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1 Bar screen
1.1 Design Condition
a Designed differential head = 1,000.00 mm
b Calculated allowable stress (normal) = 1,200.00 kg/cm²
(1/1.5 of yield strength)
c Calculated allowable deflection 1 / 800
d Quantity = 1 unit

1.2 Examination of bar

a Total pressure of each bar, P = ρ.H.S
75.00 kgf/m
Designed differential head H = 1.000 m
Specific weight of water ρ = 1,000.00 kg/m³
Bar pitch S = 0.075 m
Span of horizontal beam L = 2.610 m
Horizontal beam length L1 = 3.500 m
Pressure width of one hor. Beam B1 = 2.610 m
Inclination Ø = 75.000 (°) degree

b Bending moment of each bar, Mmax

h .t .1000 . 7.85
W1 =
= 12.246 kg/m

width of bar h = 130 mm

thickness of bar t = 12 mm

M1max = ( P + W 1Cos )
= 66.56 kg.m
= 6656.23

c Bending stress and deflection of bar, σ1max dan δ1max

Modulus section Z1 = t .h2 cm³

= 33.8 cm³
t .h3
Moment of Inertia, I1 =
= 219.7

M 1 max
Bending stress max, σ1max = kg/cm²
= 196.93 kg/cm² < 1200 kg/cm²
5 . ( P + W1 Cos  ) L4 .10 6
Deflection of bar, δ1max = cm
384 . E . I 1
= 0.10237379 cm
δ1max / L= 2,549.48 < 1/ 800

1.3 Examination of horizontal beam H 250 x 125 x 6 x 9

a Bending Moment of horizontal beam, M2max
Dead weight of horizontal beam, W2 125
i Horizontal beam use (standard) H 250 x 125 x 6 x 9
- Moment of inertia I2 = 4050
- Section of modulus Z2 = 324 cm³ 9
- Area A = 37.66 cm²
- Weight W2 = 29.6 kg/m 6 250

ii Horizontal beam use (MFG) H 250 x 125 x 6 x 9

- Height of beam h = 250 mm
- Width of bottom flange b1 = 125 mm
- Thickness of bottom flange t1 = 9 mm
- Height of web hw = 232 mm
- Thickness of web s = 6 mm
- Width of upper flange b2 = 125 mm
- Thickness of upper flange t2 = 9 mm
- Calculation of moment inertia Plate Distance ( y ) A=b.d M=A.y Iy = M . y Ig = bd³/12
( cm ) ( cm² ) ( cm³ ) ( cm4 ) ( cm4 )
1 0.45 11.25 5.06 2.28 0.76
2 12.5 13.92 174.00 2175.00 624.36
3 24.55 11.25 276.19 6780.40 0.76
TOTAL 36.42 455.25 8957.68 625.88

- Moment inertia (I2) I2 = 3892.93

- Neutral axis n = 12.5 cm
n1 = 12.5 cm
- Section modulus tension side Z1 = 311.43 cm³
- Section modulus compressive side Z2 = 311.43 cm³
- Area A = 36.42 cm²
- Weight W2 = 28.59 kg/m

L12  B1. P B1. W1. Cos + W2. Cos 

Bending Moment Max M2max =  +  kgm
8  S s 
= 4,316.53 kg.m
= 431,653.15

b Bending stress and deflection of horizontal beam ; s2max, d2max

From above calculation of horizontal we have,
Modulus section, Z2 = 311.43 cm³
Second moment inertia, I2 = 3892.93 cm4

s2max M2max
Bending stress, = kg/cm²
= 1,386.02 kg/cm² < 1300 kg/cm²

  B1 . P   B1 . W1 . Cos  
5 .   +  + (W2 . Cos ) . L1 4  10 6
Deflection, d2max =  S   S  
384  2.1  10 6  I2

= 0.65195 cm
= 536.86 < 1/ 800
1.4 Trash raking capacity

a. Trash removal capacity

Profil for sectional area

Sectional area A = 0.021945 m² 21944.92 mm2

Clear span of rake B = 3.099 m
Operational speed (max) V = 5 m/min
Rake pitch L = 2.880 m
- m
- m
2.880 m

Trash removal capacity of one rake R = AxB

= 0.0680 m³

Trash removal capacity of rake Q = 60 . R . V

m3 / hr
= 7.084 m³/ hr

9 m



1322 1103
0 m
b. Number of link and number of rake
L1 = 7467.49 mm
L2 = 7909 mm
L3 = 7467.49 mm
L4 = 2103 mm
24,946.97 mm

Number of links = 138.59

Number of rake = 17 pcs
Number of sub rake = 17.00 pcs

1.5 Examination of motor rotary screen

a. Examination of rake chain tension

Rake chain weight Wc : - kg/m

Weight of one rake Wr : 1,303.88 kg
Raking capacity per one rake Wt : 56.00 kg
Inclination to vertical q1 : 15.00 º
Inclination to vertical q2 : 45.00 º
Distance between foot sprocket center L1 : 8.03 m
and point "b"
Distance between foot sprocket center L2 : 1.57 m
and point "b"
Number of rake between "a" and "b" N1 : 2.00 pcs
Number of rake in water between "a" and "b" N2 : 13.00 pcs
Number of rake in air between "a" and "b" N3 : 1.00 pcs
Number of rake between head sprocket center N4 : 1.00 pcs
and point "b"
Rake width Rb : 3.10 m
Coefficient of friction u : 0.20
Hoisting resistance by trash c : 40.00 kg/m
Transmision efficiency n : 0.80
Ascending side rake chain tension
T1 : ((2.Wc.L1 + Wr.N1 + Wt.N3)(cos  1 + sin 1) + (2.Wc.L2 + Wr.N4 + Wt.N4)(cos  2 + sin 2) + C.Rb.N2)

T1 : 3,388.61 kg

Descending side rake chain tension

T2 : (2.Wc.L1 + Wr.N1).cosq1 + (2.Wc.L2 + Wr.N4).(cosq2 - m sinq2)

T2 : 1,997.04 kg

b. Safety factor of rake chain

Breaking strength of rake chain T0 : 19,000.00 kg

Ascending side rake chain tension T1 : 3,388.61 kg
Coefficient of using factor f : 1.4
Safety factor of rake chain SF :

: 8.01 > 5
SF =
c. Capacity of motor

Ascending side rake chain tension T1 : 3,388.61 kg

Descending side rake chain tension T2 : 1,997.04 kg
Operation speed V : 5.00 m/min
Mechanical efficiency u : 0.77
Service factor S : 1.20
Actual load N : kw

(T1 - T2).V : 1.48 kw

Capacity of motor No :

No > N x S : 1.77 kw

No : 3.7 kw

b :

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