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by Ashley Chong, Charleston,South Carolina

All rights reserved

No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without written permission from
the author, except for brief quotations credited to the author.

This book is not intended to be a substitute for the medical
advice from a licensed physician. The information contained
within this book is strictly for educational purposes only. If
you wish to apply the ideas contained in this book, you are
taking full responsibility for your actions. Ashley Chong will
not be held liable for any unlikely adverse reactions that result
from consuming any of the ingredients contained in these
recipes or from the specific dietary recommendations that are
contained in this book. The reader should consult their doctor
or their child's pediatrician for updated allergen information
before consuming or giving your child any new foods that they
may have allergic/adverse reactions to as well as for any
matters relating to his/her specific health related dispositions
before making any significant lifestyle and/or dietary changes.
In 2012, Ashley Chong was 21 years old, 253lbs, and a pre-
diabetic, who was yet again looking for ways to lose weight.
After adopting a raw plant-based lifestyle, Ashley reversed her
diabetes, and restored her health through nutritional therapy.
Ashley Chong is now a decade long raw vegan who has lost
over 127lbs and reversed several chronic illnesses. Her
transformation has been featured on PEOPLE magazine, Forks
Over Knives, Mercy For Animals and so much more. She is an
entrepeneur, mom, wife, health activist, a dedicated student of
nutrition science. Her brand RawandRadiant has inspired
thousands of people take control of their health and to adopt a
healthy whole food plant-based diet.
For my husband, Andrew, without you none of this would be
possible. Thank you for being my rock, my best -friend, my
photographer, and my recipe tester. I love you with all my

Why Eat Plants?


Why Eat Raw Plants ?



What is Food Combining?


The Four Golden Rules



There are a multitude of reasons I can think of as to why I wrote a
book on proper food combining. Food combining is one of those
topics in nutrition science that are easily browsed over or thought
of as “not as important”, but in reality, it should be studied,
practiced, and used as a healing aid more widely than it is. Proper
food combining allows for quick absorption and elimination which
in turns allows for a super healthy functioning digestive system
which in turn leads to a super healthy functioning body. In the
book ahead I start with the basics and work my way into the
science behind proper food combining. Following this, I do have
some tips and charts that can be used for studying and practicing.
If you follow my Instagram page, you know the huge emphasis
that I put on the importance of efficient digestion, but I never
really wrote on the topic in my prior books. I have gotten so many
requests for this, and I am so excited to share how incorporating
the practice of proper food combining into your life will boost
your overall wellness.

Why Eat Plants
If you are reading this, then you probably already know that
health is a multi-faceted cube that requires all sides to be properly
balanced. Nowadays that cube is looked at as very difficult to
solve sort of like a rubix cube. There are many different aspects to
this lifestyle cube that need to be finetuned correctly to make up a
healthy human being. These include exercise, diet, stress-levels,
environment, and so much more. It is easily forgotten that these
facets or sides of the cube are interlocked and woven together so
intricately. For example, our survival depends the health of the
environment and the health of our environment is directly linked
to our eating habits. Eating a diet rich in plants is the foundation of
that cube. Choosing to eat a whole food plant-based diet prevents
chronic illnesses associated with a standard American diet, assists
the body’s natural healing process, protects the environment, and
allows for all the wellbeing of other people on the planet.
Adopting a healthy diet is a monumental part of preventing
chronic illnesses. An amazing asset that a plant-based lifestyle
offers is a boost to your body’s heart health. With heart disease
being the leading cause of death in both men in women in U.S., it
is completely obvious that the standard American diet is not
supplying the body with many nutritional benefits. A lifestyle
consisting of mostly plant foods has been proven time and time
again to prevent, improve, and in some cases, even reverse heart
disease. It is estimated that heart disease occurs 57% less in
vegans compared the people who eat meat. A study that compared
The American Heart Association’s recommended diet against a
vegan diet found that ‘’a plant‐based vegan diet has been shown to
significantly reduce adverse markers of poor cardiovascular health
over time’’
and that ‘’ Inflammation plays a central role in the progression of
heart disease and is associated with adverse cardiovascular
events... a vegan diet may be used to lower inflammation.’’ A
plant-based lifestyle can help improve cardiovascular health and
can also be used as a long-term preventive measure.

Diabetes is also high on list of preventable diseases that affects

millions of Americans. The onset of this disease has been found to
have a direct link to one’s diet. Eating the standard American diet
or other meat-heavy diets have all been linked to the development
of the diabetes, whereas diets with higher intakes of fruit,
vegetables and leafy greens have all been associated with a
substantially lower risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

When practiced properly, the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle

are both plentiful and inevitable. Even the American Dietetic
Association states that ‘’ appropriately planned vegetarian diets,
including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful,
nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the
prevention and treatment of certain diseases.’
Another reason why it is imperative to make plants the
foundation of your diet is because even if you have been polluting
your body for decades, you can use plants as a strategy to reset and
reestablish your health. Eating a whole food plant-based diet does
this in a few ways. It stops us from eating foods that are hindering
the natural healing process and encourages us to eat food that
assist healing. Once you start to replace food like products with
actual food, your body, probably for the first time becomes
nourished. Most people who need help restoring their health have
been consuming a standard American Diet or a similar one that has
been wreaking havoc on them. A standard American diet does
nothing to nourish the body or promote health. This lifestyle is full
of unhealthy eating patterns. The standard western diet is a
lifestyle where most are overfed, but typically under nourished. It
is rich in calories, but very low in nutrients. It is low in fruit,
vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It is low in fiber, low in vitamins, low
in minerals, and low in phytonutrients, and low in enzymes. It is
high in devitalized foods. These foods or “food-like products” are
high in sodium, high in protein high in meat, and highly processed.
This typically leads us into the inevitable breaking down of the
body. This manifests itself in so many ways. From headaches,
constipation, allergies, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney
failure etcetera.
The one astounding thing that we know is that even through after
this abuse, the body can and will heal itself. When one transitions
over to a mostly as you transition into a whole food plant -based
diet, the body finally begins to receive nourishment. When you eat
a diversity of the 77,000 edible veggies, fruits,nuts and seeds on
the planet, you feed your body the insoluble plant-based fiber,
vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that feed your
microbiome which then goes on to feed your brain. Your neural
mitochondria count (the powerhouses of your brain) increases.
And here your body and mind are calmer and operate efficiently.
Meditation is deeper. Regeneration is faster. Excess anger and
weight melt away. You think and act better, quicker, with
patience. Also, every morsel of food that touches your lips evokes
deeper awareness into the web of life that unites us all. Not only
can you prevent disease and other common ailments, but it is one
of most profound ways to restore your health and reach your
highest potential. Eating plants is a part of the future no doubt.

Why Eat Raw
A raw vegan diet includes an abundance of whole, ripe, raw, fruit,
vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and seeds. It is a subset of a whole food
plant-based diet and combines the principles of a raw food diet and a
vegan diet. The foundation of a raw food diet is that nothing should ever
be heated or cooked past 118°F. This serves to keep all the food’s
vitamins, minerals, and enzymes intact. The foundation of a vegan diet is
that abstaining from all animal products including meat and dairy will
provide optimal health. A raw vegan diet blends these two ideas to
provide food and a lifestyle that is bursting with color, life force, and

There are a multitude of health benefits from eating a diet

consisting of raw plant foods. Raw foods are so heavy and condensed
with vitamins, minerals, and water that they provide a shocking amount
of nourishment. This bulk of nutrition pays off by contributing to :
weight loss, improvement of the cardiovascular system, and a lower risk
of diabetes. People who introduce more plant foods into their daily eating
patterns have long been associated with having a lower body mass index
(BMI) than their meat-eating counterparts. In a study of more than 30,00
adults, meat-eaters had the highest age-adjusted average BMI and vegans
were found to have the lowest. Raw foods are also better quality,
therefore you eat less to satisfy your nutritional needs. The heat of
cooking depletes vitamins, damages proteins and fats, and destroys
enzymes which benefit digestion. As your percentage of raw foods
increases you feel satisfied and have more energy on smaller meals
because raw food has the best balance of water, nutrients, and fiber to
meet your body’s needs.
There are multiple ways to prepare foods to keep them raw while at the
same time pleasing to the palate. Juicing, blending, dehydrating, and
sprouting are just some of the ways to “cook” while exploring a raw vegan
lifestyle. The idea of eating uncooked, fruit and vegetables has been around
for over a hundred years and has shown to be quite beneficial. People all
over the world who incorporate a raw vegan lifestyle have reported
countless health benefits -- everything from weight loss to renewed energy
and reversing diseases.

Having success with a raw vegan diet may sound difficult, but
evolving into this new lifestyle is almost always 100% attainable and much
easier than it sounds. The main thing to remember is to slowly remove
harmful and processed foods from your current diet while at the same time
incorporating as much raw vegan foods into your daily routine as possible.
Also, to benefit from a raw vegan lifestyle you DO NOT have to eat raw
vegan foods 100% of the time! Whenever you decide to incorporate any
amount of raw vegan foods into your diet, you are immediately feeding your
body a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, and you will reap the
benefits. Most people find this lifestyle a great way to enhance, heal, or
maintain a healthy body. Eating a raw vegan diet is definitely a good
approach to healthier eating, but it is still always vital to pay attention to
your nutritional needs.

We have established that ditching the standard American Diet and
replacing it with a diet rich in whole, raw, plant foods is best for most
peoples’ overall health. While adopting a plant-based lifestyle is one of
the top steps you should take to attain a healthy body, proper digestion is
next on the list. Digestion is the process where the body breaks down food
into smaller particles to absorb them into the bloodstream. These nutrients
are then sent to feed and nourish each cell in our body. When your body
does this process efficiently it will bring your body to another level of
health. Remember, you are not only what you eat, but also what you can
digest and assimilate.

A strong and efficient digestive system allows for quick absorption

and elimination which in turn leads to a super healthy functioning and
energetic body. On the other hand, slow digestion and elimination will
lead to sluggish bowels and ineffective assimilation. This is one of the
main concerns when people go raw. They quickly start eating all types of
complicated and difficult to digest gourmet raw meals meant to mimic
ones of a western diet. They instantly complain of bloating, stomachaches,
and gassiness and turn away from raw foods completely. What is
happening is that the body and the gut are not used to more than one or
two servings of fruit and not used to that many servings of fruit alongside
other foods like nuts and seeds. Eating them together at the same meal
really perplexes the gut. The high watery fruit taking only little time to
digest starts to mix with a heavy protein rich food like nuts which take
much longer to digest due to their need of pepsin, an enzyme created by
the body. This chemical process causes fermentation. When fermentation
occurs, digestion slows, and your body is not able to absorb all the
nutrients that that food offered if it was eaten alone. Remember the main
reason behind eating a raw diet is to be able to extract and assimilate the
maximum amount of nutrients available from the food. A big, heavy,
complicated gourmet, raw, meal allows for less absorption of vital
GTT or gut transit time is the time that it takes food to start in
the mouth and be eliminated through a bowel movement. This
complete digestion of food takes anywhere between 24 to 72 hours
and depends on several factors, including the type of food eaten and
the presence of digestive issues. A complicated meal can slow transit
time, 24 hours to over 60 hours. Digesting complicated meals
requires more energy than any other function in the human body.
Doing this repeatedly causes digestive stress, and overall lack of
energy. It stands to reason, then, that the best way to free up some
extra energy is to make our digestion as quick and efficient as
possible. How do we do this ? We practice proper food combining.
Digestive health is a main factor to how healthy a body is. It is
important to note that in nature one does not eat a wide variety of
different foods at one sitting. Imagine finding a large mango tree,
you’re going to eat a meal of simply mangos, not mangos, cashews,
and avocados.

Many people eat all the right foods, but still have digestive and
other health issues, By learning proper food combining and
simplifying our meals we can get to an amazing level of absorption
which is key. We can absorb 100% of the vitamins and minerals and
not just half. Imagine how nourished and full of energy we would

What Is Food
Food combining is process and art of orchestrating our meals in a
way as to keep our stomachs sound and happy. It is a process that easily
allows for maximum assimilation of nutrients of whatever food you are
consuming. Have you ever eaten a big, filling meal, loaded with energy,
only to feel exhausted and drained afterwards? Isn’t it strange that a five-
course affair that ought to give you energy for hours will often make you
want to crawl into bed?Your body uses different amounts of different
enzymes to digest various foods. Overloading it with too many types of
food can make it more complicated and harder for your body to digest,
prolonging digestion and sapping your energy. Most people eat 4 or 5
different foods at a meal. Think of a huge holiday meal, or a dinner out at
a restaurant. Think of appetizers, salad, then the main meal of meat,
potatoes, butter, bread, and then dessert, coffee, and cake. Then think of
how that low energy feeling sets in.

The longer food stays in the body, the more toxins are created.
Slower-digesting foods slows down faster-digesting food, such as fruit.
This causes aches, gas, bloating, pains, gout, ulcers, arthritis, acid reflux,
body odor, bad breath and constipation.
Improve Digestion Through Food Combining

It is common sense that the longer food is in our bodies, the more
energy our bodies use to process and digest it. Food combining is the
practice of eating more quickly-digesting foods in general, and
carefully planning when we eat slower-digesting foods. Ideally, 80%
of our diet should be fast-digesting foods that digest within 2 hours
such as fruits and vegetables. Twenty percent of our diet can be
heavier, slower-digesting foods such as proteins and fats that take 3-4
hours.Liquids are the fastest-digesting things you can put in your
body. They are through the stomach in about 10 minutes and leave
your body within hours. More than a few ounces of any liquid at a
meal dilutes our powerful digestive enzymes and will slow down
digestion. Therefore, it is best to wait an hour (or longer) after a meal
to drink fluids. Solid foods take much longer to process, as fiber
takes some time to be broken down.

No one likes feeling bloated or having digestion. Complicated

meals do When it comes to good digestion, everything matters.
Lifestyle, emotions, attitudes, timing habits and environment all
contribute to the “art” of food combining. Digestion is not just
getting food in and out. It is the absorption and assimilation of
nutrients for the construction and repair of cells and the nourishment
of the whole body.

Principals of
Food Combining
Principals of Food Combining

Food Combining is a well-kept secret that helps to enhance your

digestion so that you gain maximum energy and nutrition from your
food, helping you to feel healthier and more energized, and to achieve
and maintain a healthy weight.

The process of digestion, especially when you’ve eaten a large

meal, takes a surprising amount of energy. This is why you feel drowsy
after a big meal: your body is being forced to divert so much energy
from other processes to digestion, that there is little left for you to do
anything else.

If your digestion is as poor as that of most, undigested food is left

to rot in your digestive tract. This creates an environment that increases
the acidity of your blood and promotes the growth of yeast, parasites,
viruses and even cancer cells, leaving you more susceptible to illness.

Good food combining means eating foods in combinations that

facilitate the digestive process so that the food can be broken down and
the nutrients absorbed and used for energy. Proper Food Combining
planning isn’t all that complicated, if you follow these main principles.
Principals of Food Combining

Eat melons by themselves

Eat Melons by themselves or with other melons and on am empty
stomach. Melons digest very quickly and can ferment quickly. If eaten
with other foods that require longer digestion time, they will get held up,
ferment, and can cause gas and bloating.

Eat fruit alone and on an empty stomach expectation leafy green

Fruit is one of the easiest foods for your body to digest! Although BEST
eaten alone, fruit can be eaten with non-starchy vegetables such as leafy
greens. For example, a salad with fruit on top is okay as long as the
dressing isn’t fat based and a green smoothie with romaine lettuce
thrown in wont’ hinder the fruit digestion. By eating fruit first, it can be
emptied from your stomach into your small intestines.

Do Not Mix Acid Fruit with sweet Fruit

Acid fruit and sweet fruit digest at different times and they also require
different digestive fluids to break them down. With this being the case
acid fruit such as grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, and pomegranate should
not be eaten with sweet fruit such as bananas, dates, cherimoyas,
jackfruit, or figs. Full list of acid and sweet fruit can be found in the next

Sub Acid Fruit Mix well with either acid or sweet

Sub acid fruit is great because they combine well with both acid and
sweet fruits. You can eat a subacid fruit such as an apple with an acid
fruit such as an orange. You can also eat that sub-acid fruit such as an
apple with a sweet fruit like a banana. Some examples of sub-acid fruit
are apples, mangos, and pears. The full list of sub-acid fruit is listed in
the next section.
Principals of Food Combining

Do not dilute your digestive fluids

Different foods require different enzymes and digestive juices to
break them down. When you drink water with your meals you risk
diluting your stomach's reservoir of hydrochloric acid, which is
essential to break down food properly. Wait 10-15 minutes after a
meal to drink water. Raw foods are high in water content so thirst
during a raw food meal is usually very unlikey.

Consume only ripe fruit

Get to know when your fruit is ripe! Eat only fruit that is truly ripe.
Not only is ripe fruit more nutrient dense, but it is way easier for
your body to digest. Fruit that is eaten underripe can cause gas,
bloating, indigestion, sickness, and in rare cases death (akee fruit)

All greens mix well together

All leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables mix well together. It’s
always a great idea to incorporate pate different types of leafy
greens and non-starchy vegetables in the same salad. Remember to
always chew your leafy greens slowly and thoroughly.

Chew Your Juices & Smoothies

Juices and smoothies digest differently. Juices take very little time
to be digested and assimilated whereas smoothies are blended meals
and still must go through the whole digestive process. Although they
digest at different times, both juices and smoothies need to start its
digestion in the mouth for best digestion. This means not gulping
juices and smoothies but allowing them to be sipped slowly so they
can be mixed with salvia which makes for more efficient digestion.
It’s very important to take your time consuming your green
smoothies and juices. Swish the juice around in your mouth a bit
instead of gulping it down quickly.
Principals of Food Combining

Dried and dehydrated food takes longer to digest

Dehydrated foods take longer to digest due to its lack of water.
The body must rehydrate the food then digest it. Although
dehydrated foods are not bad and still raw, we must limit our
uses of them for the best overall digestion. Always eat a
dehydrated meal alongside leafy greens.
Eat fats alongside leafy greens and with your last meal
Fats take up to four whole hours to digest. They are best eaten
in smaller quantities at the last meal of the day and alongside
leafy greens for the best digestion. Full list of fatty fruit and
vegetables can be found in the next section.

Tips & Charts
Digestive Tips

Don’t overeat
Everyone has their limit and overconsumption is the number
one cause of indigestion. Overeating burdens the entire
digestive system and in turn burdens the entire body. Learn to
eat until comfortably satisfied. Doing this will do a number to
ease your digestive ailments

Chew Food thoroughly

Chew Food until it is liquified in your mouth. Digestion starts in
the mouth.The physical process of chewing food in your mouth
helps to break down larger particles of food into smaller
particles. This helps to reduce stress on the oesophagus and
helps the stomach metabolize and breakdown your food. Saliva
also contains digestive enzymes, which are released when
chewing and assist in digestion. As your mouth releases these
enzymes, which then pass into the throat and stomach, you
further improve the digestive process. Throughout the chewing
process, the body undergoes several processes that trigger
digestion. Digestion is one of the most energy-consuming
processes of the body; so chewing your food well helps prepare
the rest of the body.

Avoid eating right before bedtime

Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime. This allows
digestion to occur and the contents of your stomach to move
into your small intestine. This may prevent problems like
heartburn at night and even insomnia.
Digestive Tips

Mono Eating
Monolithic eating is eating one food at a time. This encourages
full digestion and quick absorption of nutrients. Mono meals are
a great way to take the burden off your digestive system. Choose
one fruit and eat until you are satisfied. Ideally, buy your fruit
organic, from a local farmer's market I would recommend doing a
mono meal for the first meal of your day, preferably before noon
if using fruit.

Times to eat
It’s always best to eat fruit first, followed by vegetables. Noon to
4:00 pm is the best time to eat for optimal digestion. This is when
you should have your heaviest meal or ones with extra fat or
protein or if you eat cooked have a cooked meal.
Fruits and raw juices first
Then vegetables
Starches and fats next
And leave proteins for the end of the day!
Raw Vegan Food Pyramid
Fruit Combining Chart
Digestion Times
Sub-Acid Fruit
Plums (regular)
Acid Fruit
Sour Grapes
Sour Plum
Sour Apple
Sour Cherries
Passion Fruit
Sweet Fruit
Coconut Meat
Brazil Nuts
Sunflower Seeds
Non Starchy Vegetables

bamboo shoots
beet greens
bok choy
brussels sprouts
collard greens
dandelion greens
Non Starchy Vegetables

mustard greens
red radishes
swiss chard
Useful Resources
Coaching Support
If you need some support while you transition over to a raw food lifestyle I
would love to be able to help.I offer one-on-one and community style
coaching. Listed below are links to my coaching programs and Facebook

Your Raw Journey (Raws Food Community Support)

Also By Author

Raw For Kids

The 21 Day Radiant Cleanse

Here is a list of the molst quality kitchen equipment for your raw food kitchen
Click the links to be directed directly to its website.

Vitamix Blender
Nama Juicer
Citrus Juicer
Food Processor
Coconut Opener
Fruit Shelf
Fruit Fly Catcher

Cherry Limeade

1 cup frozen cherries
3 cups water
The juice of three limes
6-7 medjool dates

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Green Monkey Smoothie

2 bananas
1 cup frozen mango
3 cups water or coconut water
4-5 medjool dates
1 cup kale
1 cup romaine lettuce

Combine all ingredients in blender
Blend until smooth
Vanilla Milkshake

2 frozen bananas
1 fresh banana
1tsp vanilla extract or one vanilla bean
2 cups hemp milk

Blend all ingredients together until
The Blood Cleanser


1/2 pineapple
1 bunch cilantro

Instructions (juicer)
Put all ingredients through juicer
Instructions (blender)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend
until smooth
Place a nut milk bag over a large container
Pour mixture into nut milk bag
Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is
separated from the pulp that’s left inside the bag
Purple Dragon Juice

2 apples (any variety)
2 cups purple cabbage, chopped
1 lime

Instructions (juicer)
Put all ingredients through juicer
Instructions (blender)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend
until smooth
Place a nut milk bag over a large container
Pour mixture into nut milk bag
Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is
separated from the pulp that’s left inside the bag
Immune Booster

1/2 Pineapple
2 oranges
1 inch turmeric

Instructions (juicer)
Put all ingredients through juicer
Instructions (blender)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until
Place a nut milk bag over a large container
Pour mixture into nut milk bag
Squeeze nut milk bag until all of the liquid is separated
from the pulp that’s left inside the bag
01 Spiced Ginger Dipping Sauce

1 red bell pepper
Juice of Lime
2 cloves of garlic
1 inch ginger
4 dates
salt and pepper to taste (optional)

Blend all ingredients until smooth
Serve with your favorite nori roll
Sweet Bell Pepper Dressing

1 red bell pepper, chopped
5 dates, pitted
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 cloves garlic

Blend all ingredients until smooth
Pour over your favorite green salad
Tahini Ranch

1/2 cup tahini
1/4 cup lime
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup coconut aminos or "no soy sauce"
3 cloves garlic
1/2 bunch fresh parsley
1 cup water (or more until desired consistency)
pepper to taste

Add all ingredients to blender
Blend until smooth
Add more water if necessary depenging on
tahini brand
Raw Honey Mustard

1/2 avocado
3 cups water
1/2 cup acv or lemon juice
1 cup dates
2 cloves garlic or 2tbsp garlic powder
3 teaspoons Turmeric
Himalayan salt to taste (optional)

Add ingredients to high speed blender
Blend until smooth
Add more water to get desired
Rainbow Kale Salad

2 Bunches Lacinto kale, thinly sliced
1 Cup Cucumbers, Chopped
1 Cup Red Bell Pepper, chopped
1 Cup Yellow Bell Pepper, chopped
1/2 Cup purple cabbage, chopped
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
1/8 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup microgreens or sprouts of choice
1/2 cup tahini ranch

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing
Mix well and allow to marinate for up to
one half hour
Coconut Curry Soup

1 1/2 Cup Coconut water
1 Cup Coconut jelly
1 1/4 Cup Coconut water
3 cloves garlic
1/2 tablespoon curry powder
Juice of one lime
1/2 tablespoon dried thyme
1 ich Ginger
Salt to taste
1 tsp Coconut aminos
1 cup massaged kale
1/2 cup cherry tomatos, sliced
1/2 cup bell peppers, sliced

Add all ingredients expect cherry tomatoes,
bell pepper, and kale to high speed blender.
Blend for three minutes until smooth and warm
Mix in massage kale, tomatoes, and bell
01 Rainbow Patty

1 cup walnuts
1 tablespoon turmeric
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon allspice
1 teaspoon salt (Optional)
1 teaspoon cayenne or black pepper
2 small beets, raw
1/2cup flax seeds

Add walnuts, garlic, turmeric, cumin, thyme,allspice to food
processor. Process until crumb like consistency and pour into a
mixing bowl.
Add beets to processor and processor until smooth. Add beets to the
mixing bowl with the walnut mixture.
Add flax seeds. 1
Mix well and form into patties. If mixture won’t stick together add a little
more flax.
Dehydrate at 115 degrees for four hours or eat as is in a salad or collard
Raw Hemp Burger

1/2 cup green onion (chopped)
1 1/2 cups red bell pepper (chopped fine)
2 tbsp ground chia seeds
1/2 cup hemp seeds
3 cups mushrooms
Coconut aminos
2 cups walnuts
1 tbsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder

Take mushrooms and chop them into very fine small pieces.
Coat chopped mushrooms in coconut aminos and stir
Add the chopped green onion, red bell pepper, and marinated
mushrooms, hemp seeds, and ground chia seeds to a large bowl.
Add walnuts and all of the spices to a food processor and process until
the walnuts are completely grinded.
Add walnut mixture to the bowl with the mushrooms, green onion, red
bell pepper, hemp seeds and ground chia seeds
Stir well and form into thick patties
Dehydrate for three hours at 115 degrees. Flip the patties over. Dehydrate
for another three hours.
Raw Ceviche

Young coconut meat, 1/2 cup
Diced avocado1/4 cup
Diced Tomatoes 1/4 cup
Diced Cucumbers 1/4 cup
Chopped Green onions, 1/4 cup
Chopped Cilantro, 1/2 cup
Chopped Red Onion, 1/4 cup
Juice of one lime
Cayenne pepper, 1 tsp

Combine all ingredients to a mixing bowl
Allow mixture to marinate for up to 1/2
Serve in lettuce wraps or on top of a
Raw Pizza Wraps

5 1/2 cups zucchini (peeled and cubed)
2 1/2 cups ground flax seeds
6 medjool dates
5 sun-dried tomatoes
2 cups cherry tomatoes
3 tablespoons dried Italian seasoning or a few sprigs of
fresh basil and oregano

Add water to high speed blender
Next add zucchini, cherry tomatoes, dates, ground flax seeds, & seasonings
to blender
Blend until mixture is completely smooth. Note: Mixture should not be runny
Spread wrap mixture onto non-stick dehydrator sheets. Spread mixture thick
and evenly for a flexible non-breakable wrap.
Dehydrate at 115 degrees for about eight hours or until completely dry.
Remove from dehydrator and cut wraps into circles like traditional tortillas
or just peel from sheets and use like taco shells.
Stuff wraps with your favorite salad, mushrooms, seed pate, or whatever
your mind comes up with!

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