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OTHER ULC/ORD-C199S-94 RECOGNIZED DOCUMENT LIGHT WALL STEEL PIPES FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES OF CANADA (ULC) is @ not-for-profit organization incorporated in 1920 by letters patent issued by the Canadian Government. It maintains and operates laboratories, cottiication services. and a quality system registration program for the examination, testing. ‘and classificaton of devices, constructions. ‘materiais and systems to determine their relation to ocuments for products having @ bearing on fire, ‘accident, oF property hazards, ‘Other Recognized Documents (ORD) developed by ‘Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada are developed in accordance with the procedure outined in the ‘The headquarters of Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada is located in Toronto, Ontario. In addition, ULC is represented across Canada as well as many countries wortawide. HEAD OFFICE Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada 7 Crouse Road Toronto, Ontario MIR 3A9 Tolophone: (416) 757-3611 Fax: (416) 757-8915 e-mail: uicntoQucca Web site: wew.ule-ca EASTERN OFFICE (6505, Rte Transcanadienne, bureau 330 ‘St-Laurent, Quebec WaT 183 ‘Telephone: (514) 963-5041 ‘Tolécopleur: (514) 363-7014 C.élec: Montreal. NoTEs: ‘The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA is tho ‘The principal objects of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of ‘advancing the national economy. benefiting the health, safety and wellare of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facitatng domestic ‘and internatonal trade, and furthering international Cooperation inthe field of standards. ‘The Standards Council of Canada is located at: 270 Alber Sveet Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario IP ENT WEST TORONTO OFFICE 155 Rexdale Bivd... Suite 306 Toronto, Ontario MQW 528 Telephone: (416) 757-3611 Fax: (416) 744-7309 PACIFIC OFFICE No. 130 ~ 13775 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia vev 2v4 Telephone: (604) 214-9555 Fax: (604) 241-9550 ‘e-mail: Vancouver: LES@ca.ulcom 1. The intended primary application ofthis Recognized Document is stated in its scope. Its important to ‘ote that it remains the responsibilty of the user of the standard to judge ts suitability for this particular ~appbcation, 2. Copies of this Recognized Document may be ordered from Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada. ULC/oRD-C199S-M199%4 LIGHT WALL STEEL PIPES Prepared and Published by UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES OF CANADA FIRST EDITION ... + BAY, 1994 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior permission of Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sidewall Rupture Test Flexural Test . Vibration Test... ...+ UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES OF CANADA Certification organizations are periodically called upon to respond promptly to provide a certification service for devices, constructions ‘and systems for which no recognized standards of acceptance are available. Accordingly, the certification agency draws upon its experience, existing specifications and requirements in related areas, together with stance from its advisory councils to develop and prepare an “Other Recognized Document" (ORD) for use in conducting the necessary tests and evaluation investigation. Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada has over the years prepared many ORD's in response to requests from, and in conjunction with, industry, code writing bodies, regulatory agencies and others prior to inaugurating a certification Programme. In many instances such documents have become published ULC Standards and subsequently National Standards of Canada. It is the intention of Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada to continue this practice, as appropriate. 1d Office of + Ontario, Comments on the content of this ORD should be directed to the Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada, 7 Crouse Road, Scarboroug! CANADA, MIR 349. NOTE: These Recognized Documents are accepted under the National Standards System of Proceduy 1 Sor Accrediation of Ce iaiscien roomate i published by = res \c ion of Cer n "pi Standards Council of Canada located at 45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, KIP 6N7. UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES OF CANADA ULC/ORD-C199S-M199% ‘REQUIREMENTS: FOR THE INVESTIGATION oF LIGHT WALL STEEL PIPES FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS This ie the First Edition of ULC/ORD-C199S, entitled "Requirements for the Investigation of Light Wall Steel Pipes for Sprinkler Systems for Fire Protection Service”. A product which complies with these requirements will not necessarily be ‘acceptable if, vhen examined and tested, it is found to have features not covered by this document which may impair the result contemplated by these requirements. A product employing materials or having forms of constructions differing from those detailed in these requirements may be examined and tested according to the intent of the requirements and, if found to be substantially equivalent, may be given recognition. These requirements are written in SI Units of measurement. Imperial equivalents of the most commonly used units may be determined by using the conversion factore itemized in the Table located inside the back cover. These requirements a1 eubject to revision as further experience and sary or desirable. (ena Omens ad Testng Satan 7 EROUSE ROAD SCAMBOMD ONTARO, CANADA VO 349 Yoemhone 10 78728) 1. SCOPE Lal The pipes for use in sprinkler systens. requirements cover light wall ste 12 A light wall pipe is defined as a pipe having a wall thickness less than schedule 10 pipe. 1.3 Requirements for the installation and use of light wall steel pipes tor fire protection service are included in the following standards of the National Fire Protection Association: A NFPA No. 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems; B NFPA No. 13D, Sprinkler Systems, One- and To-Family Dvellings and Manufactured Homes; and © NFPA No. 13R, Sprinkler Systems, Residential Occupancit Including Four Storeys in Height. up to and 2. CONSTRUCTION 2.1 MATERIALS Zslal The pipes shall comply with the dimensional, chemical and physical properties of the applicable ASTM pipe standards. (See Clause 2.1.2.) EXCEPTION: Pipe outside the scope of the ASIM Standards may be recognized provided it meets the material and performance requirements stated in this document. 2aLs2 All pipes shall be made of steel having corrosion resistance at least equivalent to steel pipes produced in compliance with ASTM 2.2 RATED PRESSURE, 2.2.1 The pipes shall have a rated pressure of not less than 1210 kPa. 2.3. ASSEMBLY 2edal The pipes are designed for use with: A Listed rubber gasketed fittings when roll grooved or plain ended; B Listed wel type fittings specified by the manufacturer; © Listed threaded fittings, when threaded in conformance with ANSI/ASHE B1.20.1. 3. PERFORMANCE 3.1 GENERAL AuLil Teste chall be based on the pressure rating of each pipe. 3.2 LEAKAGE TEST BaZsl A steel pipe and its intended fitting shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min, without leakage, an internal hydrostatic pressure of two times the rated working pressure of the pipe. Za2a2 Leakage tests shall be conducted on each size pipe assembled to the appropriate fittings specified by the manufacturer. Each assembly shall consist of two pieces of pipe at least 400 mm, in length, and joined together by the appropriate coupling. The ends of the assembly shali be closed to permit it to be preseurized. 3.2.3 Grooved pipe shall be prepared using the manufacturer's specificd grooving procedure and grooving machine. Threaded pipe shall be threaded and checked for compliance with the Standard of ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. 3.3. HYDROSTATIC TEST Ads. A steel pipe and its intended fitting shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min, without rupture, a test pressure equal to five tines the rated pressure of the pipe, for sizes up to and including 6 NPS, or four times the rated pressure of the pipe for sizes larger than 6 NPS. 3.32 Sample pipe and fittings used shall be as described in Clauses 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, 3.4 SIDEWALL RUPTURE TEST Asda Three 600 mm long samples of each eize of the pipe shall be subjected to a steadily incre sure at @ rate not exceeding 700 kPa/min until rupture occure. Asti2 The ends of each pipe shall be sealed by welding to steel plates of sufficient to resist the expected test pressures without distortion or separation. One of the end plates shall provide a connection for a hydrostatic pressure source. 44.3 The samples are to be filled with water, vented of air, and the Pressure applied until rupture occurs. The pressure at rupture shall not be less than six times the rated pressure of the pipe for sizes up to and including 6 NPS, or five times the rated pressure of the pipe for sizes larger than 6 NPS. 3.5. FLEXURAL TEST 3.Sal An assembly of each size pipe and appropriate fitting of greater pressure rating, as described in Clauses 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, flexural test as shomn in Figure 1. During the 1¢ pressurized to the rated working pressure. 4.5.2 With the assembly supported at points located at least 300 mm on either side of the centre of the coupling, a gradually increasing force shall be applied to the centre of the coupling until the maximum angle of deflection ypecified by the manufacturer has been ‘The resultant bending moment shall be pipes. For pipes having dimensions (inside diameter, wall thicknes different from those of schedule 5 pipes, the bending moments are calculated distance between pipe supports, as specified in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13. TABLE 1 BENDING MOMENTS Required Moment for Nominal Pipe Size Schedule 5 Pipes 3.6 VIBRATION TEST 2eGal An assembly of two samples of the pipe and an appropriate coupling, for each size, shall be subjected to a vibration test as shown in Figure 2. The frequency of vibration shall vary between 18 and 37 Hz for a period of 120 h and with a total displacement of 1 mm. After the vibration test, the pipe assembly shall weet the requirements of the Leakage Test described in Subsection 3.2. 2.6.2 The assembly shall be connected to the vibration machine by means of a rigié bracket clamped to the centre of the coupling and the machine table. The ends of each length of pipe shall be secured to a rigid fixture as shown with 300 mm of each unsupported pipe as measured from the centre of the coupling to the support clamp, subject to the vibration. 3.7 FIRE TESTS 4sL1 Four fire exposure tests are to be conducted in an 18 m long by wide by 4.8 m high room and utilizing a piping grid consisting of representative sample pipe lengths and diameters. The pipe grid is to include "I" fittings specified by the manufacturer and arranged to allov for the installation of six, standard orifice, pendent, standard response sprinklers. Iwo thermocouples, Nos. 1 and 2, centred over the grid, are used to record the air temperature 100 mm below the 4.8 m high ceiling and the temperature near the pipe at the centre of the grid as shown in Figure 3. 4.1.2 Following each test, all sprinklers are to be replaced with pipe plugs and the entire pipe grid ‘ie to be subjected to hydrostatic preasure of 830 kPa. No leakage or rupture shall occur. The centre branch line is to be removed and replaced with a new section of sample pipe. 6 I, II, and III shall consist of the sprinkler fire test as prescribed for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service under ULC/ORD-C199. UsL4 For Test I, four automatic, standard orifice, response, 74°C temperature rated sprinklers are to be int 1, 2, 5, and 6; and pipe plugs placed in the remaining tee sprinkler positions 3 and 4. The grid is to be pressurized to approximately 830 kPa, after which the heptane is to be ignited. This test is to have a duration of 10 min, after which, the flow of heptane is stopped and the fire extinguished. pendent, standard 4.2.8 Test II is to be conducted similar to Test I except that the water flow ie to be adjusted to 57 L/min per sprinkler as each of the four automatic sprinklers ie actuated. Ten minutes after ignition, the fire test is to be terminated. 2.2.6 Test III is to be conducted to simulate a dry-pipe sprinkler system. All six sprinkler positions are to be fitted with open standard orifice, pendent sprinklers. Ivo minutes after ignition water prescuro at 830 kPa is applied to the grid. Seven minutes after ignition the fire test is to be terminated. A.l.2 The fire source for Test IV is to consist of 95 L of heptane floated on 100 mm of water in a 1830 by 2440 by 300 mm deep steel pan centred under the pipe grid. Six open, standard or{fice, pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pipe grid, and the 4.46 m¢ area of heptane is to be ignited for a free burn period of 75 6. After the free burn, water, at a service pressure of 830 kPa, de to be introduced to the pipe grid. Three minutes after ignition, the fire test is to be terminated. 4, MATERIALS 4.1 CHEMICAL ANALYSTS 4.1.1 Samples of the pipe material shall be subjected to a chemical analysis. 4.142 The composition of the steel pipe material is to be in compliance with the chemical composition requirements of the specification used by the manufacturer. 2. TENSILE TESTS 4.21 Test specimens are to be machined from steel pipe sidewalls and subjected to yield strength, tensile strength and elongation tests per the ASTH A370 test method. The values shall comply with the specified ASTM pipe standard or the requirements of the specification used by the manufactur 5. CORROSION ANALYSIS 5.1 CORROSION RESISTANCE RATIO Sulal The corrosion resistance ratio (CRR) of a 6 determined by using the following formul 1 pipe is to be Minimum Wall Thickness of Test Pipe Under the First \ > cRR = ( _______ Exposed Thread _ (threaded) \ Minimum Wall Thickness of Schedule 40 Pipe Under the First Exposed Thread cRR = /__Hinimun Wall Thickness of Test Pine _\ 3 (unthreaded) ( Minimum Wall Thickness of Schedule 40 Pipe, t pipe used in the formula is to be the minimum vall thickness specified by the manufacturer under the first expose thread, if threaded, or the thinnest wall section for unthreaded. of Schedule 40 steel pipe used in the formule is t thickness of the pipe under the first exposed thre: when the pipe is threaded as per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 (See Appendix A), or the thinnest wall section for unthreaded. Sulit The corrosion resistance ratio of pipe formed from steel alloys other than those covered under ASTM A795 or ASTM A5S3 requirement shall be determined on the basis of a special investigation of the corrosion characteristics of the product. SalsS Coatings which may be penetrated or damaged in preparation of pipe for joining shall not be considered in determination of CRR values. 6. BARKING ful Each length of pipe shall be legibly marked on the outside surface with the following: A The manufacturer's name or identifying symbol; B Size and pre: ure rating; & The words “Corrosion Resistance Ratio" or "CRR", followed by its value, when threaded or unthreaded; and D For pipe that is acceptable for threading, the following statement or equivalent: "CAUTION: IMPROPER THREADING MAY LEAD TO LEAKAGE. CHECK ‘THREADS WITH ANSI B1.20.1 THREAD GAUGES". FIGURE 1 FLEXURAL TEST Test Load End Cap Pipe Fitting Pipe Section sniaval FIGURE 2 3NIHOVAV NOUWEBIA .ayovaa 'YOLD3NNOO ° aL gions ids 1S31 FidNWS 1S3L waster _ onnanos —” ww 001 | wus oz ——— ww 91 ———* wu 06z ~ ww 067 S31 NOLVYSIA 11s APPENDIX A Al, Determination of CRR for Steel Pipe Alul.l The GRR for steel pipe referenced in Section 5 is to be calculated as shown in the following step: STEP 1. Refer to Table 2, of ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-1983 for the Basic Dimensions of American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread, ver). 2. Determine manufacturer's tolerances for OD and pipe wall thickness and utilize the MAXIMUM OD AND MINIMUM wall thickness values. 3. Determine value for the pitch diameter and thread depth at E, from Table 2, ANSI B1.20.1. 4. Calculate diameter at the depth of first exposed thread (DEQ) by: (DE) = pitch diameter @ Ey - thread depth 5. Calculate ID of pipe by: ID = Mex OD - 2T where (T) = Minimum wall thickness 6. Calculate the minimum wall thickness value t (min) under the first exposed thread of test pipe by: DE, - ID tmin = 7 2 value of ORR by selecting the minimum wall under the first exposed thread for the test pipe (t min) and for Schedule 40 Pipe from Table Al (t 49) and applying the following formula: t min \3 RR = 40, Example: STEP 1. << TABLE AL Minimum Wall Thicknes: Nominal Pipe Size Under First Exposed Thread of 40 Pipe, mm Calculation for NPS 1-1/4 threaded pipe sample: Obtain ANSI B1.20.1, Table 2 Manufacturer's specified minimum wall thickness T = 2.032 mm Manufacturer's specified maximum OD = 41.99 mm Ep = 40.673 am (ANSI B1.20.1, NPS 1-1/4 OD) thread depth = 1.7671 mm (ANSI B1.20.1, NPS 1-1/4 thread depth) DE, = Ep ~ thread depth DE? = 40.673 - 1.767 = 38.906 mm ID = oD ~ 2 (T) ID = 41.99 - 2 (2,032) = 37.926 mm + (min) = DBy= 1D = 38.906 = 37.926 = 0.495 mm 2 thy = 1.295 mm 1.295, (2083 3 = 0.05585 (or 0.056 approx.) QU 0 Printed in Canada

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