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European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771

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Current concepts in MRI of rectus femoris musculotendinous (myotendinous)

and myofascial injuries in elite athletes
A. Kassarjian a,∗ , R.M. Rodrigo b , J.M. Santisteban c
Consultant Radiologist, Corades, S. L., Calle Galeon 2, 28220 Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain
Resonancia Magnetica Bilbao, Hospital San Francisco Javier, Gordoniz 12, 40010 Bilbao, Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain
Medical Services, Athletic Club Bilbao, Basurto Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, University of the Basque Country, Barrio de Garaioltza 147,
48197 Lezama, Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rectus femoris injuries are extremely common in athletes, particularly in soccer players, rugby player, and
Received 16 February 2011 sprinters. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a key role in diagnosis, prognosis, and rehabilitation
Accepted 22 March 2011 of these injuries. The current article discusses current concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of rectus
femoris injuries in elite athletes, including a discussion of the less well known myofascial injuries and
Keywords: key prognostic factors as seen at MR imaging.
Rectus femoris
© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Sports/athletic injuries

1. Introduction 2. MR imaging technique

Injuries to the quadriceps muscles, and specifically the rec- As with the evaluation of any athletic injury, the MR proto-
tus femoris, are extremely common in athletes and are reported col must be tailored to the specific clinical scenario. In imaging
to represent the second most common lower extremity muscular injuries of the rectus femoris, appropriate planes and fields of views
injury after hamstring injuries. In our experience, in soccer play- must be employed. (Although there is wide range of acceptable
ers, quadriceps injuries, and specifically rectus femoris injuries, are sequences and planes of imaging, imaging of elite athlete justi-
more common than hamstring injuries. Although hamstring strains fies using a slightly more extensive imaging protocol since acute,
often have a clear clinical presentation, rectus femoris injuries in sub-acute, and chronic injuries may all be present (and possibly
elite athletes may present with either acute or insidious symptoms inter-related) therefore requiring appropriate imaging of all lesions
owing to the complex anatomy of the rectus femoris. This article present.) Although there is wide range of acceptable sequences,
will describe the imaging strategies, risk factors, and the role of MR imaging rectus femoris injuries in elite players should be tailored
imaging in determining prognosis and appropriate rehabilitation of using appropriate planes and slightly extended protocol.
rectus femoris injuries in elite athletes with a focus on MR imaging Our current protocol consists of initial wide field of view images
of myotendinous and myofascial injuries. that include both hips and thigh and consists of: axial T1, axial
STIR, and axial gradient echo sequences all of which extend from
the anterior inferior iliac spine to the distal myotendinous junction
of the rectus femoris. These images are not meant to be of high
resolution but serve to accurately localize both acute and chronic
injuries and allow evaluation of the contra-lateral hip and thigh
both for comparison (e.g. of muscle bulk) and to assess for occult
∗ Corresponding author.
additional injuries. Subsequently, higher resolution images with
E-mail addresses: (A. Kassarjian), (R.M. Rodrigo), a smaller field of view are obtained of the symptomatic rectus (J.M. Santisteban). femoris. This includes T2 weighted sequences with fat suppression

0720-048X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
3764 A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771

injuries. Both extrinsic and intrinsic factors seem to play a role. The
factors can be divided into four major categories: muscle, player,
venue, and match.
The rectus femoris is a bi-articular muscle in that it crosses two
joints (hip and knee). In addition, it has a high proportion of fast
twitch (type II) muscle fibers thereby also increasing the risk of
injury. Finally, during running and kicking, it is exposed to signifi-
cant and often extreme stresses in the form of stretching, powerful
eccentric contraction, and power concentric contraction [4]. All of
these factors place the rectus femoris at risk for injuries, in partic-
ular myotendinous, myofascial, and tendinous injuries.
Players of shorter stature are at higher risk for rectus femoris
injuries. Also, injuries appear to be more common during pre-
season training and when there has been either improper warm-up
or overtraining. According to prior publications, a prior rectus
femoris injury or recent hamstring injury also increases the risk of
a new rectus femoris injury although the new rectus femoris injury
may not be in the same location as the previous rectus femoris
Fig. 1. Lines showing orientation of parasagittal images that will subsequently help injury [4,5].
better demonstrate the origins of the direct (wide arrow) and indirect (thin arrow) Environmental/pitch factors also seem to play a role. Rectus
heads of the rectus femoris.
femoris injuries are more common in cold humid conditions when
there has been no significant rainfall in the previous week. Thus,
in the following planes: axial images in all cases, sagittal oblique fields with a harder ground and thus increased ground traction are
images (paralleling the anterior inferior iliac spine) when proximal associated with rectus femoris injuries.
tendinous injuries are suspected, sagittal images when myotendi- During actual training or a match, injuries are more common
nous injuries of the direct (superficial) component are suspected or when there is a fast run-up to a kick possibly related to under-
when myofascial injuries are suspected, and coronal images when striding which results in the player leaning back and the leg moving
myotendinous injuries to the indirect (deep) component are sus- further behind the body. This places extra stress on the rectus
pected (Fig. 1). femoris. The injury is more common in the kicking leg. There is
some debate as to exactly when the injury occurs as some believe
3. MR imaging anatomy it occurs during the late backswing while others believe it occurs
during the under-striding while trying to slow down. Even with
The rectus femoris has somewhat complex anatomy that can be video analysis, debate is ongoing [5].
elegantly demonstrated with MR imaging [1–3]. Proximally, there The presentation of a rectus femoris injury typically takes one
are two origins to the rectus femoris which consist of the direct of two forms. Acute injuries such as acute tendon tears, acute
and indirect (reflected) tendons or heads (Fig. 2). The direct tendon myotendinous injuries, or acute myofascial injuries may present
arises from the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) and the indirect with an acute onset of pain immediately after the inciting event.
tendon arises from the later margin of the supra-acetabular sur- Depending on the severity of injury, there may or may not be
face and the lateral acetabular rim. These short tendons give rise to associated loss of muscle strength. However, certain acute injuries,
a complex set of myotendinous transitions. The direct head and such as myotendinous strains of the indirect head of the rectus
indirect head join just below and anterior to the AIIS with the femoris and some myofascial injuries, may have a more insidi-
direct head contributing to the anterior and slightly medial aspect ous onset and begin as a mild discomfort along the anterior thigh.
of the proximal rectus femoris while the indirect head contributes These myotendinous injuries of the indirect head may present as
to the posterior and slightly lateral aspect of the rectus femoris. increased tone and mild spasm/contraction of the muscle, partic-
The myotendinous junction of the direct head actually is very proxi- ularly when the injury has associated soft tissue fluid. This may
mal, thin, and broad based with the tendinous fibers comprising the initially be thought to represent a mild overuse injury or very mild
anterior surface of the proximal rectus femoris muscle where they strain with the player only noticing mild discomfort while kicking
imperceptively blend with the anterior fascia of the proximal rec- the ball. They may be able to withstand the discomfort and thus
tus femoris muscle. Although according to anatomical studies the keep playing for days. However, as they do so, the pain and dis-
tendinous contribution from the direct head of the rectus femoris comfort increase to the point that it finally warrants imaging at
can extend down the proximal third of the muscle belly, at MR which point MRI (or ultrasound) demonstrates the true nature and
imaging, in the absence of edema or fluid, the tendon of the direct extent of the injury. Unless, there has been a direct impact such as
head is only typically visualized as a distinct entity to the level getting kicked in the thigh, rectus femoris injuries do not typically
of the hip joint [1–3]. In contrast, the tendon of the indirect head present with a focal hematoma or mass.
initially has a somewhat rounded, coma shaped or ovoid config-
uration, propagates into the substance of the muscle where, as it
descends inferiorly, rotates into an essentially sagittal orientation 5. MR appearance of rectus femoris injuries
and acquires a flattened or linear configuration, extending along
the rectus femoris muscle till the distal third of the muscle [1]. The MR appearance of injuries to different portions of the rectus
femoris varies depending on the location of the injury. In general, a
4. Risk factors and clinical presentation three point grading system may be used for myotendinous injuries
(strains) with a grade I lesion presenting as peritendinous edema
There has been extensive study into the risk factors for rectus without a focal or discrete tear, a grade II lesion presenting as a
femoris injuries in elite athletes, particularly Australian rugby and partial tear of the myotendinous junction with a partial thickness
soccer players [4,5]. Multiple factors may contribute to a specific defect visible, and a grade III lesion presenting as a complete tear
injury, certain patterns have emerged in the study of rectus femoris at the myotendinous junction. However, such three point grading
A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771 3765

Fig. 2. (a) Axial fat suppressed T2-weighted image showing the tendons of the direct (wide arrow) and indirect (thin arrow) heads of the rectus femoris. (b) Axial fat
suppressed T2-weighted image (inferior to a) again showing the tendons of the direct (wide arrow) and indirect (thin arrow) heads of the rectus femoris. (c–e) Consecutive
parasagittal fat suppressed T2-weighted image showing the tendons of the direct (wide arrow) and indirect (thin arrow) heads of the rectus femoris.

system may not be necessarily for rectus femoris injuries, par- simulate an aggressive bone lesion (Fig. 5). The typical location in
ticularly for injuries of its direct head when myofascial injury is skeletally immature athletes helps to avoid misdiagnosing.

5.2. Myotendinous injuries of the direct head

5.1. Proximal tendon injuries
The direct head of the rectus femoris has a relatively short ten-
As previously mentioned, although a tendon tear is often visible don that fans out and blends with the anterior fascia of the proximal
on the axial images, the exact degree of the tear, whether one or third of the muscle belly of the rectus femoris [1,2,7,8]. Given this
both tendons are involved, and the size of a gap in the tendon (if short transition, injuries to the myotendinous portion of the direct
present) are often better delineated using oblique sagittal images head of the rectus femoris often present as edema and fluid along
that are oriented parallel to the iliac wing (Fig. 3). Tendon injuries the anterior portion of the rectus femoris muscle belly, predom-
are classified as partial or complete tears with the description speci- inantly located between the anterior fascia and the belly of the
fying whether one or both tendons are involved and to what degree. muscle (Fig. 6). It may be difficult to differentiate between a grade
If a complete tear of either is present, a description of the tendon I and II tear since the tendon itself blends so quickly with the mus-
margin quality and the gap in the tendon should be included [2,3,6]. cle fascia. However, with high quality axial, sagittal and sagittal
In skeletally immature athletes, it is not uncommon for the oblique images, the location of the injuries can accurately be iden-
apophysis of the anterior inferior iliac spine to be avulsed in lieu tified and graded as either a partial or complete tear. In addition, the
of the tendon tearing [2,3] (Fig. 4). As with other sites (e.g. lesser amount of fluid and hematoma that has accumulated between the
trochanter or ischial spine), the weak link in the muscle-tendon- fascia and the muscle belly can be visualized and should be men-
bone chain in younger athletes is the unfused physis. In these cases, tioned when reporting these injuries particularly since this fluid can
one should describe the size of the avulsed apophysis and the gap track inferiorly along the deep surface of the anterior fascia. Some
between the avulsed bone fragment and the donor site. In the studies suggest that the exact location and extent of the injury are
case of subacute or chronic apophyseal avulsion injuries, the MR important because if a prominent component is located immedi-
appearance of the lesion may be confusing and, in many cases, may ately deep to the sartorius (as it crosses over the rectus femoris),
3766 A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771

Fig. 3. (a and b) Consecutive parasagittal fat suppressed T2-weighted images in a professional European football (soccer) player demonstrate complete tears of the direct
(wide arrow) and indirect (thin arrow) tendons of the rectus femoris. This injury was sustained during kicking. (c and d) Consecutive parasagittal fat suppressed T2-weighted
images in a (different) professional European football (soccer) goalie demonstrate a partial tendon tear of the direct head (wide arrow) and complete tendon tear of the
indirect (thin arrow) head of the rectus femoris. This injury was sustained during kicking.

the prognosis may be more guarded since the sartorius may com- as edema or fluid tracking along the course of this tendon and
press this region and prevent adequate clearance of metabolites may be quite extensive in the cranio-caudal axis [2,3,8,10] (Fig. 7).
and healing of the underlying injury [8,9]. Finally, given the inti- These lesions are often seen along the proximal and middle thirds of
mate relationship of the tendon of the direct head of the rectus the muscle. In addition, on T1-weighted images, with more severe
femoris and the anterior fascia of the muscle, it may be difficult injuries, the rectus femoris may have a larger cross sectional area
to differentiate between a myotendinous injury and a myofascial when compared with the contra-lateral thigh and there may be
injury at this location. Although in the absence of injury the ten- blurring of the myotendinous junction [8].
don may be difficult to distinguish from the fascia, in the setting In grade I strains, there is feathery edema typically on both sides
of an injury, the tendon of the direct head may appear as a slightly of the tendon, thereby reflecting the bi-pennate configuration of
more prominent hypointense component of the fascia. It is possible the muscle at this level. The tendon itself remains intact. In grade
that these direct head injuries begin as a myotendinous injury and II strains (partial tears), one begins to see architectural distortion
extend/propagate thereby having a myofascial component as well of the muscle fibers and possibly the tendon. There may be a small
[8]. fluid filled gap within the torn muscle fibers or a portion of the
tendon. With both (more severe) grade I and II strains, the edema is
5.3. Myotendinous injuries of the indirect head centered around the tendon in a pattern that has been referred to as
“bull’s eye” although some have reserved this description for grade
The myotendinous junction of the indirect head of the rectus II strains. With grade II strains, some fibers of the myotendinous
femoris is quite long, is embedded within the substance of the rec- junction and the tendon remain intact. In grade III strains (complete
tus femoris muscle belly and therefore its injury classically present tears), there is a complete disruption of the myotendinous junction
A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771 3767

Fig. 4. (a) Parasagittal fat suppressed T2-weighted image in a 15-year-old semiprofessional European football (soccer) player shows an acute apophyseal avulsion (arrow)
which occurred at the beginning of a sprint. (b) Parasagittal fat suppressed T2-weighted image in the same player obtained three months later shows the avulsed apophysis
(arrow) to better advantage and demonstrates interval narrowing of the fluid filled gap between the apophysis and the physis.

Fig. 5. (a) Axial T1 weighted image shows a mass-like lesion (thin arrow) along the anterior inferior iliac spine. Note proximity of rectus femoris tendon (wide arrow). (b)
Coronal STIR image shows lobular mass-like lesion (thin arrow) along anterior inferior iliac spine. Note proximity of rectus femoris tendon (wide arrow). (c) Sagittal fat
suppressed proton density image shows direct tendon (wide arrow) of rectus femoris entering the “mass” while the indirect tendon (thin arrow) projects toward its origin
along the lateral aspect of the acetabulum.
3768 A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771

Fig. 6. (a and b) Axial fat suppressed T2-weighted images in two different young semi-professional European football (soccer) players demonstrate an injury to the direct
tendon of the rectus femoris (wide arrow) with associated perifascial fluid (thin arrow) predominantly along the anterior aspect of the rectus femoris muscle.

with a discrete tendon gap that is filled with fluid, blood, debris myotendinous union, the complexity of the injuries with frequent
and/or granulation tissue depending on the age of the injury. The associated myofascial lesions and its extension through the fascia
muscle and tendon can have variable degrees of proximal retraction makes difficult adequately graded with the classic 3 points system.
[2,3,8,10]. With both grade II and III strains, there may be associated The presence of fluid intermuscular and along the fascial planes
hypo- or hyper-intensities on T1-weighted images depending on should be mentioned in the report since its appears to indicate a
the composition and quantity of blood products. Because of the long longer recovery time [8] (see below).

Fig. 7. (a and b) Axial (a) and coronal (b) fat suppressed T2 weighted images in a 16-year-old semiprofessional European football (soccer) player injured during hyperextension
of the non-kicking leg show a very long myotendinous injury (thin arrow) involving the indirect component of the rectus femoris. The myotendinous component of the
muscle is almost striped way from the remainder of the muscle with a fluid filled plane seen between the majority of the muscle fibers and the myotendous component (open
arrow). This nearly resembles an intra-muscular degloving injury. The myotendinous injury has extended to the fascia resulting in perifascial fluid as well (wide arrow). (c)
Axial T1 weighted images in a professional European football (soccer) player show slight increase in the size of the left rectus femoris muscle (arrow) when compared to
the right. An injury to the indirect myotendinous junction is clearly seen on the axial fat suppressed T2 weighted image (inset). (d) Images from coronal (upper) and axial
(lower) fat suppressed T2 weighted images in another professional European football (soccer) player show a complete disruption of the distal myotendinous junction of the
rectus femoris with retraction of the muscle (white arrow) and a fluid/hemorrhage filled gap (open arrow) between the retracted muscle and the distal stump. (Images c and
d courtesy of Javier Mota, MD, Barcelona, Spain.)
A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771 3769

It should also be noted that there can be an overlap in the imag- [4,5]. However, in our experience, there is no clear association
ing appearance of acute, subacute, and chronic lesions. Therefore, between a prior hamstring injury and in increased risk for a sub-
it is critical to correlate the imaging findings with the clinical sce- sequent rectus femoris injury. Interestingly, a prior rectus femoris
nario. Myotendinous injuries of the indirect head seem to be more injury is a risk factor for a subsequent rectus injury which more fre-
common than myotendinous injuries of the direct head. quently (but not always) occurs in a different location in the muscle.
If the re-injury is at the site of prior injury, in our experience, it
5.4. Myofascial injuries is commonly along the margins of the scar. Given the association
between prior rectus femoris injuries and subsequent injuries, it is
Although descriptions of myofascial injuries are sparse in the import to include a gradient echo sequence in the imaging protocol
literature, they may represent a clinically and anatomically dis- as this will help identify areas of scarring due to the mild blooming
tinct injury and, we believe, should be considered separate from artifact that may be present at the site of scar from small regions
myotendinous injuries because of its significance on management of hemosiderin deposition. This will present as a relatively focal
and prognosis. In our experience, myofascial injuries represent area of very low signal on gradient echo images with or without
approximately 15% of all rectus femoris injuries in professional focal architectural distortion of the muscle and/or tendon (Fig. 9).
soccer players (8, additional unpublished data). Oftentimes, the architectural distortion, and underlying anatomy
Myofascial injuries of the rectus femoris are those that are can be better seen on the T1 weighted images. Occasionally, there
not centered along the myotendinous junction. Myofascial injuries can be quite exuberant scar formation at the site of a prior injury.
appear as edema, fluid, and architectural distortion of the mus- Knowledge of prior injuries serves as a baseline for subsequent
cle fibers and sometimes the fascia adjacent to but not necessarily imaging studies and an indicator that it may be necessary to do a
contiguous with the myotendinous junction. In these cases, the complete functional assessment of the player to determine if there
myotendinous junction itself is often intact (Fig. 8). The fibers is an underlying cause for recurrent injuries.
that are torn are muscle fibers up to and sometimes including the
epimysium and fascia. MR imaging shows edema and fluid within
the substance of the muscle with extension to the fascia of the mus- 6. Imaging findings and association with prognosis
cle, typically along the posterolateral aspect of the muscle [8]. If the
fascia is intact, the fluid may dissect along the undersurface of the As with any injury in elite athletes, one of the first questions to be
fascia creating a plane between the muscle and the fascia. If the fas- asked after a player is injured is, “how long before he (she) can play
cia is disrupted, the edema and fluid will extend beyond the muscle again?” Time away from the sport has significant professional and
and fascia dissecting along the inter-muscular planes in addition financial implication. In the case of rectus femoris injuries, recent
to the previously described dissection between the fascia and the data suggests that imaging can play an important role in assess-
muscle. ing prognosis and expected time away from the sport. In a study
Myofascial injuries may occur along any portion of the rectus of 40 elite soccer players, certain imaging characteristics of rec-
femoris although they appear to be more common in the proximal tus femoris myotendinous and myofascial injuries were associated
and middle thirds. Those that occur anteriorly and very proximally with a longer recovery time [8].
may be difficult to differentiate from myotendinous injuries of the The following four individual factors have a poor prognosis:
direct head of the rectus femoris at MR imaging, and often may proximal injuries, presence of perifascial fluid, changes seen on
represent myotendinous injuries that extend to the fascia. T1-weighted images, and involvement of more than 50% of the
Myofascial injuries further down the rectus femoris can more cross-sectional area of the muscle. Of these four factors, the pres-
easily be differentiated from myotendinous injuries of the indirect ence of perifascial fluid and lesions seen on T1-weighted images
head. With myofascial injuries, the edema and fluid are most com- were statistically significantly associated with a longer recovery
monly eccentrically located along the posterior and lateral aspect interval (p = 0.026 and p = 0.019, respectively). Although there was
of the muscle and not centered along the sagitally oriented intra- a trend between proximal lesions and greater that 50% cross-
muscular tendon of the indirect head of the rectus femoris. sectional area involvement and a longer recovery interval, it did not
It should be noted that anterior myofascial injuries can be reach statistical significance. When any three of these four factors
extrememly difficult to see with ultrasound if macroscopic fiber were present, there was an even greater association with a longer
disruption is limited. Even after an MR has demonstrated these recovery interval (37.7 days vs. 27.2 days, p = 0.012). The length of
proximal anterior myofascial injuries, they may not be clearly visi- the lesion was not correlated with a longer recovery interval.
ble at second look ultrasound [unpublished data]. If only ultrasound Given these findings, it appears that MR images of rectus femoris
is used and these proximal anterior lesions are missed, inappro- injuries should be carefully evaluated for the presence of perifas-
priate treatment may actually aggravate the lesion and result in cial fluid, visibility of the injury on T1-weighted images, the exact
seromas. As such, it is imperative to accurately diagnose these location injury, and the size (cross-sectional area) of the injury as
lesions, often with MR, prior to implementing a treatment proto- these four factors appear to help predict the recovery interval.
col. When compared to the anterior myofascial injuries, the more
posterior and lateral myofascial injuries are easier to see by ultra-
sound. It appears that the deeper myofascial injuries, which are 7. Rehabilitation
more common posterolaterally, have a greater tendency to be rein-
jured and form seromas if the player resumes training too soon after No uniform or universally applicable guidelines exist for the
the original injury. treatment of muscular injuries [11]. One must always take into
account multiple factors including the type of surface, the time of
5.5. Prior injuries and scars the season, the specific sport, the specific player position, the dom-
inant leg, and the level of play. If one takes too conservative of an
The presence of prior thigh muscle injuries appears to be a signif- approach, the time away from the field would be excessive thereby
icant risk factor for subsequent rectus femoris injuries. Specifically, making it impossible to run a professional team. For this reason,
according to the literature, a history of a recent hamstring injury some prefer to have a protocol that allows 90% return to play within
(within the previous 8 weeks) or prior (recent or remote) rectus 3 weeks as opposed to using a protocol that allows 100% return to
femoris injury are risk factors for subsequent rectus femoris injuries play but requires waiting 8 weeks [11].
3770 A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771

Fig. 8. (a) Axial fat suppressed T2-weighted image of a female professional European football (soccer) goalie shows myofascial disruption along the posterolateral margin of
the middle third of the rectus femoris (thick white arrow). Fluid is seen tracking along the fascia and the belly of the muscle (open arrows). This injury was sustained while
kicking the ball. There is also evidence of a small scar from prior myotendinous injury (long thin arrow). (b) Axial T1 weighted (b1) and T2 weighted (b2) images of another
professional European football (soccer) player show a posterior myofascial injury (arrow) with fluid accumulating between the posterior muscle fibers and the fascia. This
injury was sustained during a sprint.

Rehabilitation protocols are designed to aid in the rapid regen- rent paucity of randomized trials in humans to support their use
eration and recovery of muscles. Therefore, one begins with the in muscle injuries [12,13]. Further research is needed in this area.
fundamentals of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to min- After 5 days, one can start physiotherapy regimens (massage
imize bleeding and minimize the release of inflammatory factors therapy, ultrasound, or other modalities). Initially, the regimen con-
which can cause edema and secondary tissue injury. Proper early sists of careful mobilization with unloaded isometric contractions
rehabilitation can accelerate the course of regeneration. Depend- which are gently advanced in force until the onset of pain or dis-
ing on the severity of the lesion, initial rest may be prescribed for comfort. This is followed by careful isotonic contractions. When all
1–5 days. Early aggressive treatment of an edematous and inflamed the exercises can be completed without pain, eccentric exercises
muscle can result in further tissue damage, prolonged inflamma- are started beginning with manual resistance then progressing
tion, and delayed recovery/repair. Although platelet rich plasma to more complex exercises against differing types of resistance.
preparations may accelerate the rate of scarring, there is a cur- Once there is no longer any pain with resistance exercises, run-

Fig. 9. (a) Axial and coronal T1 weighted images show evidence of retraction of the rectus femoris muscle belly, scarring and fatty change (arrows) as a result of complete
tear of the direct tendon and partial tear of the indirect tendon. (b) Focal scar and minimal fatty change at site of prior injury to the indirect tendon of the rectus femoris.
The fat is only seen on the T1 weighted image (figure) while the gradient echo image (inset) shows the hypointense scar. (c) Axial T1 weighted image shows scarring and
fatty change along the posterolateral aspect of the right rectus femoris (arrow) from prior deep myofascial injury. Gradient echo image (inset) shows the hypointense scar
but not the fatty change. (d) Axial gradient echo images shows the typical hypointense laminar scar (arrow) from a prior deep myofascial injury. (e) Axial fat-suppressed
T2 weighted image shows a laminar hypointense scar (arrow) from prior myofascial injury. The edema in the muscle and trace perifascial fluid is from an acute adjacent
peripheral re-injury.
A. Kassarjian et al. / European Journal of Radiology 81 (2012) 3763–3771 3771

ning regimes are started. Running is stopped if there is any pain. have significant prognostic and therapeutic implications. Specifi-
Initially, running is on alternate days with subsequent progres- cally, the presence of perifascial fluid and injuries that are visible
sion to differing stages of running until a full return is made to on T1-weighted images indicate a poorer prognosis and a longer
pain free pre-injury status [6]. Once all these stages are completed recovery time.
with return to pain-free pre-injury performance levels, the player
returns to training with the team. References
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