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Students’ Perception Towards Preferred Social Media Influencers’ Characteristics

A Research Presented to the Faculty of the

College of St. John – Roxas

In Partial Fulfillment for the Research in Daily Life 1

of Humanities and Social Sciences

Bengan, James Matthew A.

Bernas, Mc Christian

Cullo, Jeisann Joyce A.

Ebron, John Anthony M.



This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problem,

hypothesis, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the significance of the study, the

definition of terms, and the scope and delimitations of the study.


Social media refers to Web 2.0 applications that facilitate people to create and share

information, ideas, opinions, and other forms of expression through virtual networks. Moreover,

in the study conducted by Berthon et al. (2012), while original Internet websites, referred to as

Web 1.0, allowed one-way communication through static webpages, Web 2.0 expanded

communication by allowing more interaction such as sharing, linking, and collaboration as well

as inclusion of user generated contents. In this respect, Web 2.0 refers not to an update to any

technical specification from Web 1.0, but to changes in the way World Wide Web webpages are

designed and used. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are social networking sites (or SNSs),

such as YouTube. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram.

Congruent with the study conducted by Freberg et al. (2011), social media influencers -

often abbreviated as SMI are defined as a new type of independent third-party endorsers who

influence audience attitudes through the use of social media. In a similar vein, Audrezet et al.
(2017), denote those who possess greater potential to influence others than average social media

users, either by frequent communication or by strong personal persuasiveness. SMIs are also

referred to as individuals who accumulated a solid base of followers through creating and sharing

contents through, SMIs publicly share their personal everyday lives, experiences, and opinions

through their social media accounts, which may otherwise be inaccessible. That is why SMIs are

seen as more accessible, authentic, and credible compared to mainstream celebrities. Noting that

a similar message is perceived as more authentic and credible when it is communicated by a peer

consumer (e.g., a SMI) than when it is put forward by an advertiser or a celebrity, brands are

turning away from adopting traditional advertising tactics like celebrity marketing. Additionally,

De Vries et al. (2012) stated that, they are gearing towards leveraging these SMIs, incorporating

influencer marketing into their social media marketing strategies.

Contrary to the study of D. Brown & Hayes (2008), with millennial consumers as the

target audience for many brands (or retailers or marketers) and Web 2.0 social media as a bridge

to these millennial consumers, influencer marketing has drawn great attention from both

academia and market practitioners. Influencer marketing (also referred to as influence marketing)

is a form of marketing which focuses on a few, influencial people rather than the target market as

a whole, to help promote a brand through social media platforms. In other words, it refers to a

type of marketing that focuses on identifying and leveraging a small group of key SMIs to

communicate a brand's key message or to showcase a brand's new product to mass consumers By

seeding a cert message with these SMIs or having them post new product trials or endorsements,

b can amplify the dissemination and coverage of their message and maximize the adopt of their

products among SMIs' wide range of audiences.

Forbes (2016) stated by, nowadays, the social media platforms, such as Instagram,

TikTok or YouTube, became a marketplace for companies to not only directly promote and sell

their goods but also to collaborate with social media influencers (SMIS). In addition, a study

conducted by Rosenthal, R. (2016) she stated that, the rise of social media has greatly influenced

the way people interact and communicate with each other. With the emergence of social media

influencers, these platforms have become a crucial tool for brands and businesses to reach their

target market. Social media influencers are individuals who have established a strong presence

on various social media platforms, and have a significant following of users who look up to them

for their opinions and recommendations.

In the study of Smith, J. K. (2021) he stated that, social media influencers can provide

positive role models for students, inspiring them with their creativity and positivity. It can also

promote unrealistic beauty standards, consumerism, and materialism, which can negatively affect

students' self-esteem and well-being. Additionally, a study by Goh J. X. (2022), among the many

groups that are targeted by social media influencers, students represent a significant portion of

social media users. Understanding the characteristics that students find most appealing in social

media influencers is important for businesses and brands that are looking to effectively market to

this group. Social media influencers have become a prominent force in the world of marketing

and advertising. These individuals have gained significant followings on social media platforms,

and are considered credible sources of information and recommendations. With the rise of social

media influencers, businesses and brands are increasingly using influencer marketing as a

strategy to reach their target audience.

In accordance with the study of Anderson (2018), 95% of teenagers aged between 13 and

17 own a Smartphone. For young people, the pre-social media era has become something of a

blur. This generation has known as Generation Z where its members were born between the

nineties and the 2000s. Actually, the use of Smartphone's has become an integral part of the lives

of both young people and adolescents. According to Sokolova & Kefi, (2020), social media

influencers play a greater role in controlling and influencing the behavior of the consumer

especially young people and teenagers. For young people, the pre-social media era has become

something of a blur. This generation has known as Generation Z where its members were born

between the nineties and the 2000s. What distinguishes this generation is its extensive use of the

Internet at an early age. For them, the social media presents an important part of their social life

and since then many thinkers set out to explore the effects of using social media platforms at an

early age on adolescents' lives. The excessive use of social media may have an effect on teens'

mental health. In fact, adolescence is the interval period between childhood and adulthood. A

teenager is not a child to act arbitrarily and is not an adult to make critical decisions.

Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with each

other. With the rise of social media influencers, these platforms have become an important tool

for businesses and brands to reach their target audience. Social media influencers are individuals

who have established a strong presence on social media platforms, and have a significant

following of users who look up to them for their opinions and recommendations.
Therefore, this research aims to further investigate the characteristics of social media

influencers. This is an opportunity for the researcher to see the students’ perception towards

preferred social media influencers’ characteristics.

Statement of the Problem

The research study sought to investigate the student perception towards preferred social media

influencers in a qualitative manner. Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following


1. What is the profile of the senior high school (SHS) students in terms of:

a. sex

b. age

c. grade level

2. What characteristics do respondents look for in following social media influencers?

3. How may the students’ perceive the social media influencers in terms of:

a. expertise

b. quality content

c. appearance

d. trustworthiness

4. How do students perceive the relatability of social media influencers they follow in terms


a. expertise
b. quality content

c. appearance

d. trustworthiness

5. How does the perception influence their likelihood to engage with the influencers’


Theoretical Framework

Social Learning Theory (SLT) was first introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura in

1977 and was later updated in 2011. The theory states that people can learn by observing and

imitating the behavior of others, especially those who are seen as models or influencers. This can

occur through direct observation or through the media, such as television, movies, and social

media. Bandura believed that learning occurs through a process of modeling, reinforcement, and

imitation. Individuals observe the behavior of others, evaluate the consequences of that behavior,

and then either imitate or avoid the behavior based on the observed outcomes. SLT also

emphasizes the importance of cognitive factors, such as attention, memory, and motivation, in

the learning process. In this study, the Social Learning Theory is relevant because it helps to

explain why individuals may choose to follow or imitate certain social media influencers.

According to SLT, individuals are more likely to imitate behavior that is modeled by individuals

who are seen as attractive, competent, and credible. Therefore, students may be more likely to

follow social media influencers who possess these characteristics.

In the theory introduced by Joseph T. Klapper (1960), the Selective Exposure Theory

(SET) and was later updated in 2013. The theory states that people tend to selectively expose
themselves to media messages that are consistent with their pre-existing attitudes and beliefs,

while avoiding messages that are inconsistent with their views. This can lead to a reinforcement

of their existing beliefs and can make it difficult for them to consider alternative viewpoints. In

the context of this study, the Selective Exposure Theory is relevant because it helps to explain

why individuals may choose to follow certain social media influencers over others. Students are

more likely to follow social media influencers who share their interests and beliefs, and who

present information in a way that is consistent with their pre-existing attitudes and beliefs.

The Self-Presentation Theory (SPT) was first introduced by Mark Leary and Robin

Kowalski in 1990 and was later updated in 2018. The theory states that individuals engage in

self-presentation behaviors in order to create a desired impression or image of themselves to

others. This can involve controlling information about oneself, such as presenting oneself in a

positive light or hiding negative information, in order to maintain a particular image. In the

manner of this study, the Self-Presentation Theory is relevant because it helps to explain why

social media influencers may engage in certain behaviors in order to present a particular image

of themselves to their followers. Social media influencers often create a persona or personal

brand that is based on certain characteristics or values, such as authenticity, expertise, or

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm shows the relationship of the variables in the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

How may the students’

perceive the social media
influencers in terms of: Students’ Perception Towards
Preferred Social Media
a. expertise Influencers’ Characteristics
b. quality content
c. appearance
d. trustworthiness

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

From the illustration, the independent variable could consider the factors that may

influence students' preferences for certain types of influencers, such as expertise, quality content,

appearance, and trustworthiness as these are the variables that are being manipulated or varied to

see how they impact the respondents' perception and likelihood to engage with the influencers'

content. Moreover, the dependent variable is the students’ perception towards preferred social

media influencers’ characteristics is the dependent variable, as it is the variable that is being

measured or observed based on the characteristics of social media influencers that the

respondents prefer to follow.

The researcher will keep track of interviews and specifics regarding observations such as

the different conclusion of different senior high school students in Roxas City, Capiz.

The researcher will produce a survey that compares and contrasts the data of the student

respondents after a comprehensive study of the data, and will then write their story in their final


Significance of the Study

The significance of a qualitative study on student perceptions towards preferred social

media influencers lies in its potential to shed light on the following:

Students. In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of the lives of

many students. Through this study, we can better understand the impact that social media has on

the way students perceive and interact with their preferred social media influencers.

Social Media Influencers. The study can help identify the social media influencers that

students prefer and the reasons for their preference. This information can be useful for

influencers to better understand their target audience and tailor their content accordingly.

Educators. They can benefit from this study as it can help them understand the impact of

social media on students' behavior and learning. The findings can be used to develop guidelines

and recommendations for the use of social media in education.

Parents. With the results, parents may be more aware of the needs of their children and

coordinate with the teachers as regards the development of their children. Moreover, they can

provide guidance to their children in what contents they view online.

Future Researchers. They can benefit from this study as it can provide insights into the

role of social media in shaping students' perceptions and behaviors. The findings can be used to

further research in this field and develop theories and models to explain social media influence.

Definition of Terms

For clarification and precision, the following key terms were given their conceptual and

operational meanings.

Depdiknas defined “Student Perception" refers to the way in which students perceive or

understand a particular concept or phenomenon.

In this study, it refers to how students perceive their preferred social media influencers

and the factors that influence their perception.

Pixlee defined “Social Media Influencers” as a user on social media who has established

credibility in a specific industry. These content creators have access to a large audience and can

share information to persuade others through their authenticity and reach.

In this study, it refers to the influencers that students prefer to follow on social media.

In Vocabulary “Preferred” is defined as something you like to do or want to do more than

something else or things are valued above the rest.

In this study, it refers to the influencers that students have a positive perception of and

consider influential.

Oxford Languages defined “Social Media” as Websites and applications that enable users

to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

In this study, it refers to the platforms that students use to follow their preferred social

media influencers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is focused on the perspectives of the private schools in Roxas City, Capiz

Senior High School (SHS) students that will explore their perceptions towards their preferred

social media influencers, such as the influencer's expertise, quality content, appearance, and

trustworthiness . The study will utilize the qualitative research method in gathering and

analyzing the population’s answers. In choosing the population, a purposive sampling shall be

observed. There will be a total of 10 participants representing the all the academic strands. The

students that are qualified to participate in this study are those who are currently taking any

Grade 11 or 12 academic strands of SHS in selected private schools in Roxas City. The interview

will be conducted at the convenience of the participants: the time and place in school grounds.

The type of interview that is best used in the study is a semi-structured interview. This type of

interview allows for a flexible and open-ended approach where the interviewer can ask follow-up

questions or probe for more detailed information based on the respondent's initial answers. It also

allows for the interviewer to ask specific questions related to the research objectives while still

giving the respondent the opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions in their own words.

The objective of this is to get an overview of the perspectives of all SHS students sought to

investigate the student perception towards preferred social media influencers in a qualitative

The study does not cover the external factors that influence the answers of the population,

such as: attitude and personality, aptitude or academic grades, family background, etc. Through

the interviews to be conducted, it is a form of experiment because of the unknown and possibly

varying answers of the population and it is also a form of storytelling. If proven that there is a

common ground to the responses of the population and there is an identified problem or inquiry

that is answer/solved, the situation of the population may improve in terms of the quality of

learning and education in general.

Notes in Chapter 1

Chan, K., & Misra, S. (2021). To Trust or Not to Trust: The Power of Social Media

Influencers. Journal of Advertising Research, 61(2), 216-227. doi: 10.2501/JAR-2020-022

Cho, H., & Lee, J. (2020). The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention

and the Mediating Role of Attitude Toward the Influencer. Journal of Advertising Research,

60(4), 485-498. doi: 10.2501/JAR-2020-017

Gupta, R., & Purohit, H. (2020). Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase

Intention and Brand Image: A Study of Young Consumers in India. Journal of Promotion

Management, 26(5), 668-685. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2020.1778549

Kaur, P., Singh, P., & Bansal, S. (2021). Impact of Social Media Influencers on Youth: A

Review of Literature. Journal of Social Media Studies, 2(1), 45-58. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3861479

Koo, D. M. (2020). The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumers' Attitudes

toward the Brand, Purchase Intention, and Word-of-Mouth Behavior. Journal of Promotion

Management, 26(3), 360-378. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2020.1761301

Lee, Y. H., & Sung, Y. (2021). The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Consumer

Engagement and Purchase Intention. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 21(1), 1-17. doi:

Mehta, R., & Pandey, R. (2020). Social Media Influencer Marketing and Consumer

Purchase Intention: The Effect of Credibility, Attractiveness, and Expertise of Influencers.

Journal of Promotion Management, 26(5), 617-631. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2020.1770233

Sharma, S. K., & Gupta, S. (2021). Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer

Purchase Intention: Role of Source Credibility, Perceived Risk, and Product Category. Journal of

Internet Commerce, 20(1), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/15332861.2020.1861699

Wang, J., & Ma, S. (2020). The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Consumers'

Attitudes Toward the Endorsed Brands: An Empirical Study. Journal of Promotion Management,

26(3), 328-342. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2020.1761300

Wong, S. L., & Lim, X. Y. (2021). The Impact of Perceived Authenticity and Source

Credibility of Social Media Influencers on Consumers' Purchase Intention. Journal of

Advertising Research, 61(1), 16-27. doi: 10.2501/JAR-2020-001



This chapter presents the review of related literature from books, journals, published

studies and other references. This chapter also includes the related studies.

Related Literature

This section presents the literature reviewed from different reading materials.

Age. Younger students tend to follow influencers who are perceived as trendy and cool, and they

are more likely to be influenced by social media influencer marketing. Meanwhile, older students

may have a different perception of social media advertising, perceiving it as informative rather

than intrusive. These findings can inform marketing strategies targeted towards specific age

groups of students.

Sharanjit Kaur & Gurvinder Singh (2019) investigates the impact of age on social media

behavior among university students. It finds that students in different age groups use social

media for different purposes and exhibit varying levels of engagement with social media

platforms. It provides support for the study's focus by highlighting the importance of considering

demographic factors, such as age, when examining social media behavior among students. The

study found that students in different age groups exhibit varying levels of engagement with
social media platforms and use social media for different purposes. This is relevant to the current

study because it suggests that students' preferences for social media influencers may also vary

depending on their age group, and that age may be an important factor to consider when

exploring students' perceptions towards preferred social media influencers' characteristics .

Zaid Al-Hamad and Walid Al-Zoubi (2018) explores the influence of age on the

effectiveness of social media influencer marketing. It finds that younger students are more likely

to be influenced by social media influencers compared to older students. It supports the focus of

by the role of age in the effectiveness of social media influencer marketing. The study suggests

that younger students are more susceptible to the influence of social media influencers compared

to older students. This finding is relevant to the current study as it provides insight into how age

may influence students' perception of social media influencers and the characteristics; they look

for in them. The study implies that younger students may prioritize different characteristics in

social media influencers compared to older students, and it is important to consider age as a

factor in understanding students' perception of social media influencers.

C. Michael Hall (2016) examines how age impacts students' perception of social media

advertising. It finds that younger students are more likely to perceive social media advertising as

intrusive, while older students are more likely to perceive it as informative. In the context of the

present study, this could mean that students' age may affect their perception of social media

influencers and the characteristics they look for in them. For instance, older students may

prioritize the informative value of the influencer's content, while younger students may be more

influenced by the influencer's appearance or popularity.

Sex. Social media influencer culture often promotes certain gender norms and expectations that

may affect how male and female students perceive and respond to different types of influencers.
In accordance to G. Tex (2018), female students may be more likely to follow and be influenced

by beauty and fashion influencers, while male students may be more interested in gaming or

sports influencers.

Tariq Ahmed and Abdulaziz Alkhaldi (2021) investigates the impact of gender on social

media use and perception among college students. It finds that female students use social media

more frequently than male students, and they are more likely to follow social media influencers

who share similar interests or values. It supports the study by providing insights into the

relationship between gender and social media use among college students. Specifically, it

suggests that gender may play a role in determining the types of social media influencers that

students follow, as female students are more likely to follow influencers who share similar

interests or values. This finding is relevant to the study because it suggests that students'

preferences for social media influencers may be influenced by their gender.

Rajiv N. Rimal and Minsoo Kang (2015) stated that, gender differences in social media

usage and influence among undergraduate students. It finds that female students are more likely

to use social media for socializing and communication, while male students are more likely to

use it for entertainment and information-seeking. This literature supports the study's focus in by

giving insights into how gender can impact social media usage and influence among

undergraduate students. Specifically, the findings suggest that gender differences exist in terms

of how male and female students use social media, with females more likely to use it for

socializing and communication. This information is relevant to the study as it can help to inform

the selection of social media influencers to be studied and their preferred characteristics, which

could be gender-specific. Additionally, the study can also explore whether gender plays a role in
how students perceive the characteristics of social media influencers and whether this perception

influences their engagement with the influencers' content.

Saif Al Ghafri and Fauzia Jabeen (2021) reported the impact of gender on the

effectiveness of social media influencer marketing among university students. It finds that male

students are more likely to be influenced by social media influencers who promote products or

services related to their hobbies or interests, while female students are more likely to be

influenced by influencers who promote products or services related to fashion and beauty. It is

crucial for the study's focus on by providing ideas into how gender differences can impact the

effectiveness of social media influencer marketing. Specifically, the study suggests that male and

female students may have different preferences for the type of products or services that they are

likely to be influenced by, based on their hobbies, interests, and values. This reinforces the need

to consider gender as a potential factor that could affect students' perceptions of social media

influencers' characteristics and their likelihood to engage with their content.

Grade Level. Different grade levels may have different levels of exposure and engagement with

social media platforms and influencers. Forbes (2019) stated that, older students may have more

experience with social media and a higher level of engagement, while younger students may be

less familiar with these platforms and less likely to follow social media influencers.

K. Denise Bane and Laura A. Freberg (2017) indicated that the prevalence and

perceptions of social media use among college freshmen. It finds that freshmen students use

social media primarily for social connections and entertainment purposes. This information is

important because it can provide insight into the types of content and influencers that are likely
to appeal to this particular group of students. For example, influencers who focus on lifestyle,

relationships, and entertainment might be more appealing to college freshmen. Additionally, the

findings of the study can help to contextualize the results of the current study by providing a

baseline for the general usage patterns of social media among college students.

Jennifer L. Walsh and Jessica L. Whitehead (2018) investigates the relationship between

social media use and academic performance among college students. It finds that higher grade

level students spend less time on social media and are more likely to use it for academic

purposes, such as networking and researching. This finding may suggest that students' perception

of social media influencers may vary depending on their academic performance and level, which

could be explored in the study.

Amelia Burke-Garcia and Emily Burke (2018) explores the relationship between social

media use and psychological well-being among college students. It finds that lower grade level

students are more likely to experience negative psychological effects from social media use, such

as anxiety and depression. This is particularly relevant because the study aims to investigate

students' perceptions towards social media influencers and their characteristics, which are factors

that may influence students' behavior and attitudes towards social media. If social media use is

associated with negative psychological effects, it may influence how students perceive social

media influencers and their impact on their lives. Therefore, understanding the relationship

between social media use and psychological well-being can help provide a more nuanced

understanding of students' perceptions towards social media influencers.

Expertise. In a study conducted by McQuarrie et al. (2018) he stated that, Expertise is the

influencer’s competence in knowledge, skills, and experiences in a particular product. When

influencers promote a creation with correct sources and demonstrate their expertise, audiences
perceive the influencer’s credibility. In this sense, people can evaluate the influencers’ expertise

and credibility by perceiving whether influencers are trained, experienced, qualified, or

informed. Through a survey with 800 participants, the Institute for Public Relations discovered

four ways to gain credibility in social media, which includes personal interaction, expertise,

invitational rhetoric, and trustworthiness. The four ways imply that expertise and credibility are

not standalone factors that determine the quality of influencers, but they are related with other

factors such as trustworthiness.

Johnson, R. D., & Scholes, L. (2018) focuses on the impact of social media influencers

on promoting health and fitness. The authors conducted a systematic review of literature to

explore the effectiveness of social media influencers in this domain. The study found that social

media influencers have a positive impact on promoting healthy lifestyles among young people,

especially on Instagram and YouTube. This literature supports the study's focus on social media

influencers by providing evidence of the potential impact of influencers on promoting specific

health and fitness behaviors among young people. The study suggests that social media

influencers can positively influence students' perceptions of healthy lifestyles and may be an

effective way to promote healthy habits. This highlights the importance of understanding the

characteristics of social media influencers that are preferred by students and the impact that these

influencers may have on their attitudes and behaviors towards health and fitness.

Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2019) investigated the factors that affect the purchase intention of

Generation Z consumers towards social media influencers' recommendations. The authors

conducted a survey of 281 undergraduate students in Taiwan and found that trust, perceived

expertise, and perceived similarity were significant predictors of purchase intention. The

literature by Chen and Chen (2019) supports the study's focus by examining the factors that
influence the purchase intention of social media influencers' recommendations among

Generation Z consumers. As undergraduate students are part of the Generation Z demographic,

the study's findings provide insights into the factors that may influence students' perception of

social media influencers and their recommendations. Specifically, the study highlights the

importance of trust, perceived expertise, and perceived similarity in determining purchase

intention, which can be linked to students' preference for certain characteristics in social media


Lee, C., & Ma, L. (2021) examined the impact of social media influencers on travel

intention among college students. The authors conducted a survey of 300 college students in

Taiwan and found that social media influencers have a positive impact on destination image and

travel intention. The study also found that involvement moderates the relationship between social

media influencers and travel intention. The findings from Lee and Ma's study could provide

valuable information on how social media influencers influence travel intentions and how

students perceive those influencers in this context. The study can help shed light on the

characteristics of social media influencers that college students prefer when it comes to

promoting travel-related content.

Quality Content. Sokolova & Kefi (2019) defined the quality of content as how well a message

is delivered and how useful it is according to followers. To determine the level of quality

content, they consider whether the content is structured for audiences to understand.

Furthermore, as Casaló et al. (2020) suggested, the content presentation is linked with the quality

content in promoting aesthetically pleasing, creative, and charming ways using photos, videos, or

stories. These multimedia driven presentations are the ways to respond to and adapt to diverse

expectations growing from their interactions with followers and advertisers.

Shin, D. H., & Lee, S. Y. (2018) examined the relationship between content quality and

users' intention to follow YouTube channels of social media influencers. The authors surveyed

326 university students in South Korea and found that content quality, including informativeness,

entertainment, and interactivity, positively influences users' intention to follow social media

influencers. The findings of the study support the focus of the study as they highlight the

importance of the quality of the content produced by social media influencers in influencing user

behavior. Specifically, the study found that content quality, including informativeness,

entertainment, and interactivity, positively influences users' intention to follow social media

influencers. This implies that students' perception of the characteristics of social media

influencers, including their ability to produce high-quality content, can significantly influence

their behavior, such as following the influencers and engaging with their content.

Baumeister, L., & Krasnova, H. (2019) investigated the role of creativity, originality, and

emotional authenticity in Instagram influencer success. The authors conducted a content analysis

of 2,000 Instagram posts from 40 Instagram influencers and found that creativity, originality, and

emotional authenticity significantly influence influencer success. This study on the role of

creativity, originality, and emotional authenticity in Instagram influencer success can support the

study's focus. Specifically, their findings suggest that these characteristics play a significant role

in influencer success on Instagram, which could influence students' preferences for certain

influencers. Students may perceive influencers who demonstrate creativity, originality, and

emotional authenticity more positively, leading them to prefer those influencers over others who

do not exhibit these characteristics.

Ohanian, R. (2021) examined the role of social media influencer content in shaping

consumer behavior. The author discusses the factors that contribute to effective social media
influencer content, including authenticity, trustworthiness, and relevance. The literature also

highlights the importance of identifying and targeting the appropriate audience. The study can

use this literature to explore how these factors affect students' perception of social media

influencers and their willingness to engage with their content. Additionally, Ohanian's literature

highlights the significance of identifying and targeting the appropriate audience, which can help

the study to investigate how students' characteristics and preferences influence their perception

of social media influencers.

Appearance. Bauer (2018) argued that people perceive “the influence of idealized images on

body image” as “the images of attractive strangers on social media platforms.” However, in their

experimental studies on beauty marketing, D’Alessandro and Chitty (2019) tackled the belief

that a body shape (i.e., a thin body) has a high effect on advertisements and discovered that

source attractiveness is more related to ethnically relevant models who have realistic body

shapes (e.g., medium-thin and medium fat body shapes). In a social media study, likewise, Yuan

and Lou (2021) argued that influencers’ attractiveness and similarity are effective to encourage

followers to be interested in the products. Specifically, in their studies on consumers’ perception

of 3D virtual influencers, Jang and Yoh (2021) discovered that “the majority of interviewees

preferred similar looks to real people with low virtuality.” These studies prove that visual

attractiveness and marketing are highly correlated.

Chu, S. C., & Choi, S. M. (2011) investigated the impact of physical attractiveness on

social media influencers' credibility and influence. The authors conducted a survey of 482

participants from the US and China and found that physical attractiveness positively influences

social media influencers' credibility and influence, particularly among American participants.

This information can help understand how students perceive social media influencers and what
characteristics they value when selecting who to follow. The findings may also shed light on how

physical attractiveness can affect the credibility and influence of social media influencers and

how it may influence students' decision-making when it comes to following and engaging with

social media influencers.

Kim, H., & Sung, Y. (2019) examines the promotion of healthy eating habits by social

media influencers on Instagram. The authors conducted a content analysis of top weight loss and

healthy diet bloggers and found that physical appearance, including weight loss progress photos,

is a commonly used strategy to promote healthy eating habits. While the study does not directly

examine healthy eating habits or physical appearance, it contributes to the broader understanding

of how social media influencers use their platform to promote certain behaviors or lifestyles. In

this case, the study suggests that social media influencers, particularly those promoting weight

loss and healthy diets, often rely on physical appearance to promote healthy eating habits. This

insight can help inform the study's understanding of how social media influencers may use

different characteristics, such as physical appearance or health-related expertise, to influence

college students' perception and behavior.

Lin, Y. H. (2021) studied the impact of social media influencers' physical attractiveness

and disclosure type on consumer responses to sponsored posts on Instagram. The authors

conducted an online experiment with 277 participants and found that physical attractiveness

positively influences consumer responses to sponsored posts. However, the effect is moderated

by disclosure type, with transparent disclosures mitigating the impact of physical attractiveness.

This literature supports the study's focus by highlighting the importance of disclosure in social

media influencer marketing. Specifically, the study suggests that transparent disclosures can help

mitigate the impact of physical attractiveness on consumer responses to sponsored posts. As

students are an important target audience for social media influencers, understanding how they

perceive influencer characteristics and the impact of disclosures is crucial for developing

effective influencer marketing strategies.

Trustworthiness. Sekhon et al. (2019) defined “Trustworthiness” as a relationship between

marketers and customers that is “informed by a set of expressed or implied values and previous

behaviors,” and it is “a set of behaviors on the part of the trustee that support expectations on the

part of the trustor and are essentially a characteristic of the trustee concerned”. A research studies

found that consumers’ perception of trustworthiness for an online source is directly associated

with their purchase intention. The importance of trustworthiness is further found in content

analysis, where influencer trustworthiness has significant impacts on “numerous consumer

decisions such as purchase intention, attitude towards brands and individuals, and information

adoption”. In this sense, influencer trustworthiness also indicates influencers’ confidence and

competence in presenting products.

Fossen, B., & Schweidel, D. A. (2019) argued the impact of transparency on social media

influencers' trustworthiness and effectiveness in promoting sponsored content. The authors

conducted an experiment with 411 participants and found that transparent disclosures of

sponsored content positively influence social media influencers' trustworthiness and

effectiveness in promoting the sponsored product. This literature on the impact of transparency

on social media influencers' trustworthiness and effectiveness in promoting sponsored content is

highly relevant to the study's focus on students' perception towards preferred social media

influencers' characteristics. This is because the study aims to understand the factors that

influence students' preference for social media influencers and their impact on purchase

intention. The finding that transparent disclosures positively influence social media influencers'
trustworthiness and effectiveness in promoting sponsored products suggests that students may be

more likely to trust and follow influencers who are transparent about their sponsored content.

This reinforces the importance of transparency and authenticity as key characteristics that

students may consider when selecting their preferred social media influencers.

Cho, J., & Lee, E. J. (2020). This study examines the role of social media influencers in

crisis communication and the impact of self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness on brand

trust. They found that social media influencers' self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness

positively influence brand trust. The literature supports the study's focus by highlighting the

importance of perceived trustworthiness of social media influencers. The study found that social

media influencers who engage in self-disclosure and are perceived as trustworthy have a positive

impact on brand trust. This suggests that students' perceptions of social media influencers'

trustworthiness and authenticity may influence their preference for certain influencers and their

effectiveness in promoting products or ideas.

Khamis, S., Ang, L., & Welling, R. (2017) explored the concept of self-branding and the

rise of social media influencers as a new form of micro-celebrity. The authors discuss the

importance of authenticity and trustworthiness in social media influencers' self-branding efforts

and their impact on their followers' perceptions and behaviors. The literature is relevant to the

study's focus because it discusses the importance of authenticity and trustworthiness in social

media influencers' self-branding efforts. The study by Khamis et al. (2017) explains that social

media influencers are a new form of micro-celebrities who use social media to build their

personal brand and gain a following. The study highlights the importance of authenticity and

trustworthiness in building a successful self-brand as a social media influencer.

Related Studies

This study considered the foreign and local researches on the insights of students to

different Social Media Influencers across from all platforms.

Alhabash, S., & McAlister, A. R. (2015) explored how individuals’ motivations and uses

of Facebook and Twitter predict their viral behavioral intentions. The study found that

individuals’ perceptions of social media influencers can have a significant impact on their viral

behavioral intentions. This finding is relevant to the study's focus on understanding students'

perceptions of preferred social media influencer characteristics as it suggests that these

perceptions may influence their behavior regarding sharing or recommending content from social

media influencers. Specifically, the study highlights the importance of understanding how

students perceive social media influencers and their characteristics in order to design effective

influencer marketing strategies that can encourage viral behavior among this demographic.

Johnson, K. K. (2016) studied the power of youths using social media: Examining the

influences of brand-related user-generated content on Facebook. This study examined the impact

of brand-related user-generated content on Facebook on students’ attitudes towards brands. The

results showed that user-generated content created by social media influencers had a positive

impact on students’ attitudes towards brands. This suggests that students may be influenced by

the content created by social media influencers and their perception of these influencers could

play a role in their attitudes towards brands. Therefore, understanding the characteristics that

students prefer in social media influencers could help marketers and advertisers to create more

effective influencer marketing campaigns.

Park, S. Y., Lee, D., & Han, I. (2018) examined the effect of social media influencers on

attitude towards advertising and purchase intention, and the moderating role of perceived fit. The

results showed that social media influencers positively influenced attitude towards advertising

and purchase intention, and perceived fit moderated these relationships. Perceived fit refers to

the extent to which a social media influencer is perceived to be a good fit for a particular product

or brand. This study is directly related to the focus of "Students’ Perception Towards Preferred

Social Media Influencers’ Characteristics" because it examines the impact of social media

influencers on attitude towards advertising and purchase intention. The study also highlights the

moderating role of perceived fit, which is relevant to the study's aim of exploring students'

preferences for specific characteristics of social media influencers. The study's findings that

social media influencers positively influence attitude towards advertising and purchase intention

also support the idea that social media influencers can be effective in promoting products and

brands to their followers.

Cho, J., & Lee, E. (2018) investigated the impact of perceived message quality of social

media influencers on consumers’ behavioral intentions. The results showed that perceived

message quality positively influenced consumers’ attitudes towards social media influencers,

which in turn led to greater behavioral intentions to follow the influencers. This study on the

impact of perceived message quality of social media influencers is relevant to the study's focus

on students' perception towards preferred social media influencers' characteristics. Both studies

examine how consumers evaluate social media influencers, with Cho and Lee's study focusing

specifically on the perceived quality of the influencers' messages and how it affects consumers'

attitudes and intentions. Understanding what qualities students consider to be important in social

media influencers can shed light on how they evaluate the messages and content produced by
these influencers. It can also provide insight into how students' perceptions of message quality

may be shaped by influencers' characteristics.

Lu, X., Wang, X., & Liu, J. (2018) concludes that the influence of social media

influencers on attitude towards brand and intention, and the moderating effect of familiarity. The

results showed that social media influencers positively influenced attitude towards brand and

purchase intention, and familiarity moderated these relationships. This study is relevant to the

focus as it also examines the influence of social media influencers on consumers' attitude and

behavioral intentions towards brands. The study highlights the importance of familiarity with

social media influencers, suggesting that consumers are more likely to be influenced by

influencers they are familiar with. This finding can inform the study's exploration of students'

preferred characteristics of social media influencers as they may consider familiarity as an

important factor in their perceptions and preferences.

Jake C. C. (2018) determined his study and he used expectation confirmation model to

investigate the factors that drive consumers' purchase intention for paid mobile apps, including

the perceived value and perceived usefulness of the app. The findings suggest that consumers are

more likely to purchase paid apps that are perceived to provide high value and usefulness, and

that meet their expectations. It is relevant in this study as it highlights the importance of

perceived value and usefulness in driving consumer behavior. This suggests that students'

perceptions of social media influencers' value and usefulness in terms of the content they provide

and the products they promote could be important factors in shaping their attitudes and behaviors

towards them. Additionally, the study's use of the expectation confirmation model highlights the

importance of meeting expectations in driving purchase intention, which could also be applicable

to students' attitudes and behaviors towards social media influencers.

Lope Kalz (2018) explored how social media influencers shape individuals’ views and

the role of self-disclosure and perceived authenticity in this process. The study found that self-

disclosure and perceived authenticity are important factors in shaping individuals’ views. The

study on the role of self-disclosure and perceived authenticity in shaping individuals' views is

relevant to the study's focus because it highlights the importance of authenticity and transparency

in social media influencer marketing, which are key characteristics that students may consider

when evaluating their preferred influencers. This study suggests that students are more likely to

follow and trust influencers who are perceived as authentic and transparent, which may influence

their purchase decisions and behavioral intentions.

In the study of Viro Garcia (2019) he investigated the impact of social media influencers

on purchase intention and the moderating effect of the perceived value of the product. The study

found that social media influencers have a significant impact on purchase intention, and the

perceived value of the product plays a moderating role in this relationship. Viro Garcia's study

on the impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the moderating effect of

perceived value is highly relevant to the focus of the study "Students' Perception Towards

Preferred Social Media Influencers' Characteristics." The study found that social media

influencers have a significant impact on purchase intention, indicating that students' preference

for social media influencers could impact their willingness to purchase products or services

promoted by these influencers. Moreover, the moderating effect of perceived value of the

product implies that the perceived value of a product or service is an essential factor that affects

the relationship between social media influencers and purchase intention. This finding is

important as it suggests that students' perception of the value of a product or service could

moderate the impact of social media influencers on their purchase intention.

Hassan, L. M., & Shiu, E. (2019) uses a content analysis of popular Instagram accounts

to gain insights into the strategies and tactics used by social media influencers to engage their

followers and promote products. The findings suggest that influencers use various forms of

visual and textual content, as well as personal narratives and endorsements, to build relationships

with their followers and promote products. The study is relevant to the focus because it provides

insights into the strategies and tactics used by social media influencers to engage their followers

and promote products. By understanding the tactics used by social media influencers, students

may better understand how influencers are able to impact their attitudes and behaviors towards

brands and products. Additionally, the study's emphasis on personal narratives and endorsements

highlights the importance of perceived authenticity and trustworthiness in social media

influencer marketing, which is also a focus of the current study.

Chae, I., & Kim, S. (2019) investigated the effects of social media influencers on attitude

towards advertising and purchase intention, and the moderating role of self-referencing. The

results showed that social media influencers positively influenced attitude towards advertising

and purchase intention, and self-referencing moderated these relationships. Self-referencing

refers to the tendency of individuals to use their own experiences, attitudes, and beliefs as a

reference when evaluating information. The study is related to the focus of the study as it also

investigated the impact of social media influencers on attitude towards advertising and purchase

intention. Moreover, it examined the moderating role of self-referencing, which can be seen as a

factor that influences individuals' perception towards social media influencers. The tendency of

individuals to use their own experiences, attitudes, and beliefs as a reference when evaluating

information can affect how they perceive and respond to social media influencer content.
Therefore, the findings of this study may provide insights into how self-referencing can affect

students' perception and preferences towards social media influencers' characteristics.

Lee, M., & Youn, S. (2019) explored the role of social media influencers in destination

image formation for South Korea, focusing on the attributes of influencers and their impact on

travelers' perceptions and attitudes towards the destination. The findings suggest that social

media influencers who are perceived as trustworthy. The study is related to the study's focus as

both studies focus on the role of social media influencers in shaping individuals' perceptions and

attitudes. While the study by Lee and Youn (2019) examines the impact of social media

influencers on destination image formation for South Korea, the study by Hassanein and Head

(2017) investigates the preferred characteristics of social media influencers among students. Both

studies highlight the importance of perceived trustworthiness and authenticity of social media

influencers in influencing individuals' attitudes and behaviors.

Cullinane, J. (2019) examined the impact of social media influencers on customer

engagement with fashion brands. The results suggest that social media influencers can

significantly increase customer engagement, and that trust and credibility are important factors in

this relationship. It is related to the focus of the study because the study explored the influence of

social media influencers on individuals' attitudes and behaviors. While the focus of the Cullinane

study is on customer engagement, which includes interactions with the brand and purchase

behavior, the focus of the current study is on students' perceptions of social media influencers'

characteristics. Both studies suggest that trust and credibility are important factors in the

relationship between social media influencers and their audience. In the Cullinane study, the

credibility of the influencer is a key factor in driving customer engagement, while in the current
study, students' perceptions of the characteristics of social media influencers, such as authenticity

and honesty, are explored.

Zhang, Y. (2020) examined the impact of social media influencers on purchase intention

and the mediation effect of customer attitude. The study found that social media influencers can

have a significant impact on purchase intention, and customer attitude plays a mediating role in

this relationship. It is relevant to the focus because the study provides insights into the impact of

social media influencers on purchase intention, which is a key aspect of consumer behavior that

is influenced by social media. Additionally, the mediation effect of customer attitude suggests

that consumers' attitudes towards social media influencers are important in shaping their

purchase intention, which highlights the importance of understanding the characteristics that

students prefer in social media influencers.

Lin, C., Liang, D., & Tsai, C. (2020) both studied the role of social media influencers in

brand communication in the beauty industry, with a focus on YouTube and Instagram. The

results showed that social media influencers played a critical role in brand communication, with

YouTube and Instagram being the most effective platforms. It relates to the focus of the study as

it explores the effectiveness of social media platforms, specifically YouTube and Instagram, in

communicating brand messages through influencers. It provides insights into how social media

influencers can help in brand communication and potentially influence the attitudes and

perceptions of consumers towards products. This study may support the investigation of the

preferred characteristics of social media influencers among students, as it sheds light on the

platforms where consumers are most receptive to influencer marketing messages.

Koo D. M. (2020) examined the impact of social media influencers on consumers'

attitude towards the brand, purchase intention, and word-of-mouth behavior. The findings
suggest that social media influencers have a significant positive effect on consumers' attitudes

towards the brand and purchase intention, and that word-of-mouth behavior mediates the

relationship between influencers and purchase intention. This study supports the focus as it

explores the impact of social media influencers on purchase intention, which is also one of the

key areas of interest in the students' perception. Koo's study also shows that social media

influencers have a significant positive effect on consumers' attitudes towards the brand, which

can be related to the perceived authenticity and credibility of the influencer, which are important

characteristics in the students' perception of preferred social media influencers. Additionally, the

mediating role of word-of-mouth behavior highlights the importance of the influencer's ability to

engage and communicate effectively with their followers, which can also be related to the

communication skills and relatability of the influencer, which are other important characteristics

explored in the students' perception study.

Kaur, P., Singh, P., & Bansal, S. (2021) provides an overview of the existing literature on

the impact of social media influencers on youth. It discusses how influencers can affect young

people's perception of brands, products, and services. The authors suggest that influencer

marketing can be a useful tool for companies looking to target youth, but caution that it is

important to ensure that influencers are ethical and transparent in their practices. provides a

relevant background for the study's focus by providing an overview of the impact of social media

influencers on youth. It highlights the potential of influencer marketing to influence young

people's perception of brands, products, and services, which is a key area of interest in the study.

The study also emphasizes the importance of ethical and transparent influencer practices, which

aligns with the study's focus on preferred influencer characteristics.

Bakhsh, R., & Abid, M. (2021) examines the impact of social media influencers on

consumer behavior. The authors conducted a survey of 350 consumers to determine how

influencer endorsements affect their purchasing decisions. The findings suggest that social media

influencers have a significant impact on consumers' attitudes towards products and brands, and

that this impact is mediated by their trust in the influencer. It supports the idea that social media

influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior, including attitudes towards products

and brands. The study also highlights the importance of trust in influencers as a mediator of this

relationship, which is consistent with the focus of the study on the preferred characteristics of

social media influencers among students. Overall, this study provides further evidence of the

influence of social media influencers on consumer behavior and the importance of understanding

the factors that contribute to their effectiveness.

Wong, S. L., & Lim, X. Y. (2021) explores the impact of perceived authenticity and

source credibility of social media influencers on consumers' purchase intention. The authors

conducted a survey of 500 consumers to investigate the role of authenticity and credibility in

influencer marketing. The results suggest that both authenticity and credibility are important

factors in shaping consumers' attitudes towards influencers and their endorsements. It relates to

the focus of the study as it examines the factors that influence consumers' attitudes towards

social media influencers. Specifically, Wong and Lim's study highlights the importance of

authenticity and credibility, which may be factors that student also consider when evaluating and

selecting their preferred social media influencers. The findings of Wong and Lim's study support

the notion that the perceived authenticity and credibility of influencers play a significant role in

shaping consumers' attitudes towards them and their endorsements, which in turn can impact

their purchase intention.

Xie, K., Wang, Y., & Wan, J. (2021) the impact of social media influencers on product

recommendations. The authors conducted a survey of 500 consumers to investigate the role of

source credibility, product relevance, and conformity in influencer marketing. The findings

suggest that source credibility is the most important factor in shaping consumers' attitudes

towards influencer recommendations, followed by product relevance and conformity. It is

relevant to the study's focus because it examines the factors that influence consumers' attitudes

towards influencer recommendations. In particular, the study highlights the importance of source

credibility, which is one of the characteristics that the current study is investigating. The finding

that source credibility is the most important factor in shaping consumers' attitudes towards

influencer recommendations supports the current study's focus on students' perceptions of

preferred social media influencers' characteristics, including trustworthiness and credibility.

Kim, J. Y., Kim, J. H., & Park, J. H. (2021) stated that, the mediating role of parasocial

interaction and self-disclosure in the impact of social media influencers on brand attitude and

purchase intention. The authors conducted a survey of 500 consumers to investigate the

mechanisms through which social media influencers affect consumer behavior. The findings

suggest that parasocial interaction and self-disclosure mediate the impact of social media

influencers on brand attitude and purchase intention. It is related to and supports the focus

because it emphasizes the importance of understanding the mechanisms through which social

media influencers affect consumer behavior, and suggests that parasocial interaction and self-

disclosure play a mediating role in this relationship. This finding reinforces the idea that

consumers are not only influenced by the content that influencers produce but also by the

perceived relationship they have with the influencer. As such, the study supports the notion that

influencers' characteristics, such as their authenticity, credibility, and relatability, can influence
how consumers perceive and engage with them, ultimately impacting their attitudes and purchase


Notes in Chapter 2

Bakhsh, R., & Abid, M. (2021). Social Media Influencer Marketing: Review and Future

Research Directions. Journal of Business Research, 136, 738-747.

Cho, H., Rivera-Sánchez, M., & Lim, S. (2021). Social media influencer marketing and

its impact on consumers' attitudes, purchase intention, and brand loyalty. Journal of Interactive

Advertising, 21(2), 105-120.

Gomez, Y. L., & Pinto, D. C. (2020). The Influence of Social Media Influencers on

Purchase Intention and the Mediating Role of Trust: An Analysis of Instagram Influencers.

Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(4), 258-266.

Kaur, P., Singh, P., & Bansal, S. (2021). Social media influencers and their impact on

youth: A review of the existing literature. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and

Health, 1-11.

Kim, J. Y., Kim, J. H., & Park, J. H. (2021). The mediating role of parasocial interaction

and self-disclosure in the impact of social media influencers on brand attitude and purchase

intention. Psychology & Marketing, 38(2), 188-200.

Le, T., & Nguyen, T. (2020). The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Consumer

Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Self-Image Congruity. International Journal of

Economics, Commerce and Management, 8(9), 38-51.

Mulyanegara, R. C., Tsarenko, Y., & Anderson, A. (2019). The impact of perceived

authenticity and trust on affective and cognitive trust, and purchase intention in social media

influencers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49, 206-214.

Naderifar, M., Ghaljaei, F., & Tayebi, A. (2021). The impact of perceived authenticity

and source credibility of social media influencers on consumers' purchase intention: The role of

self-image congruity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102475.

Nelson-Field, K., Riebe, E., & Sharp, B. (2021). Using EEG to better understand the

impact of social media influencers on consumers. Journal of Advertising Research, 61(2), 208-


Wong, S. L., & Lim, X. Y. (2021). The impact of perceived authenticity and source

credibility of social media influencers on consumers' purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and

Consumer Services, 62, 102628.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and techniques, population and sample, research

instrument, construction and validation of instrument, data gathering procedure, and data


Methods and design of the Study

This qualitative study aims to explore in-depth the perceptions of students towards their

preferred social media influencers. Specifically, it seeks to understand the reasons why students

follow social media influencers, the types of content that they prefer, and the impact of social

media influencers on their attitudes and behavior.

The study will involve a purposive sample of 20 senior high school students from various

colleges and universities in Roxas City, Capiz. Participants will be recruited through their grade

level and strand.

Participants will be asked to share their personal experiences and perceptions about their

preferred social media influencers through in-depth interviews.

The study will involve one-on-one semi-structured interviews that will be conducted in

person or via online video conferencing tools. The interviews will be audio-recorded and

transcribed for data analysis.

In order to choose examples with a wealth of material for investigation, deliberate

sampling was performed. From these cases, the researchers can learn a great lot about the

research's key topics. In Patton (2020) there are numerous methods for purposely choosing

examples with lots of information. The criterion sampling approach was used for this study. By

using purposive sampling, it was ensured that study participants had to adhere to certain


Population of the Study

The participants were purposely chosen to gather accurate data for the study. It involves a

purposive sample of 20 senior high school students from various colleges and universities in

Roxas City, Capiz and will be recruited through their age, grade level and strand.

The population for this qualitative study is senior high school students from various

colleges and universities in Roxas City, Capiz who are active social media users and follow

social media influencers. In Creswell & Poth (2017) the sample for this study will be selected

through purposive sampling, which involves selecting participants who meet specific criteria

based on their experiences and perspectives.

Research Instrument
The interview will be used as the research instrument for this qualitative study on

students' perceptions towards their preferred social media influencers. The interview will be

semi-structured, allowing for flexibility in the questioning while still ensuring that all relevant

topics are covered.

The interview will consist of open-ended questions that encourage participants to

elaborate on their perceptions, experiences, and opinions related to social media influencers. The

questions will be developed based on the research objectives and the literature review.

Construction and Validation of the Instruments

The interview guide will be developed based on the research objectives and the literature

review. The initial version of the guide will be created by the researcher and reviewed by experts

in the field to ensure that it covers all relevant topics and is appropriately phrased. The guide will

then be pilot-tested with a small group of participants to ensure that the questions are clear,

comprehensive, and produce the desired responses.

The validation of the interview guide will focus on content validity rather than statistical

measures of reliability and validity. Content validity refers to the extent to which the interview

questions are relevant, representative, and comprehensive of the research objectives and the

research population.

To establish content validity, the interview guide will be reviewed by experts in the field,

including academics, social media experts, and individuals with experience in conducting

qualitative research. The experts will evaluate the interview guide based on its relevance to the

research objectives, comprehensiveness of the questions, and appropriateness of the phrasing.

The feedback from the expert reviewers will be used to revise and refine the interview

guide, ensuring that it adequately covers all relevant topics and produces the desired responses.

The final version of the interview guide will be used for data collection in the study.

Data Gathering

The data gathering process for this qualitative research study on students' perceptions

towards their preferred social media influencers will be conducted through semi-structured


Participants for the study will be recruited through purposive sampling, targeting senior

high school students who follow social media influencers. The researcher will reach out to

potential participants through sending a letter for the Principals of each schools. A screening

process will be conducted to ensure that participants meet the inclusion criteria of being senior

high school students who follow social media influencers.

After obtaining consent from the participants, the interviews will be conducted in person.

Participants will have the option to choose their preferred mode of participation. The interviews

will be conducted in a private and comfortable setting, allowing participants to express their

thoughts and opinions freely.

During the interview, the participants will be asked open-ended questions related to their

perceptions of their preferred social media influencers. The interview guide will be used to

ensure that all relevant topics are covered, while also allowing for flexibility and follow-up

questions. The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis purposes.
To ensure the quality of the data gathered, the researcher will follow the ethical principles

of confidentiality, anonymity, and informed consent. Participants will be informed of the purpose

of the study, their rights as participants, and the confidentiality of the data gathered.

The data gathered through the interviews will provide a rich and detailed understanding

of participants' perceptions towards their preferred social media influencers. The use of semi-

structured interviews will allow for the exploration of complex and nuanced perspectives, and

the use of purposive sampling will ensure that the sample is representative of the population of


Data Analysis

The data analysis for this qualitative research study on students' perceptions towards their

preferred social media influencers will follow the principles of thematic methods. Creswell, J.

W. (2013) defined “Thematic Analysis” as a widely-used qualitative research method that

involves identifying patterns and themes within data. Thematic Analysis is a flexible and

intuitive approach to data analysis that allows researchers to uncover rich and complex meanings

within their data. This method involves several key steps, including familiarizing oneself with

the data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing and refining themes, and

producing a final report. The goal of Thematic Analysis is to identify, analyze, and report

patterns or themes within qualitative data. It is a method of identifying, analyzing, and

interpreting patterns of meaning (themes) within qualitative data. The first step in data analysis

will be transcription wherein the audio recordings of the interviews will be transcribed verbatim,

including pauses, non-verbal cues, and emotions expressed by the participants. The second step
is familiarization. On the second step, the researcher will read and re-read the transcripts to

become familiar with the data. The researcher should aim to understand the context and identify

the key themes that emerge from the data.. This will allow the researchers to approach the data

with an open mind and to focus on the meaning of the participants' experiences. The third step is

Coding which involves identifying and labeling the different ideas or concepts that emerge from

the data. This can be done using open coding, where codes are generated from the data, or pre-

existing codes, where codes are generated based on existing literature or theoretical frameworks.

Developing Initial Themes is the fourth step. After coding the data, the researcher should start to

identify initial themes. These themes should be broad and capture the main ideas that emerged

from the data. Followed by the fifth step which is the Reviewing and Refining Themes. Once the

initial themes have been identified, the researcher should review and refine them by going back

to the data and ensuring that they accurately capture the key ideas. This process may involve

combining or splitting themes, or identifying new themes that were not initially identified. Next

step is Defining and Naming Themes. Once the themes have been refined, the researcher should

define and name each theme. This involves providing a clear definition of what each theme

represents and giving it a name that accurately reflects its meaning. Finally, the last step is

Writing Up the Analysis. The final step is to write up the analysis, which involves summarizing

the key findings, providing examples to support the themes, and discussing the implications of

the findings. The researcher should aim to provide a clear and concise summary of the data,

highlighting the main themes and their significance. The report will include a description of the

meaning and essence of the participants' experiences, how they relate to the research objectives,

and their implications for understanding students' perceptions towards their preferred social

media influencers.



Developing Initial Themes

Reviewing and Refining Themes

Defining and Naming Themes

Writing Up the Analysis

Figure 2. The Thematic Analysis

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