You then close your eyes and begin to visualize
the outcome you desire in as much detail as possible. For example,
if you want to manifest a new job, you might visualize yourself in
your new office, interacting with your colleagues and feeling
fulfilled and happy with your work.

As you visualize your desired outcome, it is important to

engage all your senses to make the experience as vivid and as real
as possible. You must see the colours, hear the sounds, and feel the
emotions associated with your desired outcome. You can also use
smell and use your sense of taste to make the visualization even

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more real. You can use affirmations or positive statements to

reinforce your visualization and create a sense of belief and
expectation that your desired outcome is already on its way to you.

Creative visualization is based on the principle that our

thoughts and emotions have a powerful influence on our minds and
the world around us. By using this technique, you can harness the
power of your mind to create the life you want and overcome any
limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may be holding
you back.”

“I want to bring up the idea of ‘thoughts’,” said the dove.

“Because to be able to implement creative visualization,

you must understand how thinking works.”

The world without is merely a reflection of what you have

acknowledged as true in your world within. If the state of your
health or finances, or relationships are not all you desire, you must
look within yourself for the cause. Regardless of what the
condition is or how it seemed to have come about, its cause had to
find a place in your consciousness before it came into expression.
The fact that a person can change or recreate himself or improve
himself or control his environment and master his own destiny is
not a theory but a matter of positive knowledge.

Thoughts are things. The thought causes vibration and

sets in motion your future reality. Since everything has its

The Owl and the Dove

beginning in mind, and as thought, which is the mind in action,

produces form, we realize that thought is creative.

To use creative visualization, you must understand that

you must control your thoughts. Thought is the only reality.
Conditions are but the outward manifestation of thought. As
thought changes, all conditions must change to be in harmony with
their creator, which is thought. The action is automatic. The
subconscious is that marvelous phase of your mind that brings
things into existence by the sheer power of thought. It is the
spiritual part of us and through it, we relate to the divine and bring
into manifestation with infinite constructive forces of the universe.
The subconscious mind does not think, reason, balance, judge or
reject. It simply accepts all suggestions furnished by the conscious
mind, whether they be good or evil, constructive or destructive.
Here lies the mighty power of the conscious mind. The conscious
mind receives any idea or belief as a pattern to work by and
proceeds to bring such ideas or beliefs into manifestation. If the
thought is emotionally charged and repeated several times, the
subconscious mind will receive that thought, idea, or belief as a
pattern to work by and proceed to bring such thoughts, ideas, and
beliefs into manifestation. Into your life.

Every thought that enters our conscious mind is subjected

to our reasoning power. If we accept an idea or thought as true, it is
then carried to the subconscious mind to act on and is brought forth

Lorenzo Berardinetti

into visible expression as a part of our physical condition and

immediate surroundings. The conscious mind decides our fate. So,
to control our health, our environment and everything else, we
must control our thoughts first.

Your present mind is made up of countless thoughts,

beliefs, and habits entertained and formed by you in the past.
These things are expressed in your subconscious mind and are the
cause of your present health, your present state of mind, and your
present financial status.

For example, years of thoughts about anger will eventually

manifest in your body. The best example is cancer. If you keep
negative thoughts in your mind, cancer will eventually manifest.

If you wish to change your present reality, then

affirmations will be effective. This is true because any statement
continuously made by the conscious mind is accepted by the
subconscious mind as a pattern by which to weave your future.
Your present conditions are the results of your past thinking. You
will be what you are thinking today. Repeating affirmations with
emotion are the key to making lasting change in your life.

Emotions are created by your vibration. You must change

your vibration if you want to change your reality. When you make
an affirmation with thoughts and with emotions, put on music or
start to move your body (Yes, dancing by yourself is acceptable!).

The Owl and the Dove

The subconscious mind will respond to thoughts with emotion as

they are creatively visualized in your conscious mind.

Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If

you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.

The dove continued the conversation.

“There are several schools of philosophy that hold that

thoughts or mental states are real in some sense. One such school
is idealism, which holds that reality is fundamentally mental or
spiritual in nature and that the physical world is either dependent
on or a manifestation of the mental or spiritual world. Another
related school is phenomenalism, which holds the only things that
can be known to exist are mental States and their contents and that
the external world is a construct of those mental states.

In addition, some philosophers within the tradition of

phenomenology, such as Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger,
hold that conscious experience or “lived experience,” is the
foundation of all knowledge and reality. They argue that the world
is not given to us as a set of objective facts but rather as a set of
meaningful experiences that are structured by our own
consciousness. This view empathizes the subjective nature of
experience and the importance of subjective mental states in
shaping our understanding of the world.

Overall, while there is no single school of philosophy that

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exclusively exposes that thoughts are real, many philosophical

traditions recognize the importance of mental states and subjective
experience in shaping our understanding of the world and our place
in it.”

Finally, the dove added that she wanted to share with you a
very important quote.

Everything is first worked out in the unseen

before it is visible in the seen; in the ideal before
it shows forth in the real; in the spiritual before
it manifests in the material. Your subconscious
mind is bringing you the matured fruits of your
mental action, so let’s get busy and build
something worthy of the latent powers within
Venice Bloodworth-Key to Yourself

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 14
As I pondered on the words from the dove and the owl, I
had a question for them.

I asked both: “What is the difference between being

religious and spiritual?”

The dove started explaining:

“Spirituality is a broad and often complex concept that can

have different meanings for different people and cultures. At its
core, it generally refers to an individual’s search for meaning,
purpose, and connection with something greater than themselves.

God is unlimited and infinite, and that is why we have so

many religions on this earth.

In many religions, spirituality is closely linked to the belief

in a higher power or divine force and involves practices such as
prayer, meditation, and ritual as a means of connecting with this
force. Each religion has its own unique way of worshiping God.
Most of these religions are worshiping the same God.

“Spirituality, on the other hand, is different from religion,”

said the dove. For some people, attendance at a church, temple,
mosque or with a group of people is not required. For these people,

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spirituality may involve a sense of inner peace, personal growth, or

a feeling of transcendence beyond this physical world.

On an individual level, spirituality can refer to an

individual’s sense of identity, values, and beliefs and their
relationship with the world around them. This can include a sense
of connectedness with nature, a belief in the power of human
kindness and compassion, or a commitment to personal growth and
self-improvement. This can be achieved by either attending a place
of worship, or it can be a personal journey. Where a person prays
and meditates alone or with a group of friends.

The dove continued: “Ultimately, spirituality is a deeply

personal and subjective experience that can take many different
forms and be expressed in many ways. It is often seen as a journey
of self-discovery and personal growth and can play an important
role in shaping an individual’s sense of purpose, meaning, and
fulfillment in life.”

I interjected and asked the dove, “How can I become

spiritual without attending a place of worship?”

The dove replied: “Spirituality can also involve a variety of

practices and disciplines that are intended to cultivate a deeper
connection with oneself and the world around us. These practices
can include things like yoga, meditation, prayer, mindfulness, or
other forms of contemplative practice.”

The Owl and the Dove

In general, spirituality is an important aspect of your

overall health and well-being, providing a sense of balance, peace,
and purpose in their lives. It can also be an important source of
support and comfort during difficult times, helping individuals to
find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Remember, while spirituality is often associated with

religion, it is important to note that spirituality can be a separate
and distinct concept from religious belief. While religion can
provide a framework for spiritual practice and belief, spirituality
can also exist outside of religious institutions and places of
worship and can be expressed in a variety of ways.”

“Ultimately,” said the dove, “The meaning and significance

of spirituality will vary from person to person and can be shaped
by a variety of factors, including cultural and social influences,
personal beliefs and values, and individual life experiences.”

The owl wanted to bring forward his more scientific

approach to this question.

“I want to talk about two famous doctors. Dr. Carl Jung and
Dr. Sigmund Freud. Have you heard of them?

“Of course, who has not?” I replied. Is Dr. Freud not

famous for his book about dreams? And isn’t Dr. Jung famous for
founding analytical psychology?

Lorenzo Berardinetti

“Yes”, replied the dove. “But I want to explain to you their

main differences. Dr. Freud did not believe in God, while Dr. Jung
did believe in God.”

“Dr. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst

who founded analytical psychology, a school of psychology that
emphasizes the importance of the subconscious mind and the role
of spirituality in human development. Dr. Jung’s ideas were in
many ways different from those of his predecessor and mentor,
Sigmund Freud.

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the

founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating
psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a
psychoanalyst. He also developed ground-breaking theories on
dreams, the Oedipus complex, and the role of sexuality in human

One of the main differences between Dr. Jung and Dr.

Freud was their view of the subconscious mind. While Freud
believed that the subconscious mind was primarily driven by
repressed sexual and aggressive impulses, Dr. Jung saw the
subconscious mind as a source of creativity, spirituality, and
personal growth. He believed that the subconscious mind
contained not only personal memories and experiences but also
universal archetypes and symbols that were shared by all people

The Owl and the Dove

across cultures and time periods.

Doctor Jung also placed a great emphasis on spirituality

and the search for meaning than Freud did. While Freud saw
religion as a form of neurosis or wishful thinking, Dr. Jung
believed that the spiritual quest was an essential part of human
development and that the mind and the soul had a natural tendency
towards wholeness and self-realization. He saw the individual’s
search for meaning and purpose as a key factor in psychological
health and well-being.

Another important difference between Dr. Jung and Dr.

Freud was their view of the therapeutic process. While Dr. Freud
saw psychoanalysis as uncovering and resolving subconscious
conflicts and repressed impulses, Dr. Jung believed that therapy
should focus on helping individuals integrate different aspects of
themselves and achieve a greater sense of wholeness and balance.
He developed a range of techniques, such as dream analysis, active
imagination, and the use of archetypes to help individuals explore
and integrate different parts of their minds.

Overall, Dr. Jung’s ideas represented a major departure

from Freudian psychoanalysis and have had a significant impact on
the development of psychology and psychotherapy. His emphasis
on spirituality, the search for meaning and the role of the
subconscious mind in human development continues to

Lorenzo Berardinetti

influence psychologists and spiritual seekers today.

So, you see, said the owl, even among doctors, there are
different points of view.”

I had to ask the obvious question to the owl: “So who do

you believe, Dr. Freud or Dr. Jung?”

“Both,” replied the dove. “They both believed in the use of

talking to the patient. Psychoanalysis. But I agree with Dr. Carl
Jung when it comes to the subconscious mind and its connection to
spirituality and, ultimately, to God.”

“I agree,” said the owl. Dr. Jung believed in a connection

between the subconscious mind and spirituality. And so do I.

This was a lot for me to process. I asked the owl and the
dove if I could take a break. Both agreed that this would be a good
time to take a break and review the information that had been
presented to me so far.

This is a good time to go back and review the information

that has been presented up to now.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 15
The Hedgehog

While the dove and the owl were resting on the tree
branches, they saw a hedgehog approach them. The hedgehog was
walking on the grass. The owl, with his sharp eyes, noticed the
brown hedgehog with the white underbelly and asked him about
his day. The hedgehog expressed that he was really stressed out.
The dove asked why. The hedgehog replied:

Lorenzo Berardinetti

“You have no idea how difficult my life is. It is hard for me

to find food to eat every day. I must hunt down snails, worms,
slugs, frogs, and bird eggs and find fruit, vegetables, and nuts to
survive. Some days I don’t find any food and go to sleep hungry.”
The hedgehog looked to be very nervous and afraid.

The owl spoke. “Mr. Hedgehog, you are a nocturnal animal

like me. Which means you are awake all night. You should have
no problems finding food to eat. It's easy to eat fruit and vegetables
in the dark.”

The hedgehog complained about staying safe. He stated


“You two have no idea how many animals want to hunt me

down. And make me their dinner. There are foxes in this
neighbourhood, and I’ve had a few close calls with the foxes. Even
the cats want to eat me. And there’s a monkey on the loose. He’s
been terrorizing me.

Thank goodness for my ability to roll up like a ball when

I’m in danger. I stay safe this way.”

The owl interrupted and told the hedgehog that when he

rolls up, he loses access to almost all his senses.

The hedgehog shrugged his shoulders. And smiled


The Owl and the Dove

Then the dove asked a question:

“Mr. Hedgehog, can I ask you a personal question?”

The hedgehog replied by saying yes.

The dove asked the hedgehog if he believed in God.

“No, I’m an atheist”, said the hedgehog. “I don't believe in

any gods or supernatural beings.”

The dove asked: “May I ask why?”

The hedgehog replied. “Well, I believe in science and

reason. I think everything can be explained by natural causes,
without the need for any kind of divine intervention.”

The dove spoke. “I understand your perspective, but as a

spiritual being, I believe there is a higher power that created
everything. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that
there is a purpose for our existence.”

The hedgehog responded. “I respect your beliefs, dove, but

I don't see any evidence for the existence of a higher power. To
me, the universe seems indifferent to our existence, and there is no
meaning or purpose to our lives except what we create for
ourselves. God will not put food on my plate. I must hunt or
scavenge to survive.”

The dove replied. “I understand your point of view,

hedgehog, but for me, faith is not about evidence or proof. It's

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about trust and hope. I have faith that there is a loving and
compassionate God who cares for us and guides us on our

The hedgehog spoke. “I can see that faith brings you

comfort, dove, but I don't think it's something I could ever share.
To me, the universe is what it is and it's up to us to make the most
of it while we're here on this earth for a short time.”

“That's a valid perspective, hedgehog, said the dove. I

believe that we can still find meaning and purpose in life even if
we don't share the same beliefs. We can respect each other’s
differences and learn from each other.”

“I agree,” said the hedgehog.

The dove asked the hedgehog if she could ask another

question. The hedgehog nodded and he wanted to hear what the
dove had to say.

The dove asked: “Well, you said you believe in science and
reason. Do you think that there's anything science cannot explain?”

The hedgehog replied: “That’s a good question. “I think

there are still many mysteries in the universe that science hasn't
been able to fully explain yet, but I believe that eventually, science
will be able to answer all of our questions.”

The dove found this interesting. So he asked the hedgehog:

The Owl and the Dove

“Let's take the concept of love, for example. Science can explain
the chemical and biological process is that occur when we feel
love, but it cannot fully capture the depth and beauty of that
experience. Love is something that is felt in the heart and the soul
more than the brain.”

The hedgehog replied. “I see what you're saying, dove. But

I would argue that even though science cannot fully capture the
subjective experience of love, it can still tell us a lot about what's
happening in the brain and the body and when we feel it. And
eventually, science will, in the future, be able to explain what love

The dove did not disagree with the hedgehog on this point.
He added, “That's true hedgehog. I guess we'll always have
different ways of understanding and interpreting the world around
us, but I think it's important to keep an open mind and be willing to
learn from each other even if we always don't agree.”

The hedgehog liked what the dove had just said and then

“I must move on. Nobody will put food on my plate. I’m

hungry and I need to find some food. Also, I’m stressed out by
being hunted all the time. Especially by that crazy monkey.”

The owl spoke. “There are no wild monkeys here in North

America. Where did this monkey come from?”

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“I have no idea,” replied the hedgehog. “But it’s terrifying

me. I even have nightmares about this monkey.”

The hedgehog bid his farewell to the owl, the dove and I,
even though I had not said a word.

After the hedgehog left, the owl and the dove got into a

“That hedgehog is full of fear,” said the dove. “His

thoughts have created his reality of fear, hunger and not finding
enough food”.

“Not only that, but he believes that he’s being chased by a

monkey. He’s imagining this. And it comes from his fear-based
perspective of this reality,” said the owl.

“That hedgehog is worried about things that don’t exist. His

mind (subconscious) is making things up,” said the Owl. He
continued speaking.

“I guess this is a good example of how unrealistic and

unnatural our fears are. Our fears can be irrational.

It also goes to show how powerful a person’s

imagination can be.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 16
The owl wanted to bring up an important topic. ‘Fear’. The
owl stated.

“We just witnessed the hedgehog who is full of fear.

Fear is an emotion that is triggered by a perceived threat to

an individual’s safety or well-being. It is an innate survival
mechanism that helps us to respond to dangerous or potentially
harmful situations. When a person experiences fear, their body
may release hormones like adrenaline, which can increase heart
rate and blood pressure and cause physical symptoms like
sweating, trembling, and rapid breathing.

Fear can be helpful in some situations, such as the way it

helps us to avoid physical harm or danger. However, fear can also
be unhealthy when it is persistent and interferes with a person's
daily life or prevents them from engaging in activities that they
enjoy. But there is a downside to fear.

Fear holds us back from realizing our highest potential.

Fear stops us from fulfilling our dreams and our goals. Fear freezes
us. We must conquer fear if we are to grow.

Fear is an illusion. I repeat fear is an illusion. We create

fear in this so-called physical reality. Fear does not exist in the

Lorenzo Berardinetti

world of spirit.

Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.

Our Ego is constantly in fear. We perceive the world

through our 5 senses. Our five senses are highly connected to our

1. Vision
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Taste
5. Touch

When we perceive this physical reality, it becomes a

scary, frightening place. We see through our eyes, hear through
our ears, smell from our nose, taste through our mouth and
touch through our hands and body, a scary world. Full of
negativity, war, conflict and so many other negative things.
Just turn on the television and watch the news for a few
minutes. News stories are full of fear. We watch and listen as
the news tells us stories of mass shootings in schools, possible
wars between countries, and unusual weather that causes
flooding and flash forest fires. We see and hear all this and
think, “Are these terrible things going to happen to me one
day?” Why does the news not tell pleasant events to us?
Because that information does not sell. A news station would

The Owl and the Dove

rather talk about an earthquake rather than a heroic action done

by an individual.”

“If we view this reality with fear, then we will never

realize our full potential. I believe that God is a loving God and
not a punishing God,” said the dove. The dove went on to say.

“We create our own negativity. The key is to recognize

the negativity that you are creating. Yes, you are creating it. By
allowing negative news stories and negative thoughts to enter
your conscious mind and possibly enter your subconscious
mind. The outside world is just a reflection of your negative
thinking. The ego is afraid because it knows that one day it will
be destroyed. When death happens, the eyes stop seeing, the
ears stop hearing, the nose stops smelling, the mouth stops
tasting, and the body, arms and legs stop touching. It all ends.
To the ego, this is very scary.

Most people live their lives through the ego. They do

not understand that they are not their ego but rather their soul.
Which never dies. Your consciousness is eternal. So is your
soul and spirit.

The five senses do, however, have their purpose for

existing, added the dove. “Through our five senses, we can
connect and “understand” this reality. If there is physical
danger (For example, a fire) ahead, the eyes can see that. You

Lorenzo Berardinetti

can hear the fire. You can smell the fire and smoke. And
through experience, you learn not to touch the fire. Your ego
(brain) will avoid the fire. And most other dangers.

Furthermore, our senses do provide us with physical

pleasures. We all like to see beautiful things like a beautiful
sunrise or sunset or a loved one.

We all like to hear music. Every human enjoys music.

We spend millions of dollars a year on downloading and
purchasing music. We also like the sounds of nature. For
example, the wind rustling through the leaves in a forest or
birds singing in the trees.

We all like smelling things like coffee, fresh bread, or a

home-cooked meal.

We all like to use our taste buds. Think how much

money is spent in the restaurant business. Plus, the tasty food
that we eat at home. Is it not interesting that most food tastes
good? Imagine if the food did not taste good. What would we
do to eat?

We also like to touch things. Whether it be a hug, an

embrace, touching the ocean water or getting a good massage,
every human likes to touch or be touched.

One of the great things about being in a physical body

The Owl and the Dove

is to experience this reality through our five senses. They bring

us pleasure and an experience like no other. If we understand
and accept that our home is in the World of Spirit and that this
physical reality will end one day, then we should enjoy the
pleasures of life through our five senses. They are a gift from

Finally, said the dove, I want to quote two-time winner

of the Nobel Peace Prize, Madame Curie:

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be

understood. Now is the time to understand more
so that we may fear less.
The owl agreed and wanted the final word.

The only thing to fear is fear itself.

President Franklin Roosevelt.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 17

The dove asked the owl; should we discuss childhood?

“Absolutely,” said the owl. “Do you mind if I speak first?”

“Certainly, said the dove.

The owl started speaking:

“Our brain also referred to as our mind, is divided into 2

parts. The conscious and the subconscious mind. We already have
discussed consciousness, and this takes place in our conscious
mind. We have discussed how the 5 senses are deeply connected to
the conscious mind. We do our thinking, solve our problems, and
perceive this reality through our conscious minds.

The Owl and the Dove

The subconscious mind works differently. Firstly, it keeps

us alive. It controls our heartbeat, our breathing, blinking, and
body temperature and heals us from illnesses by releasing the
proper blood cells to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. It releases
different hormones into our bloodstream and does so many other
life-preserving functions. We don’t have to think about these
functions. The subconscious mind takes care of all these functions,
even when we are sleeping or unconscious. This includes being in
a coma.

The conscious mind has access to the subconscious mind.

We have already discussed how affirmations from the conscious
mind can leave an imprint on the subconscious mind.

During our childhood years, between approximately ages 0

to 7, our subconscious mind is vulnerable. Our parents, siblings,
relatives, and other people can dump their fears, worries and
beliefs into the subconscious mind. We have no filter to stop this.
Our subconscious mind accepts all these negative programs. There
is nothing to stop this. The conscious mind has not developed
enough yet to know the difference between what is good for you
and what is bad for you.”

I had to interrupt the owl. “My parents were always

worried about money and had fears about not having enough

Lorenzo Berardinetti

The owl responded by saying, “Most people worry about

money. There is a lot of fear around money. When you were
young, negative programming about money (and lack of it) went
automatically into your subconscious mind. And once it entered
the subconscious mind, it manifested in your life. The
subconscious mind works with the universal mind (God) to make
sure that these fears manifest in your life.

The subconscious mind has a very powerful connection to

the universe. In your example, the subconscious mind will work
with the universe to make sure that you have poverty and lack of
money and abundance in your life.

This is why meditation, prayer and affirmations are so

important. They are tools that rewire your subconscious mind. To
change your life, you must change the way you think consciously
and the information (wrapped in emotion and feelings) that you
send to your subconscious mind.

You can use these tools to remove the negative thoughts

and beliefs from your subconscious mind and replace the
thoughts with positive ones.

This is like homework. You must put in the time and effort
to truly change your subconscious mind.

We suggest that you go into a quiet room in your house. If

you cannot find a quiet room, then go inside your car or take a

The Owl and the Dove

walk in the woods or some other quiet outdoor place. We suggest

using one of the following prayers:

Powerful Prayer:

Dear God, as I come before you in prayer at this

moment, I am reminded of your great love and power. You are
the creator of all things and there is nothing beyond your
reach. You are the source of all life and the giver of every good
gift. You are the one who can heal our brokenness and restore
our souls. I pray that you would show your mercy and
compassion to all those who are suffering right now. Comfort
those who are grieving and give them hope for a brighter
tomorrow. Strengthen those who are facing difficult challenges
and help them to overcome every obstacle in their path.
Provide for those who are in need and give them the resources
they require. Lord, I pray that you would bring peace to our
troubled world. Heal the divisions that separate us and help us
to see each other as brothers and sisters in God. Give us the
wisdom to know how to love one another and to work together
for the good of all. I ask that you bless this world with your
powerful healing light. Finally, Lord, I am grateful for all the
wonderful gifts that you have bestowed upon me. I seek to do
your will upon this earth always. And I ask that I may be an
instrument of your divine love. Amen.

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Another good prayer is this one based on Gratitude. It is

important to tell God “Thank You” for all the wonderful things
you have or have received throughout your life. Once God hears
that you are grateful and thankful, he will send you more. That is
his nature.

Prayer for Gratitude:

Holy Spirit, teach me teach me to open my heart to

understand how precious I am to you. Open the eyes of my soul
to see the gifts you have put before me this day. Give me the
grace to recognize each encounter with you. Teach me to
respond in gratitude, to grow and gratitude. Teach me to be
generous as you are generous with me and collaborate with you
in serving my sisters, brothers and all mankind for your
greater glory. Amen.

The dove stated that expressing gratitude is one of the most

powerful ways of connecting with God. Throughout your day,
remember to thank God for everything. The food you eat, the air
you breathe, and the joy of being in a physical body. Being able to
have so much joy in your life. Utilizing your five senses to
experience the very best of this reality. We all eventually die, so
why not enjoy all the best that this physical reality has to offer?
This physical existence is temporary. Enjoy it! Eventually, you
will return home, in the World of Spirit and you will have grown

The Owl and the Dove

and experienced things on this Earth plane.

Another prayer can be used when you first wake up.

Morning Prayer:

Heavenly God, as the sun rises and the world awakens

around me, I come before you full of gratitude and with a soul
overflowing with hope. Today I ask for your guidance and
strength to help me face the challenges and obstacles that may
come my way. As I begin this new day, I am reminded of the
many gifts and blessings you have bestowed upon me. I am
grateful for the gift of life, for the breath in my lungs and for
the opportunity to live each day to its fullest. I am grateful for
the people you have placed in my life. For their love their,
support and encouragement. And I am grateful for the
countless ways in which you have shown me your love and
mercy. But Lord, I know that life can be difficult and that
there are times when we face trials and tribulations that test
our faith and our resolve. In those moments, I ask that you
grant me the courage to face my fears, the strength to
overcome my doubts and the perseverance to keep moving
forward help me to trust in your plan for my life and to have
faith that will guide me through even the darkest valleys. And
Lord, as I go about my day, help me to be a light to this world,
shining your love and compassion to all those I encounter. Help

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me to see the beauty and goodness in every person and treat

each one with kindness, respect and empathy. Help me to be a
source of hope and inspiration to those who need it most and to
bring joy and peace wherever I go. Finally, Lord, I ask you to
bless me with the wisdom to make good choices, the
discernment to know right from wrong and the humility to
seek forgiveness when I fall short. May your grace and mercy
be with me always and may always be mindful of your
presence in my life. Asking always that my guides work ever so
close with me. And always knowing that your love for me and
everyone is universal and eternal. I go forward to this day with
you beside me. Amen.

There are many other powerful prayers. When you pray,

you are talking with God. But you are also sending a message to
yourself. You are telling yourself, all parts of yourself, the truth.
Not the lies that the ego makes up.

After praying, we strongly suggest that you say a few

powerful affirmations. Say them with emotion and feelings. We
have discussed affirmations earlier, but we want to give you some
very powerful affirmations. Again, go to a quiet place and read out
these affirmations. Repeat these affirmations several times. Why?
So that they pass through the conscious mind and go into the
subconscious mind. As stated before, the subconscious mind,
which is connected to God and the universe, will make these

The Owl and the Dove

affirmations manifest. You want the old thoughts and beliefs to

dissolve. And to be replaced with positive thoughts. Here are three
extremely powerful affirmations:

I now take a stand for my greatness in this life, and I

release all fear from me now and forever and I recognize that I
am God inwardly and on all levels.

Repeat this affirmation at least 10 times. Say it out loud.

And realize that you are announcing to the universe your

truth. Not the garbage that was placed in your subconscious mind
when you were a child and knew no better. And had no control.
Treat this like a game. You entered this earth plane with a wide-
open subconscious mind. Now you are going to play the game and
replace the garbage with your truth. Another affirmation:

The universe now abundantly supplies me with life

energy, life force and all that I need to live my life fully,
completely, and abundantly and I accept this within as my
divine right.

Many people complain that their love life is not satisfying.

Many complain that they cannot find the “right” person. If you fall
in this category, then affirm, with emotion:

I now recognize the beauty within me and to the outer

of me and I experience this fully in my life on all levels.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

People want attractive, loving partners, but they must

realize that they must recognize their own beauty before they can
have a beautiful person enter their lives.

Notice how the affirmations are much shorter in length than

the prayers. The prayer is you talking with God. You want to have
a meaningful discussion with him. He is listening and will answer
your prayers.

Affirmations are short statements that are repeated several

times to re-wire your subconscious mind. These affirmations said
with emotions and feelings, will enter the subconscious mind as
new commands. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish
between imagination and reality. So, it will accept these
affirmations as reality and work with God and the universe to
make them manifest. They must manifest. Not may manifest. They
will manifest. If you are not getting results, repeat each affirmation
20 or 30 times in one sitting. It took 7 or 8 years to fill your
subconscious mind with garbage. An hour a day of affirmations
will replace that garbage.

If you get discouraged, then please say the following

sentence out loud:

I can handle this.

And take a deep breath, and exhale. This sentence is

unique. It is extremely effective.

The Owl and the Dove

If you ever get discouraged on your spiritual awakening,

then just say, “I can handle this”. For example, imagine this chain
of thoughts running through your head:

I don’t know if these affirmations will work. I don’t think

that I can improve myself. This is too difficult for me. I’m going to
give up……. I have other things that require my attention.

That’s when you stop, take a deep breath, and say to

yourself out loud or in your head:

I can handle this.

For some reason, the words “I can handle this” have a

special effect on all parts of the mind and even the body. Once you
say these words, you feel your true nature. You can feel your soul,
your spirit taking charge of the situation. You feel empowered.
You feel strong. Why? Because you are speaking the truth. And
you know this on every level. Consciously and subconsciously. If
you meditate on “I can handle this”, it will relax you. It puts things
in perspective.

Think of all the things you have been able to handle

throughout your lifetime. Here are a few examples:

You went to school and learned to read and write.

You learned to ride a bicycle.

You probably learned how to drive a car.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

You learned to exercise or work out.

You may have been bullied, but you learned to handle it.

You probably had or have a job that you handled


All the above examples show that you have been able to
handle certain challenges successfully.

You can also handle the trauma from your childhood. Start
to pray daily. Read out loud your affirmations. Repetition is the
key. Repeat until the garbage dissipates and disappears. You must
persist. You can do it. You can handle this. Besides prayer and
affirmations, there is a third element that will help in healing
childhood trauma.

And that is meditation. Before we discuss meditation, we

want you to go back to a pleasant memory from your childhood. It
can be anything from learning how to ride a bike to celebrating a
birthday or a special holiday like Christmas. Go back into your
memories and think of how you felt when you first rode a bike or
were excited on Christmas Eve. You, as a child, experienced
happiness and joy that you probably rarely experience as an adult.
Do you remember how often you laughed as a child? How happy
you were when you played with your friends?

That little boy or girl still exists within you. He or she

The Owl and the Dove

wants to laugh, play, and enjoy every moment of life. You must
acknowledge the existence of this little boy or girl and make him
or her happy again. Notice how many Eastern teachers and Yogis
always have a smile on their faces? They have healed their
childhood trauma and have made peace with their inner child. You
must do the same. Smile more often. Laugh more often. Play more

The little boy or girl does not want to be hurt. He or she

most likely experienced “hurt” or “disappointment” at a very
young age. And it may still be inside of him or her.

Waiting to be healed.

Enjoy the experience of being in this physical reality. Use

prayers, affirmations and go into a meditation where you can re-
connect with that child within. This is where you will experience
true joy. The child within you will be happy that you have
acknowledged him or her. Tell that inner child that you are going
to start having fun more often. And that you are going to laugh
more often. This world is full of funny moments. Notice that when
a friend or associate starts to laugh, you feel like laughing too.
Laughing is a natural emotion. It has tremendous health benefits.
And it makes each day more enjoyable.

“I have to make an important point,” I told the owl and the


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“Sometimes, when I need to laugh, I look up “Jewish

Jokes” on YouTube. I always end up laughing after listening to a
good Jewish joke.”

The owl stated.

“Connect with your inner child. Use the techniques laid out
in this chapter and throughout this book to help you connect with
that little child who is probably sad right now and is waiting for
you to make him or her happy again. Most people ignore the inner
child. And that is why they do not truly experience joy in life. Start
to play and feel the joy of being alive on this earth plane now.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 18
The owl spoke and said,

“Another way to deal with childhood trauma, besides

prayer and affirmation, is meditation.

Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to

focus and be present in the moment. All your power exists in the
present moment. The past is gone, so there is no power there. The
future has yet to happen, so there is no power in the future. All
power that you have exists now. Your consciousness needs to be in
the present moment. Don’t think about future events (For example,
“I have to work tomorrow” or “I have to cook dinner tonight”).
Just be present and in the moment. Meditation is the key to being
in the moment.

Meditation is a technique that has been used for thousands

of years in various spiritual and religious traditions and has gained
widespread popularity in recent years as a tool for reducing stress,
improving mental clarity, and promoting overall well-being.

In one sentence, meditation calms the body and the

mind. The key is to focus on your breathing. This can be a
challenge as the mind will wander towards other topics, especially
your worries. Just like affirmations require repetition, meditation

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requires repetition and practice. If you are a beginner, go easy on

yourself. Meditation, in a way, is like learning to play the piano.
The first time you try to play a piano, you won’t be very good at it.
But by persisting, by saying that you can handle it, you will
gradually get better. Start with small sessions. For example, five
minutes. Go into your bedroom or any quiet room and learn to be
still. Sit on a chair or a bean bag or on the floor.

Get comfortable. Make sure your muscles are relaxed.

Remove your glasses, your watch, and any other metal items off
your body. Get into comfortable clothing. Pajamas or a tracksuit
are both good. You want to remove metal objects from your body
because they interfere with the energy flow that is created when
one is meditating. Once you are comfortable, straighten your back
and make sure that your head is straight and looking forward. Start
taking deep breaths through your nose. If your nose is congested,
then use your mouth. Ideally, you inhale with a deep breath
through your nose. Inhale and hold your breath when your lungs
are full for a few seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Try
to do 10 deep breaths. Counting out loud or quietly in your mind.
Go from 1 until you reach ten deep breaths. Focus on your
breathing. Thoughts will pop into your mind. This happens to
everyone, so don’t worry about it. Try to ignore them. Or at least
don’t worry about them. Everyone who starts to meditate
experiences distracting thoughts. This is normal. Let the distracting

The Owl and the Dove

thoughts just float through your mind. And keep focusing on

breathing. Deep breaths. As you gain experience in this, you may
want to count to 20. And eventually 30. One piece of advice is that
while you are meditating, try to focus on your hearing. What
sounds do you hear? Is the furnace or air conditioner running? Can
you hear birds outside? Is someone mowing the lawn or shovelling
their driveway? Just allow yourself to listen and make sure you are
breathing properly.

At its core, meditation involves training the mind to focus

on a particular object or activity, such as breath, sound, or visual
image. By focusing the mind in this way, practitioners can
cultivate a state of mental calmness and clarity and develop a
stronger awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily

The goal of meditation is to cultivate a state of mental

calmness and clarity and to develop a deeper awareness of oneself
and the world around us. It is a practice that takes time and effort
to master but can have profound benefits for both mental and
physical health when practiced regularly.

Research has shown that regular meditation practice can

help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, boost
immune function, and even reduce symptoms of depression. It can
also help improve focus and concentration, increase emotional

Lorenzo Berardinetti

resilience, and promote a greater sense of overall well-being.

It is best to meditate twice a day. Once in the morning,

right after your prayers and affirmations and again just before
going to bed. (Don’t forget to do your evening prayers and
affirmations first.)”

I interjected by saying: “I remember speaking with a Yogi

from India many years ago. He told me that it was very important
that I meditate in the morning, just after waking up. He told me
that when he meditates in the morning, he connects with ‘The

The dove spoke and said:

“The Network is the same as saying the universe. We are

all connected to each other. Ultimately you are connecting with a
higher, divine reality. Over time, you be able to meditate for longer
periods of time. You will be relaxed. You may also notice pleasant
thoughts starting to enter your consciousness.

When you are in a good, deep meditation, you can start

visualizing the future that you like. You can begin to manifest.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 19
“Do you understand what desire is?” The owl asked me.

“Wanting to have something. Whether it be an object like

money or a feeling like happiness,” I replied.

“Desire is a feeling of wanting or wishing for something to

happen or for possessing something. It can refer to both physical
and emotional desires, ranging from basic needs such as food,
water, shelter, and protection, to more complex desires such as
success, love, and happiness. Desire can be driven by various
factors, including instinct, societal expectations, personal goals,
and past experiences. It is a powerful motivator that can influence
behavior and decision-making.

I interrupted and said: “I once saw a movie named “The

Little Buddha”. In that movie, Buddha believed that desire is the
cause of suffering. He taught that craving and attachment to
worldly pleasures, possessions, and experiences lead to human
suffering and prevents people from achieving inner peace and
happiness. In Buddhism, desire is referred to as “tanha” and is
viewed as one of the three poisons, along with ignorance and
hatred, which keep individuals trapped in the cycle of birth, death,
and rebirth. Buddha emphasized the importance of overcoming

Lorenzo Berardinetti

desire through meditation, self-reflection, and by the cultivation of

mindfulness. By recognizing the impermanence of all things and
detaching from attachments, one can attain a state of inner peace
and liberation from suffering. He also emphasized the practice of
“right desire,” Which is the ability to desire only those things that
are beneficial for oneself and others.

“Well, I understand what Buddha is trying to say,” said the

dove. “He is not against all desires. He does believe in “right
desire,” which is desiring those things that are very important to
one’s life.

I think that by going into a deep meditation, one can ask the
question: “What do I truly desire?

Here are some steps that can help you manifest your

1. Clarify your desires: Be clear about what

you want to manifest. Write down your desires and be
specific about what you want to achieve. Keep a list of your
desires close to your bed.
2. Visualize: visualize yourself already having
what you desire. Imagine how it feels, looks, smells, tastes,
and sounds. Use all five of your senses to visualize what do
you want. This helps to create a mental image of what you
want to manifest. I highly recommend that you go and buy

The Owl and the Dove

a scrapbook and fill it with photographs and quotes and

other images that will inspire you in your visualization.
Once the scrapbook is full, I recommend that you view the
scrapbook daily. If you want to own a Ferrari, then print out
an image of a Ferrari and tape it into your scrapbook. If you
desire a vacation on a tropical island like Hawaii, then find
images of beautiful beaches and 5-star hotels on the
internet, print them out and tape them into your scrapbook.
Feel free to let your imagination run wild.
3. Believe in yourself: believe that you can
achieve your desires. You have already achieved many
successes in your life. Whether it be learning to talk,
learning to walk, or learning to ride a bicycle, these are all
things that you have achieved. Meditate on your successes
and know that you have succeeded.
4. Self-Worth: Believe that you are worthy of
receiving your desires.
5. Act: Take action toward your desires. I will
have more to say about what I call “Taking Massive
Action” to realize and manifest your desires later. This can
also include setting goals.
6. Trust the process: Trust that the universe
Will bring your desires to you in its own time and in its
own way. Don't get discouraged if things don't happen

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immediately. One of the most difficult things to understand

is that your desire will manifest at the right time and in the
right place.
7. Practice gratitude: Be grateful for what you
have already in your life. This helps to create a positive
mindset and attract more abundance into your life. Be
grateful for the air that you breathe, the food that you eat,
the house or apartment or trailer that you live in. And
ultimately, be grateful for being alive and being in a
physical body at this time period. There are many souls in
the World of Spirit that want to reincarnate. Not all of them
get a physical body. Remember that when you were in the
World of Spirit, you had to fight to get a body.

Remember that manifesting your desires is a process that

requires patience, persistence, inspiration, and positivity. Keep
your focus on your desires. Review your scrapbook regularly, add
more photos or writings to it and believe in yourself. Take inspired
action towards achieving your desires.

The owl wanted to share an affirmation that he uses

regularly when he wants to focus on his desires.

“I ask my subconscious mind to reveal to me now all of

the information, knowledge, and wisdom necessary for my
highest growth, highest development and to release to me all

The Owl and the Dove

levels of desire so that I now know consciously what my heart’s

desire is.”

“This is a powerful affirmation. And it should be repeated

several times a day for at least 30 days until you know consciously
what your heart’s desire is.

Now I want to say something about the difference between

desire and manifestation”, said the dove.

“Desire is a feeling of wanting or wishing for something to

happen or for something to be possessed.

Manifestation, on the other hand, is the actual process of

bringing those desires into reality. Manifestation involves using the
power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to attract the desired
outcomes into your life.

Desire is the first step toward manifestation. Without a

desire, there is nothing to manifest. However, simply having a
desire is not enough to make it a reality. Manifestation requires a
deliberate effort to align and change the vibration of your thoughts,
beliefs, and actions with your desired outcome. This involves
focusing on what you truly want, believing that it is possible, and
taking inspired action toward achieving it.

In summary, desire is the starting point, and manifestation

is the process of turning that desire into a reality. Desires are the

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fuel that drives manifestation, and manifestation is the intentional

effort to bring those desires into fruition and into the physical

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 20
The dove began to speak about creating your reality:

“One of the main reasons that our souls want to have a

physical experience is that it wants to learn how to manipulate
energy. In other words, it wants to learn how to manifest. In the
World of Spirit, thoughts dominate, and if you think about having
a nice dinner, all you must do is think about it, and it manifests
instantaneously. There is no time delay. Here on the Earth plane,
things are different. To experience a great dinner, we must walk or
take a bus or drive to a fancy restaurant. We may have to make
reservations days before the meal. We may invite some friends or
family to come and join in the dinner. We must order from a menu
and wait for the meal to arrive. We then eat it and must pay the
cheque (bill) with our money or the money of a friend who may
decide to pay for the meal. This all involves time. In the World of
Spirit, time does not exist. A soul just must think, and the
manifestation process brings the desired reality to you
instantaneously. The higher you vibrate, the better the reality

We come to this earth plane to learn how to manifest better

so that we can manifest better in the World of Spirit.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author, explains

manifestation in a very simple way:

“The secret of manifestation is expressed in one simple

statement by Jesus. And that encapsulates all the books that have
been written on manifestation and will ever be written on
manifestation. It is just one simple sentence:

It says that when you pray for something, believe that it

has been given or that you already have it, and then you will
receive it.

So, the important thing is that Jesus doesn’t say, “Believe

that you will receive it. It is believing that you have received it. So,
the secret is hiding in the statement, “Believe that you have
received it” Faith is the key.

Faith is the belief or trust in something or someone without

requiring proof or evidence. It often involves a strong conviction
or confidence in the existence or reality of something that cannot
be directly perceived or observed. Faith is believing in something
or someone when the ego is telling you it is not true. Meditation is
one way that can be used to strengthen one’s faith.

Faith can take many forms and can be related to religious,

spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, as well as personal relationships,
values, and goals. It can provide a sense of meaning, purpose, and
direction in life and can help individuals cope with difficult

The Owl and the Dove

situations and challenges.

Faith can also be seen as a way of knowing or

understanding the world that is distinct from scientific or empirical
knowledge. While scientific knowledge is based on observation,
experimentation and evidence, faith is based on subjective
experience, intuition, and personal belief.

Everything that you desire already exists in either physical

reality or in the spiritual realm. It is just a matter of drawing it
towards through affirmations, prayer and action.

Different people and cultures have different beliefs and

understandings of what faith is and how it can be practiced. Some
see faith as a deeply personal and individual experience, while
others view it as a communal or collective practice that connects
people to a larger spiritual or religious community.”

Now the owl wanted to have his say. He agreed with a lot
of what the dove had just said, but he wanted to introduce a very
important fact.

“To manifest anything you desire, you must really believe

and be convinced that you have the power to change yourself. To
change your vibration.

The owl became very serious. He suggested a special

meditation for being able to change your reality.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

“Get into a meditative position, close your eyes, and relax.

Check each part of your body and make sure that they are relaxed.
Take deep breathes, in and out. Relax. Close your eyes. As you
breathe, remember that you are not only breathing oxygen, but you
are inhaling life energy.

Focus on your feet and toes. Let go of any tension or

pressure there. Then move to your legs. Relax every single muscle.
Then do the same for your buttocks and your back. Relax every
single muscle. Keep taking deep breaths as you let go of any
tightness there. Next is your stomach. Focus on it. Think about the
stomach. Then allow yourself to release any muscle tension there.
Do the same with your chest. Relax the muscles there and continue
breathing deeply. Do your throat and neck next. The neck is
usually tight from daily stress. So, relax and breathe out all the
tension that was there. Finally, do your head and face. There are
dozens of muscles there. Try to relax and let go of any tension
there. Finally, focus on the top of your head. Keep taking deep
breaths. Let the muscles on the top of your head just relax.

I want you to tell yourself: “I am completely relaxed”.

Repeat this affirmation to yourself several times. Remember to
keep taking deep breaths, preferably through your nose. In and out.

Use your imagination to visualize yourself being on a

The Owl and the Dove

beautiful beach (or a meadow or any pleasant place in nature). Feel

God’s love surround you like warm, magnetic energy. Remind
yourself that God’s love is the greatest love that exists. Better than
falling in love or having sex. This love is very special and
extremely powerful.

Keep breathing and try to be grateful. For everything. For

the air that you breathe, the food that you eat, the music you listen
to and everything your body does to keep you alive and healthy.

Think of yourself as transforming from a caterpillar to a

beautiful butterfly.

Then say to yourself something positive such as:

I am a millionaire. I know this to be true. I can visualize

myself as a millionaire. I must call the car dealership to buy
my new car. I can already smell that “new car.” smell. The car
looks so beautiful. I also must call my bank to transfer my
millions of dollars.

It is also true that I am in perfect health.

It is also true that………. (Choose anything you want).

I am getting very emotional because God has given to

me that which I desired. I am filled with gratitude and love.
And my tears are of joy.

This is the most difficult manifestation technique. But it

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works. You must activate your senses, plus your emotions and
thoughts. Try it and see if it works. I promise you that if you do
this exercise for 30 days in a role, your life will completely change.

The belief that you must have will not come from the
head but from the body. That’s the only way that it will work.
You must feel your new belief. When I say that it must come from
the body, what I mean to say is that your five senses and your ego
will come on board in believing that you have acquired what you

Another point I want to make involves mathematics and,

more particularly, long division. When your schoolteacher first put
a long division problem on the chalkboard, you did not understand.
But after learning more and practising it several times, you
eventually learned it. You now understood how long division

This is the same thing. You must keep doing the exercise
above many times before you become a powerful manifestor. You
will know when you have crossed that line.

This line has prevented you from what you really wanted.
There is nothing better than crossing that line from being a
frustrated manifestor to becoming a real manifestor. Be patient
with yourself. This is powerful stuff and very few people ever
reach their desires or their goals.

The Owl and the Dove

You must become “Machiavellian” with your approach to

this technique. Machiavelli was famous for his study of political
science. His most famous saying is, “The ends justify the means”.
In other words, do whatever it takes to become a true manifestor.
(Just don’t do anything illegal!).

There can be no room for doubt. Not even 0.01 percent.

The belief must become part of your physical reality. And

your body must feel the desired manifested thing in front of your
eyes. The key is feeling. Feeling how good you feel now that you
have manifested the thing you wanted.

Talk with your inner child and tell him that you are
working on new spiritual and metaphysical lessons because you
want your inner child to laugh and play more than ever.

It is also important to mention that you must be in the

moment. In the now. The past is gone and the future has not yet

How do you do that? Meditation. Go into a quiet room. Sit

on a chair or the floor. Get comfortable. Remove your glasses and
your watch. Then begin taking deep breaths. Instead of counting
your breaths as one, two, three, four, etc., I want you to state while
exhaling each breath: “I am in the present moment.”

Breathe in deeply again, then exhale, saying out loud or in

Lorenzo Berardinetti

your mind the words “I am in the present moment”.

You want to be in the present moment because that is

where all your power is. Once you have done 5 or 10 minutes of
this exercise, I want you to still the mind and focus like a laser
beam on what you really desire. You must bring your feelings into
this exercise now. State out loud what your desire is. And
remember that when you try to manifest, pray to God, imagining
that the thing you desire has already been given to you. I know I
mentioned this earlier, But I cannot stress enough how important it
is to be in the moment and properly pray for what you want.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 21
Feelings and Chakras

dove wanted
to discuss a

particular thing. Feelings.

“I think we have to move into a much different discussion


“What do you mean?” said I.

“I want to focus on one of our senses, our feelings.

We have already established that we have five senses.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

1. Vision
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Taste and
5. Touch.

The first four senses are all located in the head. The only
sense that covers the entire human body is touch. It is controlled by
the nervous system. We touch with our fingers or hands or feet.
Our nervous system allows us to touch or feel in every part of the

“So, what’s the big deal?” Said I.

The dove responded, “Touch is like feeling. We touch

things and we feel them.”

“Feeling” is a word we created to describe our conscious

awareness of the vibration we are in. The idea that “feeling” is a
word we created to describe our conscious awareness of the
vibration we are in is a perspective that is commonly associated
with the Law of Attraction and other similar metaphysical
concepts. According to this perspective, everything in the universe
is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies and our
thoughts and emotions also have their own unique vibrations.

When we experience a particular emotion, such as

happiness, sadness, or anger, we are said to be in a particular

The Owl and the Dove

vibrational state. This vibrational state then attracts similar

vibrations to it, which can manifest in our lives as corresponding
experiences, people, or circumstances. This is known as the Law of

The idea of “feeling” as a conscious awareness of vibration

is related to the concept of emotional intelligence, which refers to
our ability to identify and understand our own emotions and the
emotions of others. When we can recognize our own emotional
state, we can become more aware of the vibrations we are putting
out into the universe and take steps to shift our vibration if

To be successful, we must vibrate success. We must vibrate

wealth and abundance. We must vibrate good health, we must
vibrate love.

Overall, the concept of feeling as a conscious awareness of

vibration is a way of understanding of the relationship between our
thoughts, emotions, and the experiences we attract into our lives.
To change our vibration, we must change our feelings and our
emotions. Feelings of gratitude, thankfulness and love increase the
speed of our vibration. The Law of Attraction kicks in and we
begin to attract better things into our lives.

The owl added his perspective: “While it is not a

scientifically proven concept, many people find it helpful as a tool

Lorenzo Berardinetti

for personal growth and self-awareness.”

The dove replied, “The Law of Vibration is a law that

exists throughout the universe. Everything vibrates. And different
things vibrate at different frequencies.

The Law of Vibration is one of the fundamental principles

of metaphysics and spirituality. It states that everything in the
universe is made up of energy that vibrates at its own unique
frequency. This energy is constantly in motion and interacts with
other energies to create the reality we experience.

According to the Law of Vibration, our thoughts and

emotions are also made up of energy that vibrates at a certain
frequency. This means that the thoughts and emotions we put out
into the universe attract similar energies that vibrate at the same
frequency creating our experiences and shaping our reality.

In essence, the Law of Vibration is the idea that everything

is connected and that the energy we put out into the world comes
back to us in one way or another. By being mindful of our thoughts
and emotions, we can raise our vibration and attract positive,
expansive experiences into our lives.

Besides the Law of Vibration, the second important law is

the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is the principle that
like attracts like. It suggests that we can attract positive or negative
experiences into our lives based on our thoughts, emotions, and

The Owl and the Dove


The Law of Attraction states that we create our own reality

through our thoughts and conscious awareness, which then attract
experiences and circumstances that are aligned with those thoughts
and beliefs. So, if we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we
will attract positive experiences. And if we focus on negative
thoughts and emotions, we will attract negative experiences.

`The Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of positive

thinking and visualization, believing that imagining desired
outcomes and focusing on positive emotions can help us manifest
the life we want to live. Some practitioners use the subjects we
discussed earlier; affirmations, visualization techniques, and
meditation to help align their thoughts and emotions with their
desired outcomes.

In summary, the Law of Attraction asserts that we have the

power to intentionally create our reality through our thoughts,
emotions and beliefs, and positive focus and visualization can help
us attract positive experiences.

As Buddha once stated:

What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Did you know that the human heart’s magnetic field is a

staggering 5000 times stronger than that of the brain? The heart
has its own consciousness. This astounding fact underscores the
vital role of coherent heart-centered feelings in manifestation.
Imagine the heart as a powerful magnet and your desired
experiences as precious treasures. When you combine your
thoughts with elevated emotions, it's like activating a cosmic
treasure map. Your thoughts act as the electrical charge
pinpointing the specific possibility within the quantum field while
your feelings generate the magnetic pull, drawing that experience
towards you. By aligning your heart and mind, you unleash a
potent force to influence the quantum field transforming your
dreams into reality. Embrace this magnetic power by infusing
your intentions with elevated heart-centered emotions like joy,
gratitude, and love. Let your heart be your compass, guiding you
toward your greatest manifestations with the magnetic force of
these powerful emotions.

“Are you telling me that the heart has a magnetic field?” I


“Yes,” replied both the dove and the owl.

“Your body has seven major energy centres. One of them is

the heart. Together, they are named the “Chakra” system.

The Chakra system is a concept from Buddhist and Hindu

The Owl and the Dove

traditions that describes the seven major energy centres in the

body. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel
“or “disk”.

Each chakra is associated with a specific area of the body

and has its own unique characteristics, functions, and qualities. The
chakras are believed to be connected to different aspects of our
physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is
associated with a colour.”

The seven chakras, starting from the base of the spine and
moving upwards, are as follows:

1. Root chakra (Muladhara): located at the base

of the spine; associated with grounding, stability, and
survival. (Red).
2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): located in the
lower abdomen; associated with creativity, sexuality, and
pleasure. (Orange).
3. Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura): located in
the upper abdomen; associated with personal power,
confidence, and willpower. (Yellow).
4. Heart chakra (Anahata): located in the centre
of the chest; associated with love, compassion, and
emotional balance. (Green).

Lorenzo Berardinetti

5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha): located in the

throat; associated with communication, self-expression, and
truth. (Blue).
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): located in the
centre of the forehead; associated with intuition, insight,
and spiritual awareness. (Violet).
7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara): located at the top
of the head; associated with connection to the divine,
enlightenment, and spiritual fulfillment. (Purple).

The idea behind the chakra system is that each chakra can
become blocked or unbalanced, leading to physical, emotional, or
spiritual problems. Through various practices such as meditation,
yoga, and energy work, people aim to balance and activate their
chakras to promote overall health and well-being.

A good exercise to try is to go into a meditation where you

focus on each chakra, starting with the Root chakra and working
your way up each chakra. Remember to go into a quiet room,
remove your jewellery, get into comfortable clothing, and sit on a
chair or on the floor and begin focusing on your breathing. Close
your eyes. Begin to send red light to your Root chakra and imagine
the red light clearing any negativity from that chakra. Once you are
satisfied with clearing the Root Chakra, you can move up and send
orange light to your Sacral Chakra. During the meditation, you
imagine the light associated with the chakra as expanding in that

The Owl and the Dove

chakra and removing any blockages that may exist in that chakra.

Continue working on each chakra until you have cleared

the last chakra, being the Crown chakra. This meditation is often
called the “Rainbow Meditation” because the colours of the
chakras correspond to the seven colours of the rainbow.”

The owl asked the dove: “Should we explain “Kundalini”

to our friend? It is closely associated with the Chakra system.”

“Yes,” replied the dove.

“Kundalini is a term used in Hindu and yogic traditions to

describe a form of divine energy that is said to be coiled at the base
of the spine. The word “kundalini” comes from the Sanskrit word
“kundal,” which means “coiled.” If you can release the kundalini
energy from your spinal cord, you will release a tremendous
amount of energy.

According to these traditions, Kundalini energy lies

dormant in most people but can be awakened through various
spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and pranayama
(breathing exercises). When awakened, Kundalini energy is said to
rise through the chakras, or energy centres in the body, leading to
spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and a sense of oneness with
the universe.

The awakening of Kundalini energy is often described as a

Lorenzo Berardinetti

powerful and transformative experience marked by intense

physical sensations, emotional upheaval, and spiritual insights. It is
believed to open new levels of consciousness and awareness,
leading to greater creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight.

However, the awakening of Kundalini energy can also be a

challenging and potentially dangerous process, as it can bring up
unresolved emotional issues and psychological trauma and can
even cause physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and
tremors. For this reason, it is often recommended that people seek
guidance from an experienced teacher or mentor before attempting
to awaken Kundalini energy through spiritual practices.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 22
Mood and Curiosity
The dove wanted to tell something to the owl.

“I believe that if a person wants to be more spiritual and,

use affirmations, prayers, and creative visualization, the person
must be in a good mood. For example, it is impossible to try to
manifest your reality when you are in a bad mood. It’s like trying
to dance when you are in a bad mood. Have you ever tried to dance
when you are in a bad mood?” asked the dove to the owl.

“No,” replied the owl. “I like dancing. Especially to

country music. I only dance when I’m in a good mood. I want to
explain more about moods.”

“A mood is a feeling that a person experiences, often in

response to a situation or stimulus. It is a state of mind or emotion
that an individual may be in, which can affect their overall
perception and behavior. Moods can be positive or negative and
may change throughout the day or in response to changes in the
environment or circumstances.

Moods are subjective, meaning they are based on

individual interpretation and can vary from person to person. They
are typically described using words such as happy, sad, angry,
anxious, or content. However, these emotions are not the same as

Lorenzo Berardinetti

moods, as they are often brief responses to stimuli, whereas moods

are more general it can last much longer.

Moods are influenced by several factors, including

biological, environmental, and psychological factors.
Neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and
norepinephrine, play a significant role in shaping moods. Changes
in hormone levels can also affect mood, such as the mood swings
women experience during the menstrual cycle.

Environmental factors, such as weather, social situations,

and employment status, can also impact mood. For example, a
sunny day may improve a person's mood, while a stormy date may
bring on feelings of sadness or pessimism. Similarly, a stressful
work environment can lead to negative moods, while engaging in
leisure activities may enhance positive moods.

Psychological factors, such as personality traits and coping

mechanisms, also play a role in shaping moods. Some individuals
are more prone to mood swings or have a more positive or negative
outlook on life. Coping mechanisms, such as meditation or
exercise, can help to regulate moods and reduce negative feelings.

Moods can impact daily functioning, affecting one's ability

to focus, engage in social interactions, and carry out daily tasks.
Negative moods can lead to feelings of hopelessness, irritability
and even depression. Positive moods, on the other hand, can

The Owl and the Dove

improve one's overall well-being and increase productivity and


Several techniques can help regulate and improve one’s

mood, including:

1. Exercise: regular physical activity can

release endorphins, improve mood and reducing anxiety
and stress.
2. Mindful meditation: this practice involves
focusing on the present moment and observing one's
thoughts and emotions with non-judgmental awareness.
3. Social support: interacting with friends and
loved ones can improve mood and alleviate stress.
4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is
it type of psychotherapy that helps individuals change
negative thought patterns and behaviour.
5. Creative activities: Engaging in creative
activities, such as art or music, can enhance a positive
mood and provide a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion, a mood is a subjective feeling or state of

mind that a person experiences and can change in response to
various factors. Moods do have a significant impact on daily
functioning and emotional well-being. By understanding of the
factors that influence mood and using techniques to manage

Lorenzo Berardinetti

moods, individuals can improve their overall quality of life. It is

very important to recognize what mood you are in. If you are in a
negative mood, try changing it into a positive mood. Especially if
you are going to start stating some affirmations or if you decide to
spend some time in meditation or in prayer.

“Also”, added the dove, “it is good to be curious when one

is trying to be more spiritual. Asking questions about what life is
and how it works is good to do, especially when one is in a curious
frame of mind.” The dove continued by saying.

“Curiosity is a natural human trait that involves the desire

to explore, learn, and understand the world around us. It is a
cognitive and emotional state that prompts individuals to seek out
new information, experiences, and knowledge.

Curiosity can manifest in various ways, from asking

questions about a particular topic to exploring new environments
and seeking out new challenges. It is an essential aspect of human
development, and it drives individuals to learn new skills, expand
their knowledge, and cope with complex situations.

One of the benefits of curiosity is that it broadens the scope

of our understanding by exposing us to new ideas, perspectives,
and experiences. Being curious helps individuals to become more
creative, innovative, and adaptable, allowing them to solve
problems, make connections, and generate new ideas.

The Owl and the Dove

There are several types of curiosity, including perceptual

curiosity, which involves exploring the senses and sensory
experiences, epistemic curiosity, which involves seeking
knowledge and information, and diversive curiosity, which
involves exploring a wide range of topics and interests. From the
start of our conversation, we have been using different types of
curiosity to explore our reality.

Curiosity is also linked to several positive traits, such as

openness to experience, motivation, and willingness to take risks.
Curious individuals are often more willing to take on challenges
because they believe they can succeed and they value the
opportunity to learn. They also tend to be more persistent in their
efforts to accomplish a goal, making them more successful in
achieving what they set out to do.

Curiosity, however, can also have some negatives, like

inquisitive curiosity, which can be intrusive or insensitive, leading
to social anxiety, moral complexity, and emotional distress. For
example, asking too many personal questions can make others
uneasy or uncomfortable.

Curious individuals can engage in certain activities, like

reading, traveling, experimenting, and engaging in conversations
and debates, to nourish their inquisitive drive. It is also important
to practice mindfulness, reflection, an introspection to experience

Lorenzo Berardinetti

the joy of learning and explore the intimacy of being curious.

In conclusion, curiosity is an innate human trait that drives

the desire to learn, explore, and understand the world around us. It
can have both positive and negative effects on individuals,
depending on how it is expressed and facilitated. Cultivating
curiosity can lead to personal and intellectual growth. And, of
course, spiritual growth. It can also improve our ability to problem
solve and foster creativity and innovation. Achieving a balance
between curiosity and sensitivity is crucial for positive outcomes.”

The purple butterfly added: “I always try to be in a good

mood. If I am in a bad mood, I go for a long flight and the exercise
and change of scenery always put me back in a good mood. Also, I
am very curious about our reality. I think that curiosity is one of
my strongest traits.”

It was starting to get dark outside. But the conversation


The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 23
The dove wanted to speak about gratitude.

“Gratitude is it complex emotion that encompasses a deep

sense of appreciation, thankfulness, and recognition for the
positive aspect of life. It is a state of mind and heart that arises
when we acknowledge and value the kindness, generosity, and
blessings we have received, whether from other people, nature, or
the universe as a whole. Gratitude is often accompanied by a sense
of humility, recognizing that we are not entitled to these gifts but
rather fortunate to have them.

At its core, gratitude is about shifting our focus from what

is lacking in our lives to what we already have. It is a fundamental
shift in perspective that allows us to recognize and savor the
goodness and abundance that surrounds us. Gratitude can be
directed towards big or small things from the grand design of
nature to the simplest acts of kindness. It is a powerful tool that can
transform our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Gratitude has been a subject of philosophical and religious

discussions for centuries, add empirical research in the field of
positive psychology has shed light on its numerous benefits.
Cultivating gratitude has been associated with increased happiness,
life satisfaction, and overall well-being. It has been linked to
improved physical health, enhanced relationships, and reduced
symptoms of depression and anxiety. Grateful individuals tend to
have a more positive outlook on life and a more resilient in the
face of adversity.

Practicing gratitude involves actively engaging in activities

and exercises that foster appreciation and acknowledgement. One
popular method is keeping a gratitude journal, where individuals
regularly record things, they're grateful for. This practice helps
focus attention on the positive aspects of life and encourages A
deeper appreciation for everyday experiences. Expressing gratitude
to others through acts of kindness, verbal appreciation, or written
notes is another effective way to cultivate gratitude and strengthen
social connections.

Gratitude is not limited to moments of joy or success; it can

also be found in challenging times. Even during difficult
circumstances, expressing gratitude for the lessons learned, the

The Owl and the Dove

support received, or the personal growth achieved can help reframe

the situation and find meaning in adversity. Gratitude allows us to
find Silver Linings and gain perspective, helping us navigate
through life's ups and downs with greater resilience.

Moreover, gratitude is not a passive state but rather an

active practice that requires intention and effort. It involves being
fully present in the moment paying attention to the positive aspects
of our experiences, and re framing negative events or situations.
Gratitude is a habit that can be cultivated through consistent
practice gradually rewiring our brains to focus more on the positive
and less on the negative.

Gratitude is also closely related to mindfulness, as both

emphasized being fully present and not judgmentally aware of our
experiences mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep
breathing exercises, can enhance our capacity for gratitude by
calming the mind and opening our hearts to the present moment.
By cultivating mindfulness and gratitude together, we can deepen
our appreciation for life and experience a greater sense of
contentment and peace.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

In conclusion gratitude is a transformative emotion that has

the power to profoundly impact our lives. It involves recognizing
and appreciating the abundance and blessings in our lives, both big
and small. By cultivating gratitude, we can shift our focus from
one of those lacking to what we already have, fostering happiness
resilience and overall well-being gratitude is a practice that
requires intention and effort, but its rewards are immeasurable. It
allows us to find joy and fulfillment in the present moment,
strengthens our relationships, and helps us navigate through life's
challenges with grace and resilience. Gratitude is not limited to
specific circumstances or achievements; it is a mindset that can be
cultivated in any situation.

When we practice gratitude, we actively train our minds to

seek out and appreciate the positive aspects of life. It helps us
develop a sense of wonder and awe for the beauty around us,
whether it's in nature, art, or the kindness of others. Back
knowledge ING and expressing gratitude for these experiences, we
become more attuned to the present moment and develop a deeper
sense of connection to the world.

Gratitude also has a profound impact on our relationships.

When we express gratitude to others, we not only acknowledged

The Owl and the Dove

their kindness but also strengthened the bond between us.

Gratitude fosters a sense of reciprocity and encourages acts of
kindness and generosity. It creates a positive cycle where gratitude
begets more gratitude leading to stronger and more meaningful
connections with others.

Additionally gratitude has a powerful effect on our mental

and emotional well-being. It shifts our focus away from negativity
and fosters a positive outlook on life. By appreciating what we
have, we become less consumed by desires for what we lack. This
shift in perspective can alleviate feelings of envy, greed, and
dissatisfaction, leading to greater contentment and happiness.

Research has shown that gratitude practices can have

tangible benefits for our physical health as well. Grateful
individuals tend to engage in healthier behaviors, such as regular
exercise and balanced nutrition. They also report better quality
sleep and reduced levels of stress. Gratitude has been linked to a
stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, and faster recovery
from illness. By cultivating gratitude we not only improve our
emotional well-being but also enhance our overall physical health.

Incorporating gratitude into our daily lives does not require

grand gestures or dramatic changes. It can be as simple as taking a

Lorenzo Berardinetti

few moments each day to reflect on the things we are grateful for,
whether it's a beautiful sunset a supportive friend or a delicious
meal engaging in acts of kindness and expressing appreciation to
others can also be powerful ways to cultivate gratitude.

Practicing gratitude is a lifelong journey. It requires

consistent effort and a willingness to shift their perspective. Like
any habit, it may take time to develop, but with practice, gratitude
can become a natural and integrated part of our lives. As we
cultivate gratitude, we begin to see the world through a lens of
abundance and appreciation, finding joy and meaning even in the
smallest moments.

In conclusion gratitude is a transformative emotion that has

far reaching effects on our well-being. It involves recognizing and
appreciating the positive aspects of life, fostering happiness,
resilience, and stronger relationships. Gratitude is a practice that
can be cultivated through mindfulness, journaling and expressing
appreciation to others. By embracing gratitude we can shift our
focus to the present moment, find joy in everyday experiences, and
live more fulfilling lives.”

The Owl and the Dove

The butterfly suggested a prayer for gratitude.

“Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a heart full

of gratitude and thanksgiving. You are the source of all goodness
and blessings in my life, and I want to express my sincere thanks
for everything you have done for me. Thank you for the gift of life,
for the breath in my lungs, and for the opportunities that each new
day brings. Thank you for the love and support of family and
friends who have been by my side through thick and thin. I am
grateful for your unfailing love and faithfulness. Even in the midst
of challenges and trials, you have never left my side. Thank you
for being my rock and my refuge. For always providing comfort
and strength when I need it the most. Thank you for the beauty of
creation that surrounds me. The stunning sunsets, the gentle
breeze, and the melody of birdsong. They remind me of your
exquisite craftsmanship and your loving care for every detail of
this world. Lord, I am thankful for the lessons learned through both
triumphs and failures. You have taught me valuable lessons in
resilience, perseverance, and humility. Thank you for the growth
and wisdom that comes from life's experiences. I offer my
gratitude for the forgiveness and grace you have shown me.
Though I am imperfect and make mistakes, you extend your mercy
and offer me a fresh start. Thank you for your endless patience and
for the opportunity to grow and learn from my shortcomings. May

Lorenzo Berardinetti

I never take this incredible gift for granted. Lord, I commit to

living a life of gratitude. Help me to cultivate a heart that is
continually filled with thankfulness. Teach me to appreciate the
little blessings of each day and to recognize your hand at work in
every aspect of life. In all things, I give you thanks. You are
worthy of all praise an honour. May my life be a testimony of
gratitude to you. Amen.”

The dove explained that God wants to give us everything

we ask. But by expressing gratitude, you are telling God that you
recognize and acknowledge what God has already given you. By
expressing gratitude, God will know that his love and gifts are
appreciated and most importantly, God will continue to bless you
with even greater gifts.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 24
The owl turned to the dove and said: should we tell our
purple butterfly friend a little bit about motivation?

“Yes, of course,” said the dove. Many people receive really

good information to improve their lives and then take no physical
action. They just sit on the information expecting change to happen
on its own.”

“What’s even more irrational is that some people expect

others to take action on their behalf!”

Then the owl asked me: “Have you ever heard of Anthony

“Yes. I have read his books and attended several of his


“So, you know the importance of taking action to achieve

your goals?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Do you mind if I give you a brief recap of some of

Anthony Robbin's teachings?” asked the owl.

“Sure,” was my reply. The dove also agreed.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

“But you have to promise me you will start implementing

his core teachings, ok?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“OK. Here is a summary to refresh your mind:

1. Focus on goals: Robbins stresses the importance of setting

clear and specific goals and working towards them daily
with unstoppable motivation, commitment, and passion. He
gives the example of how President John Kennedy set the
goal in 1961 of landing a man on the moon and returning
him back to Earth safely. All sorts of institutions, engineers,
and universities collaborated with NASA to make this goal
come true. We can also do the same and set personal goals
and collaborate with others to actualize our goals.
2. Take massive action: Robbins believes that
taking massive consistent actions toward our goals is the
key to success and achievement in life. He uses the
example of a person who is in his rocking chair in his 90s,
looking back on his life. And regretting that he did not take
more massive action when he was younger. The enemy of
massive action is procrastination. Again, by saying specific
affirmations and going into a deep meditation, you can
remove procrastination from your life.

The Owl and the Dove

3. Vitality through Wellness: The importance

of health and energy. Robbins encourages people to
cultivate a healthy lifestyle to improve their physical and
mental well-being. He doesn't like junk food or fatty foods.
He doesn’t want people to sit in a chair all day long. He
says that taking care of our bodies and minds through
regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management is
crucial for living a fulfilling and energized life.
4. Unconscious Mind's Influence: The power
of the unconscious Mind. Robbins believes that the
unconscious mind plays a critical role in shaping our
thoughts, emotions, behaviors and habits. He teaches
techniques to reprogram the unconscious mind for positive
change and transformation.
5. State management: Robbins teaches the
importance of mastering emotions and states of mind. He
offers practical techniques to help people overcome
negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and depression and
cultivate positive ones like confidence, joy, and peace.
6. Fulfilling Potential: Robbins focuses on
empowering people to tap into their full potential. To break
through limiting beliefs and achieve extraordinary results in
personal and professional life.

The most important point to make here is that prayer and

Lorenzo Berardinetti

meditation are usually not enough. You must take massive action.
No excuses. No procrastination. As the Nike advertisement says,
“Just do it!”

Get outside or to the gym and exercise. A good 20-minute

walk or run releases endorphins into your brain.

Endorphins are natural chemicals produced by the body

that act as neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system. They
are often referred to as feel-good chemicals because they can
produce feelings of euphoria, pleasure, and well-being. Endorphins
are produced in response to stress or pain and are thought to help
the body cope with stress by reducing pain and anxiety.

Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and the

hypothalamus in response to various stimuli such as exercise,
stress, pain, and certain foods. They bind to receptors in the brain
and nervous system to reduce pain, improve mood, and promote a
sense of well-being.

Endorphins are also known to have other physiological

effects, such as reducing blood pressure, improving the immune
system, and enhancing the body's ability to heal from injuries.

The best thing about endorphins is that they are free. You
just need to exercise for at least 20 minutes before you feel the
endorphins in your body.

The Owl and the Dove

One final point about Anthony Robbins is that he uses a

system of pain vs pleasure. If you desire something, you must
think of the pain you will suffer if you do not achieve that desire.
Concurrently, if you desire something, think of the pleasure you
will receive once you obtain that desire.”

The dove wanted to add some more information.

“Imagine two people fighting in a boxing match. They

trade punches with each other, trying to knock out or knock down
their opponent. The boxer that always wins is the one who lands
the final punch. That person must have extra motivation to be able
to deliver a powerful punch that will knock out his opponent. That
person must have a real desire to win the match. More than his or
her opponent. You must be the person who can deliver that final

And finally, I have noticed that many successful people

suffered and almost gave up before they became successful. For
example, J. K. Rowling had struggled with depression. After going
through a divorce, Rowling found herself as a single parent living
in poverty and relying on welfare benefits to make ends meet.
During all this, she began writing the story of Harry Potter, which
was eventually rejected by several publishers. She continued
writing and submitted her manuscript to Bloomsbury, who finally
agreed to publish it. The first book in the series, “Harry Potter and

Lorenzo Berardinetti

the Philosopher’s Stone,” was published in 1997 and quickly

became a best seller.

“So you see,” said the dove, “you could be very close to
your own success. The darkest part of the night is always just
before sunrise.”

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 25
The dove decided that it was time to talk about love.

“Love is the glue that binds the universe together. It is the

force that keeps our universe functioning. We all want love in our
lives. It makes everything feel so special.”

The owl, pulled out his well-written notes and began to say;

“Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is a

multi-faceted and universal human experience that has been
explored and contemplated by philosophers, poets, and scientists
throughout history. It is often described as a profound affection,
attachment, or deep emotional connection between individuals.
Love can manifest in different forms, including romantic love,
platonic love, familial love, and self-love. It touches upon our
fundamental need for connection, acceptance, and emotional

To understand love, it is essential to examine its different

Lorenzo Berardinetti

components. Love involves emotions, cognition, and behaviors,

creating a complex interplay between biology, psychology, and
social dynamics. While love is often associated with positive
experiences, it can also involve challenges, conflicts, and even

The owl continued reading from his notes:

“At its core, love is an emotional experience. We had

discussed what emotions are back in chapter 12. Love
encompasses feelings of warmth, tenderness, happiness, joy, and
passion. Love can evoke a sense of euphoria, butterflies in the
stomach, and the state of bliss. It is a powerful force that has the
ability to uplift spirits, inspire creativity, and bring immense

For physical beings, neuroscience suggests that love

involves the release of various chemicals and neurotransmitters
into the brain. When we experience love, the brain releases
oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which contribute
to feelings of pleasure, bonding, and attachment. These
neurochemical changes can create a sense of addiction and

The Owl and the Dove

attachment to the person or thing we love.

Love also involves cognitive processes. It encompasses our

thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions about the person or object of our
affection. We often idealize and create an image of the loved one,
emphasizing their positive qualities and downplaying their
negative qualities. This cognitive bias, known as the Halo Effect,
can influence how we perceive and interpret their actions, leading
to a biased and idealized view of the loved one.

Behaviorally, love is expressed through actions, gestures,

and care. Love motivates us to nurture, protect, and support those
we care about. It prompt acts of kindness, compassion, and
selflessness. Love can be manifested through physical affection,
verbal expressions, and acts of service. It involves being present,
attentive, and responsive to the needs of the loved one.

Love is not solely an individual experience; it also has a

significant impact on our relationships and social connections.
Love is a fundamental building block of human relationships, The
foundation of families, friendships, romantic partnerships, and
spiritual fulfillment. We had discussed spirituality back in Chapter

Lorenzo Berardinetti

14. Love fosters intimacy, trust, and mutual understanding. Love

also plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of social
bonds contributing to a sense of belonging and community.

When a human being expresses love he is putting out

positive karma. We had discussed karma back in Chapter 9.

Different types of love exist, each characterized by unique

qualities and dynamics. One of the most well-known forms is
romantic love. This usually involves love between two individuals.
It involves intense emotions, passion, and a desire for emotional
and physical intimacy. It often includes infatuation, attraction, and
a strong desire to be close to the beloved. Romantic love can be
both exhilarating and challenging as it involves vulnerability,
emotional investment, and the possibility of heartbreak.

Familial love, often referred to as unconditional love, is

another essential aspect of love. It is the deep bond shared between
family members, including parents, siblings, and children. Familial
love is often characterized by a sense of duty, loyalty, and
sacrifice. It involves a strong commitment to the well-being and
happiness of family members, even in the face of challenges and

The Owl and the Dove

disagreements. Familial love provides a sense of security, support,

and belonging, forming the foundation of family structures and

The dove interrupted:

“Imagine if familial love was expressed among the entire

human population. There would be no more conflicts or war. We
would truly experience world peace. I believe that within the next
25 years, there will be world peace.”

The owl replied:

“It is impossible to achieve world peace. Man has been at

war since the time shortly after man was created.”

The dove stated:

“Yes. But with all the recent technological advances,

people are being drawn closer together. They are beginning to
realize that they have much in common with each other. We are

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becoming one big family.”

The owl frowned and said that he did not agree with the
dove. The owl went on to finish his thoughts about love.

“Platonic love, on the other hand, refers to love that exists

between friends. It is a non-sexual, affectionate bond based on
mutual respect, trust, and shared interests. Titanic love is
characterized by companionship, emotional support, and a deep
sense of connection. It often involves a sense of camaraderie,
shared experiences, and the ability to confide in one another.
Platonic love plays a vital role in our social lives, providing us
with friendship, companionship, and a sense of belonging outside
of romantic relationships.

Self-love is another crucial aspect of love. It refers to the

regard, care, and compassion we have for ourselves.

Self-love involves accepting an embracing our strengths

and weaknesses, practicing self-care, and nurturing our physical
emotional and mental well-being. It is about recognizing our own
worth, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing our own
happiness and fulfillment.

The Owl and the Dove

Self-love is not selfish but rather a foundation for healthy

relationships and a positive outlook on life. If a person is going to
have a spiritual awakening, the first step will be self-love. I cannot
overemphasize how important it is for a person to fully love
himself or herself. By loving oneself, one is opening the door to a
fulfilling spiritual life.

Love is also influenced by cultural and societal norms,

values, and expectations. Different cultures have varying beliefs
and practices surrounding love, relationships, and marriage. These
cultural factors shape our understanding of love and influence the
ways in which it is expressed and experienced. Societal norms,
such as gender roles and expectations, can also impact the
dynamics and expression of love within relationships.

While love is often associated with positive experiences, it

can also involve challenges and conflicts. Love requires effort,
compromise, and effective communication to navigate differences
and maintain healthy relationships. It can bring about vulnerability,
fear of rejection, and the potential for heartbreak. Relationships
may experience ups and downs, and love can evolve overtime.
Sustaining love requires commitment, understanding, and the
willingness to grow and adapt together.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

It is important to note that love is a deeply personal and

subjective experience. Each individual perceives and expresses
love in their unique way. What one person considers a
demonstration of love may differ from another's interpretation.
Love is influenced by personal values, attachment styles, past
experiences, and individual personalities. Therefore, it is essential
to understand and respect the diverse ways in which love is
experienced and expressed.

Love involves a combination of emotions, cognition, and

behaviors influenced by biological, psychological, and social
factors proud. Love plays a fundamental role in human
relationships fostering intimacy, trust, and mutual understanding.
Love brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging. It also
requires effort, compromise, and effective communication to
navigate challenges and maintain healthy relationships. Ultimately,
love is a deeply personal and subjective experience that enriches
our lives and contributes to our overall well-being.”

“Don’t forget about loving God, said the dove. By loving

God, we are acknowledging our creator, and are expressing
gratitude, as discussed in Chapter 23. Some people such as

The Owl and the Dove

Catholic priests and Buddhist monks love God so much that they
give back the gift of sexual intercourse to God. As a way of
focussing on loving God as much as possible. Written in the Ten
Commandments is the statement to love God. This was expressed
by Jesus when he was asked which commandment was the most
important. Jesus stated:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as
yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two

(Matthew 22: 37-40)

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Chapter 26
The dove, who represents not only spirituality, but peace as
well had something to say:

“There are two types of peace that exist in our reality. Inner
peace and outer peace. One is for the self and the other is peace on
earth between different people”.

The owl frowned and asked the dove to explain his theory
on peace. The dove replied by saying:

“Let us first talk about inner peace. I have heard people say
to a friend: ‘Seek to be at peace with your inner self.’”

“What does that mean?” questioned the owl.

“Seek to be at peace with your inner self’ means striving to

achieve a state of tranquility, harmony, and acceptance within your
own being. It involves cultivating a positive relationship with your
thoughts, emotions, and overall sense of self.

To be at peace with your inner self, you may need to

engage in self-reflection, introspection, and self-awareness. This
can involve understanding your values, beliefs, strengths,
weaknesses, desires, and fears. It also entails acknowledging and
accepting your past experiences, traumas, and mistakes, and

The Owl and the Dove

imperfections without judgment or harsh self-criticism.

Being at peace with your inner self means being in tune

with your needs, desires, and aspirations. It involves aligning your
thoughts, actions, and choices with your authentic self rather than
seeking external validation or conforming to societal expectations.
It also means practicing self-care, maintaining healthy boundaries,
and nurturing your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

When you achieve inner peace, you develop a sense of

calmness clarity and resilience. You become better equipped to
handle challenges, setbacks that come and uncertainties in life.
You experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose as you
build a strong foundation of self-acceptance, self-love, and self-

Ultimately, seeking to be at peace with your inner self is a

lifelong journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and personal
growth. It involves cultivating a positive and compassionate
relationship with yourself which can positively impact your
relationship with others and the world around you.”

“So this is all you need to be at peace with yourself?” asked

the owl.

“No”, replied the dove. “I have some exercises which you

can utilize to create inner peace”.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

1. Practice mindfulness: mindfulness involves being fully

present in the moment and accepting it without judgment
we had discussed earlier the concept of being in the
moment. All of your power exists in the moment. The past
is gone, and the future has not yet happened. Engaging in
mindfulness meditation or other activities that promote
mindfulness can help reduce stress and cultivate inner

2. Cultivate gratitude: we talked about this in chapter 23. It

is important to take time each day to reflect on things you
are grateful for. This practice can shift your focus towards
the positive aspects of life and foster a sense of
contentment and peace.

3. Let go of attachment: Attachment to outcomes,

possessions, or even relationships can create stress and
turmoil. Practice letting go of attachment and embrace the
concept of impermanence. This does not mean that you
should not care about things, but rather that you should
embrace the idea that everything changes and focus on the
present moment.

4. Practice self-care: taking care of your physical, emotional,

and mental well-being is crucial for finding peace. Engage
in activities that bring you joy, prior ties rest and relaxation.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle and seek support when needed.

The Owl and the Dove

5. Foster positive relationships: Surround yourself with

supportive and positive people who uplift you. Cultivate
healthy relationships based on mutual respect come trust,
an understanding. Healthy social connections can
contribute to a sense of belonging and peace.

6. Set boundaries: Boundaries are essential for maintaining

peace in your life. Learn to say no to things that don't align
with your values, needs or well-being. Establishing healthy
boundaries helps prevent overwhelm and promotes a sense
of control and balance.

7. Practice forgiveness: Holding on to grudges and

resentment only weighs you down and prevents peace from
flourishing practice forgiveness, both for others and for
yourself. Let go of past hurts and focus on healing and
moving forward. Make sure that the inner child is
acknowledged. We had discussed the inner child back in
chapter 17.

8. Engage in activities that bring you joy: Joy is a very

important emotion and brings immense happiness. Identify
activities that bring you happiness and make time for them
regularly. Engaging in hobbies, pursuing passions, and
doing things you love can bring a sense of fulfillment and

9. Seek inner growth and self-reflection: Engage in self-

reflection to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your
values, and your purpose. Set personal goals that align with

Lorenzo Berardinetti

your values and work towards personal growth and self-


10. Disconnect and recharge: In today's fast-paced world, it is

very important to disconnect from technology work and
other stressors regularly. Take regular breaks, go for walks
in nature, practice relaxation techniques, or engage in
activities that allow you to recharge and find inner peace.

Remember, achieving inner peace is a lifelong journey, and

it may take time and effort to find what works best for you be
patient and compassionate with yourself along the way.”

“So you want me to practice the above exercises?” asked

the dove.

“Yes, as much as possible. Be in the moment when you do

these exercises. I also want to talk now about achieving outer
peace,” said the dove.

“Achieving peace with others on earth is a complex and

multifaceted goal, but here are some fundamental principles and
strategies that can contribute to fostering peace on earth.

1. Cultivate empathy and understanding: Seek to

understand others by putting yourself in their shoes and try
to recognize their perspectives. Try to acknowledge their

The Owl and the Dove

experiences. Empathy helps build bridges and fosters a

sense of connection and compassion.

2. Practice active listening: Truly listen to others without

judgment or interruption pay attention to their words, body
language, and emotions. Show genuine interest in their
viewpoints and concerns. Active listening demonstrates
respect and encourages dialogue.

3. Ensure that you are communicating effectively: Clearly

express your thoughts and feelings, while being respectful
and considerate of others. Use “I” statements to avoid
sounding accusatory and encourage open conversation.

4. Promote tolerance and respect for diversity: Recognize

and appreciate the value of diverse cultures, beliefs, and
opinions. Embrace diversity as a strength that in richest
societies. Always bear in mind that each individual is
unique and to love everyone regardless of their differences
that they may have.

5. Resolve conflicts peacefully: When conflicts arise, focus

on finding mutually beneficial solutions rather than trying
to “win” or impose your views. Seek compromise and
common ground and consider mediation or negotiation
when necessary.

6. Promote education and awareness: Raise awareness

about the importance of peace, human rights, and social

Lorenzo Berardinetti

justice. Encourage education and dialogue to challenge

prejudice and promote understanding. This means that you
must act in order to promote education and awareness.

7. Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges: Holding

grudges and harboring resentment only perpetuates
conflicts. Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for healing
and moving forward. When you forgive someone, you are
expressing yourself from a position of power and

8. Engage in constructive actions: Take part in activities that

promote peace such as volunteering, advocating for human
rights, or supporting organisations dedicated to conflict
resolution and peace building.

9. Lead by example: Be a role model for peaceful behavior

in your personal interactions and relationships. Small acts
of kindness and understanding can have a ripple effect.

10. Foster a culture of peace: Encourage peaceful attitudes

and behaviors within your community, workplace, or social
circles. Promote dialogue, cooperation, and nonviolent
conflict resolution.

Remember, achieving peace is a collective effort that

requires the participation and commitment of individuals,
communities, and nations. While you may not be able to change

The Owl and the Dove

the world single- handily, your actions can contribute to a more

peaceful and harmonious society.”

The owl was busy listening and taking notes. The owl
loved politics, so he offered his own unique perspective:

“Imagine if each and every country in the world had a

government with a Minister of Peace. The Minister’s job would be
to work with other Ministers of Peace to bring peace on this planet.
I am not aware of any Ministers of Peace, but I know most
governments have a Minister of Defence. There was a time when
some countries had a Minister of War! I think it’s time to have
Ministers of Peace and to strengthen the United Nation so that it
works with the Ministers of Peace to bring peace to this troubled

“That’s a great idea,” said the dove. “I think that you, Mr.
Owl should become Minister of Peace for our country.”

The dove replied by saying that he believed that there

would be world peace within the next 30 years or less. The owl

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The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 27
The Illusion
The purple butterfly had returned. He sat close to me and
listened attentively for a while, then he spoke:

“As I have said before, I believe that this physical reality is

an illusion,” said the purple butterfly. “Created by God so that we,
as souls, can learn certain important lessons”, said the purple
butterfly. Our real home is the world of spirit. Heaven is a part of
the world of spirit.”

The dove added: “As we have stressed before, our thoughts

create our reality. If we think negatively, then we create a negative
reality. If we think positively, then we create a positive reality. “I
agree with the purple butterfly,” said the dove.

“Then I have a question for you two,” said the owl. “When
the airplanes crashed into the World Trade Centre, the Pentagon
and a field in Pennsylvania, were all the people on those planes
thinking negative thoughts?”

“No”, replied to the dove. “I don’t have a complete answer

to your question. But I do believe that some people who missed
their flights, such as Seth McFarlane (Family Guy) and others,
knew on a higher level that it was not their time to leave this
physical reality. Some people were late going to work. They

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arrived at their workplace after the terrorist attacks had already

taken place.

I don’t have all the answers, and I believe that there are
mysteries in our reality that have yet or cannot be explained,” said
the dove.

The dove added: “Some spiritual beliefs suggest that bad

things are a result of karma or past actions. This could mean that
individuals are experiencing the consequences of their previous
choices and behaviors either in this life or in a previous lifetime or

Another perspective is that bad things happen as part of a

larger cosmic plan or divine will. While we may not always
understand why certain events occur, there may be a larger purpose
or meaning behind them that we cannot see or understand. This is
why so many people say that God is mysterious.

Ultimately, there is no one answer as to why bad things

happen to people from a metaphysical or spiritual perspective. The
most important thing is to approach difficult situations with an
open mind and a willingness to learn and grow from them.”

The owl interjected.

“I’m having difficulty understanding what you just said,

Ms. Dove. I believe that some people are just unlucky at times.

The Owl and the Dove

The people who died on September 11, 2001, were innocent

victims who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I will not argue with you on this point”, said the dove.
“But after 911, America became a safer place. A Department of
Homeland Security has been created to keep a tragic event like 911
from happening again. America’s surveillance and intelligence
communities have improved. They can track potential terrorists
better now. Also, airport security has been increased to prevent
another similar tragedy. In other words, it took 911 to wake up
America. America and its political leaders realized that it could not
be “business as usual” and that many changes had to take place.”

The dove continued, “It took a bloody civil war that lasted
over four years and claimed the lives of over 600,000 soldiers and
people before the evil of slavery was finally abolished for good in
our country.

World War 2 took the lives of over 50 million souls. But

when the war ended, many positive things happened.

Not just technologically but also with a new understanding

of how our world could move forward. Another World War would
most likely destroy our entire planet. And we have (hopefully)
learned that war is never the answer. World leaders are learning to
talk with one another. We created the United Nations. A place
where representatives from all over the world can meet to discuss

Lorenzo Berardinetti

important world affairs.

Who would ever imagine that after countless wars, Europe

would finally unite to form the European Union? Who would ever
think that America’s enemies in World War 2, Germany and Japan
would end up becoming peaceful nations providing most of the
world with automobiles and other important products?

I also want to mention that we must pray for people who

die in terrible circumstances, like 911 and the victims of school
shootings throughout our country. The deceased can hear our
prayers. Which offers them some comfort. We must also pray for
the surviving family members who will feel the loss of their loved
one more than we can comprehend. Never underestimate the power
of prayer. Because God is listening, and we, as divine beings, are
still connected to the victims of these horrible events. And their
loved ones.”

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It

is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better
in prayer to have a heart without words than
words without a heart.
Mahatma Gandhi

The dove explained the key is to focus more on your heart.

And the positive feelings that come from the heart. Like love,
compassion, and empathy for others.

The Owl and the Dove

Prayer is the key to Heaven, but faith unlocks

the door
Muhammad Ali

The dove added: “This quote emphasizes the idea that

prayer is the fundamental component of faith, but it is faith itself
that allows one to truly connect with the divine.”

God is not so far away. He's always with you.

He's never lost. You are not lost. All you have to
do is call Him and He will come.
Satya Sai Baba

The dove spoke and said: “This quote emphasizes the idea
of the presence of divinity within oneself and the accessibility of
God through prayer. In the Hindu tradition, prayer is seen to
connect with the divine within oneself and cultivate a deeper
relationship with God. This quote also suggests that prayer can be
a way to seek comfort and guidance from the divine in difficult

The dove asked the owl and me if he could read one more
quote. We both agreed to hear the dove.

I pray that I may be able to endure the

hardships of life and find for myself the epitome
of divine love.
Maya Angelou

The dove continued: “This quote highlights the idea that

Lorenzo Berardinetti

prayer can be a source of strength and comfort during difficult

times in life. It emphasizes the importance of endurance and
resilience in the face of adversity and the potential for prayer to
help us find a deeper sense of love and connection with the

The owl spoke, “I agree with all these quotes. No matter

what religion or faith you have, God exists in all of them. In a way,
God is so huge that he cannot be explained by only one religion or

The purple butterfly was tired from all these discussions.

He said “goodnight” to the owl and the dove. Then he just flew
away. He was a caterpillar, but now he had been recently
transformed into a butterfly.

“So nice to be able to fly in the night sky”, said the purple
butterfly to both the owl and the dove as he flew up and away.

The Owl and the Dove

Chapter 28
Your Life Purpose
Both the owl and the dove moved to a tree branch and sat
very close to each other. I noticed that their colours were changing.
They seemed to merge into one big ball of beautiful white light.
Oddly enough, I was not frightened. I was more curious and
amazed at this phenomenon. I asked myself, what is going on?

Suddenly the ball of light became a human figure. Female.

I asked her, “Who are you?” She responded that she was my spirit
guide. She added that she had been working with me all throughout
my lifetime. She was there as a guiding force, for I was still
capable of using my free will. This was one of the many gifts that
God had given me. Free will. I could make choices. Good choices
or bad choices. She told me that the owl and the dove had appeared
to provide me with different points of view on metaphysics,
spirituality and, ultimately, what I wanted to do with my life. She
called my life my “Pathway”. She told me that every person has a
guide or guides assigned to them to help them in their growth in
this so-called Earth plane. She assured me that God existed and
that heaven was real. Then she asked me a question:

“What do you want to do with your life?”

I was not sure how to answer. I had gone to Law School

Lorenzo Berardinetti

and was called to the bar on April 15, 1988. I had practised law
while serving as an elected public official from November 14,
1988, until June 2, 2018. I lost my seat in the Provincial
Legislature on the election day of June 2, 2018. Since then, I have
travelled and studied photography. But I did not have a steady job
or a business. As mentioned at the start of this book, I was
hospitalized because of brain seizures, and I had gone into a coma
in July and August of 2021. It took me a long time to recover. I
was not certain what to do with my life. So, my guide spoke to me
and said the following:

“My dear Lorenzo, know that I love you and that I am here
to guide, guard, and protect you. Finding one’s life purpose can be
a deeply personal and introspective process, but here are some
steps you can take to help discern your life purpose:

Remember to pray daily and ask God for help. God is

listening, I can assure you of that. God loves you more deeply than
you can ever imagine.”

She then proceeded to list the following steps:

1. Reflect on your passions and interests:

Think about the things that you enjoy doing and that make
you feel fulfilled. What activities or hobbies do you find
yourself gravitating towards? What topics do you enjoy

The Owl and the Dove

learning about? These can be close to what your life

purpose may be.
2. Identify your strengths and skills: Consider
the things that you are good at and the skills that you have
developed over time. What comes naturally to you? What
do others often come to you for help with? Your strengths
and skills can be a guide to help you find your life purpose.
3. Consider the impact you want to make:
Think about the kind of impact you want to have on the
world. What are the causes or issues that you are passionate
about? How do you want to make a difference in people’s
lives? Often, our greatest satisfaction comes when we serve
other people.
4. Pay attention to your intuition: Sometimes,
our intuition can guide us toward our life purpose. Pay
attention to your gut feelings and what resonates with you
on a deeper level.
5. Experiment and try new things: Sometimes,
we may not know our life purpose until we try new things
and explore different opportunities. Don’t be afraid to
experiment and take risks.
6. Go into a deep meditation. Ask out loud,
Dear Lord, what is my life purpose? What is it that you
want me to do? I came on this Earth Plane to accomplish

Lorenzo Berardinetti

certain tasks. Please reveal to me what my task or my tasks


Remember that finding your life purpose is a journey, and

it may take time and self-reflection to uncover it. Be patient with
yourself and trust that the answers will come with time.”

I thought for a while. I saw the smile on my Spirit Guide’s

face. I could feel the unconditional love emanating from her inner
and outer being. A love that I had never experienced in my life
until now.

I thought about the people that I admired.

One obvious example was the Beatles. All 4 of them were

born with musical talent. They were determined to be a successful
musical band. Even without formal musical training. Nothing was
going to stop them. They were very good at playing musical
instruments. And all 4 of them could sing. Their harmony vocals
were heavenly. Can you imagine them doing any other job than
being musicians? They were born to be The Beatles and,
subsequently, to have successful solo musical careers. As I am
writing this book, both Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, in their
early 80s, are still recording and performing musically.

Another example is former President Abraham Lincoln. He

was born to be a politician. He had no formal education and taught
himself how to read and write. He became a successful lawyer. He

The Owl and the Dove

had a sharp political mind and was an excellent debater. Even

though he lost some elections, he persevered and eventually
became President of the United States. He had to deal with the
American Civil War throughout his presidency until he was
assassinated. But he made changes for the highest good of all
concerned. Slavery was finally abolished. And he made America a
better country in many ways, including strengthening the economy.
He was made to be a great president. God gave him all the talents
he needed to be a great president.

Another example is Oprah Winfrey. She grew up in poverty

and experienced a difficult childhood, including physical and
sexual abuse. Oprah's parents were not married, and her mother
struggled with addiction and was often absent from her life. Oprah
was raised by her grandmother for much of her childhood. Oprah
experienced physical and sexual abuse from family members and
others when she was a child. She grew up in the American South
during the era of segregation and she experienced racism and
discrimination. Despite these challenges, Oprah was able to
overcome them and achieve great success. She is gifted with the
ability to communicate with other people, notably celebrities.
Despite her many challenges, Oprah was able to overcome them
and achieve great success. She has credited her strong faith, her
love of learning and her determination to succeed as key factors in
her success.

Lorenzo Berardinetti

She has also been open about seeking therapy and other
forms of support to deal with the trauma and challenges she faced
in her childhood. Today Oprah Winfrey is widely regarded as one
of the most successful and influential women in the world. She has
received numerous awards and honors for her work, including the
Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Jean Hersholt
Humanitarian Award.

All the above examples are of people who had to overcome

difficult obstacles to reach their goals. They had to do hard work.
But God was working in the background, giving them special,
unique talents to them to help them attain their goal or goals.

These people were given talents and other gifts from God
so that they could fulfill their destiny. Their Life Purpose. God is
generous. God gives certain talents to every human being.

I am reminded of a famous quote by Marcus Aurelius.

Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted

by nature to bear.
When I first read this quote, I did not understand it. It took
me several times reading it before I understood the wisdom behind
these brief words.

What am I fitted by nature to bear? I can write. I went for 3

years for undergraduate studies. I wrote many essays and exams. I
basically studied English, Philosophy, Political Science and

The Owl and the Dove

History in my undergraduate years. I attended law school and

graduated with a law degree in 1986. I articled and did my bar
exams and as I mentioned earlier, I was called to the Ontario Bar in
1988. Nature has fitted me with the ability to research and write.
And do other things as well. Because God is all loving and as Jesus
famously said:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who
seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door
will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8.

What do I really like to do? In other words, what is my


The answer: help other people. I did it for 30 years as a

politician and lawyer. I am passionate about helping people.
Especially in helping people discover what their life purpose is.
Nobody comes onto this Earth Plane without having at least one
life purpose. Many people come to this earth plane and forget what
their life purpose was supposed to be. They wander the earth plane,
wondering what to do with themselves.

I decided to write this book to help other people. I have

read hundreds of self-help books and attended numerous seminars
for personal growth. I have been seeing psychiatrists and

Lorenzo Berardinetti

psychologists since I was 14 years old. (I suffered from severe

anxiety all through my life until I learned the techniques discussed
in this book).

I have a decent education. Why not use all these

experiences to write a book to help people? Just thinking of having
someone read this book and helping that person through the
teachings here makes me excited.

That is why I am dedicating this book to everyone who

reads it. I am trying to discover my next step (purpose) in life, and
I know you are probably trying to find your purpose. I sincerely
hope that this book achieves its purpose. And that we both find our
purpose for being here. Because, ultimately, we are all connected.
If I don’t meet you in this lifetime, then I am certain that we will
meet in the world of spirit!

Seek to be at peace with your inner self and recognize that

the security that you seek in life is that which manifests from
within. For you are already secure, you are already all that you
choose and desire to be. It is within the recognition of what you are
on your pathway that helps you to achieve your greatest

May God bless you always, and may you find your life
purpose! Know that love is the most powerful emotion in this
physical reality. And I send my love to you, dear reader.

The Owl and the Dove

Lorenzo Berardinetti

Final Words
I hope this book really helps you to be a better person and
helps you find your purpose in life. I want to leave you with a
prayer. Feel free to use it at the start of your day. The author is
Mother Cabrini. The first American saint.

“And so it is that great light was passed up on this earth

plane. And multitudes of spirits manifesting forward. And so it is
the great light shall manifest upon me from this day and forever
forward ahead. Knowing always that my purpose is centred within.
I allow only that which is true of spirit to manifest through me. In
accepting only the highest upon this pathway. For I am worthy of
true greatness. I accept within myself that that greatness is already
a part of me. Manifesting in truth, in oneness, and in peace. So be
it that God’s eternal, internal, and external blessings of healing
help me. Many changes shall manifest in my life. I ask that
oneness manifest always within me. Amen.”

The Owl and the Dove

About the Author

Lorenzo Berardinetti was born in Toronto, Canada. He attended
the University of Toronto, and the University of Windsor where he
graduated with a law degree. He was called to the Ontario Bar in
April of 1988. While practising law on a part-time basis he was
elected to the City of Scarborough Council and served from 1988
to 1997 as a City Councillor. He went on to serve as a City
Councillor for the City of Toronto from 1997 to 2003. Lorenzo
was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for the period
from 2003 to 2018, where he served as Deputy Whip, and as
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Labour and, later, to the
Attorney General of Ontario. Lorenzo has written a movie
screenplay named “Terra”. The Owl and the Dove is his first non-
fiction book.


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