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This study determined the awareness and dissemination of the North Luzon Philippines State
College (NLPSC) Vision, Mission and Goals (VMG) among 345 students were most are from
lower year levels and mostly regular students during the 1 st Semester 2019-2020. Descriptive
research design was employed using a researcher made a survey questionnaire. Results show a
high level of the extent of awareness and a moderate level of dissemination pf the NLPSC VMG
to students-respondents. The respondents understood NLPSC’S VISION statement is the overall
direction that tells what the institution wants its graduates to become in the future; that the
mission statement tells the purpose of the existence of the institution and that it contributes to the
achievement of its goals; that generally, the NLPSC promotes the core values that society
approves and that the College upholds. Students are well-informed of vison, mission and goals
of the institution which can be associated with the academic practice of integrating the VMG as
part of the syllabi of the faculty and this is presented during class orientation in every subject
during the first meeting of the class. Efforts to disseminate the VMG are much done by the
college with the use of different sources which resulted of the high level of awareness of
students, but less on the wide billboards, meetings, programs and broadcasting through the local
radio. Thus, dissemination of the VMG should be sustained to create support from students
which is needed for the realization and attainment of the vision and mission of the college.

Keywords: awareness, dissemination, NLPSC vision, mission, and goals

Educational institution have the role to ensure that their students, as they go out into the
society, will carry out with them the learnings, knowledge and ideologies provided by the school.
They will employ it in their interactions with society, notaby in the inevitable parts of politics,
social, and cultural life. Hence, colleges and universities are more than likely to link their vision,
and mission, with these responsibilities. This will serve as the institution’s guidance in achieving
its objectives. Aside from that, it is also critical to drive the institution’s stakeholders in the right
direction and give a roadmap to get there. Only if the vision and goal are clearly communicated,
respected, and followed by all levels of school officials, from the top to the bottom, it will be
achievable. According to Ezekwe and Egwu (2016), no matter how well-created the VMG is, it
will have no impact if it is not well-observed.
Any institution’s VMG declarations are the most important guidance for the institution’s
academic programs and future (Robbins et al.,2003). CMO No. 37s. 2012 describes the vision
and mission as statements on the institutions’ long-term vision of itself and the world in which it
operates, including the institution’s fundamental purpose, its long-term and stature, and what is
does to achieve this purpose and how it would lie to ply its role in the future.
The college’s mission encompasses the four functions. NLPSC through inexpensive and high-
quality education that integrates technology-based instruction, research, and extension, is
dedicated to educating a diverse group of students who will become responsible leaders in a
culturally varied community to generate high-quality human resources for competencies on a
global scale.

However, like any other academic institutions, NLPSC is confronted with challenges posed
by fast-changing technology, changing consumer preferences, and increased competition.
NLPSC have to overcome these challenges. In doing so, NLPSC should be led by its vision,
mission and goals in order to deliver not just affordable, but also a high-quality education that is
comparable to those of other regional state colleges.
In the accreditation of an institution, the VMG is first assessed as to its dissemination, and
awareness, It is believed that a well-informed stakeholder specifically the students of the
institution will be able to assist in the realization of the institution’s vision and mission and
goals. Hence, it is desirable to conduct study on the dissemination, and awareness of the NLPSC

The study utilized the descriptive survey method of research. Specifically, this study is
descriptive in nature because it dealt with the collection and presentation of data to describe the
characteristics of the respondents particularly the extent of dissemination and awareness of
vision, mission, and goals among students (Parreño & Jimenez, 2014).
The study was conducted at NLPSC, San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur for the 1 st
semester 2019-2020. The researchers asked permission from the Registrar’s Office to get the
total population of the students by giving them letter of request. Based from the records of the
Collage Registrar, a total of 3523 students are currently enrolled during the said semester. To
come up with a sample population of this study, the stratified sampling method was used. As a
result, this study covered a total 345 students coming from the different courses of the College.
The breakdown as to course are as follows: 65 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science students; 14
Bachelor of Arts in English Language students; 5 Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education
students; 13 Bachelor of Elementary Education; 6 Bachelor of Physical Education students; 63
Bachelor of Science in in Criminology students; 86 Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration students; 31 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students; 23 Bachelor of
Secondary Education students; 14 Bachelor of Science in Midwifery students; and 25 Bachelor
of Science in Office Administration students. As to year level, most of the respondents are first
year with 132; followed by the second year with 109; third year with 77 and fourth year with 27.
Moreover, majority of them are regular students with 295; and the irregular students are 50.
The researchers administered the questionnaires to the respondents at their time of
convenience in order to ensure a very good retrieval of the results. The questionnaire is a very
good retrieval of the results. The questionnaire was conducted by formulating a question basing
to the statement of the problem in the study by asking the respondents’ rate to the dissemination
and awareness to the vision, mission and goals of the NLPSC and the sources of the information.
The questionnaire had undergone validation from experts which consist of an English Instructor,
Research Instructor, and Statistician and obtained a rating of 4.12which means that the
questionnaire is highly valid. After the researchers had collected the administered questionnaires,
they tabulated, analyzed and interrupted the data gathered. The respondents rated their extent of
awareness and level of dissemination of VMG using a 4-likert scale, while on the sources of
information, the respondents had multiple responses. Weighted mean was used in describing the
level awareness and extent dissemination of the respondents on the VMG of NLPSC, and
frequency & percentage was used to describe the sources of information of VMG. Analysis of
variance was used to determine the difference of the extent of awareness and level of
implementation of respondents.

(Robbins et al., 2003)

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