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The University of the Philippines

GAZETTE :~:~~:;~~r~:~9~~1 ISSN No. 0115-7450

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. .' .' CONTENTS . ',.-

1018th Meeting, 30 January 1989

Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. 5

Transfer to permanent status 6
Establishment of a Small-Scale Alcohol Plant
in BIOTECH, UP Los Banos. 6
Reduction in the Amount of Administrative Overhead. 6
Further Amendment of the Collegian Rules and
E.O. No.1. . 6
Grant of Honoraria to editors, staff and Affiliate of
Increase in Fees. 6
Authority to use Collections from Reneging Fellows. 6
Increase in the Working Capital of the UP Press
Academic Publishing House -. 6
Realignment of P40,OOO for the President's Committee
on Culture and the Arts 6
Request for Supplemental Budget 6
Establishment of the Juan Collas Sr. Memorial Chair. 7
Setting Aside of a piece of UP Larx:l Property. 7
Extensionof Privileges and Benefits alter Retirement 7
Payment of Honoraria and other Allowances. 7
r-Autho~ity to Privatize the Asian Inst itute of
Tourism House 7
Retention of the UP Integrated School, the UPV-I HS, the
UPLB Rural High School, and the UPV Cebu High
School, as welt as the phasing out of the UP
College Baguio. 7
Adoption of the Policy on Socialized Tuition and
Financial Assistance Program and its implementation 7
Modification of hem No. 1132·2 in the College of
Architecture . . . 7
Confirmation of Memoranda of Agreement & other
documents. 7
Graduation. 7
Appointment of University Officials. 7

1019th Meeting, 3 March 1989

Appointments, renee! of appointments, etc. 7
Transfer to permanent status 9
Use of Educational Development Fee 9
Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program. 9
Proposed Disbursement of the Graduate Education
Development Fee .. 9
Donation of P60,OOO by Members of UP High School
Class 1961 .. 9 C
Change of Name of School and Institute .. 9 "'j
Appointment of members to the NEC Advisory Board. 9
Establishment of the Renata Reyes Professorial o
Chair in Engineering .
Student Organizations.

Purchase of Equipment in UP Diliman & UP Los Banos ..

Reprogramming, Realignment, Use of Unexplained Balances.
Investment of additional P2.5 Million in the Diamond


I Jubileeville Housing Project of UPLB .. ::
Conferment of Honorary Degrees. 9
Internal Operating Budget .. 10 ...,'",

Cover Story: Resolutions of the UP Manila Assembly
Transfer of Item No. 1998 PSI 912-2 from the Campus ....
Final Exams - the last hurdle before graduation, vacation
Planning Development and Maintenance Office.
Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation
10 '2-"


and summer frolic. It is the culmination of a whole semes- between the University and the Han Nam University. 10
10 ec
ter of exams, reports, assignments and deadlines. Students Matters from the University Council. 00
laboriously answer a test before facing the exciting prospect Contract for Laundry Services between the
10 '"
of summer. University and Kalinisan Steam Laundry. ' ..
Agreement of Cooperation between the University and Memorandum No. 13 petakaran ng Unibersidad hinggil sa
Quezon City Government , , . 10 ~ pagtanggap ng donasyong,pangsining at pangkultura .. 16
Contract for Supply of Whole Human Blood between the Memorandum No. 14 budget call for FY 1990 constituent
University and Doctor's Blood Bank . . . . 10 l UniversityfUnit Budget. 17
Contract of Lease between the University and the Memorandum No 15 authority to sign vouchers 17
10 ~ Memorandum No. 16 iskolar ng bayan program. 17
Philippine National Bank (PNBI. ,
Letter of Agreement from the Ford Foundation granting Memorandum No. 17 case of Mr. Igor Batten, Et AI. at the
55,500 to UPLB. 10 UP I ntegrated School. 18
Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of
UP vtsevas.. 10, Letters
Negotiated Purchase of One lot 5668·958 VS Cobol II
10 To Dr. Vicente Limcaoco 18
CompilerfLibrary 1158 Basic Group 15 OTC .
To Dr. Fernando Carrascoso. 18
Memorandum 01 Agreement between the University and
10' To Senator Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. 19
the University of Southeastern Philippines.
10 To Dr. Ahmed E. Alonto, Jr. 19
Appointment of University Officials.
To Dr. David Winder. 20
. To Secretary Solita Monsod . 20
To Secretary Guillermo N. Caraque. 20
Executive Order To Atty. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. . 21
To Governor Felicisimo T. San Luis 21
To Secretary Solita Monsod .. 21
Executive Order NO.4 quidetlnes on the disposition of
. 11/ To Secretary Raul S. Manglapus. 22
requests for authority to travel abroad.
To Ambassador Nicholas Platt. 22
To Mr. Bavanl Bernabe. 22
Administrative Order
To President Corazon C. Aquino 23
Administrative Order No.1 creation of a committee to To Mr. Domingo S. Soriao, Jr.
To Ms. Felicitas Hadaic. 23 )
improve the UP College Admission System (UPCASI in
the democratization of access to UP ., 1 F"':I To Mr. Eufemio C. Domingo 23
Administrative Order No. l-A designation of an eddttlonal To Dr. Michael Cullinane. . . 24
member of the Committee to improve the UP College To Mr. Venancio "Beniie'' "Johnson Paras 24
Admission System (UPCAS) in the Democratization To Commissioner Jose Ong . 24
of Access to UP . 12 - To Director Emmanuel T. Velasco 24
Administrative Order No. 'l-B creation of a Subcommittee To Atty. Sergio P. K3IJIJi . 24
to Streamline the Administration of the UPCAT .. 12 To the Parents of UP Students 25
Administrative Order No.2 creation of a coordinating To President David Gardner of the University
committee for the planning and establishment of a of California. 25
University center for women's studies 12 To Protessscr Faustino A. Daria, Jr. 26
Administrative Order No.3 designation as OIC of the To Congressman lsmael A. Mathav. Jr. 26
Office of the Vice-President for Public Affairs . . . 13 To Dr. Antonio Arizabal .. 26
Administrative Order No.7 creation of an Ad Hoc To Miss Mila E. Ignatz 26
UP Committee On the Inauguration of the UP-PGH To Secretary Raul Manglapus . 26
Medical Center . 13 To Dr. Cesar G. Saldana 27
To Prof. Delfin J. Ganapin, Jr. 27
Memoranda To Undersecretary Ricardo M. Urnali. 27
To Dean Gabriel ig'lesias and Prof. Olive Cactli 27
Memorandum NO.1 decoumenting UP's Faculty Retention To Dr. Esperenza I. Cabral. 27.'
13 To Regent Gonzalo Bonqolen .. 2~ ,
Memorandum NO.2 multi-d isciplinary assessments of the To Dr. Vicente R. Limcacco. 28
State of the Nation. 13 To Secretary GUillermo N. Careque. 28
Memorandum No.3 acceptance and supervision of the To Ms. Sheila Coronel 28
transfer of library materials .. 14 To Dr. Wataru Mori .. 29
Memorandum NO.4 questions to be answered regarding
To Secretary Solita Monsod . 29
computerization of data sent to the Office of the To Regent Cesar Buenaventura 29
Vice-President for Academic Affairs. 14 To Governor Efren S. Cruz 29
Memorandum No.5 use of educational development fee 14 To Commissioner Bartolome C. Fernandez 30
Memorandum No.6 "exit interviews" for resigning faculty To Attv. Reginald F. Lewis . 30
members or declining offers of renewal of apJXI intment . 14 To Mr. Roger M. Austria. 30
Memorandum No.8 first fund-raising campaigns and To Senator Wigberto E. Tefeda . 31
launching of two organizations to help the Friends of To President Kazoo Takamatsu of Soka University. 31
the UPVM and the a.c. Historical Commission. 15 To Mrs. Frances F. Korten .. 31
Memorandum No. 9 Income from undergraduate To President Corazon C. Aquino 32
Student Fees, Income from Graduate Student Fees To Secretary Jose P. de Jesus. 32
End-19BB Balances of trust liability Accounts . 15 To Secretary Aainerlo O. Reyes. 32
Memorandum' No. to requests for Chancellors to provide To Miss Edna 0' Souza . . . 32
an overview in executive summary form regarding the To Prof. Rogelio Stear 33
ft. topics: faculty development, academic programs. To Prof. Domingo G. Landicho. 33
research & extension service/outreach program. 15 To Secretary Guillermo N. Caraque. 33
Memorandum No. 12 appointment of Prof. Alexander To Secretary Sedfrev Ordonez 33
R. Magno as Acting Research Coordinator for the To Prof. Melito S. Salazar, Jr.. 34
"Study on the Alternative Use of Military Baselands To Prof. Aurora Aoxas Um . 34
2 and its Environs" .16 ToMr.VitalinoUlanclay., . . . 34
To Secretary Jose Concepcion, Jr. 34 To Dean Bartolome S. Carate 43
To Prof. Eduarco C. Tadem • 34· To Prof. and Mrs. Jerome F. Ballen. 43
To ConcresswomanThelma Z. Almario 35· To Or. Michael Cullinane, 43
To Senator Edgardo J. Angara. 35 To Dr. Richard Fuller 44
, To Congresswoman Thelma Z. Almario 35 . To Secretary Guillermo N. Carague. 44
To Undersecretary Manuel T. Van 35'
To Mr. Juan couss. ESQ. 35 Messages
To Mrs. Leticia Canso 36
To Secretary Guillermo N. Carague. 36 To UP College of Home Econornlcs. 44
To Mrs. Teresita Abueva-Floro 36 To the Graduates of B.S. Biology, B.S. Botany and
To Ambassador Hans F. Gronwall 37 .. B.S. Zoology. 44
To Regent Angelita Trinidad-Reyes. 37. To UP Sigma Delta Phi. 45
To Prof. Delia R. Barcelona. 37
, To UP Mathematic's Club 45
To Mr. Shuntaro Shishido 37/ To the College of Science 45
To Chairman Hilarion Davlde, Jr. 38 To Pi Sigma Fraternity. 45
To Dean Bartolome S. Carafe 38 To UP PCCA and Department of English and
To Prof. Gregorio T. Zarnuco . 38 Comparat ive Literature. 45
To Mr. Ric Lara. 38 To UP Katilingban 45
To Dr. Albert J. Simone. 38, To Japan International Cooperation Agency 45
To Senator Edgardo J. Angara. 39 To Graduate of College of Fisheries
39 .

To Dr. Cesar Adib Majul . . . . • To Pambansang Patakaran para sa gamot. 46

To Congressman Carlos·M. Padilla 39 I TE1"UP Junior Marketing Association . 46
To Regent Flerida Ruth V. Romero 39 . To Graduate of School of Development Management 46
To President David Gardner of the University I To Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority. 46
of California. 40 To UP Engineering Radio Guild. 46
To Ambassador Tsuneo Tanaka. 40 To Participants of the Fifth Asian Workshop on
To Fr. Antonio B. Lambino, S.J. 41 Child a'nd Adolescent Development. 46
Ambassador Oleg Sokolov .
Dr. Vicente Limcaoco
. 41
To SAMASA. , , 47
To Graduate of UP Visayas High School. 47
To Dr. Ricahrd H. Fuller. 41 To Graduates of UP Integrated School. 47
To Atty. Juan G, Collas, Jr. 42 To UP Pre-Medical Society. 47
To Ernesto G. Tabujara 42 To Graduate Class '89 CSSP. 47
To Mr. Sogo Okamura 42 To Hongkong South East Asia Research Institute. 47
TO Mr. Nathaniel Von Einsiedel.
-- ..- 42. To Dance Theatre Phils. 47
To Secretary Guillermo N. Garague. 42 To UP Alumni Association. 48


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1018th Meeting, 30 January 1989

fessor of Photo-lnterpretatlon. effective 1 January 1989 untit 31
December 1989.
MENTS, PROMOTIONS, ETC. Mllrino M. Mena-rene~~1 of appointment as UPE~DFI Profe~­
SOr of Environmental Engineering, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
The Board approved the following appointrnents, renewal of December 1989,
appointments, reappointments. promotions, etc.: Ferdinaftd A. Pecson-appointment as Cezar Nuguid Assistant
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 July 1988 until
U.P. SYSTEM 30 June 1989.

Office of Alumni Relations Home Economics, College of

Fe Arcinas-appointment as Director of Alumni Relations, ef- Corazon G. LeocacHo-promotion with salary adjustment to the
fective 13 January 1989 until 12 January 1992. minimum from Associate Professor II at P67,548 p.a. to Professor
I at P82,416 p.a., effective 1 April 1988.
Office of the President
Islamic Studies, Institute of
Josefina M. Albores-renewal of appointment as Executive As-
sistant {Contractual}, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December Syamsuddin Abdullah-appointment as Visiting Professor, ef-
1989. fective a November 1988 until 31 March 1989.

Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs Science, College of

Josefina M. Malixi-confirmation of ad interim appointment as Ines G. BoUeza-renewal of appointment as Phllamllfe Insurance

Director, Office of Institutional Linkages, effective 1 July 1988 Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Decem-
until 31 December 1988. ber 1989.
Sylvia M. VElntura-confirmation of ad interim appointment as Amelia P. Guevarra-automatic promotion with salary adjustment
Director, UP Press {Acedemlc Publishing Housel. effective 1 August to the minimum from Assistant Professor III at P55,356 p.a. to
1988 until 31 July 1991. Associate Professor I of Chemistry at P64,272 p.a., effective 22
July 1988.
Office of the Vice-President for Planning and Finance Manuela Fe H. Tarroja-automatic promotion with salary adjust-
ment to the minimum from Associate Professor II at P52,668 p.e.
Proceso G. Ramos-renewal of appointment as Business Manager to Associate Professor I at P64,272 p.a., effective 1 July 1988 until
,effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. 31 May 1989.

U.P. DillMAN Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of

Arts and Sciences, College of Christian Max Erni-appointment as Visiting Research Assistant,
effective 16 December 1988 until 15 December 1989.
Ivan I. Gorshkalev-confirmation of ad interim appointment as Dominic T. Gatoni-appointment as Visiting Research Associate,
Visiting Assistant Professor 1 of Russian Language, effective 3 effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
November 1988 until 31 May 1989. Chikao Yoshimura-appointment as Visiting Research Associate,
Rosario H. Santos-extension of appointment beyond the com- effective 1 April 1989 until 31 January 1990.
pulsory retirement age of 65 as Associate Professor III, effective 12
December 1988 until21 March 1989. Statistical Center

Economics, School of Mool Chandra Agrawal-renewal of appointment as Visiting

Professor, effective 1 December 1988 until 31 May 1989.
Emmanuel S. De Dios-automatic promotion with salary adjust- Roberto S. Mariano-renewal of appointment as Visiting Pro- '"C
ment to the minimum from Assistant Professor III at P55,356 p.a.
to Associate Professor I of Economics at P64,272 p.a., effective 1
fessor, effective 15 December 1988 until 14 December 1989. o
June 1988. U.P. LOS BAiIlOS

Agricurture, College of
Education, College of

Thelma G. Abiva-appointment as SMC Diamond Jubilee Asso- Zeyaur Rahman Kban-eapootmment as Visiting Assistant Pro-
ciate Professor of Education (Counselor Educaticn}, effective 1 fessor of Entomology, effective 1 November 1988 until 30 October
1989. I§...
July 1988 until 30 June 1989.
Nelia G. Casambre-extension of appolntrnent beyond the com- Romeo S. Rejesus-reappointment as Associate Professor V of , ,

pulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor VIII, effective 27 Decem- Horticulture, effective 1 June 1988 until 31 May 1989. ~
ber 1988 until 31 March 1989.
. Economics and Management, College of

Engineering, College of
Jack B. Duff-promotion in rank and renewal of appointment
Leopolda V. Abis-renewal of appointment as NPC Professor from Visiting ASSOciate Professor to Visiting Professor of Agricul-
of Power II, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. tural Economics, effective 1 June 1988 until 31 May 1989.
Romeo C. Bruce-renewal of appointment as UPERDFI Pro-_
Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology. College of

Graeme Ross Quick-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective Engineering, College of

2 November 1988 until 31 May 1989.
Alberto V. Amorsolo Jr.-as Assistant Professor I of Metallurgy,
U.P. MANILA effective 8 December 1988.

Medicine, College of Social Sciences and Philcsophy. College of

Napoleon M. Apolinarto-renewal of appointment as Diamond Nanette G. Dungo-as Assistant Professor I of Sociology, effect-
Jubilee Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, effective 1 January 1988 ive 8 December 1988.
until 31 December 1988.
Zenaida G. Bagabaldo-appointment as Sane! Ablaza Professor Economics and Management, College of
of Physiology, effective 1 July 1988 untit 30 June 1989.
Samuel O. Bernal-appointment as Visiting Professor. effective Eulogio T. Castillo-as Assistant Professor V, effective 1 March
2 November 1988 until 31 May 1989.
Carmen P. Castaiieda-appointment as UP Medicine Class '36
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, effective 1 July 1988 until Fisheries, College of
30 June 1989.
Armando T. Chiang-transfer from part-time to full-time, from Nygiel B. Armada-as Assistant Professor I of Marine Fisheries,
Associate Professor I at P32,136 p.a. to Associate Professor I at effective 1 June 1988.
P64,272 p.a.. effective 21 June 1988.
Romeo V. Fajardo-transfer from part-time to tull-time. from Establishment of a Small-Scale Alcohol Plant in BIOTECH, UP Los
Professor II at P43.308 p.a. to Professor II at P86,616 p.a., effective Banos
21 June 1988. The Board approved the establishment of a Small-Scale Alcohol
Amelia R. Fernandez-transfer from part-rlrne to tulf-tirne. from Plant in BIOTECH, UP Los Banos.
Associate Professor V at P39,210 p.a. to Associate Professor V at
P78,420 p.a .. effective 21 June 1988. Reduction in the Amount of Admintstratlve Overhead
Manuel S.A, Petatmc-etrensfer from part-time to full-time, from The Board approved the reduction in the amount of administra-
Associate Professor I at P32,136 p.a. to Associate Professor I at tive overhead fee charged against the UP-Department of Tourism
P64,272 p.a.. effective 21 June 1988. Seminar for Tour Guides Project.
Augusto M. Manalo-transfer from part-time to full-time, from
ASSOciate Professor II at P33.774 p.a. to Associate Professor II at Further Amendment of the Collepian Rules and E.O, No.1
P67,548 p.a.. effective 21 June 1988. The Board approved the further amendment of the Collegian
Alfredo T. Ramirez-appointment as Enrique M. Garcia Asso- Rules and E.O. No.1 dated March 13, 1984.
ciate Pro!essor of Surgery, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June
1989. Grant of Honoraria to editors, staff and Affiliate of SCi ENTIA
Alfredo T. Ramirez-transfer from part-time to full-time. from The Board approved the grant of honoraria to editors, staff and
Associate Professor V at P39,210 p.a. to Associate Professor V at affiliate of Scientia, the student oublicatlon of the College of
P78.420 p.a., effective 21 June 1988. Science.
Baltazar Jr. V. Reyes-transfer from part-time to full-time, from
Professor IV at P47,844 p.a. to Professor IV at P95,688 p.a., effect- Increase in Fees
ive 21 June 1988. The Board approved the increase in Sinag Fee (official student
Manuel V. Silao-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Associate publication of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy] from
Professor of Anesthesiology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June
P3 to P30 per semester. ,,
Manuel V. Sllao-etranster from part-t ime to full-time, from Authority to use Collections from Reneging Fellows
Associate Professor IV at P37,302 p.a. to Associate Professor IV
The Board approved the authority to use collections from rene-
at P74,604 p.a., effective 21 June 1988.
ging fellows for fellowships, scholarships and operating costs in-
Cecilia V. Tomas-reappo intment as Diamond Jubilee Associate
curred in the collection efforts.
Professor of Phvsiofoqv, effective; July 1988 until 30 June 1989.
Emestc V. Valdez-appointment as UPMASA Professor of
Increase in the Working Capital of the UP Press Academic Pub-
Pharmacology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June 1989.
lishing House
Jaime T. Zamuco-transfer from part-tlrne to full-time, from
The Board approved the increase in the working capital of the
Associate Professor V at P39.210 p.a. to Associate Professor Vat UP Press' Academic Publishing House from P272.000 to P500,OOO.
P78,420 o.a.. effective 21 June 1988 . which represents an additional outlay of Pl77 .800.

Realignment of P40,OOO for the President's Committee on Culture
Fisheries, College of and the Arts
The Board approved the realignment of P40,OOO from Equip-
ment Outlay to Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses to de-
Zosima T. Vicencio-extension of appointment beyond the com-
fray expenses being incurred in supporting the 1st UP-Philamlife
pulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor III of Inland Fisheries,
Arts Season, the International Festival and Conference on lndiqe-
effective 26 December 1988 until 30 March 1989.
nous and Traditional Cultures and the host of requests for support
coming from student organizations.
transfer to permanent status
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS Request for Supplemental Budget
The Board approved the request for supplemental budget for the
c The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the following:
following: 1. For the UP College Pampanga (UP Extension Program in San
Fernando, Pampanqal
2. Additonal Supplementary Budget for the UP Law Complex. (DARl whereby U.P. sells, transfers, conveys and assigns to DAR
3. Supplemental Budget for UP Los Banos all its rights, titles, interests in the agricultural lands situated in
4. Allocation of P300,OOO as "seed money" for various fund- Lamftan and lsabeta, Basilan.
raising activities. 4. Subscription Aqreernent entered into by the University with
Manila Electric Company.
Establishment ofthe Juan Collas Sr. Memorial Chair 5. Memorandum of Agreement between the U.? vtsevas and
The Board approved the establishment of the Juan Callas Sr. Radyo Budvonq DYI3Q for the common endeavor of contri-
Memorial Chair funded by the Friends of the UP Foundation in buting to the educational, social, cultural, and, information need
America (FUPFA), at Pl.000 a month for the holder. of individuals, qroups and clients in the region and to establish
a more efficient means of dissemination of technical and prac-
Setting Aside of a piece of UP Land Property Contiguous to the lot tical knowledge particularly in areas of marine fisheries, fish
on which the present Institute for Science and Mathematics Educa- processing techncloqv. cultural and political science, manage-
tion Development is located ment and business.
The Board approved the setting aside of a piece of UP Land Pro- 6. Contract for Securitv Services between the Ex-Bataan Veterans
perty contiguous to the lot on which the present Institute for Security Agency, lnc.. and UP Manila
Science and Mathematics Education Development is located, for the 7. Memorandum of Grant Conditions by the International Deve-
training building and dormitory of the National Learning Resource lopment Research Center granting an amount of up to $70,700
Center for Teacher Training (N LRCTT) CAD_
8. Management Agreement entered into by UP-NDC Basilan Plant-
Extension of Privileges and Benefits after Retirement to those who ations, Inc. lUNBPll with NDC Plantations. Inc. (NDCP1)
will apt to retire under RA 6683 (Early Retirement and Voluntary
Separation) or before they reach age 65 Graduation
The Board epproved the extension of privileges and benefits The Board approved the qreduajion of candidates for various
after retirement at those who will opt to retire under AA 6683 degrees from the different colleges and school of UP los Banos as
(Early Retirement and Voluntary Separation) or before they reach of the end of the First Semester 1988·89.
age 65, provided they apply for retirement between the period
December 20,1988 and February 17.1989. The Board approved the graduation of candidates for various
degrees from the different colleges of UP Manila as of the end of the
Payment of Honoraria and other Allowances Second Semester 1987-B8, Summer 1988 and First Semester 1988-
The Board approved the payment of honoraria and other allow- 89_
ances to College Librarians, Assistant Principals, RATA for .DIC's
uniform allowances, etc. The Board noted the following:

Authority to Privatize the Asian Institute of Tourism House and to 1. Administrative Order No.2 re-creating a Coordination Com-
Negotiate its Lease to a Private Entity mittee for the plann'ing and establishment of a University
The Board approved the authority to privatize the Asian Insti- Center for Women's Studies.
tute of Tourism House and to negotiate its lease to a private entity. 2. Acceptance of a donation of $100,000 from the Reginald F.
Lewis Foundat ion
Retention of the UP Integrated Sehocl tusf S}, the UPV Iloilo High 3. Acceptance of P~jO,OOO from Mercury Drug Corporation
School (UPV-IHS), the UPLB Rural High School, and the UPV Cebu 4. Report of the President's Committee on Culture and the
High School, as well as the phasing out of the UP College Baguio Arts
(UPCB) High School. starting AY 1989-1990
The Board approved the adoption of the Proposed Policy and APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS
retention of the UP Integrated School (UPIS), the UPV Iloilo High (Executive Session)
School (UPV-IHS), the UPLB Rural High School, and the UPV Cebu
High School, as integral parts of the University's experiment in the The Board approved the appointment of Prof. Virgilio Esguerra
dernocratization of access to quality education at the tertiary level. as the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, UP Los Banos,
lnd phasing out of UP College Bequio (UPCB) Hiqh School, starting effective 16January 1989 until 15 January 1992.
AY 1989-90_
1019th Meeting, 3 March 1989
Adoption of the Policy on Soclallzed Tuition and Financial Assist-
The Board approved the adoption of the policy on Socialized
Tuition and Financial Assistance Proqrem and its implementation
by the First Semester, School year 1989-90. The Board approved the following appointments, renewal of
Modification of Item No. 1132-2 (PSI 1988) in the College of appointments, reappointments, etc.:
The Board approved the modification of Item No. 1132-2 (PSI U_P_ SYSTEM
1988\ from Assistant Professor I at P50,124 to Associate Professor
I at P64,272 p.a., effective 4 April 1988. Office of Alumni Relations

Confirmation of Memoranda of Agreement and other Documents Vicente Encarnacion-reappointment as Senior Alumni Rela-
1. Administrative Order No. 146 creating the U.P. Diliman Security tions Officer, effective 1 April 1989 until 31 March 1990 at
and Safety Commission, Defining its Powers. and for Other P78,420 (Contractual) p.a. and creation of the position of Senior
Purposes. Alumni Relations Officer.
2. Grant Agreement between the University and the Sasakawa
Peace Foundation for a scholarly program for undergraduate U,P, DILlMAN
students enrolled in the University and to assist those scholars
who desire to learn the Japanese language. Arts and Letters. College of
3. Deed of Sale executed by the University in favor of the Repub-
lic of the Philippines. represented by the Department of Agra- Priscelina P. Legllsto-automatic promotion with salary ediust-
rian Reform through the Honorable Secretary Phillip E. Juice
ment to the minimum from Assistant Professor III at P55,365 p.a. 7
to Associate Professor I at P6(272 p.a. effective 29 May 1988. 1989.
Ma. Lilia F. Realubit-appo\ntment as UPFI Profe'ssar of Folk- Natividad S. Ynchausti-appointment as Luisa Stevenson Isidro
lore Studies, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989 .. Professor of Clothing, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December
Rogelia R. Sieat-salary increase from Assistant Professor IV 1989.
at p58,laB p.a. to Associate Professor II at P67,548 p.a.. effective
1 February 1988. Law, College of

Business Administration. College of Merlin M. Mngallona-reappointment as Professor Carlos A.

Barrios Professor of Law, effective 1 September 1988 until 31 June
Teresa F. Bernabe-renewal of appointment as Dean Jaime C. 1989.
Laya Professor of Business Administration. effective 1 January until
31 December 1989. UP Press
Dominador A. Clemente-renewal of appointment as Lepanto
Consolidated Mining Company Professor of Business Adrntnistra- Sylvia M. Ventura-increase in honorarium from Director withan
tlon. effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. honorarium of P2,OOO/month plus authorized allowance to Director
Erlinda S. Echanis-renewal of appointrnent as Central Bank of with an honorarium of P3,OOOlmonth plus authorized allowance.
the Philippines Professor of Business Administration. effective 1
January 1989 until 31 December 1989. Public Administration, College of
Feticitas U. Evangelista-renewal of appointment as IBM Philip-
pines Incorporation Associate Professor of Business Administration, Jung-Suk Youn-cappointment as Visiting Research Fellow, ef-
effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. fective 15 February 1989 until 15 July 1989.
Juan T. Lim-renewal of appointment as Bienvenido Y. Dizon
Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 January Sicence, College of
1989 until 31 December 1989.
Concepcion R. Martires-renewal of appointment as Eugenia I Fe N. Beves-cextension of appointment beyond compulsory re-
Guidote-Puvat Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 tirement age of 6~j as Professor IX, effective 25 February 1989 until
January 1989 until 31 December 1989. 31 March 1989.
Epictetus E, Patalinghug-r~newal of appointment as Dean Gil
J. Puvat Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 January Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of
1989 until 31 December 1989.
Ernestc P. Pineda-renewal of appointment as Anselmo Trinidad Ma. Serena I. Diokno-promotion with salary adjustment to the
Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 January 1989 until minimum from Assistant Professor Vat P61,152 p.a. to Associate
31 December 1989. Professor I at P64,272 p.a., effective 1 February 1988.
Emerlinda R. Roman-increase in honorarium from Dean Gil J.
Social Work and Community Development, College of
Puyat Associate Professor of Business Administration at P1,500!
month to 'Dean Gil J. Puvat Professor of Business Administration at
P2,OOO/month, effective 1 February 1988 until 31 December 1989. Esther C. Viloria-salary increase from Professor IV at P95,688
Emerlinda R. Roman-renewal of appointment as Dean Gil J. p.a. to Professor V at P100,572 p.a. effective 1 February 1988.
Puvat Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 January
1989 until 31 December 1989. U.P. los Banos
Cesar G. Saldaiia-renewal of appointment as Price Waterhouse! Agriculture, College of
Joaquin Cunanan Professor of Business Administration, effective 1
January 1989 until 31 December 1989. Clare R. Baltazar-salary increase from Professor VI at P105,
696 p.a., to Professor VIII at P116,760 p.a.. effective 1 February
UP College Baguio
Clara L. Davide-reappointment as Diamond Jubilee Associate
lourdesA. Hamada-promotion in rank from Assistant Professor Professor of Dairy Technology, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
IV at P64,272 p.a. to Associate Professor I at the same salary, ef- December 1989.
fective 1 February 1988. Nora C. Quehral-reappointment as Professor Emeritus of Agri-
Flor Angel S. Hernandez-cpromotio n in rank from Assistant Pro- culture, effective 1 October 1988 until 30 September 1989.
fessor IV at P64,272 p.a. to Associate Professor I at the same salary,
effective 1 February 1988. Economics and Management, College of

Education, College of Juanito P. Basklnas-ceclassification. promotion with salary

adjustment to the minimum from Researcher I at P45,384 o.a. to
Ma. Theresa L De Villa-promotion with salary adjustment to Assistant Professor' at P50,124 p.a.. effective 16 March 1988.
the minimum from Assistant Professor 111 at P55,356 p.a. to Asso- Prabhu l. Pingali-promotion in rank from Visiting Assistant
• ciate Professor I at P64,272 o.a., effective 1 February 1988. Professor of Economics and Agricultural Economics without com-
pensation to Visiting Associate Professor of Economics and Agri·
Engineering, College of cultural Economics without compensation, effective 1 December
1988 until 31 May 1989.
Wilhido I. Jose-renewal of appointment as UPERDFI Associate
Professor of Waste Utilization, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Forestry, College of
December 1989.
Noboyuki Tanaka-appointment as Visiting Researcher, effect-
Home Economics, College of ive 6 September 1988 u nt i 5 September 1989.

Agerico V. Cruz-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Assistant U,P. Manila

o Professor of Clothing Textiles, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
>, December 1989. Medicine, College (If
Milflora M. Gatchalian-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Pro-
8 fessor of Food Science, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December Mariano V. De la Cruz Jr.-reaplXJintment and change of pro-
fessorial chair title from United Laboratories Professor of Anatomy 1. New Tuition and Miscellaneous fees
at pla,OOO p.a. to Eusebio S. Garcia Professor of Anatomy at the 2. Income cut-offs for classifying families of students into nine
same honorarium, effective 1 July 1988 until30June 1989. 19l income groups, by size and residence of family.
Fernando E. De la Rama Jr.-apPOintment as Nestle Assistant 3. Expanded tuition, miscellaneous fees, living and book sub-
Professor of Fetal/Maternal Nutrition, eftectlve 1 July 1988 until sidies based on financial need.
30 June 1989.
Arcangel F. De Leon-appointment as UP Medicine Class '36 Proposed Disbursement of the Graduate Education Development
Associate Professor of Anatomy, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 Fee (GEOFI
June 1989. The Board approved the proposed disbursement of the Graduate
Carmelita F. Domingo-reappointment as Jose and Maria Sunic Education Development Fee (GEDFl chargeable against the col-
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 lection of Summer, 1988-1989.
December 1989.
Januario Y. Estrada Jr.c-appolntrnent as UP Medicine Class '40 Donatioh of P60,OOO bv Members of UP High School Class 1961
Professor-of Surgery, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June 1989. The Board approved the donation of P60,OOO by members of
Januario Y Estrada Jr.-transfer from part-rlme to full-time, UP High School Class 1961 to be used by the UP Integrated School
from Associate Professor IV at P37,302 p.a. to Associate Professor for a "UP High Class 1961 High School Teacher of the Year Award"
IV at P74,602 p.a., effective 21 June 1988. with an associated cash prize of P12,OOO.
Romeo V. Fajardo-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Associate
Professor of Ophthalmology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June
Change of Name of School and Institute
The Board approved the change of name of the Institute of
Manuel S.A. Fetalino-appointment as Zuellig-Pharma Corpo-
Health Sciences to School of Health.Sciences,
ration Associate Professor of Radiology, effective 1 July 1988 until
The Board approved the change of name from Post-Graduate
30 June 1989.
School of Medicine to Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine.
Reynaldo G. Gregorio-appointment as Felix Llamido Professor
of Radiology, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
Appointment of Members to the NEC Advisory Board
Noel G. Guison-appointment as M Castro Endowment Assistant
The Baord approved the appointment of the following as mem-
Professor of Neuro-anatomy, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
bers of the NEC Advisory Board:
December 1989.
1. Han. Alfredo L. Julnlo. Sr.
Liborio L. Mangubat-appointment as Drs. Gregorio and Rizalina 2. Engr. Filemon T. Barba. Jr.
Lim Professor of Ophthalmology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30
June 1989. Establishment of the Benato Reyes Professorial Chair in Engineering
Melecia A. Velmonte-appointment as Elpidio Gamboa Assistant The Board approved the establishment of the Renata Reyes
Professor of Infectious diseases, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Professorial Chair in Engineering out of a donation of P200,OOO to
December 1989. be managed by UPERDFI.
Jaime T. Zamuco-renewal of appointment as Andres Soriano
Associate Professor of Pathology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 Student Organizations
June 1989. The Board approved the SCI ENTIA Charter in the College of
Science, UP Diliman.
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS The Board approved the UP Visavas Guidelines on Student Or-
ganization and Activities.
The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the
following: Purchase of Equipment in UP OHiman and UP los Banos
The Board approved the following purchases of equipment:
U.P. 01 L1MAN 1. Turbo Pumped three Positions e-Gun Evaporation System,

Fine Arts, College of 2. 3203-005 Line Printer (2 units} 4361-M04 Processor Unit
(12MB) UP Computer Center, UP Diliman.
Benjamin I. Cabangis-as Assistant Professor. 111 of Painting,
effective 1 August 1988. Reprogramming, Reillignment, Use of Unexpended Balances
Nestor O. Vinluan-as Assistant Professor III of Painting, effect- The Board approved the reprogramming, realignment, use of
ive 1 August 1988. unexpended balances:

Statistical Center 1. Authority to use Pl1.7 M of 1988 unexpended Personnel

Services Balances for a 5% Economic Amelioration Allow-
Olivia P.H. Pagulayan-as Assistant Professor III, effective 1 ance to Non-Teaching UP Personnel
August 1988. 2. Reprogramming of CY 1988 PS Savings (P3.952,4741 to pay
UPV Current Needs.
U.P. MANILA 3. Realignment of Pll0,OOO for the repair of the offset printing
machine in the University Printery.
Medicine, College of
Investment of Additional P2.5 Million in the Diamond Jubileeville
Mario S. De Villa-as Associate Professor IV {part-time), effect- Housing Project of UPlB .~

The Board approved the investment of additional P2.5 Million

ive 1 October 1988.

Use of Educ8ttonal Development Fee

from the UPLB Endowment Fund in the Diamond Jubtleevttte
Housing Project ([)JHP) of the UPLB Foundation, Inc. 'for UPLB
faculty and staff housing.
The Board approved the use of educational development fees in
Conferment of Honorary Degrees
UP Diliman and UP Visayas.
The Board approved the Conferment of Honorary Degrees on;
1. Encarnacion Alzona-Doctor of Laws
Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program
The Board approved the tcljcwlnq:
2. William Fullbright-Doctor of Laws 9
3. Hilario Lara-Doctor of Science The Board confirmed the Contract of Lease between the Uni-
4. Cesar MajuJ-Doctor of Laws versltv and the Philippine National Bank (PNB) forthe construction
5. Cecilia Munos Palma-Doctor of Laws of the PNB·UPLB Branch Office Building in the lease premises of
6. Joaqu in Races-Doctor of Laws the UPLB Campus.
7. Jovita Salonga-Doctor of Laws
8. Jaime Cardinal Sin-Doctor of Laws Letter of Agreement from the Ford Foundation granting ~5,500 to
9. Gregorio Zamuco-Doctor of Science UPLB
The Board confirmed the Letter of Agreement from the Ford
Internal Operating Budget Foundation granting $5,500 to UPLB in support of the Chancellor's
The Board approved the Internal Operating Budget of the Uni- and Senior faculty's visit to universities and research institutions in
versity for 1989. The total budget amounts to about P1.348 B. the People's Republic of China on April 4, 1989.

Resolutions of the UP Manila Assembly Contract!> entered into by the Chancellor of UP Visayas
The Board took note of UP Manila Assembly's resolution on The Board confirmed the following contracts entered into by the
human rights. Chancellor of UP V isavas:
1. Memorandum of Grant Conditions with the International
Transfer of Item No. 1988 PSI 912·2 from the Campus Planning Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (lCLAAM)
Development and Maintenance Office through the Asian Fisheries Social Science Network
The Board approved the transfer of Item No. 1988 PSI 912-2, IAFSSRNJ
Superintendent, at P55,356 p.a.. from the Campus Planning Deve- 2. Memorandum of Agreement with the seven (7) Regional
lopment and Maintenance Office to Civil Service and Authority. Fisheries Training Centers IRTe)
3. Contract for Security Services with the OLGA Protective
Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between the Agency.
Universrty and the Han Nam Universrty, South Korea
The Board confirmed the Agreement for Academic Exchange Negotiated Purchase of One lot 56~8.958 VS Cobol II Compiler/
and Cooperation between the University and the Han Nam Uni- Library 1158 Basic Group 15 OTC \
versity, South Korea for a program of exchange of professors and The Board confirmed the negotiated purchase of One (1) lot
researchers who will teach and engage in research, as well as ex- 5668-958 VS Cobol II Compiler/Library 1158 Basic Group 15
change of students who will pursue programs of study. OTC amounting to P452,851.00 from IBM Philippine (exclusive
Matters from the University Council
The Board approved the tolfowlnq matters endorsed by the The Board noted the following:
University Council:
1. Institution of the following programs 1. Draft of the Proposed Language Policy
a. SA (Malikhaing Peqsulat) Program, CAL, UP Dillman 2. Schedule of Commencement Exercises
b. Sertipiko sa Sining Panteatro. CAL, UP Dillman
2. Graduation of students as of the end of the First Semester, Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the Uni·
1988-89 versrty of Southeastern Philippines
a. UP Diliman The Board confirmed the renewal of the Memorandum of
b. UP visavas Agreement between the University and the University of South-
eastern Philippines.
Contract for Laundry Services between the University and Kalinisan In this agreement, the UP agrees to assist USP in strengthening
Steam Laundry its capability through faculty and library development, through pro-
The Board confirmed the contract for Laundry Services between viding scholarships in UP Diliman for USP faculty, in providing
the University and the Kalinisan Steam Laundry. additional compensation as a supplement and incentive to UP
faculty rendering service to USP and in financing that air transport-
Agreement of Cooperation between the University and Quezon City ation expenses of UP faculty and staff until such time that USP
Government has the resource to assume such responsibility.
The Board confirmed the Agreement of Cooperation between In turn, USP agrees to be responsible for all its obllqations under
the University and Quezon City Government whereby the parties this agreement faculty who rendering service to the USP.
agreed to develop and undertake short-term joint and collaborative This Agreement shall be in force and effect for a period of
activities which are mutually acceptable, economically viable, and three (31 years, effective from the conformation of this Memoran-
administratively feasible. dum of Agreement by the UP Board of Regents and may renewed
by the mutual agreement of both parties.
Contract for Supply of Whole Human Blood between the University
The Board confirmed the contract for supply of whole hurnan lExecutive Session)

...... blood between the University and the Doctor's Blood Bank covering
.... the period from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1989. The Board approved the appointment of Dr. Oscar M. Alfonso

.c Contract of Lease Between the Universrty and the Philippine
as Vice-President for Public Affairs, effective 1 March 1989 until
30 June 1989, vice Prof. Rita D. Estrada who resigned for health
:: National Bank IPNB} reasons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER The Committee shall perform the following functions:
1. Review the UPCAT as an instrument for measuring a stu-
9 February 1989 . dent's readiness for college, particularly in U.P., and especial-
ly considering the present Philippine context: such questions
EXECUTIVE OROER NO.4 as the following should be raised -

SUBJECT: Guidelines on the disposition of requests for authority (a) how are the UPCAT questions for every year formula-
to travel abroad ted, evaluated and selected?
(b) are the weights (for students grades in the first 3 years
A. The following shall be acted upon by the President of the Uni- of high school and for the UPCAT sub-tests) currently
versity: used the correct ones?
1. Travel requests of Chancellors and University-level officials (c) should the weights vary across constituent universities
and staff. (Diliman, Los Banos, Manila, and vtsavas). and vary as
2. Travel requests of officials, faculty, and staff of all consti- well also according to demographic variables (e.q., re-
tent universities (through the Chancellor! only when financial gion of examinee or type of high school)?
assistance is sought from the University Administration or (d}. how does the UPCAS consider the applicant's choice of
from the U.P. Foundation. Inc. campus and degree programs (first and second choice)?
For e.g. if the student's first choice is computer science
B. Travel requests of Vice-Chancellors, faculty, and staff of the and his second choice is sociology, how does the UPCAS
constituent universities shall be acted upon by the Chancellors, determine his admission Or non-admission into either
when the following conditions obtain: program vis a vis other students apply ing for anyone of
1. The trip is wholly financed by outside entities. or the amount those programs as either first or second choice?
is chargeable against the funds of the constituent university. (e) in general, could there be a flexible method of using
2. The financial grant accords with existing policies, rules, and UPCAS cut-off scores such that more students from
regulations of the government and the University. low-income families can be admitted into the University
and have the opportunity to study under STFAP (So-
NOTE, cialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program)?
Requests for travel approved by the Chancellor shall, if needed, (f) in regard to that "flexible method" in (el. is there a way
be endorsed to other government agencies Ie.q., DPA) only by (without compromising academic standards) to admit
the Chancellor. into the University the following: applicants from cul-
tural minorities; applicants from public high schools as
C Everyone granted authority to travel abroad shall submit a brief yet unrepresented during a given year by even a single
written report about the trip within ten (10) days upon his/her UPCATee; applicants interested in either "under sub-
return, either to the President or the Chancellor. scribed" programs, or programs articulated to "national
D. Each Chancellor shatl submit to the Office of the President a priorities"?
complete report on all travels authorized. This report should in- 2. Review other modes of admission outside the UPCAS, such
clude their destinations and purposes, their funding sources, and as the talent test (fine arts, muscl. sportsl; special examina-
important observations and recommendations. The Chancellor's tions (e.q.. for BFAR scholars applying to the College of
Report shall be submitted on the last working day of January Fisheries), and the requirements for transferees from schools
and July every year. outside the University;
E. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. 3. Review suggestions and propose concrete policies and mea-
sures in regard to the UPCAS e.g.:
(a) lncreastnq the number of UPCAT test centers, the goal
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS being a test center in every province;
(b) Giving the UPCAT in both English and Filipino Ie.q., a
2 January 1989 test question on the same page could be immediately
followed by its translation into Filipino).
It is understood that, in the performance of its functions, the
SUBJECT: Creation of a Committee to Improve the U.P. College.. Committee shall consult with all sectors of the University.
Admission System (UPCASl in the Democratization of The Committee shall submit its Report - findings and recom-
Access to U.P. mendations - to the Office of the President on or before May 28,
In line with the needed improvements we have identified to 1989.
democratize access to U.P. via the UPCAS, there is hereby consti- The first meeting of the Committee will be on January 11, 1989.
tuted a Committee to lmnrcve the UPCAS in the Democratization This Order shall take effect immed latelv.
of Access to U.P. composed of Vice-President Gemino H. Abad as
Chairman, Prof. Emerlinda A. Roman as Vice-Chairman and the tot- (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
lowing as members:

Student Regent Dr. Milagros D. Ibe

Prof. Honesto G. Nuqul Prof. Annsdalsv J. Cartota
Prof. Jose Ma. De Castro Dr. Marita Reyes
Prof. Macrina Zafaralla

The University Registrar, all campus Registrars, and other ex-

perts in academe shall serve as Resource Persons to the Committee. 11
20 January 1989 WHEREAS, the Board of Regents in its meeting of 8 December
1988 approved the establishment of a University Center for
WHEREAS, a Committee has to be created to plan and imple-
ment the activities towards the formal establishment of the Center
SUBJECT: Designation of an additional member of the Committee by 1990;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSE V. ABU EVA, President of the
to Improve the U.P. College Admission System (UP.
University of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me
CAS) in the Democratization of Access to U.P.
by the Board of Regents, do hereby create a Coordinating Commit-
tee for the Planning and Establishment of a University Center for
Dr. Edgardo S. Pacheco is hereby designated as at:TIember of the
Women's Studies which shall be responsible for realizing the ob-
Committee to Improve the U.P. College Admission System (UPCASI
jectives set forth in this Order.
in the Democratization of Access to U.P. created under Administra-
tive Order No.1, dated 2 January 1989.
Section 1. Creation of a Coordinating Committee
There is hereby created a Coordinating Committee for the Plan-
ning and Establishment of a University Center for Women's Studies,
President hereinafter referred to as the Coordinating Committee, with the
following members:
Ms. Sylvia Hilomen-Guerrero as Chairperson
Ms. Thelma Balagot·Kin'blnar as Co-Chairperson
I· Ms. Edelwina Cu-Le;aspi
3 February 1989
Ms. Lourdes Villaluna·de Castro
Ms. Rosario de Santos-del Rosario
Ms. Rita Domingo-Estrada
TO: Prof. Jose M~. de Castro, Subcommittee Chairman Ms. Albina Peczon-Fernandez
Ms. Myrna Sandico-Feliciano
Prof. Fortu nato dela Pena
Dr. Higino Ables, UP Los Banos Ms. Dolores Alano-Endriga
Prof. Ernesto Santos Ms, Priscila Santos-Manalang
Ms. Minda Luz Melendez-Quesada
SUBJECT: Creation of a Subcommittee to Streamline the Adminis- Ms. Proserpina Domingo-Tapales
tration of the UPCAT Ms. Josefina Dineros-Pineda

Please constitute yourselves into a subcommittee of the UPCAS Section 2. Functions. The Coordinating Committee shall have
Review Committee [Administrative Order No.1, dated 2 January : the following functions and responsibilities:
1989). The specific task of this Subcommittee shall be to study the
present methods of administering the UPCAT in order to make it 1. To conceptualize and recommend the objectives, functions
more efficient with a view toward reducing the number of man- and responsibilities and organizational structure of a Univer-
power and budget required and being able to release the UPCAT sity Center for Women's Studies, hereinafter referred to as
results much faster than they are being released now. Center, to be created within the University of the Philippines
At present, the UPCAT project has an annual budget of about and based in the Diliman Campus.
P3.0M involving the full-time involvement of at least 50 people. Of 2. To identify sources of financial, technical and personnel sup-
these 50,25 have just been classified as contractual U.P. personnel port for the Center.
funded from the UPCAT Trust Fund. The other 25 are still classi- 3. To identify prospective faculty members and other staff who
fied as project personnel funded from UPCAT funds in the U.P. shall serve the Center and define their respective roles and
Foundation but it is likely that they too will be recommended for responsiblities.
inclusion as' contractual U.P. employees. The absorption of 50 per- 4. To draw up a five-year plan for the Center.
sonnel into the University runs COunter to a long-time policy of 5. To develop research proposals, prepare informational bro-
reducing our non-faculty complement. It is to be noted that at pre- chures, and conduct workshops pursuant to the objectives of
sent, the Diliman Registrar's Office already has 60 full-time people, the Center.
apart from those 50 in the UPCAT project. 6. To perform such other functions as are related to the above
At present, the UPCAT is administered in October but the or as may be further assigned by the President.
results are not released until the first week of April. The Board of Section 3. Creation of Subcommittees. The Coordinating Com-
Regents Wishes that the period be shortened so that results can be mittee is hereby empowered to create such other subcommittees to
released much earlier. be composed of its members or non-members as it may deem
Do coordinate your work with the UPCAS Review Committee necessary to assist it in the performance o~ its functions. For this
but your specific emphasis witl be on making UPCAT procedures purpose, it may calIon any faculty or staff of the University as it
more efficient. Please complete your study by end of February or a may find necessary.
little later. It is understood that in finalizing your recommendations,
Section 4. Term of the Coordinating Committee. The Coordina-
you shall be consulting not only the Registrar's Office but also the
ting Committee shall serve for the period of 9 December 1988 to 31
UPCAS Review Committee.
December 1989 or until it shall have fulfilled its functions.
Section 5. Funding. To provide support to the Coordinating
Committee in the performance of its function, the sum of FI FTY
THOUSAND PESOS (P50,ODO.DOI is hereby made available to cover
expenses incurred in the conduct of its meetings or other activities.
Section 6. Effectivity. The Administrative Order shall take effect
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO.2 Done in Ouezon City this 9th day of January in the year of the
Lord 1989.
SUBJECT: Creation of a coordinating committee for the planning
and establishement of a University center for women's
12 studies
9 January 1989 them by college and department and draw up the list by
years. To give us a sense of the magnitude of the problem,
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO.3 we ask you to ind icate the number of full-time faculty in
vour college/department. (Please see suggested format
TO Dr. Oscar M. Affonso attached l.
SUBJECT Designation as Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the 2. Be sure to list even those temporary faculty members (espe-
Vice-President for Public Atteir s cially instructors) who, for whatever reason, did not apply
for the renewal of their appointment after their terms ex-
You are hereby designated Otficer-In-Charqe (OICl of the Office pired. I consider this an important type of faculty turnover.
of the Vice-President for Public Affairs, effective January 1, 1989 At present, this type of turnover is not recorded by our
until the return of Prof. Rita D. Estrada from a sick leave of ab- HRDO. However, I would like to have a better idea of how
sence. As OIC, you shall be entitled to Representation and Trans- many of Our instructors decide, for their own reaons, not to
portation Allowance at rates prescribed by the Board of Regents. have their appointments renewed. [Do not include in hte
lists names of instructors who applied for renewal of their
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA appointments but were not renewed.l
President 3. Please make a list too of atl faculty members (and their birth
dates) who are 55 years or older by January 1, 1989.
4. If you feel that the loss of REPS should be highlighted,
please compile a separate list for them, using the same
27 February 1989 format.
5. The lists should be submitted according to the suggested
format. They should be submitted to Atty. Pic P. Fraga on
or before January 31, 1989. He, in turn, will have the list
SUBJECT Creation of an Ad Hoc U.P. Committee on the
computerized for easier analysis.
Inauguration of the UP-PGH Medical Center


In cooperating with the Chancellor of U.P. Manila, an ad hoc
U.P. Committe On the Inauguration of the UP-PGH Medical Center
is hereby created with Dr. Oscar M. Alfonso, Dr. Felipe A. Estrella,
and Dean Georgina R. Encanto as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and
Secretary, respect ivetv. and the following as members:
Dean Marita V.T. Reyes 23 January 1989
Dean Aurora Yenchionqco
Dr. Rogelio R. Garcia MEMORANDUM NO.2
Dr. Leopolda Lazat in
Mrs. Anesia Dionisio TO Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman
Mrs. Helen A. Pedro U.P. Los Banos
Mrs. Josefina T. Fermin SUBJECT Multi-Disciplinary Assessments of the
Mrs. Tessie Merca State of the Nation
The Committee is charged with the preparations for and the con-
duct of the inauguration of the UP·PGH Medical Center. It may On further consideration, , would like for each Chancellor, as a
create such subcommittees and avail itself of the services of such member of the Steering Committee, to take charge of overseeing
offices and officials or personnel of the University as may be needed certain areas of assessment which fall under the areas of compe-
for the proper discharge of its functions. tence of the autonomous University under his responsibility.
Accordingly, I'd like for you to assume general direction and

15gd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA supervision over areas of assessment concerning food and agricul-
President ture, forestry and other natural resources, the environment, and
rural development.
~------.,-------------I For my part, aside from chairing the assessments program as
MEMORANDA a Whole, I shall be Theme Coordinator for "Governance, Public
Welfare and Social Justice."
At our next meeting of the Steering Committee, we shall
13January 1989 define more precisely the respective responsibilities of the Chan-
cellors and the Theme Coordinators.
MEMORANDUM NO.1 I'd be grateful if you could send me your suggestions on areas
of assessment concerning UPLB units as lead institutions.
Thank you very much.
TO Dr. Ernesto G. Tabujara
Chancellor, UP Dittman
15gd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
Dr. Raul P. de Guzman
Chancellor, UP Los Banos
Dr. Ernesto O. Domingo
Chancellor, UP Manila
Dr. Rogelio O. Juliano
Chancellor, UP vlsavas
SUBJECT Documenting U.P.'s Faculty Retention Problem

I n our budget defenses, we often say that the University is losing

many of its faculty members. This is a request for you to submit
complete and detailed evidence of the problem.

1. Please make a list of all faculty members who resigned or re-

tired between January 1, 1984 and December 31, 1988. List 13
9 February 1989 13 February 1989


FOR Ms. Belen Angeles TO All Chancellors

SUBJECT Use of Educational Development Fee
University Librarian
Ms. Violeta Encarnacion
Asian Center Librarian With regard the use of Educational Development Fee (as ap-
SUBJECT Acceptance and supervision of the transfer of proved by the BOA on April 24 19881, I am issuing the following
library materials trom the President's Center for clarification (with the changes shown underlined);
Special Studiesln Malacafianq to the U.P.
"Collections from the Education Development Fee shall be
You are hereby designated as University representatives to shared amonq University units. The collecting units, however
accept and supervise the transfer of books, journals, and other should get the bulk of the increase in collections but 10% of the
library materials from the President's Center for Special Studies to increase shall go to University Administration, to be distributed
the University of the Philippines Library. to the less endowed units in recognition of the principle of
It is understood that you will take charge of cataloguing these sharfnq."
materials in order to make them readllv available to the U.P.
library users. This means that, if for a constituent university, the income from
Thank you for your cooperation. the alien/foreign student's fee was P500.000/year and the income
using the EDF rate was P700,OOO/year, then only the increase of
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA P200,OOO lor 90% of it) shall be distributed back tothe collecting
In April 1988 it was agreed that the remaining 100/0 shall be
shared by units within a constitutent university. (Sharing among
constituent universities shall be deferred for two years, i.e. beqin-
ning with the 1990 EDF income). Please be reminded that
10 February 1989 1
"Prior approval from the BOR shall be obtained before any J

MEMORANDUM NO.4 collection from EDF can be disbursed to improve lab facilities,
etc. a complete report of expenditure shall be published (or
TO Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabujara, UP Diliman announced) to show to the students where the funds had been
Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman, UP Los Banos spent."
Chancellor Ernesto O. Domingo, UP Manila
Chancellor Rogelio O. Juliano, UP vtsevas In this connection, I invite all Chancellors to submit for inform-
ation/approval by the BOR at its March meeting:
We are right now preparing response sheets that would allow the
computerization of data sent to the Office of the Vice-President for 1. EDF INCOME REPORTS (showing the difference between
Academic Affairs (OVPAAl in response to Our requests for 'in- the alien/foreign student's fee COllections and the EDF
formation from the various academic units. This information will be
organized in the form of custom-tailored databases in several areas 2. REDISTRIBUTION OF 90% OF THE INCREASE in EDF
of concern to this Office and the University. INCOME back to the collecting units lor cotleqes/depert-
rnentsl: and
To assist us in making this transition to a systematic database in
the particular area of grants and other forms of external a~sistance, 3. RECOMMENDED DISTRIBUTION OF THE REMAINING
I would like to ask you and your administrative staff to answer the 10% of the increase in EDF income to COlleges/departments
following questions for us as SOOn as practicable, say, 24 February: within the constituent university.
1. Do the names of all the external donors of assistance {in Please submit the said documents to the Controllership and
whatever forml to your academic unit during the last five years Budget Staff on or before February 28.
appear in the attached list marked Annex 17
2. If your answer to 1 is negative, please supply the list (LIST 1) ISgd.J JOSE V. ABU EVA
of such missing external donors arid send it to us post-haste. The President
aim here is to be exhaustive.
3. In Annex 2 we have indicated the format of the planned
response sheet (F111989J for grants-in-aid, defined as broadly as
possible. The nature and type of all assistance received by your Unit
13 February 1989
during the last five years should, in principle, be subsumable under
items No. 5-9. We however need to ask you for a breakdown (LIST
2) of all "other types of grants or assistance" under No.9 so we
• would know the "dtmenstonatttv" of this question. The aim here
TO All Chancellors" Deans, Director and All HRDO
again is to be exhaustive.
4. If you have other suggestions on how to improve the OVPAA
SUBJECT "Exit Interviews" for resigning faculty members or
form Fl (19898), I would appreciate very much hearing about them
declining offers of renewal of appointments
at this time.
Thank you for your valuable cooperation. You are hereby requested to conduct "exit interviews" of f acul-
ty members who are resigning, availing of early retirement or, in
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA many cases of non-tenured faculty members, declining offers of
President renewals of appointment. The exit interview could be in the form of
a document which all faculty members leaving the University must
fill up before they actually end their service with U.P.
;;. Director Pia P. Frago is hereby directed to design a form which
could be filled up by faculty members leaving the University. Hence-

14 forth, Director Fraga shall have the task of summarizing the results
from such interviews in the entire University. It is hoped that said (STFAP), we need to estimate separately the income from
results can help us formulate and implement policies which can the student fees of undergraduates and that from graduate
help the University retain faculty members which our colleges students. In fact there is also a need to separate the income
would like to keep. from fees paid by pre-collegiate students.

ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA Pleae show how the income from student fees may be sepa-
President rated among pre-collegiate students, undergraduates, and
graduate students. Estimates to the nearest thousand pesos
will suffice.
13 February 1989 3. To give a more complete picture of the funds available to
constituent universities, please submit data on the December
MEMORANOUM NO.8 31. '1988 balances in all trust liability accounts in your
constituent university. The accounts should be listed sepa-
FOR Members of the Board of Trustees rately and sufficient information be furnished so we can
UP-Jorge B. Vargas Museum understand what these trust accounts are.
Dr, Gemino H. Abad
Mr. Gonzalo Bongolan 4. Kindly submit a report on the collections (as of end 19S51
Ambassador Jose B. Laurel from the reneging fellows in your constituent university.
Mrs. Lourdes V. Ledesma Data for U.P. Difirnen is available from the Office of the
Atty. Potenciano Mathay Legal Counsel but not the data from the other universities.
Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, Jr.
Atty. Pablo S. Trillana, III In this connection please submit information on all funds
Mr. Ramon T. Var9lls which may possibly be available to your constituent univer-
SUBJECT First Fund-Raising Campaign, (Art Exhibit and Art sity for faculty developments. Funds held in trust by the
Sale} and Launching of Two Organizations To Help U.P. Foundation need not be reported but funds held in
the Museum, namely, the Friends of the UP-Vargas trust or available in other foundations Ie.q. China Medical
Museum and the Quezon City Historical Commission Board, UPLB Foundation, etc.l should be reported.

Please be informed that we are holding the first fund-raising 5. All the data requested above should be submitted to the
campaign of The UP-Vargas Museum by means of an Art Exhibit Controllership and Budget Staff on or before Tuesday,
and Art Sale on Wednesday, 22 February 1989, at 10:00 A.M. at 28 February 1989.
the us-varoas Museum. We w ill also launch two orqan izations wh ich
can assist the Museum in carrying out its programs and projects, For strict compliance, please.
namely, The Friends of us-vames Museum and the Quezon City
Historical Commission. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
I am enclosing for your information and suggestions the Program President
for the day and the rationale for forming the two organizations.
We hope that the government of Quezon City under the leader-
ship of Mayor Briqido Simon, Jr. and other leading cltlzens such as
15 February 1989
Dona Aurora A. Aquino and Atty. Feliciano Belmonte, will help us
to make the Museum a dynamic center for the cultural development
of our city.
We would appreciate your presence and support during the open-
TO Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabulata
ing ceremonies on Wednesday, 22 February 1989.
Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman
Chancellor Ernesto O. Domingo
Chancellor Rogelio O. Juliano
Please provide me, on or before March 6, an overview in execut-
ive summary form of your vision for your constituent university,
15 February 1989 over the next five to ten years, focusing on priorities in regard to:
MEMORANDUM NO.9 1. faculty development "0
2. academic programs
A II C ha ncetlor s 3. research
Chief Accounts t s 4. extension service/outreach program N

University Registrars
Income from Undergraduate Student Fees t leave it to your judgment on how best to present your major
Income from Graduate Student Fees concerns in those areas. I would. however, very much like to see the
most important efforts which have been undertaken land their '-
End-198B Balancesof Trust Liability Accounts
results) in dealing with those concerns. I would also appreciate a 'e"
clear picture of your other priorities, outside 1-4 above, and sug-
The attached income table was obtained recently by the Control-
lership and Budget Staff from the Chief Accountants of the consti- gestions on what the University may undertake toward meeting '"

tuent universities. The data needs to be refined and additional in- priority concerns.
formation is needed.
1. Please have the Chief Accountants verify if the figures shown
in the attached table are correct. If not, the correct data
should be supplied.
2. In view of the need to project income under the proposed
Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program
07 March 1989 The payment of the above entitlements shall be made
on 13 March 1989.
TO : Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, Deans.
Directors and Heads of Units Cases not covered by the provisions of the Memorandum
SUBJECT . Guidelines for the Payment of Additional Economic shall be referred to the Vice-Chancellor for Administration or
Amelioration Allowance (5% of Basic Salary) for Senior Officer for Administration of each constituent univer-
1988 for REPS and Adminlstratlve Personnel as sity who shall study the case and make appropriate recom-
Authorized by the Board of Regents at its 1019th mendations for approval by the Chancellor.
Meeting Held on March 1989 and a 4.9% 1988
Salary Differential for Faculty Mambers. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA

All personnel of the University. whether permanent, tem-

porary, regular or part-time, casual and contractual who were
10 March 1989
in active service anytime between 1 January 1988 and 31
December 1988 in the University, including those on leave
with pay. shall be covered. MEMORANDUM NO. 12
1.1 All teaching personnel occupying plantilla items (inclu-
TO All Concerned
ding full-time substitutes whose salaries are charged
against Lumpsurnl shall be entitled to a 4.9% salary dif-
ferential for 1988. This will complete for 1988 the 10% This is to appoint Professor Alexander R. Magno as Acting Re-
increase mandated by Memorandum Order No. 156 search Coordinator for the "Study on the Alternative Use of Mili-
signed by Pres. Ccrazon C. Aquino. tary Baselandsand its Environs" vice Dr. Emmanuel C. Latlana. This
For 1989, the University will request for the appro- appointment takes effect 7 March 1989.
priate funds SO that the 4.9% can be incorporated into As Acting Research Coordinator, Professor Magno will take
charge of gathering data and coordinating the efforts of the team.
faculty salaries. Thus, continuation of this 4.9% increase
in 1989 will be subject to the availability of funds, either Together with the research group, he will conduct consultations
from the government or internally-generated funds. In the with the various parties concerned and present the findings in a final
meantime, the 5.1% (or one step) increase received in report. He will likewise be responsible for the management of the
1988 is already incorporated in faculty salaries. funds alloted to the research.
1.2 All REPS and administrative personnel shall be entitled to This Memorandum supersedes Memorandum No. 47 dated 27
July 1988.
the 5% 1988 additional economic amelioration allowance.
1.3 Retired, resigned, seconded or separated (not for cause)
personnel are included, provided that payment shall be (Sgd.1 JOSE V. A8UEVA
proportional to actual service rendered during CY 1988. President
Those dismissed from the service are excluded.
1.4 Personnel on leave without pay for 15 devs or more shall
not be entitled to the above during the entire period that
they are on leave without pay.
15 March 1989
1.5 Contractual personnel of projects may be paid the econo-
mic amelioration allowance subject to availability of pro-
ject funds. MEMORANDUM NO. 13
1.6 All professors emeriti, retired faculty teaching on allow-
KINA Prof. Belen Angeles, Aklatan ng Pamantasan
ance basis and lecturers are entitled to 4.9% of their gross
Prof. Amelia L. Bonifacio, Creative Writing Center
salary for 1988.
Prof. Romeo Dizon, Departamento ng Pilipino
1.7 Student and graduate assistants on hourly basis shall be
Dekeno vrvenete Jose, CAL
paid 5% of their gross salary for 1988.
Dekeno Roger Posadas, Kolehivo ng Agham
~"" 1.8 Resident Assistants in residence halls on stipend basis
shall be paid 5% of their gross compensation for 1988. By
Dekano Juan Ramos, Kolehiyo ng Musika
compensation is meant board and lodging plus stipends,
Dr. Bonifacio Salamanca, Dept. ng Kasavsavan
Prof. Rosa Vallejo, Institute of Library Science
U but not to exceed the monthly rate of a student assistant.
, Dean Carmen Abubakar, Islamic Studies
~ PAKSA Patakaran ng Unibersidad hinggil sa Pagtanggap ng
;:l Donasyong Pangsining at Pangkultura (University

...... 2.1 The basis for the payment of the above shall be the per-
Policy on Donations of Works of Art and other Cul-
tural Property)
... sonnel salary or pay rate as of 1 January 1988 lNCC 51
included), exactly the same base used in implementing
Memorandu~ Order No. 50 (30 August 19881.
Kayo po ay tinatawagang dumalo sa pulong na gaganapin sa
E Miyerkoles, ika-29 ng Marso 1989, ika-9:00 ng umaqa sa BOR Room
:: upang pag-usapan ang Patakaran at ang pamamaraan ng peqsasaqawa
X Kalakip ang isanq sipi ng "University Policy on Donations of
x 3.1 The Accountabt of each constituent university shall pre-
pare and subm)t to the Controllership and Budget Staff
Works of Art and other cultural Property". Hinihiling po lamang na
paq-aralan ito bago dumalo sa pulong.
E of the University, a statement of actual payments of the
Maraming salamat sa inyong tulong.
:: 4.9% salary differential and of economic amelioration
"0 allowances on or before 31 March 1989. [Laqdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
;;.. Pangulo
22 March 1989 4.0 TIMETABLE

Mf,MORANOUM NO. 14 Activrty Date 119891

TO All vice-Presldents. Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors Submission of accomplished March 27 (Mon.I

and Heads of Units of University Administration CU forms to CBS
Attention: All Budget Directors Submission of U.P. consolidated
SUBJECT: Budget Call for FY 1990 Constituent University! proposal to OBM April 7. rroe.l
Unit Budget OBM Technical Budget Hearing
on U.P. proposal April28 (Fri.l
1.1 This memorandum prescribes the general policies and
. guidelines for the preparation of the FY 1990 constituent Matters or issues that need clarification should be referred
university/unit budget proposal, as well as the timetable to the CBS Director for resolution.
for this activity.
1.2 This shall also serve as the basis for the Chancellor in the 6.0 FOR YOUR GUIOANCE AND COMPLIANCE.
issuance of his own constituent university budget calt.
2.0 FISCAL PROGRAM President

2.1 In estimating the part of the proposed budget to be fund-

ed from government subsidy. observance of the limit-
27 March 1989
ations set forth in Sec. 2.0 of National Budget Memoran-
dum No. 47 dated 8 February 1989 is hereby enjoined.
Hence, the following relevant figures (%1 are to be con-
FOR Prof. Emerlinda B. Roman
University Secretary
1. Inflation factor - 8%
2. Overall increase allowed for SUCs - 5.fYJf,
RE Authority to Sign Vouchers

2.1.1 Personal Services IPS)

Effective immediately you are authorized to sign vouchers be-
ing sent to the President's Office for:
There shalf be no increase in PS except to pro- 1. Food and other items chargeable to the President's Repre-
pose the integration of the 4.9% for the faculty
sentation Allowance.
members to complete the increase as mandated in
2. Office supplies and miscellaneous items chargeable to the
Memo. No. 156 and the adjustment for non-
Office of the President.
regular personnel under NCe No. 51.
2.1.2 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses

Increase for MODE shall be guided by the

allowable overall increase of 5.6% for SUCs and 27 March 1.989
the 8% inflation factor.
2.1.3 Capital Outlays (CO)
FOR : Chancellor Emesto G. Tabujara, UP Diliman
Prioritize the proposals for eo giving more Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman, UP Los Banos
attention to completion of on-qclnq projects and Chancellor Ernesto O. Domingo,1 UP Manila
renovation of critical facilities. Chancellor Rogelio O. Juliano, UP Visayas
SUBJECT Iskotar ng Bevan Program (STFAPI
2.2 In estimating the other part of the proposed FY 1990
budget to be funded from U.P. income, each constituent We wish to remind you of the meeting on the ISKOLAR NG
university should take into account atl income sources. SAYAN Program on Thursday. April 6, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. at the
Assumptions and basis for determining income estimates Faculty Center, Conference Room.
from each source should be submitted together with the As we agreed in the last PAC meeting. each constituent univer-
income estimates. sity shall send its own group who will manage the implementation
of the ISKOLAR ng BA YAN Program. Each constltutent university
3.0 FORMS may send up to 16 representatives. You are free to choose your
representatives but we think the attendance of the following
3.1 Accomplish all relevant forms as prescribed in NBM No. personnel is very important:
47 and submit these in 2 hard copies and computer dis- Dean of Students
kettes to the Controllership and Budget Staff (CBS). Registrar
OSA Personnel
3.2 Templates for general forms to be accomplished shall be Chief Accountant
provided in computer diskettes by the Controllership and Budget Officer
Budget Staff. Forms that apply to particular constituent Cashier
universities (CUl only should be prepared by the CU con- Assessor
cerned, e.g., U.P. Manila for Philippine General Hospital FaCUltY volunteers
5 SFA and Budget Oirector (for UP Diliman and System) 17
Pleasesend the following data to the Office of the Vice-President March 31. 1989
for Planning and Finance (c/o Mitch Perez] not later than April 4.
1) Distribution of GIA by category (Groups 1-34) and TFD MEMORANOUM NO. 17
grantees by income bracket, AY 1985.s9.
21 Distribution of Student Loan Board grantees, by college AY TO Dr. Julieta M. SlIvellal10
1988-89. Dean, College of Education
3) Income dlsttibutjon of students per Form 5 (Znd semester SUBJECT Case of Mr. Igor Ballen. Et AI. at the
1983-891. U.P. Integrated School
{In the case of UP vfsavas. a summary for the entire university
and separate schedules for Iloilo, Cebu and Tacloban are requested}. Please be advised that the decision of the President to allow the
students. earlier meted the penalty including that of prohibition
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA from joining the commencement exercises of the UP IS, has been
President exercised under Article 50 of the University Code. The reasons for
such exercise is stated in my letter dated March 30, 1989, copy of
which is hereto attached.
Further to this letter, which , addressed to Prof. and Mrs.
Jerome F. Bailen , please conduct a study on how new officers of the
CAT Program are being recruited. It could not be denied that in-
tending officers of the program undergo a sort of a test and this
obvlcuslv includes the ritual of hazing.
Further, to make it more precise as a violation, the rules and
regulations in the discipline of UPIS students should be restudied
and if warranted, be amended to include hazing or initiation or
infliction of physical or mental torture on a student as a strictly
prohibited act and therefore punishable.




, -'

LETTERS It was nice to see you here with your fellow silver jubilarians.
4 January 1989 The world seems to be so small whenever we get in touch! Here's
hoping that 1989 will be a good year, especially for the University.
Ref. No. JVA-89-1
Sincerely yours,

Dr. Vicente Limcaoco

Executive Director
Friends of V.P. Foundation in America
439 Loucrott Road
Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
6 January 1989
Dear Dr. Limcaoco:
Ref. No. JVA-89-3
In order that the University could award the FUPFA Professorial
Chairs starting Academic Year 1989-1990, please transmit the Or. Fernando Carrascoso
FUPFA Professorial chair funds amounting to approximately General Manager
$149,000.00 to the V.P. Foundation, Inc. IUPFIl. The earnings of Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
the fund from January through June of 1989 will provide the Manila
honoraria starting 1 July 1989, which is the effectivity date of
Professorial chair appcintrnents for the academic year. Dear Dr. Cerrescoso:
As approved in the recent meeting of the FUPFA Board of

Trustees held in New York, the funds will be held in trust for The renovation and modernization of the Philippine General
FUPFA by the UPFI and only the income will be spent for Pro. Hospital (PGH) are now nearing completion. The P405,OOO,OOO
tessonat Chair honorarja of the faculty. Please transmit the funds new Out-Patient Department (OPD) funded from a Japanese grant
s:'" to Our bank account described below: aid will be operational in March of this year. The so-catted 7-storey
EI central block is now being equipped to operationatize the new labo-
Account Name : V.P. Foundation, Inc. ratories, operating rooms, intensive care unit, nursery, radiology and
Z Account No. IU.S. Dollarl961-187 other central service facilities. Funds for the equipment for the
~ Bank Name : Metropolitan Bank & Trust central block will come from the National Government (supple-
~ Company menta I budget) and from Ita lian and Spanish government grants.

Address Katipunan Branch It is now certain that adequate funds will be available for the basic
::l Katipunan Avenue equipment needed for most hospital services. What is not available
Loyola Heights is money for maintaining these expensive and state-of-the-art
~ Quezon City, Philippines equipment in order to put them to proper and lasting use.
Attention : Ms. Pamela de Guzman After a thorough study on how best to maintain these equip.
18 Manager ment, it is the opinion of experts as well as of the PGH Advisory
Board that PGH should contract the maintenance of equipment and politically, economically. academicallv." far a UP presence in
facilities to qualified parties, preferably their manufacturers. This, Mindanao. It uses the United Nations University as model where the
however, will require a big amount of money which cannot realis- approach is complementary. reinforcing and synergistic. rather than
tically come from the PGH budget or even the National Govern- .ccmoettttve and duplicating.
ment. Neither would foreign governments be interested in funding The proposed bill provides for the following components of con-
the maintenance of such equipment. sortfurn arrangements: Il) a UP outreach program for teacher-
One way of provid ing this necessary fund is to set up a PGH renewal and teacher-tralnirq at the graduate level to benefit the
Endowment Fund, the proceeds of which wllt be earmarked for the faculties of Mindanao universities and colleges, (2) UP fellowships
purpose. A very conservative estimate of the amount needed for for faculty members of participating Mindanao universities and
maintenance of the equipment of the Outpatient Department, one coueaes tor graduate work at the University of the Philippines, (3)
of the five major units of the hospital, runs to about P8 Million per UP scholarships for honor graduates of Mindanao high schools who
year. Extrapolation from this figure indicates that a minimum of are admitted to the University. (4) joint research programs with
P10a Million is needed as initial capital, the income of which can Mindanao universities and colleges focused on peace and develop-
maintain a significant proportion of critical instruments. ment in Mindanao, and IS) development of selected high schools
It is in this connection that we respectfullv request the Philip- in Mindanao in cooperation with the Department of Education,
pine Charity Sweepstakes Office to consider granting the University Culture and Sports (DECSl. for the purpose of enabling more
of the Philippines the amount of PlOD Million as a contribution to students from low-income families to prepare themselves to qualify
the endowment fund. the proceeds of which wilt be used to ensure for admission to UP.
a high standard of medica! care from PGH through maintenance of UP in Mindanao Update (herewith) details a bit more the
its equipment. approach we wish to take.
We are aware that the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes has been With your great concern for the development of Mindanao, we
supporting many worthwhile causes and programs benefitting are hopeful that you will give the proposed bill your enthusiastic
various segments of our society. Our expanded and modernized and all-out support. Ideally, the bill should become tawas early as
PGH, a significant part of the national health system, is one such March 1989 so that it can be implemented at the start of the school-
program geared to health as a basic need of our people. PGH is year 1989·1990 in June 1989.
serving more than 400,000 patients a year and wiH soon be able to With all good wishes.
extend its services to over 600,000. Moreover it is the foremost
training hospital in the country. accommodating the needs of new Yours sincerely,
doctors from various medical schools. The support that your Office
can give to a vital need of PGH will ensure that our country's ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
largest hospital complex will be able to provide the best possible President
health care to its clientele, most of whom are indigent.
We shall be glad to discuss this request further with you, should
you need more details regarding the matter.
Thank you. 10 January 1989
With assurances of our highest esteem.
Ref. No. JVA·89-8
Sincerely yours,

Dr. Ahmad E. Alonto. Jr.

Mlndanao State University
Marawi City

9 January 1989 Dear Dr. Alonto:

I have consulter! the College of Science about your request for the
• Ref. No. JVA-89-6
services of Dr. Hemeqio Tee. The College has indicated that it could
not release Dr. Tee inasmuch as he is, during this semester. handling
Sen. Aquilino Pimentel, Jr.
classes which cannot be reassigned to other faculty members. I do
Senate of the Philippines
agree with the College that he should stay on until the end of the
second semester and finish his classes.
!, therefore, regret very much that we cannot favorably consider
Dear Senator Pimentel: 'oj
your request for Dr. Tee's services effective at the start of January

I have the honor to send you herewith a copy each of:

1989. However, SOOn after the end of the second semester, Dr. Tee
may be released to enable him to join your University. .,C1
Thank you and with best wishes for the New Year.
1. A draft bill entitled "An Act Supporttnq the Extension of UP
Programs and Services to Mindanao and Appropriating Funds There-

Very truly yours, "•
2. UP in Mindanao Update, Issue No.1, August. 1988. '.,-

Both of the above address the fact that less than 10% of UP stu- 0;
dents come from Mindanao. We can and we ought to improve upon ...,..,,
that figure, given the importance of Mindanao to the nation.
We have therefore requested Senator Edgardo J. Angara and ::::
Congressman Carlos M. Padilla, Chairman of the Committee on Edu-
cation inthe Senate and in the House of Representatives, respective-
I ~

tv. to introduce and sponsor the above-mentioned bill. Your co- ......
sponsorship of the bilt would be at once welcome and crucial. (:J>
The draft bilt envisions consortium arrangements between UP I <C
and Mindanao universities, recommended by a Task Force created in
1983 by then UP President Angara, as the means "most acceptable, ~ 19
January 10, 1989 lopment plays a very siqniflvant role in the Science and Tech-
nology program of the country.
Ref. No. JVA·89-29 2. The development of geology, a scientific field essential for
human survival in the 21st century, will remain stunted in the
Dr. David Winder Philippines. Geologic knowledge is essential in addressing en-
Representative for Southeast Asia vironmental issues and resources needed by modern man such
The Ford Foundation as water, soil Quality. and rock stability.
Jakarta. J ndonesla 3. Geological research is a primary requisite to adequate
national planning. This is especially needed by the Philip-
Dear Dr. Winder: pines which has a long coastline, and is in an earthquake and
volcanic belt.
This is to endorse the request of the University of the Philippines It is noteworthy that, as a result of the RP·German geology pro-
at Los Banos (UPLB) for financial assistance from the Ford Found- ject, the graduate program in Geology has been revived with nine
ation in the amount of US $5,550.00 to help defray the cost of (9) M.S. students defending their theses in 1988 and the first Ph.D.
plane fares and per diems of 3 UPLB senior officials for their return cand idate scheduled to defend his d issartat ion early in 1989. Termi-
visit to the People's Republic of China. The 3 officials would form nation of the project at this time will harm this program and serious-
part of a delegation of 6 people {includinq Mrs. Maria Patroclnio E. ly affect the supply of advanced manpower in geology.
de Guzman and 2 other senior UPLB officials) who will constitute Because of the crucial importance of implementing the proposed
the delegation to visit PRC on April 4-17,1989. extension of the RP-German Geology Project, may we request your
UPLB has served as host during the past several years to a Office to arrange, at the earliest time convenient, a meeting between
number of visiting officials and faculty members from universities the representatives of the German Government, NEDA, and the
and research institutions from PRC. UPLB has also about 30 PRC University, so that the recent decision on the project may be recon-
students in its graduate programs every semester. The delegation sidered.
members plan to confer with officials of universities/research insti-
tutes in PRC for strengthening of collaborative linkages between Sincerely yours,
these institutions and UPLB. Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman also
expects to discuss with appropriate officials in the government of ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
the People's Republic of China its active participation in the Eastern President
Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPAI.
We would like to reiterate our expression of gratitude to The
Ford Foundation for its continuing support and assistance to the
University of the Philippines.
13 January 1989

Very truly yours, Ref. No. JVA-89-13


Honorable Guillermo N. Carague
Department of Budget and Management
Malacananq, Manila

12 January 1989 THRU, Undersecretary Jesus Beringuela


Han. Solita Monsod Dear Sir:

Director General
National Economic Development Authority This is in connection with the payment of overtime claims of the
Pasig, Metro Manila workers and employees of the U.-P-:Land Grant in Basilan City. Last
September 25, 1985, a favorable decision was rendered by the
Re: UP National Institute of Geological Sciences Proposal for Supreme Court on the appeal of the Mindanao Federation of Labor
the Extension and Expansion of the RP-German Geology for the payment of such claims. In view of this, may we request for
Project the release of P3,527,697.48, the amount needed to pay said over-
time claims, chargeable against any savings of the National Govern-
Dear Secretary Monsod: ment.
Please be informed that the Uruversttv paid the total amount of
We have been informed that the subject proposal has not been P7,995,850.70 for separation and terminal leave of pay of these
• included in the package of assistance in the just concluded bilateral employees. To effect this payment, U.P. obtained a loan from NDG
in the amount of P4.5 M loan from NDC will be paid from the ex-
negotiations despite my confirmation last 20 October 1988 that the
University places the highest priority on this proposal. pected income from the lease of the land grant. However, with the
Such a decision has a number of far-reaching consequences in- implementation of CARP, the expected income of the Unlversttv
asmuch as this joint project between the Philippines and Germany is will be reduced upon the transfer of the land grants to its tenants.
not yet complete. This disruption of the development of expert I think you will appreciate our earnestness to use our own resour-
manpower in the Earth Sciences could have the following effects: ces to settle our obligations with our former employees. However,
1. A setback in the science and technology development pro- this time around, we do need your assistance in locating P3,527,'
gram of the National Government. Among the thirteen (13) 697.48 to pay the overtime claims.
sectors identified by the Presidential Task Force in Science For your kind attention and consideration.
and Technology Development in its Status Report of 04
November 1978, manpower in the Earth Sciences is needed Sincerely yours,
in at least the following sectors: marine fisheries and ocean-
ography, energy, metals and engineering, construction, [Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA
20 mining and minerals, and process industry. Manpower deve-
16 January 1989 hanan na ang Unibersidad n9 Pilipinas kailanman ay hindi naqlala-
yang masangkot sa "illegal logging" at.ang mga ulat na nabanggit
Ref. No. JVA-89·14 sa inyong liham sv mga paratang lamanq na kinakailanqanq imbes-
tigahan ng mga kinauukulan. Sa katunayan, mga empleyeado n9 UP
Atty. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. at NDC ang nag-report na ginagamit og mqa illegal loggers ang rnqa
General Manager huwad na lisensvanq may pangalang Unlbersidad. Ang mga nama-
Government Service Insurance System mahala n9 UP Land Grants av kasatukuvanq patutov na naqsasaqawa
Quezon City n9 mqa kaukulang hakbanq upang rnatiqil ang paggamit n9 mga
huwad na dokumentonq may pangalang Unibersidad n9 Pifipinas
Dear Atty. Belmonte: n9 mga masasamang elemento n9 ating bavan.
Noong nakaraanq Disyembre 13, 1988, kami ay naqpadala sa
We are in the process of activating the uc-varaas Museum to lnvo n9 liham kung saan av Iniutet namin ang tunay na adhlkain nq
transform it into an effective University Museum. Apart from main- UP Land Grants bilanq tsanq proyektong panq-bavan. Ang Uniber-
taining .it as the repository of the art and library collection of the sided ng Pillpinas ay tumutulong sa paglilinang ng UP Land Grants
late Jorge B. Vargas, we would like it to become a fru ltfu! partner in sa pamamagitan ng pagtatanim ng rnqa punonqkahcv. kape at iba't
the teaching and research activities of the University in the fields of ibang bungang-kahoy at ang qinaqamit sa paglilinang na ito ay ang
Philippine art and culture, and a venue for informal and enjoyable kinikita ng Unibersidad n9 Plllpinas buhat sa "logging". Nals din
learning for the community at large, particularly for the residents of naming ulitin na ang Unlbersldad ay hindi naglalayon na ubusin ang
Quezon City. kahoy sa Land Grant bagkus tinutulungan nito ang mga mama-
To enable the UP-Vargas Museum to fulfill this role, the Museum mayan sa rnqa kanugnog bayan na magkaroon ng mabuti at mata-
is undertaking its first fund-raising campaign on 22 February 1989 tag na hanapbuhay at makatulong sa paqtillnanq ng mga lalawiqan
by way of an art sale. We are requesting artists and donors to give at ng Quezon at Laguna.
least one outright donation; the proceeds from the sale of the Sa kadahilanang iisa ang atinq lavun!n. hinihilinq narnln na tavo
artist's other works shall be shared 60-40% in favor of the artist or ay maqtutuqan upanq sa ganoon ay masugpo natin ang suliranin

• donor . tungkol sa "illegal logging".

In addition to the art sale, we are also launching two organiza- Maraming safamat po.
tions which shall help mobilize support for the Museum, namely,
the Friends of the Museum and the Quezon City Historical Com- Matapat na sumasaivc.
Since you are one of the leading citizens of Quezon City, with a (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
deep interest in Philippine art and culture, and notable too for your Pangulo
expertise on hurnlsmatics. we request your help in rallying artists,
art patrons, and donors for our fund-raising campaign in February
and in organizing the Friends of the Museum and the Quezon City
17 January 1989
Historical Commission.
I am designating Prof. Aurora Aoxas-Lim, University Museum
Ref. No. JVA-89·15
Curator, to discuss the projects of the uc-varcas Museum with you
at your earliest convenience.
Ho n. Solita Collas-Monsod
In anticipation of your favorable reply, I wish now to express
our gratitude for your continued interest in and concern for the
National Economics & Development Authority
University. With your valuable support, we shall surely succeed in
Amber Avenue, Paste
realizing our vision for an effective, lively, and stimulating Museum
Metro Manila
for Quezon City.
With best wishes and regards.

ATTENTION: Dr. Carolina Guina
Director, Public Investment Staff
Sincerely yours,

Dear Secretary Monsod:

This refers to the DSQ Programme (Direct Aid to Educational
Establishment) of the Hovel Netherlands Government which aims to
develop manpower and strengthen training institutions in developing
16 Enero 1989 COuntries.
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Develop-
Aef. No. JVA-89-23 ment Cooperation (OGISI. intends to send a mission to the Philip-
pines sometime in February this year to determine the areas of
Kgg. Felicisimo T. San Luis for collaboration between the Netherlands International Institute
Puncnq- Lalawlqan of Management lAVB) and a local institution. We would be very
Latawigan ng Laguna pleased if you could endorse to this mission the University of the
Sta. Cruz, Laqu na Philippines at one of the local institution with whom collaboration
can be discussed. The University, as you know, is very much in-
Mahal na Punonq-Lalewtqan San Luis: volved in the development of entrepreneurship through a number of
degree programs, training programs, and extension or outreach pro-
Hinggil sa tlham na lntnadala ninvonq may pet sa Disvernbre 22, jects.
1988 na erninq natanggap noonq Enero 4, 1989, nais naming ipa- Thank you for your kind attention.
batid sa Invo na ang mga oaqlabaq sa batas na nabanggit sa inyong
Sincerely yours,
liham ay katulad rin ng ulat ipinaqbiqav-alem namin sa kaukulang
tanqqapan ng pamahalaan at sa mga alaqad ng betas. Ang Umber-
sidad ng Ptllptnas ay patulov na nakikipagtulungan sa DENA at PC
upang masugpo ang mga "illegal loggers" na patutov na nag puputol
ng kahoy sa tabas ng reserbasyon ng UP Land Grants at gumagamit
ng mga dokumentong huwad. Handa naming panindigan ang katoto-
17 January 1989 tions of President Bush's Admi-
nistration for US-Philippine Re-
Ref. No. JVA-89-18 lations"
Venue: Faculty Center
Honorahle Raul S. Manglapus Conference Hall
Secretary Please see enclosed program
Department of Foreign Affairs invitation)
Manila I sincerely hope that you will honor us with your visit.
With best wishes.
Dear Secretary Manglapus:
Sincerely yours,
t just received this afternoon your very urgent letter dated 11
January 1989. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
As I have already informed some members of the UNESCO President
National Commission, it will not be possible for the University to
confer an honorary degree to Dr. Federico Mayor, the Director-
General of UNESCO, at this time.
However, yesterday I agreed to the invitation to be extended to
24 January 1989
the Director-General and Senator Santanma Rasul as Guests at the
Ritual Opening of University Cinema Theater-Archives on 26 Jan-
uary 1989. Moreover, we shall meet Dr. Mayor for an hour before Ref. No. JVA·89·20
the ceremony to discuss some ideas that may be of interest to him.
On this we are in touch with Mr. Francisco Trinidad of UNACOM. Mr. Bayani Bernabe
I would like to take this occasion to congratulate you on your President
excellent speech on foreign policy which you delivered at the PICC U.P. Club of Ontario
this morning. In your inimitable manner, your articulation of our cIa Mr. & Mrs. Arter F. Jorge
foreign policy had an extraordinary breadth, depth, and forward- 1300 Britannia Road East
looking thrust. Your understanding, wisdom and eloquence made it Mississauqa. Ontario, L4W lC8
a most remarkable presentation. Canada
With best wishes.
Dear Bavant,
Sincerely yours,
I trust you are well and in good spirits at this start of the New
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA Year, and that you received my letter thanking you for your hos-
President pitality and support during our visit there last year.
This time I'd like to let you know that Dr. Julia Ching of Vic-
toria College has invited U.P. Regent Flerida Ruth P. Romero,
Special Assistant to President Ccrazon C. Aquino, to speak at the
University of Toronto in early May 1989. Regent Romero taught
20 January 1989 Law in UP and served as Director of the UP law Center before she
became Executive Secretary of the Constitutional Commission that
Ref. No. JVA.g9-17 frame the 1987 Constitution. Given her rich experience and as
Special Assistant to President Aquino, Regent Romero is in a key
His Excellency Nicholas pratt posltlcn and vantage point to speak on the President'S leadership

United States Ambassador and and on any of various public issues that would be of
to the Philippines interest to our uP alumni here.
Embassy of the United States of America You may therefore wish to co-sponsor her speaking engagement
Hoxas Btvd., Manila or professorial lecture at the University of Toronto. In this con-
nection, you may get in touch with Dr. Julia Ching at this address:
Dear Ambassador Platt: Dr. Julia Ching
Victoria College
May I invite you 10 visit the University of the Philippines on 73 Queen's Park Crescent
Friday, 27 January 1989, from 11:00 o'clock in the morning until Toronto, Ontario
4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. This will provide us the opportunttv Canada M5S 1K7
to meet and discuss some aspects of our work in the University and Tel. No. 416-585-4407 (Office)
the important subject of US-Philippine relations at the start of Presi- messages: 416-530-1071 (home)
dent George Bush's administration .
• Below is the planned itinerary for your visit: Sincerely yours,

11 :00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - meeting with University officials ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
at the Office of the President, President
Quezon Hall, Diliman
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. - lunch with University officials
and selected faculty members at
the Executive House, U.P. Djli-
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - guest speaker in the Symposium
Series: "The Philippines and the
World Community" sponsored by
the Department of Political

22 Proposed Topic'. "The l mplica-

Ref. No. JVA-89-22 24January 1989 27 January 1989

Her Excellency
Ref. No. JV A-89·28
President Carazon C, Aquino
Malacafianq. Manila
Ms. Felicitas Radaic
Dance Theater Philippines
Dear Mrs. President:
U.P. College of Music
Diliman, Quezon City
The expansion and modernization programs of the Philippine
General Hospital jPGHl are nearing completion. When operational
Dear Ms. Pada!c:
in April 1989, PGH will have the largest and most modern out-
patient department in the country and maybe the ASEAN region. Your letter to Secretary Fiorello Estuar requesting funds for the
The in-patient facility will greatly improve not only its ability to construction of dance stud los. classrooms and office was referred by
extend all levels of health care to indigent patients but also will the Department of Public Works and Highways to the Department
enable the University of the Philippines to double its capability in of Education, Culture and Sports, which in turn referred the matter
training physicians and other health workers. New services will be to us.
established, like the Trauma Center, Existing services in cancer care I regret very much to inform you that because of financial
and emergency medicine will be more comprehensive and up to constraints, the University is unable at this time to set aside funds
date. for this purpose. The funds we got for Calendar Year 1989 from the
As you well know, Your Excellency, these programs are being National Government have already been earmarked fOI projects
financed by the Filipino people thru their taxes greatly augmented which have long been delayed. Other priority projects had to be lett
by generous help from friendly governments notably Japan. It was out because funds provided are not sufficient.
through your representations during your official visit to Japan that Needless to say, we, in the University, wish to express our aocre-
Japanese support for the PGH Out-Patient Department was assured. elation to you for going out of your way to seek funding sources
Led by you. the efforts and understanding of other officials made

for this project.
possible the financial assistance that PGH needed . Thank you.
It is but fitting that the formal opening of the new PGH, not
only the Out-Patient Department building, be marked by an appro- Sincerely yours,
priate ceremony. In this regard, Your Excellency, the University of
the Philippines is planning a program to cornmemctate the occasion. ISgd.1 JOSE V_ ABUEVA
This is to be held in April of this year with you as the guest of
honor. A good date would be the first week of April or such time as
President I
would be convenient for you.
In your speech, you could affirm the commitment of your
Administration to serve the poor and underprivileged segments of
our society through the expanded and modern health services of the 27 January 1989
Ref. No. JVA-89-32

Respectfullv yours,
Mr. Eufemio C. Domingo
ISgd.1 JOSE V_ ABU EVA Chairman, Special Audit Office
President Commission on A.udit
Diliman, Quezon City

Dear Mr. Domingo:

Ref. No. JVA-89-26 26 January 1989

• Ginoonq Domingo S. Scriac. Jr.

Caminawit, San Jose
Occidental Mindoro

Mahar na Ginoong Sonac:

This is with reference to your letter of 13 January 1989, an ad-
vance copy of which was received by my off ice on 25 January, re-
garding the constitution of an audit team from the special audit
office to conduct a special audit of the University of the Philippines.
I welcome the aud it team.
I take note of your statement that the team shall also be review-
Silang karuqunan sa inyong liham sa Panqutorq Aquino noo nq ing "the manner in which (UP) programs are being administered and
the results of these programs" I hope this statement does not mean
Oktubre 28, 1988. na iplnasa sa amin para sa kaukulang aksvon.
that your auditors will examine how our programs of reaching, 11)-
nets naming ipabatid S<I in vo na sa Unibersidad n9 Pilipinas av m2Y
search and outreach are being carried out bv our faculty and r n-
"grant-in-aid" at "scholarship" para sa rnqa maq-eara! na may iwing
searchers, and will evarunte their results. for I believe that only
tattno nqunt't kapos sa panqtustos sa paq-aeret. Ang "grant-in-aid"
competent teachers and scholars are in a position 10 do this In t he
ay naqbibiqav ng lihreng mat rik ula, P50Q para pambil i nq aklat at
P5QO na panggastos buwan-buwan. Ito av batav sa tau nang kit a ng
exercise of their academic freedom.
In fact, our scientists, scholars ann cr eative artists are consranuv

oamilva ng maq-aarat. Karamihan naman sa mqa "scholarship" ev
reviewing and c:riticizinq their own work, and the academic com-
para lang sa maq-aar al na nakapasok na sa Pamntasan.
munity outside U.P., in the coumrv and abroad. contribute to this
Katekip n9 !iham na ito av isang "flyer" tungkol sa "scholarship"
process of scientific and scholarly peer review.
at ihanq tutona para mekapaq-a-al sa U.P. at isang apllk asvo n para ~

I do welcome eOA's effort to help government Agencies and ,

sa "qraru-in-aid." ./
other state supported institutions to improve their operations and
Para makakuha ng "grant-in-aid", kailanqan munang matanqqap
remove obstacles to the realization of their goals and objectives.
ang iS3ng mag-aaral sa Umbersidud. Mangyari lamanq na lumiham sa
With my best wishes for your contmued good health and success.
Tanggapan ng Registrar sa Untberstded tungkol duo.
Stncerelv yours,
30 January 1989 30 January 1989

Ref. No. JVA-89-30

Ref. No. JVA-89-31

Honorable Jose Ong

Dr. Michael Cullinane
Program Officer
Bureau of Internal Revenue
Center for South and Southeast
BIR National Office
Asian Studies
BIR Building, Quezon City
130 Lane Hall
University of Michigan
Attention: The Chief
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Law Division

Dear Dr. Cullinane:

Dear Commissioner Onq:

I am pleased to inform you that the College of Agriculture is

Pursuant to the provision in the Constitution (Art. XIV, Sec. 4)
favorably considering the appointment of Edmund Russell as Visit-
that all revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational
ing Assistant Professor and the appointment of Lucy Russell as
institutions shall be exempt from taxes, we are hereby requesting
Visiting Research Fellow/Scholar this schoolyear. However, because
from your office for the corresponding certification that the Univer-
of financial constraints, their appointments shall be without com-
sity of the Philippines can present to its banks and trust or invest-
ment managers.
Lucy's and Edmund's papers have been forwarded to the deans
On a number of occasions I have learned a great deal from your
of the two colleges. Please advise them to communicate directly
participation in TV programs featuring you as a guest. I look
with the deans, and to explain in more detail their plans during their
forward to meeting you personally in the near future.
stay here.
We hope for your kind attention on this matter,
The names and addresses of the deans are:
Dean Bartolome S. Carafe
Sincerely yours,
College of Law
University of the Philippines Diliman
Diliman, Quezon City
Dean Ruben L. Villareal
College of Agriculture
University of the Philippines Los Banos
30 January 1989
College, Laguna
Phil ippines
Ref. No. JV A·S9-33

With best regards.

Dr, Emmanuel T. Velasco, BSBA '60; CStat '64
Director, Svcip. Gorres, Velavo and Co.
Sincerely yours,
105 De la Rosa St., Legaspi Village
Makatf Metro Manila
Dear Director Velasco:

We are pleased to hear of your appointment as Vice-President for

30 January 1989 Research and Development of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce •
and Industry, For us here in our Alma Mater, this is an occasion to i
Ref. No. JVA-89-34 be proud.
Congratulations and best wishes.
Mr. Venancio "Benjie" Johnson Paras
A-9 K Square Townhomes
Sincerely yours,
Cenacle Drive
Sanville Subdivision
Quezon City
Dear Beniie.

The U.P. Community joins me in congratulating you on the oc-
casion of your having been conferred The Most Valuable Player
30 January 1989
... award (Amateur Division) by the Philippine Sports Association . Ref. No. JVA·89-51
.s: This accomplishm'ent does us proud even as we anticipate bigger

E successes for you in the future, We know you wilt not fail because
you have the guidance and inspiration of the U.P. tradition of ex-
Atty. Sergio P. Kawi
Cordillera Regional Assembly
~ More power! Maharlika Livelihood Center
~ 4th Floor, Magsaysay Avenue
Sincerely yours, Baguio City

Dear Atty. Kawi:

Thank you for the resolution of October 27, 1988 urging the

24 retention of the UP College Baguio High Schoof (UPCBHS).

This morning, the UP Board of Regents met to discuss, among zatton of the physical facilities and other resources of the high
other things, the high schools in UP. My proposal which eventually school for supporting tertiary-level proqrams that are relevant to the
was approved by the Board, called for the gradual phase-out of the needs of the region.
UPCBHS. starting Academic Year 1989-1990. This proposal was Finally, I wish to assure you that the University is committed to
based on a long and careful examination of the situation, the results assist in the development of educational institutions in the region,
of which' would like to share with you. though not necessarily through the offering of a high school but
The Board of Regents approved the establishment of the through more meaningful assistance to other secondary schools and
UPCBHS in 1972 for the following reasons: to colleges and universities in the area.
a. The University High School can serve as a feeder for the UP at Thank you.
·b. The University High School can solve the rise in tuition fees and Very truly yours,
the phasing out of some private schools in Baqulc.
c. The University High School can provide better prospects for (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA
college in terms of general education. President
d. The University High School can serve as an integral part of the
graduate program in education by serving as a laboratory and
demonstration school for prospective teachers. 31 January 1989
The Board's approval provides, however, that the high school in
UP at Baguio must be self-supporting: it should not entail any
Ref. No. JVA·89·39
subsidy from the budget of the university.
An examination of the present situation in 8aguio in relation to
Dear Parents:
. the reasons for its establishment reveals the following:
a. On an insignificant number of UPCBHS graduates qualified for
It is not often that we write directly to the parents of our stu-
admission and actually enrolled in UPCB from 1932 up to 1986.
dents, but this is important.
Out of the 1216 freshmen admitted by UPCB during this period,
The University of the Philippines is implementing a "Socialized
only 89 or 7.'Y/Q werE\ graduates of UPCBHS. The high school
Tuition and Financial Assistance Program" (or STFAPl. So that you
graduated 273 students during this five-year period.
will understand what this is all about, and we can have the benefit
b. A survey made in August 1986 showed that UPCBHS charged
of your insights and suggestions, we are sending you the attached
the highest school fees at P1000 per year among the 10 high
primer on STFAP.
schools in the Baquio area that were surveyed by UPCB. The
The STFAP is intended to democratize access to UP and pro-
lowest fees were charged by the following schools:
mote social justice. We believe it is agood first step toward realizing
UB Science High School P150/year some of our people's aspirations for a democratic, just, and humane
Pines City High School 182/year society as expressed in the 1987 Constitution. We also believe it will
Baquio City High School 266/year redound to the greater among them, especially those who come
BCF High School 596.54/year from lower-income families.
The other schools surveyed charged P934 to P955/year with We hope you find the primer instructive. Your comments, sug-
only Baquio Patriotic High School charging as much as U.P. This gestions, or questions about the proposal are most welcome, and we
survey did not include Brent School which charges extremely would be very happy to benefit from them.
high fees. Thank you. Let us hear from you soon.
c. From 1982 to 1986,153 UPCSHS graduates qualified for admis-
sion to the various units of the U.P. System out of a total 273 Sincerely yours,
UPCBHS graduates who took the UPCAT. This is much higher
than the national average of less than 2CYlo, but considerably (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA
lower than the 93% of UPLB Rural High School and 88% of the President
UP Iloilo High School.
d. UPCB does not offer programs in Education and its high school
is not serving as a laboratory or demonstration school for
Ref. No. JVA·89·35 31 January 1989
prospective teachers.
When the UPCB was reorganized in 1976, the BOR provided
President David Pierpont Gardner
for the establishment of a Division of Education which shall be
University of California
composed of a Department of Professional Education and a High
Berkeley, California 94720
School Department. Only the High School Department has been
in oontinuous operation but the Department of Professional
Education was never organized.
Dear President Gardner:
The High School was given the opportunity to study the
possibility of making the high school a laboratory school of the
Thank you for your invitation to the conference of presidents
Division. The high school Principal was requested several times
of leading public universities in countries bordering the Pacific
to chair the committee to establish the Division of Education.
Ocean in Asia, the South Pacific, and North America scheduled for
The principal, however, declined the request because, according
tylay 10, 11, and 12, 1989, in San Francisco.
to her, the high school prefers the status quo.
As I have indicated to Dr. Richard H. Fuller of the Asia Found-
e. The UPCBHS is not a self-supporting unit. For 1986, it had an
ation, Philippines, I have the honor to accept your invitation to
Internal Operating Budget of P816,900 and an income of
Participate in this conference, subject to the approval of our Board
P255,200. This means that the University subsidized the opera-
of Regents.
tion of UPCBHS in the amount of P560,700 in 1986.
1 hope to receive a copy of the preliminary slate of topics and
As you would note, the proposal to phase out the high school is
topic options soon.
based on careful evaluation. I would also like to assure you that in
With best regards.
implementing the phase-out, every effort will be made to transfer
academic and administrative personnel to available positions suit-
Sincerely yours,
able to their qualifications. UP Diliman, which administers UP
College Baquio and its high school, has also been asked to prepare
i~mediately detailed personnel plans coverinq all faculty members President
and employees of the high school, and plans for the eventual utili- 25
Ref. No. JVA-89-37 1 February 1989 2 February 1989

Prof. Faultino A. Daria, Jr. Ref. No. JVA-89-40

Institute of Biological Sciences
College of Science Dr. Antonio Arizabal
University of the Philippines Secretary
Dlliman, Quezon City Department of Science & Technology
Brcutan. Taguig
Dear Professor Daria: Metro Manila

I have been informed that you donated a microcomputer worth Dear Dr. Arizabal:
sixteen thousand pesos for the use of the Office of the Alumni
Beletlons of our University. In line with developing the laser program in the Philippines, we
I would like to thank you most sincerely for your contnbution would like to request financial assistance in the amount of
but more so for your fine gesture of support for the University and P107,840.00 from the DOST for the visit of Four (41 Chinese phy-
vour invaluable assistance in the computerlzation of the alumni sicists from the Shanghai Institute of Laser Technology to the
records at our alumnl office. University of the Philippines, National Institute of Physics. The visit
With all good wishes. will be under the Scientific and Cultural Exchange Program between
Sincerely yours, the Philippine government and the People's Republic of China. We
intend to invite Prof, Nie 8ao Cheng, Director of the Institute, and
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA three of his associates in laser technology for a two-week visit here
President at UP-NIP.
We hope this request will merit your kind consideration .

Sincerely yours,
Ref. No. JV A-89-44 3 February 1989
The Honorable President
Congressman Ismael A. Mathay, Jr.
4th District of Quezon City
Batasang Pambansa Bldg.
Quezon City 1 February 1989

Dear Congressman Methav: Ref. No. JVA-89-38

We are in the process of activating the UP-Vargas Museum to Miss Mila E, Ignatz
transform it into an effective University Museum. Apart from main- Route 7, Box 510
taining it as the repository of the art and library collection of the Tallahassee, Florida 32308
late Jorge B, Vargas, we would like it to become a fruitful partner U.S.A.
in the teaching and research activities of the University inthefields
of Philippine art and culture, and a venue for informal and enjoy- Dear Miss Ignatz:
able learning for the community at large, particularly for the resi-
dents of Quezon City. Thank you very much for your generous and COntinuing dona-
To enable the UP·Vargas Museum to fulfill this role, the Museum tion to the University, We have informed the Institute of Chemistry
is undertaking its first fund-raising campaign on 22 February 1989 and the Institute of Science and Mathematics Education Develop-
by way of an art sale. We are requesting artists and donors to give at ment, I understand they will also be communicating with you.
least one outright donation; the proceeds from the sale of the We attach hereto Official Receipt No. 242216 for your files.
artist's other works shall be shared 60-40% in favor of the artist or With our best wishes for the New Year. I'd like to add our ex-
donor. pression of gratitude to you on behalf of the University,
In addition to the art sale, weare also launching two organiza-

tions which shall help mobilize support for the Museum, namely,
the Friends of the Museum and the Quezon City Historical Com-
Sincerely yours,

Ol mission. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
o As one of the people's representatives to our Congress, and
knowing your profound interest in developing Philippine art and

culture, we are requesting your help in mobilizing public support
;:; for our fund-ratstnq campaign on 22 February 1989, and in or-

.....• ganizing the Friends of the Museum and the Quezon City Historical 2 February 1989

... Commission .
I am designating" Prof. Aurora Roxas-Lim, University Museum Ref, No. JVA-89-41
Curator to discuss the projects of the up-varces Museum with you
The Honorable
;; at your earliest convenience,
In anticipation of your favorable reply, I wish now to express Secretary RauI Manglapu5
'Z Department of Foreign Affairs
our gratitude for your continued interest in and concern for the
~ University. With your valuable support, we shall surely succeed in Manila
realizing our vision for an effective, lively, and stimulating Museum
'E;;" for Quezon City.
Dear Secretary Manqtapus:


With our best wishes and regards.
Sincerely yours,


We were informed by the Department of Budget and Manage-
ment, (DBM) that Advice of Allotment No. BCS-1257-88-403, dated
29 December 1988. in the amount of P309,OOO.OO to cover the cost

26 President of Part II of the study on conversion of the military baselands to be

undertaken by the University of the Philippines, was issued to the
6 February 1989
Department OT Foreign Affairs.
May I request that the P309,OOO.OO be either: Ref. No. JVA-47
3. Sub-auoteo to UP by DFA so that uP can obligate the amount
before the books for 1988 are closed; or Undersecretary Ricardo M. Umali, BSF'71
b. obligated by DFA's Accounting Office in favor of UP so that 550 Sierra Madre Street
arrangements can be made by UP and DFA on how disburse- Mandatuvcnq, Metro Manila
ments can be made by UP.
Thank you. Dear Undersecretary Umali:

Sincerely yours, Congratulations on your having been chosen as one of The

Outstandinc Young Men (TOYMl of 1987 in the field of natural
(Sqd.} JOSE V. ABUEVA resources management by the Phitippine Jaycees and the Gerry
President Roxas Foundation!
ThIS is a distinct honor, not only for vour self but also for your
Alma Mater. We are proud of your achievement.
Best wishes.
6 February 1989
Sincerely yours,
Ref. No. JVA-89-49
Dr. Cesar G. Saldana, BSBAA'74c/; President
Dean, College of Business Administration
U,P. Dillman, Quezon Cit,'
6 February 1989
Dear Dr. Saldana'
Ref. No. JVA-89-46
Congratulations on your having been chosen as one of The Out-
standing Young Men (TOYMl of 1987 in the field of management Dean Gabriel Iglesias
education by the Philippine Jaycees and the Gerrv Roxas Found- College of Public Administration
atton! and
This is a distinct honor, not only for yourself but also for your Prof. Olive Caoili
Alma Mater. We are proud of your achievement. Department of Political Science
Best wishes. College of Social Sciences & Philosophy
U.P. Dillman
Sincerely yours,
Dear Dean Iglesias & Professor Caoi!i:
President This is an invitation to all the full-time faculty members of CPA
and the Department of Political Science to participate in the first
planning meeting on Theme I I. Governance, Public Welfare and
Social Justice of the UP Multidisciplinary Assessments of the State
6 February 1989 of the Nation. The meeting will be held at 5: 30 p.m. on Wednesday,
February 15, 1989 at the Executive House.
Ref. No. JVA-89-48 Attached is a working outiine for discussion at the meeting. I'd
be grateful it our colleagues would be prepared to discuss the
Prof. Delfin J. Ganapin, Jr. suggested areas of assessment, the design of the study, the composi-
BSF'77 mel; MS'83 tion of the study teams, and other related questions.
Faculty Housing With best wishes.
College of Forestry
U.P. Los Banos Sincerely yours,
College, Laguna
Dear Professor Ganapin: President

Congratulations On your having been chosen, as one of the Out-

standing Young Men (TOYM) of 1987 in the field of forest con-
2 February 1989
servation by the Philippine Jaycees and the Gerry Roxas Found- •
This is a distinct honor, not only, for vour se!t but also for your
Ref. No. JVA-89-45 '-
Alma Mater. We are proud of your achievement.
Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral
Best Wishes. President
Association of TOWNS Awardees
SIncerelv yours, Suite 335, Makar! Med ical Center
Amor so!o St., Makati
President Dear Dr. Cabral:

This is in reply to your letter of 12 September 1988.

I am glad to inform you that I am accepting your invitation to 2i
be a member of the panel of judges that will select the 1989 6 February 1989
TOWNS awerdees.
Please send me more information about the award, the other Ref. No. JV A-89-53
members of the panel of judges, and the nominees.
Thank you. Honorable Guillermo N. Carague
Sincerely yours, Department of Budget and Management
Matacafianq. Manila
President Attention: The Director
Foreign Assisted Projects Bureau

Dear Secretary Carague:

7 February 1989
This is to certify that in addition to the undersigned, the follow-
Ref. No. JVA-89-50 ing are authorized to sign documents/financial plans/forms/papers in
connection with the Foreign Assisted Project (FAP) of the DECS-
Regent Gonzalo Bongolsn ISMED (UP) and DOST project entitled: "The National Learning
Student Regent Resource Center for Teaching Training" (NLRCTT).
1) Or. Felipe M. Medalla
Dear Bong, Vice-President for Planning and Finance I
2) Dr. Porfirio P. Jesuttas
On Wednesday, 15 February 1989, the Board of Trustees of the Project Manager
UP Foundation, Inc. will have its first meeting for the Calendar 3) Soledad P. Sagun
Year 1989. The Board of Trustees of the Foundation should have at Administrative Officer
least 3 members coming from the Board of Regents of the Univer-
sity. At present, we have only two: Regent Francisco Nemenzo and ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
Regent Clemente Gatmaitan. In this connection, it is my pleasure to President
nominate you as a member of the Board of Trustees Vice Regent
David Celdran.
For your reference, attached is a copy of the pertinent inform-
ation about the Foundation.
I hope you will accept the nomination. 13 February 1989

Sincerely yours, Ref. No. JVA-89·54

ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Ms. Sheila Coronel

President 27 Mallnqao St.
Teachers Village, Diliman
Quezon City

Dear Sheila,
9 February 1989

The ills drawn of media are indeed real and pressing for relief
Ref. No. JVA-89·52
and correction, as pointed out in your "Project Proposal for the
Organization of a Philippine Center for Enterprise Journalism".
Dr. Vicente R. Limcaoco
The idea to set up a center that would provide and deliver "defi-
439 Loucroft Road
nitive and exhaustive reportage" deserves serious consideration and
Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
support from all those who desire to elevate media to higher levels
of professionalism.
The University of the Philippines can assist the proposed center
Dear Dr. Limcaoco:
in training reporters and researchers through workshops and semi-
nars that the U.P. College of Mass Communication may conduct.
The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation has informed us that its
I take this opportunity to compliment the proponents for this
$100,000.00 check has been remitted to FUPFA. Ms. Mely Nicolas,
relevant and timely project, which I strongly endorse.
sister of Ms. Loida Nicolas-Lewis. requests that we follow up the With all good wishes.
• remittance to U.P. Foundation (under Trust Agreement). Ms. Mely
Nicolas, Or. Abad, and Or, Echanis of UPFI will meet on the terms
Sincerely yours,
of the scholarships and professorial chairs as soon as the money is
remitted here (for awarding June this veerl.
::: We wish also to follow up the remittance of the principal of the
FUPFA Pro.fessorial Chairs for awarding this June.
We are sorry to hear that your nephew, Ramon Encarnacion, has
passed away. My wife and I are in touch with Mameng and Nonov.
Our deepest sympathies.

Sincerely yours,



9 February 1989 13 February 1989

Dr. Wataru Mori Ref. No. JVA·89·58

The University of Tokyo The Honorable
3-1 Honqo 7-Chome Regent Cesar Buenaventura
Bunkyo-ku Shell House
Tokyo 113, Japan 1330 Hoxas Blvd.
Dear President Mori:
Dear Regent Buenaventura:
Thank you once again for warmly receiving us last November 26
despite your very hectic schedule. We would now like to put in We are appealing to you kindly to take on the responsibility and
writing Our formal request for linkage with your University. En- joy of serving as a member of the Board of Trustees of the UP-
closed is a copy of our proposed Memo of Agreement with TODAI Vargas Museum as the representative of the UP Board of Regents
for your consideration. from the private sector.
Prof. Akira Takahashi of your Faculty of Economics has kindly I hope that you will accept this position, for we want the UP-
agreed to serve as counterpart to Dr. Gemino H. Abad, our Vice- Vargas Museum to become an effective part of the University's
President for Academic Affairs, for any negotiation related to this teaching and research progrms in art and cultural history. Hopefully,
proposed linkage. Dr. Abad, in turn, has officially designated Asst. with the help of the qovernment of Quezon City, the Museum can
Prof. Ma. Rosario P. Ballescas to serve as his liaison representative also be a venue for informal and enjoyable learning for the residents
in Tokyo. Professor Ballescas is presently undertaking research on of the city.
land reform in your University. . For this purpose we are holding our first f und-raisinq campaign
We understand that Professor Takahashi had earlier discussed on Wednesday, 22 February 1989, QY means of an art exhibit and
this matter with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics who ex- art sale. We will also launch two organizations that can help the
pressed support for sponsorship of this proposal. We are certainly Museum, namely the Friends of the UP-Vargas Museum and the
looking forward to a positive response regarding this matter, espe- Quezon City Historical Commission.
cially during the duration of your term. I hope you can, as Trustee, help the University Museum to
Thank you very much. With our best regards. mobilize public support for these two organizations.
I wish to express our gratitude for your continued interest in and
Very truly yours, service to the University. With your valuable support to the UP-
Vargas Museum, we shall surely succeed in realizing our vision for an
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA effective, lively and stimulating museum for Ouezon City.
Sincerely yours,


13 February 1989

Ref. No JVA·89·57

Han. Solita C. Monsod

13 February 1989
Secretary of Socto-Econornic Planning
National Economic Development Authority

Honorable Elfren S. Cruz
Pasiq. Metro Manila
Act ing Governor
Metropolitan Manila Commission
Dear Secretary Monsod:
Makatl. Metro Manila

Attached is the updated list of projects that the University is

Dear Governor Cruz:
submitting for JICA assistance (and for funding from other ODA
sources). The projects are listed according to order of priority. ,
With reference to your letter of 2 February 1989, we wish to in-
Except for the Maintenance Program for the Out-Patient Depart
form you that the University of the Philippines, through its Center
ment of PGH, and the projects of the College of Agriculture, the
for Integrative and Development Studies, is pleased to co-sponsor
Department of Electrical Engineering lEPTEX1, and the Institute
the proposed interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral forum to discuss
of Biotechnology, all the projects in the attached ,list were also in-
the framework for Metropolitan Manila's management and develop-
cluded in the list that was submitted on 11 October 1988.
Thank you very much for your strong continuing support of
We share your interest in searching for a vision for Metro Manila
University proposals for assistance. and would be happy to collaborate with the Metropolitan Manila
Commission and the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
Sincerely yours, in this important ~ffort. We have designated Professor Carolina G.
Hernandez, the Center's Director, to meet with the representatives
(Sqd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA of the other co-sponsors in order to plan and implement the pro-
President posed activity.
With best regards,

Sincerely yours,



13 February 1989 14 February 1989
Honorable Bartolome C. Fernandez
Commissioner Ref. No. JVA-89-59
Commission on Audit
Quezon City Atty. Reginald F. Lewis
The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, Inc.
Through: Director Emmanuel M. Dalman 99 Wall Street
National Government Audit Office II New York, New York 10005
Mrs. Natividad Lerma
Resident Auditor Dear Atty. Lewis:
University of the Philippines
In behalf of the faculty and officers of the University, I would
Subject: Request to grant honoraria to eOA employees at UP like to convey my sincerest gratitude to you and our alumna, Mrs.
for the pre-audit of the P3.5 million overtime claims Lolda Nicolas-Lewis. for your generous donation of P2.1 Million
of U.P. Bastlan Land Grant IUPLBGI workers Pesos for the establishment of scholarships and a Professorial Chair
Fund in honor of the late Francisco J. Nicolas. The donation means
Dear Commissioner Fernandez: so much to us not only because it is the largest amount ever received
by the University from an individual donor, but also because Mrs.
Last September 25, 1985, the Supreme Court rendered a favor- Lewis personally came to the University for the donation. Every-
able decision on the appeal of the Mindanao Federation of Labor one present during the January 5 turnover ceremony was deeply
lor the payment of overtime claims to former workers of UPBLG touched and inspired by your concern for the University, its faculty
amounting to P3,527,697.00. and students.
The claims stretch from 1957 to 1984 - a span of 27 years- I am hoping to be able to meet you sometime in the future.
involving 365 monthly employees and 4,428 daily workers. Docu- Belated Happy New Year and more power to you!
ments which form the basis for computing claims consist of 35,640
Daily Time Records and 50,688 payroll sheets. Beneficiaries, under- Sincerely yours,
standably. have not been passive in urging the speedy implement-
atlon of the Supreme Court decision. ISgd.! JOSE V_ ABU EVA
Because of the significance of the amount and the unexpected- President
ness 01 thf~ verdict. the was compelled to write DBM
Secretnrv Guillermo Caraque for additinnal funds. The requested
amount, we were assured, is forthcoming.
There is still a problem though. It is imperative that supporting 14 February 1989
documents be reviewed to make sure not only that individual claims
have been tairlv stated but also, and perhpas more importantly, that Ref. No. JVA-89-60
all applicable laws and requlations are complied with in the entire
process of senlernem. Under these circumstances. we ten it prudent Mr. Roger M_ Austria
to avail of COA's expertise. University of the Philippines Alumni Association
Accordingly. representations were made with then Resident Wisconsin, Ltd.
Auditor Atty. Imelda Rodriguez. An initial examination on a 7044 N. Lombardy Road
sampling basis was made by some mernbars of the resident auditing Fox Point, WI 53217
staff and early findings disclosed a liberal share of adverse errors- U_S.A_
in fact to an extent that the auditOrs felt a hundred percent
examination was warranted. Dear Mr. Austria:
It is only our wish that these UPBLG workers' claims - extra-
ordinary that thev are - be pre-audited because of our concern to Thank you very much for your remittance of 56,309.33 towards
pay only the proper amounts in strict accord with audit inq rules and the establishment of a Professorial Chair. {The Official Receipt wilt
requlat ions, and thus obviate the risk of later disallowances. be sent to you after the month since the University can not issue
The sheer volume of work that" a hundred percent examination this before the check clears). The fund balance of your donation is
entails and the exigencies of their normal duties would require the now $6,632.89. The annual interest Income will be credited to the
audit inq staff to wcrk after regular office hours and even on Satur- fund until it reaches $15,000, the amount required to support a
days and Sundays. Working thus, they promised to finish the job Professorial Chair.
within three months. For this reason. we fell it jail' that the auditors Our trip was successful, thanks to loyal alumni i':ke yourselves.
involved be granted reasonable extra compensation. The expenses It was successful not only in terms of pledges and financial contri-
the Univer-sity will incur for their services will be worth the trade- butions to the University by the alumni, but more so in terms of
drawing the University and its alumni abroad closer to each other
• off in monetary savings and the assurance of propriety their expert
review is expected to generate. . in terms of the University's future, despite the distance!
M<JY we therefore .request clearance from the Commission to pay Best personal regards!
hOnoraria to the auditors who would be involved in the above-
:: mentioned pre-audit undertaking. Sincerely yours,
The Commission's assistance and favorable consideration will
finally put this matter to rest to the benefit and relief of all parties ISgd.! JOSE V. A8UEVA
concerned. President
Thank you and warmest-reqards.

Very truly yours,


14 February 1989 14 February 1989
Ref. No. JVA·89-62

Senator Wigberto E. Tailada Ref. No. JV A-89·63

Senate of the Philippines
Manila President Kazuo Takamatsu
Soka University
Dear Senator Tafiada: 1-336 Tangi-cho
As you may recall, on May 20.1988, at OUT luncheon meeting at Tokyo 192, Japan
the Manila Hotel. we agreed that the UP should do a conversion
study of the US military facilities in the Philippines based on the Dear President Takamatsu:
proposal and budget that we submitted. For its title we have chosen
"A Study of Alternagive Uses of Military Baselands for Sustained I hope this letter finds you in good health.
Development." I have encouraged our colleagues in the College of Social Scien-
Pending release of the funding which you requested from Sec- ces and Phitcsophv to follow up on possibilities for joint research
retary Guillermo Ceraque of the Department of Budget and Manage- undertakings with their colleagues at the Institute of Asian Studies
ment, UP advanced P75,OOO in order not to delay the study. We of your University, in order that our Agreement for Academic and
expected that this money would be reimbursed. We would like to Educational Cooperation may soon bear fruit. There may be other
inform you that we have accomplished the following: po ssibifities tOO that you might like to suggest.
I. a review of Leonardo Mariano's Integrated Bases Conversion J am enclosing with this letter a list of our fellows in Japan for

your information. It is my hope that our fellows who are now in

II. Held the following consultation meetings: Japan may have some opportunity to interact with their colleagues
1. Business Groups, NGOs, Local Governments, etc. in your University. This would be a very good start for scholarly
a. Olorqapo City dialogues which may open up other possibilities of cooperation.
Oct. 15, Nov. 11-12, Nov. 23, 1988 With our deepest esteem.
b. Angeles City and San Fernando, Pampanga I·
Dec. 2·3, Dec. 19, 1988 and Feb. 10,1989 Truly yours.
c. Balanqa. Bataan
Feb. 3, 1989
2. Members of the House of Representatives from Olongapo,
Bataan and Pampenqa
3. Other Government Offices/Officials
15 February 1989
a. PHILSECO - on ship repair and ship breaking
b. Export Processing Zone Authority
Ref. No. JVA-89-65
c. SACOBIA Development Authority - on reverted base-
Mrs. Frances F. Korten
d. Paq-asa Resettlement Project - on reverted baselands
Assistant Representative
4. Officers of Clark Air Base Command IRP) and the 13th
The Ford Foundation
(US) Air Farce.
Dona Nercisa Bldg. 6th Floor
We would like to inform you further that the Department of
Budget and Management released, through the Department of 8751 Pasede Boxes
Makati, Metro Manila
Foreign Affairs, the sum of P309,OOO for the UP to study the alter-
native uses of US military facilities in the Philippines.
Dear Mrs. Korten:
On this we would like to be clarified on its effect on our agree-
ment for the UP to do a conversion study. In the letter of Secretary
We are looking forward to hosting a luncheon next month on the
Carague tc Secretary Raul Manglapus it was specified that the
UP campus for the members of the Ford Foundation's Board of
money covers "the cost of Part II of a study on the economic con-
Trustees and of the New York staff who will be visiting then.
version of the US military bases in the country." Does "Part II" in
The luncheon will be held on 6 March from about 12 noon until
the Caraque letter refer to the second part of the three-part "A
about 1: 45 P.M.
Study On Alternative Uses of Military Basetands for Sustainable
As I understand, the guest list, on the Ford Foundation side, will
National Development" currently being done by a team of our
include Mr. and Mrs. Edson Spenser and son Jim; Mr. and Mrs.
researchers? If this is the case, are we to infer that the rest of our
Rodrigo Botero; Mr. and Mrs. William Milliken; Dr. Peter Stanley;
budget will be released upon the completion of this part of the
study? If "Part II" refers to the UP's three part study as a whole, Mr. Tom Miller; and Mr. Franck Hicks.
On the UP side: Professors Jose V. Abueva (Political Science}:
does this mean that P309,OOO is the total amount that will be re-
Gernino H. Abad {Enqlishl: Oscar M. Alfonso (History); Ledivina
leased to the UP? Since P309,OOO ts-onlv 1/3 of our original
V. Carino (Public Administration); Gelia T. Castillo (Agricultural
budget, we will be forced to scale down considerably the research
if this were the case.
Education); Mercedes B. Concepcion (Demography); Josefina R.
Cortes (Education); Jose Encarnacion, Jr. (Economlcsl: Carolina

To facilitate your response to this querrv. we would be grateful
G. Hernandez (Political Science); Alejandro N. Herrin (Economics);
if you could receive Professor Emmanuel C. Latlana who will dis-
Felipe M. Medena (Economics}: Felipe B. Miranda (Political
cuss the issues with you. The fate of the research depends on your
Science); Manuel F. Montes (Economics); Francisco Nemenzo (Poli-
urgent answers. tical Science); Emerlinda R. Roman [Business Administration);
Thank you very much. Cetsc Roque (Physics); Percy E. Sejise (Plant ECOlogy); and Cesar
Saldana (Business Adrntntstrattonl.
Sincerely yours. We were considering another venue, atrcondtttoned and corn-
tortabte. for the luncheon. But Ms. Sol Castillo communicated to
Dr. Alfonso by telephone today that the Executive House would
be "all right," warm or not early March might be. The ceiling fans
ought to help, in any case, and the Executive House is really a more
appropriate setting . 3/
Thank you for sending me the biographical data of Ford Found- Class 1989 and the Academy Staff under your leadership. Regret
ation Trustees Spenser, Botero and Milliken. Herewith are the curri- unable to attend graduation ceremony. As you and I discussed in'
culum vitae of the UP faculty members whom we are inviting to the presence of President Aquino I wish to reiterate willingness of
luncheon. U.P. to cooperate with PMA in designing PMA curriculum integ-
I am appreciative of your role, from your end, in arranging this rating one or two years of education in a university. If you wish
session with some of our professors. Thank you, with all good you and I can sit down with colleagues and to plan a meeting In- volving a wider group. With best wishes."
With my best regards.
Sincerely yours,
Sincerely yours,
President ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA

21 February 1989
17 February 1989
Ref. No. JVA·89-69
Ref. No. JVA-89·67
Her Excellency Corazon C. Aquino
President of the Philippines Secretary Rainerio O. Reyes
Malacai'iang Palace, Manila Department of Transportation & Communications
Philcomsen Bldq., Ortiqas Ave.
Dear Mrs. President: Pasig, Metro Manila

As President of the University of the Philippines and vice-Cheir- Dear Secretary Reyes:
man of its Board of Regents, I have the honor to nominate Mr.
Delfin Lazaro, Chief Executive Officer of Benguet Corporation and I am pleased to inform you that we are allowing the appoint-
a leading UP alumnus, to the position of Regent of the University of ment of Prof. Elizabeth L. Diaz as Consultant in the Department of
the Philippines effective May 1, 1989. We need Mr. Lazaro's ack- Transportation and Communications, effective January 16, 1989
nowledged expertise in agri-business, management and finance on until January 15, 1990. Her appointment at the DOTC is in accord-
the Board. ance with Article 253 of the Revised Code of the University which
With our highest esteem and respect. allows faculty members to engage in limited practice of profession.
It is understood that Prof. Dlaz's involvement as consultant at
Sincerely yours, the DOTC shall not prejudice her faculty duties at the College of
Mass Communication.
ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA Thank you.
Sincerely yours,


20 February 1989
Ref_ No_ JV A-89-58

Hon. Jose P. de Jesus

Cabinet Secretary 22 February 1989
Malacai'iang Guest House
Ref. No. JV A-89-71
Dear Secretary de Jesus:
Miss Edna D'Souza
In response to President Corazon C. Aquino's desire, I co- U.P. Asian Center
operated last year and again this year in efforts to bring together the Diliman, Quezon City
graduating class of PMA and student leaders from UP and other
universities with a view to promoting better understanding among Dear Miss D'Souza:
young civilian and military leaders of our country. I have also sub-
mitted my ideas for more institutionalized interaction between I have read your letter of February 13, 1989 appealing that you
universities and PMA for the purpose of providing PMA cadets a be granted a 75% on the Education Development Fee.
democratic and liberal orientation. We have also discussed this matter with the UP Diliman officials
However. I strongly believe that university leaders be left free to who briefed us on the criteria and guidelines for the grant of dis'
pursue these matters and not be asked by Malacai'iang to meet under counts. After some thought on the matter, I am convinced that the
its auspices. I have great admiration and respect for the President of Chancellor's decision is based on very sound reasoning. I am there-
the Philippines. I am also grateful for her strong support of U.P. fore supporting his decision in regard to your case.
But it is un'fair to her that her office should appear to be the one Thank you for writing me.
convening university officials to consider curricula and other aca-
demic matters that, much as they are will"lng to help and cooperate, Sincerely yours.
rightfully belong to their institutions to consider and decide as part
of their institutional autonomy and academic freedom. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
"Let me end by reiterating my willingness to cooperate inde-
pendently, among my colleagues from the other universities. In
fact, I sent General Andrew Francisco, the PMA Superintendent,
32 this message last Saturday: "Congratulations to PMA Graduating
22 Pebrero 1989 16 February 1989

Ref. No. JVA·89·72 Ref. No. JVA·89-74

Prop. Rogelio Sicat Honorable Guillermo N. Carague

Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan Secretary, Department of Budget
ng Pilipinas and Management
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura Malacefianq. Manila
U.P. D iliman
Attention: NGAFB·II
Mahal na Roger:
Dear Secretary Caraque:
Maraming salarnat sa iyong tiharn sa akin na may kalakip na
kliping ng istnutat ni Juan T. Gatbonton na may petsang 19 Enero We are pleased to submit the First Preliminary Trial Balance of
1989 tunqkol sa Taglish at sa hinaharap ng wika sa ating bansa. the University of the Philippines for the year just ended. Please note
Lubas kong ikinagalak ang aklnq paqkakalahok sa book certain uncompleted transactions out of our control explained in
launching ng kurditan. Naging kasiva-siva sa akin na ako ay hinan- footnotes to the Trial Balance which affect the proper interpret-
doqan ng salakot, paletandaan ng pasasalamat at pakikiisa ng ation of our financial status as of 31 December 1988. It is hoped
GUMIL. Higit divan, nakabubusog-pusong mapag-alaman na super- that this will be adjusted in the next preliminary or final tria!
tado ng UMPI Lang wikang Filipino. balance to be submitted by the University.
Karapat-dapat ternanq na kilalanin nattnq lehat, saan mang r ehi- With assurances of our highest esteem.
yon tayo nepbuhat. ang mahigpit na panqanqailarqan natin sa isang
wikang pambansa sapaqkat bubuhatin nivan tayo sa rnataas na antas Very truly yours,
ng paqsulonp at pag-unlad.
Sa baqav na ito, rnelak i at mahalaga anq papel na qinaqarnpanan (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
mo. Roger. Iyan av kinikilala't plnasasalamatan ko. President



Pangulo 23 February 1989

Ref. No. JVA·89·75

The Honorable Sedfrey Ordonez

22 Pebrero 1989 Secretary of Justice
Department of Justice
Ref. No. JVA-89-73 Padre Paura. Manila

Prop. Domingo G. Landicho Dear Sir:

Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literature We would like to request that the 47A(2l Visiting Scientist Visa
U.P. Diliman of Dr. John W. McManus be extended for the period from 11 Feb-
ruary 1989 to 11 February 1990. Dr. McManus is the On-Site Uni-
Mahal na Doming: versity of Rhode Island Scientist assigned to the U.S.-AID Fish
Stock Assessment Collaborative Research SUPpOrt Program in the
Maraming salamat sa iyong liharn sa akin na mav kalakip na Philippines.
kliping ng dalawa mong kolum na nalethala sa Manila Chronicle This program develops new methods for assessing and managing
noong 13 Nobyembre 1988 at sa Ang Pilipino Star Ngayon noong tropical fisheries such as those in the Philippines. In the fourth year
7 Dtsvembre 1988. of its five-year implementation, the program would probably be
Walang atubili 0 paqaalinlanqan kong pinaniniwalaang lubes na extended until 1993.
magtatagumpay ang panqanqailanqan natinq mga Filipino sa isanq Our fisheries provide 60%.. of the animal protein available to
wikanq pambansang magbubuklod sa atinq lahat at rnaqdadala sa Filipinos. These fisheries involve many species and many types of
atin sa paqkakaisa at maqsusufonq sa atinq bansa. fishing gear. Traditional methods of fishery analysis are not well-
Kailangan natin ay panahon, paqtittvaqa at oaqkarnabinahon. suited to our fish stocks. The research program where Dr. McManus
Paq-unawe din marahtt ng pakiramdam at katevuen ng mga di- is a Visiting Scientist is intended to enhance the longevity of our
Tagalog, kundi man ng mga nakatatanda na higit na nahihirapan fisheries and so improve the Jot of our fishermen.
kavsa sa mga kabataan na rneqsanav sa paqqarnit n9 Filipino sapaq- Thank you.
kat nahirati na sua sa kanilanq sariunq wika 0 sa wikang banveqa.
Kava nqa't pmuour i at pinasasalamatan ko anq iyong paqpupun- Si nceretv yours.
yagi sa pagpapalaganap ng Filipino, sa iyong paqtuturo 0 sa iyong
panunutat man. ISgd.1 JOSE V' ABU EVA
Sumasaivc ,



23 Pebrero 1989 Ref No. JVA-89-78 23 February 1989

Ref. No. JVA-89-76 Mr. Vrtslino Ulanday

6 Trinity St. 15th Avenue
Prop. Melito S. Salazar, Jr. Cubao, GURIon City
Direktor, 1851
U.P. Diliman Dear Mr, U landay:

Mahal na Direktor Salazar: With reference to your letter of 4 July 1988 I have requested
Prof. Gemino H. Abad, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and
Natanggap ko ang iyang sufat na may kalaklp na mqa babasahin Dean Julieta Savellano of the College of Education to meet with
hinggil sa negosyo at ang paqpapaunlad nita. Ang mga ito ay ma- you and discuss the items you have enumerated in your letter.
aaring maging tulong na babasahin para sa mqa paqhahanda na qlna- It will be very, helpful for your discussion if you can put down
gawa namin ngayon sa Multi-Disciplinary Assessments n9 UP sa your thoughts in writing and send your paper to VP Abad before
State of the Nation. your meeting,
Maram ;og salamat. Please contact the Office of Vice-President Abad [Tel. No. 96-
49-36) to arrange for an appointment.
Sumasainyo, Thank you for your enthusiasm in sharing your ideas with the
ILagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA Best regards.
Sincerely yours,


23 Pebrero 1989 President

Ref. No. JVA-89-77

Ref. No. JVA-89-80 23 February 1989

Prop. Aurora Roxas Lim

University Museum Curator Sec. Jose Concepcion. Jr.
Department of Trade and Industry
V.P. Vargas Museum
385 Sen. Gil J. Puvat Ave.
Makati, Metro Manila
Mahal na Roxie,

Aka ay neqaqalak sa iyang ibinubuhos na panahon at dunong Dear Secretary Concepcion:

para sa Komite ng Museo at mqa Baqav-Baqav na Panqkulture at mga

Thank you for beautiful New Year letter. However, the copy of
provekto nita.
your talk "The Hope, The Challenge. The Vision" was not en-
Lubas akong natutuwa sa matagumpay na pagbubukas n9 Art
closed. I would appreciate receiving a copy of that and your other
Exhibit at Art Sale kahapon sa Vargas Museum.
speeches on the state of trade and industry in the country.
Hinggil sa iyong rrqa rnunqkahi:
With my best reqards.
1. Na ipamahaql sa buong UP and pansamantalang patakaran
ukol sa peqtanqqap ng donasyong panqslninq at pangkultura
Sincerely yours,
para sa Unibersldad at hingan anq mqa dalubhasa .sa UP ng
kani-kanilanq kuro-kuro 0 mungkahi;
2. Na dapat ang UP sa Diliman, sa Los Banos, sa Mavnlla at sa
visevas. at ang Kolehiyo nq Slvenslva at Agham ay may
kanl-kanilanq suqo a ktnatawan sa komite; -
3. Na dapat peq-usepan ang tungkol sa ptnakarnahalaqanq mga 24 February 1989
Ref. No. JV A-89-82
baqav-baqav na pangkultura at panq-aqham sa kasavsaven ng
Prof. Eduardo C. Tadem
4. Na meqkaroon n9 imbentarvo sa Unibersidad ng lahat n9
University of the Philippines in Manila
bagay na panqkulture:
Padre Faura St.. Ermlta
5. Na meq-atas og dagdag na kawani sa Museonq Vargas,

na is kong peq-usapan nat!n sa komtte ang detalve ng iyong rnqa

Dear Professor Tadem:
mungkahi bago ko aksyunan ang mga ito.
Manqvar i lamang na maqtakda tayo n9 petsa para sa pagpupulong
Thank vou-tcr your kind and informative letter concerning the
na ito.
AREAN. I have known for some time that the Third World Studies
Maraming satarnat sa iyong tulonq at sa iyong report,
Center has been involved with. ARENA, since my days with the
United Nations University. I find the proposed country profiles and
Surnasaivo. cornparattve study very interesting.
It would seem to me that the Third World Studies Center could
provide the institutional base for ARENA that you are looking for.
You may therefore wish to consult with Prof, Randolf S. David and
the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy.
With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

34 President
Ref. No. JVA-89-83 24 February 1989 These materials show how Mindanao compares with other
regions in certain economic terms.
Rep, Thelma Z. Almario We thank you for your active support of the Above-mentioned
House of Representatives bill. We look forward to the early passage of the bill in both houses
Congress of the Philippines of Congress.
With all good wishes.
Dear Congresswoman Almada:
Sincerely yours,
Thank you for your letter to me expressing your support of the
HB 22142 filed by Congressman Carlos M. Padilla for the extension ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
of UP programs and services to Mindanao. President
Your active support and sponsorship of the bill would, I am sure,
be instrumental in its passage.
I understand the bill has the support also of all the congressmen
of Mindanao, which is only proper since the bill if enacted into law 27 February 1989
would as envisioned go a long way in the uplift of our countrymen
Ref. No. JVA-89-84
and women in Mindanao.
Per your request, we have gathered with the assistance of Dean
Honorable Manuel T. Van
Carmen A. Abubakar of the UP Institute of Islamic Studies some
Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs
data that you might find useful in supporting the above-mentioned
Department of Foreign Affairs
bill. We are sending you the data herewith.
With ail good wishes.

Sincerely yours, Dear Undersecretary Van:

ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA We received with keen interest your invitation for the University
President of the Philippines to participate in the implementation of the Philip-
pine-Pakistan Cultural Agreement through an exchange program
with Punjab University. We have requested the Chancellor of UP
Dillman to instruct the deans of the Asian Center, the College of
Social Sciences and Philosophy, the College of Arts and Letters, and
Honorable Edgardo J. Ang.ra February 26,1989 the Director of the Office of Institutional Linkages to meet and
Chairman, Senate Committee on consider the feasibility of such an exchange.
Education To help us better plan this project, is it possible for your Office
Senate of the Philippines to furnish us copies of the latest catalogue of academic programs,
Manila bulletins of information, and other mfcrmational brochures about
Punjab University?
Dear Senator Angara: Best regards.

In response to your request for the University of the Philippines Sincerely yours,
to submit its Position Paper on the proposal to integrate into the
Cordillera Autonomous Region all institutions of higher leamlnq ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
based in that region, I have the honor of submitting the Posltlcn President
Paper requested.
The Position Paper articulates, pnncipaltv, the sentiments of
those direcJty involved in the administration of U.P. College Baquio.
its student population, and the assessment of our academics in the 28 February 1989
Thank you very much, and best wishes. Ref. No. JV A-89-86

Very truly yours, Mr. Juan Collas. ESQ.

Friends of U.P, Foundation in America ~
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA clo Baker and McKenzie
580 California 94104
, C"J

Dear Johnny, ~
28 February 1989 Attached herewith are the invoices to be charged against the re- I

maining balance of the TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (US$ 10,000.
Ref. No. JVA-89-85 001 donation of the Friends of U.P. Foundation in America for the I§
University of the Philippines Libraries. These invoices, which cover :::
Conq. Thelma Z. Almario orders from the U.P. Main Library in Diliman, amount to US$1.121. ,..,....,
House of Representatives 79, as follows:
Congress of the Philippines ::::
Publisher Inv. No. & Date Amount ....
Dear Congresswoman Almario:
1. Cataloging Distribution 18901" -0021 $370.00
Service, Lib. of Congress 101-1'-891
, ~
Further to our earlier letter to you dated 24 February, we are o:
pleased to send you herewith some more material in connection Washington, D.C. 20541 ~

2. Butterworth & Co. Limited 314067 473.80

with the HB 22142 on extending UP's programs and services to
Borough Green, SEvenoaks 111-22-881 35
3. Faxon Company. Inc. 328945 277.99 2 March 1989
15 Southwest Park 00-28·881
Ref. No. JVA-89-88
Westwood. MA 02090

These titles have been recommended by the faculty for the use Mrs. Teresita Abueva-Floro
of our students and staff. 97 College Street
I understand that FUPFA wilt remit the payment directly to the
publishers. Sydney, New South Wales
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Dear Ching,
Sincerely yours,

Please convey to the UPAA-Australia New South Wales Chapter,

officers and members, the University's abiding gratitude for their
concern and interest. They are truly her sons and daughters who
find sweet memories and a depth of meaning in the UPAA song,
"U.P. Naming Maha!."
28 February 1989 There are two matters in your tetter to me 122 February) that
need clarification from our end:
Ref. No. JV A·89·S7 1. The "Proposed Projects" discussed by Prof. Abad and Dr.
Carreon (28 September 1988);
Mrs. Leticia Canso 2. The donation of books by 0.5. Pascual 13 December
No. 46-A Derby St. 1988) to the Food Service and Nutrition Department,
White Plains College of Home Economics, U.P. Diliman.
Quezon City 1. Prof. Abad wrote Dr. Carreon, 28 November 1988 (copy at-
tached). To date, he has not received any response. We do
SUBJECT: Engracia Espiritu-Enriquez Professorial Chair need information on fellowships/scholarships in New South
Wales. and on the four universities there and their main areas
Dear Mrs. Canso: of strength from your own perspective.
It was Prof. Abad's understanding that the main area of
I am happy to inform you that the Engracia Espiritu-Enriquez operation, as it were, would be New South Wales and the
Professorial Chair will finally be awarded to a deserving faculty Universities there; hence, the information requested would
member from the College of Pharmacy, effective January 1, 1989. be very helpful. A number of our faculty have studied in
The faculty member shall be recommended by the Dean and the New South Wales, but such information as they are able to
Chancellor, but the final approval rests on the Board of Regents. furnish us would mostly be from memory. What is needed is
Upon approval, the faculty member will be paid the Professorial up-to-date information, especiatlv brochures and catalogues.
Chair honoraria. retroactive to January 1st of this year. Re the specific "Proposed Projects" -
I am sorry for this long delay in implementation. 1.1 Recognition of Overseas Professional Qualifications
Best personal regards. Unfortunately, many of our academic units have been
unable to update their brochures/handbooks. Perhaps,
Sincerely yours, for now, the V.P. Manila General Catalogue 1988-89
will suffice for the purpose; the medical professions
ISgd,J JOSE V. ABU EVA were foremost in Dr. Carreon's mind, and would indeed
President be a good start.
1.2 Training Fellowships/Scholarships in New South Wales,
funded by AIOAB.
Ref, No. JVA-89·93 1 March 1989 Prof. Abad's understanding was that your Chapter
would help facilitate whatever may be needful to do.
Honorable Guillenno N. Carague The first point in Dr, Carreon's proposed strategy was
Secretary, Department of Budget "(a) Identify priorities and specific requirements of the
:.> and Management U.P,"
~ Malacafiarq, Manila Prof. Abad had the impression that those AIDAB
N fellowships/scholarships would be availed of in Univer-
o Dear Secretary Caraque: sities in New South Wales; therefore, he sough Inform-
ation on those Universities from your Chapter, as well

Thank you for the release of P29,319.000 for the payment of
claims of U.P. personnel under A.A. 6683, the Early Retirement
as what scholarships/fellowships are available in those
Un iveraities.

Law. We note, however, that the release made was totally under
object code 200 or for retirement gratuity only. This poses a
In any case. the University's priorities are in the
general areas of science and technology, energy, engi-
...:.> problem as the entitlements under R,A. 6683 includes terminal neering, agriculture,' environmental management, and
leave benefits which fall under personal services. the social sciences. Indeed, we would consider almost

:: In view of the foregoing, may we request for realignment of
P9.000,OOO of this total release to personal services lumpsum object
code 100-10, to enable us to pay the pending claims for terminal
any area of study where there are opportunities for
graduate study because faculty development is a prio-
rity concern in the University.
><: leave benefits. 1.3 Cooperation between U.P. and Universities in New
><: Your immediate favorable action will be deeply appreciated. South Wales
:.> We would welcome this. The proposed strategy is
:: to "Identify and contact key officials in Universities in
Very truly yours, New South Wales." We have no information on who
;> I those "key officials" may be, for to the best of our
ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA knowledge the U.P. has had no formal contact with

36 President those officials.

1.4 Direct assistance of UPAA-N5W to U.P., particularly, with us the TR/V Sardinella at its dockyard in Beven, Batangas in
by "funding priority journal subscriptions that the the early morning of Sunday, 19 February 1989, and for all your
U.P. critically requires." past efforts to analyze the proposals of UP Visayas and suggest
This is an excellent idea, and can immediately be ways by which the University could save monsv and protect the
pursued. Our Main Library shall soon send you a list vessel.
of those journals. I would like especially to thank Mr. Reyes for lending his in-
On Dr. D.S. Pascual's donation valuable expertise and precious time in assessing the state of the
2.1 We are truly grateful for his concern and generosity. vessel and for giving his advice and recommendations on how to
2.2 The exchange of letters (here attached) shows that put it back in shape so that the College of Fisheries can optimize
the donation was properly received and acknowledged. its use. Moreover, his overall assessment brought to light some
The official route is from the Dean to the Chan- problems and deficiencies in the management of the vessel and in
cellor. The U.P. is now a "System" consisting of 4 its staffing which should be avoided in the future.
constituent universities: UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, It was-a good learning experience for all concerned that should
UP Manila, and UP vtseves. Each constituent univer- save us considerable expenses and costs in the future.
sity is administered by a Chancellor (with Vice-Chan- With best regards.
cellors) who in many cases acts and speaks in behalf of
the President (of the "System"). Sincerely yours,
However, my Office should have been furnished a
copy of the entire exchange, as well as the Office of the ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
Alumni Relations. We would have been better informed. President
Thank you for your concern, and for sharing with us the views
of our friends and colleagues in New South Wales.

Sincerely yours,
7 Marso 1989


Ref. No. JVA·89·94

Prop. Delia R. Barcelona

Kolehiyo ng Pangmadlang Komunikasyon
Ref. No. JVA-89·89 2 March 1989 U.P. Diliman

Mahal na Prop. Barcelona:

His Excellency
Ambassador Hans F. Gronwall
Maraming salamat sa invonq qinawanq maikling pagsusuri at
Embassy of Sweden
report tungkol sa UP Information Office.
15th Floor, Citibank Center
Makakatulong itong mabuti sa aming paq-aaral ng mga dapat
8741 Paseo de Roxas
baquhin upang mapagbuti pa ang paglilingkod ng opisinang ito para
Makati, Metro Manila
sa kapakanan n9 Unibersidad.
Dear Ambassador Gronwall:
Thank you for the information on your Government's offer of
twelve scholarships for research or graduate studies in Sweden, I Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
starting September this year. We are also grateful for the inform- Pangulo
ational materials you sent us, including the brochure on "Studying
in Sweden."
Our office of Institutional Linkages has disseminated your offer
to the Chancellors of our four constituent universities - UP Dill- 7 March 1989
man, UP Los Banos, UP Manila, and UP vtsavas. Our faculty and
graduate students shall be encouraged to apply in those fields of Ref. No. JV A·89·96
stuv where the scholarships can be availed of - technology, natural
and agricultural sciences, political science, and medicine. Mr. Shu ntarc Shish ido
With our highest esteem. International University of Japan
2-32, Minami Azabu 5-Chome
Sincerely yours, Minato-Ku. Tokyo 106
President Dear President Shishido:

Thank you for sending us information regarding your Graduate

School of International Relations. We have forwarded the materials
Ref. No. JV A·89·92 2 March 1989 to our Polltlcal Science Department through its Chairperson, Prof.
Olive Caoitl, for dissemination to the faculty and students.
Regent Angelita Trinidad-Reyes With best regards.
2430 gouqainvitta Place
Dasmarffias Village Sincerely yours,
Makati, Metro Manila
Dear Regent Reyes:

On behalf of the University, I would like to thank you and,

through you, Mr. Jose M. Reyes, for going out of your way to visit
Ref. No. JVA-89·97 7 March 1989 The honorary degree is traditionally conferred upon individuals
for outstanding achievement in their field. The Board took special
Han. Hilarion Davide, Jr. note of your pioneering vision and the far-reaching results of vour
Chairman work in forestry extension which have raised our people's awareness
Commission on Elections of the critical importance of forest conservation.
Manila We propose to confer the honorary degree upon you on Satur-
day, April 1 this year during UP Los Banos' General Commence-
Dear Chairman Davide: ment Exercises.
We would be most honored if you accept this recognition which
The University of the Philippines would like to respectfully re- the University believes you truly deserve. '
quest exemption from the election ban as provided under Resolu- With all our good wishes and assurances of high esteem.
tion No. 2054 dated 7 December 1988 by the Commission, to the
various colleges/units of the University of the Philippines to hire the Sincerely yours,
services of the staff {teaching and non-teaching staff). Their services
are indispensable in teaching various courses and providing essential ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
support functions for the acedemlc and research programs of the President
The University shall act very judiciously in hiring new personnel.
We would like to assure you that hiring of new personnel will not in 7 March 1989
any manner affect the results of the election of barangay officials in
the University campuses. Ref. No. JVA-89·100
We trust you will approve our request.
Mr. Ric lara
Sincerely yours, NO.1 Maayusin St.
U.P. Village, Quezon City
President Dear Mr. Lara:

It is my honor to inform you that the Board of Regents of the

University of the Philippines has decided to confer upon Dr. Hilario
7 March 1989
Lara the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa (posthumous).
The honorary degree is traditionally conferred upon individuals
Ref. No. JV A-89-98
for outstanding achievement in their field. The University took spe-
cial note of his outstanding contributions and acknowledged emi-
Dean Bartolome S. Carale
nence in the medical science, particularly in public health.
College of Law
The conferment ceremonies will be held on March 31 this year
during the UP Manila's General Commencement Exercises at the
Philippine International Convention Center at 4:00 o'clock p.m.
Dear Dean Carale:
We wish to request you to receive on that occasion, in Or. lara's
behalf, the diploma and vestments of distinction of the highest rank
At the March 3. 1989 meeting of the Board of Regents, we took
of honor in the University.
up the two letters you sent, dated January 26, 1989 and February
With all our good wishes and assurances of high esteem.
15, 1989. I explained to the Board that you are requesting recon-
sideration of the Board's decision to reprimand you for exercising
Sincerely yours,
discretion in the admission of students to the College of Law.
After discussing the merits of your case, the Board agreed to
grant the reconsideration being requested. The Board, likewise,
authorized me to form a committee which will review your case
anew. In due time, you shall be formally informed of the member-
ship of this committee.
Thank you. 7 March 1989

Sincerely yours, Ref. No. JVA·89·102

ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA Dr. Albert J. Simone

President President
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Bachman Hall
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
I- 7 March 1989 U.S.A.
Ref. No. JyA-89-99 Dear President Simone:

Z Prof. Gregorio T. Zamuco This is to inform you that I have offered the position of Vice-
President for Public Affacirs of the University of the Philippines to
~ Kanluran Road, Faculty Village
~ College, Laguna Prof. Belinda Aquino, Director of the Center for Philippine Studies
on your campus, starting at her convenience. Prof. Aquino has indi-
Dear Professor Zamuco: cated that she will be available in July after requesting a leave of
absence from your University.
"0 It is my honor to inform you that the Board of Regents of the On my recommendation, the Board of Regents at the University
University of the Philippines has decided to confer upon your good- of the Philippines approved in principle Prof. Aquino's appointment

38 self the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris cauSil. starting on her first working day in July.
Since we are in the process of establishing a system of academic
7 March 1989
exchange between our two universities, I believe Prof. Aquino's
temporary assignment in the Philippines would be in the best in-
Ref. No. JVA·89·104
terest of both our instituions. We both have an emphasis on the
Asia-Pacific region and can work closer together while Prof. Aquino
Dr. Cesar Adib Maiul
~s in the Philippines. I am pleased to note that she has developed the
1122 Connecticut Ave.
only program of Philippine Studies in the United States on your
San Pablo, California 94806
I hope that you can come to Manila to formalize the agreement
with the University of the Philippines that Prof. Aquino and Dean
Dear Dr. Majul:
Thomas Gething have recommended for your consideration. The
large Filipino population in Hawaii would be pleased if we could
It is my honor to inform you that the Board of Regents of the
establish this working relationship between our two universities.
Univer.sitv of the Philippines has decided to confer upon your good-
Please accept my best wishes.
self the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.
Sincerely yours,
The honorary degree is traditionally conferred upon individuals
for outstanding achievement in their field. The Board took special
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA note of your significant contributions to research on the history and
culture of Filipino Muslims. on the concept of Philippine nation-
hood and the Filipino national community, as well as your valuable
contribution to the growth and development of the University.
Ref. No. JVA-89-103 7 March 1989 We propose to confer the honorary degree upon you on Sunday,
Hen. Edgardo J. Angara April 2, this year during the General Commencement Exercises of
Senate of the Philippines UP Diliman.
Manila We would be most honored if you accept this recognition which
the University believes you truly deserve.
Dear Senator Angara: With all our good wishes and assurances of high esteem.

I've been trying to reach you be telephone, but without success. Sincerely yours,
Secretary Lourdes Ouisumbinq relayed your message to me.
We were sorry to miss you at the meeting yesterday of the ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
Governing Board of the UP Institute of Judicial Administration. I President
learned too late that you couldn't come (late Sunday night), so
we decided to go ahead. However, we agreed we would not make
a decision until we could consult with you on the IJA. 8 March 1989
The reorganization committee of the Law Complex is submitting
its report to me tomorrow. The next step is for the BOR committee Ref. No. JVA·89·106
on reorganization to discuss the report with the members of the
Law Complex reorganization committee on March 17,1989. In the Honorable Carlos M. Padilla
report, the latter committee is recommending the establishment Chairman, House Committee on Education
under the Law Center of an Institute for the Administration of Congress of the Philippines
Justice lIAJ) in addition to an Institute for Government and Law Diliman, Quezon City
Reform, an Institute of Human Rights, and an Institute of Inter-
national Law Studies. All these Institutes will be UP academic units Dear Congressman Padilla:
operating within the framework of the reorganized Law Center and
College of Law, UP Dittman and the UP svs.em. The IAJ will not be Following my remarks on the subject at a hearing conducted by
under the present Governing Board. your good self, may I submit the accompanying Position Paper on
I'm proposing that the present Governing Board be transformed the proposal to integrate into the Cordillera Autonomous Region all
into an Advisory or Consultative Council with the same composi. institutions of higher learning based in that region.
tion. This way the institutional autonomy of UP and the lines of The Position Paper articulates the sentiments of those directly
authority from the IAJ to the UP Board of Regents will be observ- involved in the administration of U.P. College Bequio. its faculty
ed. At the same time, UP and the Supreme Court will continue to and the assessment of our academics in the University.
cooperate under a Memorandum of Agreement. I very much value Thank you very much, and best Wishes.
the linkage with the Judiciary at the highest levels, which enables
UP to work closely and effectively with the highest officials in Sincerely yours,
helping strengthen the Judiciary. We shall continue this important
linkage which you innovated. In fact, we can broaden it by linking (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA
the Judiciary with other academic units of UP as may be desired. President
In any event, we'd like to discuss this vvit h you, possibly at the
next meeting of the lJA Governing Board on March 14. Then we
shall take up a dfrat of the proposed Advisory or Consultative 9 March 1989
Council and a draft of the Memorandum of Agreement.
For your information, I'm enclosing a press release on the BOR's Ref. No. JV A-89-11 0
approval of the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program
(or Iskolar ng Bavan Program). I shall also send you a copy of the Regent Flerida Ruth V. Romero
proposed reorganization plan of the Reorganization Committee of Matacabanq. Manila
the Law Complex.
Dear Regent Romero:
With best wishes.
Sincerely yours,
As a member of the BOR Committee on the Reorganization of
the UP Law Complex, I am sending you herewith your copy of:
1. Letter of transmittal of Chairman Pacifico A. Agabin of the 39
UP Law Complex Reorganization Committee; 15 March 1989
2. The Report of the UP Law Complex Reorganization Cornit-
tee; President David Gardner
and for the BOR's approval- University of California
3. Draft BOR Resolution Reorganizing the UP Law Complex; 300 Lakeside Drive
and Oakland, California 94612·3550
4. Draft Reorganization Reorganizing the UP Law Complex for U.S.A.
the BOR's approval.
Our BOR Committee is composed of Regent Flerida Ruth P. Dear President Gardner:
Romero, Regent Ponciano Mathay, Regent Francisco Nemenzo,
Regent Gonzalo Bonqotan. and myself as Chairman. Thank you for your letter of 23 February with the tentative
I'd like to invite you to a meeting of Our BOR Committee on the agenda for the conference of presidents of leading public universities
Reorganization of the Law Complex on Friday, March 17, 1989 at in countries located on the pacific Rim in Asia, North America, and
the BOR Room in Quezon Hall. It would be good if our Committee the South Pacific, on May 10 to 12, 1989 in San Francisco.
could meet promptly at 5:30 P.M. This would allow us to discuss I agree to the statement of conference intent and the topics and
the Report and the draft documents before we meet with the mem- format for business meetings.
bers of the UP Law Complex Reorganization Committee at 6:00. I shall send you my background paper on the issues of greatest
This Committee is composed of the following: irnportance to the University of the Philippines by the end of the
Dr. Pacifico A. Aqeb!n. Chairman month.
Atty. Bonifacio Alentajan. Member With best regards.
Vice-President Gemino H. Abad, Member
Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabuiara, member Sincerely yours ".
Prof. Ma. Lourdes A. Serena, member
Professor Hapahe! Perpetuc M. Lotifla, member ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
Mr. Antonio La vtaa. member President
Prof. Antonio M. Santos, member
Mr. Julito M. Briola, member

You will recall that I proposed, and the Board authorized. the
20 March 1989
reorganization of the Law Complex at the Board's 1017th meeting
on May 19, 1988. The original composition of the UP Law Com-
Ref. No. JVA-g9·114
pJex Reorganization was as follows:

H.E. Tsuneo Tanaka

Justice Vicente Abad Santos, Chairman
Ambassador to the Philippines
Atty. Ruben Ancheta, President, UP Law Alumni Association
Embassy of Japan
Vice President Gemino Abad
375 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave.
Chancellor Ernesto Tebuiara
Professor Raphael Perpetuo Lotitla
Professor Vicente V. Mendoza Dear Ambassador Tanaka:
Mr. Antonio M. Santos, Representative of Research Extension
and Professional Services (REPS) Personnel
The new Out-Patient Department of the University of the Philip-
Mr. Julito M. Briola, Representative of Administrative
pines-Philippine General Hospital Medical Center at Padre Faure
Street, Manila shall be formally inaugurated at 2:30 p.m. on Wed·
With the resignation of Chairman Abad Santos and Atty. Ancheta, I nesdav. 5 April 1989.
reconstituted the Committee as toftows: President Corazon C. Aquino shall be the guest of honor.
Dr. Pacifico A. Agabin, Chairman The new UP-Pgh Medical Center Out-Patient Department is a gift
Atty. Bonifacio Alentajan, President of the UP Law Alumni of the people of Japan to the people of the Philippines, which we
Association greatly appreciate.
Vice-President Gemino H. Abad With pleasure we therefore wish to invite you, in representatron
Chancellor Ernestc G. Tebuiara. of the Government of Japan, to deliver some remarks during the
Prof. Ma. Lourdes A. Sereno, Representative of UP Law Faculty program on this occasion.
Prof. Raphael Perpetuo M. tonne
The other speakers. before the President of the Philippines shall
Mr. Antonio La Vifia, President of the UP Law Student
be a Jesuit priest (for the invocat onl, the PGH Director, the Chan-
cellor of UP Manila, and the-UP' President.
Prof. Antonio M. Santos, Representative of Research, Extension
We look forward to hearing your remarks on 5 April.
and Professional Services (REPS) Personnel With all good wishes.
Mr. Julito M. Briola, Representative of Administrative
• Employees
Sincerely yours,
It is the latter Committees that submitted the documents being
.... sent to you.
.s: ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
J look forward to our own Committee meeting on March 17.
E President
With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,




Ref .. No. JV A·89-115 20 March 1989 27 March 1989

Fr. Antonio B. Lambino, S.J. Ref. No. JVA·89-127

Ateneo de Manila University
Loya la Heights Dr. Vicente Limcaoco
Katipunan Avenue , Executive Director
Quezon City I P.O. Box 1165
! 439 Loucroft Road
Dear Father Lambino: i Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
I am deligted to hear from Jimmy Abad, our Vice-President for I Dear Dr. Limcaocc:
Academic Affairs, that you have agreed to deliver the Invocation at
the Inauguration of the New-OutPatient Department of the UP- The University of the Philippines is committed to undertake re-
PGH Medical Center at Padre Faure Street, Manila on Wednesday, search projects over the next five veers that will focus on multi-
5 April 1989 at 2:30 p.m.
President Aquino shall be the guest of honor on this occasion as
I disciplinary assessment stud ies on various aspects of the state of the
nation such as: Science and Technology, Environment, Fisheries and
Jimmy may have mentioned to you. other Food Resources, Health, National Economy, and the Well-
The new QPO shall greatly expand the capacity and ability of . Being, Welfare and Development of People. In this connection, we
the UP-PGH Medical Center to deliver medical services to the poor I are requesting FUPFA for financial assistance for the establishment
and the underpriblleqed, historically beneficiaries in larger numbers of Research Professorial Chairs for Our faculty.
of its esoerttse. more than any sector of the population. The new This is also to request for scholarship funds which shall benefit
building and its modern equipment is tarqetted to serve 2,000 deserving students in the University who need financial assistance to
patients a day. ensure the completion of their studies. Many students enroll in the
It is most appropriate that you shall be delivering the Invocation. University, but are not able to graduate because of financial difficul-
We look forward to hearing it. ties.
With all good wishes. We estimate an endowment fund of $100,000.00 for these two
Sincerely yours, We hope for your kind approval.

(Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA Sincerely yours,


Ref. No. JVA·B9-116 15 March 1989

Ambassador Oleg SokoloY

The Embassy of the Union of Soviet 27 March 1989
Socialist Republics
1245 Acacia Road I Ref. No. JVA-89·120
Dasmariflas Village ilOr. Richard H. Fuller
Makati, Metro Manila
i Representative
Dear Ambassador Sokolov: The Asia Foundation
I RC Bldq., 3rd Floor
82 EDSA, Mandaluyong
The University of the Philippines has participated, albeit in a
limited way, in the Executive Programme for Cultural Exchange
i Metro Manila
between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Philippines.
We have received three professors of the Russian language, hosted Dear Dr. Fuller:
some cultural groups, and sent a number of faculty members to
Thank you for your letter of March 14, 1989.
your country for degree or training courses.
Enclosed are two signed copies of the Letter of Agreement
In light, however, of President Mikhail Gorbachev's admirable C
covering the grant from The Asia Foundation for my participation
initiatives to promote world peace and security, the University feels
in the Pacific Rim University Presidents' Conference to be held in "tI
that the time is ripe for it to establish academic linkages with defi-
nite institutions of learning in the Soviet Union. Toward this end,
San Francisco from May 10 to 12, 1989.
I plan to leave for San Francisco On May 8 and depart for Manila
we wish to enter into an agreement of academic cooperation with N
\ on May 14. As you advised, this information was relayed to Asia
the USSR Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University.
Foundation through Ms. Baby Bathan last March 17. ....
Please find enclosed a possible draft agreement for the consideration
of our Soviet counterparts.
A high-level delegation from UP, if deemed necessary, could be
I look forward to a fruitful interaction with the other university
presidents and better cooperation among the Pacific Rim Univer-
sent to the USSR to work out specific projects under our general ::l

proposal. UP could also reciprpcate by receiving a high-level dele-
With best wishes. ::
gation from the above-mentioned Soviet institutions of higher
Sincerely yours, '<,
learning. I
I 3:
We trust, your Excellency, that with your support, the friendly
relations between our two countries could be enriched by academic
cooperation. '"
Very truly yours, c:e
President 41
Atty. Juan G. Collas, Jr. 27 March 1989 27 March 1989
Baker & Mckenzie
Two Enchancardero Center - Suite 2400 Ref. No. JVA-89·124
San Francisco, California 94111-3909
U.S.A. Mr. Nathaniel Von Einsiedel
Commissioner for Planning
Dear Atty. Callas: Metropolitan Manila Commission

This is to acknowledge our receipt of your Century Bank Check Dear Mr. Einsledel:
No. 221, dated March 9, 1989 in the amount of $149,000. In ac-
cordance with the conditions stipulated in your March 9. 1989 Re: Your request for a Transfer Station site in U.P.
letter we have invested the funds with the Phltrpplne National Bank The area you. have identified as a possible site for a Transfer
in Dollar Time Deposit Certificates. We assure you that only the Station happens to be part of an area earmarked for commercial
interest income will be spent for the payment of honoraria to the development in accordance with an overall U.P. Diliman Campus
faculty, Land Use Plan.
The Executive Director of the UP Foundation, Erlinda S. The Land Use Plan had been drawn up to make optimal use of
Echanis, will send you regular semi-annual reports on the status of U.P. Dfttman's limited land resources consistent with its role as the
the account and the total honoraria paid to the req,ipients. country's premier educational institution and filling its need to
Thank you very much for your help in the implementation of qenerate enough financial resources to support its ever-expanding
this Board action. academic, research and extension programs, given the perennial
limitation of government funding subsidy.
Sincerely yours, The commercial development of the area in question has in fact
started with the on.going construction of the U.P. Wet Market to
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA where the present Talipapa vendors on the other side (near U.P.
President BLiSSl will be relocated.
A Transfer Station in the area for open-air waste and garbage
collection such as proposed by the MMC. however sanitary and well-
27 March 1989 maintained. will not fail to diminish the area's commercial appeal
and suitability. Even this early, the University has already received
Ref. No. JVA·89-123 a number of proposals from interested private developers.
Much as we recognize MMC's need for a Transfer Stat ion, we
Dr. Ernesto G. Tabujara regret our inability to give a favorable response to the request.
Chancellor. U.P. Dillman
Very truly yours.
Dear Chancellor Tabuiare:
I am referring to you the attached letter of Mr. Soqo-Okarnura President
of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences flATSSJ.
In particular please discuss the possibility of establishing an IATSS
Forum Philippine Committee with Dr. Arizabal and Dr. Ancog and 29 March 1989
do whatever is necessary to realize it.
Thank you.
Ref. No. JVA·90-125

Sincerely yours. Honorable Guillermo N. Carague

ISgd.J JOSE V. ABUEVA Department of Budget and Management
President Matacefianq. Manila

Dear Secretary Careque:

Ref. No. JVA-89-121 27 March 1989
Thank you for the release of allotment for the payment of salary
Mr. Sago Okamura adjustments under Memo. No. 156 for our faculty members and the
Vice-President 10% adjustment of non-regular personnel under NCC No. 51. both
International Association of Traffic for 1988. We received AA No. 83-1050·88-4-020 dated 23 Decem-
and Safety Sciences ber 1988 for P8,300,OOO last January 27. 1989 and AA No. 83-
6-20, 2-chome. Yaesu, Chuo-ku 0940.88-4-017 for P4.512.271 dated 28 December 1988 last Feb-
• Tokyo 1044, Japan ruary 1. 1989.
In this regard. we are happy' to inform you that we have paid
Dear Mr. Okamura: the salary differentials of the faculty using cash from our common
fund account. Meanwhile, we are deterred from paying the adjust-
In response to your letter of 2 March 1989. I have requested ments of our non-regular personnel due to lack of cash. We are
Chancellor Tebujara to discuss the possibility of establishing an approaching a dangerously jew cash balance and we have in fact
IATSS Forum Philippine Committee with Dr. Arizabal and Dr. resorted to augmenting our operating cash requirements from the
Ancog. I will let you know of the developments as soon as we hear cash balances of some trust funds. But even this source can not
from the Chancellor. meet all our requirements. Moreover, it is feared that continuing
With best regards. this arrangement may adversely affect our ability to meet the pri-
mary commitments of the trust funds causing the dissatisfaction
Sincerely yours, of grantors/donors to the detriment of the University.
In view of the foregoing and to forestall the occur ence of un-
ISgd.J JOSE V. ABU EVA fulfilled commitments that may hamper the smooth flow of uni-
President versity operations and, we urgently request for the issuance of the
corresponding funding warrants to cover the cash requirements of Being a parent myself, I share your distress over this unfortunate
the above payments. incident. I have qone over the records of the case referred to in your
Your immediate and favorable action on this request shall be I appeal, but I could find no cogent reason to disturb the finding of
deeply appreciated. guilt. Nonenetheless, even as we mete out justice, we feel that this
incident should make us treat with serious concern the ongoing
Sincerely yours, practices in the CAT Officers' Training Program. Let us all learn
from this.
ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA You will agree with me that in the wake of this deplorable inci-
President dent, the best interests of the University must be upheld. Just
punishment should also be imposed on any other guilty party not
yet investigated.
30 March 1989 The Statement of Concern of some parents of UPIS students
sums them up: " ... we are now mu ch co ncerned about the remed lal
Ref. No. JVA·89·126 measures that should be instituted that would improve and secure
the conditions in which our children learn and_grow up within the
Dean Bartolome S. Carale confines of the UPIS."
College of Law The children's public denunciation of violence and brutality
U.P. Diliman being perpetrated in the Program, and their expression of apology to
both the victims of the hazing and the UPIS constituency could be
Dear Dean Carate: the starting point for reforms in the Program.
I. therefore, advise you that even as the children involved will be
In reply to your letter informing me of the magnificent per- allowed by my office to join the Commencement Exercises tomor-
formance of our UP Law graduates in the 1988 bar examinations row afternoon, I expect them to be the exemplars of repentance
and on the occasion of the Convocation in their honor today, I and reform by doing the following during the ceremonies:
wish to extend to them, to you and the faculty of the UP College 1. They shall make a public denunciation of hazing and other
of Law my heartiest congratulations. brutal practices in the CAT Officers' Training Program, prac-
On behalf of the Unjversttv of the Philippines and of the Board tices in the CAT Officers' Training Program, practices which
of Regents, as its Vice-Chairman, I want all of you to know how should not be tolerated in any civilized society; and
gratified and proud we are of your achievements, including the more 2. They shell make a public apology to the victims of hazing
than 80 per cent passing of the law graduating class last year. These and their parents, and accept the responsibility for their acts.
indicate the quality of our law graduates and the kind of education I expect your son Igor, or envone representing the group of stu-
they obtained under your leadership and the guidance of our law dents involved in hazing, to make a public statement along these
facuttv. No less to be congratulated are the parents of the successful tines during the Commencement Exercises, along with all the mem-
examinees if we are to give due credit to heredity and the family bers of that group.
environment. Please COnvey my sentiments to the children and their parents.
I'd be grateful if you could read this letter during the Convoca- Their exemplary public denunciation and apology, followed by a
tion. I handshake by their victims, would give a UPIS a new start towards
With my warm best wishes for your and the faculty's continued the reforms needed.
good health and academic accomplishment and for the professional With warm personal regards.
success of our young lawyers.
Sincerely yours,
Sincerely yours,
ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President

30 March 1989
March 3D, 1989
Ref. No. JVA-89·128
Ref. No. JVA-89-130
Dr. Michael Cullinane
Prof. and Mrs. Jerome F. Bailen Center for South and Southeast
134 Valenzuela St., U.P. Campus Asian Studies
Diliman, Quezon City 130 Lane Hall
University of Michigan
Dear Prof. and Mrs. Bailen: Ann Harbor, Michigan
Besides imparting the best possible education to our students.
the University has the important duty of instilling moral excellence Dear Dr. Cullinane:
and discipline. to make them able and responsible members of our
society. It is for this .reason that we try always strictly to observe I am writing to inquire about the three telexes we sent you on
moral standards and the rules on discipline in the University, inclu- February 24. 1989, March 2, 1989 and March 17, 1989. In your
ding those applicable to the U.P. Integrated School. last letter to me, dated February 8, 1989, you inquired if Prof.
There is no room for inhumanity and violence in the University. Gotiangco of our Department of History would still be able to come
What we do encourage among our young is the love for our_fellow- for the winter term. You also inquired about the participant from
men and strict adherence to the norms of civilized conduct. the Asian Center.
In reply, we sent you a letter and a telex dated February 24,
It has been established that your son', Igor, and the rest of the
1989 recommending Prof. Aurora Roxas Lim of the Asian Center.
cadet officers involved in the hazing of some cadets in the CAT
We also sent a telex on March 2, 1989 inquiring if Prof. Gotiangco
Officers' Training Program at the UPIS, have violated these norms had already arrived at Ann Arbor and that if he had not, if it was
we closely adhere to. Such being the case, the Rules on Discipline
for the UPIS have to be applied with an even hand.
still possible to send someone in his place. This same message was 43
sent in another telex dated March 11, 1989, In this connection, the University is earnestly requesting the
The Department of History informed us that Prof. Gonanqco retention of 184 items (about 54%) of the 338 items left by the
left for the United States in January 1989. Since then, however, early retirees. In making this request, University administrators have
he had not gotten in touch with the Department. If Prof. Gotlanq- exercised maximum prudence in requesting only for the items which
CO has not reported to the University of Michigan, the Department the University really needs. We realize that the spirit 01 the early
would like to know lf it could send another participant. retirement law is to reduce the size of the government bureaucracy.
We would appreciate your immediate reply to allow time for This is why in letting go 338 of our personnel, we are requesting the
the other participant to prepare the necessary travel papers. retention of only 184 items. The individual justification for the re-
Thank you and best regards. tention of each of the 184 items is hereby attached.
We hereby submit two lists:
Sincerely yours, 1. APPENOIX A'
Dr. Richard Fuller We trust the the DBM wilt soon be able to process our request
Resident Representative for retention SO that the University can start using again the 184
The Asia Foundation lout of 338) items, specially with the start of the schoolyear.
IRC Building, 3rd Floor
82 EDSA. Mandaluyong University of the Philippines
Metro Manila Summary of Number of Items for Retention

Dear Dr. Fuller: CONSTITUENT UNIVERSITIES Number of No. of Items

Retirees To Be Retained
The University of the Philippines Colteqe of Law international
law moot court team has won the right to represent the Philippines UP Diliman & University
at the 1989 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Compe- Administration 189 91
tition to be held in Chicago from 2 to 8 April 1989. The Philippine UP Los Banos 42 29
national eliminations, however, were held only last Monday, 27 UP Manila 78 40
March 1989 due to the delayed arrival of the problem set from the UP Visayas 29 24
United States. ---- ---
1 have been informed that Asia Foundation provides grants 10r TOTAL 338 184
the Philippine national team, and U.P. has been the beneficiary of
such grants in the past. I would like to request, therefore, that the
Foundation consider the grant of financial assistance to the Philip- Sincerely yours,
pine team this year.
The U.P. Team is composed of: (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
1. Carlos D. Sorrera (Team Captain) President
2. Evatvn Ursua
3. Ma. Trinidad Vlllareat
4. Ruben Carranza, Jr.
5. Prof. Raphael Perpetuo M. Lotilla (Faculty Adviser)
In view of the urgency of our need, , would be grateful if you
lsang maligayang paqbat! sa mqa mag-aarat ng I ntenor Design n
could kindly respond favorably and promptly to this request.
UP College of Home Economics.
Thank you very much.
Ang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas ay hindi larnanq nanqunquna sa
kaqallnqarq akademya kundi maqinq sa kagalingang pang-sining.lsang
Sincerely yours,
ma!aking karanqafan para sa Unibersidad na rnaqkaroon ng mga mag-
aaral. isahan man 0 bilang samahan, na patulov na naqsasaqawa ng
mqa eksibit na slvanq maqpapamatas sa kanilang natatagong galing
sa sining. lse na rlto ang inyong samahan na rnaqsasaqawa ng isang
ekslbtt na pinamagatang - Within.
Lubas ang aking penlniwata na magtatagumpay kayo sa inyong
Ref. No. JVA-269-89 March 31. 1989

proyekto. lneaseban ko na hindi ito ang magiging huli ninyong
eksibit, bagkus ay magiging slrnula pa ng marami pang orovekro na
Honorable Guillermo N. Carague
:i Secretary
meqpaoamalas nq inyong mga kaqafinqan sa sining.
Mull. maligayang bat! at maraming salamat .
Department of Budget and Management

.s: Malacafianq, Manila
;:l Pangulo
~I Sa peqtatepos ng mga kasapi sa class 1989 ng B.S. Biology, B.S.

Dear Secretary Carague: Botany at B.S. Zcoloqv , tpinapaabot ko ang aking tacs-pusonq
This is to inform you that 338 personnel of the University of the Magandang peraan ng paggunita ng inyong dinaanang karanasan
~ Philippines avallaed of early retirement under R.A. 6683. This num- ang pagkakaroon ng isang yearbook. Sana'y hindi lamang ito ang
maging silb i ng Kytos '89 kundi maging ceaoeoeetere sa inyong
ber represents about 2.5% of the 13,000 or so reqular personnel of
nakaraan, sa inyong pinanggalThgan.
44 the U.P. System.
Marahil marami sa inyo ang haharap pe sa mas matinding pag. lsa aka sa mqa bumabati sa inyo at nakikiisa sa inyong pagsasaya
subok sa pag- ral ng medisina. Ang dalangin ko ay sana huwag I sa araw na ito. Mabuhay kayong lahatl
ninyong kaligtaan ang misyon ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas na pag- I
lingkuran ang nakararami nating kababayan na nangangailangan ng (Laqdal JOSE V. ABUEVA
inyong serbisvo. PBngulo
Nawa'y maging matagumpay kayo sa hinaharap.
Mabuhay kayo I
The determined effort of the University to use Filipino does not
(Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA mean that we should isolate ourselves from the arts and literatures
PanguJo of other countries. Knowledge of another country's language and
literature enriches both mind and soul and widens one's conscious-
ness. Spanish and American influences are also ingrained in our
culture and history as part of our Filipino heritage.
lkinaluluqod kong batiin ang UP Sigma Delta Phi sa kanilang
Because of that heritage we can participate fruitfully in the
pagdiriwang ng ika-20 anibersary, na nararapat lang na pameqatanq
unique and enriching experience represented in Eugene O'Neil's
"Kakalba nga ang Pinav."
masterpiece, A Long Day's Journey Into Night, produced by the UP
Kilala ang Sigma Delta. Phi sa Ulnbersldad bilang crqanisasvonq
President's Committee on Culture and the Arts, and sponsored by
sadyang may panunungkulan sa kagalingan at kahusayan. ltc'v
the Department of English and Comparative Literature.
naklklta hindi lamang sa mga kasapl nitong naririto pa sa Uniber-
My congratulations on your success! I hope that this play is but
sidad, kundi sa mqa alumni nito na patulov na rarnurnukod-tenql
a forerunner of further collaboration between UP PCCA and other
sa kani-kanilang napiling laranqan.
colleges and departments 'in the University.
Ang kahusayang ito ay nagbibigay-dangal hindi lamang sa sarili,
sa kapatiran, at sa Unibersidad na pinaglalagian - higit na mahataga
ay nabibigyan ng karepat-dapat na pagkilala ang talino at kakava-
han ng Pllipina.
Nawa'y rnaqpatulcv ang Sigma Delta Phi sa kagalingan at
Tunay na kapuri-puri ang mga adhikain og UP Katitingban na
ILaqdal JOSE V. ABU EVA mahubog ang kaisipan at katauhan ng inyong mga kasapi at lba pang
PanguJo mga mag-aaral upang magkaroon ng panlipunang kamalayan at kepa-
Ang parnana sa atin ng ating mga ntnuno ev maipagmamalki
natin kahit kanino man. Malinaw na maqaqawa ito ng inyong orqani-
Lubos kong plnupur l ang inyong panunungkulan tungo sa kaqa- sasvon at marahil av higit pang mapapavarnan sa pamamagitan ng
lingan sa larangan ng matematika. Ang inyong mga hanqarin sa peq- pagdiriwang na gaganapin sa Iionggo Week, Febrerc 6-11, 1989.
sasaqawa at pakikilahok sa "Annual Search for the Math Wizard" av I Sa pagdaraos na ito ay rnaipapakita ang karanasan, kuttura ng
binibigyang-halaga ng Unibersidad. mga Iionggo at ang mga nakamit at naambag nlla sa pambansang
Batay dito, inaasahan ko na kavonq mga kinatawan ng rnqa kaunlaran. Sana'y maging isang daan ito sa tutov-tulov na pagliling-
institusyong nakikilahok' dito at mga miyembro ng UP Mathematics kod sa ating bavan.
Club ay maqtataqurnpav sa pagtataguyod ng kapakanan ng larangan Binabati ko kayo at ipinepanalenqin ko ang isang mataqurnpav
ng rnatemattka. na pagdiriwang!
Sa paglilingkod sa bansa at sa Unibersidad. maligayang bat i sa (Lagda) JOSE V. ABU EVA
inyo. Pangulo


On behalf of the University of the Philippines, we would like to
express our gratitude to the Government of Japan, through the
Japan International Cooperation Agency, for its support in the
Binabati ko ang mga guro, estudvante at kawani ng College of establishment of the National Learning Resource Center for Teacher
Science sa kanilang proyektong Scire. Training in Science and Mathematics Education here in the Univer-
Alam natin kung gaano kahalaga ang papel na depat gampanan sity, specifically the Institute of Science and Mathematics Educa-
n9 agham sa kaunlaran ng ating bansa. Sana'y sa pamarnaqitan n9 tion Development. e
Scire ay di lamang napaqbubuklod-buktod ang komunidad ng Through this Center, we hope to be able to realize our country's '"C
College of Science kundi higit pa'v. kahit sa maliit at munting objective of achieving a certain degree of scientific and technological
paraan ay makatulong ito sa paghubog ng kamalayan at damdaming self-reliance which, I believe, is a pre-condition for industrial econo-

makabayan sa kanilang lahat. mic development. Science and technology are closely linked with N
, rt
Mabuhay, at hari nawa'y maging matagumpay ang hinaharap. economics and one cannot deal with science and technology sepa-
, rat ely from economic development. And through education and rt
(Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA : training, which the University can do best, we can be able to up-

Pangulo gradegrade our country's scientific and technological capabilities OJ
and promote its appreciation and use particularly in areas outside of :l
Metro Manila. In training teachers from all school levels, we expect ..,OJ
Malaya na ang narating ng Pi Sigma Fraternity mula nang ito ay . the University to make an impact on overall efforts at social trans-
/~ .,
itatag 16 na taon na ang nakararaan. lsa ako sa mga kinikilalang formation through the development of a broad and relevant science,
mathematics and technology consciousness among our country's ::
fraternity sa Unibersidad. Hindi nita mararating ang kinaroroonan
nito ngayon kung hindi ito masugid at puspusang lumahok sa mga youth. \I"..,OJ

aktibidad sa Unibersidad. Higit sa lahat, repleksiyon ito ng liderato We also wish to thank the Department of Education and Culture
and Sports and the Department of Science and Technology for their
ng Pi Sigma. ~
Sa ika-16 na taon ng Pi Sigma, isa sa mga importanteng nagawa confidence in the University's capability to manage and operate this 00
ng organisasyon ang pagi-;ngkorpora ng kaniyang alumni association. Center. Thank you very much.
Ang mga alumnus sa buong bansa ay nagkakatipon-tipon ngayong
Pebrero sa isang selebrasyon at paggunita.

Ang ating bansa ay kllala hanggang kamakailan lang bilang isa sa Malimit nating marinig ang kasabihan na anqkabataan ang slyang
pinakamavaman sa rekursong pandagat. Sa ngayan, hindi na yaman ng isang bansa. Tunay nga ang ganitong pananaw sa dahllanq
gaanong makatotohanan ito. Araw-araw ay masasaksi natin ang unti- umaasa tavo na magluluwal ng higit na maliwanag na kinabukasan
unting peqsislra sa ating mga dagat nang" lba-iberq dehilan, katulad I para sa ating bayan ang ating kabataan sa pamamagitan ng kanllanq
ng peqqamlt "9 dinamita 0 lason at iba pang ilegal na pamamaraan I inaangkaing talino, sipag at slkap.
"9 pangingisda; at ang poluavon. Kava't inaasahan ko na gagamitin ninyo ang inyong nahalaw na
Sa halip nito ay kailangan natin ang mas maingat na panganga- kaalaman at karanasan upang makatulong sa pagpapaunlad at peq-
laga sa ating mga natirang rekurso. Mahalaga rin ang pagkakaroon 09 papebuti ng ating bansa.
makabayan at makataong perspectibc sa paggamit 09 ating kayama- Malugod ko kayong binabati, ang mga nagsisipagtapos sa School
nan pandaqat. of Development Management, UP Visayas, sa taong 1988.
Bilang gradwado at estudvante 09 Pamantasan 09 Pilipinas, Mabuhay kayol
malaki ang pag-asa 09 inyong mga kapwa-tao na gagamitin
nlnvo ang inyong pinagaralan para sa pagpapaunlad at peqpepabut! Il.aqdal JOSE V. ABUEVA
ng ating bansa. Pangulo
Malugod ko kavonq binabati sa inyong peqtetapos sa College of
Fisheries, UP vtsavas, sa taong 1989, seven din sa mga bagong
iskolar ng OAF-BFAR.
Sa mga kesapi og Delta lambda Sigma Sorority, rnallqavanq
Mabuhay kayong lahatt
pagbati sa inyo.
Sa-loeb ng mehiqlt 42 tacn, napatunavan ng mga Deltans ang
patuloy nilanq paglilingkod sa pamayanan sa pamamagitan n9 paq-
sasagawa ng lba't ibang gawaing pangsibika. Kabitang rita ang "free
medical clinics, bloodletting drives, legal aid programs, reading
centers" at ang "fund drive" na ginanap kamakailan lamang at tina-
guriang Alay Namin, Munting Pasko.
Baqema'r ang kalusugan ng mga mamamayan ng isang bansa ay
Nawa'y meqpatulov kayo sa inyong magagandang simulain at
panlipunang pananagutan at nakasalalav sa maraming saute. hindi maging mahusay na halimbawa sa ibang sororiti. Inaasahan ko n
nat in maikakaila ang mahatagang papel ng mga manggagamot sa
ipsgpapatulov ninvo sa pamamagitan ng iba't lbanq provekto ang
pangangalaga ng ating kalusuqan.
pagtangkifik sa ating mga higit na kapus-palad na mga kepatld at ang
Ngayong may Pambansang Patakaran para sa Gamet, at ang pagpapatibay ng samahan ng mga maq-aaral ng ating Unibersldad.
tawag ng panahon av ang paggamit ng generics, hlqit na inaasahan MUJi, maligayang batt at maraming salamet.
ang inyong suporta at kakayanan upang lalong tumulong sa taum·
bayan sa partikular, at sa bansa, sa pangkalahatan.
Marami na ang inyong pinagdaanan at marami na ang inyong I
pinaglingkuran. Huwag sana kayong magsawa 0 maubusan ng sigla, .
oras at pagsisikap sa tuloy-tuloy na pagbibigay-serbisyo sa ating
mga mamamayan para sa isang malusog, maliwanag at progresibong
kinabukasan ng ating bayan. Napakaha'aga ng papel ng anumang organisasyon sa pagbubuo ng
Binabati ko kayo sa inyong ika-50 na taong anibersaryo sa pag- katauhan ng isang nilalang. Maging sa Unibersidad, hindi sapat ang
papraktis ng medisina_ Mabuhay kayo! mga karanasan lamang sa loob ng silid-aralan.
Samakatuwid, ang mga organisasyong tulad ng UP Engineering
ILagda) JOSE V. ABU EVA Radio Guild ay mala king tulong sa mga estudyante upang mapa-
Pangulo yaman ang kanilang pananatili dito sa Unibersidad.
Inaasahan ko na magiging matagumpay ang inyong proyekto, ang
UP-ERG Annual 1988·89, at tunay na mailalarawan nita ang mga
katangi-tanging karanasan ninyo.
4Malugod kong binabati ang UP Junior Marketing Association sa Mabuhay kayo!
okasyon ng kanilang ika-tatlumpong anibersaryo, at ng kanifang
konsiyertong Intertwined Jazz Concert. ILagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
Malaking suliranin ngayan ng a~ing mga kababayan ang kaku- Pangulo
fangan ng pamamahayan, kung hindi sa dahilan ng karalitaan ay sa
kalamidad naman. Kaya't tunay na kapuri-puri ang mga organisas-
yong katulad ng Capiz Development Foundation, Inc., na pagnanais
tumulong sa ating :nga kababayan na magtayo ng kanilang mga We often hear it said that the future lies in the hands of our
tahanan. children and the youth. To them entrust our vision for a better
Malaya ang maaabot ng tulong ng UP JMA sa pamamagitan ng tomorrow, with hope of its realization through their talents, skills
pagtulong sa Foundation, dahil kahit paano ay mapapagaan nita ang and intellectual capacities.
hirap ng ilan sa ating mga kababayan. In this right, we need to focus our attention on the proper deve-

..; Sana'y magpatuloy ang ganjtong uri ng makabuluhang tugon ng lopment of the youth .
... mga mag-aaral n9 Unib.ersidad sa mga suliranin "g ating baosa. Muli, Since the times call for greater awareness of and participation in

ang aking malugod na pagbati. the social and emotional development of our ch'ddren, the Fifth
Asian WorkshOp on Child and Adolescent Developme'nt is thus both
:; I LagdaJ JOSE V. ABUEVA significant and timely.
z President Instillir.g in our children a sense of individual stability will be
useful in ensuring a brigter future for our nations and for the world.
~ I warmly welcome the participants of this workshop, and with
., all good wishes for the success of this undertaking .
c President

Blnabati ko ang Sandigan para sa mga Mag-aaral at Sambavanan Malugod kong binabati anq Class '89 ng Kolehiyo ng mqa Agham
{SAMASAJ at ang Sangguniang Mau-earat ng Pamantasan sa pag. Panglipunan at Pilosopiva sa kanilang psqtatapos. Kayo ngayon anq
darecs nita ng isang peryang pamparnantasan, enq "UPrising in mga pmakabaqonq ahente ng pagbabagong panlipunan na ipinapa-
February." dala ng Unibersidad n9 Pifiptnas sa iba't-ibanq larangan n9 inyong
Tunay na kapurl-pur! ang inyong mga adhikain na magka-isaisa mga espevallsasvon: antropofohlve, qevoqrapiva. kasavsevan. ling-
ang mga meq-aare! at mga organisasyon sa Pamantasan at maipama- quwestfka, pllosoplva, aqham pampulitika, sikolohtva at scsvo-
las ang tag lay na kakavahan ng rnqa maq-aaral sa larangan ng sining lohiya.
at likha sa pamamagitan ng nasabing provekto. Ang Kolehiyo ng mga Agham Panglipunan at Plfosoplva ay
Bukod rito, sana'v maging paraan din ang paqtatanqhal na ito bantog dahl! sa kanivanq mqa lumni, na malaki ang iniambag sa kani-
upang atinq gunitain ang karanasan sa Hebotusvon sa EDSA. At kanilang disiplina. Ang alumni ng lnvonq Kolehiyo av naiiba rin
mula sa mqa aral na napulot natin sa makasavsavanq pangyayaring dahl! sa kantlenq sense of social responsibility and accountability.
ito ay higit natlnq peqtibavln ang ating lavunin na paglingkuran ang Tradisyon na ito hindi lang ng invonq Kctehjvo kundi buong Uni-
ating kapwa at ang bavan. bersldad.
lnaasahan ko na magiging matagumpay anq pervanq pampaman- Kailanqanq rnaitequvod ninvo ang tradisyong ito na nagbigay at
tasang ito. Mabuhay kayong lahat! tuluven pang nagbibigay ng meqandanq reputasvon sa ating Uniber-
sided. Ito ang aking hangad.
{Laqda) JOSE V. ABU EVA Muli, anq akinq mainit na paqbati, at mabuhay kavonq lehat!

Malugod ko kayong binabati sa invorq peqtatapos sa mataas na

paaralan ng UP vrsaves. Ang Invorq pagtitiyaga at paq-aaral sa naka-
lipas na apat na taon av magbubunga na. Looking into the needs, problems and situations of nations in
Inaasahan kong ipeqpapatulov ninyo ang inyong peqsasaqawa og the Southeast Asian region and doing research on them for the pur-
kaalaman sa mga darating na taon. Ang mga kagalingang inyoog pose of disseminating information and learning is not an easy task
napag-alaman dito sa Unibersidad ay dapat ninyong pairalin para sa and thus merits both attention and Praise.
ikabubuti ng ating lipunan. I wish to extend my congratulations to the Honqkonq South
Ito ang hangarin ng Unibersidad sa mga alumni nito.
East Asia Research Institute on the publication of its 30th Anni-
Malugod na pagbati sa graduating class ng UP Visayas High
versary Journal for its 30th anniversary.
The immeasurable assistance to governments, the academe and
business sectors of various nations that the Institute has provided
(Laqdal JOSE V. ABUEVA through its publications is indeed laudable. It is my hope that such
endeavor would COntinue.
Again, congratulations, Mabuhav!


Binabatl ko ang mga naqsitapcs sa kanilang paq-aarat sa UP Integ- President
rated School.
Silang mga suptinq ng Unibersidad ng Pillplnas. tpaqpatulov sana
nlnvo anq mga ideal at pangako nito tungo sa pagbabago ng atinq
lipunan. Kung natapos man ang tungkulin ng Unibersidad na palawa- The University of the Philippines accepts with pride the 1989
kin ang Invonq kaalarnan, panunungkulan din ninyong ibahagi ang Cultural Center of the Philippines venue grant given to the Univer-
inyong mga natutuhan para sa kapakanan ng lahat. sity's resident ballet company DANCE THEATER PHILIPPINES,

Sa mga susunod na taon, umaasa akong magwawagi kayo sa and present MI R-I-NISA, a full-length Filipino ballet inspired by the
inyong mga napiling propesyon at larangan ng pagsisikap. prize winning story written by Nationq,J. Artst in Literature, Jose
Muli, ang aking pagbati at mabuhay kayong lahat! Garcia Villa.
The University is equally proud that the music of the late Dr.
(Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA Eliseo M. Pajaro, distinguished composer and mentOr of many of
PanguJo today's music luminaries, and an artist long associated with the
University of the Philippines, will once more be heard in this ballet.
We congratulate the two choreographers of this milestone in
Dance, Ms. Julie Borromeo and Tita Radai. Mrs. Raaaic has been,
Mabigat ang pangangailangar. ng marami sa ating mga kababayan for the last 21 years the moving spirit behind DANCE THEATRE
ng pangunahing pangkalusugang pangaogalaga (primary health carel. PHI LIPPI NES.
At sa larangang ito ay malaki ang maitutulong ng UP Pre-Medical We acknowledge and appreciate the collaboration of our U.P.
Fine Arts students who created the stage design under the guidance
lsa nga niyan ay ang pagbibigay ninyo og libreng serbisyo sa mga of Mrs. Radaic, Mr. Ramon Obusan and Ms. Julie Borromeo.
maralita at naghihikahos. 1naasahan ko na hindi lamang maibabahagi Tonight, we are happy to share wity you this memorable per-
ninyo ang direktang panggagamot (curative medicinel kundi mapa- fprmance of MI R-l-NISA.
abot nioyo pati na rin ang maagap na medisina {preventive medi-
Sana ay maging matagumpay ang pagpapalabas ng inyong orga-
nisasyon ng "The Fly II" upang makatulong sa pagpapahusay ng
kalagayan ng kalusugan ng mga mamamayan.
At ipinapanalangin ko rin ang patuloy na tagumpay n g. iba pa
ninyong mga magaganda at makabuluhang proyekto, at ng Inyong
organisasyon, sa pangkalahatan.


PanguJo 47

Maligayang pagbati sa inyong ikatlong Alumni Homecoming.
Isang karanqalan sa Unibersidad na magkaroon n9 mga alumni
na oatutov na naqsasaqawa at nagpapamalas ng kaqalinqan sa iba't
ibang larangan tulad ng sining, agham at maging sa engineering.
1 Dahil dito, ang magandang reputesvon ng UP av replekslvon ng
kagalingang ipinamalas n9 bawe't alumni esosasvon nito. Kabilan:g
na dlto ang inyong samahan, na baqamat tatlong taon pa lamang
ay naqpapaklta na ng kahusayan at magagandang simulain.
Nawa'y ipaqpatulov nlnvo ang inyong mga makabuluhang
provekto at programa. Ang taqurnpav og inyong alumni esosasvo n
ay tequmpav na rin ng buong Unibersidad.
Mull, maligayang bati.



BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Lourdes R. Quisumbing, Ch.. irmsn, Secre-

tary, Department of Education, Culture and Sports e The Honorable ,,\i:.<! V. Abueva,
President, University of the Philippines. The Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chair-
man, Senate Committee on Education eThe Honorable Carlos M. Padilla; Chairman,
House Committee on Education. The Honorable Francisco Nemenzo,. Jr . • The
Honorable David Andrew M. Celdrao e The Honorable Ponciano G. A. Mathay, Pre-
sident, V.P. Alumni Association e The Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura • The
Honorable Angelita Tranidad~Reves • The Honorable Flerida Ruth Romero. The
Honorable Clemente C. Gatmaitan eProf. Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary.


President. Gemino H. Abad, Vice-President for Academic Affairs
• Dr. Felipe M. Medalla, vice- President for Planning and Finance.
Prof. Rita D. Estrada, Vice-President for Public Affairs. Prof.
Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary.

EDITORIAL STAFF: Sec. Emerlinda R. Roman, Editor. Marie

Christine F. Reyes, Managing Editor. Ana Estel. M. Marquez.
Editorial Assistant.

The typeface in this journal is Univers medium, set in two-point teeds at the U.P. Printery
The printing in offset lithography is by the Uninrsity of the Philippine. Printery
48 .
I it..!. ,\It~ OBI
The University of the Philippines
GAZETTE · Volume XX, Number 2
• April-] une 1989
ISSN No. 0115-7450

·1:'. ."

• 'i'!I

Implementing the STFAP

DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS Reappropriation of 1988 savings of the President's
COmmittee on Culture and the Arts CY 1989
'102Oth Meeting, 25 April 1989 Expenditures .' , . 53
Contract of lease with Ikapatl Farms . 53
Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. 51
Lease agreement with ACAD EMI CS Inc. . . . . . . . . '.' . . 53
Transfer to permanent status .. , , 52 Letter of amendment between the University and
Revision of rates for laboratory fees, tuition and the Asia Foundation . 53
other fees for graduate students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Deed of exchange of ~eal property with Mr: '.
Physical Education Proficiency Examination Fee. • . . . 53 Patricio L. Bequfran .• . . 54
10 Photo fee increase '. . . . . . . . . . 53 Authority delegated to the Chancellors of autonomous f-
Proposed policies & compensation rates for lecturers 53 units .. , , . 54
Overload teaching honoraria ", . . • . .. . 53 Purchase of equipment for PGH. .. . . 54
Honoraria rates fa,' senior coaches , 53 Resolution from the fourth division, court of Appeals
Grant of hqnorarlurn to college librarians. . . 53 on the request of Mr. Eduardo V. Bentain. , 54
I ncrease of book allowance and thesis aid. . • . • . . 53 Amendment of the Asia Foundation Grant to School
Purchase of equipment, . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . 53 of Labor and Industrial Labor Relations . . . 54
Waiver of payment of Administrative Overhead cost for Memorandum of Agreement with the National
the WHO·funded project on contraceptive choice. '.: .. 53 Press Club . 54
Transfer of funds from UPS Mindanao Program to Matters from the University Councils. 54
UP Los Banos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 53 Executive Session
Termination of the contract for Project Management
Services between the University and Hitachi Creation of the Position of VP for Development. 54
Construction Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Appointment of University officials.· . 54
Modification of the effectivity of the sabbatical Appointment of New ijegent . . . 54
assignment of Prof. Anselmo D. Matias . 53
Negotiated contract between the University and Frontiers
1021st Mooting, 29 MaV 1989 .
Security and Detectjve AgencY,lnc.. , . 53
Reprogramming ct the amount of P5,57 0,456 revolving
Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. 54
. fund from FY 1988 excess income in UPLB . 53
Transfer to permanent status , . . . . . . 55
Reprogram.ming in 1989 of the P502,471.49 savings
Ex-gratia payment to the family of the late
generated by UPV in 1988. .. . , 53
P/Cpl. Bernardo Brosas: . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. 55
General construction agreement with C.T.
o\uthority for the president to approve and sign contracts
Gumaru Construction 53
for the sale of-disposable equipment. . . . 55
Contract for the sale of unserviceable equipment. . . . . . . 55
Reprogramming of P10,538,717 .20 savings for pending
utility bills and for supplementarv miscellaneous
expenses , . .. . . . . • . . 55
Donation of one hundred fifty thousarid (P150,OOO.OOl. , . . . 56
Admission of the 8th Batch of BFAR Fisheries Scholars. . . .. 56
Increase in the registration fees of postgraduate
externship program for Medical Technologies. 56
I' Discontinuation of UFS Operations at Mulawin
Hall UPLB and lease of Space to Private Food
Concessionaires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
UP Language Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Law complex reorganization. . . , . . . . . . . . 56
Agreement entered into by the Chancellor of
UP Visayas , . . . . . . . . . 56
Agreement entered into by the Chancellor
ofUP~", .. " ... ,. 56
Contract for the sale of unserviceable motor
vehicle entered into by and between the
THE COVER Unlversltv and Faustino Manuel. -,' 56
Contract of lease entered into by and between
Amidst furor and applause, the Socialized Tuition and the University and Fil Organic Farm for the lease
Financial Assistance Program was implemented this June. of a parcel of land located at the UP Diliman campus 56
Memorandum of Agreement between the University
The STFAP, also known as the lskoler ng Bayan pro-
and Dr. Samuel K. Tan , . . . . . . . . . 56
gram is in line with the goals of the 1987 Constitution Memorandum of Agreement between the University
that aims "to build a just and humane society" and and Mr. Noel M. Morada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
promote social justice in all phases of development." Memorandum of Agreement between the UP-PGH and
It was approved by the Board of Regents (BOR) in its Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56
Allocation ot tunds. . .. ', .... ' , , ' . ' , . , , ' , . , ' 56
meeting last March 3, 1989 for implementation this June Request for transfer of ownership or donation .. '.' . . . . .. 56
as a result of nearly one.veer of consultations with various Inclusion in the powers of the Chancellor of UP.Manila. . .. 56
sectors including students, faculty, administrators and Change of name of 1nstltute for Socio-Biamed leal
alumni. Research , , .. , 56
Renevval of Janitorial Services Agreement. . . 56 Memorandum No. 22 clarification on STFAP academic
Lateral entry to the UP Inteqreted School. . . 56 requlrernentswork-studv program • . . . . • • . . . . . . . • 61
Adjustment of Honorarium Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Authority to base to private developers a 4,000 sq. m. Letters
vacant lot. near the entrance to the University 56
Increase in application fee for residency. . . . . . 56 To Mr. Antonio O. Cojuangco. 62
I-ncrease in financial benefits/cultural fee • . . . . 57 To Engr. Delfin L. Lazare .. , 62
Memorandum of Agreement between the University To President Corazcn A. Aquino. 62
and Prof. Rene E. Ofreneo . . • . . ... . . . . 57 To Mr. l.P. Hontiveros ... 62
Extension of the period for the research project To Mr. Joselito L. Endeno .•. 63
entitled, "Interrelationships of Population, To Mr. Virgilio L. Pefia. . . . . 63
Human Resources, Developmentand Phil. To Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas. 63
Future" ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 57 To Congressman Michael O. Mastura . 63
Memorandum of Agreement between the University To Secretary Guillermo N. Carague. . . . . 63
and the University of Van Amsterdam. . . . 57 To the Committee on Trade and Industry. 64
Agreement for academic and exchange cooperation To Mrs. Remedios A. Villamor ... 64
between the University and the University of Hawaii. 57 To Chancellor Ernesto G. Tebuiara . 64
Matter from the University Council UP Manila. 57 To Or. Won Sui Lee. , •..• 65
Appointment of University officials. . . . • . . 57 To Prof. Or. Hab. Nguyen An .• 65
To Or. Young-Jin Um ..••. 65
102200 Meeting, 29 June 1989 To Dr. Kazuo Takamatsu ..• 65
To o-. Reynaldo V. Guioguio. 65
Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. 57 To Secretary Solita C. Monsod 66
Transfer to permanent status • . . . . . . . . . 58 To Secretary Solita C, Monsod' 66
Computations of overload teaching honoraria. 58 To Sollcltcr General Francisco I. Chavez. 66
Student fees. ." . . 59 To Chief Celso S. Canonigo , • . . . . . 67
Waiver of the Administrative overhead fee on the research To Mr. Rafael S. Francia. . ..... 67
projects under the sponsorship of PCASTRD . . . . 59 To Executive Director Vicente Limcaoco 67
Change in name of the L1ames Prctessortal-Cheir tc? To Secretary Ceferino L. Follosco 67
Ludovicc and Elizabeth Llames Chair in Chemistry 59 To Editor Guy Neave . 68
Transfer of ownership of additional equipment of CCHP To Dr. Vivien M. Talisayon . 68
to the Municipality of Bay, Laguna.. , . . . . . . . 59 To Prof. Aurora G. Del Rosario. 68
Clarification on the guidelines on the entitlement and To Prof. Cecilia Lim-Lazaro . 68
payment of representation allowance and To Dr. Evelyn Mae Mendoza . 69
transportation allowance 59 To Counsellor P. Van Leeuwen, 69
Additional matters to be delegated to Chancellor and To Senator Sotero H. Laurel. .. 69
to the President by the Board of Regents . . . • . 59 To Or. Bashir A. Malik • . . . . . 70
Revision of the list of equipment chargeable against the' To Chairman Patricia Sto. Tomes. 70
graduate education development fee collection of To Chancellor Hoqello O. Juliano. 70
summer, 1988 and first semester, 1988-89. • . • . . . • . . . 60 To Ms. Cecile Gujdote-Atvarez .. 70
Report on the Graduate Education Development Fee To Prof. Lea Pulkklnen . 71
Collection for the second semester, 1988-89 and To Director Manuel R. Eugenio. 71
Proposals for disbursement . . . . . . . . • . . . 60 To Fr. Vicente Cajilig, D.P. . . 71
Change of name of the West Visayas Studies Center To Hnorable Guan Deng Ming .. 71
to Center for West vtsaves Studies, . . . . . . . 60 To Commissioner Jose -Luis Alcuaz. 72
Memorandum of Agreement of the Department of To President Albert J. Simone. 7
Social Welfare and Development ..•. '. . . . . 60 To Secretarv Vicente Javme . 72
Memorandum of understanding wlth the Philippine To Prof. Jack L. Walker .. , . 72
Tourism Authority. . . . . • . .. 60 To Secretary Raul Manglapus .. 73
Sales Agreement with Mannbaq, Incorporated. " . . 60 To Director Robert H. Lochner. ". 73
Correction of figures in the appropriation of funds To Mr, David Winder. 73
transferred from the UPS Mindanao Program To Mr. John Sawyer. 74
to UPLB . . . . . , ... , .. , ' . , .. ,.. 60 To.Mr. Kenneth Prewitt 74
Amendment of the definition of "notation" by the Board 60
Recommendations on the Quezon Laguna Land Grants. 60 MESSAGES
Contracts entered into by-the Chancellor of UPLB. 60
Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of UPV. 60 To UP Alumni Association of Civil Engineering. 74
Sa rnga nagsipagtapossa taong 1989 mula sa UP
ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS College of Arts and Sciences Manila . . . . • 74
Sa mga naqslpeqtapcs ng Physical Therapy sa UP
Administrative Order No. 13 designating an Officer-in-Charge College of Allied Medical Professions sa taong 1988 74
for the University. . .. . :...... 61 To the Officers of the UP Alumni Association 74
Administrative Order No. 16 designating an Offfcer-in-Charqe To as Public Health Class of 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
for the University . . . . ' • . . . . . • • . . . . ._. . . . . . .. 61 Sa mga nagbabalik na alumni ng College of Education. 75
Administrative Order No. 18 designating an Offtcer-In-Charge Sa mga kasapi n9 CASAA·. . . . . . . . . . . 75
for the University , -. . . . . . . • . . . 61 Sa mga kasapi ng Sigma Delta Phi Sorority 75
Sa mga kasapl ng Beta Epsilon Fraternity. . 75


. '. • • r •


. .
1020th Meotil1l,'25 April 1989 Nenita C. _Ocampo-reappointment as UP Foundation Asso-
APPOINTMENTS, RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINT· date Professor of Teaching, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
MENTS, ETC. December 1989.
Gloria N. Pocsidio-renewal of appointment as Diamond Jubi-
The Board approved the following appo intments, renewal of lee Associate Professor of Zoology, effective 1 January 1989 until
appointments, reappointments, etc.: 31 December 1989.
Jean-Claude Raymond Ringenbach-appointment as Visiting
U. P. SYSTEM Assistant Professor, effective 1 March 1989 until 31 December
Contronership and Budget Staff Florentino C. Sumera-appointment as Leonardo K. Ty Itnlon
Honesto G. Nuqui-confirmation and grant of honorarium as Chemicals Inco Assistant Professor-of Chemistry, effective 1 January
Director, Controllership and Budget Staff at P4.000/month, effec- 1989 unt1131 Decerrber 1989.
tive 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. Clara Y. L SyliacO-renewal of appointment as CASAA Protes-
sor of Chemistry, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
Office of the Vice-President for Planning and Finance Reynaldo A. Tabbada-renewal and change of professorial chair
Luis M. Alarilla Jr.-renewal of appointment as Director, Man- title and increase in honorarium from PNB Diamond Jubilee Profess
agement Information System, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 sor of Botany at P12,OOO p.a. to PNOC Diamond Jubilee Professor
December 1989. of Botany at P18,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1989 until 31
Luis M. Alarilla, Jr.-renewal of appointment as Dtractorj Ccm- December 1989.
cuter Center, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 .December 1989. Gavino C. Trono-renewal and change of professorial chair title
and decrease in honorarium from P~OC Diamond Jubilee Professor
U.P.OILIMAN of Marine Science at P18,OOO p.a. to PNB Diamond Jubilee Profes-
sor of Marine Science at P12,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1989
Asian Center until 31 December 1989.
Milagros R. Espinas-promotion with salary adjustment to the Paul W. Wurster-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective
minimum from Assistant Professor V at P61,152 p.a. to Associate' 27 Janua-ry 1989 until 28 February 1989.
Professor I at P64,272 p.a., effective 1 February 1988. Danilo M. Yanga-renevval of appointment as First Philippine
Holdings Group Associate Professor of Physics, effective 1 January
Economics, School of 1989 until 31 December 1989.
Dante B. Canlas-increase in honorarium from EnriqueT. Virata Cecilia V. Zamora-renevval and change of professorial chair title
Associate Professor of Statistical Economtcs with honorarium of and increase in honorarium from PNOC Diamond Jubilee Professor
40% of basic salary to Enrique T. Vlrata Professor of Statistical of Botany at P12,OOO p.a. to Don Norberto Ty Professor of Biology
Economics with honorarium of 80% of basic salary, effective 1 at P24,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
February 1988 until co-terrninous with UPSE appt. . Prescillano M. Zamora-renewal of appointment as Metro Bank
Emmanuel S. De Dtas-appointment as Amado V. Hernandez Foundation Professor of Botany, effective 1 January .1989 until
Associate Professor of Economics, effective 1 June 1988 until co- 31 December 1989.
terminous with UPSE appt.
Ma. Socorro H. Gochoco-appointment as Rosa S. Alvero Asso- Socill Sciences and Philosophy, College of
ciate Professor of Economics, effective 1 June 1988 until co- Eliseo A. De Guzman-appointment as UPPI Assistant Professor
terminous with UPSE appt.r->" of Demography, effective 1 January 1989 'until3l"December 1989.
James J. Putzel-appointment as Visiting Research Associate Temckc Iwai-appointment as Visiting Lecturer, effective 14
{Supplementary appointment}, effective 15 March 1989 until 30 October 1988 until 13 October 1989.
September 1989. William A. Longacre-renel\1al of appointment as Visiting Pro-
fessor, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
Engineering, College of
Edgardo A, Atanacio-appointment as UPERDFI Associate Social Work and Community Development, College of
Professor of Information Systems, effective 1 January 1989 until Elmer M. Ferrer-promotion with salary adjustment to the mini-
31 December 1989. mum from Assistant Professor III at P55,356 p.a. to Associate
Professor I at P64,272 p.a., effective 1 February 1988.
Science, College of
Adoracion T. Aranez-renevval and change of professorial chair Urban and Regional Planning, School of
title and decrease in honorarium from Don Norberta Ty Professor Tito C. Firmalioo-extension of appointment beyond the com-
of Biology at P24,OOO p.a. to PNOC Diamond Jubilee Professor of pulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor V of Enrivonmental
Biology a t P12,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Decem- Planning, effective 1 April 1989 until 31 May 1989.
ber 1989.
Virginia S. Carino-renewal of appointment as Ralph Nubia U.P. LOS BANOS
Professor of Zoology, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December
1989, General Administration
Jorge G. De Las Alas-renewal of eppolntment as UP Alumni Carolina P. Ssntillana-renewal of appointment as Registrar,
Engineers Diamond Jubilee Professor of Meteorology, effective effective 1 May 1989 until 30 April 1992.
1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. _
Edgardo D. Gomez-renewal of appointment as Ralph Nubta Agriculture, College of ,...
Remedios M, Aguda-appointment as Visiting Assistant Professor
Professor of Marine Science, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
of Entomology. effective November 1988 until 30 October 1989.
December 1989.
Rodrigo B. Badayos-appointment as SEA RCA Assistant Profes-
Bienvenido T. Miranda-salary increase from Professor VIII
sor of SQil Science, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December
at P116,760 p.e. to Professor IX at Pl35,564 p.a., effective 1
February 1988.
1989.• 51

Clare R. Baltazar-renewal of appointment as Leopolda B. Nursing, College of
Uichanco Professor of Pest Management, effective 1 January 1989 Carmencita M, Abaquin-appointment, as UP College of Nurs-
until 31 December 1989. ing Foundations. lnc., Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective
Romulo G. Davide-reappointment as SEARCA Professor of 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
Plant Pathology, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. Cecilia M" Laurente-eppointment as J'v. Sotejo Assistant
Virgilio V. Garcia-reneWal of appointment as SEARCA Assc- Professor of Nursing, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December
ciate Professor of Food Science, effective 1 January 1989 until 1989.
31 December 1989. Araceli S. Maglaya-renewal of appointment as Dela Cruz-
Dolores .A. Ramirez-renewal of appointment as Diosooro l. Millman Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective 1 January 1989
Umali Professor of Plant Breeding, effective 1 January 1989 until until 31 December 1989.
31 December 1989. C:larita R. Pacis-appointment as Marina Daliva-Dinzey Asso-
Obdulia F. Sison-reappointment as Professor Emeritus with ciate Professor of Nursing. effective l.January 1989 until 31 De-
transportation allowance of Pl,500/month, effective 14 March cember 1989.
Arts and Sciences, College of
George C. Krajcsik-appointment as Visiting Associate Professor U.P. DillMAN
of Computer Science, effective 2 November 1988 until 31 May
1989. Home Economics, College of
Milagrosa R. Martinez-:-renewal of appointment as Diamond Milagros P. Querubin-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1
Jubilee Associate Professor of Botany, effective 1 January 1989 January 1989.
until 31 December 1989.
Florinia E. Merea-renewal of appointment as Diamond Jubilee law, College of
Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 January 1989 until Raphael Perpetuo M. Lotilla-as Associate Professor II. effec-
31 December 1989. . tive 1 June 1988.
Rolando E. Ramos-renevval of appointment as Diamond Jubilee
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 January 1989 until Social Sciences Philosophy. College of
31 December 1989. Rolando V. Miranda-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1 .Janua-
Macrina T. Zaparalla-appointment as SEA RCA Associate Pro- ry 1989.
fessor of Botany. effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December U.P. MANILA
Arts and Sciences. College of
Economics and Management, College of Benjamin R. Mangubat~as Assistant Professor I of Social Sci-
Ma. Cynthia S. Bantilan-aplXlintment as SEARCA Assistant ences, effective 25 April 1989.
ProfessOr of Social Sciences. effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Susanah Uly M. Sliva-as Assistant Professor I, effective 8
December 1989. December 1988.

Engineering and Agro-Indulitrial Technology, College of Heatth Sciences, Institute of

Wilfreda P. David-increase in honorarium from M.s. Swami- Rolando O. Barrioaga-as Assistant Professor I, effective 8
nathan Professor of Environmental Science at P12,OOO p.a. to M.S. December 1988.
Swaminathan Professor of Environmental Science at P24,OOO p.e.,
effective 1 January 1988 until 30 June 1989. Medicine, College of
Ma. Concepcion C. Abeleda-as Assistant Professor I (part-time).
Veterinary MBcUcine, College of effective 8 December 1988.
Mario S. Tongson-reappointment as Professor Emeritus with Robert P. Dulay-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective
transportation' allowance of Pl,500/month. effective 25 April 8 December 1988.
1989. Joel S. Elises-as Assistant Professor "{part-time) and Attending
Pediatrician (part-time), Philippine General Hospital, effective 8
December 1988.
Medicine, College of Eufrosina A. Melendres-as Assistant Professor I (part-time) and
Ramon F. Abarquez.,..-appointment as Archie M. Leano Profes- Attending Pediatrician (part-time), Philippine General Hospital, ef-
sor of Cardiology, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December fective 8 December 1988. '
1989. Eduardo E. Ortiz-as Assistant Professor I [part-time] and
Clemente M. Amante-appointment as Go-Equitable Bank Cor- Attending PEdiatrician (part-time), Philippine General Hospital,
poration Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective 1 July 1988 effective 8 December 1988.
until 30 June 1989. Gludencio P: Vega-as Assistant Professor (part-time), effec-
Napoleon M. Apolinario-renewal of appointment as Diamond tive 8 December 1988 .

Jubilee Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, effective 1 January •
1989 until 31 December 1989.
Paulo C. Campos-reappointment as Professor Emeritut. with
Revision of rates for laboratorY fees; Tuition and other Fees for
Graduate Students
transportation allowance of Pl,sOO/month, effective 25 April
A. The Board confirmed the revision of rates for, laboratory fees
in the Undergraduate Programs. effective First Semester. AV 1989-
z Gerardo· V. De Leon-appointment as Hanz Menzi Professor
of Pharmacology. effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June 1989.
1990, .
1. Rates for undergraduate programs except those in UP Clark

Virgilio T. Genuino--appointment as Diamond Jubilee Assistant
Professor of Anesthesiology. effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June
and those for the M.D. program and INTARMED Years
Ill-VI - which were approved for lmplementatjon before or
1989. at the start of the schootvear 1987-88: 100% INCREASE.
PBtricio Y. Ignacio Jr.-renewal of appointment as Eusebio
S. Garcia Assistant Professor of Pathology. effective 1 January
1989 until 31 December 1989.
Ernesto V. Valdez-appointment as UPMASA, Professor of
2. All other laboratory fees {except those in UP Clark end those
for the M.D. program and INTARMED Years ill-Vii which
were set or approved after the start of $Y 1987-88: 50%
52 Pharmacology, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June 1989. .. INCREASE.
B. The Board approved the revision of rates for other fees for The Board approved the waiver of payment of administrative
Graduate Students, effective First Semester, AY 1989.1990: overhead cost for the WHO-funded project on contraceptive choice
1. The Library Fee for graduate programs (except those in UP being implemented by the Population J nstitute.
Clarki shalt be P450 per semester or P3QO per terrn/trlmes-
ter/summer session. Transfer of Funds from UPS Mindanao Program 1:0 UP Los Banos
2. The Laboratory Fees for graduate courses (except those in The Board approved the transfer of funds in the amount of
UP Clark, Medicine and INTARMED Years III·VI) shall be P50,000 from the UPS Mindanao Program to UP Los Banos.
subject to the rates of increases presceibed in Letter A
Termination of the Contract for Project Management Services
above (Laboratory ~ees in the Uooergraduate Programs).
between the Univenity (on behalf of UP College Tacloban) and
C. The Board approved that the tuition per unit for graduate Himchi Construction COrp.
program (except those in UP Clark) shall be the same rates charged The Board approved the termination of the contract-tor Project
for the undergraduate programs, effective Second Semester, SY Management Services entered into by and between the University
1989-1990: (on behalf of UP College Taclobanl and Hitachi Construction
Dillman Campus P200 per unit Corp. on 17 October 1983 for the Construction of the academic
UP Manila building at the UP College Tacloban.
180 per unit
UP Los Balios 160 per unit
UP vtsavas ard ModlfiC8ttan of the Effectivity of the Sabbatical Assignment of
Regional units Prof. Anselmo O. Matias
150 per unit
The Board approved the modification of the effectivity of the
Physical Education Proficiency Examination Fee sabbatical assignment of Prof. Anselmo D. Matias. effective 1 May
The Board approved the increase of fees charged in Proficiency 1989 until 31 October 1989.
Examination in Service Physical Education Courses, effective sum-
mer 1989, as follows: Negotiated Contract between the University (on behatf of UP Los
From To Banos) and Frontiers Security lind Detective Agency, Inc.
Application Fee P15.oo P3O.00 The Board approved the negotiated contract between the Uni-
Testing Fee 10.00 30.00 versity (on behalf of UP Los Banos) and Frontiers Security and
Detective Agen_cy, Inc.
The Board approved the payment of honoraria to each faculty
member administering the examination at P15.00 per student. Reprogramming of the Amount of P5,570,456 Revolving Fund
from FY 1988 Excess Income in UP Los Banos
ID Photo Fee Increase The Board approved the reprogramming of the amount of
The Board approved the 10 photo fee increase from P25.00 to PS,570,456 revolving fund from FY 1988 excess income.
Reprogramming m 1989 of the P502, 471 A9 savings generated
Proposed Polices and ~mpensation Rates for Lecturers by UPV in 1988
The Board approved the proposed policies and compensation The Board approved the reporgramming in 1989 of the.
rates for lecturers, effective 1 June 1989. P402,471.49 sevlrqs generated by UPV in 1988 from the World-
Bank-Assistant Fisheries Training Research Fund Component.
Overload Tea"ching Honoraria
The Board approved the higher compensation rate for overload General Construction Agreement with C.T. "Gumaru Construction
teaching and summer teaching, effective 1 June 1989 (half of the The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement
proposed increase) and 1 June 1990 (full implementation). between the University and C.T. Gumaru Construction for the
performance and accomplishment of the General Construction
Honoraria Rates for Senior Coaches Work (Phase 2) of the National Engineering Center Buidling.
The Board approved the modification of the he norenurn for
Senior Coaches from a single rate of P1,500 to rates ranging from Reappropriilrtion of 1988 savings :rt:
the President's COmmittee
P1,20Q·P1,500 per month, the specific rate in each case to be deter- on Culture and the Arts CY 1989 Expenditures
mined by the chancellor upon the recommendation of the Dean. The Board approved the reappropriation of 1988 savings in
Equipment (P74,274) and Honoraria (P21.966) as certified to by
Grant of Honorarium to College Librarians the Chief Accountant to CY 1989 expenditures.
The Board approved the grant of honorarium of P400 a month
to College Librarians, effective 1 January 1989. Contract of t.eeee with lkapati Farms
The Board confirmed the Contract of Lease between the Uni-
Increase ~of"Book Allowance and Thesis Aid under the Local Facuity versity (Lessor) and the lkapatt Farms (Lessee) whereby the Lessor
Fellowship Program leases to the Lessle the parcel of fand located at UP Campus Dtll-
The Board approved the increase of book allowance and thesis man, Quezon City, consisting of 30,000 sq. m.
aid given to local fellows under the local Faculty Fellowship Pro-
gram, as follows: Lease Agreement with ACADEMICS Inc. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Book Allowance P5OO/sem. P.750/sem. The Board confirmed the Lease of Agreement between the
University and ACADEMICS Inc. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
Thesis Aid whereby the University grants to ACADEMICS the exclusive right
-Masters P2,OOO P4,OOO to use the Indicia in the United States of America and Canada
-Doctoral P3,000 P6,OOO only in connection with the manufacturing and marketing of sports
Purchase of Equipment
The Board approved the purchase of equipment for Philippine Letter of Amendm"enJ between the Univenity and the Asia Founda-
General Hospital (PGHL tion
The Board confirmed the Letter of Amendment between the
Waiver of Payment ¢ Administrative Overhead co. for the WHO- University and the Asia Foundation to the original Letter of Agree-
funded Project on COntraceptive Choice ment dated September 26, 1988 on the Project "The Professionali-

zation of the COMELEC" effective 1 September 1988 until 31 The Board approved the renewal of appointment of the fol-
August 1990. lowing;
Dr. Jose Encarnacion-as Dean of the School of Economics,
Deed of Exchange of Real Property with Mr. Patricio L Baguiren UP Diliman, effective 1 May 1989 untit 30 April 1992.
The Board confirmed the Deed of Exchange of Real Property '- Dr. Roger Posadas-as Dean of the Colleqe of Science, UP
by and between the University of the Philippines (Party of the Dlfiman, effective 1 May 1989 until 30 April 1992.
first part) and Mr.' Patricio l. Sagui,an (Party of the second part)
whereby the parties barter and exchange their respective properties The Board expressed concern over the manner by which voting
for that of the order under terms they have agreed upon. is handled in the nomination process, and agreed that henceforth,
Nominations Committees shall be required to submit a complete
Authority delegated to the Chancellors of Autonomous units report on how the process and the voting were conducted.
The Board confirmed the contracts entered into by the Chan- The Board also agreed to set a limit to the number of terms a
cellor of UPLB pursuant to the authority delegated to the chan- dean or director may serve. Deans and directors may serve two
cellors of autonomous units. terms. Only in highly exceptional cases will they be allowed a third
Purchase of Equipment for Philippine Genefal Hospital {PGHI
The Board confirmed the purchase of medical equipments for Appointment of New Ragent
Philippine General Hospital (PGHI. The President announced the appointment of Mr. Delfin Lazaro
as Regent of the University of the Philippines, effective 1 May 1989.
Resolution from the Fourth Division, Court of Appeals on the ,
Request of ,Mr. Eduardo V. Bentain The Board noted the following:
The Board noted the resolution from the Fourth Division, court 1. Reply/Letters on the conferment of honorary degrees.
of .Appeals on the request of Mr. Eduardo V.•Bentain, Petitioner, 2. Letter expressing thanks to the President and the Board
for a temporary restraining order. of Regents for giving a 5% amelioration allowance to Univer-
sity perscnet
Amendment of the Asia Foundation Grant to School of Labor 3. Letter supporting Prof. Belinda Aquino's request for a leave
and Indu~_i~J~~r_~elations. of absence from the University of Hawaii, in connection
The Board confirmed the Amendment of the Asia Foundation with the UP's oHer to her of the posltfon of Vice-President
Grant to allow for a revision of grant dates so as to enable the for Public Affairs.
School to complete the activities to be undertaken under the. f--------------------------;
grant such that the completion date of the project shall be moved 10210' BOR Meeting, 29 Moy 1989
from 29 September 1988 until 31 December 1989.
Memorandum of Agreement with the National Press Club (NPC) MENTS, ETC.'
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement by
and between the University of the Philippines and the National The Board approved the following appointments, renewal of
Press Club (NPCI to assist in further professionalizing the Phil- appointments, reappointments, etc.:
jppine mass media, particularly the community press practitioners.
U.P. DillMAN
Matters from the UniverSity Councils .Arts and Letters, College of
The Board confirmed through referendum on March 27, 1989, Josefina A. Agravante-reappointment as CA5AA Foundation.
of the following lists of candidates for graduation as of the end Inc. Associate Professor of Speech and Drama; effective 1 January
of the second semester of school year 1988-89, as recommended 1989 until 31 December 1989.
by the respective University Councils: Lilia F. Antonio-appointment as Oscar Carino Diamond Jubi-
1. UP Dillman list lee Assistant Professor of Filipino, effective 1 July 1988 until 30
2. UP Dillman list (adqendal June 1989.
3. UP Manila, with deletion of the name of "Mary Ann Apolonio B. Chua-appointment as Federico Alcuaz Diamond
C. Barrera.:' Jubilee Assistant Professor of Philippine Literature, effective 1
4. UP Manila list [edditionall, with deletion of the name of july 1988 until 30 June 1989.
"Catherine Claire Hivera" Felipe M. De Leon -Ir.e-eppolntment a.s Metro Manila Commis-
5. UP vtsavas list sion Diamond Jubilee Asscelete Professor of Humanities, effective
6. UP Los Banos list 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
7. 'UP Manila list (add itionall NVM Gonzales-confirmation of ad interim' appointment as
8. UP Manila list {eddltlonal! International Writer-in-Residence, effective 15 July 1989 until 14!
July 1990.
Executive Session Alice G. Guillermo-renewal of appointment as Diamond Jubi-

Crelition of the Position of Vi~President for Devo50pment
lee Associate Professor of Spanish, effective 1 July 1988 until 30
June 1989.
The Board approved the creation of the position of Vice-Pres-
ident for Development.
Ana Ma. L1. Madri!JIl-appo-intment as Metro Manila Commis-
sion Associate Professor of Spanish, effective 1 January 1989 until
:: Appointment of University Officials
31 December 1989.
Priscelina P. Patajo-legasto-promotion with salary adjustment
Z The Board approved the appointment of the following: to the minimum from Assistant Professor III at P55,356 p.a. to
Any Melvyn S. Mlrtin-as Vice-President for Development .. Associate Professor I at P64,272 p.a.

with compensation of P1.0D p.a.. effective 1 May 1989 untit 30
Aprit 1990.
Rogelio R. SicIt-reappointment as CASAA Foundation Asso-
ciate Professor of Philippine Literature, effective 1 January 1989

e Prof. Nestor Vlnluan-as Dean of the College of Fine Arts,

UP Dlliman, effective 1 May 1989 until 30 April 1992.
until 31 December 1989.

.3 Prof. Zeus Salazar-as Dean of the COII~e of Social Sciences Business Administration, College of
~ and Philosophy, UP Diliman, effective 1 May 1989 until 30 April Remedios Balbln-renewal of appointment as Conredc Benitez
1992: Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 January 1989

54 until 31 December 1989.

Economics, School of U.P. VISAYAS
Mitsuo Ezaki-appointmen.t as Visiting Professor, effective
1 June 1989 until 31 March.1990. Teresita R. Ledesma-renewal of appolntment as University
Librarian, effective 1 May 1989 unti/30 April 1990.
Fine Arts, College of •
Virginia P. Dandan-appointment as Guillermo Tolentino Assist- Art. and Sciences, College of
ant Professor of Sculpture, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 De- Lourdes V. De Castro-appointme.nt as UPV Foundation Inc.
cember 1989. Professor of Comparative Literature, effective 1 July 1989 until
Lianna O. OolOricon-appointment as Artist-in-Resident' in 30 June1990.
Illustration, effective 1 March 1989 until 28 February 1990.
E_mmanuel I. Garakl&-appointment as Artist-in-Residence in Fisheries, College of
Graphic Design, effective 1 March 1989 until 28 February 1990. Lourdes A. Oureza-automatic promotion with salary increase
Carlos P. Vatino-appointment as Fernando Amorsolo DJamond from Assistant Professor V of Aquaculture at P61,152 p.a., to
Jubilee Professor' of Painting, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Associate Professor II at P67,548 p.a., effective 18 March 1988.
December 1989.
Nestor O. Vinluan-:-appointment as Artist-ln-Hesldence in Paint- TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS
ing effective 1 March 1989 until 28 Februarv 1990. -,
The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the
Music, College of following:
Rizal V. Reyes-extension of appointment beyond the com-
pulsory retirement age of 65 as Associate Professor I, effective, U.P. LOS BAfilOS
1 April 1989 until 31 May 1989.
Agriculture, College of
Social Sciences am Philosophy, College of Ninfa P-, Roxas-as Assistant Professor III of Animal Science,
Alejandro M. Fernandez-reappointment as Ninoy Aquino effective 10 April 1989.
Professor of Development, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Augusto C. Sumalde-as Assistant Professor III of Entomology,
ecember 1989. effective 1 April 1989,
Shiro Haooa-appointment as Visiting Research Fellow, effec-
tive 2 November 1989 until 31 October 1990. U.P.MANILA
Frederiek De Vlaming-appo'intment as Visiting Senior. lec-
turer, effective 2 November 1988 until 31 March 1989. Medicine. College of
Serafi~ C. Hilvano-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective
Social Work am Community Development, College of 1 December 1988.
Josefina D. Pineda-appointment as San Miguel Corporation Pro- Rosa Ma. H. Nancho-as Assistant Professor I (part-tlmel, and
fessor of Social Planning, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Decem- Attending Pediatrician Ipart-tjmel, Philippine General Hospital,
ber 1989. effective 8 December 198~.

Urblt":'."IDd Regional Planning, School of, U.P. VISAYAS

Ulrich Karl Rotthoff-appointment as Visiting Research As~­
elate, effective 2 November 1989 until 31 October 1990. Arts am Sciences. College of
Raul R. Olaquer-as Assistant Professor II of Physics, effective
1 June 1989.
Office of the Chancellor for Public Affairs
Madeline M. Suva-appointment as Director, Public Affairs Ex-gratia Payment to the Family of the Late P/Cpl. Bernardo
Office, Office of the Chancellor, effective 1 January 1989 until BroSls
31 December 1989, The Board approved the ex-gratia payment in the amount of
P30,OOO to the family of the late P/Cpl. Bernardo BroSClS.
Agricutture, College of
Edmund Paul Russell-appointment as Vtlih:ing Research Asso- Authority for the President to Approve and Sign Contracts for the
ciate in Entomology, effactlve 1 September 1989 until 31 August Slie of Coooemned or dispo.sable Equipment
1990. The Board approved the Authority for the President to approve
and sign contracts for the sale of condemned or disposable equip-
Arts and Sciences, College of ment or any other personal property owned by the' University,
Felitiano T. Bantilan Jr.-renewal of appointment as Diamond
Jubilee Associate Professor of Physics, effective 1 January 1989
involving amounts exceeding the ceiling set for chancellors but in
no case exceeding P50,OOO in.anyone transaction.
until 31 December 1989.
Contract for the Sale of Unserviceable Equipment o

Forestry, College of The Board approved the contract for the sale of unserviceable
Nobuyuki T8naka-p~omotion from Visiting Researcher to equipment entered into by and between the University and Car/os
Visiting Assistant Professor, effective 17 April 1989 until 31 May S. Galang. "
1990. "•
Reprogramming of P10,538,717.20 Savings for Pending Utiiity
U.P. MANILA Bills and for Supplementary Miscellaneous Expenses >

The Board approved the reprogramming of P1,258,400,49 sev- ::!.
Rosvida R. Rosal-renevval of appclntrnent as University Lib- ings realized from Accounts Payable of Foreign Assisted Projects
rarian, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. (FAPSI and P9,280,316.71 from ReVolving Fund, or a total of >:
Pl0,538,717 .20, for payment of the following: :l
Luz B. Tungpalan-change of designation from Acting Regis-
trar to Registrar, effective 17 February 1989 untit 25 June 1991. a. For pending utility bills (\988)
b. For supplementary miscellaneous
P9,547,574.67 ".....
Medicine, College of expenses (additional MOE) 991,133.53 ~.
Rhandy Pe Benito-reappointment as Visiting Associate Profes-
sor, effective 1 June 1988 until 31 May, 1989. TOTAL Pl0.538,703.20
take a research project entitled, "The Internationalization of Mora
O...tion of One Hundred Fifty Thousand IPl50,OOO.OO)
The Board approved the acceptance of donation of One Hun- Secessionism" .
dred Fifty Thousand IP150,OOO.OOI Pesos by Atty. Racimo Estam-
padcr family, to honor the memory of their late father, Prof. Eu- Memorandum of Aweement between the University and Mr. Noel
Iogio P. Estampador, for the Professional Chair in Biological M. Morllda r'

Sciences. The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between

the University and Mr. Noel M. Morada whereby the latter shall
Admission of the 8th Batch of BFAR Fisheries Sch9lerl " undertake a research project entitled, "Towards a Conceptualization
The Board Ipproved the edmlsslori of the 8th batch of BFAR of a Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Zone".
Fisheries Scholars who did not take the UPCAT examination this
coming shcooI1989-1990, Memorandum of Agreement by and between the University-Phil-
ippine General Hospital IUP-PGH) and Pemantasan ng Lungsod
Increase in the Registration Fees of Postgraduate Externship ng Maynil. IPLMI
Program for Medical Technologies '" The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement by and
The Board approved the increase in the reqlstratlon fees of between the University, Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) and
Post-graduate 'Externship Program for Medi~1 Technologies as Pamantasen ng Lungsod ng Mayniia (PLM) whereby the UP-PGH
follows: shall allow PLM Nursing students the use of facilities of PGH for
clinical praeticum.
From To
Regular Program- P250/6 mos. P350i6mos. Allocation of Funds
~ The Board approved the allocation of the amount of PS,570,456
Special Program - 100/mo, 150/mo.
Revolving Fund from FY 1988 Excess Income.
Discontinuation of UFS Operations at Moiawin Hall UP Los Baoos
lJfld Lease of Space to Private Food Concessionaires Request for Transfer of Ownership or Donation
The Board approved the discontinuation of UFS Operations at The Board approved the request of Laguna Governor Felicisimo
Molawin Hall and lease of space to private food concessionaires. San Luis for the transfer of ownership/donation of equipment to ~.
the province of Laguna. .
UP Language Policy The Board approved the request of Dr. Decqracias G. Kabama-
The Board approved the Proposed Language Policy, incorporat- lan, District Health Officer of Laguna, for the transfer of ownership!
ing the changes suggested by Regent Nemenzo, and approv'al in donation of equipment to the Regional Health Office IV, Depart-
principle of the establishment of a Sentro ng Wikang Filipino. ment of Health.
The Board approved the request for the transfer of ownership!
law Complex Reorganization donation of equipment to the Municipality of Bay, Laguna by
The Board approved the Reorganization Plan, as revised, and Mayor Bruno T. Ramos.
adoption of the Resolution Reorganizing the UP Law Complex.
Inclusion in the Powers of the Chancellor of UP Manila
Agreem~mt Entered into by the Chancellor of UP Visayas The Board approved the inclusion in the powers of the Chancel-
The Board confirmed the A.J. LEDESMA CONSTRUCTION lor of UP Manila of the authority to appoint officers-in-charge (OIC)
CORPORATION on May 15; ·1989 for the completion of Phase I, for a period not exceeding two (2) months.
of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) building in UPV-Miagao,
Iloilo. Change of Name of Institute for Socia-Biomedical Research
The Board approved the change of name from Institute for
Agreements Entered into by the Chancellor of UP los Banos Soclo-Blorrdelcal Research to fnstitutes for Socia-Biomedical
The Board confinned the Agreements entered into by the Chan- Research IISBMRI.
cellor of UP Los Banos:
1. General Construction. Agreement between UPLB and F. Renewal of Janitorial Services Agreement
Vonzon Construction. The Board approved the renewal of Janitorial Services Agree-
2. General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Suben ment entered into by and between UPLBand F.M.S. Manpower and
Enterprises Janitorial Services.
3. Contract for Security Guards between the UP Los Banos and
Negros Veterans Security Agency, Inc. lateral Entry to the UP Integrated School
The Board approved the Amendment of the Board of Regents
Contract for the Sale of Unserviceable Motor Vehicle entered intt, " resolution on lateral entry to the UPIS such that the word abroad
by and between the University and Faustino Manuel is deleted from Category I.
The Board confinned the contract for the purchase of unservice-
ble motor vehicles entered into by and between the University Adjustment of Honorarium Rates

(Party of the First Part) and Faustino Manuel (Party of the Second The Board approved the adjustment of honorarium rates for the
... Part) for the purchase by the latter of the unserviceable motor
recipient of the Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Ponce Professorial Chair from
P6,OOO to P24.QOO p.a., ,:ffective 1 January 1989.
§ Contract of Leise entered into by and between the University and Authority to lease to Private Developers a 4,000 Square-meter
z Fil Organic Farm for the lease of a parcel of land located at the UP
Diliman Campus
Vacant lot, near the Entrance to the University.
The Board approved the authority to lease to public developers
The Board confirmed the Contract of Lease entered into by and through public bidding, a 4,000 square-meter vacant lot, located
~ between the University (LESSOR) and Fit Organic Farm (LESSEE) near thE} entrance to the University.
"for the lease of a parcel of land located at the UP Diliman Campus.
Incr8lse in Application fee for Residency
Memorlndum of Agreement between the Univenity and Dr. Samuel The Board approved the increase in the application fee for resi-
;;.. K. Tan dency from Pl0.00 to P15.00.
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between

56 the University and Dr. Sarrtsel K. Tan whereby the latter shall under-
Increase in Financial Benefits/Cuftural Fee The Board approved the appointment of Or. Belinda Aquino as
The Board approved the increase of financial benefits under the vlce-Presjdent of Public Affairs, effective upon her report for
UP Visayas Faculty and Academic Support Staff Development duty in July, for a period of two (2) years. ,
l FAST·D EV) Program, effective the 1st semester of A Y 1989-1990.
The Board approved the increase in the cultural fee to P50.CO 1022nd Meeting, 29 June 1989
per semester effective the 1st semester of AY 1989·1990.
Memorandum of Agreement between the University and P'rof. MENTS, ETC.
Rene E. Ofreneo
The Board oonfirmed the Memcrandurn of Agreement between The Board approved/confirmed the following appointments,
the University and Prof. Rene E. Of ren eo whereby the latter shall ren~al of appointments, reappointment, ete.:
undertake a research project entitled, "Dimensions of Living Wage
Standards for Philippine I ndustrial Workers". U.P. SYSTEM

Extension of the Period for the Research Project entitled, "Inter- Office of the Vice·President for Academic Affairs
relationships of Population, Human Resources, Development and Malaya C. Roxas-appointment as Director of the Office of
Philippine Future" Institutional Linkages effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1992.
The Board confirmed the Extension of the period for the Re-
search Project entitled, "Interreletonshtps of Population, Human U.P. OIL/MAN
Resources, Development and the Philippine Future" covered by
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by and between the Arts and Letters, College of
University and Or. Alejandro N. Herrin. Mario G. R. Ro'sal-appointment as MMC Diamond Jubilee Asso-
ciate Professor of English, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the Univer·
sityof Van Amsterdam (UVAI Education, College of
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement be'tween Aretha' B. Pisitord-·appointment as Visiting Lecturer, effective
the University and the University of Van Amsterdam (UVA) to 23 May 1989 until 16 June 1989.
. achieve the following forms of cooperation:
a. Joint research programs undertaken in either or both coun- Engineering, College of
tries in those disciplines and fields which are of mutual inter- Angel A. Alejandrino-renevval of appointment as N.W.R.C,
ests, the results of which shall be reciprocally shared; Professor of Water Control Management, effective 1 July 1989 until
b. Participation in educational!sc,ientific/technical!training oro- 30 June 1990.
grams and seminars at the invitation of the institution crsen- Meliton U. Ordillas Jr ..:....renewal of appointment as C.A., Ortigas
izing these activities; Professor of Materials Science, effective 1 January 1989 until 31
c. Mutual- exchange of faculty for research, teaching, post- December 1989.
graduate studies including Ph.D. studies and consultation;
d. Mutual exchange of graduate student for Master students; Islamic Studies, .Institute of
e. Exchange of information through publications, research, Patricia Horvatich-appointment as Visiting Researcher, effec-
monographs, and scholarly papers; tive 1 Aug. 1989 until 28 February 1991.
f. Access to libraries, laboratories, and research facilities in both Muhammad Yusron--appointment asVisitlnq Professor, effective
institutions in accordance with the spirit and intent of the 1 June 1989 until 31 October 1989.
foregoing purposes.
law, College of
Jorge R. Coquia-renewal of appointment as Professorial Lectur-
After official approval, the University of Amsterdam shall facil-
er III, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.

itate the release of funds for the proposed UP!CSSP/UA-CASA
Ramon C. Fernandez-renewal of appointment as Professorial
project. The funds from the Netherlands-side to be spent by the
lecturer III, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
CSSP shall be deposited in the CSSP Foundation, The Philippine
Crisolito S. Pescual-erenewat of appointment as Professorial
side will provide a counterpart fund. The total amounts foreseen
Lecturer Ill,effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
for the project are:
Lucy Sankey Russel-appointment as Visiting Research Fellow!
Scholar, effective 1 September 1989 until 31 May 1990.
Year I oLI. 640 ,000 Pesos 2.694,788 Polly W. Sy-renewal of appointment as 'Basilio Estanislao As-
Year II OLl.541,000 Pe9Js 2,770,344
sociate Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 January 1989 until
31 December 1989.
The Agreement shall become effective upon approval and/or
confirmation by appropriate authorities of each contractfnq party
Marine Science, Institute of
and shall remain in sooner terminated through a three-month prior Reynaldo M. De la Paz-renewal of appointment as MMC Dla-
written notice duly cornmunlcated to the other party. mend Jubilee Associate Professor of Marine Science. effective 1
January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
Agreement for Academic and Exctftnge Coopration. between the Margaret R. Gaud-renewal of appointment as Visiting Assist-
University and the University of Hanoi ant Professor, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989.
The Board confirmed the Agreement of Academic and Exchange
Cooperation between the University and the University of Hanoi.
. .. Music, College of •
Riml V. Reyes-extension of appointment beyond the compul-
Matter from the University Council sory retirement age of 65 as Associate Professor I, effective 1 June
UP Manila 1989 until 31 October 1989.
Wisnusubroto Sunardi-renewal of appointment as Visiting Pro-
The Board approved the institution of the Master of Science in fessor, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
Public Health (Epidemiology) program.
Public AdministrBtKJn, College of
APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS Anne Nealibo Dit-i<son-Waiko-apPointment as Visiting Research
(Executive Session) Associate, effective 1 April 1989 until 30 October 1989. 57

Rodger Wegner-appointment as Visiting Research Associate, Human Ecology, ColIll!le of
effective 15 April 1989 until 31 December 1989. Angelit. M. Del Mundo-appointment as UPLB Faculty, Staff
. /" .
and Students Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Human
Science, College of Ecofogy (Human Nutrition and Food), effective 1 January 1989
Rene P. Felix-renewal of appointment as UP Law Class '58 until 31 Decerrber 1989.
Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 Decem-
ber 1989. Veterinary Medicine, College of
Joseph S. MaSllngkay-appointment as UPLB Faculty, Staff
Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of and Students Diamond Jubilee Associate Professor of Veterinary
Prospero R. Cowr-salary increase from Professor IV at P95,688 Medicine (Plant Animal·Medicine), effective January 1989 until
pe.a .to Professor V of Anthropology at P100,572 p.a., effective 31 December 1989.
1 February 1988.
, Eun Mi Soo-apJ).'intment as Visiting Lecturer, effective 5 June U.p.MANILA
1989 until 29 October 1989.
Medicine, College of
. Sport. Physicsl Educotion and Recreo1ion (SPEAR) Robert D. Lim-appointment as Diamond Jubilee" Assistant·
Flol'8 T. Violanda-extension of appointment beyond the com- Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine. effective 1 January 1988
pulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor III, effective 15 June . until 31 December 1988.
1989 until 31 October 1989.
Public H.. itit, Colllige of
Statistical Cent~ Rubliln N. CBragay-automtatic promotion from Assistant
Adolfo M. de Guzman-auw'matic promotton from Assistant Professor VI at P52,944 p.a. to Associate Professor III at P58,476
Professor V at P61,152 to Associate Professor III at P67,548 p.a., p.a., effective 1 January 1987.
effective 2 April 1989.
Vargas Museum
U.P. DillMAN
Elsa P. Jurado-appointment 'es Acting Curator, effective 1 July
19B5 until 31 May 1890.
Engineering, College of
Edwin N. Quiros-as Assistant Professor I of Mechanical En-
U.P. LOS BAIllOS gineering, effective 2 April 1989.

Agriculture, College of Marine Science, Institute of •

Ofelia K. Bautista-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Associate Julie M. Macaranas-as Assistant Professor I V, effective 1 June
Professor of Agriculture (Hnrnculturel. effective 1 January 1989 1989.
until 31 December 1989. Maria Helena .T. Yap-as Assistant Professor V' effective. 1 June
Joan F. Jarnles.-eppotntmenr as Diamond Jubilee Professor of· 1989.
Developemnt Communication. effective. 1 January 1989 until 31
December 1989. Mass Communication, College of
Belen M. Rejesus-aplXJintment as Central Bank Diamond Andres G. Sevilla-as Assistant Professor'-III of Communication.
Jubilee Professor of Agriculture (Entomology). effective 1 January effective 1 June -'989.
1989 until 31 December 1989.
Domingo B. Roxas--appointment as Pitiplnas Shell Diamond U.P. MANILA
Jubilee Assistant Profesoor of Agriculture (Animal Science), effec-
tive 1 January 1989 until 31 December 1989. Nursing, Collage of
Priscilla C. Sanchez-reappointment as PNB Djamond-~ubilee
Lourdes C. Aspiras-as Assistant Professor I r effective" 1 April
Associate Professor of Agriculture (Food Science), effective 1
1989. •
. January 1989 until 31 December 1~89.
Araceli O. Balabagno-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1
Ruben L Villareal-reappointment as Abelardo G. Sanionte
April 1989.
Professor of Plant Breeding, effective 1 January 1989 until 31 De-
cember 1989. Public Health, College of
Remigio 0: Mercado-as Professor l, effective 1 June 1989.
Economics, School of
Hideyoshi Sakai-renewal.of appointment as Visiting Research
Associate, effective 1 April 1989 until 30 March 1990.
School of Technology and Emironmental Resources
Economics and Management, College of
Lucita O. De Guzman-as Assistant Professor I of Engineering.
Leodegario M. lIag-renewal of appointment as Department effective 1 June 1989
of Agriculture Associate Professor of Cooperatives, effective_' Nazis C. Dorego-as Assistant Professor I of Engineering, ef-
January 1989 until 31 December 1989, fective 1 June 1989.
Nimal Felix Cecil Ranaweera--renevval of appointment as Visit-
ing Associate Professor of Agricultural Econcmlca and Economics, Computations of Overload Teaching Honoraria
effective.l May 1989 until 31 October 1989. The Board approved the comp.rtatlon of overload teaching
Pedro R. Sandoval-extention of appointment beyond the honoraria as follows:
compulscrv retirement age of 65 as Professor of Agricuttural Eco- As a general rule, research and administrative load shall not be
nomics. effective 30 June 1~89 until 28 December 1989. counted in computing overload teaching. However, research and
administrative load may -be.oounted only under the following
Forestry, College of oonditions:
Tonie O. 8alnague-appointment as Vicente lu Diamond Jubilee a. the average class size handled by the tecnrv member is 36
Assistant Professor of Forestry. etfecttve 1 January 1989 until 31 or higher. On computing average size, enrolment in graduate
December 1989. courses may be multiplied b·y 1.5.);

58 b. the faculty member is teaching at least 6 units per semester;

e. the facutty member's research load does not exceed 3 units . equipment which formerly belonged to the CCHP to the Municipal-
per semester; ityof Bay, Laguna as requested by Mayor Bruno T. Ramos.
d. research which pays honoraria shall not be counted as re-
search load for purposes of oomputing overload honoraria; Clarifiartion on the Guidelines on the Entitlement and Payment
e. administrators who receive honoraria for administrative work' of Representation Allowance and Transportation Allowance
shall not be entitled to overload teaching honoraria. (RATA)
f. the maximum permissible overload for all courses taught in The RATA rates approved by the Board of Regents at its 1016th
all units of the University in the two semesters of an eca- meeting held on September 22, 1988 are maximum allowable rates.
demic veer shall be 12 teaching units, subject to the condi- The Chancellors are authorized to reduce RATA rates depending
tion that no faculty member shall have an overload in excess on the extent of responsibility of the office or position.
of 9 teaching units in any one semester. Any overtoad in
excess of the foregoing shallbe without pay. Additional Matters to be del9glted to Chancellors and to the Presi-
For summer classes, a faculty member may teach no more dent by the Board of Regents
than two subjects and the maximum permissible load is 9 The Board approved the additional matters to be delegated to
teaching units. Any teaching load in excess of the foregoing chancellors and to the President by the Board of. Regents as fol-
shall be without pay. lows:
Chancellors should be authorized to require average class 1. Approval of Constitutions and bv-laws of University and
sizes greater than 36 for purposes of oomputing overload College student councils and their correspndong fees; provid·
teaching credits. ed that fees shall not be increasecl more than once within an
acedernlc year and shall not exceed 100%, and that new
Student Fees fees or revision of existing fees shall not be imposed retroac-
The Board ap'proved the following: tively.
1. Proposed increased in/assessment of student fees 2. Approval of rules governing University and cotleqe student
a. trnposltton of a fine for students who have been publications, as well as their corresporxHng fees; provided
previously absent ~ithout leave (AWOL). The fine that fees shall not be increasecl more than once within an
shall be P225 which is 50% higher than the fee academic year and shall nat exceed 100% and that new
they would have paid if they applied for a LEAVE fees or revision of existing fees shall not be imposed retro-
actively. .
OF ABSENCE (LOAI. The fine shall be applied
once for each contiguous period that the student NOTE: This in effect repeals the authority delegated to the
was on AWOL. ;. President by the Board of Regents during its 1006th'
meeting on November 12, 1987 to approve:
b. Increase in fee for late application for graduation
from P4Q to P100. a. the constitutions and by-laws of university student
e. 10 Photo fees councils, including amendments thereto, and
Polaroid 10 - from P25 to P30 b. the corresponding oouncil fees. including revisions
Non-Polaroid 10 - from P10 to P20
3. Approval of research agreements or contracts entered into by
the Universltv with one or more members of its own staff.
2, Nf!tN laboratory fees effectiveSeoond Semester,1989·1990:
4. Approval of the institution, merqer, revision of abolition of
M.E. 131 - Manufacturing Processes PJOO
M.E. 136 - Machine Tool Operations PJOO non-degree courses or training programs, as well as the fixing
. M.E. 73 - Mechanical Measurement & or revision of their correspond ing fees .
Instrumentation P300 5. Approval of donation to Philippine Government agencies or
M.E. 174 - Mechanical Engineering institutions, of University property other than real estate,
Laboratory PJOO provided the total value does not exceed P50,OOO per donee
M.E.182 Air Conditioning (with per year.
plant visits) P200 6. Fixing and revision of all student fees and fines (e.s.. applica-
M.E.187 Power Plant Engineering II tion fee. athletic fee, certification fee, chanae of matricula-
(with plant visitsl P200 tion fee, comprehensive examination fee. cultural fee, deposit
M.E. 142 - Machine Elements II -P100 fee, dropping fee, entrance examination fee, entrance' fee,
M.E. 122 - Fluid Machinery PIOO - 1.0. fee, graduation fee, late application for graduaHon fee,
Ch.E. 124 - Chemical Engineering Thermo leave of absence fee, library fee and fine, medical fee,
PJOO publication fee, registration fee late registration fee or fine,
removal fee. AWOL fine, transcript of records fee, validation
feel except tuition and laboratory fees subject to the fol-
3. Increase in publication fee of the Manila Collegian from
lowing oonditions:
P24 to P39.
a. The increase shall not be made more than once within an
academic year and shall not exceed 10%; where the ln-.
Waiver of the Administrative Overhead fee on the Research Projects
creases is PlOD or less, the increase may exceed 100%.
under the Sponsorship of the Philippine Council for Advanced
Science and Technology Research lnet Development (PCASTRD) b. New fees or fines and revision of existing fees or fines
The Board approved the waiver of the administrative overhead shall not be imposed retroa.iive1y.
fee on the research projects under the sponsorship of the Philippine c. Any new fee or fine prescribed, or revision of existing fees
_Council for"Advanced Science end Technology Research and Devel- or fines shall be reported at the next meeting of the Board
opment (PCASTROI. of Regents immediately folloWing the approval of the new
fee or fine or revision.
Change in name of the Llames ProfBSlOrial Chair to Ludovico and 7. Approval of the reappointment to a prcfessorja! chair with-
Elizabeth llames Chair in Chemistry out any change in rank and/or honorarium. The President
The Board approved the change in name of the Uames Profes- may also approve the transfer from one chair to another
sorial Chair. in Chemistry to "Ludovioo and Elizabeth L1ames without any gap between the last and the new appointment.
B, Approval of the reappointment to a professorial chair with
Professorial Chair in Chemistry".
the same rank and honorarium as those of the last appoint-
Transfer of Ownership of AddiUonal Equipment of CCHP to the ment.
Municipality of Bay. laguna.
The Board approved the transfer of ownership of additional 59
Revi.ion of the List of Equipment Chargeoble Against the Graduate Board" shall be construed to mean that the Board merely took nota
Education Development Fee Collection of Summer, 1988 and of a maner brought to its attention or submitted for its informa-
First Semest.... 1988-89 tion.
The Board approved the revrsicn of the list of equipment charge-
able against the graduate education development fee collections of Recommendations on the Quezon Laguna Land Grants {QLlGI
summer, 1988 and First Semester, 1988-89, and proposals for The Board approved the recommendations on the Quezon Lagu-
disbursement by the collegesand the UP LB library. na Land Grants (QLLGI
1. Non-renewal of the 5 year management agreement between
Report on the Grllduate EduCl1:lon Development Fee Q:)lIections the Unlversltv and the Netjona! Development Company
for the 'Second Semester, 1988-89 and Proposals for Disbunement 2. 'Transfer of the QLLG's management to the University of
The board approved the report on the Graduate Education the Philippines Los Banos.
Development Fee collections for the second semester, 1988-89 3. Acceptance of the D~R's proposal to organize a composite 4.
and proposals for disbursement by the colleges and the UPLB survey team.
Library. .
ContrBcts entered into by the Chancellor of UP La
The Board confirmed the contracts entered into by the Chancel-
Change of name of the West Visayas Studies Center to Center for lor of UPLB pursuant to the authority delegated to the Chancel-
Welt ViSlYl'" Studies lors of autonomous units:
The Board approved the change of name of the West Visayas a. Architect-Owner Contract between the UPLB and Mr.
Studies Center to Cent. for West Visayan Studies. Mauro Simpliciano for professional services as an architect
for the complete architectural and engineering design for
Memorandum of Agreement wlth the Department of Social Wet- the renovation of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
fare end Development (DSWDI Building, Phase I.
The Board confirmed the memorandum of agreement with b. Memorandum of Agreement between the Education Dev~l.
the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and opment Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF)
the Unlversltv whereby DSWD shall send 14 qualified staff memo Project Management Unit· for Agricuttural Technology'
bers for enrolment as non-degree (with credit] students in six units Education Project (ATEP) and UPLB for the constructionl
of graduate courses offered by the CSWCO (UP) in the summer renovation of a buikting referred to as National Agricultural
term of SV 1988-89. Education University/Department of Agricultural Education
and Rural Studies Building (NAU/DAERS Buik:ling) under
M."orandum of Understanding with the Philippine Tourism the DECS Loan Agreement 884-PHI with the ASEAN Devel-
Authority opment Bank and loan Agreement 451-P.
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding Co Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB. through the
with the Philippine Tourism Authority and the University where- National Azalia Action Program (NAAP) and the Infer-
by the University will render assistance to PTA's projects and national Rice Research Institute to undertake a joint UPLB-
programs. IRRI program for sporulation and hybridization of Azalia.

Sales Agreement with Mannbag, Incorporated Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of UPV
The Beard confirmed the sales agreement with Mannbag, lncor- The Board confirmed the contracts entered into by the Chancel-
porated (seller) and the University (buyer) for the purchase of lor of UPV, pursuant to the authority delegated to the Chancellors
computer equipment and components. of autonomous universities:
a. Memorandum of Agreement between the BFAR's Fisheries
Correction of Figures in the Appropriation of Funds Transferred Scholarship Program and UPV on the Correction, Scoring and
from the UPS Mindanao Program to UP Los Baoos Ranking of Examinees of 8th Fisheries Competitive Februa-
The Board approved the correction of the figures in the appro- ry.
priations of the funds transferred from the UPS Mindanao Pro- b. Memorandum of Agreement between the 3rd Signal Long
gram to UP Los Banos in the amount of P50,OOO. Lines Battalion, Communication, Electronics Services Armed
Forces of the Philippines 13 SLL8N, CESAFPI and UPV
Amendment of the Definition of unotation" by the Board to conduct the training of Trainers for the Communications
The Board approved the amendment of the definition of "nota- Electronics Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines-
tion" by the Board adopted at the 815th meeting on December 16, Cebu on April24 to 27.
1971 such that the term "notation by the Board" or "noted by the c. School Agreement between the Pacific Plans. Inc. {PPII and
.UPV (School) for the enrolment of PPl's qualified scholars.


.sa ..

ADIIIINISTRATIVE ORDERS In my absence due to my official trip to Hawaii to attend the
Pacific-Asia University Presidents' Symposium on Internationalizing
26 April 1989 Higher Education, I am designating you as Officer-in-Charge of the
University of the Philippines, effective 6 to 11 June 1989.
TO; Professor Oscar M. Alfonso President
.. Vice-President for Public Affairs
SUBJECT: Designation as Officer-in-Charpe MEMORANDA
University of the Philippines
26 Apr;11989
You are hereby designated Officer-in-Charge of the University,
effective 28 April 1989 until my return from my- official trip to MEMORI\NDUM NO. 22
TO: All Chancellors
. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA All Vice-Chancellors for Academic Affairs Deans of
President Students/Vice·Chancellor for Student Affairs
Scholarships/Financial Assistance Office
SUBJECT: Clarification on STFAP Academic Requirements
work-sruov Program

5 May 1989 1. Passing 75% of courses enrolled in is a requirement to enjoy

STFAP benefit~ as specified. for income brackets 1 to 8 by the
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 16 Board of Regents at its 1019th meeting (3 March 19891. However,
should one pass less than 75% but more than 60% of courses en-
TO: Prof. Felipe M. Medalla rolled in:
Vice-President for Planning and Finance
S\:JBJECT: Designation as Officer-in-Charge
University of the Philippines
a. if in income brackets 1-4, one may apply for 100% tui- •
tion subsidy:
b. if in income bracket 5, one -mav apply for 75% tuition
You are- hereby designated Officer-in-Charge of the University subsidy; -;
effective 8 May 1989 until my return from my official trip to the c. if in income bracket 6, one may apply for 50%tuition
United States to attend the Pacific Rim University Presidents' subsidy; or
d. if !" income bracket 7, one may apply for 25% tuition

ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA 2, In regard to Le., because the -student has academic diffi-
Preskient culties, he/she shall not be required to participate In-the work-study
In regard to t.b to l.d, the student to begin with has not been
required to participate in the work-study proqram.l
5 June 1989
3. Freshmen. however, who have financially qualified for
a. should receive those benefits for at least two semesters,
TO: Professor Gamino H. Abad for so long as they are enrolled (note, however, that
Vice-President for Academic Affairs the freshmen's second-semester performance is used to
SUBJECT: Designation as Officer-in-Charge of the University determine his status for purposes of No. 1 above.l:
b. are not required to participate in the wcrk-studv program.



LETTERS 26 April 1989
Her Excellency Coramn A. Aquino
Mr. Antonio O. Cojuangco President of the Republic of the Philippines
MalacaFiang, Manila
Philippine Long Distance Company
Ramon Cojuangco Bldg. Through - Channels
Makati Avenue
Dear Mrs. President:

I have the honer to transmit the Budget Proposal of the Univer·

Dear Mr. Ccjuangcc:
sity of the Philippines for 1990.
Knowing the financial constraints on the National Government
I have the honor to request the seconclment of Atty. Melvyn
at this time, we have tried to trim our request to the bare minimum
Martin to the University of the Philippines effective 1 May 1989
which we believe is required to enable the University of the Philip-
for a period of one year, to allow him to assume the position of
pines to achieve its main functions in teaching, research and exten-
Vice-President for Development. I n this ceoecltv," Atty. Martin
sion service (including, but not certainly limited to, providing health
shall be responsible to the UP President for the planning, super-
care of U.P.-PGHI. We hope the Government will continue to
vision. coordination. and monitoring of University activities 000'-
fully support U.P. as the premier state university of the country.
cerned with generating resources from Individuals, the private and
We would like to express our gratitue for your continued suppq
non-governmental sectors.
Atty. Martin's compensation as Vice-President for Develop- of the University of the Philippines.
ment shall be at Pl,oo per annum.
In the 80 year's of UP.s existence. this is the first time that it Sincrely yours,
will have a Vice-President .responslble for this important role of
augmenting its resources from private individuals and from the ISgd.l JOSS V. ABUEVA

.. private and non-governmental sectors. The University would be

most grateful to the PLOT for -its contribution to the growth and
strengthening of its programs of teaching, training, research and

extension services for the direct beneth of our people.

26 April 1989
Thank you.
Ref. No. JVA-89-154
President Mr. L.P. Hontiveros
Chairman of the Board
J. Walter Thompson Company
Aamon Magsaysay Center
25 April. 1989 1680 Aoxas Sou levard
Man i t a

Engr. Delfin L. Lazaro Dear Lenny,
Benguet Corporation
12 San Miguel Avenue This will oonfirm our exploration with you, through Mr. Pro-
Maridaluyong, Metro Manila ceso Ramos, regarding the proposed creation of a permanent endow·
ment for the Leon P. Hcntlveros Professorial Chair at the uower-
Dear Engr. Lazaro: sltv of the Philippines, in the minimum amount of P240,OOO.OO,
and which will "honor in perpetuity your creative and humane
We are pleased to send you a copy of your appointment as leadership in advertising and public relations.
member of the Board of Regents of the University of the Philip- The creation of this Professorial Chair, I feel, is very timely
pines, which was signed by President Corazon C. Aquino on April since you are soon to retire after long years of fruitful and fulfill-
7, 1989. As indicated in said appointment, your term begins on ing service in your profession and as Chairman of the Board of
1 May 1989. In accordance with Executive Order No. 204·A dated Directors of J. Walter Thompson Company .

15 July 1987 anc:l signed by President Aquino, your term expires We hope to formally announce the new Professorial Chair and
on 3) April 1991. hold the turn-over ceremonies in the morning of June 28, 1989 at
~ We look forward to working with you in the service of the my Office in Oiliman, to colncsfe with your birthday.
e.::l University. The next meeting of the Board is set for May 25, during
which your oath-taking will take place.
We shall be pleased to have with us members of your family,
the officers of J~ Walter Thompson Company and your close friends
z. Congratulationsl to witness this important occasion.
Please accept my deep appreciation of your support to the

Very tru Iy yours, pursuance of academic excellence and service in the University.

e'::l" ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA Sincerely yours,


27 Abril 1989 28 April 1989

Ref. No. JVA.lJ9·158 Ms. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas

G. Joselito L. Endeno Civil Service Commission
EL SELF ENC & CONT. Constitution Hills
P.O. Box 2774 Dillman, Quezon City
. Riyadh - 11461
K.S.A. Dear Chairman Sto. Tomas:

Ginoong Endeno: Thank you for your letter of 7 April 1989 requesting that I
nominate 6 qualified U.P. personnel to act as special examiners
Natanggap ko ang inyong sulat at -akoy'y nagagalak sa inyong in the. English language and in Mathematics. We are oonsulting
pahayag n9 peqsuporta sa paqqamlt n9 Filipino di lamang sa Uni· with the appropriate officials in the University who will be in touch
bersidad ng Pilipinas kundi sa pangkalahatan. with Ms. Dolores B. Bonifacio of your office.
Tunay na nakakalungkot isipin na marami pa rin sa ating mga With best wishes at rnabuhavr
kababavan ang hindi sumasang-ayon sa paqpapaunled at paggamit 09
Filipino. Marahil tayong mga naniniwala sa kapangyarihan at takas Sincerely yours,
09 sariling wika ay siyang dapat na tumulong meqhatid sa atinq
bavan sa matiwasay at maunlad na bukas, sa pamamagitan 09 ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA
paggamit at patuloy na pagpapaunlad 09 Filipino. President
Nels ko kayong batlln sampu 09 inyong mqa kasama divan sa
Gitnang Silangan na nagpapamalas 09 tetaq 09 loob at nagpapakita

, ng pagmamalasakit sa haven.

Muti. ang aking pagbati at pagpupugay sa inyol 28 April 1989

Sumasainyo, Cong. Michael O. Mastura
House of Representatives
ILagdaJ JOSE V. ABUEVA Congress of the Philippines
Pangulo Constitutional Hills

Dear Congressman Mastura:

Thank you f'tr sending me a copy of the proposal which you

28 April 1989
have filed as House Bill No. 23664, "The Independent Local Om-
budsman Act of the Philippines."
Mr. Virgilio L. Pena
I would be honored toheve my name included, as you suggest
Office of the President & General Manager
in your letter. among the resource persons you are inviting to
IBM Philippines, Incorporated
future Committee meetings at the House of Representatives.
1BM Bldg., 8757 Paseo de Roxas
r shall be happy likewise to send you later, my comments on
Makati, Metro Manila 1200
the bill. .
Dr. Mr. Pena:
Mea~hile, I send you my warmest regards and best wishes.

Sincerely yours,
This has reference to your letter to me dated 13 April 1989
regarding the IBM Science and Technology Award. •
This is. as you say, the country's most prestigious science award.

. .
Its biennial conferment upon a resident Filipino scientist for signi·
ficant contribution to science and technology is indeed most wei·

I feel honored to be invited to be a member of the Board of

28 April 1989
Judges. I look forward to participating in the Board's deliberations
and selection process.
With all good wishes. The Honorable
Secretary Guillermo N. Carague
Sincerely yours, Deparment of Budget and Management
President Dear Secretary Carague:

In accordance with Section 5.8 of the Joint DBM-CSC Circular

Letter No. 88·1 dated 12 December 1988, the University of the
Philippines is requesting the retention of items of the personnel who
opted to retire under the Early Retirement Act. Of the total 332
retirees, the University is requesting the retention of 216 items.
The 'summary of the justifications for the retention of lterns bv
constituent universities are attached herewith.

, Sincrely yours,


28 April 1989 3 May 1989

The Committee on Trade and Industry Mrs. Ramer:liosA. Villamor

House of Representatives 509 Queen Anne Drive
Room 5.10, South Wing, Batasang Pambansa Complex Feb-less Hills,.PA 19030
Quezon City U.S.A.

Attention: MR. EDMUND V. RUARO, Committee Secretary , Dear Mrs. Villamor:

SUBJECT: House Bill No. 1672 entitled: "An act directing the This is in response to your March 26, 1989 appeal in behalf of
Board of Trustees of the University of the Philippines your daughter Cynthia for an extension of her residence in the
M.S. Food Science program at the College of Home Economics.
to set aside two hectare idle land at the corner of
Background information pertinent to your appeal were submit-
U.P. avenue and Marcos highway for the national
ted by the Chancellor of V.P. Oiliman for my consideration. These
offices, dormitory and display center for farmers,
included the 15 March 1988 letter of the Dean of the College of
fishermen, workers, drivers and other sectoral groups".
Home Economics to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Gentlemen: rommenting on Cynthia's request for a third extension of her real-
dence and the latter's reply to your daughter on 24 March 1988.
In response to your request for the University's official position Copies of both letters are attached.
on House Bill No. 1672, authored by Congressman Benajmin V. Please be informed that on the basis of the facts presented
Bautista Sr., the University wishes to invite your attention to the to me, I have sustained the position of t_he College of Home Eco-
following ccsent considerations: nomics and the Chancellor not to extend your daughter's residence.
As much as possible, we give our students the support and
1. Under the University's 1984 Land Use Plan, the area sought encouragement they need to be able to complete their studies.
to be segregated under the Bill tias already been earmarked In the present case, however, there is a rule.we have to abide by. •
for development as part of the University's Commercial We hope you witl understand. ..
Complex, which, it is hoped, will provide much needed addi-
. tional income to augment the University's insufflenct appro- Very tru Iy yours,
priation from the National Government.
As is already know, the University volunteered the Basi- ISgd.) OSCAR M. ALFONSO
Ian land Grant, one of its income generating properties, to -Officer-in-Charqe
the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. The U.P.'
therefore needs to find alternative sources of income to 1----------------------------1
maintain basic operations. We hope to finalize plans for the
proposed Commercial Complex, extending from the PHI L- 4 May 1989
eOA to the Asian Institute of Tourism, toward the fourth
quarter of the current year, and to start construction of the Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabujara
Complex by early 1990.
2. The site is currently being developed as a Wet and qry Dear Chancellor Tabujara:
Market which will accommodate some 121 vendors present-
ly occupying along University Avenue. This latter area, on As we agreed during our meeting on 2 March 1989, I wish to
the other-hand, will be the site of a drugstore, bookstore and appoint you as member of the U.P. Advisory Committee on the
fast food center. Development of-Universitv Commercial areas.
The Committee shall advise the U.P. President on:
It will be recalled that the 49J.hectare campus in Oilimen [Ll Location and area of land parcels in the U,P. Dillman earn- •
was conveyed by the National Government to the University in pus which should be earmarked for commercial devel-
1949 exclusively to serve the latter's educational mission. Since opment;
then, each and every developmental plan for the area, and the cons- . (bl Guidelines regarding the timing, financing, and manage-
truetion of structures thereon, have had a specific purpose arid ment of commercial development projects;
linkage to the mission of the University. Ie) Physical and conceptual plans for each parcel that is ear-
The foregoing considerations, vital not only to the University marked for commercial development;
itself and its mission but also to its several publics. argue strongly (d) Choice of private partners/lessees in cases where the Uni-
for keeping the UP's property whole and intact, for the continued versity decides to enter into joint ventures/contracts with
and unhampered discharge of the University's bounden respon- private developers;
sibilities. (e) Terms, oondition, restrictions and specifications governing
• With all good wishes. development, contracts or joint ventures;
• (1) Conduct of bidding/negotiations with private developers;
Sincrely yours, and
(gl Other matters-and issues related to commercial develop-
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA mentot land in U.P. Oiliman.
President Thank you for agreeing to share some of your time and expert-
ise with the University through this Committee.
We shall be caliing on you again for a follow-up meeting.
With best regards,

Sincerely yours,


< President'

64 •
5 May. 1989 5 May 1989

Or. Won Sui Lee: , Dr. Voung-Jin Urn

President President
Han Nam University Jeonju University
133 Ojung Dong 3 GA 1200 Hvoja-Donq Jeonju
Taejon 300·791 Jeonrabukdo, Korea
Dear President Um:
Dear President Won SuI Lee:
Thank you for your very kind letter and invitation and offer
Thank you kindly for your two letters expressing your very of assistance to make possible my visit- with you and Jeonju Uni-
kind thoughts about your visit with U5 and the recent visit of versity:
Dean Ajit Singh Rye with you. For my part. I would very much Regrettably, I shall be unable to leave our University at the time
like to be a~le to visit you and Han Nam University sometime in" of your 25th Anniversary. I do wish, however, to send you the
the near future. perhaps on the occasion of my trip to Japan hope- best wishes of the University of the Philippines on this happy and
fully· in the spring of 1990. memorable milestone and celebration.
We remember with great pleasure our meeting- here at the Uni-
versity of the Philippines. Under separate cover I am sending you Sincerely yours,
a copy of my report on the University. f
With best wishes. {Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
Sincerely yours,


5 May 1989

Dr. Kazuo Takamatsu

5 May 1989
Soka University
1-236 Tanql-cho, Hachioji
Prof. Dr. Hab. Nguyen An Tokyo 192, Japan
University of Hanoi Dear President Takamatsu:
Dongda, Hanoi
Vietnam I am delighted to hear from you aOO to recieve your very kind
Dear Mr. Rector: Thank you for receiving our professors (Prof. Ajlt Singh Rye and
I - Prof. L.E. Bauzon) in your University. While I have not heard from
Thank you, again, for your very kind attention, assistance and Prof. Glenn Paige recentlY,1 shall be visiting Honolulu in June and
hospitality during our visit with you and your colleagues at the hope to get in touch with him.
University of Hanoi. We learned a great deal about your scholarly I am very grateful for the honor of your invitation to me,
concerns and interests and how our universities can help each other Mrs. Abueva, and a third person to visit Soka University. It is with
to realize our shared objectives. humility that I receive the news of your desire to confer upon me an
Our trip to Hanoi. our very first, was most enlightening and honorary deg'r-ee. However, it does not seem possible for me to go
memorable. It confirmed our expectation that, indeed, Filipinos to Japan until perhaps the Spring of 1990. I certainly will get in
have much to learn from your culture, history and experience.
touch with your directly as well as through Mr. Niitsu.
We shall do our best to implement our nevv Memorandum of
I also wish you continuing good health and fulfillment as
Agreement following its approval by our Board of Heqents.Iater
President of Soka University_
this month (about May 25)- in accordance with our University
With best wishes.
Charter. We foresee the approval inasmuch as the Board knew about
our scheduled visit to Hanoi and the importance of the agreement
Sincerely yours,
of cooperation.
Very soon, Vfca-Presldent Gemioo H. Abad will send you the
invitation for a professor, in the University of Hanoi to Attend
the Third I nternetlonal Conference on Philippine Studies to be held
in our University in the middle of July 1989. We are seeking out-
side assistance for his or her travel expenses to Manila and return
to Hanoi. Our University will take care of the professor's board and
• 17 May 1989
lodging and transportation in the Philippines.
With warm regards. Dr. Raynatdo V. Guioguio
Associate Professor
Sincerely yours,
College of Mass Communication
Dear Dr. Guioguio:

This is in connection with your letter to Presdlent Abueva dated

9 April 1989 regarding Science and Technology Parks. We are
pleased to inform you that the U.P. Diliman staff has been ~nduet­

. .
iog a feasibility study on a Science and Technology Park In U.P. 65
DlIimim. In fact. in September 1987, an initial study was corduet-
25 Mav 1989
ed bV a team headed bV Dean Ruben A. Garcia of the College of
Engineering and members from the National Engineering Center
Han. Solita C. Monsod
"and the Institute for Small-Scale I ndustrfes. The study wads funded
Secretary, Eronomic Planning
by the National Research Council of the Philippines (now Philippine
and Director General
National Science Society), The study concluded that the setting National Economic Development Authority
up of a Science and Technology Park in the U.P. Oiliman Campus Amber Avenue, Pasig, Metro Manila
has good prospects. The feedback from respondents ~ming from
the industry sector was very encouragIng, Hence, the PNSS has Dear Secretary Monsod:
approved a follow-up study for the. preparation of plans for design-
".:Jol ing and developing the organizational and operating details of the I am strongly. endorsing to your' go'ad Office the recommenda-
.,. technology park and for putting up pilot projects .(please see tion 'of the UP-PGH Medical Center to avail itself of the Spanish
attached brochure). loan to purchase medical equipment. The loan offer from the
-As a resuh. a Technopark Office will be created very soon under ...spanish Government is an excellent opportunity for UP-PGH to
the U.P. Diliman Chancellor with an advisory committee composed complete its equipment and facilities.
of the heads of College of Engineering, College of Business Adminis- I should, however, like to stress that the University does not
tration, National Enginering Center and Institute for Small-Scale have the resources to service the .loan and pay customs duties and
~ndustries with the Chancellor as Chairman. This committee will
taxes on the equipment. The University would not be ableto avail
crescrjoe policies and procedures for the Park's operation. The ini- itself of the Spanish loan unless:
tial operations of the Park will start using existing facilitles in the a. It is authorized to' include debt service in its future budgets;
College of Enginering, aOO possibly also the College of Science.
We welcome your valuable suggestions and possible partlei- b. It is granted exemption from customs duties and taxes in
pation in this project. the importation of medical equipment (or deferment of
payment so that it can include the duties and taxes in its
Very truly yours,
1991 budget request).
I would therefore also like to request NEDA's endorsement
of (al and (b) above to the Department of Budget andManaqe-
ment and the Department of Financ-e.
With warm regards.

Very tru Iy yo urs,

25 Mav 1989
Honorable Solita C. Monsod President
Secretary, Economic Planning
and Director General
National Economic Development Authority. Mav 9.1989
Metro Manila
Honorable Francisco I. Chavez
Dear Secretary Monsod:
Solicitor General
Office of the Solicitor General
We are gladd that the Government of the Netherlands is con-
Makati, Metro-Manila
sidering the University of the Philippines as one of the inStitutions
in the Philippines that will collaborate with the Netherlands Insti-
Subject: Civil Case no 174-8-R before the RegiOnal Trial COurt,
tute of Management (RVP) under the Dutch Direct Aid to Educa- First Judicial Region, Branch 6, Baguio City entitled:
tional Establishment Program, in a project called Masters Program U.P. College Baquio High School Foundation, Inc., Etc.
in Enterprise Development. versus The University of the Philippines, et al.
However, the UP. Institute for ...S rnauScale Industries, (UP-


ISS!), despite its strenghts, is not 51 degree-granting unit. And
based on my discussion with officials of U.P. and U.P. Diliman, the
UP-ISSI will not be converted into a degree-granting unit in the
Dear Solicitor General Chavez:

The U.P. Board .ot Regents, during its meeting on January

<ll foreseeable future.
c We would therefore like to continue discussion with the Nether:
23 1989, decidecl to phase out the U.P. College Baguio High School
{UPCB-HSI. This decision was.made after consultations with the
lands Embassy regarding the project but would also like to stress different sectors involved in the eftalrsot the UPCB-HS.
the 'need for the participation ill the project of a degree-granting On May 25, 1989, the U.P. College Bequio High School Founda-
unit in U.P. Dillman (like the College of Business Adminlstre- tion, Inc., among others. filed a Petition for Injunction with the

tjonl. Regional Trial Court of Bapuio City, enjoining the implementation
Thank you again for your support.
...III of the decision to phase out. The Court issued a Temporary Res-
training Order on the same day and set the hearing on the epplica-

Very truly yours, for Preliminary Injunction on June 1, 1989 at 8:30a.m.
. We intend to bring this matter immediately to the Supreme
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Court; as the Order of the Regional Trial Court violates the acade-
President mic freedom of the University aside, of course, from nullifying
the best int~ntions of the University in decidlng to phase out the
high school program in Baguio City.
III We find a parallel case in the government's closure of the
E Muslim-Christian College of Medicine Foundation in Antipoto,

Rizal, which was reported in todav's papers as being the subject of
a Petition filed by the Office of the Solicitor General with the
Supreme Court seeking to dissolve an RTC 'injunction that stopped
66 the lmplementatlcn of the closure of that medical school. ~
May I, therefore, request the services of your office, to act We are also looking into alternatives for shipping the materials
as counsel for the University in the appropriate Petition to be filed to the Philippines so that we do not incurtoe much freight and tax
with the Supreme Court. The Office of Legal Services, through charges. We shall let you know the details as soon as possible.
Attorneys Elpidio M. Catungal and Jhosep Y.lopezwill coordinate We are truly grateful tor your kind offer of assistance and hope
this case for the University. you will continue to support the University' in all its endavors.
Attached are documents pertinent to the case. Please extend to our alumni our standing invitation for them to
Thank you, and best wishes. pass by UP anytime they would have the opportunity to visit the
Very truly yours, Best regards.

(Sgd.J JOSE V. ABU EVA Very truly yours,

(sg.;,.l JOSE V. ABUEVA

2 June 1989

Mr. Cetso S. Canonigo

Chief, Urban Settlements Coordinator
5 June 1989
Urban Poor Affairs Office
Or. Vicente Limcaoco
Office of the Mayor
Executive Director
Quezon City
Friends of UP Foundation in America
P.O. Box 1165
Dear MI'. Canonigo:
439 Longcroft Road
Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
This reference to your endorsement of April 25,1989 regarding
he letter-request of the residents of Sitio Lambak that the Univer-
ity of the Philippines donate to them about three (3) hectares of
Dear Dr. Limcaoco:
land which they are presently occupying, :
The aforesaid request of the residents of Sitlo Lambak cannot
I just received the May 24, 1989 letter of Mr. Charles Clarkson,
be likened to the intended do nat ionof 15.8 hectares to the residents
Secretary of Reginald F. Lewis Foundation', Inc. concerning the
of Barangay Krus-na-Ligas. The Sitio Lambak occupants are squat-
unoonditional disposition of the 5100,000.00 donation of the Foun-
ters unlike the residents of Krus-na-Liqas many of whom have
dation. Thank you for vour.assistance in this transaction.
long been residing in the barrio before the establishment
. ,
of the
This is also to inquire if there are other documentary require-
University in Diliman, Quezon City. .
ments that FUPFA needs in order to be able to transmit the dona-
Furthermore, the length of occupancy by the residents of
tion to the U.P. Foundation. Inc. Please let me know. Ms. Imelda
sure Lambak will not qualify them under the Urban Land Reform
Nicolas, the sister of Mrs. Reginald Lewis, informed us that Mr.
Act. It must be stressed that said Act applies only to legitimate
Reginald Lewis will be visiting Manila sornetine in June. This
tenants. The Sitio Lambak resfdentsare definitely not tenants of
Reginald Lewis will be visiting Manila some time in June. This"
the University of the Philippines.
would be an appropriate time to inform him .ebout the awardees
Please be advised therefore that the University cannot agree
of the grant, thus the urgency of this letter.
to a possible donation of that part of the University property to
Best personal regards an thanks.
the squatter residents in Sitio Lambak.

Sincerely yours;
Very truly yours,



05 June 1989 6 June 1989

Mr. Rafael S. Francia Honorable Ceferino L. Follosco

572 Sylvan Place Secretary
Haworth, NetJV Jersey 1764~ Department of Science and Technology
U.S.A. Bicutan, Taguig ..
Metro Manila
Dear Piling:
Dear Sacretarv Follosco;
Thank you very much for your letter of April 12. It was
good to hear from you and to know of the Upsilon Sig"'!a Phi's I have the honor to recommend the Chancellor of UP DHiman as
and Sigma Delta Phi's desire to help the University get books, a member ex-officio of the International Association of Traffic and
periodicals and visual aids from the States. Safety Sciences OATSS) Forum Philippine Committee. The
The University has always had difficulty updating its collections incumbent Chancellor is Dr. ErnestO G. Tabujara.
because of budgetary constraints. Th~s, any offer of assistance With warmest best regards.
towards updating and upgrading collections is most certainly wel-
come. Sincerely yours,
I have attached hereto a standard Deed of Acceptance form and
a partial list of books and audio-visual materials which the faculty (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
have recommended fo~ acquisltlon. The materials will accordinly President
be identified as donations from the Upsllom Sigma Phi and Sigma
Delta Phi Alumni New York Chapter. 67
6 June 1989 6 June 1989

Prof. Guy Neave Dr. V'ivien "M. Talisayon

Editor. Higher Education Policy ISM E D
cia DICE UP Diliman
London University Institute of Education Dear Or. Talisavon:
20, Bedford Way
GB London WC1H OAL It makes the UP President's day, any old time, when one of its
very own receives a prestigious award.
Dear Professor Neave: The TOWNS awared comes to you so deservingtv, laudatory of
what you do in UP. for UP. '
I apologize for this late response to your kind letter of 15 In a sense, it is also UP's award, as certainly it is yours.
March asking for possible contributors to your publication Higher For both reasons, I feel happy.
Education Policy.
I would like to suggest the following names: Sincerely yours,

1. Secretary Lourdes R. Ouisumbinq ISgd.l JOSE V, ABUEVA

Secretary. Department of Education, Culture and Sports President
Chairman, Board of R~ents of the University of the
Palacio del Gobernador
1ntramuros, Manila
6 June 1989
2. Dr. Josefina Cortes
Prof. Aurora G. del Rosario
Professor, College of Education
College of Agriculture
Uni versnv of the Philippines
Dillman, Quezon City
UP Los Banos
College, Laguna
3. Dr. Priscila S. Manalang
Dear Professor del Rosario:
Professor, College of Education
University of the Philippines
There is this thing about awards, and that is whether the award
Dilfrnan, Quezon City
honors the awardee. or the awardee the award.
It is. in your case, both.
4. Professor Vic Ordonez
Which makes us in UP very happy, as I am, that you are TOWNS
Chairman, Board of Higher Education
awardee. Happy, ,too, that you are in UP's rolls not just for the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports
Palacio del Gobernador listing but for the achieving. ...
Intramuros, Manila With all good wishes..
5. Fr. Joaquin Bernas. S.J. Sincerely•yours,
A teneo University
Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights
Quezon City
6. Bro. Andrew Gonzales
President 6 June 1989
De La Salle University
Taft Avenue, Manila Prof. Cecilia Lim-Lazaro
Philippines College of Mass Communication
UP Diliman
Under separate cover, I am sending you a copy of "a paper that
will present at the Pacific-Asian University Presidents Symposium Dear Che Che.
which will be held on H~nolulu. Hawaii from June 7 to June 9.
I hope I have been of help.
Being part of UP and at its helm has its challenging" moments.
With warm best regards, But it has its pleasures also.

--- Sincerely yours,

It is pleasure unceasing that you are one of The Outstanding
Women in the Nation's Service, referring to the TOWNS Award
but more to the fact of your being truly outstanding.
I should say congratulations, but that would seem dilutfve of
an award genuinely deserved. Let me be happy for UP instead, that
it has you in its service unstlntlnqlv.
With appreciation of all you do for UP.

Sincerely yours,

(Sgd.l JOSE v. ABU EVA


6 June 1989 The concep~ of "Open College/University" is laudable. It will
afford opportunity to those denied access to the formal system of
Dr. Evelyn Mae Mendoza higher education because of poverty. It will thus promote equity
UP Los Banos and equality of opportunity for all especially the poor.
College, Laguna However, there are SOme features of the bill which need close
Dear Dr. Mendoza:
1. Under Section 3(a), all instttutions of higher learning are
It is welcome to know there's The Outstanding Women in the included and under Section 4 "the governing body of an institution
Nation's Service award. As prestigious recognition of achievements of higher learning" xxx "shall create a mechanism for an open svs-
that truly stand out. As in your case certainly, it is entirely de- tern of post secondary education." (Underscoring suppliedl.
I feel happy for UP, as I feel happy for you. It would seem that the concept of open college/university is
compulsory for all institutions of higher learning. While Congress
Sincerely vcurs. has plenary power to legislate on any subject matter net prohibited
under the Constitution, the compulsory nature of this system would
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA violate the concept of academic freedom enshrined in the Consti-
President tution which recognizes the right of institutions of higher learning
to determine for themselves on academic grounds what to teach,
who to teach, who to be taught, and how to teach. There is also the
matter of academic and financial capability.

8 June 1989 To remedy the constitutional question, it is recommended that

this concept of "Open College/University" be recommendatory
P. Van Leeuwen for all colleges and universities, leaving it to them to decide whether
Counsellor to venture on it or not.
Royal Netherlands Embassy Atthough academic freedom is not guaranteed to post-secondary
9th Floor, Kings Court Bldg. but pre-tertiary institutions like the Marikina Institute of Science
Pasong Tamo, Makati and Technology, this concept of open tertiary education should also
Metro Manila be made voluntary or optional for them; for the idea to succeed in
operation, these institutes should receive adequate aid and support
Dear Counsellor" Leeuwen: for the government.

We are glad that the Government of the Netherlands is con- 2. Section 6(b), provides that "the D ECS and/or the institutions
sidering the University of tthe Philippines as one of the lnstitutlcns concerned shall develop and implement a mechanism to monitor the
in the Phillpplnes that will coordinate with the Netherlands lnsti- academic progress of students in these institutions." (Underscoring
tute of Maneqement (RVP) under the Dutch Direct Aid to Educa- supplied).
tional Establishment Program, in a project called Masters Program
in Enterprise Development. . Under the principle of acadmic freedom of all institutions
However, the U.P, Institute for Small Scale Industries (UP· of higher learning, the DECS cannot monitor the academic progress
ISSI). despite its strenghts, is not a degree-granting unit. Based on of students of these institutions. That belongs to the Board of
President Abueva's discussion with officials of U.P. and If.P. Dill- Trustees or Regents. The DECS can monitor, however, the progress
man, the UP·ISSI will not be converted into a degree-granting of students in post-secondary but pre-tertiary institutions since
unit in the foreseeable future. these are not autonomous chartered institutions.
We would therefore like to continue discussion with the Nether-

lands Embassy regarding the project but would also like to stress 3. Under Section 6 tel. the DECS shall draft the necessary
the need for the partfclpatfonln the project of a degree-granting guidelines for an efficient accreditation system covering the curri-
unit in U.P. DHiman {like the College of Business Administrationl. cula of the open university system.
Secretary Solita Monsod of NEDA has also been informed about
Thank you again for your support. Again, this subsection violates the academic freedom of insti-
tutions of higher learning guaranteeed by. the Constitution to
Very truly yours, determine on academic grounds what to teach. Likewise, it violates
the principle that accreditation must be voluntary; it can not and
(Sgd,1 GEMINO H. ABAO must not be imposed. Mutual credit or trust cannot be imposed;
Officer-in-Charge it is earned.
In concltrslon, Senate. Bill 495 is laudable in its Intent to provide
equity and equality of opportunity for all especially the poor. It is
in line with the principle that "those who have less in life must have
13 June 1989 more in the law. ' However, the validity of an idea must be tested
not only by its good intentions but also by its effect when put into
Han. Senator Sotero H. Laurel actual operation. It will clash with the constitutional right to ace-
Senate of the Philippines demic freedom of lnstltutions of higher learning.
Third Floor, Ccjuanqco Building It is recommended therefore:
Intramuros, Manila 1000
1, That the concept of "Open College/University" be recom-
Dear Senator Laurel: mendatory/optional or discrettcnarv only, for institutions of higher
learning which are guaranteed .academic freedom. In other words,
Your Head of Research Mr. J. Prospera de Vera sent us a letter they shall be encouraged rather than mandated to adopt the system
( dated March "31, 1989 requesting our COmments on Senate Bill 495 of "Open College/University."
seeking to create a mechanism for an open system of higher educa- 2. That is shall likewise be recommendatory for all post-second-
tion in the Philippines. dary but pre·tertiary educational institutions.

3. That the OECS should not monitor the progress of students faculty and of keeping our faculty, in light of our rapid turnover
enrolled under this sshceme in institutions of higher learning in line of faculty who leave us for more remunerating jobs. By allowing
with their oonstitutional right to academic freedom. - our faculty to accept consultancies andviaitinq professorships under
4. That the DECS ought not promulgate guidelines for the certain conditions, we are able to retain facutty members and
accreditation of the curricula of the open tertiary education system counteract the brain drain in UP to some degree.
in institutions of highedearning opting to offer this scheme.mind- We are particularly glad to know that the Commission will
ful again of academic freedom. It can promulgate guidelines for leave the implementation on the Circular to the good judgment
post-secondary but pre-tertiary educational institutions since they of the head of agency. We wish to assure you thatthe Circular will .
are directly under its [urfsdictjon. be implemented in the true spirit articulated by the Commission.
We extend to you our very best wishes and assurances of our
I would {ike to thank you for consulting with us on this vital deep esteem.
educational innovation and issue.
Sincerely yours,
Sincerely yours,
(Sgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA President

19 June 1989
13June 1989
Dr. RogelkJ O. Juliano
Dr. Bishir A. Malik Chancellor
Member lnt"l. People's Committee on UP Visayas
Oathaf Prize on Human Hiqhts , Iloilo _City
OVA Box 232
Dasmarinas, Makati Dear Chancellor Juliano:
Metro Manila
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of resignation dated April
Dear Dr. Malik: 24, 1989 as Chancellor of UP Visa'!as.

I am honored to be invited by the International People's Com- As I accept your resignation, let me say that I feel privileged to
mittee for the Gaddafi Prize (on Human Rights) to become a have worked with out for the past twenty months. I acknowledge
member of its Advisory Board. with gratitude your cooperation and advice in the many decisions
Regrettably, however, I must decline this honor, because my that we hed to make. For and on behalf of the University, I send
duties not only as President of U.P. but also as a regular member you our best wishes for a fruitful stint with ICLARM.
ex-officio of many other boards reave me hardly any time for my I wish you further success and God's blessings. .:
scholarly work. Indeed, my responsibilities are so demanding
that I have to turn down a number of requests for my participation Sincerely yours,
in more and more worthy endeavors.
Please be assured that herein the University we have an abiding iSgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
interest in your country and the work of your national leader, President
Colonel Moammar AI Oeddafl.
With assurances of my highest esteem.

Sincerely yours, 20 June 1989


Ms. C~ile Guidotg..Alvarez
President fJ 1 Don Victorino Street
Don Antonio Heights
Quezon Cltv

19 June 1989 Dear Cecile,

Chairman Patricia Sto. Tomas The best thing about awards is when they are richly deserved
Civil Service Commission obviously.
The worst thing ~out them is when the truly deserving do not
Dear Chairman Sto. Tomas: get them. --
The best thing has happened. You are TOWNS awardee .
In behalf of the University, I most sincerely thank you for taking .Congratulations, for making it an easy choice for 'the' judges
time out of your busy schedule to speak before us during the in the Theater category. '
Alumni Councl! meeting held on June 16, 1989. With cordial regards.
It was most kind of you to clarify the reasons for the issuance
. of Memorandum Circular No. 15 dated Mate 2,1989. Here at the Sincerely_ yours,
University, we allow, on a limtted basis, our faculty 'members to go
on consultancy locally and on oonsultancy or'visiting professorship ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
abroad. We view such activity as a way of enriching further our President
faculty's knowledge and experience, thereby making them more
effectlvewhsn they go back to the classroom. We also consider it
a recognition of their competence and prestige. Moreoever, we have
70 a serious problem of" attracting promising young scholars to the

21 June 1989 Fr. Vicente Cajilig, O.P. 21 June 1989
Acting Rector Magnificos
Prof, Lea Pulkkinen University of Santo Tomas
Department of Psychology Man i la
University of. Jyvaskyla
SF40100 Jyvaskyla Dear Fat her Cajilig:
We qretefullv acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 May
Dear Prof. Pulkkinen: 1989, requesting for the renewal of the U.P.S.-U.S.T. Memorandum
of Agreement on Past-Time Assignment of U.P.S. Personnel to
I am pleased to {nfcrm you that the University has granted U.S,T.
permission to Or, Celeste O. Bator to attend the Tenth Biennial In view of its successful implementation since 1977, we are
Meetings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral pleased to inform you that the University of the Philippines consi-
Development to be held in Finland from July 9 to July 13,1989, ders the Agreement renewed, beginning the start of the first semes-
Dr. Botor has informed me.tbet the Finnish Ministry of Educe- ter 1989-1990 utnil the end of summer 1991, in either case follow-
tion has awarded her free transportation to Finland-and back, free ing the calendar at the U.s.T. It is understood that this renewal shall
hotel, meals, and registration fees, For its part, the University be subject to the same terms and conditions stipulated in the crlqnal
will allow Or. Bator to attend the meeting on official time and agreement signed on February 22,1977,
win shoulder her pre-travel expenses. Please return two copies hereof with your signature on the space
We wish to thank you for extending the invitation to Dr. Bator, provided for the purpose as an indication, for the record, of your
This invitation will enable her to keep abreast with cross-cultural concurrence.
researches on behavioral development from birth to adutthood. Best regards.
With our deepest appreciation.
. Very truly yours,
Slncerelv yours,
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President

Honorable Guan Dang Ming 23 June 1989

21 June 1989 Charges d' Affaires
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
Mr. Manuel R Eugenio Dasmarinas Village, Makati
Department of Science and Technology Dear Honorable Guan:
Science Education Institute
Sicutan, Taguig Leaders. scholars and students all .cver the world atflm such
Metro Manila universal values and concerns as peace, freedom, self-determination,
democracy, justice, human rights, women's rights, health, economic
Dear Mr. Eugenio: well-being. ecological balance, and non-violent social change. As we
know, most of these have been the subject of declarations and the
Thank you very much for your letter dated 2 June 1989, I think world conferences sponsored by the- United Nations to which
you are correct when you said that 409 out of 535 students in U.P. member states are signatories or in which they. have been partici-
iliman would fall under brackets 1 to 5 if evaluation we~e based pants.
solely on the Income Tax Returns of their parents. Our experience; In various conferences, heads of universities and scholars have
however, is that declared income in the ITR is often lower than the sought practical ways by which they can promote these values
family's true income. (This is the principal reason why the STFAP in their own countries and around the world. In this regard, my col-
questionnaire is quite lonq.) leagues and our students have been thinking about the students
Financial need, however, is just one of the reasons for giving and universities, and the leaders and people, of your great nation.
scholarships. Science and technology, for example, are very high on Through you, I would like them to know that werroum the death
the University's teaching, research and extension- priorities. I of innocent people at TienanmenSquare and other places in your'
therefore accept your proposal that "DOST be allowed to pay country. I wish to express my solidarit'(with the peaceful endeavor
Pl,700.00 for the tuition and other school fees per semester AY in your country for the relization of the goals and aspirations for
1989-90 for each scholar who is enrolled in any of the UP System". freedom, democracy. and non-violent modes of change; ideals that
This will simplify matters significantly for COST scholars in U.P. I believe are reflected in the Constitution of the People's Republic
and our STFAP processing office since UP-COST scholars will not of China .:
have to apply individually for tuition STFAP scholarships". I reach out to Chinese students and scholars as an academic and
For the co·ming schcolveers, please study the desirability of a fellow Asian, and to them as well as the people and leaders of
amending the UP-DOST Memorandum of Agreement on DOST China as a human being bound to them by our common humanity.
I do this hl,lmbly and in good faith, conscious of my country's
scholars of the University.
good relations with yours. I am also mindful of the senseless
Thank you verv much,
violence here in my own country which we must deal with more
Sincerely yours, effectively and with justice and compassion.
It has taken much longer than I wanted to send you this letter,
{Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA because of a trip abroad and pressing duties upon my return.
President With assurances of my highest regard and respect.
Yours in the spirit of human solidarity,


President 71
26 June 1990 27 June 1989

Mr. Jo. Luis Alcuaz The Honorable Vicente Jayme

Commissioner Secretary
National Telecommunlcetions Commission Department of Finance
865 Vibal Building Agrifina Circle, Ermita
Efipanio de los Santos Avenue Manila
Quezon City
Attention: The Bureau of Customs and Revenue Office
Dear Commissioner Alcuaz:
Dear Secretary Javrne:
This has reference to our application for a licencse to operate
radio station DZUP now pending in
your Office. On May 25, 1989, Undersecretary Marcelo N. Fernando sent us
This application .was forwarded to your Office in December a letter giving authority to this University, through its U.P. DHiman
1987. together with such other requirements as the engineering Office of .Hesearch Coordination; to import research/laboratory
plans and diagrams. In another letter, dated 26 August 1988, we equipment without pre-payment of duties and taxes. As a co l'l:lit ion
requested a change in the frequency of the station f;om 1566 to to said authority, I hereby certify that fund sources for the neces-
'1592 khz, to enable us to extend OUf broadcast hours. sary erncurrts covering such liabilities have already been included
To date. 'however. both requests have n~t been acted upon: in the proposed 1990 Budget of the University.
We woukt like to implement our educational programs and service Arrangements for the University to settle its financial obligation
the information needs of the academic community more effectively. to the Bureau of Customs shall be promptly made upon release of
This cannot be done until we have obtained the required license. said funding. It is likewise understood from the May 25, 1989 letter
In view of the above, I would like to reiterate our request of Undersecretary Fernando that upon arrival of said items, the
for your Office to enable DZUP to operate on a full scale at the shipppinq, commercial and pertinent documents shall be submitted
earliest possible time. to the Department of Finance for processing prior to actual relea
1 shall deeply appreciate your prompt and favorable response. of the items from customs custody.
Thank you for your favorable consideration of our request.
Sincerely your:,
Sincerely yours,
President ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA

26Juna 1989
27 June 1989
President Albert J. Simone
University of Hawaii at Manoa Prof. Jack L. Walker
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Chair, Department of Political Science
U.S.A. University of Michigan

Dear President Simone:

~ Thank you once more for inviting me to the President's Sympo-
sium on Internationalizing Education which you so ably sponsored
and organized. I am grateful for the generous travel and hoapltalitv
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dear Prof. Walker:

I am an alumnus of the University of Michigan: MPA 1953 and

that you provided me and the opportunity of meeting interesting Ph.D. (Political Science) 1959.
and distinguished colleagues ~n the Asia-Pacific area and exchanging
ideas and experience with you and alt of them. It was a special learn- In your catalogue, Graduate Study in Political Science, I read
ing exp!rience for me, including our effort to send a common that you have Adjunct Professors in your Department. I'd be
rnessage to the Chinese. grateful if you could kindly provide me with full information
It was my pleasure to meet Mrs. Simone and several other Unl- c regard,ing this category of faculty. What are their qualifications":
versltv of Hawaii academics and administrators who enhanced What is expected of them" And what is their remuneration" What
the trultfutness of the Symposium. other conditions do you require for such a position on your facuftv"
I wish to invite you and Mrs. Simone to visit the University I have in mind adapting your idea of Adjunct Professor at the
of the Philippines sometime from October to early December when University of the Philippines.

it is cooler here. We gladly offer our modest accommodation on
the UP Diliman campus during your visit. Lindy Aquino and I will
Thank you very much in anticipation of your kind response.

... discuss the possible timing and suggest alternative dates to you. Sincerely yours,

..c Coring joins me in sending you a warm MabuhaYI
Sincerely yours, President
~ President


72 .
28 June 1989 Among the more notable changes that have been adopted in the
College;s curricula were the following:
Honorable Raul Manglapus
Secretary .lnstttutkin of the following courses at the underpreduate level:
Department of Foreign Affairs
PiCe, Manila Oommunlcatlon 141 (Mass Media & Society), to replace
Journalism 141 (Press & SOCiety), Broadcasting 141 (Broad-
Dear Secretary Manglapus: casting and Society), and Film 141 (Film and Society), to
• provide a broader perspective of mass media issues common
I am writing on behaif of Or. Prof. Vu Duong Ninh, Professor to all these fields;
of History and Director, Centre for Asian and Pacific Studies, Hanoi CommunicatiOn 191 (Mass Communication Ethicsl, also
University, Hanoi, Socialist .Republic of Vietnam. The University required in all curricular programs of the College;
of the Philippines has invited him to read a paper on "Jose Rizal Communication Research 125 (Introduction to Computer
and Phan Chu Trinh, Two Asian Nationalists of the Nineteenth Technology); and
Century" at the Third International Philippine Studies Conference. Communication 170 (Fundamentals of Communication
to be held on 13-16 Jury 1989 at the Philippine Social Science Planning), required in the Communication Research Pro-
Center in Quezon City. Or. Ninh is one of a few active Philippinlsts gram. -
in Southeast Asia. His paper. will be an important contribution to Journalism 114 (Introduction toPubltc Relations);
the study of Philippine and comparative Southeast Asian history Journalism 116 (Public Relations in Commercial and' Non-
and politics. Commercial Organizations), as electives in the Journalism
In this connection, we would like to request your assistance program.
to facilitate the approval of his application for a visa to travel to the II. Institution of a Plan C - Production Thesis (for graduating
Philippines so that he can participate in this important gathering students who choose to produce a creative 'film, radio or
of Phltippinlsts from all over the world. He has already applied for tv production for their thesis).
a visa in the Philippine Embassy in Hanoi but this wouk::l need expe- III.Revieo.v and strengthening of the internship programs in
diting and approval in the Department of Foreign Affairs here in the different courses.
Manila. I would appreciate it if you could also have' someone in-
'form the Embassy of Socialist Republic of Vietnam that you' are Another special and continuing concern of Dean Encanto is
approving the visa application of Dr. Prof. Vu Duong Nirih. the upgrading of the quality of community journalism in the
I should add that I was in Hanoi as a guest of the University country. To this end, she has vigorously pushed through, with the
of Higher Education of the Socialist RepLblic of Vietna;", April aid of her professional Colleagues in the College, and with the colla-
2a-May 3, 1989, along with some UP colleagues. During this visit boration of the Manila-based National Press Club (of the Philippines),
the Rector of the University of Hanoi and I signed a Memorandum the annual conduct of a summer seminar-workshop for Filipino
of Agreement for the exchange of scholars and students. romrnunity journalists. She has just finished its fifth training
Sincerely yours, It is for these reasons that I strongly recommend Prof. Encan-
to's participation in the forthcoming "Training,' for Trainrers".
(Sgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA Whatever she will learn in the International Institue for Journalism
President will redound not only to her personal enrichment but also to the
betterment of the U.P. College of Mass Gommunication, its faculty
and' students, and, hopefully, the business and profession of jour-
29 June 1989
nalism in the Philippines.
Thank you very mcuh for your kind attention.
Director Robert H. Lochner
International Institute for Journalism'
Sincerely yours,
Budapester Strass 41
0·1000 8erlin 30 ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
West Germany President

Through: Secretary Jansiorg Haber

Cultural & Press Affairs Office
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany :J) June 1989

Dear Director~Lochner: Mr. David Wiooer

• Representat ive
I am pleased to nominate Prof. Georgina A. Encanto as a parti- The Ford Foundation
cipant in the 4th Training Course "Training for Trainers", from 6th Floor, Dona Narclsa Bldg.
October 5 to December 5, 1989. 8751 Paseo de Roxas
Prof. Encanto is B present the Dean of the University of the Makati, Metro Manila
Philip~ines' College of Mass Communication which offers under-
graduate, masteral and doctoral programs in communication. Prior Dear Mr. Winder:
to her present position, she was Acting Director of the LJ.P. l nfor-
We are pleased to submit the following reports on the status of
mation Office, and before that Coordinator of the Journalism
the Ford Grants for faculty development in selected graduate units
Program of the College. Her experience in the academe has also
and for library-development of the Universit'(
provided her direct involvement with the working of the mass media.
1. College of Arts and Letters
profession here in the Philippines and abroad.
2. School of Economics
Under her leadership, the College has undertaken a comprehen-
3. College of Law
sive curricular review of its four undergraduate programs in Jour- 4. College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
nalism Broadcast Communication, Communication Research, and
5. Library Development
Film &. Audio-Visual Communication, to make them more respon- Also enclosed is the U.P. Foundation financial report duly ac-
sive to the. communication needs an~ opportunities in the country
comclised and signed by the appropriate U,:,iversity officials. 73
Thank you very much for the continued and generous support MESSAGE
of the Ford Foundation to the faculty and library development pro-
grams of the University. The Foundation hasenabled us to do much
that we could not have accomplished on our own. Congratulations to the U.P. Alumni Association of Civil Engineer-
With best wishes and warm regards., ing students on its Third Alumni Homecoming.
The University is proud to have alumni who continually manifest
Sincerely yours, excellence not only in academic matters, but also in science, the arts
and engineering, Because of this, much of the exemplary reputation
(Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA of the University stems frol'l\the excellence proven by its different
President alumni associations, such as yours.
I look forward to more of your WOrthwhile projects and pro-
grams. The success of your alumni association is also the success of
30 June 19B9 the University.
Again, congratulations.
Mr. John Sawyer
The Endrew Mellon Foundation ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
140 East 62nd Street President
New York, NY 10021

Dear Mr. Sawyer:

Binabati ko ang mga naqslpaqtapos ngayong tacna 1989 mula sa
We are pleased to submit the University's 1988 report on the U.P. College of Arts and Sciences Manila
status of the Mellon Grant for the library development of the Uni· Hind kaila sa inyo ang kahalagahan ng okasyong ito na nagsasa-
versity. ad ng bagong panimula, bagong kabanata sa inyong buhay. Sa pag-
Enclosed are the narrative and the financial reports submitted by tatapos ninyo sa paaralan ay hindi naqtatapos ang inyong paqkolek-
the appropriate University officials. The reports are supported by ta ng kaalaman. Sana'y patuloy ang paghasa at pagpaunlad ng
t the following exhibits: inyong kakevehan at talino.
Exhibit A - Report of Purchase Ordersl Subscriptions Inaasahan ko rin na malugod ninyong ipagkakaloob ang inyong
'Exhibit B - Report of Expenditures According to Grant Category kakayanan at kaalaman sa paglilingkod sa ating sambayanan.
Exhibit C - Report of Library Materials Received Muli, ang a.king taos-pusonq pagbatil
Thank you for the continued support of Mellon Foundation to
the University's library development program. With it we have (L,gd,) JOSE V. ABUEVA
accomplished. much that we could not have done on our own. Pangulo
With best wishes and warm regards.

Sincerely yours,

(SgdJ JOSE V. ABU EVA Nais kong batiin ang mqa nagsipagtapos ng Physical Therapy
Pres;dent sa U.P. College of Allied Medical Professions sa tacra 1988.
Tunay na mahalaga ang inyong papel sa ating lipunan bilang
kaakibat ng medisina. Marahil ay hindi kaila sa ioyo ang malaking
30 June 19B9 pangangailangan ng ating mga kababayan sa larangan ng parqkalu-
sugan at mabuting pangangatawan. Kava't aking inaasahan na ln-
Mr, Kenneth Prewitt yong gagamitin ang inyong taglay na tatino at kakavanan upang
The Rockefeller Foundation makatulong at makapaglingkod' sa sambayanang Pilipino, laluna
1133 Avenue of the Americas sa mga mas nangangailangan at neqhihirap.
New York, NY 10036 Nawa'y ang mapasafnvona taqumpav ay meibahaql ntnvc sa
U.S.A. bayanl
....'" Dear Mr, Prewitt: {Lagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA
N Pangulo
o We are pleased to submit the following reports on the status of
the Rockefeller Grant for faculty development in selected graduate
units of the University of the Philippines for the period ending
December, 1988:
1. College o~ Arts and Letters

2. School of Economics
Congratulations to the Officers of the U.P. Alumni Associa-
tion and to the organizers of the Eleventh Regional Alumni Ins-
... 3. College of Law
titute for the choice of the theme. "Mobilizing for National Devel-
~'E" 4. College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Also enclosed is the U.P. Foundation financial report duly
The selection of Lucena City in Region IV as the venue for this
:::l accomplished and signed by the appropriate University offierls.
Important gathering and the choice of topics to be discussed could
Z Thank YO'u very much for the continued and generous suppor-t of
not have been more timely and appropriate.
the Rockefeller Foundation to the faculty development program of
~ The splendid cooperation shown by the alumni, faculty memo
the University. You have enabled us to accomplish much that we
.~ could not have done on our own .
bers, and administrators from both the government and private
sectors in the planning and implementation of this Institute makes
With best wishes and warm reqards.
for its successful conduct and fruitful outcome which, building on

Sincerely yours,
tradition, will be the model for many more.


74 President
. ;:; .

Ang mga tradisyong ito ay nagsilbing<faan sa pagkatatag ng

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the BS UP bilang pangunahing lnstltusvon ng pag-aaral at pagdadalubhasa,
Public Health class of 1988. at sa tulong nlnvc. mga kasapi og CASAA, mepapanatill netln ang
Your choice of profession speaks well of your idealism, since the pangungunang ito sa paqpasok natin sa Ikedalawampu'tIsaog siglo.
existing health care delivery systems are hardly sufficient for our Sana ay mapasainyo ang lahat ng taqurnpav na nararapat.
pressing needs.
Each one of you could well be on the c"utting edge of answering ILagdal JOSE 1(. ABUEVA
those needs. A conscientious response now on your part could Pangufo
mean the eventual alleviation or elimination of the he~lth problems
in your community, town, province, or even the country.
I wish all of your the best in answering your call, and again,
my congratulations.
, Sa rnqa kasap! ng Sigma Delta Phi Sorority, isang maligayang
pagbati sa inyo .
Sa" loeb ng mahigit na pitumpu't isang taon, napatunayan n9
• Officer-i".Charge
inyong sorority ang kakayahan nito na rnaqlinqkod sa pamayanan sa
pamamagitan ng tbe't lbanq gawaing pangsibika. Isa na rita ay
ang inyong napfplntonq provekto na mga "feeding centers" para sa
mqa kapatid nating naqdarahop.
lsang karangalan para sa Unjbersfdad na magkaroon ng sororiting
lklnaluiuqod kong battln aog mga nagbabalik na alumni ng
tulad nang sa invo, dahil sa inyong walanq sawang pagtangkilik sa
College of Education. ating mga higit na kapuspatad na mga kababavan at paqpepatibav
Sa panahong ito og pagbabago at pagsisikap tungo sa Isanq ng samahan ng mqa mag-aaral sa ating Unibersidad. lnaasahan
maunlad at matlwasav na bensa, kinakailaogan ang rnakabuluhanq kong magtatagumpay ang inyong "musical play" na pinamagatang
tuaon mula sa lahat ng sektor, lalona anq rnsa nagtapos sa UP. Mammanu ~darna, tulad ng inyong mga nakaraanq matatagumpay
Hindi kalabisang bigyarig diin ang kehalaqahan ng pagtitipong na proyekto. ......
ito ng mga nagtapos sa. Unibersidad ng Pilipinas. Kasabay ng kasl- Muli, maligayang pagbati at rnaraminq salamat.
yahang idinudulet ng muling pagkikita ng mga kamaq-aral ay ang
pagkakataong mapagsama-sama ailQ napag-ibayong katelinuhan at ILaqdal JOSE V. ABUEVA
karunungan. Pangulo
Sana'y lubes na maging masava at rnabunqa ang pagtitipon
ninyo. MabuhaYI

ILagdal JOSE V. i>.BUEVA

Ang talino at lakas ng kebataan, lalo na at nalbuklod at nabig-
yang direksiyon ay mabisang "puwersa para sa paq-unlad at paqba-
baqo. Ganoon man ay iba pa rin aog samahan at pinaqsebav na
pagkilos ng kapatiran.
Ako ay naqaqalak na napaqpasivahan ninvonq bigyan ng pan-
Sinasabi og mga tao, maging sila'v nasa loob 0 labas n9 Univer- sin at tulong ang aklatan n9 College of Engineering. Malayo anq
sidad ng Pltlplnas. na ang UP ay isang pamamaaan na kung saan mararating ng tuleng na ito, sapagkat hindi lang kayo ang makaka-
natetaqpuen at nasusur! nang masual' ang lahat ng uri ng ideya at dame ng mga benepisvc ng lsanq pinatibay na ektatan, patt na rin
konsepto. Maipagmamalaki netln ang pagiging progresibp ng UP at ang mga sumusunod sa inyo.
ang ating pangunguna sa paggamit 0 di kaya'y pagpapasimula. ng Nais kong ipaabot ang aking malugod na pagbati sa Beta Epsilon
makabagong toorya't pamamaraan. Fraternity sa inyong pagpapalabas ng sineng Say Anything. Sana
Sa isang dako ay maaari tayong t8waging "radikal." Pero hindi ay mag iog matagumpay ito.
dapat ikabahala ang bansag na i.yon, dahil kaakbay l1g tradisyong
liberal ng UP ang tradisyon ng integridad at responslbilidad n9 (Lagda) JOSE ABUEVA
akademiko. Pangulo




. 75

/ --

BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable LourdesR. QuisumbirG. Chairman, Secretary.

Department of Education. Culture and Sports. The Honorable Jose V. Abuev8,
President, University of the Philippines 8The Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chair-
man, Senate Committee on Education -The Honorable CarlosM. P~iIIa. Chairman,
House Committee on Education. The Honorable Francisco Nemenzo. Jr. • The
Honorable Gonzalo A. Borealan -The Honorable Ponciano GA. Mathay, President,
U.P. Alumni Association -The Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura eThe Honorable
Angelita T. Reyes. The Honorable Flerida Ruth P, Romero The Honorable-
Clemente C. Gatmaitan* • The Honorable Delfin L. Lazaro" • The Honorable
Primo E. Gonzales eDr. Emerlinda R. Roman. Secretary.

·Until April 30, 1989.

UEffeetive May"~ 1989.


President. Dr, Gemino H. Abad, Vice-President for Academic
Affairs. Or. Felipe M. MedlUa, vfce-Presjdent for Planning and
Finance. Dr. OSCII' M. AlfonlD, Vice-President for Public Affairs
• Dr. Emerllnda R. R omln, Secretary


EDITORIAL STAFF: Sec. Emlrtlndl R. Rom.n, Editor. Milrie

z. • Christine F. Reyes, Managing Editor. API Eltela M. M.rquez
Editorial Assistant.

~ The typeface in this journal is Univers medium,_set in two-point leads at the U.P. Printery
The printing inoffset lithography is by the Uninnity of tit. Philippine. Printery
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The University 01 the Philippines

GAZETTE :~:~;~:p~:n:~~7:;~ 3
ISSN No. 0115-'7450

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79 Years of Serving the People


1023rd Meeting, Xl July 1989

Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. 79

Transfer to permanent status . . . . . 79
Establishment of Three Francisco J. Nicolas
Professorial Chairs. . ....• , . 79
Amendment of the guidelines on overload teaching . . . . 79
Amendment on the guidelines On on the computation
of overload teaching honoraria . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 80
Agreement between the University and the
Department of National Defense (OND) . 80
Letter of Agreement with the Asia Foundatio~ .. 80
Renewal of the l,JPS-UST Memorandum of Agreement
on part-time assignment of UPS personnel to UST .. 80
~ Memorandum of Agreement between the Chancellor
of UPlB and different institutions . 80
Renewal of Memorandum of Agreement between the
UPV·,nd DECS .. . . 80
Memorandum of Agreement between the UPV,and
McGill University . 80
Contract between UPV and Engineering and
Construction Corporation of Asia... 80
Contract between UPV and Chair Construction Corp . . . . . 80
Contract for janitorial services between the University
and Don Marzini General Services . 80
Maners from the University Council . 80
Appointment of University Official. . 80

1024th Meeting, 24 August 1989

Appointments; renewal of appointments, etc. 80

Transfer to permanent status. . . . . 81
Change of name of academic units. . . . . . . . 81
Amendment of the board resolution to increase
graduate tuition fees. . . . . . . . . 81
Allocation of P1M from the UP Development Fund for
research projects by the faculty in A Y 1989·90 .. ' 81
Increase in the rates being paid to models in
College of Fine Arts . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Creation of Constituent University revolving fund for
• Infrastructure projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Memoranda of Agreement and Other documents. 81
Cover Story: Matters from the University Council. 81
Matters for information. . . . . . . 82
The UP-Philippine General Hospital celebrated its 79th Appointment of University Officials. . . . . . . . . . 82
foundation day last Sept. 1, 1989 with the theme: "Kalu-
sugan: Alay ng PGH sa Mamamayan. Formerly a 350-bed 1025th Meeting, 28 Septemb'" 1989
institution with clinical departments housed in five pavi-
Appointments, renewal of appointments. etc. 82
lions, PGH now boasts of a modern complex consisting of Transfer to permanent status . . . . . . 83
a three-storey outpatient department (OPD1, two admi-. Increase in the price of the UP folder and diploma 83
nistration annex buildings, an emergency room complex Disbursement of the Graduate Education Development
and a seven-storey central block that has a capacity of 1300 Fee. . . . . . .. . ~ . . . . . . . 83
Professorial Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
beds. PGH now has refirnished facitiltes. brand-new equip- Reprogramming of 1988 Accounts Payable for the
ment, and new systems. rehabilitation of the Diliman Campus telephone system. 83
The new outpatient department (OPD) was financed by Negotiated purchase in printing equipment and its
a P460·million grant from the .Japsnese government auxiliary parts for the Law Complex.. ~..... 83
Authority to negotiate with PLOT for the complete
through the Japanese Internationai Cooperation Agency.
replacement of the 'outside plant wiring' of the
Complete with scan unit, color ultrasonic diagnostic appa- Dttlman Telephone System .. . .. 83
ratus, x-ray film keeping system, color echocardiograph Recommendations of the President regarding the
machine, the new OPD aims to serve some 2,000 ambu- management of the Out-Patient Department building

latory patients daily.

on a tacnuv of the UP-PGH Medical Center. 83

Supplemental budget for the UP Extension Program To "Prof. Cerazon Generoso Inigo. . .• .. .• . •.. 88
in Olongopo City . . . . . . . .. '" ... . • . . . . . 83 To UP Delta LarrtJda"Sigma Sororirv. . . • . • • . . . 89
Bequest to construct an additional water To AmbaSSador Hoang Manh Tu . . . •. •. . . 89
cistern at an estimated cost of P3M . . . . , • . . • . . . • . . . 83 To Mr. Luclovico Concan lIames. . • . . • . . . . . . . . 89
Grant Agreement between the University and the To Fr.. Alfeo G. Nudas, SJ ... , . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . 88
Sasakewa Peace Foundation.. . . 83 To Justice Irene R. Cortes .. ' . . . . • . . . 90
Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of UPLB. .. .. 83 To Charman Rolando A. Andaya. . • • . . . . .•. .. 90
Memorendum of Agreement between UP and the To Atty, Irving V. Mediante. • . . .. •. . . 90
Provi nee of Capiz . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . 84 To Dr. Milandre B. Rusgal . . .... 91
Memorandum of Agreement between the UPVs and To Dr. Paulo Campos . • . . . • . . . . . . • . 91
the Divine Word College of Tagbilaran. .. . .. .. 84 To Or. victor M. Ordonez. . • . ..... 91
Memorandum of Agreement among UP Visayas. the To
Senator Victor S. Ziga ., . • . . . . . • . . . . 91
Provincial Government of Negros Oriental and the To
Msgr. Bruno Torpigliani .. : . . . •... 92
Central Visayas Polytechnic College .... 84 To
Dr. Maria Patrie G. Lorenzo. . . . . . •.•. 92
Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB, throeqh To
Atty. Aquilino Bonte. . •. . . 92
the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Institute To
Congressman Carlos M. Padilla '.' •. .. 92
and the Bureau of Agricultural Cooperatives ToOr. Akita Arima.. .. •. .. .. . .. 93
Development of the Department of Agriculture.. .• 84 ToSecretary Guillermo N. Carague. . . .. . • . . . . • .. 93
Contract for Security Services between the University ToMr. Jose Borromeo. .•. . . . . . • . . . • . . . .. 93
and the E and R Security Agency, tnc. .. . . . • . .. 84 To
Ms. Marichelle D. Asis . .. : . . . . . . . . . . , 93
Contract for Security Services between UPV and "the To
President Corazon C. Aquino. .. . • . .. ., •. 94
Guardian Security and Detective Agency . 84 Tothe Board of Trustees, UP Foundation, Inc. .•.• .. 94
Acceptance of a donation of two 12) scholarship . ToAtty. Ponciano G.A. Mathay .. . . .. . . 94
grants to be known as the "Remy Moscoso-Balonon ToPresident Corazon C. Aquino . . • . . . . . . 95
Scho larship . . . . . • . .. .. •. 84 toAtty. Benjamin Relova. • . . . • . . . . 95
Appointment of University Officials. . . . . . . . .. 84 To'Df. Benjamin G. Tayabas , , . 95
Other matters. .. .,. .. . • • . . . . • . . . . • . 84 To Or. Ina Turner Gray. . . . . . . . . .. . • . . . 95
To Mr. Teodoro P~ Gapuz . . . . . • . . . . . .. 96
Administrative Order No, 22 authorization to assume
supervision over the University Book Center 85 Sa mga nagsipeqtepos sa Departamento ng Sikolohiya
Memorandum No, 32 payment of UP arrears to ngoyong 1989 . . . . . . . :. .... 96
MERALCO chargeable against the reprogrammed Sa mga kasapi ng UP 1551 Alumni Foundation .•. 96
accounts . . . • , . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 85 Sa pagdating ng Diksyunaryo sa Ekonomiks. . . . 96
Memorandum NO.:II a mechanism for "Fast Track'. Sa UP Corps of Sponsors. . . . • . . . . . . 96
assessment reports .. .. ., ... . ...• 85 "Sa mga maqsisipeqtapos ng Psychology ngayong 1990. 97
"Memorandum No. 3B UP assessments on the state Sa mga kasapi ng UP Statistical Society. . . . . . -97
of the Nation Project . •. ... . . . . • . . . • . . .. 85 Sa mga kasapi ng UP Junior Finance Association.. .. 97
Sa Coord inating Committee para sa paglikha ng
LETTERS Araling Panqkababaihan sa" Jnibersidad ng Plfipinas : 97
Sa mga kasapi ng Alpha Phi Omega International
To ArT'bassador KrishMn Reghunath. . •. .. . ... 86 Collegiate Service Sorority. . . • . . • . .. 97
To Or. Romeo L. Manlapaz . . . • •. . ..• 86 Sa mga kasapi ng UP Geodetic Engineering Club. • 97
To Mr. Leo QuisUlrbing .•. .. 86 To UP Economics Towards Consciousness. •. '" 97
To Dr. David Pierpont Gardner. . . . . 86 Sa UP Statistical Society. .. . .. , . . .•. . .. 97
To Arrtlassador Krishnan Raghunath. .. .•. . • . . . . . 87 1'0 the Municipal Trial Court Judges League." 1 •• 98
To Ms. Mary Concepcion Bautista . . . . . . . • • . . 87 Sa rTl!f3 alumni ng UPLB . ... . .. .. 98
To Atty. Leopolda serrano. . ... . . . .. .. 87 To UP Alumni Association in America. . . . . . • • .. 98
To Chairman Sedfrey Ordofiez • . •. •. .. . . 87 To UP Epsilon Chi Fraternity. . .., . •. 98
To Secretary Guillermo N. Carague. . . . . ., •. 88 To UP Namnama . . . .. .. • . . . • • . . • 98
To Secretary Guillermo N. Carague. . • • . . ..... 88 Sa mga kasapi ng UP Ibalon. ... .. '" ..•... 98

1023rd Moeting, Tl July 1989 Baltazar V. Reyes Jr-transfer from part-time to full-time from
Professor V (part-time) at P50.286 p.a, to Professor V at
APPOINTMENTS, RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINT- Pl00,572 p.a .. effective 21 June 1988,
MENTS, ETC.: Jaime T. Zamuco-transfer from part-time to full-time from
Prof. I (part-time) at P41,208 p a. to Prof, I at P82,416 p.a.,
The Board approved the following appointments. renewal of
etfecttve 21 June 1988.
appo intments, reappo j ntments, etc.:
DeveloPment Managem8nt, School of
Arts and letters, College of Lilia E. Tabaldo-aPJXlintment as SGV Foundation Inc. Asso·
Robert de BeaugrBnde-appointment as Visiting Professor, elate Professor of Fisheries Business Management, effective 1 July
effective 1 June 1989 until 31 August 1989. 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Gerald -Thomas Burns-appointment as Visiting Professor, ef-
t-ctlve 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990. TRANSFER TO PERMANENTSTATUS
Mario Lopez Ferreira-appointment as' Visiting. Lecturer in
French, effective 1 June 1989 untU 31 May 1990. U.P.DILIMAN

Education, College of Arts and Letters. College of

Guillermo Lazaro-extension of appointment beyond the cern- Edna M. Dela Cruz-as Assistant Professor II, effective 1 June
pulsory retirement age of 61 as professor V. effective 25 May 1989.
1989 until 15 October 1989.
Baguio. College of
Lew, CoII""e of Antonio B. Villaflor-as Assistant Professor l.effectfve 9 Feb-
Raphael Perpetuo M. Lotilla-appointment as Juan Collas Sr. ruery 1989,
Aswciate Professor of Law and Journalism, effective 1 July 1989'
until 30 June 1990. Engineering, College of
Anselmo D. Almazan-as Associate Professor II of Geology.
Labor and Industrial Relations, School of effective 1 June 1989.
Fe 8. Marzan-reclassification from Professorial Lecturer in Gino T. Bautista-as Assistant Professor V of Mechanical Engi-
I ndustrial Relations at P75.50/aetual service to Associate Profes- neering, effective 1 June 1989.
sor I (part-time) at P32,l38 p.e.; effective 1 June 1989 until
31 May 1990. Social Sciences and Philosophy, COllege of
Darlene J. Oceeiia-as Assistant Professor I, effective 8 Decem-
Science, COllege of ber 1988.
Mariano A. Estaque-renewal and salary increase from Visiting Elena L. Samonte-as Associate Professor ,I, effective 1 June
Professor .et P5,916/month to Visiting Professor at Pl0,748/month. 1989.

Science and Mathematics Educational Development, Institute for U.P. LOS BANOS
Chitaru Okamur.-appointment as Visiting researcher, effective
31 March 1989 until 31 December 1989. Agricufture, College of
Avelino O. Raymundo-as Assistant Professor IV of Plant
Social Sciences and Philosophy. College of Pathology, effective 20 June 1989. •
Belen T.G. Medina-appointment as PNOC Diamond Jubilee
Professor of Sociology. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990, U.P_ MANILA,

U.P. LOS BANOS Heafth Sciences, Institute of

Isabel T. Koh-as Associate Professor VI, effective 27 July 1989.
Forestrv, COllege of
Osiris M. Valderama-extension of appointment beyond the
Medicine. College of
compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor VI, effective 20 Josefina R! Almonte-as Assistant Professor IV (part-time),
July 1989 until 20 January 1990. effective 8 December 1988.
Alberto B. Roxa~as Assistant Professor I (part-time). effective
U.P. MANILA 1 January 1989.
Medicine. College of Est~blishment of Three 13) Francisco J. Nicolas Prof8SlOriei Chairs
Januario Y. Estrada Jr.-transfer from part-time to full-time The Board approved the establishment of three (3) Francisco
from Professor II (Part-time) at P43,308 p.a. to Professor II at J. Nicolas Professorial Chairs.
PB6,616 p.a., effective 21 June 1988.
Amelia R. Fernandez-transfer from part-time to full-time from Amendment of the Guidelines on Overload Teaching
Professor. I (part-time) at. P41,208 p.a. to Professor I at P82,416 The Board approved the amendment of the guidelines on over-
p.a.. effective 21 'June 1988. load teaching, 8'3 follows:
-Manuel S.A. Fetalino-transfer from part-time to full-time from The maximum permissible overload for all courses taught in all
Associate Professor II (part-time) at P33,774 p.a. to Associate units of- the University in thectwo semesters of an academic year
Professor 11 at P67 ,548 p.a., effective 21 June 1988. shall be 12 teaching units. subject to the condition that nofacultv
_ Autiusto M. Manalo-tr~nsfer from part-time to full-time from member shall have an overload in excess of 9 teaching units in any
Associate Professor IV (part-time) at P37 ,302 p.a. to Associate one semester. Any overload in excess of the foregoing shall be
ProfessOr IV at P74,604 p.a., effective 21 June 1988. without pay. 79
For summer classes, a faculty member may teach no more than Contrlc1 between UP Visayas and Engineering and Construction
two subjects and the maximum permissible load is 9 teaching units. Corporation of Asia (ECCO·ASIAI
Any teaching load in excess of the foregoing shall be without pay. The Board confirmed the contract between the UP vtsavas and
In case the offering of certain courses is very necessary and no Engineering and Construction Corpcratlon of Asia (ECCQ-ASIA)
other faculty member is available to handle these courses, the for the completion of Phase I of the UP College Cebu Undergra-
Chancellor may grant exemptions from the above rule on maximum duate Studies Division Building.
permissible overload. A report on exemptions, however, shall be
submitted to the President subsequently. Contract between UP Visayas and Chain Construction Corporation
The Board confirmed the contract between UP Visayas and
Amendment on the Guidelines on the Computation of Overload Chain Construction Corporation for the construction of Phase II
Teaching Honoraria of the UP Undergraduate Studies Division Building.
The Board approved the amendment of the guHdelines on the
computatlon of overload teaching honoraria as follows: Co~aet for Janitorial services bet'ween the University and Don
1. Deletion of condition (f) which. consists of two paragraphs. Marzini Gener.1 services
This particular condition should be part of the guidelines The Board confirmed the contract for janitorial services between
on maximum overfeed allowed. the University and Don Marzini General Services over some build·
b. Revision of the last paragraph on page 14, inqsin the UP Dillman Campus,
"Chancellors should be authorized to require average class Matters from the University Council
sizes greater than 36 for purposes of computing overload The Board approved the graduation of students for various
teaching credits." degrees from the different colleges and schools of the following
To: constituent universities as of the end of Summer, 1989:
In exceptional cases, Chancellors may be authorized to spe- 1. UP Manila
cify smaller class sizes. All such exceptions, however. shall be 2. UP Visayas
reported to the President Within two weeks after the start of 3. UP Los Baiios
the semester/term. 4, UP Dillman
c. Addition of an effectivity clause
The rules on how research and administrative lead-will be APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFiCiAL
counted in the computation of overload teaching honoraria (EXECUTIVE SESSION)
shall take effect second semester, AY 1989-1990, inasmuch
as the rules were approved by the Board after the start of the Upon the recommendation of the President. the Board approved
First Semester, AY 1989-1990. the appointment of Dr. Francisco Nemenzo as Chancellor of UP
vtsavas. effective 1 September 1989.
Agreement between the University and the Department of National
Defense IONOI
1024th Mooting, 24 Augu .. 1989
The Board confirmed the agreement between the University and
the Department of National Defense.
Letter of Agreement with the Asia Foundation providing funds for
the Int«national Travel of Ms. Ma. Trinidad Villareal
The Board confirmed the letter of agreement with the Asia
The Board approved the following appointments, renewal of
Foundation providing funds amounting to P21.500 to partially end
appointments, salary increase, etc.:
retroactively cover the international travel expenses of Ms: Maria
Trinidad Villareal.

Renewal of the..UPS-UST Memorandum of Agreement.on Part-time

labor and Industrial Relations, School of
Assignment of UPS presonnel to UST
Ma. Virginia S. Aguilar-appointment as Diamond Jubilee
The Board confirmed the renevval of the UPS-UST Memorandum
Assistant Professor of Industrial Relations, effective 1 July 1989
of Agreement of Part-time Assignment of UPS Personnel to UST
until 30 June 1990.
beginning First Semester 1989-90.
Law, College of
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by the Chancellor of
Carmela V. Sison-appointment as Melqulades Gamboa Profes-
UP Los Banos with different institutions sor of JUrisprudence. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
The Board confirmed the Memoranda of Agreement entered
into by the Chancellor of UP Los Banos with different institutions
Military Science and Tactics. Department of
to engage in natural resource development through its instruction.
Celestino M. Mlirquez"":'appointment as Commandant and Head.

• research and extension activities.
effective 16July 1989.
... Ren8\W1 of Memorandum of Agreement between the UPV and the
Science. College of
..c Department of Education. Culture and Sports IDECS)
The Board confirmed the renewal of the Memorandum of Agree'
Arnold Russak-appointment as Visiting Professor of Physics,
E effective 12 June 1989 until 8 July 1989.
=' ment between the UPV and the Department of Education. Culture
Z and Sports (OECS) R~ion VI on the establishment of the UPV
learning Center at Miag-ao East Central School.
~ Arts and Sciences, College of
Memorandum of Agreement between the UP V,isayas and McGill
"E University Jean Claude Prct-eappolntment as visiting Assistant Professor
of Nematology, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
=' The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between

;; the UP vtsevas end McGiJI University o~ the Food System Devel-

opment Project (FSDP).
Pharmacy. College of
Gwria O. Manalo-renewal of appointment as Professorial
lecturer III, effective 5 June 1989 until 13 October 1989.
Public Hta~h, College of Proposed Item Modifications
Ophelia M. Mendoza-appointment as MMC Diamond Jubilee The Board IPproved the proposed item modifications.
Associate Professor of Epi~emiology and Biostatistics, effective
1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. AUocation of P1M from the UP DevekJpment Fund for RBSNrch
Anuro C. Reyes-renewal of appointment as Profeseorfal Lee- Projects by the Foculty in AY 1989-1990.
turer III, effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990. The Board Ipproved the allocation of P1M from the UP Develop-
Pedro P. Sol"'renewal of appointment as Professorial lecturer ment Fund fOJ Research Projects by the Faculty in AY 1989-1990.
111, effective 1 Ju~e 19~9 until 31 March 1990. '
Increase in the rates being paid to models in College of Fine ~rts
U.P. VISAYAS The Board 8pprovecltthe increase in the rates being paid to
models {talent fee} in the College of fine Arts, effective 24 August
Art. end Sciences, College of 1989 as follows:
Elnora A. Clbalfin-salary increase and transfer from one unit
to another "from Associate Professor III of Pharmaceutical Chemis- From To
try at P70.992 p.a. to' Associate Professor V of Chemistry at Model with drape P30lhour Pl00lhour
P78,420 p.a., effective 1 June 1989. Model without drape P40/hour P150/hour

Fisheries, College of Creation of Constituent University Revolving Fund for lnfrastruet-

Romula C. Aura-appointment as Saturnino Abesamls Assistant ure Projects
Professor of Intand Fisheries, ~ffective 1 July 1989 until 30 June The Board approved the creation of constituent university re-
1990. • volving fund for infrastructure projects.
Rodolfo B. 8aldevllrona-appointment as Synergist lcs Consultatlt, .
Inc. Associate Professor of Environmental Science. effective 1 July Memoranda of Agreement and Other Documents
1989 until 30 June 1990. The Board confirmed the following:
Lourdes A. Dureza-appointment as P.G. Pedlan Associate Pro- Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Education,
fessor of AquaticSciances,effeetive 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. Culture and Sports (DECS) and the UP Diliman whereby the parties
agree to work jointly and cooperate to establish and maintain a
School of Development Manogement scholarship program for the school year 1989-1990.
Melvyn J. MiSljon·appointment as COA Associate Professor of
Public and Business Administration, ~fective 1 July 1989 until 30 Memorandum of Agreement with the City Government of
June 1990. ' Kalookan whereby the UP .Dtllman, through the National Engineer-
ing Center, shall collaborate to undertake a Chemical Hazard Con-
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS: trol and Emergency Response Program for the city of Kalookan.

U.P. LOS BAlliOS Memorandum of Agreement between the Philippine Council for
Advanced _Science and Technology Research and Development
Economics.nd Management. College of (PCASTRD) and the following institutions:
LourdlilS S. Adriano-as Assistant Professor I of Economics,
effective 19 July 1989. UP Oiliman
UP Los Banos
Human Ecology. College of UP Manila
Walfredo R.. Rola-as Assistant Professor III of Community and Ateneo de Ma_nila University
Environmental Resource Planning, effective 6 July 1989. De la Salle University
Ma. Antonio G. Tuazon-as Assistant Professor III of Human 'University of Sto. Tomas
Nutr.ition and Food, effective 6 June 1989. Mindanao State Univeristy-Iligan -I nstitute of Technology
Industrial Technology Development Institute
U.P.MANllA Advanced Science and Technology Institute
Metal Industry Research and Development Center
Public Ho.~h. College of Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Pilarita N. Rivera-as Assistant Professor I, effective 8 December Administration
1988. Philipppine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Change of Name of Academic Units
The Board approved the change of name of the Department of whereby the parties oganize themselves as a network (PCASTRD
Humanities to Depanment of An Studies. < NETWORK) to establish a vstem of working relationship for their
The Board approved in principle the change in name of the Unit. mutual benefit and 'edvantaqe in conducting collaborative research-
However, the College is urged to think of a more appropriate es in advanced science and technology, particularly the areas jdenti-
name; lied by PCASTRD.

Amendment of the Board Resoluticn to Increase Graduate Tuition MATTERS FROM THE UNIVERSITY COUNCil
The Board approved the amendment of the Board Resolution to The Board approved the graduation of students for -various
increase graduate tuition fees as follows: degrees from the different colleges and schools of the following
Effective First Semester 1990·91. tuition per unit for graduate constituent universities as of the end of Summer, 1989:
programs (except those in UP Clark) shall be at leat the same rates 1. UP Diliman
cha'.9ed for the undergraduate programs: 2. UP vrseves

Dilima!'l Campus P200/unit

UP Manila 180/unit
UP Los Banos l60/unit
UP Visayas and Regional units lSO/unit 81
MATTERS FOR INFORMATION Pro_pin. O. Tapal.-appointment as Don Andres Soriano
Associate Professor of Government and Business. effective 1 July
"[he President approved the Independent Inter-University Com- 1989 until 30 June 1990.
mission on Education.
Science, Colleg. of
The Board "noted the Increase in graduation fee from P150 to Geroge C. Beu'ta Jr.-appointment as Visiting Associate Pro-
P300. fessor, effective 16 October 1989 until 15 April 1990.
Lourdes J. Cruz-transfer of unit from Professor 11 of Biochem.
APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS at PB6,e16 p.a. (College of Medicine) to Professor II (part-time) at
(Executive Sesfionl P43,308 p.a. (College of Science), effective 5 June 1989.
J.mes F. Hurley-reappointment as Visiting Professor, effective
Upon Recommendaton of the President, the Board Ipproved the 13 June 1989 until 22 July 1989.
appointment: effective 1 September 1989 until 31 August 1992,
of the following: Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of
1. Prof. Romeo B, Ocampo as Dean of the Collegtl of Public Ad- Vtalsta V. Bautista-appointment as Gil Puyat OJ Associate
ministration, UP Dillman Professor of Psycho!ogy, effective 1 July 1989 until 20 June 1989.
2. Prof. Pacifico Agabin as Dean of the College of Law, UP Diliman
2. Prof. Ana Maria Tabunda as Dean of the Statistical Center, UP
Social Sci';"cos.nd Phliooophy. c..Ileg. of
Violeta V. Bautista-appointment as Gil Puyat OJ Associate Pro-
4. Prof. Bienvenido Lumbers as Director of the Film Center, UP
fessor of Psychology, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Uta J. Oomingo-rectifieation of the salary increase from Asoo-
5. Prof. Teresita Maceda as Director of the Sentro ngWikang Fili-
elate Professor I at P64,272 p.a. to Associate Professor 111 at
pino, UP Oiliman
P70,992 p.e. to Asscctate Professor I at P64,272 p.a. to Associate
Professor IV at P74,604 p.a., effective 1 February 1988.
1025th Mooting. 28 Sept.mber 1989 Evelyn A. Miranda-appointment as MMC OJ Associate Professor
of History, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.


MENTS. ETC. UP College BlIlJuio
JesSica Carino-confirmation of appointment as Coordinator of
The Board Ipproved the following appointments, renewal of the Division of Social Sciences, UP College Baguio, effective 1 June
appointments, reappointments, etc.: 1989 until 31 May 1991.


Businen Admini.ration, College of . U.P. LOSBAflos

Filom8l1l M. Cantoria-salary increase from Professor II at Agriculture, College of

P71,364 p.a. to Professor-IV at P78,828 p.a., effective 1 January Rogelio N. Concepcion-renewal and promotion in rank from
1987. Visiting Assistant Professor of Soil Science without compensation to
Visiting Associate Professor of Soil Science without compensation;
Engineering, College of effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
Rolando P. D-vco-promotton_in rank from Assistant ~rofe~r Dennis P. Garrity-renewal and promotion in rank from Visiting
VI of Electrical Engineering at P64,272 p.a. to Associate Professor Assistant Professor of Agronomy without compensation to Visiting
I at the same salary. effective 1 April 1989 until 31 May 1990. ~ Associate Professor of Agronomy without compensation, effective
1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990. . "~
ubor and Industri.1 R.lations. School of Kirk J.D. Guy-appointment as Visiting Associate Professor 0
AtfonlD C. Atiena-reappointment as Associate Professor I Soil Science. effective 1 August 1989 until 31 July 1990.
(part-time), effective tJune 1989 until 30 October 1989. Jagdish Kumar Ladha-renewal and promotion in rank from Visi·
ting Assistant Professor of Soil Science without compensation to
Marine Science Institute "- Visiting Associate Professor of Soil Science without compensation,
Miguel O. Fones-rectification of the salary increase fom Asso- effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
ciate Professor I at P64,272 p.a. to Assoclete Professor III at' Keith Moody-renewal and promotion in rank from Visiting
P70,992 p.e. to Associate Professor I at P64,272 to Associate Pro- Associate Professor of Agronomy without compensation to Visiting
feasor IV at P74.604 p.•.••ttecrwe.t Februery 1988. Professor of Agronomy without compensation, effective 1 June
1989 until 31 May 1990.
Masl Communie.tion, College of Heinz-Ulrich Neue-renewal and promotion in rank from Visiting

Frederick V. Bal.-appointment as Visiting Professor of Jour- Assistant Professor of Soil Science without compensation to Visiting
... nalims and Mess Communication, effective 30 October 1989 until
31 March 1990.
Associate Professor of Soil Science without compensation. effective
1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
1l Ma. There. M. Jazmlnes-appointment as San Miguel Corp. Modesto A_ Recel-renewal and promotion in rank from Visiting
§ Assistant Professor of Public Relations, effective 1 July 1989 until Assostant Professor of Soil Science without compensation to
z 30 June 199p. Visiting Associate Professor of Soil Science without compensation,
effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.

~ Public Admlniltr.ion. College of Francisco J. Zapata-renewal and promotion in rank from Visi·
Victor. A. e..tlstl-reappolntment and increase in honorarium ting Assistant Professor of Agronomy without compensation to
Visiting Associate Professor of Agronomy without compensation,

as Don Andres Soriano Associate Professor of Government and
Business from P18.000 Ihcn.l p.a. to P24,OOO (hon.) p.a., effective effective 1 June.1989 until 31 May 1990.
1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
'0 Alex B~ Brlllantes Jr.-appointment as 'Don Andres Soriano 'Arts and Sciences. College of
Assistant Professor of Government and Business. effective 1 July Azucena B, BautiSbl-appointment as Visiting Professor, effect-
ive 5 June 1989 until 31 May 1990.
82 1989 until 30 June 1990.
U.P. MANILA Increase in the price of the UP folder and diploma
The Board approved the increase in the price of the UP folder
D.nti.... v, Colleg. of and diploma set from P38.50 to P42.90 per set, effectjve Summer
Nanette E. Dominguez-appointment as San Miguel Corporation 1989.
OJ Assistant Professor of Dentistry, effective 1 July 1988 until 30
Jun. 1989. Disbursement of the Graduate Education Development Fee IGEDF)
The Board approved the disbursement of the Graduate Educe-
Medicine. College of tlon Development Fee (GEDF) collections for Summer 1989 and
Samuel O. Bernal-renewal of appointment as Visitfng Professor, First Semester 1989·1990, totalling P3,088,475 for the colleges and
effective 1 June 1989 until 31 May 1990. the UP LB Library.
Alendry P. Civiles-reappointment as Professor I Ipart-timel,
effective 1 January 1989 until 31 May 1990. Professorial Chairs
Rhodara C. Eltacio-appointment as Eusebio Garcia Assistant The Board approved the establishment of the Dr. Geminiano T.
Professor of Biochemistry. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June de Ocampo Professorial Chair in Medicine and confirmation of the
1990. • Deed of Donation entered into by the University and the heirs of
josephine S. Aiiel-Lazaro-appointment as Elena P. Tan Assist- Dr. Geminiano T. de Ocampo.
ant Professor of Pedlatrlcs, effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June The Board approved the establishment of tWO Pilipinas Kao
1989. Professorial Chairs in Applied Chemistry and confirmation of the
Mildred N. Pareja-appointment as UPMASA Assistant Professor Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos and Pilipinas
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June Kao,lnc.
1990. The Board approved the establishment of two Professorial Chairs
ca~ilo C. Roa Jr.c-appotntrnenr as UP Medicine Class '36 Assist- in honor of Canuto 0, and Pilar N. Borromeo and ccnflrmatjon of
ant Professor of Physiology, effective 1 July 1988 untjl 30 June the Deed of Donation entered into by the University and Tolar
1989. Development Corp ."
The Board approved the renaming of the Stewart H. Parker Pro-
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS fessorial Chair in Veterinary Medicine and the Dr. Jose Solis Memo-
rial Professorial Chair in Veterinary Medicine as the Dr. Jose A. Solis
The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the -Dr. Stewart H. Parker Professorial Chair in Veterinary Medicine.
Reprogramming of 1988 Accounts Payable for the Rehabilitation of
U.P. DILlMAN the Diliman Campus telephone System
Human Kinetics, College of The Board approved the reprogramming of 1988 ACCOunts pay-
Gilda L. Uy-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1 June 1989. able IP10.000,OOOI for the rehabilitation of the Diliman campus
telephone system including, among other things, the acquisition of
- Public Administration, College of new PABX equipment.
DanUo R. Reyes-as Assistant Professor IV, effective 1 July
1999. Negotiated Purchase of Printing Equipment and its auxiliary parts
for the Law Complex
Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of • The Board approved the negotiated purchase of printing equip-
Lourdes K. Ledesma-as Associate Professor II, effective 1 June ment 'and its auxiliary parts for the Law Complex from Total Com-
1989. mercial,lnc.

• U.P. LOS BAlliOS Authority to negotiate with PLOT for the complete replacement of
the "outside plant wiring" of the Diliman Telephone System
~icutture, College of The Board approved the request to negotiate with PLOT for the
Victor P. Gapud-as Assistant Professor V of Entomology. complete replacement of the "outside plant wiring" of the Diliman
effective 1 July 1989. telephone system. •

Arts and Sciences, College of
Recommendations of the President regarding the management of
Razela M.A. Obien-as Assistant Professor I of Speech, effective
the Out-Patient Department building as a facility of the UP·PGH
30 August 1989.
Medical Center
U.P.MANILA The Board approved the recommendations of the president re-
garding the management of the out-patient department building as
Allied Medical Profession, College of
a facility of the UP-PGH medical center.
EllatG. Silva-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1 June 1989.
Supplemental. budget for the UP Extension Program in OkJngapo
Arts and Sciences, College of City .
Eduardo C. Tadem-as Assistant Professor I of Developmental The Board approved the supplemental budget for the UP Ex-
Studies, effective 1 June 1989. tension Program in Olongapo City in the total amount of P150.000.

Medicine, ceueae of Request to Construct aft Additional Water Cistern at an estimated

Alfredo C. Acosta-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective Cost of P3M
23 June 1989. The Board epproved the request to construct an additional water
cistern at an estimated cost of P3M.
Public Health, College of
Emilie G. Flores-as Assistant Professor IV, effective 1 June Grant Agreement between the University and the Sasakawa Peace
1989. Foundation
U.P. VISAYAS The Board confirmed the grant agreement between the Univer-
sity and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation on the Sasakawa Peace
Fisheries, College of Foundation Scholarship Program.
Liberato V. Laureta-as Assistant Professor IV of Aquaculture,
effective 28 September 1989. 83
Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of UP Los Baiios CentrarVisayas Polytechnic College (CVPCI tor the establishment
The Board confirmed the contracts entered into by the Chan- of aMaste- in Management, major in Public Management Extension
cellor of UP Los Banos, as follows: class in Dumequete City.
1. Memor~ndum of Agreement between UP Los Banos and the Memorandum of AWeement between UP Los 88iios. through the.
Bureau of Animal Industry (BAIl, to undertake a project to
Agricultural Credit and Cooperative I nstitute and the Bureau of
be called "P~eliminary Study on the Prevalence of Antibodies
Agricultura·' Cooperatives Development tSACOD) of the Depart-
against Pasteurella
ment of Agriculture
2. Memorandum of Agreement among ,UP Los Banos, through
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between
the College of AgrictJtture, the Department of Agriculture,
UP Los Banos, through the Agricultural Credit and Cooperative
Region 7, Department of Education, Culture and Sports and
Institute and the Bureau of Agricultural Cooperatives Development
the Municipal Government of Argao about linkages and cotte-.
(BACOD) of the Department of Agriculture to undertake a project
borative endeavor to bring about a more effective and svste-
to' be known as "Agricultural Cooperatives Education".
mane approach to countrysIde development.
3. Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos through
Contract for Security SerYi~ ~etween the University and the E and
the College of Agriculture, the Department of Agriculture,
R Security "Agency. Inc.
Region 7 and the Municipal Government of Sarili about Ilnk-
The Board confinned the contract for security services between
ages and oollaborative endeavor to bring about a more effect-
the University and the E and R~Security Agency. Inc.
ive and systematic approach to countryside development.
4. Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos, through Contract for Security Services between UPV and the Guardian
the College of Agriculture, the Department of Agriculture, Security and Detective Agency
Region 6 and the Municipal Government of Jordan about The Board confirmed the contract for security services between
linkages and collaborative endeavor to bring about a more UPV and the. Guardian Security and Detective Agency.
effective and systematic approach t~ countryside develop-
ment. Acceptance of 8 donation of two (21 scholarship grants to be known •.
5. Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos and the lIS the "Remy MoscollO-Balonon Scholarshipn
Department of Agrarian Reform to undertake jointly a tour- The Board confi~med the acceptance of a donation of two (2)
week COurse which shall be known as "Summer Institute for scholarship graQls to be known as the "Remy-Moscoso-Balonon
Agrarian Reform Trainers." Scholarship" by Mrs. Peclencta Liboon-Balonon in behalf of her
6. ·Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos, the family.
Department of Education, Culture and Sports and the De-
partment of Agrarian Reform to undertake jointly a four- APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS
week course entitled "Summer Institute for Agrarian Reform (Executive Session)
Teachers, Tertiary Level".
The Board approved the appointment of the following upon
Memorandum of Agreement between UP Visayas and the Province recommendation of the President:
of Capiz 1) Dr.. Noel G. Mamicpic' as Dean of the UP Los Banos Graduate
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between School, effective 2 November 1989 until 1 N~vember 1992.
UP vtsaves Management and the Province of Capiz on technical con- 2). Dr. Virgilio A. Fernandez as Dean of the Cotfege of Forestry,
suttancv services for an organizational audit of the Caplz Provincial UP Los Banos, effective 1 October 1989 until 30 September
Government. 1992.
3) Dr. Sylvia H. Guerrero as Director of the University Center
Memorandum ,cf Aweement between the UPVs and the Divine Word

for Women's Studies, effective 1 October 1989 until 30
College of Tagbilaran fDWTCI . _
September 1992.
The Board confir~ed the Memorandum of Agreement between
the UP vtsevas and the Divine Word College of Tagbilaran (DWTC)
Other Matters:
for the establishment of a Master of Nu'rsing Extension Class in
Tagbifaran City.
A. Report on Purchase of PGH Equipm~nt
B. Report on the Socialized "rumen and Financial Assistance Pro-
Memorandum. of Agreement among UP Visayas, the Provincial
Government of Negros Oriental and the Central Visayas Polytechnic C. The Board approved the increase in housing allowance of Chan-
College ICVPCI cellor Francisco Nemenzo from P2,OOOper month to P5,~
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among UP per month.
Visavas, the Provincial Government of Negros Oriental and the


ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER At one of the meetings on Theme VII, Governance, Public
Welfare and Social Justice, it was suggested that a roundtable be
16 July 1969
used as mechanism for generating assessment reports on topics
where the University's faculty have already undertaken studies
resulting in valid and reliable koowledqe on the problems and
issues involved. Topic convenorlsl will assume responsibility for
TO : Mr. ProCeID G. Ramos
t1) identifying the issues to be tackled by the roundtable and
the resource speakers who will deal with these issues on the basis
THROUGH : The Vice-President for Planning and Finance
of their own extensive studies on rhatootc. (2) organizing the
SUBJECT : Authorization to assume supervision over the
University Book Center roundtable, and (31 writing up the draft assessment report for
that particular topic.
Pusuant to the resolution of the Board of Regents at its-1009th The roundtable will also identify areas where little or inadequate
meeting on February 26, 1988 creating the position of Business
knowledge exists and wh'ich can then be researched on a "slow
Manager, specifying, among others, that "the direction and super- track". As Secretariat for the Assessments Project. UCIDS will
serve as "producer" 'ofthe roundtable and the reports.
vision of operations of all business e.,erprises and revenue qenerat-
log units shall be the responsibility of the Business Manager," you This suggestion was well-received by the scholars working under
Therns V and VIII at their recent joint meeting on 18 Ausut 1989.
afe hereby instructed to assume supervision of the University
Book Center effective immediately.
They agreed to 'adopt the mechanism for most of their topics.
Some even thought that other topics might be examined this way
to determine whether UP is ready to make some authoritative
statements on these topics at this time. This would not preclude
the necessary studies requiring more information and analysis.
We would like to encourage Theme Coordinators and Topic
MEMORANDA Convenors to consider the fast track roundtable as a means to faci'l-
ltate their work. This mechanism will enable us to efficiently
10 July 1969 use our limited financial resource earmarked for the assessments
MEMORANOUM NO. 32 I should like to emphasize that each UP Report, whether fast
track or not, should be the result of thorough, multi-disciplinary
FOR Tile Chancellor, U.P. Diliman study and reflection worthy of the University's sponsorship and
The V ice-Chancellor for Administration publication.
The Budget Director
The University Cashier
The Chief Accountant , ' President
SUBJECT: Payment of UP arrears to MERALCO chargeable
against the R,eprogrammed Accounts

The Board of Regents in its 10215t meeting on May 29, 1989,

25 August 1969
approved the reprogramming of P9,547,574.67 for pending utility
Pursuant to the above-mentlond approval, please effect thee
. 1,
transfer of the necessary amount t9 the Reprogrammed Accounts I'
TO : The Chancellors
and prepare the related disbursement voucher and check in full
FROM : President Jose V. Abueva
payment to Meralco.
It is important to expedite payment of these bills since they
SUBJECT: U.P. Assessments on the State of the Nation Project ".
are all past due and Meralco has alerted us in a recent letter of its
We would like to request you to inform your respective faculties
intention to issue a notice of disconnection if no payment of these
about the UP Assessments on the State of the Nation Project which
arreareqes is fcrthccmlnq, These bills should not be covered by the
launched earlier this year. Please encourage them to participate
question raised by the Commission on Audit with the Department
in the project by joining the various groups which have been and
of Budget and Management on the authority of the Board of
are being formed under the eight major themes outlined in the UP
Regents to reprogram University funds. After all these bills are
clearly prior years' obligations, and the expenditure is of critical Reports On the State of the Nation Newsletter No.1.
While participation by the faculty in the project is entirely
importance to operations. \
voluntary, they can not do so until they are properly informed
about it. They can sign up for any of the topics with UCIDS to
which questions on this project should be directed in its capacity
as Project Secretariat.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation.
25 August 1989


TO : Theme Coordinators and Topic Convenors
UP Assessment on the State of the Nation project
From: President Jose V. Abueva
SUBJECT: A Mechanism for "Fast Track" Assessment Reponi

LETTERS 4 July 1989

3 July 1989 Ref, No, JVA-89·293

Ref. No. JVA-89·283 Honorable Leo Quisumbing

'115.Purok Aguinaldo
Ambassador Krishnan Reghunath UP Diliman, Quezon City
Embassy of India
2190 Paraiso Street Dear Leo,
Dasmarffias Village, Makati
Metro Manila Thank you, again, for your crucial assistance in the matter
of Donato Continente and, especially, in the work leading to the
Dear Ambassador Raghunath: signing of the agreement between UP and the Department of.Nation-
al Defense, by. Secretary Fidel V. Ramos and me.
Thank you for your letter of 26th June on the progress of .f 's you know, this agre4nent is a landmark. in the evolution
discussions concerning the Phllipplne-lndian cultural exchange of Our democracy and the protection of the "University's acedemlc
programme. We are pleased to know that your Government is freedom. It also reflects positively on the enlightened leadership of
presently revjeY\ling the Philippine proposals in the sector of Educa- our"Department of National Defense and the military and police.
tion, and that the University of the Philippines has been identified I am grateful for your ccnttlbution in forging t~e agreement.
as the coordinating agency for the Philippines. We shall; however,
await the advice of our Department of Foreign Affairs on the final Sincerely yours,
outcome of the consultation.
As you probably know, "all the four constituent universities (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
of the UP (UP nujmen. UP Los Banos. UP Manila. and UP Visayas) President
would have a participation in the implementation of the proposed
executive programme. This rarely happens indeed, and it oould only
mean that we at UP value the friendship of your country.
With our highest esteem. 4 JUly 1989

Sincerely yours, Ref. No. JVA·89·291

(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA fjr. David Pierpont Gardner

President President
University of California
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland. California, 9461203550
4 July 1989 U.SA.

Ref. No, JVA-89·289 Dear Dr. Gardner:

\ Dr. Romeo L Manlapaz

{)Tawsug Street
La Vista, Quezon City
Thank you again for hosting the pacific Rim Universities Con-
ference which you so ably chaired through a fruitful discussion
and conclusion. I am grateful for the opportunity of meeting many
interesting and distinguished colleagues in the Asia-Pacific area and
Dear Dr. Manlapaz: exchanging ideas and experience with you and all of them. It was
a welcome learning experience for me,
Tsos-puso akong nagpapasalamet sa inyong peqtitfwalasa ating Earlier this month, I took part in the University Presidents'
Unibersidad upang magkaroon n9 kopya ng mga Iibreto at musical Symposium on Internationalizing Education that President Albert
scores ng iba't-ibang zarzuela at lba pang kompcsisvon ng ating mqa J. Simone convened in Honolulu. This added to the very useful dis-
" kababayang Piliplno. cussions and contacts that our Conference in San Francisco initiat-
Nakahanda na ang College of Music upang ipakopya ang mga ed.
kole~siyong nasabi. Ipagbibiaay-alam ko sa College of Music ang Enclosed is a copy of my letter to the head of the Chinese Em-

inyong hinihiling kagaya ng Rag-acknowledge kaV Ginoong D.R. bassy in Manila expressing my deep concern over recent events in
... Manlapaz bHang kotekjor ng mga ito at ang pagbibigay n9 royalties the People's Republic of China.
Wittt warm best wishes.
II sa mga acmposttor tuwing gagamiting pang-komersiyal ang etin
man sa mga ito.
Hanggang dtto na lamang at muling tanggapin ninyo ang aming Sincerely vours,
z pasasatamet.
:>l. Sa invo'v gumagalang, President


4 July 1989 7 July 1989

Ref, No, JVA-89·295 Ref. No, JVA-89-298

H.E. Krishnan Raghunath Atty. Leopolda Serrano

The Embassy of India Officer-In-Charge
2190 Paraiso Street Office of Legal Affairs
Dasmarffias Village Department of "Agrarian Reform
Makati, Metro Manila Quezon City

Dear Ambassador Raghunath: Dear Atty. Serrano:

The University of the Philippines welcomes the possibility Pursuant to the Department of Agrarian Reform's proposal to
of organizing a seminar or lecture-discussion on the life and thought organize a composite survey team from the Department of Agrarian
of Jawalharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi. We agree that such an Reform, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
activity could indeed enrich our academic discussion of Asian the University of the Philippines and the claimant's group, I am
political thought, and serve as a fitting COtnmemoration of Nehru's designating the followi~ as the University's representatives to the
100th birth anniversary. survey team:
We are very pleased "to inform you that Or. Olivia C. Caoili,
Chairman of the Department of Political Science, shall serve as Dr. Antonio Alcantara - College of Agriculture
our representative to d iSCU5S the details of your proposed activities. U.P. Los Banos
She is ready to meet with your representative on the 11th or Or. Zanaida Sierra - College of Arts and Sciences
12th of July: Your representative may call Dr. Caoili at 976061 U.P. Los Baiios
Ioc. 242 or 238 or Prof. Malaya Bonas, Director of our Office of and as alternates:
Institutional Linkages, at 998321. Mr. Renata Lapltan - Co liege of Forestry
Best regards. U.P. Los Banos
Mr. Leonardo Florece - Institute of Environmental
Sincerely yours, Science and Management
U.P. Los Banos
ISgd.l JOSE V, ABU EVA 'As agreed upon, the team will have the responsibility of deter-
President mining which portions/areas of the Quezon Land Grant may be
considered within the context of the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law. In addition, the team will also identify the number
of legitimate claimants in the area who will qualify as beneficiaries
4 July 1989 under the said law.

Very truly yours,

Ref, No, JVA-89·296


Hon. Mary Concepcion Bautista
Commission on Human Rights
IBP Building
Julia Vargas Avenue 17 July 1989
Pasig, Metro Manila
Ref, No, JV A-89·304
ear Honorable Bautista:
The Honorable Chairman
In response to your letter June 23, we are pleased to inform
Sedfrey Ordonez
you that Professors Jerome Bellen and Israel Cabanilla of our
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
Department of Anthropology, College of Social Science & Philoso-
Man i I a
phy, are ready to assist your ·Commission's medlcc-leqal team in o
whatever way they can. ."
Dear Chairman Ordonez:
It is of course understood that their professional services are
rendered without prejudice to their teaching duties in the University
In Januerv 1989, we sent a letter to Dr. Fernando Carrasco so ~
or their prior commitments to research and extension services as

requesting the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) to N

professors in the University. Should there be any need for their
consider granting the University of the Philippines Pl00 Million
services for a longer period of time, such an arrangement shall be on
as its contribution to an endowment fund to be set up by the
a yearly basis with the approval of our Chancellor in UP Diliman. University specifically for the PGH. Proceeds from this endowment
With our warmest regards. fund will be used for the maintence of expensive, state-of-the art '-
equipment in order to put them to proper and lasting use. E..
Very truly yours, With all the new and modern equipment of the 7-storey central •
block and of the recently-inaugurated and now operational Out-
Patient Department, the PGH Advisory Board has deemed it neces-
President sary and urgent to contract the maintenance of equipment and
facilities to qualified parties, preferably their manufacturers. Thi$
will require a big amount of money which realistically cannot come
from the PGH budget or even the National Government. To provide '......."
funds for the maintenance of this equipment, the University has <0
decided to set up this endowment fund.
We respectfully reiterate our request for the PCSO to contribute
to this endowment funcl. If an outright grant to the University is
not possible, we respectfully request the peso to name the PGH
as a beneficiary of one of its special charity draws.
the new appointees until fuoos for these are released. It is feared
that further delay will endanger basic hospital services as a result
; '

The support that peso can give to a vital need of the PGH of possible personnel unrest due to non-payment of salaries.
will help ensure high-standard medical care by PGH through main- The amount requested is broken down as follows:
tenance of its equipment.
With our best wishes and assurances of our highest esteem. Salaries 100 P4.620,732
COLA and other
Sincerely yours, allowances 100-10 2,437.800
Total Personal Services P7,058,532
President In view of the urgency of the matter, we pray for your
usual favorable and immediate attention to this request. !

With assurances of our highest esteem.

19.1uly 1989
Very truly yours,
Ref. No. JVA-89·309
Honorable Guillermo N. Carague President
Department of Budget & Management
Malacanang, Manila
24 July 1989
SUBJECT: Request to an Advice of Allotment and Fund-
ing Warrant for Retirement Gratuity and Terminal Ref. No. JVA-89·307
Leave Benefits of Regular Retirees of UP.
Prof. CorazonGeneroso HUgo
Dear Secretary Carague: Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation
Regina Ylanan Gym, DlIiman Campus
Pusuant to NBC 395·A, dated October 1, 1988, we would like I ' Quezon 'City
to request for the release of funds "and the corresponding cash
requirements in the amount of ONE MI LLION THREE HUNDRED Dear Professor lfiigo:
ONLY (Pl,345,510.00) for the payment of retirement gratuity Please accept my most heartfelt grief and sympahty to your
and terminal leave benefits of six (6) UP pers~nel who retired family on the occasion of the untimely passing of your mother,
under compulsory/optional retirement, Broken down as follows: Felisa Cristobal Generoso, last July 17.
Words are not adequate to express the great void her passing
Particulars Amount has left, not only to the Generoso family. but to the University
1) Retirement Gratuity - P 928,732.00 of the Philippines, which she willingly and ably served during
2) Terminal Leave - 416,784.00 the best years of her productive life. She is a great loss not only
Total - P 1,345.516.00 to you and the University but to the country. She was e great
woman and educational leader,
We have enclosed the following to support this request. An ever loyal alumna, she joined the University Elementary
A. Schedule of Retirement, Saparation Pay and Terminal Leave School tacultv in Ermita in 1937, after nearly a decade of previous
Benefits as shown in Appendix A; teaching at the public schools in Manila, Albay, and Nueva Ecija,
B. Documents supporting the retirees' claims. t'rom 1923 until 1930,
Thank you for usual kind attention.
I recall that after World War II, your mother joined the,Uni-
versity as principal of the UP Etementarv School at its new campus
Very truly yours.
in Dlljman. Her record as a University administrator was excellent.
When she retired in 1968. her services were missed by the Uni-
versity community, May I add that our family felt close to her
because of her warmth and kindness to us.
On behalf of the University of the Philippines, I reiterate my
sincerest condolences on the passing' of your mother. I am cer-
19 July 1989 tain that her former pupils who are now the country's leaders
and successful professionals are greatly touched by her passing
"Honorable Guillermo N. C8rague and will miss her.
Secretary We wlll.alwavs honor her memory in this University and cherish
Department of Budget and Management her valuable contributions to this institution.
Malacanang, Manila
Sincerely yours, I
Dear Secretary Carague:
We sould like to request the release of supplemental approprla- President
'uons and release of the correspcndlnq funding warrant in the
FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO (P7.058,5321 oovering the finan-
cial requirements for the new positions created for UP-PGH in
December 1988. Most of these positions have already been filled
up. Meanwhile. inasmuch as they are not part of the UP approved
88 budget for the current year, we are unable to pay the salaries of

!. :-

25 July 1989 27 July 1989

Ref. No. JVA-89·316 Mr. Ludovico Concan L1ames

. U.P. Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority Dagupan Electric Corporation
c/o Ma. Evalina Margarita E. Herbosa 'Srd Floor, Veria I Building
University of the Philippines 62 West Avenue, Quezon City
Oiliman, Quezon City
Dear Mr. L1ames:
Sa mga kasapi ng U.P. Delta Lambda Sigma Sorrority:
The University would flke to request you to consider your wish
Mula't sapul, and Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority ay nagsagawa to include numbers 8 and 9 as part of the terms and conditions
09 iba't ibang gawaing pansibika. Sa jocb '"9 mahigit 43 teen ang in the Deed of Donation for the Ludovico and Elizabeth L1ames
mga Lambdans ay patuloy na naglilingkext sa pamayanan sa pema- Professorial Chair in Chemistry. As you know, our Board of Regents
rnaqiten "09 paq-oorpanlsa ng lba't ibang proyekto tulad "9 "free- approved the establishment of this Chair at its meeting on 28 April
medical clinics. legal aid programs, bloodletting drives at feeding 1988 and, upon your request, changed its official name on 29 June
centers," 1989.
Sa kanyang ika43 taon, mull nilang nilalayon ne arqatin ang Deed of Donation for Professorial Chairs in the University
kamulatang panlipunan 09 mga maq-aaral dito sa Unibersidad, sa follow an established format and contain standard provisions which
pamamagitan 09 ilang aktibida,d tulad ng "Conqresswetch," "free reccqn ize the donor's wishes and intentions. The, University, how-
medical clinic" sa Smokey Mountain at "get-together" ng mga ever, cannot accept restrictions which would diminish its academic
"Greek-letter" na samahan dito sa Unibersidad. Magtatangkilik din integrity.
sue ng pelikulang Oro, PlatB, Mara na kung saan ang malilikom ay We earnestly request you to consider signing the original Oeed of
gagamiting parnbili ng mga "airconditioners" para Sa UP Film Donation which not reflects the change in the name of the Chair.
Center. Otherwise, the University would be constrained not to accept your
Inaasahan ko ang inyong suporta at taos-puscnq partlsipasvon kind offer. We are certain that you will vie'IIV with understanding the
sanapakamakabuluhang gawaing ito. Nawa'y ang programa ng established tradition in the' University with respect to grants and
inyong sorority ay magsilbing" inspirasyon sa iba pang mga grupo donations.
sa kampus na nagbabalak ring magsagawa ng ganito. Higit sa lahat, With our highest regards, and sincere thanks for your donation.
ang proyektong Ito ay rnakakatulonq rin sa pagpapatibay ng paqtu-
tulungan ng mga meg-earat dito sa ating Unibersidad, Very truly yours,
Maraming salamat.
Sumasalnvo, ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA

28 July 1989

Ref. No. JVA·89·325

26 July 1969
Fr. Alloo G. Nud.., SJ
Ateneo de Manila University
Ref. No. JVA-89·320
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
His Excellency
Dear Fr. Nudes:
Ambassador Halng Manh Tu
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of vtetnarn
Your letter written in Boston to President Aquino was referred
554 Vito Cruz Street
to us by MalacaFiang for appropriate action. I apologize for this
Malate. Manila
rath~r delayed reply.
Your Excellency, The idea of setting up a Njnov Aquino, Jr. Great Books, Memo-
rial Library is laudable. We shall certainly consider it for inclusion
I would like to thank you for the kind assistance of vour Office in our proposed national Leadership Resource Center. This
in arranging my visit to Hanoi last May together with two other proposed Center will, among others, gather and be a depository
University officials and three professors. This is rather late but I . of the great works (papers, writings, audio-video, and other mate-
assure you we appreciate very much your help. rials) of our national leaders. We realize that we do not have such
Our trip has been most enlightening and fruitful. We were able a center in the country and that this is a good time as any to start
to meet with some governl!'ent officials and in our meetings and the project while some of our leaders are still around to assist and
discussions with the officials and professors of Hanoi University, we guide us in gathering materials for this Center.
were able to finalize and sign with them an academic exchange We hope to have all these realized within the next year or so.
agreement a copy of which is attached. In the meantime, we will need all the help we can get, financial
In the meantime. we had invited Prof. Vu Duong Ninh, Director and otherwise, to get us going. As you well know, with its present
of Hanoi University's Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, to par- resources, the University can hardly maintain its present projects
ticipate in the Third International Philippine Studies Conference and programs. But we shall continuously on the lookout for other
which was held from July 13 to 16 at the Philippine Social Science sources.
Center. He left for Vietnam yesterday morning. Thank you for sharing your idea.
With assurances of our highest esteem. With best regards.

Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours,


President President
28 July 1989 As you well know, UP is at the apex of our tertiary educational
.svstem. Aside from. providing advanced instruction, at the under-
Ref. No. JVA-89·241 graduate and graduate . levels, in more fields than any other public
0; private university, UP serves the nation as' the foremost resource
Justice Irene R. Cortes for research, training, consultancy, and extension services. UP also '
Supreme Court of the Philippines operates the largest hospital (the 'UP-PGH Medical Center) and
Taft Ave.• Manila the leading research and development institutes in science and tech-
nology, including agriculture. As you Also know; UP professors
Dear Justice Cortes: assist virtually every committee of congress as well as various agen-
cies of the Executive Department, the judiciary, and constitutional
Starting this first semester 1989-1990, the University of the bodies.
Philippines is launching two historic initiatives and reforms: (1) With respect to the UP faculty, we respectfully urge the Con-
the "Iskalar ng Bevan" or Socialized Tuition and Financial Assist- ference Committee to ensure that the academic rank of Instructor
ance Program (STFAP), and (2) the Patakarang Pangwika or UP I continue to be three grades above the minimum salary of a public
language Policy. school teacher which we believe should be substantially increased.
STFAP was approved by the UP Board of Regents on 30 January Likewise, we respectfully urge the Conference Committee to
1989 as a major effort to democratize edmlsslon, after nearly provide UP administrative personnel a minimum monthly salary
one year of preparations and consultations. It may be noted. in this that will afford their families a living wage. This we feel should be
regard. that the President of the Philippines and Congress mandated about P2,600.00. We know that in your view the Government is
the University through the General Appropriations Act for 1989, in not now in a position to pay this amount as minimum monthly
these words: "The University of the Philippines shall adopt and im- salary for government employees 'in general. But we hope that the
plement socialized tuition fees and democratic access in its Salary Standardization Law would allow an, automatic escalation to
enrolment not later than the end of the Fiscal Year 1989." The this or higher levels as the finances of the Government improve. I
program is in line with the goals of the 1987 Constitution to "build would like to explain personally to you the foregoing proposals
a just and humane society" and "promote social justice in all phases as soon as possible at your convenience.
of development." Thank you so much for your continuing strong support to UP
UP's language policy was approved by the Board of Regents on and alt our programs and activities. In a separate letter, I'd
25 May 1989. On a gradual and voluntary basis it promotes the use like to report to you on our initial implementation of the Social-
of Filipino as medium of instruction at the undergraduate level. ized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program. You official and per-
The policy aims at the same time to cultivate and enhance local sonal support for this Program strengthened immeasurably Our
and regional cultures and languages, as the "native fountainhead efforts to develop and implement it.
by which Filipino civilization is enriched and .grows ever stronger," With our deepest appreciation and gratitude.
Hence, the cultivation of regional languages such as. Cebuano,
tloceno, Hiligaynon, Birol, Waray, Kapampangan, Pangsinense, Sincerely yours,
Maranaw. Magindanao, Tausug, Kinirav-e; etc. Under the policy,
English continues meanwhile as a language of instruction and is (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
maintained (IS the primary international language in the University. President
For more information about these two major reforms in UP,
we are pleased to send you herewith: .

1. UP Newsletter special issue on the Socialized Tuition and

Financial Assistance Program, 1 April 1989. 7 August 1989
2. The Language Policy in UP.
May I also take this occasion to send you a copy of 'The First Ref. No. JV A-89·336
Sixteen Mont~s, which is my report as UP President for the period

1 September 1987 to 31 December 1988. Atty. Irving V. Mediante
With all good wishes, and with deep appreciation' of all the 5201' Fahrenheit St.
support received by the University of the Philippines, Palanan, Makati
Metro Manila
Sincerely yours,
Dear Atty. Mediante:
President I am most grateful to you for your very kind' letter of July
13.,lt is the kind of unsoflclted and thoughtful support that inspires
me to do my utmost and to make the best, although unpopular,
decisions in the best interest of the University.
1 August 1989 For your information, I am sending you a copy of a letter

• Ref. No. JVA-89·330
" written by Dr. Belinda A Aquino, U.P. Vice-President for Public
Affairs, which appeared in the newspapers. You might also be inter-
... The Honorable RolandO R. Andaya
ested, 90 I. am sending you a -copy of the (draft) Primer on the
1S Phase-out of the U.P, College Bagufo High School.
Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives
Given your interest in the State University. I take the liberty
of sending you a copy of my statement for the first 16 months.
z Batasang Pembansa Complex With my warm best wishes. ...
Constitutional Hills
~ Quezon City Sincerely yours,
III Dear Chairman Arceva: ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
I have the honor to submit for the kind consideration of the
Conference Committee on the Salary Standardlzatjon Bills our
proposals for the faculty and other personnel of the University

90 of the Philippines,
14 August 1989 public and private colleges and universities participated.
Pursuant to one of the major recoramendations of the Con-
Ref. No. JVA-89-344 ference, we would like to invite you to a consultative meeting on
Monday, 4 September 1989, to pursue the idea of organizing an
Dr. Milandre 8 R usgai Independent Inter-University Commission on Education.
Philippine Association of State The Commission, as embodied in a Conference Resolution, is
Universities and Colleges envisioned to be an independent, non-governmental body that will
8th Floor, Palacio del Govern8dor undertake a continuing review of the policies and performance of
Intramuros, Manila the Philippine Educational System.
The following is the Provisional Agenda for the meeting:
Dear Director Rusgal: 1. Review of the Resolution on the "Establishment and Main-
tenance of an Independent Inter-University Commission on
This is in connection with your letter postmarked August 1, Education"
which requested my comments regarding some sections of' 58 2. Establishment and incorporation of a foundation pursuant
834. Unfortunately. your letter was received August 7 which was to the Resolution ..
a day after the deadline you set for my comments on August 6. 2.a. Creation of a Secretariat
According to my staff, the delay may have been' caused by the 2.b. Organization of Technical Panels
postal strike. 3. Proposed Work Program and Timetable
With regard to the specific issues you wanted me to comment 4. Other Matters
on, such as academic freedom, these are matters that need further
study and consultation with the appropriate members of my staff. Enclosed is a list of the educators we are inviting to the ccn-
I suggest that we make this part of the agenda for a future meeting sultative meeting which will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the UP Board
with PASUC. I will continue to be in touch with you. of Regents Room on the third floor of Quezon Hall [Admlnlstra-
Thank you for getting in touch with me, but it is unfortunate tion Building) in UP Dillman.
that I did not get your letter on time. Cognizant of the need for a continuing forum and structure
that will enable heads of publi,c and private institutions of higher
Sincerely yours, teaming to 'meet periodically on issues of common concern, we hope
you will honor us with your personal presence and participation in
ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA this consultative meeting.
President With our best wishes.

Sincerely yours,
Ika·15 ng Agosto 1989
Ref. No. JVA-89·352 President

Dr. Paulo Campos

Medical Genter Manila
15 August 1989
Man i I a
Ref. No. JVA-89-347
Mahal na Dr. Campos:
Honorable Vietor S. Zip
lsang maligayang pagbati ang ipinaaabot sa inyo ng Lupon
Philippine Senate
ng mga Rehente ng Unibersidad sa i.nyong paqkamit ng titufonq
Legislqtive Building
ational Scientist n9 bansa.
Napakalaking karenqalan ang mataguriang isang .Naticne! P. Burgos St .•. Manila
Sclentlst at ang lahat sa Unibersidad ay naniniwalang tunay na Dear Senator Ziga:
karapet-dapat ito para sa inyo.
Magsifbi sana kevonq inspirasyon at mabuting, ehemplo para Thank you for referring the letter of Jo-Ann Carrol Dacasir
sa lahat dito sa Unibersidad. regarding her concerns about the phase-out of the U.P. College
Muli-, tanggapin ninvc ang aming maligayang pagbati. Baguto High School. e
The Decision to phase out the High School, which had been -e
contemplated as early as 1981, was made by the U.P. Board of
Regents after a careful and thorough study of the school's perform-

ILagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA ance since its establishment. Overall. it has fallen short of all the
expectations that went into its creation in 1972. Among others, it
has failed to produce a good number of entrants to U.P. College it
15 August 1989
Baguio, which was one of the reasons it was created.
The facts and issues surrounding the case are clearly 'detailed
in the enclosed Primer which we have proposed as part of our '<,
efforts to inform the public about our reasons for phasing out the

Ref. No. JVA-89-349
high school.
Dr. Vietor M. Ordonez I hope that you will find our position reasonable end justified
Dept. of Education, Culture & Sports
particularly from the point of view of our basic mission of pro-
tertiary-level education to our citizens. Please write again or call
Intramuros, Manila if you find it necessary to discuss the case further. ...'"
Dear Dr, Ordonez: Sincerely yours,
It has been almost a year since the University organized the 1Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
Conference on Higher Education in which more than 160 heads of President 91
22 August 1989 I 25 August 1989 I
If ~e.succeed in organizing it, the Independent lnter-Universltv
Co~mlSSlon on Education will surely want to be helpful and sup- 30 August 1989
poruve. of the work of the House Committees on Education and Ref. No. JVA-89-371
Culture under your leadership.
With our best wishes'.
Mr, Jose Borromeo
Tolar Development Corporation
stneereiv yours, 00 San Jose Street
Cebu City
President Dear Mr, Borromeo:

Thank youvery much for your letter of 21 Auqust 1989.

- The University is very pleased to accept your generous donation
28 August 1989 of PSOO,OOO, which may be used:

Ref. No. JVA-89-370

1) to establish two professorial chairs or faculty grants; or
2) as contributton to the University's Research Endowment
Dr. Akito Arima Fund
The University of Tokyo For more information on these two options, please refer to the
3-1 Hongo 7-chome broch ures attached hereto.
Bunkyo-ku .. I have requested Vice-President for Academic Affairs Gemino
TIkyo 113. Japan H. Abaci to discuss with you or with your representatives the other
details that need to be firmed up before we submit the formal agree-
ar President Arima: ment to the Board of Regents.
Again, thank you for thinking of the University. We sincerely
We are very pleased to know that Our two universities have appreciate your generous gesture.
reached an important pahse in the process of establishing academic With our very best Wishes.
links and cooperation. Professor Akira Takahashi personally in-
formed us last week that a Memorandum of Agreement between Very truly yours,
our respective institutions is about ready to be signed.
In this connection, may we have the honor of inviting you to (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
come to the Philippines when you are least busy for the ali-impor- President
tant occasion of signing the Agreement- May we also invite you to
address our academic community on a topic of your choice- 1-----------------------,---.....:--1
If you are agreeable, we would be pleased-to provide you.with
modest accommodation on our campus at the University of the
6 September 1989
Philippines in Dillman, Quezon City. .
We look totwarotc hearing about your availability. Thank you Ref. No. JVA-89-387 '
very much for considering our invitation. Best regards'
Ms:M8richelle D. Alii
Sincerely yours, U.P. College Baguio High School

Baguio City
President Dear Marichelle:

senator Ernesto Maceda referred your letter of July 25th to me

and I am happy to respond to your concern about the phase-out of
30 August 1989 the UP College Baguio High School. 1 understand perfectly the sen-
timents that you expressed in your letter. The decision to phase out
Ref. No. JVA-89-377 your school was a painful one, but it had to be done. Before recom-
mending its phase-out, we had several studies and reviews of the
Honorable Guillermo N. Carague performance of your school by responsible committees and faculty
secretary, Department of Budget . groups in UP, On the basis of these studies, we could not justify
and Management continuing the operations of your school.
Malacanang, Manila . The enclosed Primer will explain further the various issues
involved in the. decision to discontinue the high school. Please
Dear Secretary Carague: understand that our decision was not meant to discriminate against
Cordillerans, as some people make it cut to be. As you will note in
Thank you for the partial release of our CY 1989 Capital Out- the Primer, I myself was involved in efforts to brjng peace in Cordil-
lays. This is a touow-vp of the remaining balance of P34.711,OOO leras in the recent past.
and the release of funding warrant based on the Work and Financial I want you to know how much I appreciate your making known
Plan we have submitted, your feelings about the issue. I hope you and your friends will
Your usual kind consideration shall be g'reatly appreciated. respect the ruling of the Supreme Court upholding our decision.
Please accept my best regards.
Very truly yours,
Sincerely yours,

7 September 1989 1.1 Population Resources, Environment and Sustainable
Ref. No. JV A-89·389 1.2 Values, Culture and Communication in Relation to
Nation-Build ing and Development
He: Excellency • 1.3 Education, Learning and Development
President Corazon C. Aquino 1.4 Science, Technology and Development
Malacanang, Manila 1.5 Basic Human Needs
1.6 The National Economy, Public Welfare and Global
Dear President Aquino: Interdependence
1.7 Governance, Public Welfare and Social Justice
J have the honor to recommend the appointment of Dr. Ruben 1.8 The Well·Being, Welfare and Development of People
Aspiras as Faculty Regent of the University of the Philippines 2. University Center for Women's Studies Research Projects
effective 1 September 1989 until 31 December 1990 or for a term. - these projects will focus on the related activities on women
of sixteen (16) months. Dr. Aspiras shall serve the unexpired and their role in nation building.
portion of Or. Francisco Nemenzo's term as Faculty Regent (from 3. Research Projects of the "Sentro ng Wikang Filipino" (SWFI
1 September 1989 to 31 December 1989) plus one year (1 January - tre SWFis a university system-wide center established
to 31 December 1990) corresponding to the normal term of office as a consequence of the University's adoption of the lan-
of a Faculty Regent. If approved, Dr. Aspiraswill succeed Dr. Fran- guage policy on FILIPINO as the medium of instruction
cisco Nemenzo who has to cut short his term as Faculty Regent in and official communication in the Univesity, Research
... view of his appointment as Chancellor of U.P. in the Visayas by the projects will be undertaken by the SWF to the development
U,P. Board of Regents, of Filipino dictionaries for the use in the different courses in
The U,P. Board of Regents has decided that the representation the GE Program and in the establishment of computerized
of the faculty on the Board shall be rotated among the four cons- data bank for encoding and accessing materials in. Filipino
tituent universities (U.P. Oiliman, U.P. Los Banos, U.P. Manila and and other Philippine languages,
U.P. vtsevasl to ensure participation and' representation of all The amount requested above for your approval is for a two
universities in .the decisicn-mekinq process of the governing boarct of year period.
the University. Thank you.
Inasmuch as the Faculty Regent has come from the U.P. Oiliman
from October 1987 until August 1989, the Board decided that the Sincerely yours,
next Faculty Regent should come from U.P. Los Baros. U.P. Dill-
man has more than one-half of all the U.P, faculty members and ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
this would make it difficult for nominees for Faculty Regent President
who come from the three smaller constituent universities to be
elected by the U,P. facuftv as a whole,
Dr. Aspiras is Professor of Soil Science and Microbiology at
the Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, 15 September 1989
U.P. Los Banos. He topped the VPLB straw vote which was con-
ducted to identify nominees for the position. The two other no- •
Ref. No. JVA-89~398
minees were Dr. Fernando F. Sanchez and Dr. Leodegario M. Ilag.
The curriculum vitae of all three nominees are attached for your Atty. Ponciano G. A, Mathay
consideration. President
I can vouch for Dr, Aspiras' competence and his dedication U.P. Alumni Association
and loyalty to V.P., his Alma Mater, and our country. I believe Alumni Center
that as Faculty Regent, Dr. Aspiras will be a strong supporter Dillman, Quezon City
of our common effort to bring about the necessary improvements
and reforms in the University in relation to our vision for the Dear Pons,
University and the national goals mandated in the 1987 Consti-
tution. This is a follow-up to the proposal presented by Vice-President
With assurances of our deep esteem, for public Affairs Dr. Belinda A. Aquino to the UPAA Board Meet-
ing last September 8, regarding the possibility of the Board's under-
Respectfully yours,
taking a housing project for U.P. retired faculty. I requested Dr.
Aquino to present this concept to the Board because I could not
attend the meeting.
I understand from her that the Board agreed to discuss this
further in a future meeting.
Attached is a brief elaboration of the problem. which can serve

12 September 1989 as a basis for further discussion and reflection, I will appreciate your
putting it on your agenda for a Board meeting in the near future.
... Thank you very much for your consideration .
..8 The' Board of Trustees
UP Foundation, Inc.
College of Law Building.
Sincerely yours,

z UP Diliman, Quezon City

~ Gentlemen: PreskJent
~ .,
<Il This is to request authority to allocate P1.5 Million from the
Opening Fund of the Foundation for various research projects
to be undertaken by the University of the Philippines such as the
1. National Assessments Project - this project has eight themes

94 or modules namely:
18 september 1989 I statue is a priceless piece-created by the famous sculptor Guillermo
... _,--~,-- ...... - .. - . _.. --- ..:_... n ............, +10.... <:...h ....n l nf 1=;"Il1o h.rt~

sors - Dr. Eva M. Duka Ventura, Or. Virgilio Enriquez; Dr. Thelma
G. Abiva and Prof. Belen T. G. Medina - as model products of your Binabati ko kayong lahat na mga kasapi n9 UP ISSI Alumni
institution is a great honor for Our University. Foundation sa inyong pagdiriwang n9 Ika-lablnq limang Alumni
We are also extending our heartfelt rongratulations to you for Homecoming. and Reunion at sa inyong ikatrong Foundation Anni·
your continuing efforts to promote higher learning, versarv and Forum on Investment na gaganapin sa Setyembre 9 ng
We abide by the same vision and commitment. May your inter- tacnq ito sa Virata Hall ng UP 1551 sa Diliman campus, Lungsod
ns Quezon.
national scc.etv have many more years of successful and produc-
tive activities. Ang tema ng inyong paqtitipon at peqbubuktod ay "Makabayang
Entreprenor: Susi sa Pambansang Kaunlaran," sa inyong lavunin na
magbigay ng impormasyon at manq-aktt na magtayo ng kalakalan na
Sincerely yours,
mal<apagbibigay og hanapbuhav sa marami upanq makabangon sa
Pagkakataon ito upang bigyang-diin na ang layunin ng entrepre-
. President
nor ay mahalaga at rnakabuluhan upang makaahon sa rrtatinding
kahirapan og marami dahil sa kawalang hanapbuhay. Ang paqkaka-
roon-og paqtltiwala sa sariling" kakayahan na ipinamalas ng entrepre-
28 September 1989 nor ay mahalaga sa pagsulong at kaunlaran'rq bansa.
Gaya ng sinasabi sa isang ewit: "Bigyan mo ako og isang tao na
Re.f. No. JV A-89-423 matipuno anq puso at ito'v susuodan pa ng daan-daan pang mati-
puna ang puso din." Kavonq mga entreprenor ay tutad n9 mati-
Mr. Teodoro P. Gapuz punong puso na neq-aakit sa tibu-libong iba pa upang maqkamit
Committee Secretary tavo ng tunay ne kasartnlanq pang-eknomiko.
Committee on Education and Culture - Mabuhay kayong lahat ang inyong mithiin.
House of Representatives
Batasan Pambansa (Lagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA
Quezon City Pangulo

Dear Mr. Gapuz:

This is in regard to your letter of September 15 requesting Ang pagsulong ng Filipino bilang wika sa akademiya ay isa sa
mqa epektibong paraan ng pagpapaunlad sa ating lipunan. Dahil
our comments on H .B. 23600 which plans to grant acedemlc credits
divan malugod kong binabati ang pagdating ng DIKSYUNARYO SA
to college students who are required to participate in proceedings
EKONOMIKS (lNGLES·FILIPINO) na sinulat ni Dr. Terese S.
involving the acquisition and disposal of government assets.
Tullao, Jr. Ito ang kauna-unahang diksyunaryo sa nasabing larangan.
We agree with the intention of the bill to promote honesty
Sa ganitong rnga paqsasaqawa, tevo' pwedeng ulnunlad bilang
in the public service and-to recognize the efforts of students toward
isang bansang may pagkakaintindihan sa isa't isa at may paq-unewa
this end. But we have some reservations -regarding the granting
sa mga paksanq tekniko. Ang pagtugon nitong aklat na ito sa lsang
of academic credits' to "the students. The authority to confer aca-
mahigpit na pangangailangan sa larangan 09 ekoncmiva at sa ating
demic credits-to students belongs to institutions of higher educa-
tion and is part of. the academic freedom euaranreec to them by the lipunan man din ay tubes kong pinahahalagahan..Nawa'y magirig
Constitution. We in academe would like to discourage the introduc- magandang simula ito ng pagsulat sa Filipino ng iba ~ang mga aklat,
tion of legislation concernlnqcurricula, credits and other academic sa ekonorniva man 0 sa ibang larangan ng akademiya, na pawang
matters that properly come under the purview of academic freedom nakasusulit sa rnaparnrrtnq pagbasa ng ating mqa iskolar.
and academic institutional autonomy. We hope you will take into
account our concern about the propcsedbitl. Thank you very much. tLagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
Sincerely yours,


lsang karanganlang batiin ko kayo sa inyong Grand Alumni
Homecoming na pinamagatang "Diamond + 2."
MESSAGE Sa loeb ng pitumpu't pitong taon, ang UP Corps of Sponsors ay
nagawang ipamalas ang kanilang kagaliogan at paglilingkod sa
"Department of Military Science and Tactics." Bukod pa rita at
hig'lt sa lahat, naging bahagi na rin ng tradisyon 09 Unibersidad ng
Malugod na paqbati sa mga nagsipagtapos sa Departamento ng
Pilipinas ang UP Corps of Sponsors.
Sikolohiya ngayong 1989.
Sa ngalan ng buong Unibersidad, binabati ko kayo sa inyong
Natatanq! ang Mandala '89, aog tau nang aklat ninyo, sapagkat

sa unang pagkakataon ay iaaalay ito sa isanq gurong nagsilbing haligi
Grand Alumni Homecoming. Naw'y ang okasyong ito ang magbigay-
daan sa pananariwa ng dating pagkakaibigan at pagkakaroon ng
"9 pagsuJong gn sikolohiya dito sa UP at maging sa Pilipinas, si Dr. .bagong pagkakakilala. Inaasahan ko ang tagumpay og proyektong
Alfredo V. Lagymay. Sa higit na apatnapung taon ng patuloy na ito at ang mga susunod pa.
paglitingkod niya bilang academiko at mananaliksik ay marami nang
Maraming salamat.
buhay ang k~nyang naiangat.
Kabilang kayo riyan, at siguardong mamahalagahin ni Or.
Lagmay aog inyong alay bilang malaking parangal. Ngunit sa palagay
ko ay tatanawin niyang mas malaking parangal ang inyong paggamit
ng inyong nakamit oa karllnungan sa paglitingod sa k~pvva, na siyang
pinakalayunin ng inyong napiling propesyon.
S Muli, ang aking pagbati. Sana ay maging inspirasyon at huwaran

ninyo ang inyong napiling pag-alayan. >


Pangulo •

~ara sa mga maq-aaral 09 Psychology na magsisipagtapos ngayong Maligayang bat! sa mga kasapi ng Alpha Phi Omega Interna-
1990, maJigayang pagbatisa inyo. tional Collegiate Service Sorority.
Nawa'y rnagtagumpay kayo sa inyong napiting laranqan at Lubas ne ikinagagalak ng Unibersidad na magkaroon ng mga
maging isang kaibahan, alinsunod sa mga adhikain, paninindigan sororltl na walang s8V'Jang nagtataguyod sa pamayanan, Kabilang na
at layuning sosve! n9 Unibersidad 09 Pltlpinas. Anumang kara- rlto ang inyong sororiti sa kanvanq nilalayong "fund-raising acti-
nga~ang inyong matamo ay karangalan din n9 UP. vities" at "medical-dental services" para sa mga kapaticl nating
Muli, maligayang pagbati. kapuspalad.
Binabati ko kayo sa inyong ika-Iabing pitong anibersaryo at sa
inyong patuloy na pagtangkilik sa pagpapatibay nang samahan ng
mga maq-aaral sa ating Unibersidad. Inaasahan kong magtatagumpay
ang inyong selebrasyon.
Maligayang bati sa mga kasapi ng UP Statistical Society.
Sa loob n9 ilang taon, ang UP Statistical Society ay nagpakita Manlming salamat.
09 kanyang pagtataguyod 09 interes 09 mga mag-earal sa
"Statistics," (Laqdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
Newe'v magtagumpay kayo sa inyong napipintong palabas na Pangulo

pinamagatang Colours Alive. Ang teaumcev 09 inyong mga pro-

yekto ay tagumpay din sa Unibersidad.
Mull, maligayang bati. sa mga kasapl ng UP Geodetic Engineering Club, isang maliqa-
yang bati.
(Lagda) JOSE V. ABU EVA -sa loab ng lirnempu't-lsanq teen, naging isang tradisyon na ang
Pengulo patuloy na pagtangkilik ng inyong samahan sa iba't-lbenq proyekto
para sa kaunlarang intelektuwal n9 mga maq-aaral dito sa Unibersi-
dad .

Malugod kong binabati eng UP Junior Finance Association sa Dahil dito, nais kong batiin ang inyong samahan sa inyong pag-
pupurtyaql at nawa'y magbunga pe ito ng maraming makabuluhang
nyang konsiverto na pinamagatang TALAGA TALAGA.
Ang UPJFA ay kinikilalang isa sa mga nangungunang organi- gawain. Inaasahan kong magtatagumpay aog inyong proyektong
sasvon. sa campus ng Dillman. Kayo ay nagpakita na ng inyong pinamagatang Polaris Cup - isang paligsahan sa ..chess" para sa
kakevatren sa pamamahalang pinansiyal na hindi neqsasaisantabi ng mga "freshman" dlto sa Unibersidad.
iny_ong responsibilidad sa llpunan. Sa inyong proyektong ito, na ang
maklklnabanq ay ang UPJFA Scholarship Fund, ay masasatamin ang Maraming salamat.
'magangandang layunin ng inyong organisasyon.
Sana ay ipagpatuloy ninyo ang inyong mga kapuri·puring I Lagda) JOSE V. ABUEVA
programa at nawa'y makapag-ambag din kayo sa hinaharap sa ating Pang.ufo


I congratulate the U,P. Economics Towards Consciousness for
its premier showing of the film: "Field of Dreams," on September
Pinasasalamatan ko't pinahahalagahan ang mga miyembro ng 12, '
Coordinating Committee at lahat ng mqa nagpakapagod nang husto Activities such as this, which will fund scholarhfps for financially
tungo sa paglikha ng isang University para sa Araling Panqkababai- needy students, are highly regarded by the University, especially
when they are initiated by students themselves. May we be more
han sa Unibersidad og Pllipinas.
blessed with organizations committed to the welfare of the U.P.
Binuo ko ang Coordinating Committee noong HUlyo 1989 upang
q-aratan aog posibilidad na makapagtaguyod n9 lsanq Center na
Once again, I convey my appreciation to the U.P.. Economics
maqtatalekav, bukod sa iba pang gawain, sa mga problema at issues
Towards Consciousness for the service it is rendering to cur com-
na may kinalaman sa mga kababaihan dlto sa ating Unibersidad at
sa bansa.
Batay sa panukalang iniharap ng Committee, ang Board of
Regents noong Disyembre 1988, ay nagbigay n9 kapangyarihan na
magtatag og nasabing Center oa inaasahang magiging operasyonal . Preskient
sa loob ng dalavvang taon. Bago ito ay napag·aralan ko na nang
mabuti ang panukala at ito ay sinang-ayunan ko, Kaya nga't isi·
nulong ko ang panukalang ito sa Board upang mapagtibay.
Limitado man ang pando at maliit man ang pinagkukunan, , Karangalan kong batiin ang U.P. Statistical Society sa pagi-
nakumpleto ng Committee ang iniatas na tungkulin dito at handa isponsor nito 09 tau nang int,er-university quiz show na pinama-
nang ilunsad ang Center. Ang mga aktibong miyembro n9 Com- gatang "7th Annual STAT-IS-EEKS."
mittee ay nakapagsagawa na og mga seminars, works~ops, at marami Ikinagagalak kong ma'aman na ginagawa og organisasyong ito
pang aktibidades '1a may kinalaman sa ipinapanukalang Center. ang lahat ng makakaya upang linangin ang interes ng mga estud-
Sa unang labas na ito ng PANANAW, magkakaroon n9 mas yante sa istatistika at palawakin ang importansya nita sa industriya.
malinaw na kaisipan ang publiko tungkol sa konsepto at f.lrak~ikal ekonomiya, at pangaraw-araw oa buhay.
Sa ngalan ng buang Unibersidad. binabati ko kayo. Magtagum-
nagpapairal og araling pangkababaihan.
Dahil sa kakayahao, lakas, sigasig, at taos-pusong pagpupunyagi pay sana kayo sa inyong proyekto at sa mga ·iba pa.
na iniukol og Coordinating Committee, malakas ang aking pag-asa't Maraming salamat.
pananalig na ang Center ay magiging matagumpay. Sinusuportahan
ng ating administrasyon ang mga progrestbong programang pang- (Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
akademiko at propesyonal na tulad nita.


• Pangulo 97

I am honored to greet the Municipal Trial Court Judges League major instrument of social transformation in our country. The
. of the Philippines on the occasion of its convention-seminar, which concept of socialized tuition and the gradual use of Filipino in
revolves on the theme of "Speedy Adjudication of Cases Through undergraduate instruction are examples of the current initiatives,
the Continuous Trial System," • of my administration.
This is a meet needed and timely undertaking and the League We, in the U.P. oommunity and inthe Philippines, are proud of
should be congratulated and ssupported for sponsoring it. The you. We wish you complete success in' this affair and subsequent
seminar addresses a crucial issue in the country's judicial system. ones. We will continue to be in touch with you.
The continuous trial system will most certtainly ease the heavy Mabuhayl
backlog of cases in the courts. The semInar will look into further
refinements of the system. so that ;~ could function with utmost (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
efficiency and effectiveness. President
The distinguished- members of the League should therefore
be commended for this activity. They, are willing to accept the
additional responsibilities that the system entails, on top of their
already heavy workload. They are ideal public servants. Greetings to the U.P. Epsilon Chi Fraternity of the College of
The University of the Philippines, through its Institute of Engineering on the celebration of its 25th anniversary on October
Judicial Administration, fully supports the Leeges efforts and 2 this year.
ptovide judges and other court personnel with education and train- Through its programs, the Epsilon Chi Fraternity has consis--
iog related to the overall aclministration of justice. On behalf of the tently produced among its members well-rourkted engineers who
entire U.P. community, 1 wish the League complete success in this have contributed positvely not only to the development of the
convention-seminar. College of Engineering but the University as well.
I am please that your fraternity has undertaken projects includ·
(Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA ing the asphalting of the parking lot behind Melchor Hall, and
President the ongoing project to reactivate the- Engineering Fountain.
1 am. hopeful that through your creed: "We believe in goal
and that goal is creation, for. no sooner will we be builders c'
nations," you will help prove that today's youth are Indeed t
Sa aking mga kapwa alumni sa UPLB, maligayang pagbati sa hope of our country's future.
inyo. May I wish you more success in your goals and may you have
Ang U.P. Los Banos ay kitala sa kanyang pagiginglider sa mga many mare years of productive anc:i successful activities.
lnstltusvon sa Pilipinas sa larangan ng kaunlarang pang·rural sa
pamamagitan ng mga programang akademiko hinggil sa agrikultura (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
at panggubat. Bilang pagpapatunay, marami sa mga nagsipagtapos President
sa kolehiyong ito ay kasalukuyang naq-ockupa ng mahahalagang
posisyon sa maraming pribado at pampublikong institusvon na may
kinalaman sa kaunlarang pang-rural.
Sa ngalan n9 Unibersidad, buong pagmamalaki akoog nakikiisa Greetings to the U.P. Namnamal
sa mga alumni, opisyal, pamunuan at estudyante ng U.P. Los Banos As a duly recognized organization of Ilocano students in the
sa kanyang pagdiriwang ng ika-pitumpu't isang Loyalty Day at University, it is indeed heartwraming to learn that vouwtu hold,
. Alumni Homecoming. Ang okasyong ito ay lalo pang mahalaga as one of your main activities, the ."Sirib," a quiz show among
dahil sa matiyagang pagpaplano "at pag-aasikaso ng College of Agri· high school students in La Union, 'llocos Sur, Abra, and ltoccs
culture Alumni Assoctetton. na nagdaraos ng kanya namang ike- Norte, On October 10 at Vigan, I locos Sur.
walumpung embersarvo. i wish to commend you on your worthwhile educational under-
Tunay na napapanahon ang temang "Displina, sipag at tiyaga, taking for it may help raise interest in the quest for knowledge
at sapat na tulo09 ng pamahalaan tungo sa repOrmang pansakehan," among high school students in your region. A

na inyong napHi sa taong ito. Nakikilsa kami at ang buohg samba- May your endeavor serve as an example to other groups i
yanang Pilipino sa napaka.angkop na temang ito. Nawa'y maging search of worthwhile projects to pursue. And through this project,
matagumpay ang repormang pansakahan at maging dean ito turqo may your organization be able to help stimulate interest in the
sa kapayapaan at paq-unlad ng ating bansa. advancement scholarship, diligence and other similar ideals among
Muli, maligayang bati. our youth today.


Pangulo President

From across the seas, I am sending my warmest greetings and MaHgayang pagbati sa mga kasapi ng U.P. Ibalon sa inyong ike-
congratulations to the U.P. Alumni Association in America. on the 15 an lbersarvc.
occasion of its Third Grand Reunion on October 8 in New York Ikinagagalak ko na ipinagpapatuloy ninyo eng inyong magandang
City: This is a highly significant occasion and I wish I were there layunin na mapalaganap ang kulturang Bikol sa pamamaqlten. ng
to represent the University of the Philippines, our distinguished pagtatanghal ng PADUNUNGAN·S9. •
alma mater. Tunay at nababagay sa okasyong ito ang temang "Pagtataguyod
The reunion is not just another day in the busy me of America. ng Wikang Filipino sa Sistemang Pang~Edukasyon sa Paglinang ng
It is a very special event as it signifies the strong bond among U.P. Makabayang Kamalayan Tunga sa lsang Pambansang Peqkekaki-
alumni even far beyond Philippine shores. It is an occasion to renew lanlanan." Oita sa Unibersidad, naslmulan na natin ang mala-
that tie that binds us all. Also, to uphold our commitment to wakang paqtuturo ng Filipino, Ang paggamlt nito ay naglalayong
uphold U.P.'s continuing tradition of academic leadership and excel- mapasulong ang keunlararqpambansa.
lence. Muli, maligayang pagbati.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that since
I assumed the U.P. presidency, I have initiated various reforms (Lagda) JOSE V. ABU EVA
designed to restore the vitality of our University and make it a Pangulo
SOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Lourdes B. Quisumbing, Chairman, Secretary,
Department of Education, Culture and Sports e The Honorable Jose V. Abueva,
President, University of the Philippines eThe Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chair·
man, Senate Committee on Education eThe Honorable Carlos M. Padilla, cbermen.
House Committee on Education e The Honorable Francisco Nerneneo. ·Jr. e The
Honorable Gonzalo A. Bongolan e The Honorable Ponciano GA. Mathav, President l

U.P. Alumni Association eThe Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura e The Honorable

Angelita T. Reyes e The Honorable Flerida Ruth p. Romero The Honorable
Clemente C. G atmaitan e The Honorable Delfin L. Lazaro e The Honorable
Primo E. GonzaleseDr. Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary.


President e Dr. Gamino H. ~bad, vtce-Presldent for Academic
Affairs. Dr. Felipe M. Medalla. Vice-President for. Planning and
Finance. Dr. Oscar M. Alfonso, Vice-President for Public Affairs
.Dr.. Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary

EDITORIAL STAFF: Sec. Em_lind. R. Roman, Editor e Meri.

Christine F. Reyes, Managing Editor • AM Estela M. Marquez
Editorial Assistant. 99

The typeface in this journal is Univers medium, set in two-point leads at the U.P. Printery
The printing in offset lithography is by the Univenity of tho Philippine. Printery
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The University 01 the Philippines

GAZETTE :~::~::.~:;e:::~9:9
JSSN No. 0115·7450

.Decisions of the Board of Regents

1026th Meeting, 23 November 1989

Appointments, reappointments. etc , , . 103
Transfer to permanent status , . 104
Merging of the Office of Research Publication and
the Office of Continuing Educationand
Extension . . . . .. , . 104
Professorial chahs. '.' ' 104
Management and operation of AIT by Brentwood
Land Corp. " . . . , . . . . . . . . . 104
Realignment and Reprogramming in 1989 of
funds for construction projects of UPV 104
Confirmation of rates approved by the President, .. 104
Change in benefits extended to students appointed
as Resident Assistants of Kalayaan Residence Hall .. 104
Prepared Modlfication of rules on faculty
tenure for the School of Economics . 104
Transfer ofthe management of fees collected by the
Child DevelopmentCenter for Children's Food
and Instructional Materials. . . . 104
Realignment of the requisition for pieces of
teaching equipment . 104
Revision of the return service requirement for
faculty and staff on local fellowship or
study leave with pay .. . , .. . ... 105
Ceilings on the total Administrative Load Credit .
given to faculty members hojdinqedminlstratjve
, position . . . 105
Report on the budgetfor STFAP for the period
June to December 1989 . 105 .
Compensation of faculty members with administrative
positions.. . 105
Grant of allowance to thoseadversely affected by
Cover Story
~L . 105
Supplemental budgets , . 105
The fervent wish in the heart of every Filipino this
Proposed amendment to the rule governing the
Christmas is that peace will finally reign in our coup-prone determination of the Honorarium for jacket!
country. cover designer. . . . , . 105
The first week of December heralded not only the Donation from Caltex Phils., Inc. of IBM
coming of Yuletide but also the most devastating coup central processing units. , . 105
attempt the country has experienced. President Abueva Contract between UPV and Chain ConstructionCorp. 105
and UP community condemned the iast coup and pledged Memorandumof Agreement between UP and PLOT Co. 105
"to peacefully resist any government that comes to power Contract of lease between UPV and Gregorio Gomez 105
through military force or violence." Contract of lease between UP and FCK Development
The President also suspended classes in the UP campuses Corp. . . . -, 105
Contract of lease between UP and Mrs. Emma C, Ramas. 105
of Dillman and Manila. This was in response to 'parents'
Rental Agreement between UPLB Postharvest Horticulture
urgent requests to have their children home during this time Training and Research Center and the Phil.
of national emergency. Duplication, Inc , . . . .. . . . 105
All the planned Christmas activities including the Negotiated contract between UPLB National Institute
Lantern Parade were cancelled. It was, however clarified

that classes for this semester will be' extended based on the
of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology
and Retrade International Corp . 105 o
number of days lost. General Construction Agreement between UP and
Kanlaon Construction Enterprise Co., Inc 105 0-
Memorandumof Agreement between UPV and NHA . 105 ...,

ERRATA Agreement to Cooperate between UP and the I:l

In the Volume XIX, Number 3,July-September 1988
Universityof Cincinnati.. .
Memorandumof Agreement between UP and the
. 105
Claret Formation Center . 105 3
issues of the UP Gazette, ISSN No. 0115-7450, I'age 96 go
Memorandumof Agreement among the Secondary
under the item "Transfer to permanent status," only Education Devetopment Project of DECS, the Bureau ...
Sophie P. Peiia's permanency as faculty memb:~ was ~p­ of Secondary Educationand UP System. . . . . . .. .. 105 <C
proved. The Board deferred action on those ponuons with Memorandumof Agreement among the Institute of 00
rank betowassoclate professor. We would like to offer our Pertanian Bogor , Kasetsart University, Universitas
apologies to the concerned parties. Gadjah Mada, Universiti Pe-tanlen Malaysia and
UPLB-5EAMED. Regional Cenfer for Graduate Study Memorandum No. 43 report on disruption of classes
and Research in Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . .. 106 __ caused by students or University employees: . . . . . , . ~109
Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB and the Memorandum No. 44 seed money for the UP Assessments
Industrial Asia Development Centre, Inc. . . . . , .. 106 on the State of-the Nation Project .. 109
Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB Memorandum No. 48 call for the 1989 Annual Heport 109
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering
and Technology and Agricultural Mechanization LETTERS
Development Program.. . " 106
Memorandum of Understanding between UPLB and the To Secretary Lourdes A. Quisumbing .. .. . . . . 110
Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization, To Ambassador Oleg M. Sokolov . . . . . . . . . . 110
Regional Center for Graduate Study, , '106 To Mr. Antonio S. licuanan. . . .. . . 110
Memorandum of Understanding between UP Dillman, To Mr. Hermenegildo Zavco . . .. ,.. , . 111
through NEe and PNOC, through its Energy Research To Congresswoman Anna Dominique "Nikki" Coseteng . 111
and Development Center, . . . . . . . . .. . 106 To Ms. Lydia B. Echauz . . .' .. , . . . . , . 112
Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB Office To Ms. Aimee P. Milagrosa.. .,. . .". 112
of the Director of Extension and the Phil. Association To Congressman ~elestino E, Martinez,Jr, , . 112
of Agricultural Education. .. . . . . . . .. 106 To Mr. Honorato Y. Aquino. . .. " " " . 113
Memorandum of Agreement between UPlB College of To Senator Edgardo J. Angara , .. , .
Agriculture and the Netherlands Fellows'" - To Congressman Carros M. Padllla .. . ,
Foundation . .. 106 To Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabujara. . . . . . . . . 113
Appo intment of members of the Board of Trustees To Prof. Jurgen Timm , . . . .. ., , . . . . . . . . 114
of the UP Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research To Mr, Amante Jimenez, Jr. .. . . 114
Center , , , , . . . 106 To Secretary Miriam Defensor-Santiago . . .. . . 114
Appointment of University officials , , 106 ToMr.JoseS.laurellll .. , ,': .. , . 114
Maners for information .. 106' T. Ms. Ofelia J, Silapan. • . . •. , ..• , ..• , •.•• 1.15
To President Ellis E. McCune of CalifOrnia
1027th Meeting, 18 Docemb... 1989 State University, .. ,. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
To Atty. Enrique M, Bela . . . . , , . . . . 116
Appointments, promotjons wttjr salary increase, etc . 106 To Secretary Raul S. Manglapus. ., . 116
Transfer to permanent status " ... ,.. , ,. .. 107 To Secretary Fiorello R. Estuar . . . . . . . . . .. .. ,. 117
Acceptance of the offer of Pillpinas Shell Petroleum To Mr. Sebastian Angliongto , . . . . . 117
Corp. to lease a piece of UP property, . . . , .. . .. 107 To President William H. Kreutz, S.J. of Ateneo
Establishment of the "Dr. Jim'my Go Puen Seng de Zambcenqa , . . 117
Professorial Chair in Journalism" , . .. 107 ' To Secretary Jesus Estanislao ',' . . . . .. , . 117
Reprogramming of funds..", , , . 107 To Mayor Erlinda N. Britanico . . . . . . , . l1B
Appointment of University officials , .. .. 107 To Arrbassador Tsuneo Tanaka. . . 118


Executive Order No.7 popularization of the research Sa UP Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority.. .. . . 116
project entitled: "J nterrelationships of Population, . To the Graduating Class of UP College Tacloban , .. 118
Human Resources, Development and the Philippine To UP Rayadillo Honor Guard Battalion. ., , 118
Future" , , ~ .. ,. ,.. . . 108 Sa UP Medical Alumni Society .. ... . ,. .. 119
Administrative Order No. 26 creation of University Sa Mga MagsisipaQtapos sa UP School of Economics·.. .. 119
Professorship Committee. , , 10B Sa UP Chemical Engineering Society. . . . . . .. . . 119
Administrative Order No. 28 authorization to Manage Sa UP Home Economics Alumni Association. . . 119 ,
and Supervise by Administration, the construction Sa UP Math Major's Circle , .. , .. 119
of the Cluster Housing on the Ddlrnan Campus, 108

1026th Meeting, 23 November 1989 Social Sciences and Philosophy, CoII8Qje of
Belinda A. Aquino-reappointment as Professor V of Political
APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, RENEWA1. OF APPOINT· Science and Public Administration, effective 2 November 1989 until
MENTS, ETC.: 31 May 1990. •
Ernesto A. Constantino-reapJXlintment and change of profes-
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- sorial chair from Santiago H. Fonacier Professor of Filipino and
ments, renewal of appo intments, etc.: Philippine Language to CASAA Professor of Linguistics, effective
1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
U.P. SYSTEM Leticia A. Lagmav-appointment as UP Investment Portfofic
Associate Professor of Anthropology, effective 1 July 1989 until
Sentro"g Wikang Filipino 30 June 1990.
Ruby Gamboa·Alcantara-appointment as Assistant Director, Werner M. Pfennig-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective
effective 1 November 1989. 2 November 1989 until 31 May 1990.
Michael L. Tan-appointment as MMC Assistant Professor of
U,P, DILlMAN Anthropology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990,

Asian Center U.P. LOS BAllloS

Armando S. Malay Jr.-appointment as MMC OJ Associate
Professor of Philippine Studies, effective 1 January 1990' until
Agriculture. College of
31 December 1990. Severino S. Capitan-appointment as UP Endowment Assistant
Professor of Animal Physiology, effective 1 July 1989 until 30
June 1990.
uio, College of
Jules George Joseph De Raedt-appointment as OJ Professor
Arts and Sciences, College of
of Philippine Studies, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 Decem-
Klaus E. Hausherr-appointment as Visiting Professor I of
ber 1990.
Geography, effective 1 June 1989 untii 31 May 1990.
Enrique P. Pacardo-appointment as M.S. Swami nathan Asso-
Baguio, College of
ciate Professor of Environmental Science, effective 1 July 1989
Jules George Joseph De Raedt-appointment as OJ Professor of
until 30 June 1990.
Social Sciences, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990.
Paul B. Zafaralla-appointment as UP Endowment Associate
Professor of Humanities, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Business Administration, College of
Filomena M. Cantoria-reappointment and change of professorial
Economics and Management, College of
chair from Philippine National Bank - Protessor of Business
Flordeliza A. LantiC8n--appointme~t as OJ Associate Professor
Administration to Washington Sycip Professor of Business Adminis-
of Agricultural Economics, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June
tration. effective 1 July 1989 until30June 1990.
1990 .
. Education, College of
Engineerir1l and Agro-Industrial Technology, College of
Dolores F. Hernandez-appointment as professor emeriti. effec-
Danielito T. Franco-appointment as OJ Associate Professor of
tive 23 November 1989.
Land and Water Resources, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June
slamic Studies, Institute of
Aileen P. Toohey-appointment as Visiting Researcher, effective
Forestry, College-of .
1 October 1989 until 30 September 1990.
Domingo M. La.ntiean-appointment as Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo
Ponce Professor of Wood TeChnology, effective 1 July 1989 until
Law College of
30 June 1990.
Ruben F. Balane-reappointment as J.B.L. Reyes Lecturer in
Armando A. Villaflor-appointment as Francisco J. Nicolas
Civil Law. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Professor of Forestry, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Salvador T. Carlota-reappointment and change of professorial
chair from Benjamin Gozon Professor of Law to Edgardo Angara
Museum of Natural History
OJ Professor of Law, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.
Irene R. Cortes-appointment as professor emeriti, effective" Venus J. Calilung-renewal of appointment as Director, Museum'
of Natural History, effective 1 September 1989 until 31 August
1 June 1989.
Military Science and Tactics, Department of
University Publications Office
Lorenm C. Perez-appointment as Commandant and Depart,
Office thethe Chancellor
ment Head, effective 1 October 1989 until recalled bYAFP.
Crispin C. Maslog-appointment as Director, University Publica-
tions Office. effective 1 September 1989 until 31 August 1990.
Science, Coliege of '
" Neon C. Rosell-appointment as Godofredo Ng Prof. of Zoology, Veterinary Medicine, College'of
effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Jose O. Molina-appointment as Dr. Jose A. Solrs and Dr.
Bernd M. Schultze-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective Stewart H. Parker Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine,
1 October 1989 until 30 September 1990. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.

U.P. MANILA Michael J. LiquBtte-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effect-
ive 23 November 19139.
Office of AlumniAffairs
Office of the Chancellor Merging of the Office of Res8llrch Publication IORP) and the Office
Elena San Juan-Fernando-confirmation of appointment as of Continuing Education and Extension (OCEEI
Chairman, office of Alumni Affairs, effective 20 July 1988 until The Board approved the merging of the Office of Research Pub-
9 March 1991 . lication (ORP) and the Office of Continuing Education and Ex-
tension (OCEE) to be named Research, Extension and Development
Office of Gradu3te and Continuing Education Office lREDO), effective 15 October 1989.
Office of the Chanceltor
Lada L. Layo·Dan8o-confirmation of appointment as Chairman, Professorial Chairs
Office of Graduate and Continuing Education. effective 20 July The Board approved the establishment 'of three (3) professorial
1988 un.il9 Marcil 1991. chairs at P18,OOO per year per chair to be funded from the UP In-
vestment Portfolio. The chairs shall be assigned to the UP Visayas.
Medicine, Coliege of . The official title of the chairs shall be determined by the President
Manuel P. Macapinlac-appointment as Gregorio and Rizalina in consultation with the UP Visayas Chancellor.
lim OJ Professor of Biochemistry, effective tJutv 1989 until 30
June 1990. The Board approved the reassignment of the "Pedro P. Chanco.
"Felix B. Marcelo-appointment as Guillermo Guevarra Associate Jr. and Avelina Cabrera-Ghanoo Professorial Chair in Medical Para-
Professor of Pathology. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. sitology" from UP Visayas to the College of Medicine of UP Manila.
Romeo F. Quijano-renewal of additional assignment and change
of chair with increase in honorarium from Marsman Assistant The Board confirmed the Deed of Donation between the Uni·
Professor of Pharmacology at P12,OOO p.a. to Hanz Menzi Assistant versitv and Mr. Chua Giok Hong and approved the establishment of
Professor of Pharmacology at Pla,OOO p.a., aeffeetive 1 July 1989 the "Mr. Chua Giok Hong Professorial Chair".
until 30 June 1990. .
Management and Operation of the Asian Institute of Tourism by
Pharmacy, College of the Brentwood Land Corporation
Magdalena C. Cantoria-reappointment as Professor VIII, effec- The Board approved the management and operation of the
tive 25 October 1989 until 24 April 1990. Asian Institute of Tourism by the Brentwood Land Corporation.

Office of Information, Publication and Public Affairs Realignment and Reprogramming in 1989 of funds for Construct-
Office at the Chancellor ion Projects of UPV
Eduardo. C. Tadem-confirmation of appointment as Chairman, The Board approved the realignment and reproqramrnlnq of

Office of lnforrnation, Publication and Public Affairs, effective funds for two l2) construction projects of UPV.
20 July 1988 cmns March 1991.
Confirmation of rates approved by the President
Office of Research Services The Board approvad the following:
Office of the Chancellor 1. Charging rates for. services rendered in the Out-Patient Depart-
Adriano V. Laudico-confirmation of appointment as Chairman, ment of the Philippine General Hospital.
Office of Research Services, effective 20 July 1988 until 9 March 2. Charging rates for ~he private rooms of the Philippine General
1991. Hospital.
3. Admission fees to the UP Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Re-
U.P. VISAVAS search Center:

Registrar, Office of the University Change in Benefits Extended to Students Appointed as Resident
serena M. Luntao-appointment as Registrar, effective ~ October Assistants of Kalayaan Residence Hall .
1989 until 30 September 1992. The Board approved the change in benefits extended to stu-
dents appointed as resident assistants of Kalayaan Residence Hall
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS from free tuition and other school fees plus free board and lodging
to payment of 50% tuition and 50% other school fees, plus free
The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the board and lodging.
Proposed Modification of Rules on Facurty Tenure for the School
U.P. DillMAN of Economics
The Board approved the proposed modification of rules on facul·
Arts and Letters, College of tv tenure for the School of Economics.

Maybelle K. Gu~man-as Assistant Professor III, effective 1 June
1999. TranSfer of the Management of Fees Coll9Cted by the Child Deve-
...Col lopment Center (CDC) for Children's Food and Instructional Ma·
~ terials
E The Board approved the transfer of the management of fees col-
:l lected by the Child Development Center (CDC) for Children's Food
Z Medicine, Coflege of and Instructional Materials from the College of Home Economics
~" Fe E. Bssesl-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective 8 Foundation, Inc. (CHEF) to the University of the Philippines, aod
creation of a UP Trust Account to which the fees will be deposited,
December 1988.
Col Roland S. Capito-as Assistant Professor I {part-time}, effective effective immediately.
E 18 October 1989. .

Larata A. Fellizar-as Assistant Professor I {part-time], effective
18 October 1989.
Felicitas L Lacrawsn-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1 June
Realignment at the Requisition for pieces of Teaching Equipment
to be purchased, charged against the Graduate Education Develop-
ment Fund (GEDFI .
1989. The Board approved the realignment of the requisition for pieces
of teaching equipment to be purchased, charged against the Gra- (PLOT) for construction and installation works in regard to the
duate Education Development Fund (GEDFl. University's telephone system.

Revision of the Return Servlee Requirement for Faculty and Staff Contract of Lease between the UP Visayas and Gregorio Gomez
on Local Fellowship o~ Study leave with pay The Board cOnfirmed the contract of lease between the UP
The Board. approVed the revision of the return service require- vtsevas and Gregorio Gomez for the lease of one (1) unit resi-
ment for faculty and staff on Local-.Fellowship or Study Leave with dential house located at 435-A Gen. LLJna St., Iloilo City, to ecce-
pay. modate University officials and guests from all campus who are

Ceilings on the Total Administrative Load Credit given to Faculty

on official trips.
Me~bers holding Administrative Positions Contract of Lease between the University and the FCK Develop-
The Board approved the ceilings on (he total administrative load ment Corporation
credit given to .faculty members holding admlnlstratjve positions. The Board confirmed the contract of lease between the Unlver-
sttv (Lesser] and the FCK Development Corp. (Lessee) for lease of,
Report on the Budget for the Socialized Tuition and Financial As- a 10,000 sq. m. UP property to be used exclusively to develop nur-
si~nce Program for the Period June to December 1989 series and for the economic production of plants ornamental and
The Board noted the report on the budget for the Socialized fruit-bearing trees. '
Tuition and Financial Assistance Program for the period June to
December 1989 for the different constituent universities, as ap- Contract of Lease between the ~niversity and Mrs. Emma C. Ramas
proved by the President. The Board confirmed the contract of lease between the Univer·
sity (Lessor) and Mrs. Emma C. Ramas (Lessee} for lease of a
10,000 sq. m. UP property to be used exclusively for the economic
.Compensation of F~utty Members with AdministrB1ive Positions
production of orchids end flowers.
Thp. Board approved the adoption of the following formula in
compensating faculty members with administrative positions (equi- Rental !,g~eement between UPLB f!ostharvest Ho'rticulture Training
valent tothat of director) Faculty. salary plus Pl,OOO honorarium and Research Center and the Philippine Duplicators, Inc.
or administrative position salary (equivalent to Grade 26 in the SSL) The Board confirmed the rental agreement between UPLB Post-
whichever is higher, plus- harvest Horticulture Training and Research Center and the Philip-
pine Duplicators, I nco for the rental of plain paper copier for use by
a. RATA the PHTRC.
b. Administrative Load Credit
c. Cumulative -Leave Credit Negotiated Contract between the UP Los Baiios National Institute
This shall apply only to directors of University Centers.
of Biot~hnology and Applied Microbiology and Rebtrade. Inter- r
national Corporation
Grant of Allowance to those Adversely affected ':JY the Salary
The Board confirmed the negotiated contract between the UP
Standardization Law Los Banos National Institute of Biotechnology and Applied Micro·
The Board approved the continuation of the grant of a total of
biology and Rebtrade, International Corp. on roof leak repair and
8% of annual basic salary before the Salary Standardization Law
re-water proofing of concrete gutter of the Biotech Building.
(SSLl, as of June 30, 1989, less 1989 SSLdifferential. whlcheves
is higher, subject to legal considerations and to availability of funds.
General Construction Agreement between the University and Kan-
. laon Construction Enterprises Co., Inc.
Suppleinenta' Budgets
The Board confirmed the general construction agreement
The Board _approved the Supplemental Budget of P270,OOO for
between the Universltv and Kanlaon Construction KCECI Enter-
the Animal Nutrition Analytical Laboratory (ANALABl, lnstltute
prises ce., Inco for th.e renovation of the UP Theater (Phase III).
of Animal Science.
The Board approved the Supplemental Budget of Pl00,OOO for Memo~andum of Agreement b8tWf8n the UP Visayas and tha
the Institute of Forest Conservation Hostel. National ttousing Authority
The Board confirmed the Memorand·um of Agreement between
Proposed Amendment to the Rule Governing the Determination of the UP Visayas and the National Housing Authority to facilitate the
the Honorarium for jacket/cover designer Introduction of Cooperatives as alternative socia-economic develop-
The Board approved the amendment to the rule governing the ment strategy of initiating change in the betterment of the National
determjnation of the honorarium forjacket/cover designer. "one Housing Authority's identified communities.
jacket/cover design P500 to Pl,OOO as may be determined by the
UP Press Board of Management Director". Agreement to Cooperate between· t.he University and the University
of, Cincinnati .
'Donation from Caltex Philippines, Inc. of IBM Central Processsing The Board confirmed the agreement to cooperate between the
Units University and the University of Cincinnati on the establishment of
The Board confirmed the donation from Cattex Philippines, Inc. exchange programs.
of IBM Central Processing Units to be installed at the Computed
Research Center located at UP Los Banos. I Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the Clar~ "o
Contract between the UP VisaVas and Chain Construction Corpo-
Formation Center
The "Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between ...',"
ration the University and the Claret Formation Center on academic assist- o
The Board confirmed the contract between the UP vtseves and ance. g
Chain Construction Corporatfon for the construction of Phasel l of
. the Undergraduate Studies Dlvlslcn Building of the UP College Memorandum of Agreement among the Secondary E~ucation Deve-
Cebu. lopment Project of the Department of Education, Culture and ...

Memorandum of Agreement between the University and t~e Philip-

Sports. the Bureau of Secondary Education and the University of ....
the Philippines System
pine Long Distance Telephone Co. ' The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among <J:>
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between . the Secondary Education Development Project of the Department
the University and the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. Edueation,"Culture and Sports, the Bureau of Secondary Education 105
and the University of the Philippines System on training of regional bers of the Board of Trustees of the UP Vargas Museum and Fili-
trainers insocial studies, physical education. health and music arid plnlana Research Center
.science and mathematics for 'second year private school teachers.
1. Belinda A. Aquino
Memorandum of Agreement among the Institute rertanian' Bogor, 2. Ofelia R. Angangco
Kasetsart University, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universiti P~anian 3. Jonathan Malicsi
Malaysia and the University of the Philippines at Los Banos-SEA·
MEO. Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agri· APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS
The Board confinned the Memorandum of Agreement among
the .Instltute Pertanian Bogar, Kasetsart University. Universitas The Board approVed the appointment of the following upon
Gadjah MOOa, Universiti Pertanlen Malaysia and the University of recommendation of the President:
the Phils. At Los Benos-SEAMEO, Regional Center .tcr Graduate 1. Prof. Lourdes De Castro as Vice-C hancellor for Academic
Study and Research in Agriculture on a cooperative program that Affairs, effective 1 November 1989.
will enhance effective. utilization and sharing of their r~sources 2. Prof. Leticia G. Gutierrez as Dean of the College of Phar-
leading to stronger graduate programs and to promote regional macy. effective 23 November 1989 until 22 November 1992.

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos and The Indus- ,


trial Asie Development Centre. Inc. The Board not~ the following:
The Board conf;rmed the Memorandum of Agreement between
U~ Los Banos and the Industrial Asia Development .centre. Inc. on" 1. Increase "in student fees, effective Second Semester" 1989-90
an international agricultural exhbition known as PHI LAGRO '90. 1.1. Collegian Fee
1.2. Board Fee in Malave, Kalavaan and liang-liang dormi-

Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB Department of tories
Agricultural Process Engineering and Technology and Agricultural 2. Increase in Fee for food and instructional. materials collect-
Mechanization Development Program ible from students Of the ChildDevelopment Center
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between 3. Report on the squatters at the UP College Baguio Campus
the UPLB Department of Agricultural Proceess Engineering and 4. UPCAT Report
Technology and Agricultural Mechanization Development Program 5. Paper by Prof. Teresita Maceda, Director of the Sentro ng
and the Nestle Phillpplnes. tnc. on a joint project entitled "Soy- Wikang FJlipino, entitled "Mga Pangunahing Konsiderasyon
beans Meal Drying (Phase I)". , sa Paqtikha ng Wikang Filipino"
6, Report on UP Mindanao
Memorandum of .Understanding between UP Los Baftos and the
Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization, Regional
1027th Meeting, 18 Oecember 1989
center for Graduate Study
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding
between UP Los Baiios and the Southeast Asian Minister of Educa- APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS WITH SALARY INCREASE,
tion Organization, HeqlonalCenter for Graduate Study on comple- ETC.: , f

mentary activity in enhancing manpower development in agricul-

ture, forestry and related fields. The Board approved the foHowing appointments, promonons
wit~ salary increase, etc.'; !
Memorandum of Understanding between UP Diliman, through ns
National E~ineering Center and the Philippine National Oil Com:' U.P. DillMAN
puny, through its Energy R esearch and Development Center ;
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of \)nderstanding Arts and L'8tters, College of
between UP Diliman, through its National Engineering Center and Fnderick Bidoyet-appointment as Visiting Instructor in French,
the Philippine National Oil Company, through its Energy Research
effective t August 1989 until 31 May 1990.
and Development Center on mutual cooperation on industrial pre-
ventive maintenance activities.
Asian Center
Rene E. Mendoza-appointment as OJ Simeon S. Oatumanong
Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB Office of the
Professor of Asian Studies, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 De-
Director of Extension and the Philippine Association of A",icultural
cernber 1990.
The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between
Budget Office .
the UPLB Office of the Director of Extension and the Philippine Violets A. Pamatmat-promotion with salary increase and
Association of Agricultural Educators on the project called "FAST

USE: Facilitating Agricultural Systems Technology Utilization for
change of status from temporary to permanent from Fiscal Analyst
and OIC Adni'i'."istration Units Djvlsjon at P27,600 p.a. to Budge;
... Science and Education." Officer IV (22) at p99,aOO p.a.i.effectwe 1 September 1989.
Memorandum of A",eement between UPLB College of Agriculture
:l and the Netherlands Fellows Foundation
Controllership and Budget Staff
Budget Office
Z The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between Adoracion C. Evangelista-promotion with salary increase and
UPLB College of Agriculture and the Netherlands Fellows Found- 'transfer to another unit from Fiscal Analyst at P55,356 p.a. Budget
~ ation of the Philippines, f nc., Southern Tagalog chapter, on a Office to Budget Officer IV (22) at P99,OOO p.a. C.B.S.
~ cooperative activity called AMKAP-LAKAP Project: Assisting and
"E Monitoring of the Netherlands Small Embassy Prciect-Lequrra
Countryside Action Project.
Economics, School of
Herbert Btermann-appointment as Visiting Professor. effective

'0 Appointment of ~MemberS of the Board of TruStees of the UP
30 November 1989 until 31 March 1990.
;> Paul D. Hutchcroft-appointment as Vis"lting Research AsSO-
Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center elate, effective 1 January 1990 until 1 September 199~.
106 The Board approved the appotntrnent of the following as mem-
Housing Business Office Medicine, College of
Anania! B. Aurelio-promotion with salary increase and trans- . Mary A. Litonjua-as Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective
fer to another unit from Executive Assistant III (20) at PB8,416 18 December 1989.
p.e. DVPAA to College Business Manager 14 (24) at P121,620 p.e.
HBO, effective 16 December 1989.
.Acceptance of the Offer of Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
.to lease 8 piece of UP Property
Islamic Studies; Institute of
The Board approved the acceptance of the offer of Plltpinas
Alef. T. Wasim-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective
Shell Petroleum Corporation to lease a piece of UP Property.
1 November 1989 until 31 March 1990.

Establishment of the "Or. Jimmy Go Puan Seng Professorial Chair

Law, College of
in Journalism"
Pacifico A. Agabin-reclassifieation from Professor Lect. to
The Board approved the establishment of the "Dr. Jimmy Go
Professor tv-et P95,688 p.a., effective 1 September 1989 until 31
Puan 'Seng Professorial Chair in Joumatism" in honor of the late
May 1990: '
Or. Jimmy Go Puan Seng.

National Institute of Geological Sciences Reprogrammi~ of Funds

Science, Co liege of The Board' approved thet reprogramming of CY and 1987 and
Chit U. Saing-appointment as Visiting Associate Professor I, 1988 savings from obligations of prior years for Capital Outlays
effective tDecember 1989 until 31 May 1990., in the total amount of P663,413 under the General Fund (101)
of UP Manila,
Supply and ProPerty Management OffiCe The Board approved the reprogramming of the amount of
Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration
P620,OOO from the Special Endowment Fund of U.P Manila to
Pedro E. Fajardo-promotion with salary increase from Supply
oomplete the construction of the third floor of the Collegeof Allied
Officer III (181 at P68,040 p.a. to Supplv Officer V 124) at
Medical Profession (CAMP) Building.
P121,620 p.m., effective December ,1989.


The Board approved the creation, of the position of Vice-Pres-
Arts and Sciences. College of
ident for Administration. The Vice-President for the P.dministra-
John F. Peberdy-appointment as Visiting Professor of Micro-
toin shall be directly responsible to the President for the Univer-
biology, effective 19. November 1989 until 25 November 1990.
sity's administrative operations.
The Boord approved the appointment of the following upon
recommendation of the President, effective 1 January '1990, or as
otherwise indicated: '
Arts and Sciences, College of 1. Prof, Jose V. Abueva as Chancellor of UP Diliman (concur-
Joseflna G. Taves-automatic promotion from Assistant Prnfes-
rently, President of the University) ,
sor VI at P64,272 p.a. to Associate Professor III at P70,992 p.e.,
2. Prof. Emertinda R. Roman as Vice-President for Adminis-
effective 2 April 1989.
tration (concurrently, Secretary of the University and of'
the Board of Regents)
Medicine, 00 liege of 3, Prof, Martin V. Greqcrto as vtce-crenceucr for Admlnistra-
Augusto L. Lingao-promotion wlth salary adjustment to the tion. UP Visayas
minimum from Associate Professor V {part-time] at P39,210 p.e. 4, Prof. Ester A. Garcia' as Vice-Chancellor for Academic
to Professor I '(part-time) at P41,208 p.a., effective 3 ~pril 1989. Affairs, UP Diliman, effectivel April 1990
5. Prof. Ernesto R. Santos as Vice-Chancellor for Admlnistra-
6, Prof. Olivia C. Caoili as Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs,
The Board approved the transfer, to permanent status of the UP Diliman
following: 7. Prof. Oscar L. Evangelista as Vice-Chancellor for Community
Affairs, UP Diliman
Art. and Sciences. College of
Laurie S. Ramiro-as Assistant Professor I of Psychology, ef·
fective 18 December 1989.

I .

EXECUTIVE ORDER liquidation thereof. Claims for personal services shall be made at the
end of each month. The basis of payment for personal services, as
well as liquidation of cash advance shall be subject to accounting
18 December 1989 , and auditing regulations ..
5. EVALUATION. In accordance with the rules of the Unlver-
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO, 7 sity and the UP-CIOS, an evaluation shall be conducted at mid-term
and-at the termination of the project, for the purpose of ascertain-
SUBJECT: Popularization of the Research Project entitled: ing whether indeed progress has been made and whether it is within
"Interrelationships of Population, Human Resources, its timetable and workplan.
Development and the Philippine Future" 6, FINAL ACCEPTANCE. Final acceptance of the prototype
information materials shall depend on the recommendation ot the
WHEREAS, the UNIVERSITY OF THE PHI L1PPINESCENTER, Director of UP-CIDS, who shall then approve final payment of the
FOR INTEGRATIVE AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (hereafter, balance of the Project.
"UP·CIOS") was cr-eated to conduct"and undertake interdisciplinary This Order shall take effect immediately.
researches towards the solution of the nation's priority problem, Diliman, Quezon City; 18 December, 1989.
which have become compelling due to rapid and infer-connected.
changes in the national, regional and jnternational environ"rrreI1ts; (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
WHEREAS, the UP-CIOS seeks to establish linka~es and President
support ~orthy endeavors and activities' in line with' its objec-
WHEREAS, the UP·CIOS was granted a two-year research I..:..:..:.:......:..:.:...._.:.... ORDERS ~---_,
project by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities· .'"
(hereafter, "UNFPA") entitled "Interrelationships of Population,
Human Resources, Development and -, the Philippine Future;" 2 October 1989
WHEREAS. there is need to disseminate and popularize the
results and findings of the above-mentioned 're~arch project to as
many publics as possible on a nationwide basis;
WHEREAS: the U.P. College of Mass Communication has sub- . SUBJECT: Creation of a University Professorship Committee
mitt6d for consideration a project entit'led: POPULARIZATION OF
There is hereby created a University Professorship Committee
with the President as Chairman, the Vice-President for Academic
Atfatr s as Vice-Chairman, and the following as members;
Prof. Jose Encarnacion
NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration of the foregoing
Prof. Gelia Castillo·
. premises, the proposal of the U.P. College of Mass Communication
Prof. Edito Garcia
is herebv approved, subject to the' following conditions·:
Prof. Apollnatio Nazarea
1. PROJECT TITLE: The project shall be known 85 "Populari- Prof. Oscar M. Alfonso
zation of the UNFPA-fund~ Research. Project entilled lnterrela- The Committee shall screen 'and recommend .the most deserving
tionships of Population,' Human Resources, Development aoo the faculty members for appointment as University Professors.
Philippine Future." The first meeting of the Committee is on Friday, 13 October at
2. OBJECTIVE: The project to be undertaken by the U.P. 3:00 P,M., in the Office of the President Conference Room.
CoI,ege of Mass Communication shall help disseminate 'the results Attached for ready reference are the following documents:
and findings of the l:JNFPA.funded research project entitled "Inter- - Minutes of the 1010th BOR meeting on 11 March 1988 on the
relationships of Population, Human Resources, Development and University Professors Program;
the Philippine Future," by producing prototype Information mate- - Minutes of the ·l~17th BOA meeting on 8 December 1988
c1arifyi~ the status of.a University Professor.
rials to be used for dissemination and public information.
The prctctvpe information materials shall highlight the findings
and demonstrate the interrelationships between Philippine popula- (Sgd,) JOSE V. ABU EVA
tion probtams, human resources, and national development. President
3. IMPLEMENTATION!' The project shall be implemented
within a period of five (5) months from the start thereof, which
shall not be later tfien December 31, 1989. 17 October 1989

Existing rules of the University to the contrary notwithstanding,
the Project shall be implemented in acordance with Annex "A"

.ss hereof, including the appclntment of, and the honoraria for,
personnel who will Be involved in the protect. TO The Dean
4, FUND SUPPORT AND RELEASE OF FUND: The project U.P. College of Architecture
z=' shall be funded from the financial grant of the UNFPA in the
SUBJECT Authorization to Manage and Supervise by Admin-
istration, the Construction of the Cluster Housing
~ Only (P150,OOOI, Philippine currency, which shall be used exclu- on the Ditiman Campus ~
~ sively for the purpose Stated herein.
Ql The project fund shall be released on a claim basis. Upon the - Pursuant to the approval by the Board of .Regents at its 1021 st
j issuance thereof, Prof. Andres G. Sevilla of the U.P. College of
Mass Communication, who shall be in·charge of the. Project. shall
meeting on May 29, 1989 of the Courtyard Housing Project, the
College of Architecture Dean and faculty are hereby directed "to
o be given a cash advance for petty cash expenses not exceeding
;> manage and supervise by administration, in cooperation with
ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE PESOS the Campus Planning, Development. and Maintenance Office,
Only (P1,999.00), Philippine Currency, ~o be replenished upon
108 the constructionaf cluster housing on the Dillman Campus as a

.teSfBrch and development project of the College, subject to the oonceptiJalization of their toptc. The composition of the Working
following oonditions: Group is as follows:
1. The project shall be under the overall supervision and control Prof. Gemino H. Abad - Chairperson
of the Dean of the College of Architecture. Prof. Carolina G. Hernandez, Vice-Chairperson
2. Two clusters, at 34 units each.jar a total of 68 units, shall be Prof. Belinda Aquino
constructed . Prof. Priscila Manalang
3. The construction shall be in accordance with the project Prof. Apolinario Nazarea
proposal appended hereto. / Prof. Malaya C. Ronas
4. The funding for the project, which shall not exceed P7.2 This Memorandum takes effect trnrnedlatelv.
Million,_ shall be charged against the earnings of the Basilan
land Grant. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
5. Pertinent acoounting and auditing rules and regulations, President
as well as University policies, rules and procedures govern-
ing construction and related matters, shall be observed.
6. The Dean is hereby authorized to enlist the services or
assistance of other U.P, personnel and offices as he may deem
appropriate. 21 November 1989
7, Honoraria or allowance may be granted .tc personnel involved
in the project as are authorized under existing resolutions of MEMORANDUM NO. 43
the Board of Regents; provided, that payment thereof shall
be subject to prior approval by the President. TO : Chancellor Ernesto G. Tabujara
.. 8. The Dean shall submit a monthly report on the progress U,P: Diliman
of the Project. .... SUBJECT Report on Disruption of ClassesCaused by Students
All University officials and other staff are enjoined to extend or University Emplcvees
ch assistance as may be requested them for the successful prcsecu-
n of this undertaking. It has come to my attention that classes were disrupted or not
held, and faculty were prevented from getting into their classrooms
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA and offices, on Thursday, November 16, and Monday, November
President 20, because of physical obstruction, such as the padlocking of gates
or the piling up of chairs to block access to classrooms and offices.
In our PAC meeting last week, you confirmed these actions which
MEMORANDA are violative of University rules. Students were prevented from at-
tending their classes against their will, thus depriving them of their
right as students, .
24 October 1989
I am asking you to submit a full report on such actions in rela-
tion to the applicable University rules. I shall also ask our General"
Counsel to look into"the "maner for possible dlsclpllnarv action.
Thank vou..
To: : Chancellor Ernest'o G. Titbujara, UP Oiliman
Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman. UP Los Banos
Chancellor Ernesto O. Domingo, UP Manila
Chancellor Francisco Nemenzo, UP vfseves

From President Jose V, Abueva

bject : Seed Money For The UP Assessments on the State of 21 Decerroer 1989
the Nation Prclect
At a meeting on the UP Assessments on the State of the Nation
Project held on 17 Octc'rer 1989, the Project's Steering Committee ~
TO : All Chancellors
and Working Group decided to provide seed money grants to the SUBJECT Call for-the 1989 Annual Report ;0
eight (8) Theme Coordinators and various topic convenors tn the
following amounts: Please provide guidance to all your component units in tbe pre-
1 A minimum amount of Five Thousand Pesos (PS,OOOI and
. a maximum amount of Ten· Thousand Pesos (Pl0,OOOI to
each Theme Coordinator, and
2. Five Thousand Pesos IPS,OOOI to each topic convenor whose
paration of the 1989 Annual Report using the format distributed
during the October 19, 1989 meeting of the President's Advisory
Annual Reports of the constituent universities (with all the incii-

group has conceptualized its task and submitted its research' vidual colleqefunlt reports as attachments) shall be submitted to this 0
plan to the Working Group.
The Working Group has been authorized to determine the exact
Office on or before 30 June 1990.
The University Annual Report for 1989 shall come out on or
amount -cf seed money to be awarded to each Theme Coordinator before 31 August 1990, ......
on the basis of the scope of work identified ~nder the Coordinator's For your guid-ance and implementation. •
. Theme. ...
The Worki,ng Group shall also determine the eligibility of topic
convenors to receive seed rrcnev on the basis of their gr~ups'
President ...'"
• ......



LETTERS I will just be returning from Australia on December 14. Decem-
ber 16 and 17 happen to be a weekend. December 18, a Monday,
6 October 1989' would be a good day for meeting with our faculty.
Knowing our culture, you are most probably aware that mid-
,Ref. No. JVA-8~435

Honorable Lourdes R. QuisumbiniJ

'. December is a period of intense festivities. Such an ettnosphere.mev
not be extremely conducive to prolonged serious discussion. In any
case, academics are often able to transcend delightful dfverslcns.
Secretary We would deeply appreciate knowing beforehand from our
Department of Education, Culture & Sports' I distinguished visitors their particular areas of interest in order
Palacio del Gobemadcr •! that our colleagues may be better able to prepare themselves for a
lntramuros, Manila fruitful interaction with them. We, would also appreciate short
copies of their hie-data.
Dear Secretary Quisumbing: We look forward to a mutua.lly beneficial relationship between
our University and the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The Sub-Committee on Student Welfare of the Committee With our highest esteem.
on Education, House Representatives, convened a meeting yesterday
where the only item on the agenda was the decision of the Universi-
Sincerely vcurs,
ty of the Philippines to phase out, starting schoolyear 1989-90,"
the U.P. College Baguio High School IUPCB-HSI.
The meeting was convened upon representation of the Hen. President
Honcreto . Aquino of Baguio who wanted to explore the JX)ssibil-
ity of the U.P. Board of Regents reconsidering its decision to phase
out the UPCB-HS. Through the initiative of the Sub-Committee
Chairman, the Hon. Mario Gene J. Mendiola, it was decided that the
Pr"esfdent of the University of the Philippines shall explore with
16 October 1989
the Department of Education, Cufture and Sports IDECS), 'the ,
Ref. No. JVA-ll9-439 ..
Department of Science and Technology (COST), and the Cordil- !
lera Autoncmcus Region (CAR), the possibllitv of establishing Mr. Antonio S. Lleulnan
a. Cordillera Region Science High School to take the place of the I Executive Vlce-Presldent
UPCB-HS, which shall cease to exist after schoolyear 1991·92. Jubilant Foods Corporation'
The regional science high school that is envisioned shall operate Alabang Interchange
within the framework of the Cordillera Autonomous Region and Alabang, MUritinl.upa
outside· of the U.P." System. The U.P., however, shall render its
assistance in conceptualizing the high school and making available.
Dear Mr. Licuanan:
- '. .
its expertise in.curriculum and staff development.
The lJndersignect promised to submit as soon as practlceble to
This refers to your letter dated 27 September 1989 regarding
Congressman Mendiola the list of members/of an Ad Hoc Com-
the awarding of the lease of .the AIT House to the Manila Bankers
mittee consisting of repr~entative from UP, DECS, COST, and .
Life Insurance Corporation.
CAR. Because of the crucial role of .the OECS in this exploration,
We believe that the Joint Committee on Bids and Awards and
we would like to request your kind assistance in naming a senior
AIT Privatization Committee, in making its final recommendation
member of your staff for membership in this COmmittee ..
to award the lease contract to Manila Banker's Life Insuran
We shall be pleased if you could honor us by joining us in'this
(MBLl) did so in the best interest of the University. As stlpulat
effort to help the growth of science education in the Cordilleras.
in the Invitation to Bid, "the UP reserves the rlghtto reject any or
all bids, to waive any informality therein, and to accept any
Sincerely yours, offers that may be considered advantageous to the University,"
Records show that no official notice of award was ever released
ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA when the, Joint Committee, after careful deliberation, decided to
President allow your company, Jubilant Foods Corp. and MBll to make
one final offer on the monthly rental, professorial chair subsidy and
research endowment.' Thus, on 13 September 1989, your final bid
proposals were opened and read before the Joint Committee.
16 October 1989 Unfortunately for Jubiland Foods, the offers of MBLl were found
to be more acceptable and beneficial to the University,
Ref. No. JVA-89-440 The Board of Regent, in accePting the Joint Committee's recom-
mendation, studied the bid offers of both Jubilar1d and MBLl,
Hon. 0189 M. Sokolov including the business plan for the rehabilitation and takeover
Ambassador of the AIT House. and decided that MBlI's prcpcsat is more
Embassy / of the Union of Soviet advantageous to the University.
Socialist Republics Thank you very much for the interest you have shown in your
Makati, Metro Manila earnest participation in the AIT House bidding.

Cear Ambassador SOkolov:
, SincerelY yours,

Thank you for your letter of 2 October which we received on (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
the Bth. Messrs. L.T. Chufrin , LV. Podberezsky, and A.B. Popov; President
-of the Institute of Oriental Studles, USSR Academy of Sciences,
110 , ere most welcome to the University of the Philippines.
16 October 1969 in 1972 essentially to support the tertiary·level prOgrams were not
being met, 'the University has decided "to gradually phase out the
Ref. No. JVA-89·441 operation of the High School, without prejudice to the graduation
.of all those who are already enrolled at all year levers j~ high school
Mr. 'Harmenegildo Zayco there. I

President The resources that the University would otherwise use for
Textile Mills Association «- running the High School will now be utilized instead to support and
of the .Philippines, Inc. strengthen' University-level programs in U.P. College Baguio to
Alexander House, 132 AmctscloSt. make them more relevant to the needs of our people in the Cordil-
Legazpi Village, Makati lera Region.
Please note that the U.P. College 8aguio High School has been
Dear Mr. zsvec: under review as early as 1986 (long before the passage of the law on
free secondary eoucancqj, a review that of course involved con-
This·is in reply to your letter of 23 September. sultation not only with faculty and students but also with parents,
I made some preliminary inquiries about programs we now have alumni, and the ~mniunity> in general. As to other high schools
in the area of textile technology. Our College of Home Eoonomics in the University, there are four others: !J.P. Integrated School
has a Department of Clothing, Textiles and Related Arts which (UPIS) in OiHman, which is laboratory school of our College of
offers both undergraduate and graduate courses in textiles: Attached Education; the Rural High School in U.P. Los Banos, which is. a
herewith is a description of the courses they offer. special science hlqh-schcol: the U.P. Iloilo High School in ·U.P,
In the rnid-1950s, our College of Engineering considered offering Visayas .(UPV), which is a laboratory s~hool of the Department
an academic program in Textile Engineering. One faculty member of Professional Education in the UPV College of Arts and Sciences;
was in fact sent to Lowell TeChnological Institute of Massachusett~ and the U.P. Cebu High School which, together with U.P. Rural
in 1956, and he returnA with a master's degree in Textile Engineer- High School, are now under review. The University proceeds with its
ing. Unfortunately" that faculty member is no longer with us, as review as circumspectly as possible because circumstances differ,

, he joined Gentex many years ago.

That is about the only information I can give you for, now as
and because democratic consultation with all sectors is important.
Please also note that, following the DECS guidelines in imple-
I am still awaiting the comments of 'the Deans of our College of mentation of the law (RA 6655), all state high schools, in areas
Engineering and College of Home Econcmicsrand the Director of where there are existing secondary schools, would now have to
the Institute for Small-Scale Industries to whom I referred your start phasing out. U.P. could probably retain Over time only
letter for comments. ' ~o laboratory schools (the UPIS and uonc High); Our concept of
Rest assured that I shall write you again as soon as I receive more "laboratory", incidentally, includes the idea of "democratized
inforrnatlon'from our deans. ... access". to colteqe education for students from low-income families,
With all gOod wishes, which ties up with the now much-publicised U.P. "Iskolar ng
Bayan" Program of (Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance
Sincerely yours, Program: STFAPI.
With all good wishes and ~ssuranees of our deep esteem.
President Sincerely yours,


16 October 1989

Ref. No. JVA·89·442

17 October 1989
The Honorable
Ref. No. JVA-89-443
Anna Dominique "Nikki" M.L Cosete~
Representative -
Ms. Lydia B. Echauz:
Thfrd.Dlstrlct of Quezon City
House of Representatives Execut Ive Director
Ouezon CitY Government Fellows Program
Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation
Dear CongresSVoJoman Coseteng: I nstltute of Business and Government
130 ':t.V. de la Costa Street, Makati ..
This is with reference to your letter of 21 September 1989 P.O.8ox 2367
inquiring about the U.P. Board of Regents' decision to phase out
the U.P. College Baguio High School. Dear Ms. Echauz:
. Attached herewith are excerpts from the minutes of two Board '
meetings, one held on 30 January ·1989 when the Board decided to This is in response to your ietter inviting the Uni·;ersity of the
phase out the high school, and another meetlrq held on 25 April Philippi~es to participate in' the Government ·Fellows Program
1989 when the Board reiterated its earlier decision: (GFP) administered by the Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation Institute
The University of the Philippines is a tertiary-level institution of Business and Government. We congratulate the Foundation for
and its purpose, as spelled out in its Charter, is'''~o provide advanced the laudable mission it has embarked on. Indeed we believe, as you
.lnstructlcn . i.n literature, philosophy, the science 'and arts, and to do', in providing some government agencies with much needed, be-
cause highly qualified, experts in the formulation and implemen-
give professional. and technical training." While the new Constitu-
tation of their various programs, and at the same time instilling
tion provides that "The State shall protect and promote the rights
a sense of public service and social rssponsibilitv among participat-
of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appro-
priate steps to make such education accessible to all," the mandate ing Fellows.
I circulated vcur letter and the brochure on the GFP to some
for U.P. in light of its Charter is to provide advanced instruction at
of our senior officials in the University. On careful reviC\'V, we have
the University level (rather than secondary or high echooll.
decided to participate in the GFP as a benefactor. For many years
As explained in the attachment to this letter, the U.P. Board
of Regents approved the establlshrnent of the UPCB High School
new, the University has been giving this kind of assistance to some
9O.vernment entities. University policies allow our faculty to be on 20 October 1989
special detail or on detail by secondrnent by the reQuesting agen-
cies, in instances when the services of our faculty .ere needed and I Ref. No. JVA-89461
when Our own needs in the University so permit. These arrange- I

ments are, of course, subject to certain conditions set forth by Han. Cetestino E. Martinez, Jr.
t~e University. There are at present a number of our-faculty on House of Representatives
special detail and holding key positions in government agencies. Constitutional Hills
Should there be experts from industry who are qualified to teach I Ouezon City
and who can be sponsored by their ccmpanjes. we"shall be glad to
welcome their services under a mutually agreeable arrangement. Dear Congressman Martinez:
'I'm pleased to work wlth you in the National Media Council.
I wish you success in your u~ertakings~ Thank you for your letter of 5 October 1989 calling our atten-
tlOn- to-the proliferation of squatters inside the premises of U.P.
Sincerely yours, I College cebu..
I have requested Chancellor Francisco Nemenzo of U.P. Visayas
(Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA \ and Prof. Helen Banez who is Officer-in-Charge of U.P. College
President Gebu to immediately look into the matter.
We thank you for your concern and all the past help vouheve
extended to the Unjversitv.
With our best wishes.

18 October 1989 S~CerelY YOu~S,

Ref. No. JVA-89~445 (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA

Ms. Aimee P. Milagrol8
8.S.U. Compound
B.S.U. La Trinida:d. Banguet

DearMs. Milagrosa:' 20 October 1989

Your letter of July 13; 1989 -to Presktent Corazon Aquino was Ref. No. JV A-89·463
referred to me and I am happy to respond to your concern about
the phase-out of the UP College Baquio High School. I understand Hon. Honorato Y. Aquino
, perfectly the sentiments that you expressed in your letter. The deci- House of Representatives
sion to phase out your school was a -painful one', but it had to be Constitutional Hills
done. Before recommending its phase-out, we had several studies Quezon City
and reviews of the performance of your school by responsible com-
mittees and faculty groups in UP. On the basis of these studies, Thank you for your telegram received today. I do appreciate
WEt could not justify continuing the operations of your school. your concern.
The enclosed Primer will explain further the various issues As we have Informed you earlier, the 00 hoc Committee for a
involved in the decision -to discontinue the high school. Please Cordillera Science High School has already been formed, consist-
understand that our decision was, not meant to discriminate against ing of Abrlino A'ydinan; Adoracion Ambrocio, Director of the Phil-
Cordillerans, as some people make it out to be. As you will note ippine Science High School; Julieta Savellano, Dean of our College
in the Primer. I myself was involved in efforts to bdng peace in the of Education; Portirio Jesuitas, Director of o~~:Science Education •
Cordilleras in the recent past: . Center; Patricio Lazaro, Dean of UP College of Baqulo: a· senior
The Department of Education, Culture, and Sports, thru under- bECS official to be designated by Secretary Quisumbing; and Edgar-
secretary Luis Baltazar is now attending to possible arrangements do Pacheco, our Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
regarding the eccornmodatlon in DECS-GAR schools Of those Representative Gene Mendiola may attend all meetings of the.


students affected by the Supreme' Court's decision. On the other
hand, the Sub-Committee on Student Welfare" of the Committee
Committee, as he decides. Dean Lazaro represents all of U.P. College
Baguio , which includes the high school department. Atty. Sanidad
~ on Edu~ion. House of Representative_s~ is looking into the I and Mr. Alonzo can be invited by the Committee for their view-s as
c possible creation of a Cordillera Region Science High School outside
of the UP System to take the place of the UPCB High School.
resource persons.
With best regards:
i=-< We are assisting the Sub-Committee in this undertaking.
OJ I want to know how much I appreciate your making known Sincerely yours,

your feelings cj)out the issue. I hope you and your friends will
respect the- ruling of the Supreme Court upholding our decision. (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
...<Ii I
Please accept my best regards . President
S Sincerely yours,

~ President
- ::l


20 October 1989 We have also requested Senator Angara to sponsor the same bill
in the Senate. .
ReI. No. JVA-89-459
Please accept our sincerest thanks for this and past help that
you have extended to us.
Han. Edgardo J. Angara
With Our best wishes.
Senate of the Philippines
Sincerely yours,
Dear Senator Angara:
Knowing your abiding interest in education and your kinship
to the University, of the Philippines as an alumnus and former
President, may I transmit to you this resolution by the constituents
of U.P.. Manila. In it they express their desire to recover the land
and buildings formerly belonging to the University. This resolution
31 Oktubre 1989
na~ the full support of the U.P: Board of Regents, Repossession.
of these propertlas will enable the health sciences units to expand
ReI. No. JVA-89-473
their service to our countrymen through increased number of
graduates and relevant academic programs.
Kgg.· Ernesto G. Tabujara
We seek your support in this project by requesting you to
Chancellor, V.P. Diliman
sponsor the necessary legislation to legitimize V.P:s claim to its
former properties (please see draft bill attached). Once that is
Kagalang-galang na Chancellor Tabujara:
accomplished we are prepared to wait until such time when the
occupants, C?n their own volition, vacate the properties.
. We have also requested Congressman Padilla to sponsor the Sa aming pulong ngayong umaga, napag-atam kOr}9 wala pang
'same bill in the House of Representatives. nakatakdang optslna ang ating Sentro ng Wikang Filipino ,(SWF)
As our main advocate in the Senate, we wish to let you know gayong magsisimula na si Prop. Teresita Mac~a sa kanyang tung-
that your efforts are very much appreciated. kulin bilang direktor ngayong Nobyembre 2, 1989~
With o~r best wishes; • Dahlf mahalaga ang SWF sa pagsasatupad n9 Palisl sa Wika
n9 Unibersidad, kanais-nais sana kung ito ay matatagpuan sa isang
lugar na gitna sa mga kolehiyO at kaguruang nangunguna sa pagta-
Sincerely yours, taguyod ng parisi at masigasig na tumutulong sa pea-tmptementa
nita. Mas madaling matutupad ng SWF ang mga tungkulin nitong
paklkipaq-uqnav sa iba't ibang kolehiyo at yunit sa U.P., paglulun-
sad n9 mga aktibididades at proyektong panq-wfka. Kailanqan ding
President may sapat na espasyo ang SWF para sa aklatan at data bank nito,
pagdaos ng konsultatibong mga pulong, at pagsagawa ng mga
Nakfkinita ko -na ang plnakalchikal na lugar para sa tanggapan ng
20 October 1989 SWF ay ena'Pacuttv Oenter. Mangyari sanang biqvan natin ng one-
ridad and paglaan ng espasyo para sa SWF. Napaq-alaman kong
ReI. No. JVA-89-460 mababakante ang Faculty Canteen. fto jana ang maibibigay nat in sa
Hon. Carlos M. Padilla Maraming salamat sa inyong pagpapahalaga at tulong.
House of Representatives
Constitutional Hills
Quezon City
Dear Congressman Padilla: Pangulo
As someone who :knows intimately the problems of the Univer~
sity of the Philippines, we are seeking. your help in the effort of
of U.P. Manila to recover the land aOO buildings that were once C"l
part of the original Unlversltv of the Phlllpplnes. When the Univer- III
2 November 1989 N
sity transferred to Diliman in 1949 it was not anticipated that in
the future, autonomous universities in different campuses will Rol. No. JVA-89->l77
develop. As a result most of the land and buildings owned by U.P:
Manila were utilized by other government agencies. With the trans-
Prof. Dr. Jurgen Tlmm
fer of the Department of Foreign Affairs to another location and Rector
the probable transfer- of other agencies in the future it is only fair University of Bremen 0
that U.P. takes possession of its former properties. • Bibliothekstrasse . a"
U.P. Manila has passed a resolution, hereto attached. expressing
its earnest desire to regain ownership of said properties. The Board
Pcstfach 33040 '...,"
2800 Bremen 33 t:l
of Regents, .at its 1024th meeting held 0'1 August 24, 1989
expressed full support to this resolution.
federal Republic of Germany
. "tn "tliis connection, we wish to r-equest youto sponsor a bill. Dear 'Professor Tfmm: 3'"
a draft of which is attached, that will legitimiie U.P.'s·claim to its
former properties. Once this is accomplished, we are prepared to
wait until such time when the occupants, on their own volition.
Thank you very much for your letter of ·26th August 1989,
which Prof. Dr. Zeus A. Salazar kindly translated for us into Fili-
vacate the properties. Recovery of these properties will enable U.P. pino. Vice-President Gernlno H. Abad and I thank you likewise for CO
Manila to increase its enrollment and expand- academic services your best regards. we regret that Prof. Dr. Wildred Wagner will not
. <0
which wmneve beneficial effects to Our government and_ people. , be able to come to teach this semester in the Department of His- 113.
tory, ColliQs of Social Sciences and Philosophy. We hope. however, "'We would like to discuss with you the students' position re-
that he will be able to come next year, possibly for the first semes- garding the STFAP. If you would recall, we wanted to discuss
ter. ~ this with you as early as September 22, but in that meeting at
The two young students from your University, Ms. Petra Stern the Executive House you preferred to talk about your memo-
and Ms. Claudia Terner, are now wfth 'us at the College of Social randum." •
Sciences and Philosophy, where the Graduate Program has prepared I' In fact. we discussed various issued on STFAP with the student
a training module for them. As for Ms. Christel Fangmann, she has leaders there.
also been ecmtrted to train at the College of Social Sciences and As to YOur demands 1) and 2), r have already stated repeatedly
Philosophy. She has been recently notified of this by speed mail. that the BOR Policy and Program on Socialized Tuition and Finan-
In the course of Or. Wanger's projected stint-with the Depart- cial Assistance has been in force beginning the first semester of
ment of History of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 1989-90. Memorandum No, '38 and Memorandum No. 39 were
we shall certainly be able to identify members of the faculty and issued in further implementation of STFAP.I discussed much of the
the studentry who may want to teach and/or study in the University - substance of these memos in our dialogue at the Executive House
of Bremen. We can then see how we could get funding for them on ~2 September. We can discuss this and the other issues you raised
from institutions here, in your country, and elsewhere. on November 17. I

I agree with you that our contacts should first be developed at

the level of individual scholars and students. and even between parti- Cordially yours,
.eular departments, institutes, or colleges in our two universities,
which could prepare the way to a formal Agreement of Academic (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA
Cooperation between our two Universities. Thus, we support the I President
idea that some of your professors come and help build up the Euro-
pean area in our Department of History, while professors from this
and other departments in the College of Social Sciences and Philo-
sophy could in turn. go to Bremen to make their expertise available
towards reinforcing your own ASEAN program. '
I am glad that the Philippines has recently been the object of a ' 13 November 19
seminar in BIelefeld and a symposium in Passau. It is likewise with
great pleasure that we learn of your project to hold a Conference Ref. No. JVA-89-485
on the Philippines in the spring of 1992. I am sure that, by that
time, our cooperation shall have attained a level where some of our Han. Mirl__m Defensor-Santiago
professors can even come to Bremen for that is our Secretary
sincere hope that a.n Agreement could then be signed to formalize Department of Agrarian Reform
our relationship. Elliptical Road
May. the-fruitful relationship between our scholars continue to Oiliman, Quezon City
deepen and extend the areas of cooperation between our two
universities. Dear Secretary Santiago:
With all my best wishes.
This refers to the Deed of Sale dated 6 January 1989, executed
Very' •truly yours, ., between the University of the Philip'pines and the Department of
Agrarian Reform (DAR)· covering the voluntary transfer, of the
(Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA 3.920-hectare Basilan Land Grant to the OAR for inclusion in the
President, government's Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

As you may well kno~ the -O~ of Sale provides that the con-
sideration to be Paid by the OAR to the University through the
Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall be determined by mutu .'
agreement of the parties within thirty (3D) days from the exeeutio
of the Deed of Sale, in accordance with the provisions of R.A.
10 November 1989 6657. It is also indicated in the agreement that in de1;ermining the
amount, all permanent improvements found in the said property,
Ref. No. JVA-89-486 including non-agricuftural assets, shall be taken into accouQJ. The
DAR and the LBP' shall then immediately pay the University within
Mr. Aments Jimenez, Jr. thirty (3D) days from the date of agreement and after submission by
Chairman the University a! all evidence of 'ow-riershiP, We have been informed
University Student Council on 1 June 1989 that the DAR has come up with a total valueesti-
Vinzons Hall, UP Diliman mate of P52,742,246.00 (exclusive of, the ·non-agricultural assets).
In a meeting between out senior staff and your Assistant Sec-
• retary for Mindanao Operations, Mr. Briccio Tamparong, on 26
Dear Mr. Jimenez:
October 1989, we were informed that a recommendation has been
In response to your_letter which we received on 3 November, subm~ed to your Office endorsing favorably· a separate valuation
~ this is to confirm that I shall meet wnh you on 17 November at for the said non-agricultural assets. Furthermore, we were edvlsed
s that payment to the University of the first 30 percent of the total
z= 1 :00 p.rn. at the Executive House. This eppolntment was conveyed
to you by Secretary Emerlinda Roman on 6 November. value shall be forwarded to the LPB for processing by the last week
Regarding your letter of November 7, 1989. insisting that I of November, afterwhich payment to the University could be ef-

meet with you on November 10. I asked Vice-President Felipe
Medalla, Secretary Roman and VIce-Chancellor Salvador Carlota to
fected by December or early January next year. We were also in-
former} that the remaining 70 percent would be paid by the LBP in
meet with you." They were prepared to do so, but when Secretary bonds or in cash on a 3 percent discount.
S Considering the Itmgth of time that the Unlveraltv has waited for

Roman called up your office at Vinzons Hall at 1:10 before going
there. she was told that you and other student leaders had .Ieft 30 DAR's action and the University's· pressing need for additional
e rninutesbefore 1:10 p.m. funds which the Basl!an property previously provided, we trust that
I'd like to correct what you said in the second paragraph of your your Office will act favorably to settle this account before the end

114 November 7 letter. asfollows: ofthe year.

With w~rm regards and best wishes for your continuing success. I 14 November 1989
very strongly support your confirmation by the Commision on
Appointments. Ref. No. JVA-89·491

Sincerely yours. President Ellis E. McCune

California State University
Hayward, California 94542
Preskfent U.S.A.

Dear President McCune:
13 November 1989
Thank you for your letter of 2nd November which introduced
Prof. Ricardo L. Singson to us. He met with our Vice-President for
Ref. No. JVA-89-490
Academic Affairs, Prot. Gemino H. Abad, to explore opportunities
for student and faculty -excharue between our two institutions.
_Mr. Jose S. Laurel III
I ,Ther~ was also a letter from Prof. N.V.M. Gonzalez, which Pro-
JASCAA Scholarship Program
fessor Singson handcarried. I n that letter, Professor Gonzalez speaks
Recommending Committee
of a possible Philippine Studies Center in your university. We are
3rd Floor, Dominion Building
very glad to know about this possibility, and about Dean Alan
833 Arnaiz Road
Smith's enthusiastic support for it.
Makati, Metro Manila
Professor Abad provided 'Professor Sinqson copies of three ver-
sions of a possible Agreement of Academic Cooperation between
Dear Mr. Laurel III:
our two universities wh'ich you may wish to consider. We also pro-
vided Professor Singson relevant information on a number of Agree-
Thank you for your letter of 25th September informing us about
the guidelines of the Recommending Committee for the JASCAA ments we already have with various American universities. This
0 la rsh iP Program, and requesting us to submit two nominations, week, Professor Singson will also be conferring with Dean Cesar
•. e 10r the undergraduate program and another for a research grant. Saldana of our College of Business Administration and Director
Melito Salazar of our Institute for Small-Scale Industries to explore
Our Office of Institutional Linkages has referred the matter to
other possibilities of academic cooperation.
the head of the -Working Group of our Japan 'Committee who has
We certainly look forward to a fruitful relationship between our
been requested to seek the counsel of the-members of the Com-
two institutions.
mittee. As leading scholars on Japanese aff~irs. the committee
members are expected to name suitable candidates for the JASCAA
Very truly yours,
Scholarship Program.
We shall send yBtJ our nominations on or before 8 December
1989. ~

Truly yours,


.-21 November 1989
,R,ef. No. JVA 89-500
13 November 1989
Atty. Enrique M. Belo
• . No. JVA-89-484 Bela, Abiera and Associates
6th Floor, Cibeles Bui.lding
~. Ofelia J. Silapan 6780 Ayala Avenue
Gng. Ligaya T. Rubin Makati, Metro Manrla
College of Arts & Letters
Dear Atty. Bela: '"d
U.P. Oiliman

Mga Mahal na Gog. Silapan-at Grig. Rubin: I am sorry 1- have taken this long to send you the lengthier I~
Binabati ko kayo sa pagkakalathala ng inyong aklat na Wikang
reply I promised you in my letter of 4 July 1989. But there have
been some developments concerning the implementation of the U.P.
Language Policy that I wanted to share with you.
Filipino Retorika at Sulating Pananallkstk.
Maraming salamat sa kopyang ipinadala ninyo sa akin. Ako ay Let me stress at the outset, there is no real disagreement between •
natutuwa na may mga gura sa ating Unibersidad na katulad ninyo your ideas on the national language and the language policY of the '0
na patuloy sa pananatiksik para sa ikauunlad og ating wikang pam-
bansa. Kallanqan lamang na maqtutulunqan ang lahat upang rna-
University. ~_ ~
Just as you are for "develo~ing a national language"; just as you s"r::r .
believe that this "should evol~e slowlY "and methodically"; and ,"7
isulong ang paqpapaleqanap ng ating wlka.
that most importantly, "tthls should be acceptable to the whole
Tulad ng nabanggit ninyo sa pahina 22 ng inyong aklat, kahit na
nation," the Language Pollcvot the University: o
nga nahihirapan ay slnislkap ko pa ring magsalita ng Filipino sa
1. is in fulfillment _of the constitutional mandate "to help
aking rrqa panayam at talumpatl at maging sa mga pagpupulong.
evolVe the national language cal ted Filipino" {Art. XIV,
Makakaasa kayo sa aking. patulov na peqtataquvod at pagtang-
Sec. 61; r::r
kilik n9 wikang Filipino.
Mabtlhay kayo I
2. recognizes the need "to cultivate and enhance our local
and regional cultures and languages, fer they are truly the
native fountainhead by which Filipino civilization is enriched
and qrows even stronger" (the Filipino we wish to see evolve i~
therefore, is a national language enriched by local and re- ~
gionallanguages as ordained by the Constitution); 115
3. considers Filipino as the.national lingua franca, a language i rather than of a conspiracy by the Tagalogs. And upon closer exami-
already spoken in most parts of the country that naturally nation, how much more easily the .kind of Filipino propaQated by
developed and oontinues to develop out of the interaction media is understood than the Tagalog of Batangss, Sulacan and
among different ethno-linguistic groups in the country. Laguna, and how much change it is still undergoing as a result of the
The national language. is structurally different from Tagalog, intermingling of different linguistic groups. It is also worth noting
which by no means is Filipino as the national language that one of the staunchest advocates of Filipino, who participated
alreedv defined. As a national lingua franca, Filipino is dy- actively in the hearings_on the national language by the 1986
riamic and will continue to change as people use it. Constitutional ~mmission: is the linguist Or. Ernesto Constantino, .
There are other elements in the U.P. Language Policy that an Ilocano.
I would like to further clarify: I reiterate a point I made earlier. Fllipinoas the National lan-
The U.P. does not intend to .ebotlsh English as a guage, while already a living reality, is not' the definitive Filipino as
medium of instruction now or in the ruture. Even as yet. Which is why we are encouraging our regional and autonomous-
U.P. seeks to develop Filipino and use it as the medium of . units to 'actively participate in the dynamics of evolving a national'
Instructjon and official communication, the Language language that is truly Filipino because it is acceptable to all. Toward
Policy specifically states that "En~Hsh' the fore- this end, we have appointed a Sugbuanon [Cebuancl to' head the
most lingua franca of the world:' it "shall be maintained newly-created Sentro ng Wikang Filipino. The Sentro, we hope,
as the ,primary fnternaticnal lanqueqe in the University." will be able to ensure the broadest particlpatjonof our people in the
The policy further recognizes Eng1ish as the means by development of Filipino, as our National Language.
whic~the University can: ·We look forward to your active participation in this effort.
a. keep abreast with the advances mede fnvarlous fields
of knowledge throuqhout the world: Slncerelvyours.
b. participate in international scholarly discourse; and
c. make accessible to the world its own research and (S~d.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
scholarly oontributions. Pres;dent
Second, teaching in Filipino is at the undergraduate
'level. However, in the spirit of academic freedom, the .
Language Policy allows faculty to choose which medium
to use for -teachtnq and drives the option to students to
enrol in courses offered in either Filipino or English. 23 November 1989
With this option, the Department of English is expected-
to maintain English at a high level of excellence. Ref. No. JVA-89-501
It is a historical fact. however, that since the early
1970s, a number of. U.P. faculty have already been The Honorable Raul S.. Manglapu5
teaching some Science, Social Science and Liberal Arts' Secretary of Foreign Affairs
courses, as well as wr~ing papers, in Filipino. These Manila
efforts have contributed greatly to the development of
the national language. Dear Secretary Manglapus:
Third, the Language Policy provides 'tor a gr,adual
This, is with reference to a letter (dated 27 October 19891 which

development of Filipino as rnedlum of instruction.
Autonomous and re9iOnal units within the U.P. System I recentfv" received from Ms. Alicia C. Ramos, President of the
Union of Foreign Service Officers of the Philippines (UNI FORSt.
(such as U.P. in the Visayas, U.P. College Cebu, U.P. . , .
College Baguio, etc.I are allowed to decide on a reason- Ms. Ramos called my attention to the fact that the position of
able transition period for purposes -of training teachers. Director of the Forelqn Service Institute (FSIl has not been filled in
and preparing learning materials for the undergraduate the past two years. She furnished me a copy of UNIFORS' Reso-
courses. There are' no standard wordllsta and. grammar lution No.1 requesting the Board of FSI to recommend to the Presi-
imposed. In fact, we consider this process as a' great- dent the appointment of a Director 'as provided in Presidentia'
opportunity for regional units to make significant con- Decree 1060.
tributions to the development of Filipino by way of .' am aware of what the Foreign Service Institute is doing for the
providing concepts and terms from regional languages Department of Foreign Affairs and the professionalization of the
that are already of wide usag~ and therefore acceptable,' Foreign Service. We could discuss the above-mentioned request at
Philippine languages after all, have a common word stock our next Fsf Board meeting.
of more than 50%. Through consensus. alternative terms With best wishes. I '

provided by these regional units and by other depart-

. ~
ments and colleges will further enrich Filipino. Sincerely yours,
~ Fourth, the Language Policy therefore aims for a
;:J vigorous promotion of the regional languages, literatures (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA
• and cultures . Presiflent

"'.." Like you, I do not take the narrow vievv of insulting ourselves
15 from the rest of the world by propagating only one language.
§ English is part of our history. Moreover, we are a multilingual
people. Ourjocat languages are so similar to each other, it takes
z but little effort to learn one more to add to one's language at
~ birth.
~ Let me, however, correct you on your misimpression that the .

<ll National Language as it exists today "is the concerted ,effort of the

Tagalogs to dominate the country." It may be argued that the
Filipino spoken as lingua franca and understood by 91% of Filipj'nos
(according. to a recent survey) hews closely to Tagal0:9. But this I
;> is more likely the natural result of the popularity of movies, comics.
and today's TV Patrol aired netlonwjde and' emanating from Manila
116 I
28 November 1989 , pressed the opinion of presidents of Catholic private colleges and
universities in Mindanao against the idea of establishing a University
Ref. No. JVA-89-506 of the Philippines in Miooanao.
I can appreciate your reasons and sentiments, as I also appre-
Han. Fiorello R. Estuar ciate Father Varela's.
Secretary Our views on Up's presence in Mindanao are stated in our
Department of Public Works and Highways enclosed newsletter (UP in MindanaD Update issue no. 1 and no. 2L
Bonifacio Drive, Port Area . We are looking for appropriate ways to respond to the legitimate
Manila desire and demands of UP alumni and leaders in Mindanao that UP
extend its assistance to M.indanao in the form of graduate and
Deaf Secretary Estuar: undergraduate education, advanced training, arid collaborative
research and extension aetiviites.
Pursuant to our meeting of 16 October 1989. I wish to confirm As you witl understand in reading our newsletters, we are pro-
our request for the Department of Public Works and Highways to ceeding with circumspection and caution, and in consultation
donate 3-4 used trucks to the University of the Philippines. The with Mindanao leaders, educators and UP alumni. We want to be
used trucks will be utilized for garbage collection within the U.P. helpful and complementary and supportive, and not duplicative or
Oiliman Campus. competitive. in a common effort to strengthen higher education
The trucks that we have been using to collect garbage are so old I in Mindanao and serve more Mindanao students who want to gain

and unserviceable that "more time is consumed in their maintenance admission to UP.
than in their actual use. The trucks that your Department will be It would help the common effort if those concerned, like us,
donating to us will go a long way in preserving a healthy environ- actively make known their support of House Bill No. 22-142 (des-
ment in the University community. cribed in Up in Mindanao Update issue no. 2) which would appro--
Thank you and warmest regards. priate P80M for the extension of UP programs and service to public
...ancl private universities in Mindanao.
Sincerely yours, With our best wishes.

(Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA Sincerely yours,


28 November 1989

Ref. No. JVA-89-510 21 December 1989

Mr. Sebastian Angliomo Ref. No. JVA-89·538

Bukidnon, UPAA Davao Chapter
Davao City The Honorable
Secretary Jesus Estanislao
De,ar Angie, l Director General
National Economic and Development Authority
The 12th U.P. Alumni Institute, held in Davao City last 23-25 Pasig, Metro Manila
Novembe:, was instructive-hopefully, for all of us; We should fioo
practicable ways of satisfying the understandable yearnipg of our. Dear Secretary Estanislao:
Ilow alumni for a meaningful U.P. presence in Mindanao.
Congratulations on the very successful conduct of the Institute. We respectfully submit herewith the research proposal from the
The turnout of alumni was impressive. National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology
Thank you, Angie for meeting us at-the airport and seeing us off, (BIOTECH), U.P. at Los Banos, entitled "Improvement of Facil-
and making us feel at home in Davao City every way you could. ities in Process Biotechnology for Food and Feed Production," for
favorable endorsement to the Japanse Embassy for posaote funding.
Sinc~ely yours, . The proposal aims to enhance BIOTECH's capability to perform
research and development activities in the areas of genetic engineer-
(Sgd.J JOSE V. ABUEVA ing, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and antibiotics production.
President : We hope that your Office can facilitate the necessary assistance
from the Japanese Embassy for this research Project.
With our best wishes.

Very truly yours,
15 December 1989

Ret. No. JVA-89·528

Fr. William-H. Kreutz, S.J. (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA
President, Ateneo de Zamboanga
zamboanga City

Dear President Kreutz:

Thank you for your letter to me on the subject of UP in Min-

I had 'also received a letter from Fr. Miguel Ma. Varela, Executive
Director of the CEAP Planning and Development Center. He ex-

28 December 1989 I..:M:;:E=SSA=G::E::S=,-~----------------'"1
Ref. No. JVA-89·536 Isan9 maligeyeng pa(,i>atlsa mga kasepi ng UP Delta Lambda
Sigma Sorority.
The Honorable sa loob ng mga nagdaang taon, naging isang tradisyon na ang
Mayor Erlinda, N. Britanico patuloy na pagtatangkilik ng inyong samahan sa iba't ibanQ peovek-
Miagao,lloilo City to para sa kaunlarang pangkultura at gawaing pansibika ng mga
mag-aaral dito sa Unibersidad ..
Dear Mayor Britanico: Oahil dito, nais kong batiin ang inyong samahan sa inyong mara-
pat na punyagi at ang makabuluhang proyektong Inyong ntletavon
In connection with Resolution No. 82, series of 1989 of the para sa mga "sexually abused children".Tunay na kailangan nila ang
Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Miagao regarding the tulong ng mga mamamayan at hlgit sa lahat ang pang-unawa at pag-
proposed establishment of the Philippine Science High School in kakataong magkaroon ng bagong buhav. Lubos na kinagagalak ng
the vtseves within the U.P. Visayas campus at Miagao, please be Unibersidad na magkaroon ng mga sororiting tulad ng sa ioyo na
informed that I will indorse said Resolution to the Board of walang sawang nagtataguyod ng iba't ibang proyektong paosibika
Regents of the University of the Philippines. This matter will be upang magHngkod sa pamayanan.
discussed at the January meeting of the Board. lnaasahan kong magtatagumpay kayo sa inyong proyekto
Meanwhile. in behalf of the Universnv. may I extend to you na konsiyerto ng COCOJAM. Nawa'y ipagpatuloy nlnvo ang pag-
'and the Council our appreciation for your interest in promoting tatangkilik sa pagtitibay ng samahan ng mga rneq-aaral sa
quality education. Unibersidad.
With'our best wishes for a peaceful New Year ..
Sincerely yours, Pangu/o
It is distinct honor to congratulate the graduating class.of U ,P.
College Tecloban for the school veer 1989·90.
The University ptevs a crucial role in the growth and quality
29 December 1989 development of Philippine society. The end of your term here at the
University also marks the start of another stage in the fuifillment"of
Ret. No. JVA-89-539 this role.
I call upon veeto 'challenge you to reach out towards the coun-
His Excellency Tsuneo T8na~. tryskfe - to the less developed sectors of our society - so that they
Embassy of Japan too may benefit from the fruits of .growth and development.
375 Sen, Gil J, Puvat Avenue As graduates of the University, I am also confident that you
Makati, Metro Manila will succeed in your chosen endeavors. Through all these, please
meet the challenge of transforming Philippine society, so that
Dear Ambassador Tanaka: equality and justice will prevail. Such is our commitment at the
U.P. community.
We would like to have your counsel and suggestions on how Again, my heartfelt corEJratulattonsl
the University might receive assistance from the Japanese Govern-
ment for purposes of setting up in the University a Language Learn-
ing Technology Center to promote the study and learning of foreign ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU~VA
languages, with particular emphasis on the Japanese language.. President
As you very well know, the University of the Philippines has
already various Agreements of Cooperation with Osaka Univerisity
of Foreign Studies, Soka University, and the ~niversity of Tsukuba.
On 18 January next year, we shall also be signing a formal
Agreement of Cooperation with the University of Tokyo. ~
-tkinararangal kong batiin ang U.P, Rayadillo Honor Guard
Many of our faculty and scholars have finished their academic.
Batallion sa ika-25 fla taon nitong paglilingkod sa Unlbersided.
degrees; or undertaken short courses of study, or done research Ang maraming taon ng inyong paglilingko~ ay nagpamalas ng kagi-
in many universities in Japan; a fM have also taught for a year or
tingan ng U.P. ccrps ct Cadets.
so in some universities there. Ang inyong batalyon, sa ngayon ay isang modelo ng kaayusang-
We have long realized that the study of the Japanese language
asat at pagsunod sa mga kleal ng Unibersidad. Mge ideal tungo sa
and culture is most crucial for our echolers who wish to study or do
• research in Japan. The. proposed Language Learning Technology
transpormasyon ng ating Hpunan .
Inaasahan kong sa mga suaunod na taon ay mananatili ang
"'..." Center. if established with the assistance of your government, would
go a very long way toward a more fruitful and self-sustaining coope-
inyong paglinngkod bilang mga modelong kadete dito sa Uniber-
ration between our University and many institutions of learning in
sidad, Gayundin ang inyong paninindigan sa pagtaguyocl n9 bates
at ng mga minamahalagang karapatan ng ating mamamayan.
your country.
:l MuH, ang sting rnalnjt na pagbati sa inyol
Z Thank you for your kind consideration of this request for what-
ever essrseance may be possible. I would be glad to explain to you
><:" the proposed Language Learning Technology Center at ~ time
><: convenient to you. Pongufo

'E:l" With our best wishes for a fruitful and satisfying 1990.

Sincerely yours,

118 President
Maligayang bati sa mga kasapi ng U.P. Medical Alumni Society Binabati ko ang UP Chemical Engineering Society sa ika-J5 na
sa taunang pagdiriwang ng inyong reunyon. taon nitong pakikilahok sa mga aktibidades sa larangan ng Chemical
Ang magandang pangalsn ng Unibersidad ay .slimasalamln sa Engineering. Sa mga gawaing qanito napapafawak ang tanawin ng
kagalin~ang ipinamamalas ng bawa't isa sa samahan ng mga alum- mga estudvante. hindi lamang sa Chemical Engineering, kundi sa
ni. Ang. inyong samahan ev nagpakita ng kagalingan sa lcob ng mga iba pang pinagaabalahan og,Unibersidad.
25 taon. Inaaasahan kong patuloy ang invong mga pagsisikap, alaog-
Higit sa lahat ay ang kagalingang inyong ipinamamalas sa inyong alang sa ikauunlad og ating bansa, pati na rin sa ikabubuti ng naka-
paglalaan ng tulong pangkalusugan sa etlna mga mama mayan, lalo raremi. Cito ay maaasahan ntnvc ang lubes na suporta ng adminls-
na sa ating mqa kapus-paled. trasyoo dito sa Unibersidad.
Sana'y ipagpatuloy nioyo ang inyong mga magagand.ang gawain. Mabuhayl
Ang tagumpay ng inyong mga programa at proyekto ay tagumpay
na rin ng buong Unibersidad. (Lagda) JOSE V. ABU EVA
Muli, maligayang batl. PanguJo


Binebatt ko ang UP Home Eccnomlcs Alumni Association sa
kanilang 1989 Annual Homeoomin na gaganapio sa 25 Nobyembre
Ang terna og reunyong ito na "Home Economics in Nation
Malugod kong binabati kayong mga maqslsipegtapos sa U.P. Building" ay karapat-dapat at napapanahon. Ipinapakita nito na
ang mga naqsitapos ng Home Economics ay hindi lamang abala sa
School of Economics.
kanilang kurso kundi sa kaunlarang pambansa man din.
Ang inyong pagtatapcs dlto sa Unibersidad ay isa la~ang hanqa-
Kami sa Unibersidad ay nakikiisa sa invo sa pagnanasang maging
rin tungo sa isang mas metevos na misyon: ang transpcrrnasvcn ng
matagumpay ang okasvonq ito.
ting lipunan. Sa ganitong punto ako'y umaasa na ang mga simu-
ain at kaislpen na iminulat OS Unibersidad ng Pilipinas sa Invo ay
magsisilbing patnubay ninyo para sa misyong ito. (Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA
lnaasahan ko rin na ang inyong mga natutuhan sa U.P. ay magi- Pangulo ..
ging liwanag sa mga realidad na umiiral sa ating lipunan. lsang real-
idad na nilalarawan ng karalitaan at kawaleng-katarunqan.
Ang pagtugon sa mga realidad na ito ang siva sanang maging
hangari~ ninvonq mga magsisitapos dito sa Unibersidad. Kung gaano Buong kasivahang binabati ko ang U.P. Math Majors' Circle
ang paninlndlqan namin para sa pagbabago ng lipunan, maging (UPMMCI sa inyong pagtangkilik ng "Mathirang Mathibay", isang
ganoon din sana ang paninindigan ninyo tungo sa isang lipunang timpalak pang-matematika na gaganapin sa 8 Nobvembre 1989.
makatarungan, makatao at makabayan. Ang pagdaraos fig timpalak na ito ay isang pagpapatunay na tinu-
Muling pagbati sa inyol tupad ng UPMMC ang lavunio nitong palawakin ang interes at
pagkakadalubhasa sa matematlka.
(Lagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA Nakikiisa kami sa inyo sa inyorlg pagnanasang maging mate-
Pangulo sumoev ang provektonq ito.




- - oIlO


, 0(')

, 0

\ 'SC"" •

'" '"
BOARD OF'REGENTS The Honorable Lcurdes B, Quisumbi~, Chairman, Secretary,
Department of Education, Culture and Sports. The Honorable Jose V. Abueva,
President. University of the Philippines. The Honorable Edprdo J. Angar., Chair-
man, Senate Committee on Education -The Honorable Clrtos M. Padilla, Chairman,
House Committee on Education • The Honorable Ganzala A. Bongolan • The
Honorable Ponciano GA. Mathav. Pre.sident, U.P. Alumni Association • The
Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura • The Honorable Angelita T. Reyes -The Honer-
able Flerida Ruth P, Romero. The Honorable Detfin "L. Lazaro. The Honorable
Primo E. Gonzales. The Honorable Ruben B. Aspires. Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman,


President. Dr. Gemino H. Abad, Vice-President for Academic
Affairs. Dr. Felipe M. Medulla, Vice-President for Planning and
Finance .Dr. Belinda A. Aquino, Vice-President for Public Affairs
! • o-. OliC8r M. Alfonso, Presidential Assistant. Dr.' Emerlina R.
~ Roman, Secreta ry

EDITORIAL STAFF: sec. Emerlinda R. Romen, Editor. Meri.
Christine F. Rey_, Managing Editor. AM Estel. M. Merquez,
Editorial Assistant.
- e
The typeface in this journal is Univers medium, set in two-point leads at the U.P. Printery
The printing in offset lithography is by the Uni.onity of tho Philippines Print• ..,

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