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Julius: Good morning ladies and gentlemen! This morning we will witness as ___ dazzling candidates
present their very best and vie for the title Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2018.

Grace: As this morning fills will full of excitement, we will soon find out who will be the worthy title
holders! I’m Mary Grace Centeno...

Julius: And I’m Julius Egipto. We will be hosting …..

Grace: the grandest…..

Julius: the most exciting….

Grace: the most fabulous….

Julius: and the most awaited….

Both: Search for Mr. and Miss Intramurals 2018!

(Background Music)
Julius: Again, good morning ladies and gentlemen! It’s my privilege to be your emcee this morning! For
this most awaited part of the program. I’m also extremely happy to be accompanied by my very
charming co-emcee, Ma’am Grace Centeno.

Julius: How are you today, ma’am Grace!

Grace: I’m fine thank you, sir Julius!

Julius: You look wonderful today Ma’am Grace! It’s a privilege for me to be right here beside you hosting
this event!

Grace: Thank you sir Juls! I’m happy hosting this exciting event with you as well!

Julius: Absolutely! This is the most exciting part of the program. I’m pretty sure everyone is excited.
Grace: You’re right sir Juls. It seems to me that they are all excited..

Julius: So, let us not prolong the agony of waiting. Let’s now formally start this pageant..

Grace: That”s right! But before we start, let us first invoke and thank our Almighty God this morning in
the form of Doxology.
Julius: May I request everybody to stand please for the invocation.This will be followed by the singing of
the National Anthem.
------------------------After the Invocation and Singing of the National Anthem----------------------------------------
Julius: Now Ladies and Gentlemen! The long wait is over! BADIPAnians, are you ready?!(Roll Call)

Where are the grade 7 students?

Grace: How about Grade 8... (So on so forth)

Julius: Ladies and gentlemen! This is…..

Both: Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2018!

Julius: They say that beauty is relative. What may be beautiful to me may not be beautiful for you, or the
other way around……That’s why we have with us our panel of judges who have an eye for beauty.

Julius: At this juncture, let us get to know the members of the board of judges for this pageant and the
criteria of judging.


Julius: Starting off with the first judge…..She is one of the newly-hired teacher who is currently teaching
English and TLE subjects in Junior high school level. She is also teaching Humanities subject and Media
Literacy in Grade 12-Erasmus. He graduated at Urdaneta City University with a degree in Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in English. Ladies and gentlemen,,one of the gorgeous teachers of BADIPA
NHS, Please welcome the beautiful Ma’am Evalyn Monez! Teacher I at BADIPA NHS.

Grace: Our next judge is also one of the beautiful teachers with a heart for learners.She graduated at
Urdaneta City University with a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics. She
believes that a teacher is always a student. That’s why she is currently pursuing her master’s degree in
Education major in Mathematics at the same university. She is currently teaching General Mathematics
in both junior high school level and Senior high school level. She is also teaching research in Grade 12-
Erasmus. A big, big round of applause to Ma’am Paula Bianca Pablico. Teacher I at BADIPA NHS.

Julius: Our last judge but definitely not the least is one of the multi-tasking teacher at the same time the
official IT of BADIPA NHS.He graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.He is
also a unit earner in Teacher Education and pursued his passion in teaching He also holds a Master’s
degree in Information Technology and he is currently enrolled at PUNP taking up Doctor of Philosophy.

Ladies and Gentlemen! A warm welcome to sir Benjamin T. Ramirez. Jr.Teacher III@ BADIPA NHS.

Thank you very much to all of you! And now, we are off to our very first official round of competition..Are
you ready!
Julius: Ma’am grace, can you tell us what the judges are looking , for this pageant?

Grace: Sure…Here are the criteria for judging:

 Poise and bearing 35%

 Wit 30%
 Stage Presence and Overall Impact 35%
Total 100%

Julius: Thank you ma’am Grace.

Julius: So, Ladies and Gentlemen-stay put, sit back and relax as we are about to witness our candidates
wearing their shorts wear.
Julius: Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome…..

Both: Mr. and Ms.Intramurals 2018 candidates

 Shorts Wear

Julius: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Again, welcome to the grandest and most awaited
event..This is Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2018. Let us give our candidates a round of applause for that
spectacular opening number! You know what ladies and gentlemen, BADIPA is truly a haven of beauty.
We have gorgeous teachers, beautiful students and ofcourse a handsome and a hard working principal!

Grace: You’re right sir Juls.

Julius: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to announce and present the first award! But before that,
may I call in Precious Patrial from Grade 11- GAS and Abegail Jacinto from Grade 11-STEM to give us a
special song number.. Let’s give them a round of applause!

Julius: Thank you so much Precious and Abegail! Truly, BADIPA is a home of talents. Anyway, the first
award to present is Mr. and Ms. Silka 2018.
Grace: Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. Silka 2018 is candidate number…………..

Julius: Moving on to the female category…Ms. Silka 2018 is candidate number……..

Grace: Congratulations to both of you…Let’s give them a round of applause!

Julius: This time we will witness our candidates wearing their casual wear….
Dance number by the Balasangs

 Talent Portion
 Special Song number from S’ Mark
 Sports Wear

Julius: Are you guys ready for the top 5?

Grace: Pasok kaya sa top 5 ang mga bet nyo?

Julius: It’s time to call the first candidate who made it to top 5.

Grace and Julius will interview the top 5.

Julius: Again congratulations to all of you! I’m sure everyone wants to know the thoughts that’s going
thru your mind right now...

Julius: (to candidate) Did you actually expect that you’re gonna be on the top 5?

So on……

Julius: How about you Candidate__, are you actually prepared for the Q&A portion?
Julius: Okay. That’s amazing!Well our candidates seem to be ready to take on their toughest hurdle this
morning! Let’s see how our candidates handle this hurdle.

Grace: That’s right sir Juls.

Julius: These top 5 candidates will now have to parade that same beauty, grace and character.But this
time,in thoughts and words. All confidents our candidates shown on the ramp should show on how they
answer 1 simple question.

Grace: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Mr. and Ms. Itramurals 2018 Question and Answer Portion.

Julius:This is how it goes. We will call down our candidates one by one. Each candidate will pick a
question from the bowl.
-------------The hosts will be announcing the winner……..

Julius: This is the end of the golden rule to the crown. We’ve reach the finish line,as we are now about to
announce the winners of this pageant. Our winners have already been chosen from our top 5
Grace: I know everyone is excited. Well, our long anticipation is over.

Julius: The envelope containing the results is handed to me by the committee. I shall open it now.

Grace: Good luck candidates!May the best candidate wins!

Julius: Ladies and gentlemen!For female category, Our Ms. Intramurals 2018 2 nd runner up is

So on, so forth…….

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