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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs to make conditional sentences

1. If you ______________________ (not study), you _____________________ (fail) the test.

2. We ____________________ (die) if we _____________________ (not get) help soon!
3. If you _____________________ (look) in the fridge, you _____________________ (find) some cold drinks.
4. If there ______________________ (be) no oil in the engine, the car ____________________ (break) down.
5. I ________________________ (lend) you my umbrella if you _____________________ (need) it.
6. The sea level _____________________ (rise) if the planet ______________________(get) hotter.
7. If you ____________________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you ________________ (have) anything for lunch!
8. You ____________________ (be) safe in an accident if you ______________________ (wear) your seatbelt.
9. If he ____________________ (save) all his money, he ___________________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.
10. I ______________________ (not come) with you if you _________________________ (not bring) John!

Fill the gap using the verb in brackets. Watch out for the third person S

1 If Clare ___________________________ late again, the hockey trainer will be furious. (arrive)
2 You'll be sorry if you __________________________ for your exams. (not / revise)
3 We __________________________ if the weather's good. (go)
4 They __________________________ you if you wear a wig and dark glasses. (not / recognize)
5 If the bus ________________________ on time, I won't miss the football. (be)
6 If you ___________________________ your homework now, you'll be free all tomorrow. (do)
7 We___________________________ out if there's no food at home. (eat)
8 You'll find life much easier if you _________________________ more often. (smile)
9 If it's hot, we__________________________ for a swim. (go)
10 You'll do it better if you ___________________________ more time over it. (take)
11 If she __________________________ practicing, she'll get better. (keep)
12 Mum will be very sad if Jim ________________________ Mother's Day again. (forget)
13 I________________________ so happy if I pass the exam. (be)
14 You'll be really tired tomorrow if you __________________________ to bed soon. (not / go)
15 The government ___________________ the next election if they continue to ignore public opinion. (lose)
16 If Valencia FC win the Spanish football league, I_________________________ my hair blue. (dye)
17 If someone _________________________ you a bike, you can come with us. (lend)

NAMES _________________________________________ /_________________________________________

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