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Touchstone Second Edition  n  nv vn Authors' Acknowledgments
   n     n  n  he authors woud ke to thak al the ambrdge iersity Press staf ad
 n v
v n nn   v n n freelacers who were oed i the creatio of e e .
n:  addito, they woud ke to ackowedge a huge debt of grattude that
Aa Lcia da osta Maa de Almeida ad Mca da osta Motero de Sou they owe to two peope
peope Mary Vaugh. for her roe i creatg e
from EU, Rio de Jaero, Brazi Adreza rstiae Meo do ago from  Fr  ad for beig a costat source of wisdom eer sce, ad
En  Maaus, Brazl Magaly Medes Lemos from ICEU, So os
En Bya Fletcher who also had the so that has ed to the success of
dos ampos
ampos Brazl Mara uca Zaorob
Zaorob So Pauo Brazi Patrcia McKay e ee Learg
Aros from CE E So Paulo Braz; aros Gotow
Gotow So Paulo Brazil; Hele Sadiford woud ike to thak her famiy for ther oe ad suppot
hrstiae Augusto Gomes da Sila from C n    especaly her husbad Brya
So Paulo Brazil Silaa Fotaa from ' . So Pauo Brazi
Alexader Fabao Morishgue from  U  ales Brazi; The autho team would also like to thak each other, for the oy of workg
work g
isabeth Blom rom C  n, Brasa Brazil; Mchele Dear together sharg
shar g the same professioal dedicato ad for the mutual
from nn
n   En oroto ON, aada; Walter Duarte support ad friedshp
Mr Lur Hut Prt Jrg Qurg  r ur.  n ly th uthr wu li t thk ur ar  r Ar Mrt,
C n,
n, Bogot oombia ho aro astaeda Macias from Gobal Traig Maager, who sadly passed away  2012. He is greatly
 En , Bucaramaga oombia Gora ilaa Moreo missed by a who had the easure to work wth hm Ae x was a huge
Vizcao from Unv n  Bogot olombia izabeth Ortiz supporter of e ad eeyoe is deepy grateful to him for hs
from C En In CE) Guayaqul, cuador Hery Foster from cotributo to its success
 n Unv Kyoto Japa; Stee Kirk from  Unv,
okyo. Japa; J ake from  n Unv, Fukuoka Japa
suko Yoshida from  Unv, Mie, Japa; B Brck
Brck  Ze
Ze from 
n Unv Hokkaido Japa; Ziad AbuHamatteh from 
 Unv Al-Sat Jorda Roxaa Prez Flores from Unv
n  C n Cn Saltllo. Mexco Km Alejadro
Soriao Jimee from Unv n   Atamira, Mexico
ere adero Rosas from Unv n n
n C
 Mexco ity
ity Mexico Llia Bodarea Pola rmakoa ad
ea Frumia from n  n Unv I. Moscow,
Russa; Dae  ls from n  Unv, Gyeoggido South
Korea; Jaso M Ham ad Victoria Jo from In  n n
En C Unv
Unv  , Gyeoggi-do, South Korea Shau
Mag from n Unv
Unv  n  Seou, South Kora
Natalie Reto from n n Unv  En Busa. South
Korea; hrs Soutter from n Unv  n  Busa, South
Korea; Adrew ook from n  Unv Busa South Korea; Raymod
Wowk from n Unv. Gyeoggdo South Korea MigHui Hsieh a
Jessie Huag from n Cn Unv Zhog, Taiwa; Kim Phllips
from Cn C Unv ape, Tawa; Alex Shih from Cn
Unv   n Tape
Ta pe TaLao Towship
Towship,, Taiwa; ortip
Bodeepogse from n
n Unv, Sogkha haiad Nattaya
Puakpog ad Paatho Sagaru from n Unv 
n, Nakho Ratchasma Thaiad Barbara Richards, Glora
Stewe-Mazaares. ad aolie h ompso from n C,
Rockle, MD USA; Kerry Vrabe from  Cn C C Phoeix
AZ. SA
Touchstone Second Edton  n      n
 n nv n nn  v v v
 n
 n  n uchstone Blended:
Gordo ewis, Vce Presidet, aureate aguages ad hris ohso
Director Laureate gish Programs. Lat America from 
nnn Unv;
Unv; Unv   ,
, Satiago hile;
Unv  . Paris, Frace; Unv n
Cnn, Hoduras n Unv  Cn
Morocco Unv n  Cn , ima Peru;
CEEC Peu; n  T n Unv (I), Moscow,
Russia; n   Cn (IC) Barceloa Spai; Seda! <iligir.
Burcu ezca a . ad Didem Mut�alolu from n  nv
stabul Turkey
Touchstone Second Edition  n      n
 n n  Touchstone Second Edition
Sue Adcor, Fraces Amai Deborah Gordo isa Hutchs Nacy Joda
 Kr
Kr  K r Mr u N Kthr
ODel lle Shaw Kristi Sherma us Sa Susa, Mary Vaugh, Kerry S
Vrabe, ad ric Zuario

Touchstone Level 2 Conens and learning mes

Unit 1 • Ask questions to ge

ge o know your cassmates using • Review of simpe presen • Review of types of V Spekng ntr
he simple present nd presen of b in shows, cothe food nd • Sress and inonaio in
Making • Tak about your favorite hings quesions and saemens weekend acivies questions ad answers
frends • Use esposes wih oo and ih o what you • Responses with oo and Snds rgt
have in common ih
pages1-10 • Had and sof cosonants
• Sat covesaions wih peope you
you don' know tr
tr prctce
• se aually to give new or suprising informatio
• Red n arle bo small alk
• Write a How·o rice using corec puncuion

Unit 2 • ak abou

abou you ineess
ineess with a li ha f • Verb foms aer a  a' • Inerests and obbes Spekng ntr
b oo a ec lv li etc
 and  ypes of musc • Saying iss
Interests • Discuss your se i musc usng objec proous preposios
Snds rgt
pages 20 and vyo. oboy etc • Obec pronouns
• Matching vowe sounds
• Say o in a friendy ay • Evyboy. vyo,
• Use aly  o lly o make staemen
staemenss stonge I soe oboy. and o o
• Read a onine fou abou hobbes tr prctce
Write oline foum oss usin inkn ex ressions

Unit3 • alk bou exercise

exercise d how o sy healhy
healhy using the • Simple presen and present • Ways to stay halhy Spekng ntr
simpe presen ad pesen couous connuous • Common healh problems • Conrass
Health • scuss commo heath pobems usng if and wh • Joining causes wih if and • ommon emedes Snds rgt
pages21-30 • Ecouage people  say more wh
• Machng vowe souds
• se expessons
expessons k Rally? and Oh! o show suprise tr prctce
• Read an aicle abot staying helthy
• Wrte questions and answes abou
abou heah concers

Checkpoint Units 1-3 pages 332

Unt4 • al abou
abou gi givi an birays using  o o • Fuure wih  o o • ons o he ear kng n
and indrec
indrec obecs • direc obects • ays of he monh • Reductio o oi o
Celebratons • alk abou how you elebrae special days • di
re obect pronouns • Special days celebrations Snds rgt
pages33-42  alk abou plns usig he
he pesen cotinuous o b • Pese coninuous fo he and holidays • Which sound in each group
oi  future • higs people do o is diffeent?
• Use "vague
"vague expesions like a vyhi tr prctce ceebe special dys
• Give vague esponss ke I if youre not sure
• Red an aicle
aicle abot raditios aound he world
• Wite  iviaon  a special evet

Unit 5 • alk abou

abou growing p and
and your family backgound • b bo • ime expressis fo he Spekng ntr
usg the simple pat • Revew o smple past  past  Reducion of i you
Growng up • alk abou shoo
shoo sbecs people sudied using mo quesons and staemens • Sayg years Snds rgt
pages43-52 () a fw  ec. • Genera and specic use of • Schoo
Schoo subect s • ard and soft consoant
• Corec hngs you sy wth expressions like Wll deemies sounds
Aually d No wai tr prctce
• se I ma o correc a word or nme
• Read an iterview aout a mans teenage years
• Write answes o inview quesios

Unit 6 • Ask about plces wh  h ?A

?A h   • hA
 h? Spekng ntr
• Say whee paces r wih x o, bw ec. • oouns o and o • Word stess i compound
Aound town • Ask or nd gve dectons • Offers and eqess with noun
pages53-62 • Offe nd ask or help with Ca and Coul Ca and Coul Snds rgt
• Check fomation by repeing words or usng tr prctce • Maching vowel sounds
expressios like x m speed with o and o
• Ask echo questos like I wh to check
 R n nin
nin i  In
• Wrie a walkig·our guide

Checkoint Units 4-6 pages 6364

Contens and leaning outomes '•f

Sk f y

Ls R Wr F 
• Sn  covrio wih s  qs? Imp  ss  H  mp .   S  s  s
somo you do' • Li o  d "m     • Wi  rc givg • Grou work Py  gm • U wod wb o
kow mc hm wh sss dvic o ow o o mk m k   og w vocbuy
• Ue aualy o giv or o quo • A mgz ric g1vg mpov omhg pry
"corc iormo Ts s   p! dvic • Rvw o pucuio
• Li o rp d
mch hm 
covrio rr;
 i for mo

• Sy no   ridy wy Is s • Rd  oi form  mss  Cmm ss I    s
• Ue really d  reay • Mc covro • Wri  quio o po • Grou work Ak d • ik w wod ogr
o mk m bou hobbi wi o  mg bord wr quo bou  word ch
\trogr or ofr phoo  i  chr • Lik id wi and you w hobb
F s ao eeiall or but
• Li or di  wo d beaue
op k bou 

• Ecourg popl o ay U  R     Ts   T  s? U  
mo o kp  • Pdic wh pop wi  • Wri  quio kg • Pir YOrk Ak quo • Wr dow word you
covo goig y bou hi hbi: • Rd  rc bou dvic bou  hh o gu u d uru c u w  w word
Show urpi  o chc mprovig po pobm, d wri iorio bou bi or xprio
Cp  ss hh rpi o your
clm quio
• Mch corio
abou rlxig wih • U comm r if d
poo i o d when cu

Checkpoint Us 1-3 ps 3132

• U vgu Cs   Ls  Cs    Cs
xpio k  • Rd  ric bou • Wr  iviio o  • Goup wok Cr  • W w vocbuy
and everything • L o pop k dio i dir pci v d dd a w ci dy o bo pc� dy d
• Giv ··vgu rpoe bou wo v. d cour pro o vl d k bou i cbrio o 
k I don't know d wr qu • orm d iform wi oh group cdr
Maybe wh your o Cs wy o bgi d d 
ur  or r
• i for d  i wo
ro 
viio  l i
 bk

• Corrc hig you y I  mm T s   I  ps I  m

wih xprio ik x  • Rd  irviw wih  • Wi iviw • C cvy Ak your • Group w vocbury 
Wel. Actualy, d No, •  or corrcio m wo k bou hi quio o k  ca quio dr wy
wa  opl k bou ag yr cm bou w bou ir chidhood
• U I ean o corrc chidhood mor  or h w yougr d k o
your wh you ay   m  d rpy o 
h wrog word or m cm' quo
• L or d  
m k bo  • Lik ida wih eet
g y () d aar ro

• Rp ky word o F    J s  Is ,  ·  pm   ?
chck ormio  Mch our  o • Rd  rl wbi • Wri  guid or  • Pir wrk Ak d • Drw d b  mp o
• U chckig drco wih h bou b wkig ou of your ciy wr quio bou rmmb dirco
xprio o chck do b or ow wo rm d
omio foowig h p • xprio for givg choo o o v i
• U cho qio o Ts m dirco
chck ormo • Li o covro
  ir r 
prd wh ch
pro y x o
chck h omio

Checkpoint Us 4-6 ps 63-64


Gmmar Vocbly Ponuntion

Unit 7  Talk about getting ready for a trip usng nntives  Infnitves fo reasons  hings to do before a trip Spakin naay
to give easons  Its  adjective  . .  hings to take on dfferent  Reductio of o
Goin away  Gve opinons usng It's+ adjectve+   Ways to give advce and knds o trips Sn 
pages65-74  alk about things to take on a trip make suggestons  Words with ad without a
 Give advce ad suggestons wth should, could. etc Era pai silent 
 Respond to suggestons
 Use I guess when you'e not sure
 Read an atcle about unique hotes
 Wrte an ema about a trp

Unit 8  ak about where you keep thngs at home  Whose  .  and possessve  Places where you keep Spakin aaly
 Say who owns thngs with me ous. etc and whose ponouns things n your home  Reduction o grammatica
At hme  ak about items in the home  Orde o adjectves  Home unshings for wods
pae 7584  denty thngs usng adectives and oe I oes  Pronouns oe and oes derent rooms Sn 
 Locaton expressons ate  hings you keep in your  Matchng vowe sounds
 Use Oo ou md   ? and Would ou md    to
make pote equests pronouns and nouns
 Agree to requests with expessons lke Go ght hed a pa
 Read comments on a webste about unusua habts
 Write about you evenng outne with expessons lke
st and  soo 

Unit9  el anecdotes about thngs that went wong usng the  Past continuous statements  Parts o the body Spakin aay
past continuous and simple past  Past continuous questions  njuries  Fal·ise ntonaion
Thin  ak about accdents (e.g• I boe mm) usng the  Relexve pronouns Sn 
happen past contnuous and mself ousel etc
a pai  Simpe past vebs with ·ed
paes8594  React to show nterest with expessons ke h o! endings
 Use  bet to show youre sue o that you understand
 Read anecdotes n an atcle
 Wite an aecdote usng whe and whle

Chckoint s - pages 5-6

Unit 10  Compare ways o  communicatng usng compaative  ompaative adectives  Ways o communcating Spaki naay
adectives and moe less and ewe  Me less ewe  Adectves  nking
Comunication  Manage phone convesatons a pai  Phone expressions S 
pages97106  nterupt and resta a phone conversation  he sounds s/ o 1
 Use just to soen what you say
 Read an atcle about textng
 Wrte an artice gvng pos and cons

Unit 11  Describe peopes appeaance using adectves and  Descibng peope; hve  Adjectives and expressons Spakin naay
hve and hve got go to describe peoples  hecking inoation
Appearance denty people using veb ·g and prepositons Phrases wth verb  -g appearances
Sn i
pages  Use expressons lke Wht do ou cll   ?  you cant and prepositons
 Matching vowel sounds
076 remember a wod a pai
 Use expessions ke You me   ? to check o
suggest wods and names
 Read an atce about ashion
 Wte an ace about ashon tends

Unit 12  Make pedctons and discuss futue plans with wll  Future with wll m and  Wok, study and life pans Spak naaly
m and mght mght  Occupatons  Reduction o wll
Lookng  ak about obs  Pesent tense verbs with Sn 
ahead  Discuss uture plans usng the simpe pesen n  and uture meanng
 Stressed and unstressed
pages tme causes a pai sylables
726  Make oers and pomses wth wll
 Agee to somethng using All ght and K
 Read an artcle about te uture
 rte abou an invention usn Fst eco etc

hckoint s  ages -

Contents and learning outcomes i•\14f

Interaction Skis Self sudy

Conversatin Vcabulary
strate es ntek
• Rspond to suggstions t's good to tvel. Unique hotel perience Recommendaton avel mart! Trove/ item
• Use I  whn you'r • Prdct what popl ar • Rad an artic about • Wrt an mal about • Ro pay: Choos a ro • Whn you rit down a
not sur going to say about thr unusual hotls stayng at on of th and giv your partnr nw noun. rt nots
traveng, thn stn or hotls n th lsson travl advic according about it
th xact words • Format and xprssons to th pcturs
Recommendation for wrtig an ma
• Match advic about
stayng at ots wth
pcturs thn stn to a
ado show to chck your

• Ask poity for Could you do me a favor? Do you hove an unuual Evening rune All about home The ABC of hme
prssion to do things • istn to convrsations home habit? • Writ a short artc • Par work: Dscuss • Wrt down a word for
wit       btwn roommats • Rad onin commnts about th vning qustions about your somthng in your hom
• Ask somon poite y to compt thir qusts about pops unusua routns of your partnr homs, and nd out or ach tr of th
do omthng wth and thn chck f ach hom habts • Ordr vnts usng ways you ar alk and aphabt
W     prson agrs squnc words drnt
• Agr 10 rqusts Evening routine
• listen to someone
dscb hs vnng
routin and number
picturs in ordr

• Rat to and commnt A funny tory Every cloud ha a ilver Anecdote hat a haening? From head to oe
on  story • Lstn to an ancdot lining . • Writ a ancdot tlng • Pair work Look at a • Draw and abl pcturs
• Rsond with and choos th bst • Rad a magazin artc about a tim somthing pictur and s how to rmmbr nw
I   rspons aturng ancdots wnt wrong much dta you can vocabuay
Hay ending? from radrs • nk idas wth w rmmbr about what
and  was happning
• istn to two ancdos
and answ qustions
about th dtais

I  U 7-9 pg 56

• Intrupt and rstar Sorr about that hy all the interet in The ro and con ich i bettr? Phone talk
pho convrsatons • Lstn to thr phon txting? • Wt a short artic • Pair work: Compar pars • Larn nw pssons
• s j to sotn thngs convrsatons to infr • Rad an onin artic about th advantags o actions and dscuss by making not o th
you say th rason for ach cal about txting and disadvantags of whch is bttr and why situatons whn you can
and for ach interruption a mans of us thm
t can be annoying  communicaton
• stn to a tnagr talk • Structur o an artic
about txting; chck th comparing pros and
opnions sh agrs with cons

• ho you·r tyng to Celebritie Fahion tatement Fahion tend hat dierent? hat do they look lie?
rmmbr a word o • Lstn to dscptions of • Rad a og articl about • Wrt a fashon artic • Par work: Ask and • s nw voabuay in
nam cbrtis and match ashon trnds dscrbng th currnt answr qustons to tru sntns about
• Us Y     thm with thir photos "ook dtrmn whats yoursf or op you
   ? to hlp hat in tyle? • Exprssons to dscrib dirnt about pop in know
somon rmmbr nw and od trnds two picturs and guss
• istn to four pop
somthing whr thy wnt
answ qustions about
currnt styls. and  
a chart

• Ma ors and l da it hat ll lie be like in the A good idea?  might do that ter, actr and ortt
proiss with / and • istn to two pop future? • Wrt a short artic • Pair work ntrvw a • Writ nw vcabuay n
w plannng a party and • Rad an onin artc about how a utur cassmat to nd out hs groups by dngs or
• Agr to somthi ng wth dntify what ach o with prdctions about nvnton will mak our or hr futur pans topcs
  and OK thm says thy do th utur vs bttr or wors
A good idea? • st idas with 
• istn to two pop  N and 
dscussng prdctons
idntify who says ach
s a good da and why

l Ch 102 pg1228

U f LL f
�p -'" .,
Getting help Working with a partnr
How do yousay" _
Do y wat tOK.o go rl sgo?irs No, yo go fs

Yes,  t hink so L  y i agan

I do n't unde rstand. Wha do yo mean?
OK Wha do you have fo ube1
( o yom a n=:   fo nube3?

NoI have _

Ca yo pl _ Do you understand this sentence?
Yeah. t mens" _

Getting to know you
- s m; JA 4U m a; h 4 #9 --

1 Whats your nme? _____

2. What dos ou ae ea? _______  Whee d y ive? ___
2 Do yo ike you eorod? ___
3 Ae you nmed e someo? ____ 3 o yo v aoe or ih yo amy? ___
4 Do yo like yo me? _______ 4 hee a yor parets o? _____
5. Do you have a middle name? 5. 

 A you  f-im std? __ 1 Do you ote mae rieds ie? _
 I : ha' o ajo? 2 hat's yr es nd ke? ___
b  no: ha do you do r a ivig? _____ 3 ha does our s ried do? �
 How do ou gt to wor {or cass)? ___ 4 Wh do yu ad yur ieds do wen you ge
3 ow og doe i take? toher? ____
4. _

( Getting started
Ab�J A Pair work Wite ne me questin in ech sectin f the questinnie.
Then intevie  ptne nd te ntes.

B Pair work Tell  ne ptne fve inteesting things but yu fst ptne.

f Speaking naturally Stress and intonation

' J �
    ck Ar  fr  bg f Wt    r 
� /
Ys. Pp    Y I  fr tr I g   

A >» 102 Listen nd epet the questins nd nses bve. Ntice the stess n the imptnt
cntent d. Ntice h the vice ises,  ises nd then fs, n the stesse  
bout B Par ork s nd nse the questins. Give yu n nses
Making friends ,•)il

8 Building vocabulary
A Brinsm! Hw nv her wrds cn v hink f fr ech ic? Mke  css lis

te news a swete

eat out al sows a ess
sleep ate catoons egeables a suit
go o  cub ocmentaries ce cream a jacket

st B P  Cmee he chr wh y frie hings. Ce wih  ner.
Then e he css wh y nd y rne he in cn iLanguage

  V   

eat out

A I eat out on the weekends. } "We both eat out on the weekends
B I do too
you C   Cee he senences wih yr ikes nd disikes.
Then e y csses yr senences. Find sene wih he sme ses

     

1.  loe  (tpe of foo)
2. I on't e often (weeen actt)
3.  e to wea  (tem of clotng)
4. Im not a bg fan (spot)
5.  e  (colo)
6. I can stn  (tpe o name of sow)
7  ate  (tpe of foo)

A I love pineapple
  o too OR O reay?  on't e t so muc
It's cold tonight.
:z h4 )lZ

n Conversation strategy Starting a convesation

A What are good topcs to talk abut when you meet somene or the rst tme?
Check (.) the boxes.
D yu ry D y fmy  he eher D mee' ppere
D yu heh D here yu ive D yu pem D hg yu ee u yu
B _l) 1.0 Lsten What topcs do Ee and Chrs tak about?

Eve Oh, s  g

s Yeh  s u cuy I k 
ke co weher.
 Yu ? Rey? . oy here re
 o  pepe u here gh
s Yeh  ges prey rwe 
 D yu come here  ?
s Yeah   uy
 S are yu a bg hp-hop ?
Chris Yeh  m Are yu
 Auy , bu m brher 
he  ogh
s h reay? C  y he wy
my mes Chrs.
 Nce o meet yu  ve

C Notice how Eve starts a conversation with a stranger.

She talks about the things aound them, like the
weather and the club an asks general questions.
Find examples in th csati.

 Pa  Thnk o a stuaton where yu coud use eac conersatn starter beow.
Cmpare wth a partner.hen roepay the cnersatons.
1 he e re eufu huh?  ve prg" on a bench in a arkI

2 Gh, '  e here A ' h!"

3  he eevr  rey  y"
4 H here ' y, huh?
5 mm hi  e k  g"
6 'm   eu   y  , "

Making frends •@i

f Strategy plus Actually

You can use actually Yu can als use acall t
t give new r surprisin• *
"crrect things pele say
infrmatin.  think
So, you're Americn?
Well, actuall, I'm from Canada.

But actually, I kind of Actually is one of th top

lke cold weather 200 words.

A Mtc ec cvest stte wt  espse Te pctce wt  pte
1. t really chlly n hee. _
b  ctally  tae te uway t tae an ou
2.  th your rt cla here?  b. t' te a condtog ctually  eel OK
3. So, youe a ull-te tudent?  c Ye t  actally m a lttle nerou
4. Do yo le th neghorhood?  d an t acually rom a nage tore
5 Do you dre to cla?  e. No actually m o a all tow aout
6.  lke your weate  three our away
7. Do you lay gutar or anytng?  f. Yea  o actually t a ome great tore

8 So, youre om around here?  g Um parttme actually  wor n a otel
h ctually  o d pano

you B P  tt cvets s te es ve se acually  y
espes  y ee t
"'s pre wr  here "Yeh i s bu  ki  ke  cul

8 Ltening and trategies This s a great party!

A •0) 1.oa Lste t sx pepe t t ms ty Wc cvest
stters e te pepe esp t me te seteces 1 t 6
D Geat uc huh? D he det look good
D e yo a end o o?   t e, o  t eally hot n hee?
[ h  a geat aty.   dont eay know anyone hee Do you?

B >  w lste t te cmpete cvests Cec y swes
Wt sx ts  y  t t T
you C   me y e t  css ty tt cvests wt yo clsmates
F t smet ew t sx clssmtes
  ike yur jcke
B Thks cu 's r  vge sre
,fre talk p 129

Making freds

D Pair work Dscuss he quesons below.

1 Rd tp 2 g C y t f t xmp mmt?

 Rd tp 3 g Wt t gd t  y t ?
 Rd tp 5 g Wt  gg   t d t t mmt? C t tp tt
y     vt
4 Rd tp 7 g  y v  y ty y  t? Wt  t?
 C y t f  m tp   t mpv y "m t ?

f Writing How to improve ...

A Bnsom es o ech oc n we noes.

mL ty  frindvhp.',_ �  -aw s12 fe =  ouEg 

ove u e s s e ll l re l

 cJ 
e t
 �._, -
B e he He noe n he ec om n cle below oec he uncuon.

• Use a CAPITAL letter to stat a
How to improve your friendships
are your friendships in good spe good fiendships re  Use a comma(,) before
importnt they cn mke us hppy Qd elthy quotation marks(") and
here re some tips to improve you iendships in lsts
1. Kep In touch. Text or cl nd sk how re you don't  Use a perod () at the end o a
rget to sy tnk you when  iend helps you statement and a question mak
(?) at the end o a question

C e n ce on one o he ocs ou bnsome boe. Ge hee s
Then e  ne's cle n chec he uncuon n ou hn o nohe 

Q Talk about it Frendly conversations

ou work Dscuss he quesons Fn ou bou ou clsses
coneson ses
W d y m m t? Wt d y t t?
 y t t dd   tg t t y?
A y  ttv p?
  t y t t m?
A y  gd t?
A y y t "t  t "t   vt?
Wt tp d y  t t t?
What topics do you try to avod?
 ·Sds rght p.137

\- Vocabulary notebook /
Webs of words
c = g E

Learning tip Word webs

You can use word webs to oganize your new voabulay.

1 Complete the word webs for clothes and food using words from the box.

ead jaket jeans pneappe e skt sweashi yogut


2 Now make word webs about colors and TV shows. Write a sentence about each word

I never wear purple.

pple comedy

Ly-is e_
e 1" 
Ce a letter of te alabet
Tin f a , a f, an atvty, an an
tem f ltng tat tat wt tat lette
Ten mae a entene ing te f wd

Leisure time
; g


® Colleg News
Meet our new reporter for the Coleg News...
The Colege News interviewed Brad Hayes our new reporter. Brad is a
fll-time student majoring in joualism. We asked him about his
O  : What are your  CN: _
 : Wl, I enjoy writing : Yeah I play the saxophone
I like to do a bit of creatve writing and I can play the piano a little,
every ay  in the evenings mostl. but not very well. d like to pay
Someay I want to write a novel, in a jaz band or something. nd
but r'now ts just a hobb I lke to sing, but I really cant sing
at all
@C _
OcN: _ 4: __
 ts se what else? Well I
des ars I'm goo at ding : Not reall. I prefer to wach : Yeah. I love o do new st
and I'm ry into compuer sports on V I like to play pool all the tme  lea new skl, y
rahcs so  st an  new s that a sort? I guess I og kn m really excted about
 ad  ay oud wth asona But  hae gon to wrtng r the oe ews.
 the gym and working out.

( Getting started
A   o  o  o     M  
 �>) 110 L o  o     qo   qo  o 5
     
D      O    
D C      D          
       
 �)» 111  o  o  U     o o   
  o
1t out D   o o o   o o       o o
  
    I o    3    I o   .
2   o  I     4 'm    I   .
ss ,i@1f

f Grammar Verb foms� » 1.12


can I can't+ v V + o + v V + v + -ing Pp + v + ng
 can p the ano  oe    oe   good at  eoe
 can' p ey· we  ke  p oo  ke p oo  not neested n 
 can'  at a  hate     hae  
 efe     efe  
d ke  p azz  enoy 
I like love  hate to + verb
is moe comon than
A Coee e oeo Soee oe  oe I like lovehate+ veb+ -ing.
e  oe Te e   e
• /lke  ing
1 A Do you enoy cookin9 (cook)?
 Actuay, yeah  ke  (make) my own bea too  v ..
 /love... ing
2. A Are you good a _ (ead) musc? • hateto 
I I hate ing
B No, but  can (ay) msc by ea

3 A What knds of games o you enoy (ay)?

Do you ke to (ay) gmes on ne? Reee: '   wn

B No  hate (st) at the comute n my fee tme Id like  fn  pn cr
(NOT �  fn  )
4. A Are you inteesed n _ (on) a gym cass?
B We, I enjoy _ (go) to th gym, bu 'm not nteested
n  ake) a cass l' ' ke (stat) enns essons though

5. A How do you ke  (sen) an eenng? Do you efe  (be)
aone or wth ends?
B hat's easy  oe __ (eat out) wth my fends
you B     e e qeo oe    ee Ge o o e

f Survey What are your interests?

you A   e qeo  e  Te  o e e qeo 
e noe

Find someone who .   Question Name Notes

1. can sng eay we Canyou s19 real we? Pabo He can whste, too!
2. kes to ead o wte bogs
3. hates dancng
4 can re a motorcyce
5. s good at ayng guta
6 enoy hobk n

B T e  o oo o o 

"Pbl ss relly well. He ss pp ss, d he  whsle 


Q Building vocabulary
  ) 1.1J Listen Number the types of music ou hear What other kinds o music do ou know?

� B Complete the cha th the ords aboveAdd deas Then compare ith a partner
I ov • I lie   o' ae    a'   l:r;,
/ 1,}J

pop music electronc muc

A I love pop music

8 Yeah, I do too. dee  y fore nge

8 Speaking naturally Saying lsts

Jim What kinds of music do you like?
' J "  \ 
Sa I lke clasical, and hp-hop, and jaz. vi I like pop and roc  and o .  

  ,» 114 Listen and repeat the sentences aboe Notice that Sams ist is compete,
but Siias ist is not
you B las ativit s your classmates Wh kind of muic do you like?
What are the most popular ansers

 '•Wf

Q Building language
A  1» s ten. What doe Carla think of the band? Practice the converation
ex L  yu    g
r I' g -   o  
ex  w   m  guy D yu  m
ar y' o Ry y' pey go o'  
g    S u  M y
e Y, yy y t I' my e r
ar '  guy gg w  'm  ue u m
ex U uy, t' m 'm   , t

Fir� B Colete the qetion ith or on idea Circle the correct ord
in the aner Then ak and aner or qetion ith a artner
   o you  o _ (me ge) B  e hi/ it/ the
2  D yu w (m ge) B Y,  e hi I her I the
3  D yu   ( B Ye Eeyy like/ like  mu

n Grammar Object pronouns; everybod, nobody . >» 1.16

Oj  Everybod,nobody

'm  get'   t D t'  e og     y tt
Yu'e  mu ' e o ea  e py   d ome te    e pop
Se' pety goo  e  ey'e o guy Do you e     zz f
He' ot   o' ow    e  p

A Coete the converaton e obect ronon or the correct for Everybody and nobody
of the verb iven Then ractice ith  artner are moe common than
eveyone and no one.
     mu Ey  my my likes () it
B Ry Ny  my u )   mu
2  I   w  ow D yu  __  - nobody
B   uy D yu w J   w  w  no one
  
 YI' mzg Ny  (w e pp
   t y yy () 
3  D yu w y Swf S' g   _
B  y My    w   S m  
4  My t    py y' gt   D yu   7
B Y N  (w) mu  y   M - ' g
 ge     ' g  _
you B   Practice the converation above ith or on dea
A I love The Beatles. We listen to them a lot
 Yah. I think everyone likes them.

I'm not really into it.
' ;'14 .J;' > ,*"   . ; l) IP m u J 5 MHJ  "" : » 2-

( Conversation strategy Saying no in a friendly way

A How many hobbies and nteests can you think of n 30 seconds? Make a ist
B >) 1. Lsten What hobbes do Saah and Geg have?

Saah mm, tt smells elly goo W s t

e omeme lsgn
Saah Nce Do yo o  lot o coong
re Not elly Bt I le to me pst ses
ow ot yo Do yo ejoy coong
Saah Um no, not elly I men, I coo eey
y, t I'm not elly nto t
re o wt do yo o n yo ee tme Do
yo e ny oes o  
Saah Well no, I on't elly e mc tme
Bt I do  ttle potogapy  e  log
nd post my photos on t
reg Ye? I' elly le to te  loo
Sarah e  can eml you te ln O stop y
my es lte,  I c sow yo some

C Notice how Sarah and Greg say more than jus no when
hey answer quesions. They wan o be friendly or poUe
Find examples in he conversaion

D Match the questions and answes Then actce wth a atne

1. Ae yo o potogpy   No, I'm not elly goo wt my ns Ae yo
2 Do yo e  lot _ b. No, ot elly Bt I le to go to te pool
c. No, ot elly I enoy ong pzzles, tog
3. Ae yo goo  xng ngs 
e o
4 Ae yo teeste  spos 
d. Not elly  men, I te pctes Bt  nee
5 Do yo o y mtl ts  et tem o nytng
6 Do yo e to ply o gmes  e No  ont e  lot o ee tme I loo t

7. C yo swm I me e yo  goo mgznes sometmes

swmme f Not elly Bt I le to wtc te Olympcs
g No t my sste oes e oes e Kwon Do

y E Pr wr sk and answe the question Give you own answes
A re you into photogaphy?
8 Well, no. I jst take photos of me and m fends
Interests ,i)�lfW

f Strategy plus
You can use reall Not really can
to make statements also be a polte
stronger and to make way to answer no.
negative statements
I'    
  
The top verbs used with really
Ab:j P  A    q G    are: enjo, like. know. think
 really  not really.
1 C   h ,    ? 4.    ?
2. W       ,      ? 5 D   h?

3     zz  ? 6 D    h?
A Can you do anything artstc, like pant o draw?
8 Well, I really like drawng cartoons OR Not reall I'm not very artistc

Q Listening and strategies Interesting hobbies

y A ar work            
   

A re you nterested n collecting thngs?

8 ot reall but my sister collects teddy bers

B !J) 1.8   B S   L     N     4
C -» 8         (  
S      
B S  L
1. I '  h h  f  h D   
2. I    f    D D D 
3 I'       D D  
4      h D  D D

D air work T            
F  p. 129

Online forums
; )

( Reading
Before you read somehing, "sca i
A Look at the list of hobby grups on the online frum. or key wods tha give yo he
Which ones are you interested in? Tell the class nformaion you eed. Read he
senece wih he key wod o wods
B Read the online forum What problem does each person have?

http:/www.qnahobbiesgroups .

#1 w I'm not great at sports either, and

Q I'd like to do something outdoors, but
'm not interested in running or prefer to do other things outdoors Try geocaching
jogging. I'm no good at sports like tennis It's great fun Just log onto a geocaching ebsite,
Actually I dont reay like sports at all Help! and choose somethng interesting that you ant
- rockman to nd Then head outdoors ith a smartphone or
GPS devce and try and nd it!
More answes>>

#1 w Buy some colorful duct tape You

 ant to nd a hobby and make
things My brother realy ikes to can make lots of great things ith it I ike to
make jeery and his rings and bracelets make oers and gift cards bt you can make
are really beautiful but Im looking for reay cool purses and alets too
something difeent. Im not ealy artistic Moe answe>>

but  am good th my hands Any ideas?

 daisyady

I enoy kntting and I make some #1 w You can start your on hat shop
Q reay cool hats My friends say they online Use one of the ats and crafts ebsites
love earing them because they are so Or if you're like me, and you hate to spend lots
unque 'd lke to se them So ho can  of time on your computer go to some local gift
tun my hobby nto a small business? stores or cofee shops and ask them to sell
 moneymake some for yo
Moe nswes>>

C Read oe answers to the questions above Who are they for? Write the names

 :  like making eel, especially necklaces and earrings I usuay take them to a ea market
and sell them there t's easy to nd fea markets in yo area if you search onine
2.: More and more I hear that aking is one of the best exercises arond t's realy good for
yo And you dont have to alk fast. Just alk fo 30 minutes or an hour at a norma speed
3.:� Yo could ty pottery Yo can make cups and bos You don't have to be creative.
4: Thee ae some good classes They teach you all about making money out of yo hobby
5. : __ Ho abot creatng your on geeting cads? P eope love gettng handmade cards.
6: By a bicyce Its fun it's good for you and getting around is free!

y D P  hat do yo thnk f the answers t the questins n the message bard?
Can you think of a diferent answer for each question? Discuss with a patner

Interess ,•@ifW

f Listening and speaking

A  » 1.19  o ia ad Jo alk abou a wbi. Wha kid of wbi i i?
Why do o ik i?

B   119 s agai. Cic h coc opio o compl h c.
1    s vy day I vy wk
2 T   50,000 I 5,000   
3       k i h U.S. I i di coui
4           I bik
 L    idoo I oudoo
you C Pai wok k ad aw h quio.
•        s
  y   
•     
• D    s  
• D      '  k
• D     
• D     z    
• D    s  Es  s

8 Writing A message board

A Rad h Hp o. h ad h quio ad aw abou hobbi.
ic h ikig xpio.

! What's your qestion? lnking deas

• dd a idea:
I'm interested in learning a musical instrument  �want to I enjoy knttng, ad  mke

Q join a band and play with other people, but  don't have a lot
of tme. What do you recommend?
some relly cool hts.
I a lke mkng jewelr
pia brcelets
#1 A  love to pay music, especally with other people I'm not ntereste n runnng
 recommend the gtar because yo can play it alone or n a band.  joggng
Join a class and meet other musicians. ts only an hour a week but  Coa wo idea
you need to nd time to pactice too! I'm not goo t sorts  I
wnt to o somethng outoors
 Give a reao
About My frens love werng my
Wi a quio abou hobbi o po o a mag boad. hts a they re unque
Wi a aw o h of you cama quio.

C Go wok Rad you quio ad cama aw o h goup.
cid o h b ida.

Healthy living
- -

"We, I genealy don't eat Um  ght now

a lot o junk ood and I don't Im tyg to os
eat ed meat at a And ight wght b my
now m doing karate. It's shoo uo
gettg me in shap quick" so m kg
ths dt
-Bian Jons d dks o

Not ay  kd o at

vythg  wat I dot do ·  wak
aythg to stay  shap y  go baus 
m jut ucky, I guss ont ha a a so  thk
 gt nough xs
Lsa da Sva
Mng Yu

Um  to b host m not "ah, w ecise six

og aythg ght n m days a week We go
studyg  xams ths swimming eey oth
moth so m atg a day and in btwee
ot o sacks and m we go to th gym
ot gttng ay Ad oce in a whie,
xcs at a w go hiking"
Mha Evas The Paks

( Getting started
 >» 120             f? ?

F/f�  Ce              
      f ?   
  enea (not et) n oo
2. I  (et) eno eee
3. e  (o) to te  e ote a
4 I (eat)  o o n t onh
5. ee d I (not t) an eee t 
6 R no I (t to et n 
 \•@f

f Grammar Simple present and present connuos '>» 1.21

4i u·1 o,un
Use the simple present to talk about all the Use the present ontinuous to tal abou no"
time" (usually or generall) ad routines. (these dys, this month and temporar ents.
Hw do y sta  ? W  are y plaing  y?
I al vyw I don't hae  c m dong  I getting   
Does  get  xc s  tring   w?
Y  does S eeriss x y  w Y,  is Ss drining  
N  doesn't S doest erise   N, s not. Ss not tring   w

A C   i    The simple present is abou six times
more feqent han the presen
   T    e ontnous and even moe frequent
do with lke, love know ned and wan
1  w y co ve .
(c) w ?
_ y  ()   ?
B W y I ( f)   w
Don' o get to ue b n
 (w)     S y
he presen continous.
c-w  I ()   c 
I'm ig arat.
w I  M y (x y (NO� arat)

2  y ()  y ?

B N y  y wf  I (jy) w
W y ()       
Nw   w I ( w)    y wf
__ () vy y v w  c

3   y fy  () y w  y y?

B cy y W  (y)    c   
vyy   fy (v) f f  
w w (c) y  I  y c
y  ( ) v    
yo  Pa o     q  G   

8 Listening and speaking Unhealthy habits

A » 122 T          
     
1.  y     f     w  c w  
2. Ky w  v     c
3. M  y M   c  
4. Sv  y     y

 'l» 12J L           
    T  
o c Pai o           
     T  

Aches and pains
JS . ; 2  Ml  -  £5 4 45 S  4 l

( Building vocabulary
A �>) 1.24 Lsten and say the sentences. Do you have any of these problems rght now?

I have  fr.  think I have  s 

I'm gettng  fu. oen et tomachache

 eel s I oten get  have rs. 

 sr r.  ck when  eat helh. sz al the tme,
have one now get a lo t o cod and my eye itch.

�°,1 B Compiete he chart wth the words above dd other deas Then compare wth a partner

 _ 
l·IU .
av ,1§
a 
run � e

"/ ee et colds.Bt smetimes I he  y se.I thik I he lleies.
f Speaking naturally Contrasts

Wh  h    ? D
N,ThtI'shet bdhedhe 
I fe h
elt el
ib le   
Thks I hp y felbet t e.
A �i» 12 sten and repeat the conversaton above. Notce how stress shws the contrast
between edhe ld
and and between and bette teible.
B P k actce the conversaton hen practce agan sng dferen heath probems.

Health •WHIM

8 Building language
A » 1.2& Lisn W dos Nor wn o k or Kn? Pcic  convrsion
Kn 
N ,    yu fg
Kn Afu     b 
N T  b A yu g yng f 
Kn Ju m  m
N mm I    uff    
 Bu f  g  y b    
g  y   m yu 
Kn O  !  ' f that b
t out
 Unsr  snncs ow r  snncs r or o?
   I   I  I m I  

  m I   I    m I f I  fu

Q Gramma Joinng clauses wth f ad when -)» .21

  yu  when yu   od?  do yo do if yo g  y d od?
 o'  yg when    od  dn o vng wi n if  g  y d d
When    o  on  yig   g  y �d od  dink o ving wi ony_

A Cop  qsions wi if you oowd   orrc xprssons ro  ox
f u n g   v  b g   nny n
f  g  u    d   o 

1.  u    ,[you have a sore throat 

    m  yu  b 
3   yu    yu   gy
4. D yu    g

5.   y y  yu  gy m

6.    ,  yu g    g y

7   yu     yu u   ug 

8.   yu     yu  

y  P wok sk nd nsw  qsions ov Us wen in or nswrs
A Do you grgle sl wer i you ve  sore ro?
B cull, wen I ve  sore ro  drink o e wi one. Do you ke nyin?
y C  y n yr prnr do n   s ins in  siions o   css
(  S r  

Really? How come?
" # ;   : A» 4 s;

( Conversation strategy Encouraging people to ak

A Why do popl gt tird? Braistorm idas ad ma a list
"People oen feel tired when they have a cold.

B ->» 1.2e List Why is Stan tird?

 I'm so tird
Yuk Ray How com
 Wl, 'm worg two jobs ths
smstr, so 'm gttg p at,
, 5:30 to stdy
Yuk o'r ddg! Two jobs? Wow
 ah Jst for a cop of
moths 'm worg  a
sprmart ar cass, ad
th  hav my rgar job at
th rstarat ti 00
Yuk Oh, that's at o, what tim
do yo go to bd
 bot 00 30
Yuk Gosh o yo'r oy gttg
abot for hors' sp? hat's
ot mch

Notice how Yuki encourages Stan to continue talking.

She comments on what Stan says and asks follow-up
questions Find examples in the conversation

D Match ach stc with a appropriat rply h practic with a partr
1.  of stay p t 00 or 00 am _e a. o do os th profssor otc?
2.  ov spg at o wds _ b hat's good o yo wa p ary, too
3.  of ta a ap dg my ch bra  c. hat's ot mch o yo gt trd drg th day
4  oy sp abot fv hos a ght  d. t wor How og do yo sp
5  somtms fa asp  cts  e. Ray? What do yo do a ght?
6.  say go to bd ay drg th w _ f  too What tim do yo gt p
o days
yo E P  Stdt  ll a partr aot yor slp haits Us th idas aov
Stdt B Rspod with commts ad qstios h chag rols
A I usually stay up until about 11:00, 11:30 during the week
8 Really? That'  not too late Do you stay up late on weekends?
A Not reall I go to bed about the same time

Health ,•@if

f Strategy plus Showing surprise I'm working two jobs

this semester.
Use expressions like these to show
surprise in inrmal conversations:
Oh! Gosh!
Really? Oh, my gosh!
Wow! You're kidding!
Oh, wow! Are you serious?
No way! No!
In formal conversations, use  or 

Oh and Really are in the top

A ,) 29 L ad   xp yu a 50 wods. Wow and Gosh ae
T pacc  a pa  te top 500.

1  I never her m lrm lok

B Real ? So how o o wke ?

  I oten fll slee on the sbw

B ! Do o ever iss or sto?

3   hve the sme e ever night

B ! Ever single night?

4  I nt slee f ts ight

B ___ ! Do o w n ee msk?

5  I oten see for  or  hors

B _ ? s tht onl on weekens?

6  I nt fl slee wthot ms

B _ Wht o o lsten to?
About  >»  L   caa Rpd  a d xp  
up ad add yu  qu  pacc  a pa

8 taeies t drams

Gu  cu  qu au p a a d yu a  c cua you
caa  a y c ad a -up qu
• Wht o o o if o n't slee? • Do o ever hve vvi es or nightes?
• Do o ever wke  ring the nght? • Do o remeber or res?
• re o tire to? f so wh? • Do o snore or tk n or see?
• Do o ever tke ns ing the tme? • Do o ever fl slee in front of the ?

A What do you do if you can't sleep?

8 Well, if I wake up and can't get back to sleep, I usually get up and play a video game.
C You're kidding! So do you go bak to bed a tat?
' free talk p. no

Health advice
# 4 J  ZJ ZS   h

( Reading
A What can you do to stay healthy? How many idas can you Articles someimes sar with a
think of in 30 seconds? Make a list pobem (for exampe, Let's face it:
many of us are not to o health.) and
B Read the article. Which of your ideas are mentioned? the con nue wh possbe soons
(exercse, ec.).
What other ideas does it sugst?

et's fce it: many of us are not too healthy. We beaks. f work is stessing you out take a few deep
L often take an "all or nothing approach to health breaths in between tasks Ty a relaxation technique,
If we can't exercise evey day, follow a healthy det, o like meditation, or take a elaxing tenminute walk
manage ou stess levels, then we give up and do Next, be sue to make good food choices. When you get
nothing However, looking afte ou health doesn't stressed, do you each fo a cookie? Don't snack on unk
have to take a lot of time and effot It just akes a food Plan ahead and keep healthy snacks like fuit o
little thought. Follow these simple ideas and ethink nuts neaby When you go shopping, buy only healthy
you way to bette health! foods fr your next meal If you have to oder fast food,
Fist, get movng How much ae you execising these choose someting ght, go easy on the dressings, and
days? Not a lot? Research shows not exercising is add a healthy side dsh like a salad or fuit.
really bad for your health If you Finally, emember to sleep well Don't
can't affod to go to the gym, go fall asleep with the TV on.
unning Skip the elevato and When you go to bed make
take the stais; don't take the sue your room is quiet,
bus or tain all the way - cool, and dak Reseach
walk O, try execising shows it's the best way to
while you watch TV get a good night's sleep
Second don't foget to With simple changes ike
take a beak fom wok these, you can ethink
sometimes Ou bodies you way to geat health,
can't go, go, go al day! one choce at a time t's
need to take regula up to you

C Read the article aain nswer the questions Then compare with a partner
1      x   
2.  x     

    x      

4      v     f
5           x
6        ' 
you D P wk iscuss the suestions in the article o you follow any of them?
If yes, which ones? If no say why not
Health •NJf@

f Listening Coping with stress

A W do you do o cop wi srss? Do you do ny of s ings? T  prnr.

B >) 1.31 isn o our pop k bou ow y cop wi srss. Numbr  picurs 1 o 4.
C  132 isn gin W s do y do wn y'r fing srssd? Wri  civiy
undr  picur.

8 Writing That's gret advce!

A Rd  p no nd  poss on  soci nworking si. dd comms o  if nd when
cuss in  wo suggsions.

Commas afer if and when lauses

• U  c h:
·, S If you'r lg strssd, try ts das.
I        Wen you l strssd go to t gym
 D't   c h
Go to t ym when you l strssd
 x  G     
J        C 
    

    I     
           
       
  f

B Wri your own suggsion o usn. Tn compr wi  prnr.

y  ru r Wri  qusion bou yur  on  pic f ppr. Us  ids bow o 
you. Tn cng prs. Wri  rpy o c prson.

M 
� I     !          

yo D ru r Rd  rpis. Wic suggsion(s woud yu ik o ry? T  group.

Checkpoint Units 1-3

Q Can you complete this conversation?

Cmpee he cvera. Ue he mpe pree r pree c.
he pracce wh a parer.
er Hi How are you doing (do?
R Not bd Atuly, I (ve)  od gn But Im OK
er O, tts too bd So, wt you (do)?
R My lssmte Slys ee We (ln) n end-oftem
ty Eveybody (wnt) some lve mus tis ye but
we (not know) ny good bnds How bout you?
 you (do) nyting sei tody? And wt's
tt mus? you (isten) to te do?
Te No tt (be my bote He y) s guit
He (te) evey moning
R Wow Hes good Hey (be) e ee on Study?
 e (wnt) to y t ou ty?
We (need) somebody like m
Ter ___ you _ (kid)? He's only ten!

f How can you say no?

 jec pr  he eece. he a a awer he qe wh a parer.
 r awer  no, rememer  a no  a re wa.

1 Some ends nd  go to  zz lub evey week Do you wnt to on u= next Mondy?
2 I te olds, nd I get  ot Do you get  lot o ods?
3 I ve to go to te ost tomoow n you ome wit  7
4 My bote wnts to len Englis n you te ?
5 I ove Kely lkson Ses get! Do you ke , too?
6 I ve  get book bout mtl ts Woud you ke to boow _ sometime?

A Sm finds nd I go t  jz club vy wk. D yu wnt to join us nxt Mondy?
8 N thnks. I'm nt lly  jz fn.

8 How many words do you remember?

A Cmpee he char. w ma h ca  h  r each cm

pes of music Types of TV shows Hobbies Clothes ealh problems


B P  a a he em  r char crae r parer  a.

A I lik t lstn t hip-hp

B Rlly? Who d you lstn t? I mn wh is yu fvit st?
Q What do you have in common?
Compete the sentences with activities. Then compae with a pte Cotue your oersto
1 ' o good  ____ 3  lk __ 5 I  
2 I do joy ___ 4 I ' ____ 6 I rd  _
A Im not good at singing.
8 Oh, Im not either But actuall I' eally lke to take singing lessons
A Really? Do you fiends take lessons?

6 Surprise, surprise!
Compete the convesation. Use the sentenes in the box. hen pactice wth a pater
W rt do yo ly? Ar yo ro? Ho ool?
No ll,  I'd lo o ly   d Y? I  oo No y W kd of ?
M oo I  y  o lo ody! W do yo  o do?

Aice H, l Ho r g? Al Soo d r B  rlly
 Gr How' school? d o d oo o ly  
A , lly, I' o  ool  yr rl I ly  o
 So,  r yo dog? A Yo ly  o? ' gr y
Ae Wll, I' lookg or  jo rg o   r ogr o 
r  Frdy
r Rlly?
A Wll, I'd lk to ly   l,  - W' yor o r?
rl A ' ·900 OK o ll  O look 
A Wll, I ly jzz   Sorry, I  o go
 N Carl

 What can ou sa or do ... ?

 Pai wo hat cn ou sa o o in these situations As you pate. Do you ge

• A  d jo  l d  ro

• Yo  yor  ghor or  r 
•  ro ttg t o yo  l lok k
• Yo  oo dg lo t  ry
•  ro t to yo do t ll o
• Yo   rl   u o o  y dy, d  ro  o yo  gg r 
• Yo r gtg o  r, d h po  ro o yo  rryg  r y g
• (tk o yor o d)
A What can you sy when a new student jins the class and seems nevous?
8 Let me thin . .  You can say "Hi! and say you name o you can as ·�e you a new student?

 Pai wo Choose a situatio. Pepae  shot convesation to act out  the cass

Celebratns ,•NiM

f Grammar Future with be qoinq to; ndiect objects ')» 2.03

be going to  oj
I'm goig o uy h pc. uy I v I sd omeone sh
Yu' goig o   p    uy m mo h pc.
Sh' goig o  50. c    v D yh
W' goig o d  fw L d Mom  D  w
Thy' goig o hv  py
 o oo
Wh  yu goig o d f yu hdy?
, yu h hr us h
'm o goig o d yh pc
   uy  h pc
A yu goig o hv  py? c    v im yh
Y, w  W goig o v  u fd  d m  w
N, w' o W o goig o d uch

A  qu w    u     w u w w u
c c u w c
1 yu  d yh pc  f yu x hdy?
Are you 9oin to do anhin special r your next birthda?
Actual m friends are goig to bu me dinne.
 yu p  uy  yu  h c   yu x hdy?

3 Wh  yu    yu fd   h hdy?

4 yu d yu c  d  yu ch   hdy cd?

 Wh  yu p hdy? Wh  I yu I uy?

6 Wh  yu  uy  yu p  f h vy?

you B Pi ok   w  qu
A     d ah pcal f  x rhda?
8 Wll acall I'    21 s I   ha a  par.

8 Speaking naturally going to

W              v I'     . 

 >) 2    h c  c  w    
you B   2   c  c w   w      qu
1  yu oin9 to send y w h y?
  yu y xpv f h y?
3  yu _ y cd h h?
4  yu y hdy h h?
 Wh  yu yu x hdy wh?
A       wr h 
8 Yh I      w  Mr D 35
Special days
£>: J A 5 ?4 k ; )J §h 4 9J  

( Building vocabulary
�,t A What do people d on these specia day? Fnd two expressions frm the box or each event
What else d people do Add ideas.

w ut candes n a cake g ut f a antc dnne  shut "Happy New Yea
echange ngs g t see ewks sng "Happy Bthday
ge sene chocates go tick-orteatng wea a cap and gwn
get a degree or dipa hae a ecepton wear a costue

ew e's Eve Vees D h

shout "Hap New Year

  ee e 

y B Pr  Ta abot special days r evnts yo are going to ceebrate this year
When are they? ow are yo gong t celebrate them
A What are you going to do on New Year's Eve?
B I'm going to go to a New Years Eve pa with some friends. '(,•Sounds right p. 137
C w•@iM

f Building language
A  ,) 2 sten to Macella's phone message. What ae he plans fo
tomoow night
V l H T  Lue Pe v  ge r  b
nk f ng
rl H Lu T   Ln w r yu dng rrw
ng?  gru f u r gng u fr dnnr nd n   bg
Nw Yr Ev ry D yu wn  ? r eng 
 urn  8:30 nd wr rbby gng  g  
y und 1100 I gng  b   f fun S   bk
OK? O nd by  wy y y  gng  nw rrw
 b rfu By
it ot  Fin Macela's pan an the weathe pection. What e fom oe s
she ue

8 Grammar Present continuous for the futue; be going to

       be going to    
             
  you  fo w Yer' v   you    fo w Yer' v
e   Te Sea G for nne     omewee o nne
  fren ere  8:30 e    som frn   reurn

    be going to  

    fun (OT    Remember to use a om of be wth
    oorrow O  · going to and te pesent coninuous.
We'r gong to meet some nds.
(NOT - 1 to mee  .. )
A Match eac pan wth  pen. hen e-a Wer meetng some fends
with a patne. sk followup quetion (NO  a  )

  nk y rn r gng  g 

ng e fr grun _h   nk ' gng o ve 
2. y ngb  gng krng  Se' ging to be  gre wy
n Hwn  s gng  be  fun weng
3 y b frnd gng rd n y _  'e gong o ve  gt 
4 y r gdung f w  n    ink i' going t b  by
5.  gng  g y   i   brdy _  's gong o rn bu y don' r
6 y b frnd nd I r gng  Pr nex  Se' gong o ov no gong  wk
n  O ey' going  gv me ony
7 y  vng  bby nx n 

8. y  gng  er nx y 

y    Fin out aout each othe' pans fo net weeken
A What are you doing next weekend?
B Well, I'm meeting a friend, and were going to go rolle-skating.

Lesson C
Conver�at,o 
saegies I

n Conversation strategy "Vague expressions

A Wh kds of hs do popl do  ss d fsvs? Mk  ls
B >) 2. Ls Wh hpps du h fs?
Ry  o o o  s s
T I do' kow dds 
s  xc?
Ry l s js m  s 
fsvl I's os of pds
d s k  Evbod
s dssd  o kow 
T Yo m  cosms?
Ry Y  dds of
c  kds   d
sv os wh mk d
T U- U m o b o
R d s ood oodYo
c   kds of cos d
s o o w o o?
T Hmm mb
Notice how Ray uses  vague" expressions like these.
He doesn't nee to give Tina a complete list Fin
examples in the conversation

People e and stu  vey

D Fd h vu pssos  hs covsos Wh do form o
h m? hoos wo ds fom h o fo ch o and stu· and things.

vss cocs dc olds s "H d

cdls c vs ok sos  s od fds sd m  om
1    o do o s bk
 m o om I  w o s m mGd v see old friends
  o o s o o  s o cb bds d s
  w kow  c c  b o cks d v
3   o o do msc d sf k 
  w v    msc svs d s k  d 
you  P work sk d sw h qusos v ou ow sws
Celebrations ,•Wi@

f Strategy plus "Vague responses A you gog o h

 h wkd?
You can use reponse
lik th if you' not
u bu your anw:
I don't know.
Im not sure.
common of these resposes.
ft depends
I do' kow. I dpd
Wh   xcy?
 Mh h q wh w p Th p wh
 p
1  you gog o go o y fv h y? _a _
2. y fd hvg  py h wkd Do you w o g? 
3.  w gog o p  d-ofy py f h  c? 
4.  hv  x ck o  coc ogh Do you w ? 

 I'm o u h   fv  Mh e. Im o u Im fg kd of d
b. y L k o h ch ou .  ! dp Who pyg
 I pd Wh   h Sudy g. I d kow I ou k  o o wok
d I o kow  hk Im wkg  wkd h  Id k o go o  fok 

yu  P  k  w h q G  w 

Q Listening and strategies Celebrations aond the wold

 ) 2.09 k  h p  w  h hpp Th   w
h qo  h 
1 Whch couy c  fv?
 Wh  ?
3 How do pop c?
. Do hy  y pc food?
5. Why do hy ?

 B   J   F  

yu  P   : h    kw  B k  p h q 
   h f      
A So, which count celebrates the festivl nd when is it?
8 Well, it depends. It's usually in Februr nd  lot of peole celebrte it round the worl.
People see reworks nd stu
"·� 

; 5J  P   )]   19   9h J ZS l z ;5 ) ;

a Reading
A What do people in your country do for these events?

Tey exchange rings.

weig bi

B Read the atice. Which taditions are simiar to the ones Look at he phoos. They can sometimes
help you wh the vocabuary n an artice
in yor country? Which are different?

people aound the world celebrate many of the same events , they
sometimes ceebrate these specia days quite dierenty. We ound some interesting ;
- and unique - traditons for celebrating New Year's Eve birthdays and weddings "

BlTHDAYS Are these

n China, theres an interesting
going to have
birthday tradition for infants. good luck?
A baby is one year old on the day
he or she is born One year later,
friends and relatives get together WEDDIN(S
fr the baby's second birthday Weddings around the world hae
hey put seera objects in front of different traditions, and Venezuela
the bab, such as some money, a is no exception Of course, during
dol, and a book f the baby picks a wedding ceremony, couples
NEW YEA'S EVE up the mone, it means he or she is promise that they will always loe
In Mexico, people celebrate the going to be wealthy Reaching for and take cre of each other.
start of the new year y getting the book means the baby is going However, i Venezuea, the bride
togethe with friends and family. to be a teacher, and picking up the and groom don't always say their
On Nw Yr' Ev, thy hav  doll man th romi  omtime they in
special dinner. Then, when the baby is going the Late, during the reception,
clock strikes idnigh, eeryone to have a lot the bride ad groom sneak away. f
starts eating grapes - one for each of children no one sees them leae, it means
month of the next year. A sweet one day. they are ging to hae good uck in
grape means the moth is going their marriage. And that sees to
to be a good one f a grape is sou be somethng that all these
then the month s no going to be traditions have in common  they
o oo a a mant to bring good luck.

Celebratins •@IN
c Rd h c g A h c  o ? hck (.) True (T) o False (F)

1. I Mx, pp  p   p  D D

2. f yu   w p  Nw Y' Ev,  m   y
       D
3. I   fmy     y  y    D
4. f  y p up  ,  m       v  
f     
5.  Vzu,    m    pm  v
  D D
6 I y     p,  m y w v  u
  m  D
yo D G  Dc h qo o do
• W   yu v f w p
• W y  x p Hw  pp  m
• W   yu v f Nw Y y W   u f  w y

Q Listening and writing Congratulations!

 �> 210 L o h o k o h o o h  o
om h omo

In celebration of their _ wedding

Elaine's housewarmng paty
anniversa, Iris and Dek invite you to
Eane Colins (eaine@cup.og)
dinner on   at  p.m.
Hi Smon and Jule, at The Fnch Restaun
My new apartment s ready and I'm nay havng a
housewarming party! t's on Saturday, at Dear John and Jessie,
__ p.m My new address is 1452 E Muberry St. By Hope you can make it to the
the way Say s going to brng some  Smon dinne. Tere' going to be _
can you make some of your spea ? Thanks and aear We look
See you, forward to seeing you both
Eane Best regar Iris and Derek

B Rd h  o h d h o  h o o d cc hm

Writing pesonal notes and emails

ess formal Moe fomal
ar ie : Dear (nm), Dear (nm),
Hi (nm),
d e  Take care, Best wishes
See you, Best regards,
Love, All the bes,

yo C    o  c    o d dd  o o h chg
o h o    o
,- Vocabulary notebook Calendars
-� -·

PlW) IM7   J # 4 m 5 Zh %9 U &

Learning tip Linking events wih dates

You can write down some of your new voablary on a alenda. The month people tak about
It's a usefu way to ean te naes o speial evens and elebans east is February. The month
peope talk about most s July.

1 C h  h   h x

annveary nne February owes grauaton May Septembe Vaentne's

ard Eve ewoks gown Haloween Novebe vaaton

Janua 11th - Mom's birthday July 1st Summer starts

Bu her and a cake. 2nd - Dad 65th birthda

14th  _ Da! August 16th - Summer part and

_ at night

March 23rd  Suzanne brthda 10thJack and Bet wedding

Go out fo    Send them a 

April 1st - Aprl Fool Da 31st 

4th  M birthda! 28th  Fami reunion for

2nd - End of exams December 31st - New Years 
June 21st - School  part
Rent a ca and 

2  a           .

Buy a wa aenda a ont, r your mportant

dates and write your appontents an events n ns

Growing up •if

f Grammar be born; simple past (review); time expressions 1>» 2.12

Whee wr ou brn? hee wr ou e brn?

I was brn i So Pulo. he wr brn i Hog Kog.
I wasnt brn i Sele. he wrnt br i he S.
Ho log did ou live i So Pulo? Whe did he coe hee?
We lived hee ntnt I  ix. Frm 1995 t 2001. he ce hee ou tr yars a
e did' leve nt 2001. n e ce ce o he US. he ce wn Lig  iee
Did ou live hee r a n tm? Did he ove hee ast yar?
Ye, I did)
did)  I lived hee r  yars.
yars. Ye he did). She oved n May.
No (I did). I did live hee n. No (he did She oved n 2011.
Sayiing years
A 1 213 Cp e he c h h  
Cpe   1906 = "Nineteen oh-sx
Cc h cc
c c d Th l d chck 1988  "Nneteen eghty-eght
2007  "Two thousand (and) seven
1 A hee was ou oe bor (e o? 015  "Twent fteen
_ ou fhe (e o hee oo?
B  e e o i Vouve@/ t 4
Don't confuse before ad go.
 A hee ou (live he ou ee We moved here six yeas a
oug ou go u) i  ig i (NOT We moved here 11 , )j
) j
B Aull  go u) i Sele. e ) OR We moved
mo ved here
h ere ;°)  
hee m I t  ed
 ed high hool
3 A ho e) ou e fied i hoo
hooll Ho log e ou fied?
B ell  e fied (e Je e e ied r rm  log ie
 A ou d ou  fid v gue) Wh ou fih ou
B e (o I igh  lo u oe ie
ie e (o l) r
r t hee ee
 A ho oo e of ou a I wn ou e) lile ou ohe hve)  jo
B  ohe (o o o oe (e hoe wn tn  (ge hoe fo
hool I go o  eigho houe. u  (o I e) hee  I 
6 A ou eve (ge) i ou
le? h ou do)?
B Oh  (ge) i ig oule oe ie w I t   eve  o  e d
 e r I m d! n I n I (e he  d ig "So
you 8 ar wr cic h c Th k  k  q 
 
G   

8 Speaking naturally did you

Where did you go on vacaton? Wha did you o? Did you have fun?
- - -
A 1,» 214 L
L  d p 
 qi  Nc h    dd ou.
you B 1 215 Lie d cmp h q  chldhd
chldh d c Th k d e e
q h
 h  pe
1. id ou 4. Who did ou
7 
2. Wh dd ou 5. Di ou
7 
3 Ho log did ou 6. h did ou
 ?
Favorite classes
w '

( Building laguage
 'i) 2.1&
2. 1& e. W e
 e  ee ee   ?

"ll th stdts

std ts i my hh shl hd
hd "ll,yr , mst ppl lrd
"ll,yr l rd
t t lish
lish  it ws rq
ird d  Rssi, d nly  fw pl t
dd lis
lishh t
t  t it my lish
lish I stdid bth"
bt h"
ivrsity m ppl d it r thir
thir Kr Pr
bs s wll"
-h, l

"I t pish

 pish lst yr, d mst f " lt f m lssm
ts drppd Frh
Fr h
my fri
fri d did t Bt ly
 ly  fw f s fr ith
i th rd lmst ll f thm -
sp it wl
wl Um, thr r  lt f pt m Bt th, lt, sm f
p ish sprs rd hr, s it's thm hd t t v vi
i lss
idd f sfl"
i bs thy dd it r wr"
-Brd, Ls ls F, s

t o  Cc
e e e ee  ee e eee e e e   e?
1 M/ M  ee ike Eng 3 e I e  em are fuen in Eng
2  I   m e u  4  e I  e  ee u  ue

f Grammar Determiners 'l) 27

2 7
G (studen, Canadian) S (e tudent in my ca
ca  my fried)  oo
A  ean a aguage
aguage.. A (o)     o ake g
g.. A o  
o  ee
ee ec.
ec. o o  o   o kwkw ec. o o 
  
So  ake a. So o      ake eek So o  ••
A  o ae g
g a a. A  o   g . A  o  
No  ke exa
exa.. No oo   ae e exa. No o  ••
 o o o eak ng we A o o  o    eak ng. A o
o  o  •••

y Mke e eee  eee Te e   e People usually say everybody
nd nobody, ot all people
1. __ m fien ue ngi in e c. r no people.
__ mie c uen ake E gi
 a __
__ emee
emee nee a ecn
ecn anguage f e
ir j
__ cmane
cm ane eure Eng ki  ge a .
3 m fien eak w anguage Remeber o use  in  t 
_ em eak ee anguage A lo of stuts
stuts stu Egish
 cege uen majr in angage (NOT  stuts stu Eg ish)
 e cege ee eac eea een anguage
5 uen ake w egn angage in ig c
In m ca u ue w fregn
fregn anguage.
anguag e.
Growing up ,•Uif.

8 Building vocabulary
A >» 2.1s Liten and ay the ubject
ubject Circe your three favorit ubject
 Te a partner

lg cmc  rcr cir gm m pyic gmc 
 ggrp rck cmtr c clcl g ltrr cmpr 
st B Put the ubject above into the cateori beow Can you tin of oter ubject?

 '


ac o u

C   a abot each ubject above Ue the expreion
beow or ue
u e your own idea What do you have in comon?
I tk/ dd't tak. I wa gd I bad at
at I wa I wat trtd . I lkd I dd't lk

n Survey What was your best subject?

Abut A   Chooe a ubect and write it in the frt quetion hen a your camat te
quetion about i choo (or at yea)
yea) Keep a tay OH of te
t e anwer
Ye No Y No
1. D  k 7
c c 4   cl   
   r
r  c c  5 D   m  
3 D  g g g     6 D   m  

B Te the ca your reut What interetn information

info rmation did you earn?
"Most of us took chemist.
chemist. But only a w of us were good at i
i .   '(·Sounds right p 
Well, actually, ...
m ,

Q Conversation strategy Correcting things you say

A How did you
you get to school
school when you were
were ittle? Did you go lone? Tel the c lss.
"/ always walked to sschool
My grandmother usuall tok me
m Look t
t these od photos. My mom sent
B �>) 219 sten. Wht does Tom remember them to me.
au h r dy f h Jess ic Oh, s ths you?
om Yeh wth my est rend
ren d We were n
knderrten together
Jessi c Oh you were
were cute! o you
you rememer
much out kndergrten?
m Not relly Wel I rememer my rst dy
o schoolActuly
schoolActuly I don't rememer the
dy ut I rememer on the wy home
I mssed my us stop
Jssic Oh no!
m YehAnd I kept rdng round unt
I ws the st kd on the us
Jessic So how dd you get home?
m Wel the techer I men the us drv
hd to cl nd nd out my ddress nd
everythng nd he took me home
Jessic So tht ws when you were ve?
m eh Uh no wt  I ws only our
I strted school ery

C Notice how Tom

Tom corrects
c orrects the things he says with
expressions like these: Acally; Well; No, wait. Find
examples in the conversation.

 tch the sentences

se ntences with the corrections nderline
nderline the exressons tht
th t re used to
mke correctionsThen
correctionsThen comre wth  rtner.
 I rememer eveythn ro my chdhood _  Act
y no I ws  when
when I qut
 I strted swn essons when I ws three   Well
Well some o tt ws OKI lke
d red
3  hted don homework   Well once or twctwce
e  yer
yer mye
4 We ed ne  o y cousns   No wtI ws ve my mye
5 I took
took ut
r esso
ns unt
 I ws
ws    Well
Well I don't rememer some thns
6  st
st see
see soe
soe o
o y knd
rten re
nds   Wel
Welll ctuly
ctuly  ew
ew o the
m ved
ved one
or two hours wy
you E Write three sentences bout your chidhoodWrite
chidhoodWrite  miste in ech sentence. Then te  rtne
your sentences. Correct the inormtion with Well, Actually, or No wait.
Growing up · ,•@iJ

f Strategy plus I mean

You can use I mean to correct

yourself when you say the wrong
word or name. This is just one use
of I mean.

Wel, the teacher, I

mean, the bus drver,
had to cal 
Mean is one of the top 100
words. Abou 90% of its uses
A Cp  qi y ig  i w
ae i te expessio I mean.
U  w i  x

1. Were ou ood at an chess,  mean, chekers 7 biyce

2. Dd ou read a ot of cartoons,  mean,_  ?  ekes
3. Dd ou hae a motorcce,  mean, a   7 oi book
4. Ho oten dd ou ist our aents,  mean,our    ruit
5 Dd ou o skn n the nter,  mean,  ? gadaents
6. Dd ou collect anmals,  mean,  ? eddi
7 Dd ou eat much ood,  mean, ? seig
8 Wee ou ood at eakn,  mean,  ? ud anima

you B P w Ak  w  qi   y 
Ci y 
A Were you good at playing chess, I mean checkers?
8 ctuall, we never played checkes.

8 Listening and strategies I don't remembe exactly ..

A •>» 220 Li  pp k   i  U  w y 
     i
1  laed oba untl  as in sth rade
ctual, --------
 We oed to anada or a e ea he  as seen
No, at, --------- 
3 M hardet cass as aeba,  mean,
4 We ee best rends n hh schoo
We, actua,_ _
5.  the kids teased me n school because I had an unusual name
We,  
About 8
you P w Tk  ig i  gwg p
Ak q     i
"I emembe I o io big oble oe ime whe I was see No a • .  I as egh a I  • "

,Free tak p. n1

Teenage years

( Reading
A Brainstorm the word teenager. What do you think of? Make a class list.
teenager: paties, loud music fghts with paents
Ate you read, reect
 Read the intervew. What, if anything do you have in common Compare you answers to the
with Joe? questions wt te nteewee's.

Teenage Years

 W   ? D   I at  b trat lk a tr at
  ? s f  t a lk a k at tr
I as br  a sall  ar ts I as frstratg  s g
Mastr I s  ts r l t "rg" ag
 t  rs*  I as 
7 W    
2 W     v    ?
 ? I a aball fr  lg ta a
 a a l f f t al  fs
 as r as   as
lag s a l  s t tr
a sak  f s rg braks t k  la f Egla  I as 1
g   s s* ar t rr It as s a gat flg  I ar
t ata a a k I as
3 W     
rrstg  t
   ?
M bst sbj as s sal 8 W     
blg a ats at I   g    ? W  
fr  g M rst sbt as ?
agbra I as  r g at t M ars fl  a lt altg
4       ? I l ral ara   I as
I st a t f  lag srs - sr lr S f  bst frs f
rkt a abal I als  a l f  t T all ag   al f
s - I a r  t sl ar rk a f bg rslf a
rstra I sag    as l jg at
5 W      9 W      
    ? ?
T fas I rbr s as "" I ss t ak f rssb! N
fas bas at as stg
 a  rr abt s  stff lk
I s  ar  r sf as bak
rk a  s I ss bg a
srs a lk st f  frs I a
lg ar agr bas rtg as a l
as t
6 W     
   ?  O W     
Bg stk bt bg a k a     ?
bg a a - s rg  bala  Ej t Ha lts f f Its a grat
  k st s fl tat a t - s a a gra 

\- Vocabulary noteboo I hated math!
-� ·-
M G .,9 :z ;w1

Learning tip Grouping vocabulary Talk about school

You can goup new vocabulay in difeent ways to hel yo The top four school sbjecs
people talk about ae:
emembe t Fo examle, gou thngs ou can o can't do
1. math 3 physcs
o hings ou ae inteested in o not nteresed in. 2. science 4. hstoy
People say math almost ten
tmes moe han mathematics.
C      j    A  

at chemsty geograh math PE

biology Englsh hstoy music hscs

I'm I was od at .. Im not I wasn't ver good at  I ca I couldnt do  at al.

 ik  ik . I hat I hatd . Im not I wasn vr y nstd n .

Walk aound a lage ookstoe and

look at te dieent setons How
many subets do you know n nish?

Finding places
; 5  s  m; M>  , " ,.J, »5s wn u : •%4l*  



Excuse me, please. Is there a

caf with free W-Fi near hee?
J Uh  there's one on Man
Street  across rom the big
deatet stoe Its right
p his stee
 Thaks Oh, ad ae there ay
cash macies round here?
J Yeah Thee are some AMs FRS AVENUE
over there, otsde the bank,
js across the street
h yea.  see them hanks.

Q Getting started
A Look at the map. What can you do at eah place you see? Tell the class
"Wll, there's a furniture store. I guess you can buy tables and . . "

B •0) 222 isten Sonia is asking Jack fo help What is she looking for? Pactice the onversation

F/f� C an you complete these questions and nswers? Practice with a patner
1  a urnite store nea here? 2. A  ay Ms arod here?
B es, theres _ o ea ree  es, there are 
machnes st across the street

Aud  ¥Wi•·

f Grammar Is there? Are tere?; location expressons )» 2.23

Is thr a cfe wi f Wi·Fi   r thr any    ?
Y, thr s T' on  Mi S Y, tr ar   som   
N thr snt T  on  i igb N, tr arnt   any 

A Lk   p  p 54 Cpl  q  locaton expressis
Is there a  Ar there any. pl    one,
some, any,  l xp  p
. I
behind in ont of
Div Is there a   ?
.. ...
   one g on  S I
      S  - j next to between
_  ? .
Dv O     ?    g  • •
insde outside
   j   
   
Div    ?
 N       on First Street n the one o
     T   Main and ist
    
Dv  O     ?
      S across (the street) om;
  v B   
Dv O    g      
 U        g
T     g  
  

B P  Nw k   q b  p
D' e Is there w
   lr .
•    •  •  v  A  any TM?
•  g  •   (NOT 1 ny TMs?)

Q Speaking naturally Word stress in cmpoud os

•  •  • 
booksore restroo drugsore

A  22 L  p  p  b N   p
you  » 22   pl  q  k    q w  p
1.          g  
 ? g?
2.      5.    g   ?
3    i   6     ?

Aound town •Ni·

f Grammar Ofers and requests with Can and Could

Ofers Requests
Ca I help yo? Ca yo elp me?
Wh ca I do? Ca yo ell me o o ge o e qrm? Canyou . ? is more common
tha Could yu  . ? fo equests
Ho ca  help? C yo gve me dreo?
People use Culd yu  ? to
make te equests moe pote
•••• Canyu ?
A Lok   mp  p 56. S pp  sk  ii
 Cou you 
 h Viio  p h sis  iis
1  yo gve e deo o e Me of Mode ? I  f fro here?
B U, o,  o f o go o of e doo d r ___

2. A  yo eomed  ple o go rg?

B e me  Tee'  rg p  ede Pr Go 

3  Good og  I elp yo?

B Ye  yo ell e ho o ge o Per d?
 reyo eedo go __ __

4   yg  he Oe Hoel  yo gve me dreo fro ee o e qr?
B O, o poble o- -

  ello I elp yo? O I orry Yore g for  y p Here yo go
o, he y  j  ho l fro ere Go __
B h ve  good dy

B a  k s ski   ii iis  i ps  h mp  p 56.

8 Listening and speaking Findng your way around

A >» 22 Lok  h mp  p 56 i Lis  h i  h   gi
iis  pp. h  h    i h ps
1. 2 3
you B a  k s ski h sis   ii iis 
h ihh   i.
•  here  ple o go eordg er ee?
• old yo eoed  hep er od ee?
• re here y  e  lg de?
•  yo ell e o o ge o e y or o   op?
• old yo gve e dreo o e ee dgore?
•  yo eoed  good ple o go oppg?
A Is there a place to go skateboarding near here? '(. Sounds right p 
B Well, let me think Tere's a skateboarding prk behind the libra. You just walk  . 

Excuse me?
z  a 1 J2£

( Conversation strategy Checking information

A Wat kd f fmat d peple ask a ccege we tey e styg  a tel?
Make a cass lst
Tey ask for directions to restaurants.
B i» 2.29 Lste. What places des te ccege ecmmed? Whee des Maa decde t eat?

Conrg Hell a I elp yu?

r Um, ae tee ay ce places t eat
u ee?
Conrg xcuse me? D yu say places t eat?
r Yes but t fast f
Conrg OK Well, tee's a exca
estauat wt wal stace
r Wt wal stace?
onrg Yes It's t w te steet
It ets eat evews  tee's a
Vetamese place  Pa Aveue
Tat's elly 
r I'm sy? ee's a etaese
lace wee?
Conrge a Aveue ut t's always busy
ee's usually abut a 15-mute
r  yu say ftee  fy?
Concrg Ffee
r O, K Well, tat sus 
ul yu ve me ects?

C Notice how Mari nd the conciege check

Infrmtion. They repet words s  question
or se  checkin expressions. Find exmples
in the converstion.

D ' ) mplete te cvesats wt te mssg wds e lste ad ceck

actce wt  pte ad ctue te cvesats

 A u yu ve e ects t te bus stat?  Im sy? D yu say te ?
2 A s tee a esa estauat ea e?  D yu say Ia  ?
3. A D yu ave a umbe  a cab cmpay?  Excuse me? D yu say a ?
4. A w  yu et t te apt  ee?  Sy wat  yu say? e ?

5. A Ae tee ay  mves  ts wee?  Ay   yu say?
o o -•Uil

f Strategy plus "Echo questions

In an "echo question, Here are some more
you repeat something examples:
ou heard, and ou A Is there a drugstore
add a question word around here?
to check infrmation B I'm sorry, a what?
ou didn't hear. A It opens at 10:00.
 Ecuse me? It opens
There's a Vetnamese I'm sorry? There's a
t what time?
place on Park Avenue. Vetnamese place whee?

�>» 2.31 C  i i " qi U 
d i  bx   d k i    When people ask others to epeat
informaton, they say I'm sory?
how ar how mh hat ht kn of we wee moe often than Ecuse me?
••• Im sorr?
1. A So, are there any theme parks here? - Ecuse me?
B 'm sory, any what 7

2. A Is there an outoor swmmng pool aroun here?

B Actualy there s It's opposte the park.
A Ecuse me? It's ?
3 A You know, move tckets cost $12. hey're epensve.
B They cost 7

4 A They have geat outoo cncets every nght untl 10:00

B I'm sory, untl 7

5. A So ae there any museums n the cty?

B Yeah. Thee's a scence museu aout 15 mnutes away
A I'm sorry t's 7

6 A There are some goo ha estauants hee

B There are some goo restaurants?

Q Listening and strategies Tourist infomation

 �>) 2.32 L    f x    i  W d  k  
 x  k  ifi Nb     
D cse e? Fouteen or orty? D D you say Tha? D 'm sorry? Fom whee?
D I' sorry It's how a? D I'm sorry a lst o wht? D D you say roe sktes?
 �) 233 N      H d   ki t  
   qi b
y    R- i   i r k f f b    
  d k  f  
A re there any good gi shops around here?
' Free talk pp. 31 and 133
B Ecuse me? What kind of shops?
Exploring the city

( Reading
A What do you know about Istanbul? Make a cass ist.
It's in Turkey Writers somemes defne wods
hey ue wh a dah:
B Read the website elow. Find one thing you didn't know about Enjoy a cup of chay - Turish te.
stanbul and one ting you knew aready.

1• ST TH  LKNG TOU Your tour begins at Glhane

Da y . Park. Enjoy the shaded lawns and beautiful gardens, and walk I
toward the famous opkapi Paace The museu has ncredible jewels, gold, and i
works of art hen walk throgh the palace grounds for fabulous views across ·
the Bosphorus Walk back into the park and enjoy a cup of chay - urkish tea '
 at one of the little outdoor cafs
Outside the park wak down one of the little cobblestone streets with traditional"
wooden houses. Fnd your ay to the seventeenth centu Blue Mosque 
named for the blue tiles on ts inside wals hen walk north or a couple of
locks and vist the beautiful Hagia Sophia mosque - now a museum

D ay 2 . SHOP TL YOU DOP Start your day at the colorful and
bustling Gand Bazaar There ae thousands of shops with

veryhing from god and slver to beautiful Turkish rugs Youll fnd plenty
:f souvens here to take hme wth you Then head north and continue to �;
the fabulous spice market
For a quick lunch, go to one of stanbuls pastry shops and ty a borek - a
pasty with a cheese or mat illing Delicious!
Spend the est of your day exploring the fashionable area of Nisantasi with
ts designer shops and excting nightlife Ready to drop? End your day at
one of stanbus famous Tukish baths
 •
TKE  TP ON THE VE Today,
ay C;lM1\'<
D 3•
• take the local ferry from Eminonu to ,
Anadolu Kavag ont forget your camera so you can   /
take spectacular photos o palaces, old houses, and Ri
forts along the way. Then, before the boat returns be
ure to have a lesurely lunch at one of the seafood
restaurants r, if youre feeling energetic, hike up the
hil for a a vew

Around town -•)Mi·W
C Read the website again and answer the qestions. Then compare with a patner.

1 W  yu   ,    ?

 uy  uk u   jl  k  
 lk u uful   k uk 
2 W   borek?
3 W   yu     ?
4 H   Blu Mu   ?
5 W  l ul yu lk     u? Wy?
6 A  y l yu ul not  ? Wy?

f Talk about it What are some of your favorite places?

Grp o Discss paces in o town o ct Can o agee on te best pae to do these tings
I  
  l     l  y
 fu l    y ?
  (u ) l  ?
 u    f  lk   ?
  l    ?
  uu?
    l f ulul v?
   l   il?

8 Writing A wakng-tour gude

 Read the gide to Rocie and the ep note beow. Underine the expessions o
giing diections.
/ ·Hl note
Giving direcins
A Walking Tour of Rockville • Th ur gis a _
The tou begins a Morey Pk. I's  beuful pk wh   Tur righ  Sr.
big l  hs btiul o dens ll ye  Ru   . / Wal ac  . 
Ent the pk o Lincon Avenue. Wl lo g the d unil
• Wal rh fr w lc.
you et o the le. Find  nc k bench Is  d plce
to st  tc ople.  Ciu a   Sr
Wlk ck to te enne d um rgh on nol eue....

you  Now wite a gide or a waing tor in or cit or town rite abot three dierent
paces and expain w the ae worth isiting. Gie diections to each pace.

C Gp  Read or assmates' gides. Then te the grop which to West
o wod ie to tae and wh.


\- Vocabulary notebook
-� . ;
Which way?

Learning tip Drawing maps Is there a bank aound hee?

People say around here 50 times more

Draw and labe a map to hep you ememe dects. fequeny than near here.

1 Use the map to number the directions to the bank below.


Wak one moe ok
Tun igt
Wak u one bok
,=:� c-�  c

D Make a et
 It' on te et, jut at te ot oe

2 Now draw your own map Show the way from your home or
cass to a pace you oen go Then write the directions to go with the map

Buy o dowoad a ap of you tow o

ty Hhht the oute o oe pae
you ow to anothe he wte
deton Lea the deton

· Checkpoint

Q Unscramble the questions.

Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then ask and answer the questions
with a partner.
1 g I  I x  I  I y ?
What are you doing next weekend?
2. f l I gg  I y I g g I  ?

3.  I    I gg  I  ?

4 y I  I  I  y I f I v ?

5 l y I y I  I  v I g I  ?

6  I y I  l I fv I  I bj ?

7.  I  l f I  I f l I gb I  I y ?

f Can you complete this onversation?

Compete the conersation Use the words and epressions in the o Use capita etters where
necessar Then practice with a partner

lly   y  '      b 
 vyg  y y I  y gf  l  

A Are there an   g   ?

B g ? , '    
O, ,  l B     ll
A O y I   g g   by x 
B O, lly? H l   gg  b?
A Wll,   98,   l  ?
B O, I  g   S,   y gg  g _ ?
 , 
B D  v y bb?
A Wll, ' y v H' lly  x
B Wll, '       blg lly f  by
A   
B   blg lly '  F, 
Sx Av  y  y l  bl   
I ' l g
A I l   ? Ally, '  g  

-� 
8 What can you remember?
 Add fur wrds t ach catgry, and cmpar with a partr. As qustins t nd ut mr

Eves  e  I es Ples    Sbjes ' lke o
 elebe s e      k e b
New Year's Eve May 1st - my bithday the bank biology

A How are you going to celebrate New Year's Eve?

8 We're going out fo dinne. How about you? re you going t have a par or . . . ?

B Chs a cagy ad svey y cass  grp Rp y ndgs  h cass
"Most of us are going to celebrate New Year's E. "obody s going to have a birhday pa

f Get it right!
   mlee ese ess? Use e s  e bx
1 W       
2 r        a ___   
3 a        r   a  ___  
4 W   r  w        ---- 
5 W   r       
B P k Ta tns asg h qsis ave Us "a psss  y aswrs
Chc y par aswrs w "ch sis
A What' your ci, I mean, your neighborhood like?
8 Well, I like it There a lot to do We have a lot of cafs and stauants and everything.
A I'm sor.  lot of what?

Q Do you know your city?

P k  dicios m y cass t h pacs ay h ad paprs Ca yr
par gss h pacs

1 Coss the steet tu le and wal u

thee blocs. Tis lace is on the i ht,
next to the bn What is it?

Going away w•Wif.

f Grammar Innitives for reasons; It's+ adjecive+ to ... 1>) 3.02 Extra pracice . 146

Yu c use  tve t ve  res. Yu c use It's + jectve + to t escrbe  verb
Wh     P R? s t p t ? (NO 1, x"  fl)
T see m  ts  t   hp h o (NO   
I'm   Po R t see m  s t  t   o?
I d   hpp t et   ts  t  =�
I h    t   h ts  hd t 
The top five adjectives n the
structure It's _ to ... ae
hard, nice eay good and
A Cp    U    importnt.
 it's/ is it+  to.  p   p
  Im   90 to Tokyo to stud Japanese  o oko / d Jp  moh
Im  h  m o  h pom I   m 
B W! S __ (/  om p  o ?
A W h __ ( I  hk o d h
__ mpo I ko   p I hk 
I   _ (  ph ook I d o h p
2. A I d     dook I  om d o h 
B S ------  I  od ko?
A W h   ( hd I  h  B I hd
_  I  o h o k od

3 A I d o ___ o o h k I h m mo 

 hd _ (od/ h m h  k  d
o  ( m h I p   d h
B   po I p  h h  d d?
A o  __    I d h

 r r C     Rp    pp   p
U         q  
A Id love to go to Brazil to see the Caival in Rio
8 Is it xpensive to fy there?

Q Speaking naturally Reduction of to

A Is it expensive to visit your country? 8 Wel, it's hard to fnd heap hotels.

A 1»  L  p     to    
yo B 1»  L  p  q      q   p
 Do  d   o ?
2 Do  d  pk h   ?
3 I     hp p o ?
4 I     h?
5 Do  h  p  mm?

Things to remember
 &O) 4l Z  h 9t J$£_

( Buld vcaulay
A  >» 3.0 Lsten and say the words What else do you see in the picture? Make a list
Can ou think of any other thngs you need when you travel? Compare with a partner

insect repelent

battees (a fashght )
; ,£) J l

�c, B Complete the chart using at least 15 diferent words Then compare with a partner

You need to take .. It's good to have .. Its not necessar to take .
O  b a bathing suit sunscreen a tent
O  
  
  

"On a beach vocatin, yu need t take a ating suit t g swimming.

, - ·voabutar ne:14

Going away •i.

f Building language
A '>)30 Lsten. Jenny's going on a camping tp
Wat's e mote's advice? Pactce te convesation
Mo , b u hul k  
rl O,  k  hlh, a 
r    r br h 
u k  j I     h
h wr  Nw, u     h
Yu u brrw ur  Bu  l 
Oh,  ,  u w    hr h
Jeny I rr, D u  h I 
r u wh  hh 
F/f�  Ho does Jenny's mote mae sggestions? Wat does se say aot pacng tese tngs?
s rlla  fashgt sr bes  jace so wa   e s
"You should take some insect repel/ant

8 Grammar Advice and suggestons . ,» 3.07

h  I      pc o ohr ho

S I   shoes?    ae a hat
Yu   a at   g e  pac a jacet l�)i·f  i· i•:_,
Yu  a h ees. Te a fast ou should . can be very
Yu  br ou a's   ge  pac som bees Ystong. People sometmes
u ee   w cos sofen it by saying:

I think you shoud  

Maybe you should (us) 
A Compete te sggestions to someone gong on tese tips ou should probably  
en compae t a patne dd moe sggetions
1.  ng tp  e de 3  ngge e  d
"I hk u ul take a frt-aid kit "
"Yu  
"    ____ "I     _ 
"b u hul _ "Yu ul 
2 geeg  
. 4 png d 
"D r _ " __
"h  u _____  "Yu hul rbbl 
"ab u shul __ "Yu w  _ 
yo    o oo at tese tip ideas Mae fo sggestions to someone going on tese ps
Why don't you take some souvenirs to our relatives in the U.S?
•  rl  h U Do not use c to gve advce
•        should   f- 
• (NOT       f- 
 wrk   ur \
•  r r ru alr
1· Sounds  138
Going away -•)mf

Q Strategy plus I guess

You can use I guess

when you're not 100%
sure about something
or if you dont want
to sound 100% sure.

-l) 3.09 Check () here u thk the spekers s I guess. The ste d rte I guess
here u her t Prctce th  prter.
1 A I l fr m   cl H b  _ ?
B   guess  l cl  m '  l       
A    Y c  l   W l 
 mm!

2 A S,  o  o   vc?

B Wl, I   l  o cm  m vo   
A R ?   l  H,      m __ ?
B Y   cl  x m, mb

Q Listening and strategies I's good to travel.

 -» 310   uess the ss rs The ste t cersts etee Mrk
d hs reds rte the ss rds
1. Y v   c  l   c
2.      vl
3.         m
4 I  bl     
5. Y         lc

B -> 310 ste  Crce the crrect rds t cpete Mrks suests () e
Cpete hs reds respses ( th t rds.
1 A L  o Mec I M  m B '   b     

2 A W      Frech I t ? B    cl, b  ll 
3. A W c dre/ hke l  c m B      
 ?
4. A W l  scu d/ cpc B     o   
   v
5. A D     o   eht I est? B  v ! D  v
  v?
yu C   Me the suests e t s csstes.   s es

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