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Name: BSA1-A


1. Mangrove Symposium Relevance to current environmental funding and sponsorship environmental factors secure sponsorships or partnerships to
issues alleviate resource constraints
2. Symposium on Livelihood potential for new business Expansion of student entrepreneurship limited funding for startup ventures provide resources and mentorship for
(Mrs. pojas Community opportunities students interested in pursuing
Products) community product-based businesses
3. Symposium on Livelihood learning opportunities Skill development lack of ongoing support for students Provide follow-up resources and support
(Mrs. Casidsid-Skills) after the symposium for students to continue developing their
4. LDRRMO Safety Training increased awareness and preparedness integration of new technologies and Limited time and resources for Regularly update training modules to
among participants. methodologies in safety training. comprehensive training address emerging risks
5. LDRRMO Bandaging and Hands-on learning experience potential for future emergency Inadequate resources and equipment Ensure availability of necessary resources
Carrying Response response involvement. and equipment
6. Mangrove Planting fostering environmental stewardship in funding and sponsorship environmental factors ensure proper monitoring and
students. maintenance of planted mangroves to
maximize their survival and growth
7. Socio Economic Survey and providing a basis for evidence-based informing targeted interventions and potential biases in data collection ensure clear communication of the
Needs Assessment decision-making and resource development programs. survey's purpose and benefits
8. Listing of Beneficiaries ensuring targeted assistance to those in identifying additional needs or Limited community participation or Engage community leaders and local
need programs that could benefit the cooperation volunteers to encourage participation,
9. Final Implementation of Improved accessibility and safety for potential for public-private potential construction delays or ensure proper project management and
Project pedestrians partnerships and sponsorship disruptions oversight to minimize delays and ensure
opportunities, quality implementation
10. Participation of Barangay increased credibility and support for access to funding and resources conflicting priorities and agendas. establish regular progress updates and
the footwalk project accountability mechanisms
11. Participation of fostering a sense of pride and Building strong community potential conflicts or disagreements involve residents in the decision-making
Community connection to the project. relationships among community members process

12. Student Participation Active student engagement enhancing teamwork and collaboration challenges in obtaining necessary check for approvals before implementing
permissions and approvals the project
13. Zumba Promotes physical fitness collaboration with fitness professionals potential for injuries if not conducted ensure qualified instructors to lead the
for specialized sessions with proper warm-up and safety sessions
14. Classroom Drill practicing emergency response Identifying areas for improvement in risk of injury if safety measures are debrief and evaluate the drill to address
procedures in a controlled environment emergency protocols not followed. any issues and make necessary
15. Submission of Plastic Cups fosters a sense of responsibility ensure proper disposal and recycling of contamination of plastic caps with establish clear guidelines for acceptable
towards waste management plastic caps non-recyclable materials caps and collection points
16. Physical Exercise Activity enhanced mental well-being potential for team building and social lack of motivation or adherence to incorporate a variety of exercises to cater
interaction the exercise program. to different interests and fitness levels,
17. Spiritual mediatation fosters a sense of connectedness and collaboration with experts in difficulty in finding qualified incorporate regular feedback and
Prayer spirituality among students meditation and mindfulness instructors or leaders for guiding the evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of
meditation sessions the practice

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