Global Competitiveness Index - NgoThiTraMy (TIffany)

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Name__Ngo Thi Tra My

Due Date: In Class
James Olsen

BBB4M: Global Competitiveness Index


Provide a description of how country and how to do business in your home country. Answer the
questions below to describe your home country. Use the information to answer the questions below:

Overview: Provide a short description of your country of choice geography, history, demography and
political situation.

I come from Vietnam and in my country, there is a lot of beautiful landscapes. Vietnam is famous for its
natural scenery which is recognized by the UNESSCO. In Vietnam there is also many mountains, forests,
and coastlines. Moreover, Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia with a long and rich history. We had to
fight very hard to win against many powerful countries in the world. So, every person in my country is
always grateful for what we have now. Vietnam has a population over 97 million and is a single part of
communist country. Currently, as far as I can see, the political situation in Vietnam is having a dispute
over South Chinese Sea with China.

What is your country’s national GDP?

The GDP (PPP) %world GDP in my country is 0.53 in 2019

What are the three largest industries in your countries economy?

There are Health from Human Capital with 81 scores, Macroeconomic stability from Enabling
Environment with 75 scores and Market size from Markets with 72 scores.

In what five highest pillars is your home country’s score the highest?

The first one is Institution, the second is Infrastructure, the third is ICT adoption, the fourth is
Macroeconomic stability and the final one is Health.

In what five pillars is your home country the lowest?

The lowest pillar in my country is Innovation capability.

Do you agree or disagree with the assessment of your country’s profile?

In my opinion I agree with the assessment of my country’s profile because every evaluation requires
expertise and moreover these are not in my power.

Write a one paragraph document to describe what steps can be taken to improve your home country?

Vietnam has growth more and more nowadays, but there are many things that need improvement. For
me, transportation is one of these things. Transportation is one of Vietnamese society’s biggest
challenges. There is a lack of quality public transportation and safety standards. So firstly, I think the
government should take some action with this problem. They should invest more in developing the
transportation system. They should improve safety standards, increase funding for public
transportation, and improve the efficiency of the existing infrastructure. They should also focus on
developing better urban planning and green transportation strategies. In addition, I think the
government should enforce the law and take strong measures against violators when participating in
traffic. As for the Vietnamese people, they need to abide by the laws and regulations of the road. They
should wear seatbelts, follow road signs, and respect pedestrians. Moreover, they ought to maintain
their vehicles regularly and keep them in good working condition. And Vietnamese should also avoid
driving under the influence and be extra cautious during wet and bad weather conditions.

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