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Make sure you are
reminded of the following
before we start:
Sit properly.
Use hand signals to excuse oneself
during class
Raise your hand and stand up
properly before reciting.
Prepare your materials before the
class begins.
Let's begin our session
with a prayer.
Objectives: Categorize biological
macromolecules based on their
structure and function.

Describe the synthesis of
Objectives: Differentiate dehydration (or
condensation) from hydrolysis
Stage 1
Defining Concepts

Are you a plastic?

What is plastic?
How similar are
you to a plastic?

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Their plasticity makes it use polymers as a main
wide range of synthetic
possible for plastics to be ingredient
or semi-synthetic
molded, extruded, or pressed
into solid objects of various
What is plastic?
How similar are
you to a plastic?

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Their plasticity makes it use polymers as a main
wide range of synthetic
possible for plastics to be ingredient
or semi-synthetic
molded, extruded, or pressed
into solid objects of various
Elements 01
Elements in various
combinations comprise all
fundamental components... matter, including living things
(idea that we are made from
non-living things=atoms)

Biological macromolecules
02 (polymers) are built from
different combinations of
smaller organic molecules
Stage 2
What is your breakfast?
Identify the basic
macromolecules found in
your breakfast.
large molecules
Basic Biological necessary for life, that are
Macromolecules built from smaller organic

01 02
Carbohydrates Proteins
-provides energy to the body, -one of the most abundant
particularly through glucose, a organic molecule in living
simple sugar that is a component systems and have the most
of starch and an important diverse range of functions among
ingredient in many staple food the macromolecules
large molecules
Basic Biological necessary for life, that are
Macromolecules built from smaller organic

03 04
Lipids Nucleic acids
-nonpolar in nature, performs -the most important
many different functions in a macromolecules for the
cell, including the building blocks continuity/sustenance of life.
of many hormones and cellular They carry the genetic blueprint
membranes of a cell and its instructions for
cell function.
Stage 3:
Synthesis of Biological Macromolecules

I. Dehydration Synthesis
Monomers combine to form polymers
As a process, monomers release water
molecules as their by-product
Dehydration synthesis=putting together
while losing water in the process
I. Dehydration Synthesis
Hydrogen of one monomer combines
with the hydroxyl group of another
monomer, releasing a water molecule
Monomers share electrons and form
covalent bonds
I. Dehydration Synthesis
Every kind of monomer can combine in a
variety of ways to form several
polymers, giving rise to starch, glucose,
and cellulose- all coming from glucose
Stage 3:
Synthesis of Biological Macromolecules

I. Hydrolysis
Polymers are broken down into
split water- use for breakdown
2 components- one part gains a hydrogen
atom (H+) and another gains a hydroxyl
molecule (0H-)
I. Hydrolysis
Polymers are broken down into
split water- use for breakdown
2 components- one part gains a hydrogen
atom (H+) and another gains a hydroxyl
molecule (0H-)
I. Hydrolysis
Polymers are broken down into
split water- use for breakdown
2 components- one part gains a hydrogen
atom (H+) and another gains a hydroxyl
molecule (0H-)
Exit Ticket

What role do electrons play in

dehydration synthesis and
Thank you!
Let's end our session
with a prayer.

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