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PPMP20009: Leading Lean Projects - Term 3, 2023

Assessment 1: Case Study


Marks Marks
Assessment Criteria Marker's Comments
Possible Awarded
Using your knowledge of the organisation and a ‘Gemba Walk’ provide an Your overview of HARKSKININTERNATIONALP T YLTD is
overview of the organisation. You should include: quite detailed, this part needs more specific infromation ,
a. the name of the organisation, such as the number of employees and any unique aspects
1 b. what type of business the organisation performs, and 1.5 1 that make the organistion stands out.
c. your role within the organisation.

Pre-Gemba Walk Management Meeting You've listed the questions and provided a good summary
a. Provide the questions and the meeting plan you developed for your of the manager's information. However, consider
meeting with the manager. (1 mark ) expanding on the manager's reasons for suggesting
b. Provide a summary of information that the manager provided about the process improvements and how these align with Lean
2 process, including the process they suggested for improvement and their 3 2 principles. This will add depth to your analysis.
reasons for it. (2 marks)

Describe how you completed the Gemba Walk. You've covered essential details like location, date, and
Include the following: participants. Enhance your response by describing the
a. The location that you performed the Gemba Walk (e.g., the address of atmosphere or any notable events during the Gemba
the organisation’s building you attended to complete the Gemba Walk). Walk. Additionally, provide a more precise time duration
b. When the Gemba Walk was undertaken including date and time, for the walk
3 c. How long the Gemba walk took to complete. 2 1
d. Who was present during the Gemba Walk.

Explain the process that you observed during the Gemba Walk. This should Your explanation of the observed process is not clear. To
enable someone with no knowledge of the organisation or process to: improve, consider adding specific examples or anecdotes
a. What is the purpose of the process? to illustrate each point. This will make your response
b. What is the input to the start of the process? more engaging and convincing. Some information is
c. What is the output of the process? incompleted in this section
d. Who is the customer of the process?
e. Is the customer internal or external?
4 f. What would be the voice of the customer in relation to the output of 3.5 1.75
the process?
g. What is the value the process adds to the organisations goals.

Tools and Photos For tools used ensure you explain why each tool was
a. Describe the tools that you used, chosen in relation to Lean principles. You just gave genral
b. Why you used them justification. You have provided photo but its nt clear of
5 c. Provide a photo of the completed tool. 4 1.5 the tool.
d. Also provide a photo of you completing the Gemba Walk

Describe what insights you gained from completing the Gemba Walk Elaborate on the insights gained from staff regarding their
Include the following: experiences with the process. Consider providing specific
a. What you observed. examples and linking these insights to potential
b. What you learnt from staff working with the process. improvements. the case study could benefit from a
6 c. Name and discuss the specific ‘Lean Waste’ that you identified during 6 3 clearer linkage between the observed issues and the
your Gemba Walk? specific lean tools used for their identification.

Describe the lean transformation project you will propose. Your proposed Lean Transformation is promising. Specify
a. Your response should identify how will you remove or reduce the Lean the anticipated benefits of each proposed activity and
Waste you identified. how they address the identified waste. Ensure alignment
b. Ensure you state key activities that will be required. with Lean principles is explicitly discussed. It has been
c. Ensure the actions you propose align with the concept of ‘Lean thinking’ suggested improvements like preventive maintenance
which is described in the following quote: and staff optimization

7 “Lean thinking is used by companies who are looking to improve efficiency 6 2.5
and eliminate wastes. The ultimate goal for Lean manufacturing is to create
quality products that satisfy the customer and meet demand with as little
resources as necessary.”

Discuss and justify whether the lean transformation project that you Provide more context on why you suggeste approach.
propose should be managed as a waterfall or agile project. Consider the project's complexity, adaptability, and
potential changes during implementation.You mentioned
8 2 1 that waterfall appraoch will be used without logical

Using the ADKAR model, describe how you would manage the change Ensure that your response is specific to your proposed
necessary to implement the outputs of the lean transformation project that project. Include details on how each element of ADKAR
involves the actions described in question 7. will be addressed in the context of your Lean
Your response must be specific to your project. Transformation. a deeper dive into how the ADKAR
9 10 6 elements will specifically support the lean transformation
in the context of a car wash service could add value.

Your case study must: 4 pages,. Evaluate the overall presentation for
a. be presented professionally, professionalism, visual appeal, and adherence to
b. including correct spelling and grammar, guidelines. Ensure the document is concise.Your effort is
c. is a maximum of four pages, and commendable. Addressing these suggestions will enhance
10 d. is reflective of the examples provided in the Venngage web link on the 2 1 the depth and clarity of your assessment. Feel free to ask
first page of this document, (e.g., visually appealing, concise, etc.). any questions for further clarification.

Late Penalty
(-2 mark per day or part thereof)
Total 40 20.75

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