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Ah, travelling…..

A leisure activity, is often associated with a recreation for

one to unwind from their stress on daily life. As much of that is true, travelling can be

a great way for someone to heal and get to know themselves on a deeper level. The

story of Eat Pray Love is a testament, among (Prep.) other stories, how travelling

can help you find yourself. It may sound (verb) unbelievably (adverb) true but

being in a different environment has been known to be therapeutic to the mind, body,
and soul. Also, (transition signal) getting away for some downtime from the daily

routine can often lead to healing; straightening out priorities and values (Noun).

The frustration in our life can be caused by taking for granted of what we
have. We get so occupied that we forgot to be present and focus too much on

(Prep.) trying to take care of everything that we neglect to get in touch with

ourselves. These (determiner) reasons show that travel may benefit us in so many


(Topic Sentence) One of them is physically (adverb), travelling improves our

fitness level, in terms of stamina and physique (noun), from exploring the wonderful

places in the trip. Even if the trip does not include physical exploration like hiking or

else, it can still make an impact on our physical health. For example, (transition

signal) a trip to the ocean with the intention to escape densely populated

(adjective) and frequently unsanitary conditions in exchange for fresh air from the
open ocean.

(Topic Sentence) Traveling also poses emotional benefits. For instance, it can

be a source of inspiration as it opens up the possibility such as (Conj.) meeting new

people and seeing great art. For example, hiking through magnificent landscapes

can make you realise that you have the strength to get through the challenges that

are faced along the road. In addition (transition signal), travelling can be a tool for
you to distance yourself from stressful (adjective) episodes and to reflect and find a

solace from them.

(Topic Sentence) In terms of spiritual benefits, travelling to certain places can

raise our spirit and soul by its beauty. Many travellers find considerable comfort and

inspiration when visiting significant religious landmarks, such as (Conj.) to meditate

or do pilgrimage. These meaningful visits (Noun) have the power to expand our

senses and connect us deeper into our inner self.

Finally, traveling helps one in healing because it gives one time to unwind which

is a way to relieve stress. Whether it is leisure trip or for healing, both will be very

beneficial to those who (Relative Pronoun) travel. This is because, it helps one to

be present in the moment throughout the trip, boosts the mood, helps one to face the

fears such as solo traveling and practise more gratitude. So, when there is a break

coming, go and travel! It will do you good.

Adapted from: Heal yourself with the Power of Traveling

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