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Tarlac State University


Case Study
Information Management


Submitted By:
Lavarias, Kiann Webster A.
Maldecino, Renz Joseph H.

Submitted To:
Prof. Jemar Alipio

Date: December 15, 202

Table of Contents
A. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
B. Background of the study......................................................................................................................3
B.1 Context........................................................................................................................................4
B.2 Objective.....................................................................................................................................4
C. Solution / Implementation...................................................................................................................5
C.1 Conceptual Data Model...............................................................................................................5
C.2 Logical Data Model.....................................................................................................................6
C.3 Physical Data Model....................................................................................................................8
C.4 Database Management System....................................................................................................9
A. Introduction
Information is important to success in school, work, and everyday life. To make prudent
choice about their, health, finances and jobs, people need access to accurate, trustworthy data.
People also need the knowledge and skills to find, evaluate, and use that information, a set of
competencies commonly referred to as information literacy.

A library is a collection of organized information and resources which is made accessible

to a well-defined community for borrowing or reference sake. The collection of the resources
and information are provided in digital or physical format in either a building/room or in
virtual space or even both. Library’s resources and collections may include newspaper, books,
films, prints, maps, CDs, tapes, videotapes, microforms, database, and etc. The main aim of
this system is to develop a new programmed system that will conveying everlasting solution to
the manual base operation and to make available a channel through which staff can maintain
the records easily and customer can access the information about the library at whatever place
they might find themselves.

Library Management System allows the user to store the book details and the customer
details. The system is strong enough to withstand regressive yearly operations under
conditions where the database is maintained and cleared over a certain time of span. The
implementation of the system in the organization will considerably reduce data entry, time and
also provide readily calculated reports.

B. Background of the study

Library borrowing database management system is a computerized system that is designed to
facilitate the management of library borrowing processes. The system aims to streamline the
borrowing process by automating task such as tracking borrowed items, maintaining records
library users, and managing the availability of books.

The background of the study about library database management system can be traced back
to the traditional paper-based system, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. The
manual system required librarians to keep records of books borrowed, track due dates, and
maintain records of library users manually. This process was not inefficient but also made it
difficult for librarians to track books that were overdue or missing.

The study of library borrowing database management system is crucial in understanding how
these systems can be designed and implemented to improve the borrowing process in libraries.
The study can provide insights into the benefits and challenges of using these systems, as well as
the factors that contribute to their success or failure. Understanding these factors can help library
managers and policymakers make informed decisions about the adoption of library borrowing
database management systems.

B.1 Context
To manage their collections of books, journals, and other resources, libraries and other
educational institutions utilize computerized tools called library management database systems.
The database system facilitates the acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, and management of
library resources, facilitating access to and use of the contents for both librarians and users.
Librarians, library employees, and library users are some of the stakeholders in a library
management database system. The system is used by librarians and library employees to
manage the library's resources, which includes classifying materials, tracking circulation, and
adding new items to the collection. The system is used by library users to look for materials,
check out goods, and handle account management.

Several institutions, including public and private libraries, schools, and colleges, employ
library management database systems to store information about their respective industries or
organizations. These firms can manage their collections and give customers better service
because of the system. To further improve library operations, the database system may interact
with additional devices and services like electronic resource management platforms or
interlibrary loan networks

B.2 Objective
It keeps track of all the information about the books in the library, their cost, status and
total number of books available in the Library. The user will find it easy in this automated
system rather than using the manual writing system. The system contains a database where all
the information will be stored safely.
C. Solution / Implementation
C.1 Conceptual Data Model
The researchers used an ERD to present the conceptual data model. The ERD is used in

modern database software engineering to illustrate logical structure of database. It is a relational

schema database. It is a relational schema database modelling method used to Model a system

The ERD depicts the various relationship among entities, considering each object as entity.
Entity is represented as rectangle shape and relationship represented as diamond shape. It depicts
the relationship between data object. The ERD is the notation that is used to conduct the data
modelling activity.

The library database comprises six entities: Branch, Employee, Customer, Book,
IssueStatus, and ReturnStatus. The Branch entity has several attributes, including Branch_no
(primary key), manager_id, and composite address details such as contact_no, zip, city, street,
branch_h_no, and state. Each Branch is managed by one Employee, and each Employee can
manage multiple Branches, forming a one-to-many relationship between the two entities. The
Employee entity has attributes such as salary, employ_id (primary key), position, and name.
Each Employee can update multiple Books, and each Book can be updated by multiple
Employees, creating a many-to-many relationship. The Customer entity has attributes such as
books_issued, customer_id (primary key), name, address, and registration_date. Each Branch can
register multiple Customers, but each Customer can only register to one Branch, resulting in a
one-to-many relationship.

The Book entity has attributes such as title, category (multivalued attribute), ISBN
(primary key), rental_price, publisher, author, and status. Each Book can be issued to multiple
Customers, and each Customer can issue multiple Books, giving rise to a many-to-many
relationship. The IssueStatus entity has attributes including Issue_book_name, Issue_id,
issue_date, ISBN, and Customer_Id. Each Customer can have multiple issue statuses, but each
issue status can only belong to one Customer, forming a one-to-many relationship. The
ReturnStatus entity has attributes such as return_id, return_date, return_book_name, ISBN, and
customer_id. Each Customer can have multiple return statuses, but each return status can only
belong to one Customer, resulting in a one-to-many relationship.In terms of relationships
between entities, Branch manages Employee, Employee updates Books, Branch registers
Customer, Customer issues IssueStatus, and Customer returns ReturnStatus.

C.2 Logical Data Model

A Logical data model establishes the structure of data elements and relationship among
them. It is independent of the physical database that detail how data will be implemented. The
logical data model serves as a blueprint for used data [2].

The visual representation of the logical data model shows the relationships between the
entities and their attributes in a graphical format. In this model, there are six entities: BRANCH,

The BRANCH entity has attributes like Branch_id, Manager_id, and Address which
consists of sub-attributes like Contact_no, Branch_h_no, Street, City, State, and Zipcode.
Similarly, the EMPLOYEE entity has attributes like Employee_id, Branch_id, Name, and
Address, which consists of sub-attributes like Contact_no, Employee_h_no, Street, City, State,
and Zipcode.

The CUSTOMER entity has attributes like Customer_id, Name, and Address which also
consists of sub-attributes like Contact_no, Customer_h_no, Street, City, State, and Zipcode. The
CUSTOMER entity also has a Registration_date attribute.

The ISSUE STATUS entity has attributes like Issue_id, Issue_date, Issue_book_name,
ISBN, and Customer_id. The RETURN STATUS entity has attributes like Return_id,
Return_date, Return_book_name, ISBN, and Customer_id. Both entities are related to the
CUSTOMER entity through the Customer_id attribute.

The BOOKS entity has attributes like ISBN, Title, Category, Rental_price, Author,
Publisher, and Status. The ISBN attribute is used to relate the BOOKS entity with the ISSUE

The visual representation of the logical data model helps in understanding the relationships
between the entities and attributes, making it easier to design the database schema for the system
being modeled. It is an important step in the database design process, as it provides a clear
picture of the data structure that needs to be implemented.
C.3 Physical Data Model

A Physical data model is a database-specific model that represents relational data object and their
relationships. It can be used to generate DDL statements which can then be deployed to a database

The CUSTOMER entity is represented by a table with columns for Customer_id, Name, Address,
Contact_no, and Registration_date. The table also has a foreign key constraint on the Issue_status table's
Customer_id column, indicating that there can be multiple issue statuses for a single customer.

Similarly, the BOOKS entity is represented by a table with columns for ISBN, Title, Category,
Rental_price, Author, Publisher, and Status. The table also has foreign key constraints on the Issue_status
and Return_status tables' ISBN columns, indicating that a book can have multiple issue and return

The physical data model provides a detailed view of the database schema that will be implemented,
making it easier to plan and develop the actual database. It is an essential step in the database design
process, ensuring that the database meets the specific requirements of the system being model.
C.4 Database Management System

Figure 1

Libproject contains important information about the library system’s books, branches,
customer, and employees, as well as details about book issues and returns. Organizing this
information into separate tables, it becomes easier to manage and query the data as needed.

Figure 2

The books table is used to store information about books in the library system, such as
their title, author, publisher, ISBN, category, and the rental_price. Each row in the table
represents a specific book, and the columns represents different attributes or properties of that

Figure 3

The branch table is used to store information about the different branches of the library
system, such as their addresses, contact information, and the managers in charge of each branch.
Each row in the table represents a specific branch, and the columns represent different attributes
or properties of that branch.
Figure 4

The customer table is used to store information about the library’s customers, such as
their names, addresses, contact information, and the books they have borrowed from the library.
Each row in the table represents a specific customer, and the columns represents different
attributes or properties of that customer.

Figure 5

Employee table is used to store information about the library’s employees, such as their
names, positions, salaries, and contact information. Each row in the table represents a specific
employee, and the columns represent different attributes or properties of that employee

Figure 6

Issue_status table is used to track the status of the books that have been issued to
customers. Each row in the table represents a specific book that has been issued, and the columns
represent different attributes or properties of that issue.
Figure 7

Return_status table is used to track the status of books that have been returned by
customers. Each row in the table represents a specific book that has been returned, and the
columns represent different attributes or properties of that return.

Figure 8

This are the content of the book database.

Figure 9

Content of employee database.

Figure 10

Content of branch database.

Figure 11

Content of customer database.

Figure 12

Content of issue_status database.

Figure 13

Content of return_status database.

D. Discussion
SQL database management application which is very well used in the modern world in
organizing and manipulating database. In this study the researchers have explored the design
and implementation of library management system. We started by identifying the different
entities and relationships that exist in a library, and used that to create an entity-relationship
diagram (ERD) that captures the relationships between the different entities.

Then translated the ERD into a set of SQL tables, with each table representing a different
entity in the system. We identified the attributes that are associated with each entity, and
created appropriate data types for each attribute. We also created relationships between tables
using foreign keys, to enforce referential integrity and ensure data consistency.

Using SQL, we were able to implement a variety of queries and transactions that support
the basic functionality of a library management system, such as adding new books,
registering new customers, checking out and returning books, and generating reports on book
usage. We used SQL's data manipulation language (DML) to insert, update, and delete
records in the tables, and used SQL's data definition language (DDL) to create and modify
tables and indexes.

This SQL case study highlights the power and flexibility of SQL as a database
management system, and demonstrates how it can be used to implement a wide variety of
real-world applications. With further refinement and optimization, this library management
system could be scaled up to support larger libraries with more complex operations and

E. Reference
[1] K. Grace, “Project Advisor,” pp. 1–18, 2022.

[2] L. D. Model, “What is a Logical Data Model ? Components of a Logical Data Model The Need for
a Logical Data Model These are the most important characteristics of a logical data model :”.

[3] “Physical data models,” p. 9, 2021.

[4] Canva, “Empowering the world to design,” Canva, p. 1, 2022, [Online].


[5] A. Friends and A. H. Server, “XAMPP TUTORIAL Components of XAMPP”.

[6] Talend, “What is MySQL? Everything You Need to Know,” Talend, 2022.

[7] T. Fisher, “Command Prompt,” Lifewire, p. 9743366, 2019, [Online]. Available:

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