Crissinni Handouts in EAPP

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By: Anna Felicia Sanchez

Submitted by: Crissinni

Aminoso Marie
Submitted to:
Khrystmund Ponsaran
Grade-11-ABM St. Matthew

Anna Felicia Sanchez, the author of “Martiines”, has a background in English Studies and
Creative Writing from University of the Philippines Diliman. She has receive d recognition for
her fiction writing, including winning awards in the Amelia Lapena Bonifacio Literary Contest
and the Supernatural Story Writing Contest sponsored by the Institute of Creative Writing.
Sanchez’s work explores Filipino-ness in cultural beliefs, practices, personality, traits, values,
and perceptions, of mythical creatures and supernatural phenomena. Her stories often incorporate
elements of Filipino folklore and supersitions.


Richard Servacio





“Martines” is a story about Richard, a 25-year old corporate speech trainer suffering from a
quarter-life crisis. The story tackles how Richard’s relatives and his hometown are eager to
remind him of their culture identify and beliefs. Martines is the socio-culture context pertaining
to Filipino folklore and susperstitions.

"Martines is a story about Richard, a 25-year-old corporate speech trainer suffering from a
quarter-life crisis. The story tackles how Richard's relatives and his hometown are eager to
remind him of their cultural identity and beliefs.

Introduction: Starts with an opening anecdote of Richard Servacio's father telling a myth of a
secret to immortality that "kept the land from drying, from crumbling under the weather of a
world that had lost its way along its own axis.

Rising Action: The reast of the land could be saved from drowning in the color of blood,
there would be no need for the shadows of things long gone.

Climax: Richard, who was a 25-year old cooperate speech trainer suffering from a quarter life
crisis, after being told a “lousy”motivational speaker by his boss for the fifth time.

Falling Action: Involves the protagonist, Richard, being awakened when his cousin parks the
jeep. He accompanies his cousin, Totoy, to catch a live monitor lizard to offer to Martinés.
Richard experiencing pain and the bird feeding on his knees, causing him to cry out in pain also
includes the martinés bending down to Richard's ear and speaking of a secret memory.

Resolution: The story ends with Richard experiencing pain as the bird feeds on his knees.
The martinés, a supernatural being, bends down to Richard's ear and speaks of a secret memory
explores themes of cultural beliefs, supernatural phenomena, and the protagonist's struggle with
his own identity.


Theme: The theme of the story “Martiñes”the love for the country's culture and respect
the others.

Lessons: The lesson of "Martiñes" can be interpreted in different ways based on

individual perspectives. However, one possible lesson that can be derived from the story is
the exploration of the blurred boundaries between reality and the supernatural.


The conclusion of “Martiñes” by Anna Felicia Sanchez is not expolicitly mentioned the available
sources. However, based on the information I found, the story ends with Richard encounter with
the martiñes, asupernaturalbeing, and revelation of a secret memory. The conclusion leave room
for it is important to note that "Martiñes" is a short horror story, and the author my intentionally I
leave the conclusion open-ended or ambiguous to evoke sense of mystery and itrigntrigue.

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