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PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (PES) FOR THE RESEARCH, EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF (REPS) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES SYSTEMS (UPS) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Performance evaluation is a major determinant of personnel efficiency, development and advancement. It also aids in the enhancement of organizational effectiveness and productivity. In addition, it serves as a basis of equitable reward for individual contributions to organizational performance. In order for it to be truly meaningful, it has to adopt the unique characteristics of various positions in the establishment of specific norms. Thus, the University of the Philippines System has developed a more responsive and appropriate Performance Evaluation System (PES) for the Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) with the following features: Itis 1. a system that would properly reflect the unique characteristics of various UP System REPS positions, 2. a valid and reliable indicator of performance levels of the REPS of the UP System; 3. a measure of evaluation of individual performance that balances the combination of objective and subjective work standards. 2.0 WHO ARE COVERED? This evaluation system is for all academic non-teaching staff as defined in the 754" Board of Regents meeting held on 20 January 1967 and in the UP President Romulo and CSC Commisioner Subido Agreement of 1967. Classified as academic non-teaching staff are: research personnel, professional extension workers, professional librarians, guidance counselors and technical specialists. They are formerly known as the Academic Non- Teaching Staff (ANTS). In addition, the BOR, at its 954" meeting held on 22 October 1982, changed the nomenclature from ANTS to Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) 3.0 WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION? Responsible for the implementation of this performance evaluation system are the REPS, their supervisor(s) and respective heads of unit 4.0 WHAT ARE THE STEPS IN EVALUATING PERFORMANCE? 4.1 Setting up of the unit objectives / goals Following a well-defined mission and vision of the organization, long term and short term goals are set. These provide the structure and flow of the organization as well as the specific duties and responsibilities of each individual member of the organization. Short term goals become the bases of specific objectives for each component task of the unit / organization. 4.2\dentification of targets Following the objectives set for each evaluation period, the individual's contribution to the unit's targets are collectively discussed Individual performance targets are set in terms of quality and quantity of the output and the time needed to accomplish such tasks. These serve as indices / bases for comparing actual accomplishments of individuals at the end of each evaluation period. To give equitable weight to targets set based on the duties and responsibilities of each individual member of the unit, three options are recommended to balance the weight distribution of tasks: * Combine minor tasks to make these major tasks; «Divide major tasks to lower these to the level of minor tasks; or = Pro-rate the tasks based on percentage of importance. 4.2.1 Workload target limits for evaluating performance are the following: R | 50-100% — —E 50 - 100 % apes ES janes | ems 80-11 00 96 as |" ap ea = AD 0-50% This is to maximize the potential functions of the REPS in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, which is done by setting minimum and maximum target limits for each Performance measure. Total workload should be 100%, 4.2.2 After the identification of the targets at the beginning of the rating period, a REPS may be assigned additional tasks. These may be considered as intervening functions, instead of regular tasks. The concurrence is documented using a separate sheet for intervening factors. 5.0PERFORMANCE REVIEW / EVALUATION At the end of each rating period, actual performance is compared with the expected performance of each member of the unit. It serves to monitor the individual's contribution to the growth of the organization as well as monitor the individual's progress in accomplishing his duties and responsibilities based on set targets. Strengths and weaknesses are identified for individual enhancement and the development of the team. These also become the bases for possible recognitions and recommended trainings. 6.0DEADLINES Performance targets of REPS are submitted to the HRDO not later than fifteen (15) days after the start of the rating period. Accomplished REPS Performance Evaluation Forms (UP REPS PEF) with the final ratings are submitted to HRDO not later than the end of the first month of the succeeding rating period. Officials and REPS who shall be on official travel, approved leave of absence, training or scholarship programs and who have already met the required minimum rating period of 90 days are required to submit their Performance targets and accomplished REPS Performance Evaluation Forms (UP REPS PEFs) before they leave the office. For purposes of performance-based personnel actions, employees who are not given ratings for a particular period on account of official travel, scholarship, etc., shall use their performance ratings obtained in the Preceding rating period. This provision, shall not, however, apply to those who are on vacation leave, even with an application approved by their supervisors. (Taken from “What You Need to Know About Your Performance Evaluation System, " reviewed and approved by The ‘Systemwide Personnel Council, Diliman, Quezon City, August 1996.) 7.0COMPUTING INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RATINGS Part |: Workload Rating 1. Rate each task using a four-point scale (4-Outstanding, 3-Very Satisfactory, 2-Satisfactory, 1-Unsatisfactory) 2. Under each performance indicator, compute for the average score by adding the scores of the tasks and divide the total score by the number of entries (tasks). Transfer the average scores in each performance indicator in the summary table for Part I 3. Multiply the workload percentage with the corresponding average ‘score to compute for the weighted average score for each performance indicator 4. Add the weighted average score to obtain the Workload Performance Rating 5. Part | = Workload Performance Rating x 0.7 Part Il: Critical Factors 1. For each critical factor, rate the REPS using a 4-point scale (4- Outstanding, 3-Very Satisfactory, 2-Satistactory, 1-Unsatisfactory) 2. Compute for the average critical factor rating by adding the scores and divide by 8 3. Part Il = Critical Factors Rating x 0.3 Part Ill; Intervening Factors (Add-on) With the presence of intervening factors, evaluate the performance of the REPS by using the following 5-point rating (Part It!) Outstanding +05 Very Satisfactory +04 Satisfactory +03 None +0 Unsatisfactory -04 Over-all Performance Rating: 1. Overall Performance Rating, OPR = Part | + Part Il + Part Ill 2. Translate the numerical value of OPR to Qualitative Ratings using the following range scale: 35-40 Outstanding 3.0-3.49 Very Satisfactory 25-299 Satisfactory below 2.5 Unsatisfactory REPS Performance Evaludith! Sheet RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION On-going & completed research/action projects with progress reports Research done across workgroups + Proposal Ri - Capsulated 2 - Full-blown ~ Data gathering (administration of instrument, oral interviews, classroom observation R3___ guide, experimental set-up) 4 —+ Development of instrument (5-10 points per instrument) — Data Processing (encoding/tallying, transcription of oral interviews, written interviews, 5 journal observation processing, experimental results) —+ Analysis and Final Write-up 6 — - Introduction (10%) R7__ - Theoretica/Conceptual Framework (15%) R8_—_- Review of Literature (15%) 9 - Methodology (5%) R10 - Analysis of data/reference (45%) R11 - Summary/Conclusion (5%) R12 - Abstract (5%) Research done within workgroups —+ Proposal R13 - Capsulated R14 -Fulkblown = Data gathering (administration of instrument, oral interviews, classroom observation R15 guide, experimental set-up) R16 —+ Development of instrument (5-10 points per instrument) — Data Processing (encoding/tallying, transcription of oral interviews, written interviews, R17 _joumal observation processing, experimental results) =» Analysis and Final Write-up R18 - Introduction (10%) R19 - Theoretica/Conceptual Framework (15%) R20 - Review of Literature (15%) R21 - Methodology (5%) R22__- Analysis of data/reference (45%) R23. - Summary/Conclusion (5%) R24 - Abstract (5%) ‘Research/Action Research Involvement ~+ Program Coordinator/Director/Leader R25 Less than 3 months R26 3 months to 6 months —+ Project Coordinator/Director/Leader R27 Less than 3 months R28 3 months to 6 months — Main Investigator/Study/Action Research Leader R29 Less than 3 months R30 3 months fo 6 months —+ Co-Researcher/Co-Study Leader/Co-Investigator R31_—_Less than 3 months R323 months to 6 months + Project Staff ‘Research and Publication Page 1 of 23 REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet R33, R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 Rat RAZ Raa. Raa RAS RAG RAT Ras Rag. R50 RSt R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 RS7 R58 R59 R60 R61 Rez R63 R64 R65 R66 ROT Ree R69 R70 RT Less than 3 months 3 months to 6 months Research Output —+ ManuscriptReport/Other Similar Output —+ Research write-up Laboratory Functions + Technician —+ Assistant Performance of Regular Function (with basic paper appointments) =+ Proposal preparation assistance + Proposal packaging and design and hard copy preparation — Research documentation (e.g., compiling/consolidation of research output) _+ Maintenance and management of information database |, Assistance to on-going research (including existing “project staff appointment, e.g, IPB, NCPC) Other Research Activities Programming and software development ~, Computer software developed (wide application with user manual) _+ Computer simulation software developed —+ Database management program developed Machines and Machineries =+ Machine developed and adopted + Prototype machine (operational) + Machine performance testing procedure —+ Machinery performance standards Curriculum Development =+ Multimedia Courseware = Subject matter script = Storyboard = Multimedia production > Content gathering > Authoring >aand B testing > Revision > Packaging — Video Lesson/Program (5-10 min) = Subject matter script = Storyboard = Video Production > Preproduction shooting (AV) > Preproduction shooting (Acad) > Pre-editing > Digitizing > Voice-over supervision > Editing > Musical scoring > Viewing/curing, reediting REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet R72 — Print Material R73__ - Manuscript of a chapter/uniticase/module/story ;Preprinting activities per book; coordinating with art and desktop regarding drawings, R74 design, copyediting/proofreading R75 - Posterimprovised set-up/TLL model Papers Written (Books, Journals, Articles) including Involvement Book R76 —+ Sole Author -+ Joint Author R77 - Equal responsibilty R78 - Principal R79 - Co-author ~+ Multiple Authors (3 or more) R80 - Principal author R81 Co-author R82 — Reviewer R83 —+ Editor/compiler R84 -+ Co-editor/multiple editor R85 —- Editorial Board R86 —+ Reader R87 — Translator R88 Translator (Co/Multiple) R89 + Reviewer/reader of a translated book R90 — Indexer/Abstractor R91 —+ Book layout design Chapter in a book R92 —+ Main author/sole author R93. + Co-editor/muttiple authors (3 or more) Published laboratory/training manual R94 + Main author/sole author R95 —+ Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) R96 —+ Translator (Sole) R97 —+ Translator (Co/Muttiple) R98 —+ Language Editor/Manual layout design Popular Bulletin R99 — Main authorisole author R100 —+ Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) R101 —+ Language Editor/Manual layout design Monograph R102 — Sole Author R103 — Joint Author ~+ Multiple Authors R104 - Main author R105 - Co-author R106 —+ Editor R107 — Reviewer R108 — Translator REPS Performance Eval Sheet R109 R110 Rit R12 R113 R14 R15 R116 RINT R18 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123, R124 R125 R126 R127 R128 R129 R130 RI3t R132 R133 R134 R135, R136 R137 —+ Language Editor/Manual layout design Pamphlet/Brochure/Leaflet + Sole Author + Joint Author Published laboratory/training manuals, one set of slides and transparencies, illustrated materials, new case or game used in class —+ Sole Author => Joint Author Published course material =» Sole Author + Joint Author + Language Editor/syllabus layout design University-level textbook for a one-semester course + Sole Author —+ Joint Author —+ Multiple Authors ~ Principal author - Co-author Instructional video production + Sole author + Joint author + Multiple Authors - Main author = Co-author Policy/Concept paper —+ Main author/sole author —+ Co-author/mutiple authors (3 or more) 1S! Journavarticle =+ Main author/sole author ~+ Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) —+ Reviewer 1S1 journal research notes — Main authorisole author + Co-author/muitipte authors (3 or more) Paper published in refereed journal + Sole Author - IntemationavRegional - National = Joint Author - IntemationaVRegional - National + Reviewer - InterationalRegional - National REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet R138 R139 R140 R141 R142 R143, R144 R145 R146 R147 R148, R149 R150 R151 R152 R153 R154 R155 R156 RIS7 R158 R159 R160 R161 R162 R163 R164 R165 R166 Credit points proposed by the Philippine Agricultural Scientist ~ Referee for a full-length article — Referee for a research note — Referee for a review of paper or professional chair lecture + Section editor ~+ Senior Editor Paper published in non-refereed journal or in proceedings of a conference ~+ Sole Author - IntemationavRegional = National —+ Joint Author - IntemationavRegional = National Paper published in profession: + Sole Author - IntemationavRegional ~ National —> Joint Author ~ Intemnationa/Regional - National ++ If Abstract only ~ Abstract only co-author/muitiple authors (3 or more) , Scientific, or technical journals Paper presented in professional, scientific, technical conference and ‘meetings ~ Main authorisole author, full paper ~* Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) full paper ~ Main author/sole author, abstract only ~* Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) abstract only Semi-technical articles in newsletter and technoguide/technoflyer — Main author/sole author ~+ Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) Paper presented in seminars, training programs, and conferences (not Published) — Sole Author ~ IntemationavRegional -N + Joint Author - IntemationavRegional = National Paper presented at the department, college, or university ulation or news article Popularifeature article published in paper with national ContributionsMfeature articles in local and national newspapers & magazines Newsletter article (from non-newsletter staff) Research and Publication Page 5 of 23 REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet R167 R168 Rieo R170 RI71 R72 RI73 RI74 RITS R176 RIT R178 R179 R180 Rist R182 R183, R184 R185 R186 R187 R188 R189 R190 R191 R192 R193 R194 Ri95 R196 R197 Poster Sole Author + Joint Author Technical Bulletin — Sole Author > Joint Author + Member in editorial board of the unit + Language Editor/Bulletin layout design Editor of refereed journal Editor of non-refereed journal Editorial assistant in a local journal Managing/associate editor Member of editorial board Publication/layout design of journal Editor of proceedings — Editor of proceedings —+ Co-editormutiple editor — Layout design of proceedings Editor of newsletter — Editor in chiet — Managing/associate editor ~+ Publication/layout design of newsletter Fact sheet type publications (e.9., “CA Agrinotes") ~+ Main author/sole author + Co-authors/muttiple authors (3 or more) —+ Language Editor/fact sheet layout design + CCAT waiter Popular/feature article published in paper with national circulation or news article Contributions/feature articles in local and national newspapers & magazines Newsletter article (from non-newsletter staff) Technical Bulletin + Sole Author + Joint Author — Member in editorial board of the unit Brochures/leafiets/“how to” + Main/sole author — Co-author/muttiple authors (3 or more) — Layout design of leaflets/"how to” REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet R198 R199 R200 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R230 Translations Guidance and Counseling Materials Development Psychological tests developed -+ Data Gathering + Write-Up Final Output, Guidance and Counseling Materials + Development —+ Final Output + Guidance Activity Special Discoveries/Research Output New variety of plants/animals discovered New variety developed or discovered with seed board approval Technology, methodology, or tests developed, modified, or discovered Invention/discovery with patent Development of international/national standards in quality testing Creative Works Multimedia presentations —+ Video program ~+ Radio/TV documentaries/features + Educational programs — Stage play with script = Scriptwriting for radio/TV/video — Case studies used in teachingfraining programs Performing Arts Video Production + Director —+ Lead Actor “+ Minor/Supporting Actor “+ Stage Manager/Production Manager + Technical Director/Editor —+ Production Staff —+ Scriptwriter = Cinematographer; Sound/Audio Director; Musical Scorer 5-Act Play + Director > Lead Actor —+ Minor/Supporting Actor + Stage Manager/Production Manager = Technical Director/Editor + Production Staff = Scriptwriter Short Story REPS Performance Evaluukion Sheet R231 —+ Director R232 — Lead Actor R233 —+ Minor/Supporting Actor R234 —+ Stage Manager/Production Manager R235. —+ Technical Director/Editor R236 — Production Staff R237 — Scriptwriter Zarzuela R238 + Director R239 — Lead Actor R240 — Minor/Supporting Actor R241 —. Stage Manager/Production Manager R242 — Technical Director/Editor R243 — Production Staff R244 —+ Scriptwriter Skit R245 — Director R246 — Lead Actor R247 —+ Minor/Supporting Actor R248 —. Stage Manager/Production Manager R249 — Technical DirectorfEditor R250 —+ Production Staff R251 —+ Scriptwriter Motion Picture R252 —+ Director R253 Lead Actor R254 —+ Minor/Supporting Actor R255 —+ Stage Manager/Production Manager R256 —+ Technical Director/Editor R257 — Production Staff R258 —+ Scriptwriter R259 — Cinematographer, Sound/Audio Director; Musical Scorer Dance R260 —+ Production Staff R261 —+ Choreographer Multimedia presentations R262 _ > Slide/ transparency presentations R263 + PowerPoint presentations R264 + Video program R265 —+ Radio/ TV documentaries/ features R266 —+ Educational programs R267 — Stage play with script R268. —+ Scriptuiting for radio/ TV/ video R269 —> Case studies used in teaching/ training programs R270 Landscape designs (with documentation) Creative Works R271 + Song R272 —+ Poem R273 — Short Story R274 — Office Forms REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet Ra75 R276 R277 R278 R279 R280 R281 ReB2 — Instrumental Music — Audio-visual Material —* Manual of Operation — Web Page — Painting — Sculpture > Mural Other Research duties not listed above (Please Specify): _REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet EXTENSION 1 2 £3 4 es 6 &7 Es 9 10 en B12 E13 E14 E15 E16 e17 E18 E19 E20 E21 Fetencinn Institution building policy-making for governmentagencies/schools, etc.; gimpowering/advocacy work through community work; orientation sessions, series of meetings, brainstorming, etc. ‘Committee Work (Outside UP) + Chair/Leader Less than 3 months 3 months to 6 months ~+ Member Less than 3 months 3 months to 6 months Initiator of programsiprojects Resource Person ~> With Paper — Without Paper Manager/Director of an Extension Activity Coordinator/Documenter/Facilitator/Technical Support Committee Work (Within UP) —+ System-wide = Chair - Member ~+ College/Institute/Department Level ; Member in standing committee (to be determined by the Dean, Director, or Chairman of the unit) ; Member in Ad-hoc committee (to be determined by the Dean, Director, or Chairman of the unit - AdHoc Committee (System/University/College/Unit) Chair Member ‘Committee Work Institution building/policy making/advocacy/advisory committee work (including network, task force, action team, TWG adhoc) outside UP. — Committee chair — Committee member + Resource person ~+ Manager/Director — Technical supportadviser (incl. Community organizing work) ~+ Coordinator/facilitator Collaborative work with legislative, executive and judiciary branch of government — Participation in public hearing REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet 23 E24 25 £26 27 28 E29 E30 E31 E32 33 E34 £35 36 637 E38 E39 E40 E41 eae £43, E44 E45 E46 47 E48 E49 50 ~ TechnicaVdrafting committee * Resource person/discussantreactor — Paper presenter ~+ Adviser Generation of resources/income for the Institute/University ~+ Technical analyses ~ Research projects from outside agencies (nationavintemational) ~ Donations (based on value or range of donation) —+ Linkages Income Generating Projects — Leader — Assistant Leader ~* Processing/Production Officer —+ Promotions/Marketing Officer Technical/Drafting Committee Resource Person Paper Presenter Discussant — With Paper — Without Paper Reactor Adviser Working Committee Member ~+ Coordinator ~* Organizing Committee Members Conference/Seminar Proper (Intemational) Coordinator ~+ Committee Chair — Committee Member ~ Chair/Member Organizing Committee ~~ PresenterReader REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet E51 + Resource Speaker E52 — Discussant/Reactor E53 —, Facilitator/Moderator E54 —, Rapporteur E55 — Participant E58 Officer of the Day Conference/Seminar Proper (National) E57 — Coordinator E58 + Committee Chair £59 — Committee Member E60. Presenter/Reader £61 —. Resource Speaker E62. Discussant/Reactor £63 — Facilitator/Moderator E64 — Rapporteur E65 — Participant E66 —- Officer of the Day £67 Course/Conference Evaluation Summary Project Development Activities — Project Adviser/Conceptualizer £68 Less than 3 months £69 3 months to 6 months — Project implementer £70 Less than 3 months E71 3months to 6 months ~+ Project Monitor/Evaluator E72 Less than 3 months £73 3months to 6 months ~+ Project Staff E74 Less than 3 months E75 3months to 6 months Training — Teacher Training = Training Proposal/Design E76 Short-term (4 days and less) E77 Long-term (one week or more) E78 - Training Coordinator E79 - Assistant Training Course Coordinator 80 - Training Course Evaluator = Training Report E81 Short-term (4 days and less) E62 Long-term (one week or more) £83 - Trainer E84 - Facilitator 85 - Preparation of training handouts, sldes/transparencies and PowerPoint presentation Fatensinn REPS Performance Evaluiivtn Sheet Training Services —+ Program Manager/ Project Leader/Coordinator - designs the program, redesigns the existing program, prepares the course outline; manages the training activity E86 1-3days E87 4-10days E88 11-20 days E89 More than 20 days —+ Trainer/Facilitator/Resource Person - takes care of some sessions due to one’s E90 expertise and credentials E91 — Training practicumvab asst —+ Documenter/Rapporteur/Monitor/Training Assistant - records activities and proceedings, sets up the laboratory, sees the relevance of materials, and monitors programs with an eye for evaluating effectively the program, resource speaker/faciitator, E92 and materials Technical Assistance in Organized Art/Literary Seminars/Workshops E93 —+ Coordination with government/private agencies E94 — —+ Organize programs and schedule of activities ~+ Designing/Preparation of materials for distribution (¢.g., invitations, workshop kits, E95 audio visual materials, etc.) £96 Information Technology initiatives. Other Extension Activities E97 Community Services STTC Labs and TLL (for non-TLL in-charge), Special Visits, documentation during E98 workshops (includes video recording) E99 Stargazing E100 Writing speeches for other people E101 Panel member/consuttation/review of instruments E102 TV host, Radio programs, Voice-over/Talent E103 Trade fairfexhibit (design, development, installation) E104 Math ED-officer, Diwang Pisika Institutional Extension - invitation given to NISMED e.g., DOST-SEI, DECS meeting, E105 task force, etc. Extension - participation of the individual with the director's/chair's, E106 judge in science fairs, speaker, etc. Technical Assistance to faculty researches, creative works, translations Extension oO 7 "Page 13 of 23 REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet E107 —+ Layouting manuscripts/books £108 —+ Editing manuscripts/books E109 — Encodingfranscribing manuscripts E110 CorrespondentColumnist in a newspaper/magazine Professional Advancement E111 As officer of a professional organization (per year) E112 AS active member of a professional organization (per year) E113 Membership to internationav/national committees £114 Accreditation (individualfaboratory) Professional Growth Attendance to training programs, seminars, workshops, and conferences E115 1-3days E116 4-7 days E117 2-3 weeks E118 1-2 months E119 More than 2 months Continuing Education £120 — Enrollment in Graduate Courses (Related Degree) ~ Obtaining a degree £121 Diploma E122 Masteral 123 Doctoral E124 Post-Doctoral Networking/coordination with various organizations, individuals (e.g., officers with £125 _IBP, government agencies, NGO's, etc) Assistance in organizing seminars, symposia, training, round table discussions, E126 etc. Assistance in answering queries from various individuals (other researchers, £127 government personnel, private individuals) Performance of regular functions E128 — Diagnosis/reatment in service laboratory and clinicMospitals E129 — Briefing of visitors E130 —+ Extension specialistfield technician (in an action program) E131. — TechnicaSpecialist support (in an action program/project (without appointment) £132 Videographer £132 Photographer ‘Extension - - las REPS Performance llll_ation Sheet E134 E135 E136 E137 £138 E139 E140 E141 142 5143, e144 E145 Interviewer Interviewee Speaker (e.g. Inspirational, welcome remarks, etc.) Resource Person/Lecturer in an interview or other fora Judge Guest Pro bono consultancy (to other government agencies/individuals) Emcee Inducting Officer Donor Artist Other Extension duties not listed above (Please specify): Extension Page 15 of 23 REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Guidance Services Specialists Counseling 1 - Academic 2 - PersonaVinterpersonal Testing P3_—- Personality P4 — - Academic 5 - Employment P6 — - Mental ability P7 - Aptitude P8 — - Scholarship P9 — - Special Cases P10 - Psychological P11 Test InterpretationWritten Evaluation and Recommendation P12 Career Development and Placement Services P13. Research and Evaluation P14 Information Service P15 Extension Service Workshop Seminars for individuals/groups P16 - Art of Managing the Self P17 - Assertiveness Training P18 — - Building Better Relationships P19 - Building Confidence P20 - Decision Making P21 - Freshman Orientation P22 - Parent's Orientation P23. - Campus Tour P24 - First Bloc Encounter P25 - Group Growth and Development Program P26 - Gender Sensitivity P27 - Intake Interview P28 - Job fair/Pre-employment P29 - Managing Conflict, P30. - Leadership Training P31 - Peer Facilitators Training P32 - Parents’ Orientation P33 - Pre-college orientation P34 - Study Improvement Program P35 - Team Building P36 - Time Management Professional Services Pane 18 of 93 REPS Performance Evaletttn Sheet P37 - Value Clatification and Transformation P38 - Visitors’ Orientation P39 - Wellness Program Norming P40 - Data Gathering P41 - Write-Up P42 - Final Paper Office Research P43 Data Gathering P44 Write-Up P45 Final Paper Psychological Assessment Services P46 Administration (per test) P47 Scoring (per test) P48 Interpretation (per client) ‘Special Programs P49 - Dormitory Residents P50 - Freshmen P51 - Non-majors P52 - Transferees/Shiftees P53 - VAAS (Varsity Athletic Admission System) P54 - Scholarships (Private and Public) P55 - Disciplinary Cases Other Services P58 - Proposal preparation P57 - Scholarship interviews P58 - Updating of current awareness issues, citations, compilations. P59 - Contribution to selective dissemination of information P60 - Briefing of visitors University Researcher/ Research Associate P61 Interpretation/write-up of surveys/evaluation of guidance programs and activities Assists in the administration of testing activities P62 _- Testing for admission to professional colleges P63 - Testing for scholarship, employment P64 - Psychological testing for readmission and or shifting cases Assists in scoring/profiling of tests administered by the office (Graduate program admission tests, VAAS, College of Fine Arts, College of Human Kinetics, P65 Scholarship and employment testing) P66 Reviews computation of scores and ranking of tests administered Professional Services 7 7 Page 17 of 23 REPS Performance Eval Sheet Peo P70 pnt P72 P73 P74 P75 P76 P77 P78 P79 P80. Pet P82 P83 P84 P85 P86 P87 P88. P89 Pot P92 P93, POS: P96 P97 Pos Professional Services Encoding of communications/evaluation/confidential reports of students and materials/handouts for various guidance programs and activities (seminars, etc.) Assists in the checking of psyshological tests (manual and computerized) Library Staff Professional Regular Functions Technical Services Collections Development - Selecting reviewing, and recommending materials/equipment for possible purchase - Preparing statistics of documents/ materials processed = Receiving/sorting/recording serials - Soliciting and evaluating gifts and exchange materials received - Evaluating the collection to determine its strengths and weaknesses, - Processing of payments - Collaborating with the faculty in establishing the collection development program of the college - Processing materials received/recommended ‘Stack Maintenance and Preservation - Sorting and/or shelving - Shelfreading = Conducting inventory of library collection - Maintaining and preserving print and non-print materials Cataloging Cataloging and classifying (print and non-print materials) = Revising Main Library original cataloging records - Verifying Main Library adapted cataloging records - Verifying and editing unit libraries cataloging records = Encoding bibliographic entries of print and non-print materials - Maintaining shelfists = Searching bibliographic ulities/on-line catalogs - Offline editing of sheifists against worksheets. = Online editing Indexing, Abstracting and Annotating = Indexing (print and non-print materials) = Revising (print and non-print materials) - Abstracting - Annotating ‘Automation = Coordinating the automation program and activities of the library = Conducting training programs pertaining to automation activities of the library = Assisting in planning and acting as facililator in the Library's in-house training on computer technology = Training stafflusers on the use of job control language routine = Maintaining library databases Page 18 of 23 REPS Performance Evasemwon Sheet P100 101 P102 103 104 105 P1086 P107 108 P109 P110 Pitt P112 P13, Pita P15, Pi6 P17 Pie P19 P120 121 122 123 P124 125 P1268 127 P128 P129 P130 P13t P132 P133 P134 Professional Services = Converting records from one format to another = Cleaning virus-infected computers User Education and Services Circulation Services - Operating the reserve/circulation/AViserialFilipiniana and special collections lending system = Recording/compiling/consolidating statistics relating to library operations - Operating inter-library loan system = Checking IDs, inspecting books, bags, etc. and recording no. of readers admitted = Coutersigning IDs - Issuing clearances = Paging, charging and discharging library collections = Approving and issuing overnight loan reservation books Filing book cards - Registering new borrowers - Issuing & updating borrowers cards - Renewing/recalling and monitoring the use of library materials = Preparing AV materials and facilities scheduled for use Reference Services - Answering reference questions and other queries - Assisting users in the use of the card and online catalogs, indexes and databses - Assisting users in the preparation of materials for instruction and research - Providing current awareness services (SD!) = Compiling bibliogray = Gathering materials to be used for media production and presentation purposes - Explaining library rules and regulations = Conducting orientation - Giving lectures, etc. on library resources, bibliographic/research techniques, etc. - Locating specificirequested items - Providing document delivery services. - Putting-up exhibits of library materials Administrative Services Planning and Development = Drawing plans and activities to upgrade library services/physical facilities = Coordinating actively with college faculty and staff re: library programs and activities - Formulating policies and guidelines re: technical services, user services and education ‘and administrative services - Implementing library policies, rules and regulations = Overseeing the implementation and assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of library programs and activities = Tapping resources outside the University Library system Financial Management = Budgeting (managing and controlling book fund/special funds) = Assisting in controlling book fund/special funds, - Collecting and remitting fines/ibrary fees and payment for lost materials ~ Page 19 of 23 REPS Performance Evaluation Sheet P135, P136 P137 138 P1390 140 P1at P142 P143 Pisa pias, P16, P1a7 Pas. P49, P150 P1st 152 P153 P154 155 156 P1s7 158 P159 P160 Piet P162 P 163 P164 ‘Human Resource Development - Identifying/determining staff assignments. - Preparing staff work schedule and assignments - Evaluating performance of staff ~ Assisting in the supervision of staff and student assistants = Orienting and training new staff and student assistants in their new assignments - Recommending personnel action - Supervising utility services Records and Information Management = Manning the administrative desk = Monitoring the calendar of activities and arranging the schedule of meetings of the University Librarian/Section/Unit Head Librarian - Answering and making telephone calls = Receiving communications, visitors, etc. ~ Recording records received and submitted - Disseminating information/urgent matters to staff - Preparing correspondence, memoranda, endorsements, basic papers and staff assignments = Preparing reports, e.g. annual, statistical, inventory, delinquent list, summary of staff attendance, vehicle trip schedule, etc. = Checking and recording staff daily time records, - Filing and retrieving records. - Updating and generating personnel records. - Coordinating with unit/campus libraries in the preparation of union list of borrowers with accounts. = Supervising messengerial services ‘Supply and Property Management - Assuming administrative responsibility over library collections, equipment and facilities = Selecting and recommending procurementupgrading/repair/condemnation of ‘equipment ~ Conducting inventory of equipment - Requisitioning supplies - Preparing/processing vouchers, invoices, memo receipts and reports for inspection (equipment and supplies) - Distributing supplies ~ Attending to building maintenance ~ Assuming administrative responsibilty over archives collections, equipment and facilities Library Staff Professional Archival Functions Appraisal and Acquisition - Appraising archives based on their evidential, historical, research/informational and/or ‘symbolic values - Arranging archives through transfer, donation, deposit and/or sale Arrangement and Description Professional Services Page 20 of 23 REPS Performance Eve=—on Sheet = 165 : Pies 167 Pies Pieo P170 Pit P172 ~ Arranging archives = Describing archives. ~ Servicing archives Conservation - Preserving archives ~ Restoring damagedideteriorated archival records Promotion = Putting-up exhibits of archival records ~ Preparing brochures and other promotional materials, Other Professional Service duties not listed above (Please specify): Professional Services Page 21 of 23 REPS Performance E ADMINISTRATION, Administrative load within UP without additional compensation (within or outside unit) ‘1 Workgroup Chair/oIc/system Administrator A2__ Project Coordinatorf.eader 3. Reviewer (for other workgroups) RDE Coordinator A4 College leve! AS Unit level Laboratory/Division/Section Head AB Staff of 10 oF more AT Staff of 5-9 AB Staff of less than 5 Officer-in-charge ‘9 University level 10 College level 11 Unit level Other Administrative Positions 12. —+ Station Managers 13. + Farm Managers 14 —+ Substation Managers (15 —+ SSG Administrator/Landscape Administrator 16 —+ Service Laboratory Heads Techno-demo farms 17+ Farm Administrator 18 —— Assistant Farm Administrator UP Regular Committee (Socials, APC, Fellowship, Publications, Products and Promotions, Visits, Labs, Adopt-a-School, and Lecture Series) 19+ Chair 20. —+ Co-chair A21_ + Member A22 Technical services rendered to other groups, e.g., trouble shooting, tutorial A23._ Other Clerical Duties and Responsibilities (Please specify below): “Administration OO —CéPage 22 oF 23 REPS Performance Evas=s9n Sheet INSTRUCTION Adviser of a doctoral student who passes the doctoral examination Adviser of a master's student who passes the masteral examination/obtains the 12 degree 13. Dissertation reader of a doctoral student who takes the doctoral examination ‘Thesis reader/panel member of a master’s student who takes the masteral '4 examination ‘Thesis adviser of an undergraduate student who graduates (maximum of five 15 advisees per year) Other contributions to teaching to be determined by the Head of the 16 Institute/Department 17 Teaching Load (with MOA) Research Adviser PGH-CM Activities (Graduate/Residency Activities) 18 Basic course 19 + Conferences (under extension) 110 -+ OPD consultant 11 + OR consultant 12 —+ ER consultant 113 —+ Specialty clinic consultant 114 —+ Specialty rounds ‘Teaching Duties —+ Undergraduate level 15 Lecture 116 Laboratory + Graduate level 17 Lecture 118 Laboratory —+ High School 119 Lecture 120 Laboratory Instruction — Page 23 of 23

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