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Name: Matt Irvin C. Cristobal Course and Section: BSIT - 1B


Earth’s natural resources include air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife. Conservation is the
care and protection of these resources so that they can persist for future generations. It includes
maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as
nutrient cycling.
Conservation is similar to preservation, but while both relate to the protection of nature, they strive
to accomplish this task in different ways. Conservation seeks the sustainable use of nature by humans, for
activities such as hunting, logging, or mining, while preservation means protecting nature from human use.

Complete the table below. List down at least two conservation efforts for each threat to biodiversity. Be
specific and cite your references.

Pollution 1) Planting more trees rather than destroying more trees. By

intercepting particle material on plant surfaces and absorbing
gaseous pollutants through the stomata on their leaves, trees clean
the air. (Air Pollution)

2) Farmers can employ natural ingredients, for instance, by switching

from bio-fertilizers to manure, participating in programs that provide
education and resources about sustainable farming, adopting fewer
ecologically hazardous pesticides, or growing crop strains with
natural insect resistance. (Land Pollution)

Habitat loss 1) Adopt Fish Forever, it aspires to collaborate with fishing

communities and their local governments to establish networks of
completely protected no-take marine reserves that support fish
stocks and vital habitat.
2) By restoring the lands and waters that support plants and animals,
ecological restoration aims to regain habitat and ecosystem
services. Restoration is a corrective action that entails removing or
changing the causes of ecological degradation and re-establishing
the natural processes that sustain and renew ecosystems through
time, such as natural fires, floods, or predator-prey relationships.

Overexploitation 1) Zoning (delineating land for wild animals)

To clearly define the boundaries of wildlife land, further work must
be done. By doing this, people will refrain from encroaching on this
land to build on it, to reside there, or to use it for agriculture.
Regardless of their motivation for trespassing, anyone discovered
inside such grounds should be handled as a poacher and punished
to the utmost extent of the law.

2) Safe Guard Vital Predator Species.

Among the marine animal species most vulnerable to overfishing
are sharks and tuna. These creatures are known as important
predators, and they play a crucial part in preserving regional
ecosystems. Without them, there would be major environmental
concerns like overcrowding, algae blooms, and others. Promoting
programs and laws that prevent fishing vessels from capturing
these fragile species is therefore one of the greatest ways to
combat overfishing. For instance, 90% of blue sharks are
unintentionally caught by fishers each year despite having no
commercial value. A third of shark

species are thought to be in danger of going extinct due to

overfishing, bycatch, pollution, and habitat degradation

Invasive Species 1. Although preventing invasive species is the first line of defense,
even the best prevention measures cannot completely prevent
invasive species. Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) is
the name given to a coordinated series of operations designed to
locate and eliminate suspected invasive species in a given area
before they spread and cause harm.
2. Prevention: Preventing the introduction of invasive species is
crucial to avoiding their establishment in the first place. This can be
achieved by implementing strict regulations on the importation and
transport of potentially invasive species.

Climate Change 1. The scientific literature has demonstrated that agroforestry has a
lot of positive effects on the environment. Climate change
mitigation through carbon sequestration, biodiversity preservation,
soil health enhancement, and improved air and water quality are
the four main environmental advantages of agroforestry.
2. Promoting renewable energy can help reduce reliance on fossil
fuels and greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging the use of
renewable energy sources including wind, solar, and geothermal
energy. Conservative citizens and governments can fund this
research and development or offer incentives to firms and users of
these technology.











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