Science 9 First Summative

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1st Summative Test in Science 9

I. Direction: Write the word or term described by each of the statement. Choose your answer from the box.

a. Breathing b. Veins c. Arteries

d. Circulatory System e. Capillaries f. Respiratory System the process that delivers oxygen to where it is needed in the body and removes carbon dioxide.
________2.Its function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and to carry deoxygenated (oxygen-poor)
blood and carbon dioxide back to the heart and lungs.
________3.carry blood away from the heart towards the rest of the body.
________4. carry blood from the rest of the body back towards the heart.
________5. are the smallest blood vessels that move blood to and from the cells of the body.
II. Label the parts of the respiratory system.

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III. Guess the Word! Fill in the missing letters to complete the name of the disease caused by unhealthy lifestyles and
add one practice that can prevent the disease.
12-13. A _ _ H _ A - Hint: this is a common respiratory disease
14-15. H _ P_ _ _ E _ _ _ _ N - Hint: this is also called High Blood Pressure
16-17. A _ _ M _ A - Hint: this is due to the lack of red blood cell
18-19. _ T R _ K _ - Hint: this is due to the blood clot in a vessel going to the brain

IV.Write Do if the statement is good for your respiratory and circulatory systems and Don’t if it is bad.
20.________Eat fast food because it is delicious and healthy.
21.________Adequate sleep gives you a healthy blood flow.
22.________Eating too much salty and fatty foods will make you healthy.
23.________An effective way for the community to have a healthy lifestyle is through proper information
24.________Sleeping late at night is the best way to take good care of your body.
25.________ Avoiding cigarette smokers while they are smoking may help you prevent diseases.

V. Complete the correct sequence of how blood flows in the heart.

26.___________ and Inferior Vena cava ---------27. _______________------------- Tricuspid Valve -----------
right ventricle-----------Pulmonic valve -------pulmonary artery ----------- lungs -------28._____________ --------left
atrium ---------- 29.____________--------- left ventricle -------- 30.__________ aorta

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