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[000:00:29;796] Good night, Mr. Leonard.

[000:00:32;266] Don't work too late now.

[000:00:35;669] Just closing up.
[000:00:37;137] Nothing much happens
[000:00:37;137] around here after dark.
[000:01:08;067] ♪ ♪
[000:01:17;311] ("It's Our World" playing)
[000:01:21;114] (rooster crows)
[000:01:29;323] ♪ It's our world ♪
[000:01:32;025] ♪ It's my life ♪
[000:01:35;595] ♪ And the party starts jumpin'
[000:01:35;595] when we all come out at night ♪
[000:01:39;265] ♪ Whoo, whoo-whoo ♪
[000:01:40;701] ♪ We are one ♪
[000:01:40;701] ♪ We are one ♪
[000:01:43;002] ♪ That's how it should be... ♪
[000:01:46;039] Ow!
[000:01:47;407] Watch where you're going.
[000:01:48;408] I'm flying here.
[000:01:50;243] Would "excuse me" kill you?
[000:01:51;545] Oh, great, now I forgot
[000:01:51;545] where I was going.
[000:01:55;349] Sacre bleu cheese!
[000:01:57;183] (horn honking)
[000:01:58;752] ♪ At the end of each day
[000:01:58;752] with the fading light ♪
[000:02:01;822] ♪ Me and my friends come out
[000:02:01;822] to greet the night ♪
[000:02:04;424] ♪ We'll show 'em
[000:02:04;424] we can take it ♪
[000:02:06;426] ♪ And then you'll see ♪
[000:02:07;861] ♪ A beautiful world
[000:02:07;861] made for you and me ♪
[000:02:10;564] ♪ Don't back up,
[000:02:10;564] don't back down ♪
[000:02:13;767] ♪ We're gonna show this town ♪
[000:02:16;069] ♪ It's our world ♪
[000:02:18;772] ♪ It's my life ♪
[000:02:21;908] ♪ And the party starts jumpin'
[000:02:21;908] when we all come out at night ♪
[000:02:25;345] ♪ Whoo, whoo-whoo ♪
[000:02:27;547] ♪ We are one ♪
[000:02:27;547] ♪ We are one ♪
[000:02:30;417] ♪ That's how it should be... ♪
[000:02:31;685] Store closed!
[000:02:32;686] Party time!
[000:02:34;053] ♪ Nothing gonna stand in the way
[000:02:34;053] of our fantasy... ♪
[000:02:36;690] Oh, boy.
[000:02:38;091] Dizzy. Gonna barf.
[000:02:40;026] I am so excited to...
[000:02:40;026] (farts)
[000:02:42;161] Uh-oh.
[000:02:45;064] Hey, that hurt.
[000:02:51;938] (siren wailing)
[000:02:57;977] (hamsters grunting)
[000:03:00;947] Listen up, Fat Cat Burglar,
[000:03:00;947] I'm giving you
[000:03:03;383] one last chance to hand 'em over
[000:03:03;383] before I cash in
[000:03:05;585] your coupons for you.
[000:03:07;253] It is you,
[000:03:07;253] the great Dex Dogtective,
[000:03:11;024] who's about
[000:03:11;024] to take a fall.
[000:03:12;893] Or should I say
[000:03:14;428] be pushed?
[000:03:16;162] (hamsters grunting)
[000:03:17;330] If I had a raisin for every time
[000:03:18;498] I've heard that one.
[000:03:20;400] Exterminate him.
[000:03:21;868] (hamsters grunting)
[000:03:23;837] Hey, hairless hamsters,
[000:03:23;837] want some of this?
[000:03:27;741] Huh?
[000:03:27;741] Huh?
[000:03:28;875] (exclaims)
[000:03:29;876] Huh?
[000:03:29;876] Huh?
[000:03:32;913] (screams)
[000:03:32;913] Get it!
[000:03:33;914] Cheese!
[000:03:33;914] Cheese!
[000:03:38;084] Uh-oh.
[000:03:40;086] (all screaming)
[000:03:48;094] My mother would be so ashamed.
[000:03:50;730] Okay, it's just you and me,
[000:03:50;730] Fat Cat.
[000:03:52;666] Now, fork over the little guys
[000:03:52;666] and no one gets hurt.
[000:03:55;902] Never!
[000:03:56;970] I'm sending you
[000:03:56;970] to the cooler, Burglar.
[000:03:58;705] I'm gonna kill you!
[000:04:05;545] No, no, stop.
[000:04:08;081] You wouldn't.
[000:04:11;050] I just want to be loved.
[000:04:12;285] Is that so wrong?
[000:04:16;890] (kittens mewing)
[000:04:29;102] (cheering and applause)
[000:04:30;336] WOMAN:
[000:04:30;336] Dex, Dex,
[000:04:31;337] Dex, darling.
[000:04:32;338] Hedda Shopper here.
[000:04:33;974] This makes 500 consecutive
[000:04:33;974] cases you've solved as head
[000:04:37;043] of the United Supermarket
[000:04:37;043] Defense Association.
[000:04:40;146] What's your secret, darling?
[000:04:40;146] (hamster yelling)
[000:04:41;648] The secret's inside.
[000:04:43;817] (screams)
[000:04:44;818] (grunts)
[000:04:47;754] The real secret is,
[000:04:47;754] I am scared out of my mind, Dan.
[000:04:50;991] Tonight's the night.
[000:04:52;191] Aw, no worries.
[000:04:53;192] You can do it
[000:04:54;427] as long as you got
[000:04:54;427] me to help you.
[000:04:56;095] Did I mention me?
[000:04:56;095] What do you think?
[000:04:58;131] Whoa, what the...?
[000:04:59;132] You got four
[000:04:59;132] carrots!
[000:05:00;400] What did you do,
[000:05:00;400] rob the food bank?
[000:05:02;602] Yeah, but do you think
[000:05:02;602] she'll like it?
[000:05:03;837] What if she doesn't like it?
[000:05:05;271] Relax, bro,
[000:05:06;573] we're talking
[000:05:06;573] about Sunshine Goodness.
[000:05:08;008] You could give her
[000:05:08;008] a Cracker Jack ring
[000:05:09;743] and she'd still say yes.
[000:05:11;377] Everything's got
[000:05:11;377] to be just...
[000:05:14;313] perfect tonight.
[000:05:15;749] Now, you sure
[000:05:15;749] you know what do to?
[000:05:17;350] Who you think you're talking to?
[000:05:17;350] Come on.
[000:05:18;685] I'm your best friend
[000:05:18;685] Daredevil Dan,
[000:05:20;854] the most stunt-flying,
[000:05:20;854] death-defying
[000:05:23;623] chocolate ike...
[000:05:23;623] Dan, Dan, Dan.
[000:05:25;158] One more thing.
[000:05:27;561] Will you be my best man?
[000:05:30;329] (voice breaking):
[000:05:30;329] This, this is...
[000:05:32;832] (sobbing)
[000:05:35;669] You, you bet your box top.
[000:05:39;305] You my man.
[000:05:41;908] CHILD:
[000:05:41;908] Sunshine, over here!
[000:05:43;977] Good kick. Way to go, buddy!
[000:05:43;977] Throw me the ball!
[000:05:43;977] Throw me the ball!
[000:05:45;779] Oh, you guys are doing great.
[000:05:45;779] Yay, Sunshine!
[000:05:48;048] SUNSHINE:
[000:05:48;048] You're melonball superstars.
[000:05:49;282] CHILD:
[000:05:49;282] Over here, Sunshine!
[000:05:51;350] Hey, Sunshine,
[000:05:51;350] over here!
[000:05:54;520] Catch it!
[000:05:56;556] (laughter)
[000:05:58;058] Aw, okay, you little ikes,
[000:05:58;058] b-bye!
[000:06:01;527] Thank you, Sunshine!
[000:06:01;527] See you tomorrow!
[000:06:03;597] Thanks for playing
[000:06:03;597] with us.
[000:06:05;031] Oh, Danny, that was
[000:06:05;031] so nice of you.
[000:06:05;031] (groaning)
[000:06:07;533] It was?
[000:06:07;533] It was?
[000:06:08;568] Of course.
[000:06:10;670] The way you saved Dex
[000:06:10;670] from that melonball?
[000:06:12;171] That's what friends
[000:06:12;171] are for, right?
[000:06:13;873] (laughs)
[000:06:13;873] Dude's lost a step,
[000:06:15;374] for real.
[000:06:16;676] Hungry, tough guy?
[000:06:17;777] Hiya, kitten.
[000:06:17;777] How about we get
[000:06:19;378] Chef Boyardee to make us a huge,
[000:06:19;378] feastumongous dinner, my treat?
[000:06:24;417] Oh, pizza, great idea!
[000:06:26;552] Hey, I'll take
[000:06:27;553] an extra...
[000:06:28;588] Gotta fly.
[000:06:30;790] See you later, Danny.
[000:06:32;425] Sunshine...
[000:06:33;827] Or we could play stickball
[000:06:33;827] with Mr. Clean.
[000:06:36;496] Well, uh,
[000:06:37;998] actually, I scanned--
[000:06:37;998] er, I mean, planned plumthing--
[000:06:41;501] er, something special tonight.
[000:06:44;403] Hmm, let me guess:
[000:06:46;139] a romantic hot air
[000:06:46;139] balloon ride perhaps.
[000:06:49;575] Oh, no, you just did that.
[000:06:52;112] Was it scary up there
[000:06:53;379] with those itsy-bitsy
[000:06:53;379] hairless hamster henchmen?
[000:06:56;783] I would have tussled
[000:06:56;783] with them myself.
[000:06:59;585] Really?
[000:06:59;585] Don't believe me?
[000:07:01;187] Listen, Sherlock, just 'cause
[000:07:01;187] every ike in town relies
[000:07:04;658] on you to protect
[000:07:04;658] them doesn't mean
[000:07:06;760] that I couldn't kick your butt.
[000:07:06;760] Any time.
[000:07:09;262] (laughs)
[000:07:11;264] You want some?
[000:07:12;398] Oh, yeah.
[000:07:15;168] Aw, it warms my heart the way
[000:07:15;168] you love my raisins, tough guy.
[000:07:19;973] (laughs)
[000:07:21;307] Why, Mr. Dogtective,
[000:07:22;976] are you sweeping
[000:07:22;976] me off my feet?
[000:07:25;311] I'm working on it.
[000:07:26;379] (Sunshine laughs)
[000:07:29;149] SUNSHINE:
[000:07:29;149] Dex.
[000:07:31;584] All right, your
[000:07:31;584] table's ready.
[000:07:32;919] We's got caviar,
[000:07:32;919] filets mignons,
[000:07:35;655] and an outstanding array
[000:07:35;655] of fruits and vegetables.
[000:07:39;926] Stay away
[000:07:39;926] from the Brussels sprouts.
[000:07:42;562] And-- forget about it--
[000:07:43;563] for dessert, we got...
[000:07:44;898] Mmm, ice cream, my favorite.
[000:07:49;035] You want a lick?
[000:07:50;170] Yes-- n-n-no, no.
[000:07:52;438] Oh, Dex,
[000:07:52;438] this is so great.
[000:07:56;242] (playing loudly)
[000:07:56;242] Sunshine, you
[000:07:56;242] mean the world...
[000:07:58;544] What?!
[000:07:59;545] You mean the
[000:07:59;545] world to me!
[000:08:01;547] Maximillius!
[000:08:02;515] Hey, I likes you, too.
[000:08:05;351] Oh, youse means her.
[000:08:07;153] I just want
[000:08:07;153] to take care of you, baby.
[000:08:10;323] I do feel so safe in your arms
[000:08:10;323] and I'm so proud of you, Dex,
[000:08:15;294] but I worry when you're
[000:08:15;294] on a dangerous case.
[000:08:18;564] I'll be fine.
[000:08:20;033] Have to be to make sure
[000:08:20;033] nothing bad ever happens to you.
[000:08:23;569] Always, Dex?
[000:08:26;239] Forever, kitten.
[000:08:28;208] Here goes.
[000:08:29;709] Sunshine,
[000:08:31;211] would you...?
[000:08:32;011] Takes cover, dollface, boss!
[000:08:36;415] (screaming)
[000:08:38;985] He's going to crash again!
[000:08:44;791] It looks like Danny's
[000:08:44;791] drawing a picture.
[000:08:50;096] Of us!
[000:08:52;398] That's so
[000:08:54;234] cute!
[000:08:56;169] But what's he trying
[000:08:56;169] to draw on your hand?
[000:08:58;938] What I've been trying
[000:08:58;938] to ask you
[000:09:00;874] all night!
[000:09:00;874] Oh, no! He's not
[000:09:00;874] gonna try to...
[000:09:03;009] Just got to loop-de-loop
[000:09:03;009] to make the engagement ring.
[000:09:06;246] For frying out loud, you've
[000:09:06;246] never made the loop-de-loop!
[000:09:10;283] DAN:
[000:09:10;283] No problem 'cause I'm gonna
[000:09:12;819] dare the
[000:09:12;819] day and...
[000:09:12;819] Fly away!
[000:09:14;720] Come on, Danny!
[000:09:14;720] You can do it this time!
[000:09:17;390] Sunshine, will you...?
[000:09:18;958] Dare the day and...
[000:09:21;094] (yelling)
[000:09:23;629] Not today. I better
[000:09:26;065] go check on Danny
[000:09:26;065] just to make sure he's okay.
[000:09:28;434] I'm sure he's fine.
[000:09:28;434] Dan always crashes.
[000:09:31;204] Like, yesterday, for example,
[000:09:31;204] and the day before,
[000:09:33;339] and...
[000:09:33;339] When in doubt, just do the
[000:09:33;339] right thing, and it'll always
[000:09:36;910] turn out.
[000:09:36;910] But I was trying
[000:09:36;910] to ask you...
[000:09:39;212] Don't worry. It'll
[000:09:39;212] just be a minute.
[000:09:41;281] Save my ice cream.
[000:09:42;581] I'll be right
[000:09:42;581] back, okay?
[000:09:52;892] I don't understand it.
[000:09:54;327] Sunshine went to check on you
[000:09:54;327] right after the crash.
[000:09:55;962] No, I told you, dawg.
[000:09:55;962] I didn't crash.
[000:09:58;298] I just...
[000:09:58;298] That was hours ago.
[000:09:58;298] Where is she?
[000:10:00;900] Come on, man.
[000:10:00;900] You know Sunshine.
[000:10:02;335] Sweetest ike in
[000:10:02;335] the Marketropolis.
[000:10:03;736] She probably
[000:10:05;071] ran into a friend
[000:10:05;071] who needed her help.
[000:10:06;940] Why didn't I just do it?
[000:10:08;708] Come on, it's
[000:10:08;708] getting late.
[000:10:08;708] I mean, early.
[000:10:10;944] You know our rules.
[000:10:10;944] We got to be out
[000:10:13;112] of sight
[000:10:13;112] before the market opens!
[000:10:14;714] We can't let the people see us.
[000:10:16;582] But I never got to ask her
[000:10:16;582] to walk down the aisle with me.
[000:10:19;585] Chill, dawg!
[000:10:20;854] You can pop the question
[000:10:20;854] tomorrow night.
[000:10:22;755] Don't worry. It ain't
[000:10:22;755] like it's the last time
[000:10:25;091] you're ever gonna
[000:10:25;091] see Sunshine again.
[000:10:27;593] (sighs)
[000:10:29;229] Sunshine, baby.
[000:10:37;337] (truck engine chugging)
[000:10:39;638] (engine chuffing)
[000:10:41;507] (low growling)
[000:10:43;709] May I help you?
[000:10:45;778] You must be Leonard,
[000:10:45;778] the manager.
[000:10:48;882] I'm your new Brand X
[000:10:48;882] representative.
[000:10:51;817] I wasn't expecting
[000:10:51;817] any new products.
[000:10:53;987] Corporate picked your store
[000:10:55;955] to test the new
[000:10:55;955] Brand X detergent
[000:10:58;224] with elixir!
[000:11:00;360] Brand X, huh?
[000:11:03;496] Never heard of it.
[000:11:04;630] Give us one week!
[000:11:06;465] Your cu... cu-cu... cu-cu...
[000:11:09;035] customers won't know
[000:11:09;035] how they lived
[000:11:12;438] without Brand X.
[000:11:14;007] Well, everything is so nice
[000:11:14;007] the way it is.
[000:11:17;877] We don't have space.
[000:11:19;845] Oh. (laughs)
[000:11:22;282] I'll make space.
[000:11:25;318] (laughs)
[000:11:29;322] Wait until you get a...
[000:11:30;689] (sniffs)
[000:11:32;025] ...whiff of our Brand X elixir!
[000:11:34;827] It's practically addictive.
[000:11:38;932] (groaning)
[000:11:41;034] That was a perfectly
[000:11:41;034] good bag of chips.
[000:11:45;438] Survival of the
[000:11:45;438] fittest, Leonard!
[000:11:48;874] Never opened.
[000:11:51;244] Never enjoyed.
[000:11:53;612] KRISPY:
[000:11:53;612] No one wastes me chips
[000:11:55;415] and gets away with it.
[000:11:57;083] Brand X will pay!
[000:12:00;753] Argh!
[000:12:11;797] SUNSHINE:
[000:12:11;797] Dex!
[000:12:13;933] Sunshine!
[000:12:15;435] Help me, Dex!
[000:12:17;536] Please find me!
[000:12:17;536] Please, Dex!
[000:12:18;938] I'll find you, Sunshine!
[000:12:18;938] Don't leave me!
[000:12:21;374] Sunshine!
[000:12:21;374] Dex!
[000:12:22;708] Sunshine!
[000:12:22;708] Dex!
[000:12:25;111] Dex.
[000:12:25;111] Where are you?
[000:12:26;645] Save me, Dex!
[000:12:28;081] I'll find you, Sunshine!
[000:12:29;983] I love you, Dex!
[000:12:29;983] I hope you find me.
[000:12:32;485] (yells)
[000:12:32;485] (Dan sings)
[000:12:34;153] Come on, Dex!
[000:12:34;153] Up and at 'em!
[000:12:35;488] Wake up, buddy!
[000:12:36;589] Wake up!
[000:12:36;589] (clears throat)
[000:12:37;357] Hey, pal.
[000:12:38;791] You were having the nightmare
[000:12:38;791] again, weren't you?
[000:12:41;594] Buddy, look,
[000:12:41;594] I miss her, too.
[000:12:43;863] But, dude, it's
[000:12:43;863] been six months.
[000:12:45;898] Sunshine's gone, bro.
[000:12:48;034] We got to accept it.
[000:12:50;569] (sighs)
[000:12:51;871] I can't.
[000:12:51;871] I failed her.
[000:12:55;274] Yo, it wasn't your fault!
[000:12:57;243] You-you kept this place
[000:12:57;243] running smooth as a smoothie
[000:13:00;013] and all of us safe!
[000:13:00;013] Just look at all these articles
[000:13:02;415] talking about all the millions
[000:13:02;415] of cases you solved.
[000:13:05;118] Oh, yeah?
[000:13:05;118] What about these?
[000:13:07;520] "Raisin Riddle a Mystery!"
[000:13:09;722] "Leads Dry as Prunes."
[000:13:11;957] "Sunshine Goodness Gone
[000:13:11;957] Without a Trace!"
[000:13:14;894] "Dex Dogtective
[000:13:14;894] Hangs Up His Hat."
[000:13:16;929] The only case
[000:13:19;598] that ever really mattered,
[000:13:19;598] and I couldn't solve it.
[000:13:23;036] Now, she's gone.
[000:13:23;036] (sighs)
[000:13:25;471] Sunshine.
[000:13:26;972] My only Sunshine.
[000:13:30;076] Ok, so your detective days
[000:13:30;076] are over, kaput.
[000:13:32;811] But now, brother,
[000:13:32;811] you've got a club to run!
[000:13:35;581] And you can bet the CopaBanana's
[000:13:35;581] gonna be buzzing tonight!
[000:13:38;284] Everybody's gonna be talking
[000:13:40;253] about how Krispy's bag
[000:13:40;253] got crunched!
[000:13:42;188] Anyway, you want a lift?
[000:13:43;689] I got my wings right outside.
[000:13:45;091] Fly with you?!
[000:13:46;426] I'm sad, but I'm not crazy.
[000:13:49;095] Okay, you cool?
[000:13:51;630] See you tonight.
[000:13:52;932] Yeah, thanks, pal.
[000:13:54;967] (door opens and closes)
[000:13:58;737] (clack)
[000:13:58;737] Whoa!
[000:14:00;073] (thudding)
[000:14:02;608] It's just not the same
[000:14:02;608] without you, Sunshine.
[000:14:07;480] ♪ I've got to find a way ♪
[000:14:10;849] ♪ I'm gonna dare this day ♪
[000:14:13;419] ♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
[000:14:13;419] ♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
[000:14:16;489] Oh, mamacita!
[000:14:16;489] ♪ Come fly with me ♪
[000:14:18;824] Yo, sweet cakes!
[000:14:18;824] ♪ Oh ♪
[000:14:20;293] Ooh, nice packaging!
[000:14:20;293] ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah... ♪
[000:14:22;395] How about some
[000:14:22;395] chocolate frosting?
[000:14:25;565] Get a shelf life!
[000:14:27;032] I'd like to butter your muffin!
[000:14:27;032] Check this out!
[000:14:29;602] Dare the day!
[000:14:31;070] (plane sputtering,
[000:14:31;070] Dan groans)
[000:14:33;539] Get out of my way!
[000:14:36;942] (engine sputtering)
[000:14:40;113] GNOME:
[000:14:40;113] Not him again!
[000:14:42;115] Women and children, second!
[000:14:42;115] (Dan whimpers)
[000:14:43;349] Gnomes, first!
[000:14:43;349] Gnomes, first!
[000:14:44;984] (muttering)
[000:14:48;421] (yells, groans)
[000:14:49;722] Ow! (screams)
[000:14:51;824] Crocod...
[000:14:51;824] (growling)
[000:14:53;493] (yells, grunting)
[000:14:55;628] GNOME:
[000:14:55;628] Uh-oh!
[000:14:55;628] (engine whining, Dan gasps)
[000:14:57;830] (grunting and muttering)
[000:15:01;000] What the...?
[000:15:01;000] Oh, gee!
[000:15:03;068] (grunting)
[000:15:04;604] Come on!
[000:15:07;973] GNOME:
[000:15:07;973] Abandon tree!
[000:15:08;807] (yelling)
[000:15:11;076] We got to move.
[000:15:13;379] I hate you!
[000:15:13;379] (mutters)
[000:15:14;913] Hey, Dan.
[000:15:16;449] (birds singing)
[000:15:18;751] (metal clanking)
[000:15:22;988] Nuts!
[000:15:25;024] (clank, whirring, whimpering)
[000:15:27;993] (thudding)
[000:15:27;993] I'm good. I'm cool.
[000:15:30;530] Nothing to see.
[000:15:32;298] (Cheasel giggles)
[000:15:33;633] CHEASEL:
[000:15:33;633] Why, of course I can provide you
[000:15:35;601] with a backstage pass
[000:15:35;601] to the CopaBanana,
[000:15:37;537] but my flightless
[000:15:37;537] feathery friend,
[000:15:40;339] you don't appear
[000:15:40;339] to have the correct coupons
[000:15:42;775] for such a pricy purchase.
[000:15:44;277] Excuse me, Cheasel
[000:15:44;277] T. Weasel, sir,
[000:15:46;745] but, uh, I seem to be
[000:15:46;745] catching a draft up here.
[000:15:49;782] Let him go, Cheasel.
[000:15:51;150] Dex! What a pleasant surprise.
[000:16:01;394] Not so fast,
[000:16:01;394] Mr. Dogtective.
[000:16:04;763] Wait, wait.
[000:16:06;399] Perhaps you desire a companion
[000:16:06;399] for those...
[000:16:09;535] (laughs)
[000:16:09;535] ...lonely bachelor nights.
[000:16:12;271] Then here's good news.
[000:16:14;607] I am the weasel for you.
[000:16:24;183] (trolley bell clanging)
[000:16:27;587] (giggles)
[000:16:30;323] You despise me, don't you?
[000:16:34;293] (bell clanging, thudding)
[000:16:36;962] Oh!
[000:16:38;598] (whimpering)
[000:16:39;898] ♪ Tonight's the night! ♪
[000:16:42;067] ♪ Everybody's here ♪
[000:16:43;469] ♪ Everybody, what's up? ♪
[000:16:45;771] ♪ Tonight's the night,
[000:16:45;771] ooh, we got to... ♪
[000:16:48;641] MALE:
[000:16:48;641] Dex!
[000:16:48;641] FEMALE:
[000:16:48;641] There he is!
[000:16:51;176] Oh, Dex, you got
[000:16:51;176] to let me in...
[000:16:53;112] Put us on the list!
[000:16:53;112] I got to
[000:16:53;112] get in.
[000:16:55;248] Dex! Dex! Dex,
[000:16:55;248] darling, any new ladies
[000:16:58;684] on your plate?
[000:17:00;018] Is there a new squeeze
[000:17:00;018] of the juice box?
[000:17:02;087] Newsflash:
[000:17:03;656] I'm available!
[000:17:04;957] (laughs, clucks, laughs)
[000:17:06;359] ♪ Gonna groove the night away ♪
[000:17:08;160] ♪ Everybody scream ♪
[000:17:09;629] ♪ Hey! ♪
[000:17:09;629] ♪ Tonight's the night! ♪
[000:17:12;064] How's your scratching, boss?
[000:17:14;400] One more, Maximillius.
[000:17:16;001] Polar Penguin?
[000:17:17;570] That name don't ring no bells.
[000:17:20;906] From Polar Penguin Ice Cream!
[000:17:20;906] ♪ Tonight's the night! ♪
[000:17:23;108] Is it just me,
[000:17:23;108] or is anyone else cold?
[000:17:25;611] Put a dress on me and call me
[000:17:25;611] Shirley, you softy, you!
[000:17:29;982] I love this guy.
[000:17:31;584] If you're ever in frozen foods
[000:17:32;985] with the Dogtective,
[000:17:32;985] you've got a friend!
[000:17:36;656] ♪ Hey! ♪
[000:17:36;656] ♪ Tonight's the night! ♪
[000:17:49;034] ♪ Well, I bet you're wondering
[000:17:49;034] how I knew... ♪
[000:17:53;172] Yeah, follow me,
[000:17:55;174] and, uh, watch the tail.
[000:17:56;509] Oh, I'ma so excited
[000:17:56;509] I got the table!
[000:17:58;311] I'ma stuck
[000:17:58;311] in a butt!
[000:17:59;845] It's so disgusting!
[000:18:01;514] ♪ Between the two of us guys ♪
[000:18:04;550] ♪ You know I love you more ♪
[000:18:06;819] ♪ Took me by surprise,
[000:18:06;819] I must say ♪
[000:18:09;488] Oops!
[000:18:10;389] Oh, excuse me.
[000:18:12;224] I'm sorry!
[000:18:13;292] ♪ Don't you know ♪
[000:18:16;295] ♪ I heard it
[000:18:16;295] through the grapevine ♪
[000:18:19;164] Got milk?
[000:18:20;666] Do I look like the
[000:18:20;666] Dairy Queen to you?
[000:18:22;702] And, besides, haven't
[000:18:22;702] you had enough?
[000:18:25;338] It sure does a body good.
[000:18:28;607] Get a life.
[000:18:30;676] Oh, I'm worried about him.
[000:18:36;315] Crush me bags,
[000:18:37;850] will he?
[000:18:39;318] I'll make Brand X pay, I will.
[000:18:41;954] It's hard to lose something
[000:18:41;954] you care about, Cap.
[000:18:44;357] Uh, you better go easy on the
[000:18:44;357] potato juice, before you get...
[000:18:50;763] ...chip-faced.
[000:18:52;264] Yo, Dex, check it out.
[000:18:53;499] We got us a hot new delivery.
[000:18:55;200] The Brand X detergent-ite,
[000:18:55;200] Lady X.
[000:18:57;503] And she's got a real sweet tooth
[000:18:59;238] for chocolate.
[000:19:00;373] ♪ I'm the "ow" in wow ♪
[000:19:03;041] ♪ The cat's meow ♪
[000:19:06;245] ♪ The kaboom in pow ♪
[000:19:08;614] ♪ And I'm here right now,
[000:19:08;614] wow ♪
[000:19:11;717] ♪ That's the moment
[000:19:11;717] when you feel your heart go ♪
[000:19:14;319] ♪ Like a bass drum,
[000:19:14;319] boom, boom, boom ♪
[000:19:16;655] ♪ You'll remember this night
[000:19:16;655] for the rest of your life ♪
[000:19:19;792] ♪ The smell
[000:19:19;792] of my sweet perfume ♪
[000:19:22;795] ♪ Hip, so hip ♪
[000:19:24;797] ♪ From my head to my toes
[000:19:24;797] to my fingertips ♪
[000:19:27;833] ♪ Hot, so hot ♪
[000:19:30;903] ♪ And I know just what I got ♪
[000:19:30;903] Sorry, Charlie.
[000:19:34;206] ♪ I'm the "ow" in wow ♪
[000:19:37;476] ♪ The cat's meow ♪
[000:19:40;112] ♪ The kaboom in pow ♪
[000:19:42;314] ♪ And I'm here right now ♪
[000:19:44;717] (sizzling)
[000:19:48;654] Of all the produce bars,
[000:19:48;654] in all the supermarkets,
[000:19:51;657] in all the world,
[000:19:51;657] she had to walk into mine.
[000:19:55;394] Dex Dogtective.
[000:19:58;697] I've already heard
[000:19:58;697] so much about you.
[000:20:00;800] Aisle gossip.
[000:20:02;401] My favorite kind.
[000:20:04;403] (sniffing)
[000:20:05;838] That scent.
[000:20:07;907] Something familiar.
[000:20:09;475] My secret ingredient.
[000:20:10;943] You like it?
[000:20:12;144] It's amazing.
[000:20:13;846] Yo, baby.
[000:20:15;047] Who's your sugar daddy?
[000:20:16;214] (chuckles)
[000:20:16;214] Hands off.
[000:20:17;349] Hold yer anchor!
[000:20:19;051] Thar be something dirty
[000:20:20;319] about this detergent.
[000:20:22;521] Now, is that any way
[000:20:24;389] to talk to a lady?
[000:20:25;691] You got something to say,
[000:20:27;326] candy arse?
[000:20:28;794] Yea, salt lick,
[000:20:29;662] you can kiss my additives.
[000:20:32;498] We're not leaving
[000:20:32;498] till this here wench
[000:20:34;533] tells us why her rep
[000:20:34;533] stomped me poor bag!
[000:20:38;571] Is it really my fault
[000:20:38;571] you have inferior packaging?
[000:20:41;507] Yea, bro, you ain't exactly
[000:20:41;507] new and improved.
[000:20:44;042] Spuds for you.
[000:20:48;313] Food fight!
[000:20:49;882] (farting)
[000:20:49;882] I'm still stuck in the butt!
[000:20:51;884] Ooh, she farted!
[000:20:53;352] My friend, let me help you.
[000:20:55;253] You are a good ike.
[000:20:56;455] Suddenly, I hate you.
[000:20:57;923] Sorry, I don't know
[000:20:57;923] what comes over me.
[000:20:59;692] But it's like this!
[000:21:01;026] Ah, yes!
[000:21:02;260] Oh, I'm so sorry, friend.
[000:21:03;462] Not the eyes,
[000:21:03;462] watch the eye!
[000:21:04;864] Back to the tree, guys.
[000:21:04;864] Back to the tree!
[000:21:08;467] Aye-yi-yee...
[000:21:12;938] Ooh.
[000:21:14;373] Uh...
[000:21:16;341] Oh!
[000:21:17;810] (grunting)
[000:21:21;981] (high-pitched screaming)
[000:21:23;281] Stop it, stop it.
[000:21:23;281] No, that hurts, ow!
[000:21:24;917] Oh, my nails.
[000:21:24;917] Don't you touch my horns.
[000:21:26;952] I just got them yesterday.
[000:21:28;988] DAREDEVIL DAN:
[000:21:28;988] Now you look at him!
[000:21:30;455] Oh, leggo my Eggo,
[000:21:30;455] ooh, look at me...
[000:21:31;757] CAPTAIN:
[000:21:31;757] The day will be mine!
[000:21:34;560] I'm too hot for you.
[000:21:36;128] Arg...
[000:21:37;696] Aah!
[000:21:39;665] Please bear in mind
[000:21:39;665] I am, in fact,
[000:21:42;401] flightless!
[000:21:44;637] Party's over.
[000:21:45;905] Time to banana split
[000:21:45;905] out of my club.
[000:21:50;142] What about me?
[000:21:51;476] You hanging me out to dry?
[000:21:52;878] I'm not sure
[000:21:52;878] what to do with you.
[000:21:55;180] Come on, baby.
[000:21:55;180] Dan's your man.
[000:21:56;949] Melts in your mouth,
[000:21:56;949] not in your hand!
[000:22:03;321] What can I say?
[000:22:04;456] Chicks dig chocolate.
[000:22:09;227] Chicks dig chocolate.
[000:22:10;462] I told you. I knew it.
[000:22:19;404] ♪ You were my sunshine ♪
[000:22:22;675] ♪ My only sunshine ♪
[000:22:26;645] ♪ You made me happy
[000:22:26;645] when skies were gray ♪
[000:22:32;785] ♪ You'll never know
[000:22:32;785] how much I loved you ♪
[000:22:40;059] Some dogtective
[000:22:40;059] you turned out to be.
[000:22:43;462] (disc scratches)
[000:22:48;801] Crying over spilled milk?
[000:22:51;637] What are you doing here?
[000:22:53;405] (disc shattering)
[000:22:53;405] I've got a hot case for you.
[000:22:55;674] I'm looking for a guy.
[000:22:57;476] About your height.
[000:22:59;979] Same great build.
[000:23:02;314] Same strong jaw.
[000:23:05;317] Only difference is,
[000:23:06;885] this guy
[000:23:08;186] isn't living in the past.
[000:23:12;091] (sniffing)
[000:23:13;358] I...
[000:23:15;127] I can't help you.
[000:23:17;195] Holy chips.
[000:23:18;497] Maybe I can help you
[000:23:19;732] get a clean start
[000:23:22;167] on a new relationship.
[000:23:24;637] (sniffing)
[000:23:27;205] So, what happened to Dan?
[000:23:28;707] You already eat through
[000:23:28;707] to his hollow center?
[000:23:30;609] He said the sugars and salts
[000:23:32;144] were gonna finish
[000:23:32;144] what they started.
[000:23:34;212] The aisles aren't safe tonight
[000:23:34;212] for a helpless lady...
[000:23:37;449] me.
[000:23:39;251] Sorry, I'm not buying
[000:23:39;251] this damsel-in-distress routine.
[000:23:43;656] You've been
[000:23:43;656] through the wash plenty.
[000:23:45;490] I can see it in your eyes.
[000:23:47;392] You're right, Dex.
[000:23:48;661] I'm not new.
[000:23:50;062] Last year, I was...
[000:23:51;296] recalled.
[000:23:54;232] But I'm changed now.
[000:23:56;035] New ingredients,
[000:23:58;370] repackaged with a fresh scent,
[000:24:02;307] I want to forget my past
[000:24:04;342] just like you do.
[000:24:08;747] I can't forget.
[000:24:10;849] Oh, but you're wrong, Dex.
[000:24:13;118] (sniffing)
[000:24:14;519] I can wash away
[000:24:14;519] your memories.
[000:24:19;591] (screaming)
[000:24:24;096] Wait!
[000:24:27;132] I haven't shown you
[000:24:27;132] my secret ingredient.
[000:24:29;434] The secret's inside.
[000:24:33;271] Oh, why did I agree to run
[000:24:35;107] the United Supermarket
[000:24:35;107] Defense Association?
[000:24:37;876] Things were so much smoother
[000:24:37;876] when Dex was in charge.
[000:24:40;813] Oh, Dex, Dex, thank
[000:24:40;813] goodness you're here.
[000:24:43;281] The salts and sugars.
[000:24:44;616] Oh, it must mean all-out war.
[000:24:46;551] How many ikes went down?
[000:24:48;087] Everybody we threw out
[000:24:48;087] of the friggin' Banana.
[000:24:50;189] Dan and Lady X
[000:24:50;189] is the only ones missing.
[000:24:53;658] And the lady's got an alibi.
[000:24:56;628] Dex and I were just talking.
[000:24:59;131] I warned him
[000:24:59;131] there might be trouble.
[000:25:01;200] We all knows when a
[000:25:01;200] product loses its icon,
[000:25:04;169] it spoils, it goes bad.
[000:25:05;704] So, whats can we do here?
[000:25:07;539] Nothing.
[000:25:08;707] We're the soul of our products.
[000:25:10;675] Without us,
[000:25:10;675] they're gone real fast.
[000:25:14;079] Oh, just...
[000:25:15;180] These ikes didn't expire
[000:25:15;180] in a rumble.
[000:25:17;983] Somebody just wants it
[000:25:17;983] to look that way.
[000:25:19;818] Are you saying
[000:25:19;818] what I thinks youse is saying?
[000:25:22;721] Rigamoldis has set in.
[000:25:24;890] Looks like all these poor ikes
[000:25:24;890] were rubbed out.
[000:25:27;359] Oh, but why, how, who?
[000:25:29;928] Dan. He said he was
[000:25:29;928] gonna get back at the salts.
[000:25:29;928] Oh, goodness gracious.
[000:25:33;165] Dan would never do
[000:25:33;165] anything like this.
[000:25:35;234] We have to find him
[000:25:35;234] before the rest of the salts do.
[000:25:37;836] Then you better
[000:25:37;836] start styling, Harry.
[000:25:39;537] Right. What? Me? I can't.
[000:25:41;807] Oh, you have to help me, Dex,
[000:25:41;807] before I go bald.
[000:25:46;178] Not that bald isn't beautiful.
[000:25:48;013] I don't get involved anymore.
[000:25:50;883] After losi''
[000:25:50;883] Sunshine, boss,
[000:25:52;751] I thought youse would
[000:25:52;751] never smile again.
[000:25:55;654] But, Dan, he was
[000:25:55;654] there for youse.
[000:25:58;290] M-my split ends.
[000:25:59;457] What to do?
[000:26:05;497] Oh, no.
[000:26:07;099] Nothing harder
[000:26:09;001] than seeing good food go bad.
[000:26:11;503] (laughs sinisterly)
[000:26:12;905] Looks like we arrived
[000:26:15;507] just in time.
[000:26:19;577] DEX:
[000:26:19;577] Brand X replacements
[000:26:21;947] for every ike lost last night.
[000:26:25;150] Now, how'd that
[000:26:25;150] Mr. Clipboard guy know?
[000:26:28;854] Something's wrong.
[000:26:30;255] Danny's in trouble.
[000:26:30;255] I just know it.
[000:26:33;926] I let you down, Sunshine.
[000:26:35;894] I just can't throw
[000:26:35;894] in the paper towel on Dan.
[000:26:48;974] He was your best friend, too.
[000:26:56;315] (gavel banging)
[000:26:56;315] I call this session
[000:26:58;083] of the United Supermarket
[000:26:58;083] Defense Association
[000:27:00;819] to order!
[000:27:02;955] (crowd clamoring)
[000:27:02;955] The USDA must come to order!
[000:27:04;957] Why is everyone screaming?!
[000:27:07;092] This only concerns
[000:27:07;092] the sugars and the salts!
[000:27:09;728] Not anymore.
[000:27:11;129] General X, our esteemed
[000:27:11;129] potato chip icon,
[000:27:13;332] has just discovered
[000:27:13;332] a diabolical plot
[000:27:14;867] against cleaning product ikes.
[000:27:16;735] Security around here
[000:27:16;735] is down the Drano.
[000:27:20;005] And who is behind
[000:27:20;005] this vicious plan?
[000:27:20;005] Who?!
[000:27:23;141] Oh, boy.
[000:27:23;876] A specialty ike.
[000:27:25;543] Kung Tofu!
[000:27:27;045] But I, Kung Tofu, am innocent!
[000:27:30;782] Everything's out of control!
[000:27:32;517] What are we going to do?
[000:27:33;752] Well,
[000:27:33;752] (shrieks)
[000:27:35;020] Brand X is 30 strong now.
[000:27:37;422] This is our new home.
[000:27:39;591] We want to help.
[000:27:41;126] Why not let my ikes maintain
[000:27:41;126] order in the aisles?
[000:27:43;695] Why you?
[000:27:45;197] Dex Dogtective always mopped up
[000:27:45;197] our troubles, capisce?
[000:27:48;267] Let's get him to come back!
[000:27:50;135] He quit,
[000:27:50;135] but I will never give up
[000:27:52;637] because I care what happens
[000:27:52;637] to each and every ike of you.
[000:27:57;409] (crowd murmuring)
[000:27:57;409] But it's so dangerous.
[000:28:00;512] Don't cry for me, Charlie Tuna.
[000:28:03;282] Trust me, Brand X will make
[000:28:03;282] everything better.
[000:28:07;552] You have my promise.
[000:28:10;188] We will take care of you.
[000:28:12;490] But what about Dex?
[000:28:15;560] Oh, we'll take care of him, too.
[000:28:23;735] (whimpering)
[000:28:29;141] The lady wants
[000:28:29;141] the dogtective.
[000:28:32;311] Perhaps he's been
[000:28:32;311] very, very bad.
[000:28:37;549] No problem.
[000:28:39;051] If you weren't so
[000:28:39;051] desperately deficient
[000:28:41;186] with your coupon dispersals.
[000:28:44;222] Or I could just kill you.
[000:28:47;625] That would be
[000:28:47;625] lots of fun.
[000:28:50;662] More fun than a spanking.
[000:28:53;765] The dogtective will be dropped
[000:28:53;765] off at the cleaners,
[000:28:56;734] posthaste.
[000:28:57;836] Speaking of clean,
[000:29:00;005] might I interest you
[000:29:02;674] in a toothbrush?
[000:29:03;775] (groans)
[000:29:06;311] I fear this will not
[000:29:06;311] end happily...
[000:29:09;147] for me.
[000:29:10;715] (descending whistling)
[000:29:12;117] (tires screeching,
[000:29:12;117] metallic crashing)
[000:29:17;922] (footsteps)
[000:29:21;093] CHEASEL:
[000:29:21;093] Everybody seems to be searching
[000:29:22;995] for the flying squirrel.
[000:29:24;997] Mayhaps a reward for
[000:29:24;997] the reckless rodent
[000:29:29;267] If you've got something
[000:29:29;267] up that slimy sleeve,
[000:29:30;835] spill the beans.
[000:29:32;604] Perhaps I do,
[000:29:33;605] and perhaps I don't.
[000:29:35;840] I seem to be suffering
[000:29:35;840] from a touch
[000:29:38;676] of train-induced amnesia.
[000:29:41;746] Trix are for kids, Cheasel.
[000:29:43;148] Last night, I saw
[000:29:43;148] the chocolate furball
[000:29:45;017] heading towards
[000:29:45;017] the detergent aisle.
[000:29:47;452] You know, home of
[000:29:47;452] the lovely Lady X.
[000:29:50;722] When?
[000:29:51;890] Right after the screaming
[000:29:51;890] started.
[000:29:55;360] Most suspicious.
[000:29:58;663] No way.
[000:29:58;663] I know Dan.
[000:30:00;332] He'd never leave
[000:30:00;332] the scene of a crime.
[000:30:01;933] Not even for a hot dish
[000:30:01;933] like Lady X.
[000:30:04;436] But this dish
[000:30:05;837] is extra spicy.
[000:30:09;707] It just doesn't add up.
[000:30:10;942] Wait, wait.
[000:30:12;244] May I suggest a calculator?
[000:30:14;946] Lucky for you,
[000:30:14;946] I just happened to have procured
[000:30:16;881] a boatload of fine...
[000:30:18;783] (clicking, whirring)
[000:30:19;984] (descending whistling)
[000:30:26;258] Pain,
[000:30:27;759] she's like an old friend.
[000:30:30;362] (loud bang)
[000:30:32;097] (gulps)
[000:30:32;097] Ah...
[000:30:33;498] Note to self...
[000:30:36;101] (muffled):
[000:30:36;101] need new friend.
[000:30:53;085] I still got it.
[000:30:55;287] (grunts)
[000:30:57;755] And I thought the raisins
[000:30:57;755] were humiliating.
[000:31:04;662] (sniffing)
[000:31:06;798] LADY X:
[000:31:06;798] Dex,
[000:31:08;366] sorry I'm not dressed.
[000:31:10;302] I wasn't expecting company.
[000:31:12;770] I'd say things are going
[000:31:12;770] exactly how you expected.
[000:31:21;413] (tango playing)
[000:31:27;152] How about joining me
[000:31:27;152] in a warm rinse?
[000:31:29;121] I'm not that dirty.
[000:31:33;425] Oh, but being filthy
[000:31:33;425] can be loads of fun.
[000:31:37;129] Don't you think so, Dex?
[000:31:49;407] There are some stains
[000:31:49;407] you can never wash out.
[000:31:52;777] Let's try.
[000:31:54;412] I want to scrub
[000:31:54;412] your bubbles, Dex.
[000:32:03;888] I want to know how you rubbed
[000:32:03;888] out all those ikes last night.
[000:32:07;025] Me?
[000:32:08;360] But I was with you, remember?
[000:32:10;295] Yeah. Trying to get
[000:32:10;295] me on the case
[000:32:12;497] before there
[000:32:12;497] even was one.
[000:32:17;435] BIRD:
[000:32:17;435] Poop on her head.
[000:32:17;435] Aim for the hair.
[000:32:19;504] Naughty dog.
[000:32:21;039] I've really been
[000:32:21;039] on your mind, haven't I?
[000:32:25;143] (vase clanks,
[000:32:25;143] electrical crackling)
[000:32:31;283] You've orchestrated this dance
[000:32:31;283] from the start.
[000:32:34;619] I think you hijacked Dan
[000:32:35;853] and you've got him squirreled
[000:32:35;853] away somewhere.
[000:32:38;089] My friend better be alive
[000:32:39;991] or you're gonna check out
[000:32:39;991] of this store the hard way.
[000:32:44;028] Your crash dummy's fine...
[000:32:44;028] for now.
[000:32:47;065] But he won't be
[000:32:47;065] unless you back Brand X.
[000:32:49;234] So that's your game.
[000:32:52;837] We could run
[000:32:52;837] this store, Dex.
[000:32:55;373] An aisle all
[000:32:55;373] to ourselves,
[000:32:57;008] packed tight, no
[000:32:57;008] markdowns for us.
[000:33:01;079] I could be your Sunshine.
[000:33:03;515] There will never be
[000:33:03;515] another Sunshine.
[000:33:05;783] Now I'm taking you in.
[000:33:08;152] Not before I solve
[000:33:08;152] your case for you.
[000:33:15;893] Down, boy.
[000:33:17;495] (grunts)
[000:33:20;998] What a shame.
[000:33:23;602] We could've been like
[000:33:23;602] macaroni and cheese,
[000:33:26;904] peanut butter and jelly,
[000:33:28;540] Scotch and tape.
[000:33:30;775] DAN:
[000:33:30;775] Dex, wake up!
[000:33:33;345] Come on, Dex, wake up!
[000:33:34;946] Dan?
[000:33:36;147] Dex, my man!
[000:33:37;515] I knew you'd sniff me out.
[000:33:37;515] You okay, pal?
[000:33:39;884] Is your chocolate chipped?
[000:33:41;486] It was brutal.
[000:33:41;486] She has these...
[000:33:43;054] these giant flying
[000:33:43;054] mother X-o-bytes
[000:33:46;124] that slaughtered
[000:33:46;124] every ike in sight.
[000:33:47;525] But they didn't rub me out
[000:33:47;525] because Lady X
[000:33:49;861] digs my fine flavor
[000:33:49;861] and oh-so-sweet bod.
[000:33:52;196] Or... maybe she used you
[000:33:52;196] as bait to get to me?
[000:33:56;368] Oh, like you're the only ike
[000:33:56;368] who could rescue me,
[000:33:59;137] figure out her game,
[000:33:59;137] and shut her down.
[000:34:01;072] Uh...
[000:34:02;274] Oh, yeah, you are.
[000:34:04;909] Not even the great
[000:34:04;909] Dex Dogtective can save you now.
[000:34:08;280] (maniacal laughter)
[000:34:10;615] (gasps)
[000:34:11;849] Dex,
[000:34:13;117] is it just me or
[000:34:13;117] is it hot in here?
[000:34:16;854] After they've enjoyed
[000:34:16;854] the extra-hot dry cycle,
[000:34:20;124] dump their bodies
[000:34:20;124] in the toothpaste aisle.
[000:34:21;793] They frame toothpaste now?
[000:34:26;063] Everyone knows
[000:34:26;063] toothpastes hate sugars.
[000:34:31;469] We're done soft-soaping.
[000:34:33;772] Frame everybody!
[000:34:34;839] From spray starch
[000:34:34;839] to sliced salami,
[000:34:37;108] from calories to carbs!
[000:34:38;610] Then Brand X will step in
[000:34:38;610] and replace them all.
[000:34:42;414] It'll be a cakewalk.
[000:34:44;449] We're taking over,
[000:34:44;449] so get out there
[000:34:46;685] and show 'em who's running
[000:34:46;685] this store!
[000:34:46;685] (grunts)
[000:34:53;057] But, I, Kung Tofu, am innocent!
[000:34:57;429] What's that got
[000:34:57;429] to do with it?
[000:34:59;764] I don't get it.
[000:35:01;098] I don't understand.
[000:35:03;401] I mean, we simply don't care.
[000:35:08;973] I am hot.
[000:35:10;174] Hot, hot, hot.
[000:35:11;376] Gonna fry. Gonna crisp.
[000:35:11;376] Stay calm.
[000:35:13;077] We just gotta find
[000:35:13;077] a way to get out.
[000:35:14;312] It's not natural.
[000:35:14;312] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[000:35:15;947] If we just breathe and focus,
[000:35:15;947] the answer will come.
[000:35:18;216] (grunts)
[000:35:18;216] What?!
[000:35:20;918] I'm melting and you're getting
[000:35:20;918] all martial art Zen?
[000:35:23;321] You can put a... Sock!
[000:35:25;156] Socks! That's it!
[000:35:26;725] Socks always escape
[000:35:26;725] from the dryer.
[000:35:29;293] Follow that sock!
[000:35:30;862] (Dan yells)
[000:35:32;063] (grunting)
[000:35:32;063] Ow!
[000:35:33;264] (grunts)
[000:35:35;066] Ouch.
[000:35:36;735] Okay, pal,
[000:35:36;735] you're safe now.
[000:35:39;404] Yo, yo, yo, wait,
[000:35:39;404] whoa, time out.
[000:35:41;005] Where you going?
[000:35:42;240] Look, Dan,
[000:35:42;240] I just came to find you,
[000:35:43;775] but that's it.
[000:35:43;775] I don't...
[000:35:43;775] Yeah, yeah, yeah,
[000:35:46;143] don't want to get involved
[000:35:46;143] no more-- got it, check--
[000:35:47;812] but you might want to take
[000:35:47;812] a look at this first.
[000:36:09;300] What the fudge?
[000:36:11;135] They're building
[000:36:12;537] an entire army
[000:36:12;537] of robotic X-o-bytes!
[000:36:15;339] What's that oily liquid?
[000:36:16;775] Yo, I seen that.
[000:36:18;042] It's the same stuff
[000:36:18;042] they shot at the Krispy
[000:36:19;677] and the other ikes when
[000:36:19;677] they rubbed them out.
[000:36:21;245] They must be planning to finish
[000:36:21;245] what they started last night.
[000:36:24;749] Brand X is gonna take over
[000:36:24;749] the entire store!
[000:36:26;951] Come on! Let's get 'em!
[000:36:26;951] I'm ready to roll!
[000:36:29;521] You with me?
[000:36:29;521] Let's hit this!
[000:36:31;088] I ain't afraid.
[000:36:31;088] Well, I am.
[000:36:33;124] You are?!
[000:36:34;392] R-Really? Why?
[000:36:36;060] You don't understand.
[000:36:37;562] I don't know if I can cut
[000:36:37;562] the mustard anymore.
[000:36:39;363] Yo, Dex, you gotta believe
[000:36:39;363] in yourself.
[000:36:42;467] If Sunshine were
[000:36:42;467] here, she would.
[000:36:45;369] You know,
[000:36:47;238] I do have an idea.
[000:36:48;540] Ah, now that's
[000:36:48;540] more like it.
[000:36:50;475] Dex Dogtective is
[000:36:50;475] back in the house.
[000:36:52;777] But it's really, really,
[000:36:52;777] really dangerous.
[000:36:56;448] Wh-Wh... Wh-Wh...
[000:36:57;949] Hold up. How come you said
[000:36:57;949] "really" three times?
[000:37:00;452] I never heard you say that.
[000:37:00;452] I've heard "really dangerous"
[000:37:02;119] and "really, really,"
[000:37:02;119] but this is three times.
[000:37:04;489] Come on, pal.
[000:37:05;590] Let's snap, crackle
[000:37:05;590] and pop out of here.
[000:37:07;592] (over speakers):
[000:37:07;592] Attention all icons.
[000:37:10;528] Curfew is now in effect.
[000:37:12;964] Only Brand X officials
[000:37:12;964] are permitted in the aisles.
[000:37:18;570] All violators will be punished.
[000:37:23;407] I do so hope
[000:37:23;407] there are violators.
[000:37:25;910] I love a good violation.
[000:37:28;680] I love anything to do
[000:37:28;680] with violation.
[000:37:30;782] (laughing)
[000:37:32;083] (Dan grunting)
[000:37:34;452] Watch it now.
[000:37:34;452] What is going on?
[000:37:37;288] We need you to analyze this.
[000:37:39;524] I borrowed it
[000:37:39;524] from Lady X.
[000:37:41;392] I think
[000:37:41;392] it's the secret ingredient
[000:37:42;927] in the Brand X Elixir.
[000:37:44;128] Brand X!
[000:37:45;329] Oh, Brand X!
[000:37:46;698] Oh, why me? Why?! Why Brand X?
[000:37:50;134] Come on, come on.
[000:37:50;134] Why not, uh, let's see...
[000:37:51;803] Dr. Pepper, Dr. Scholl's,
[000:37:53;838] Dr. Feelgood!
[000:37:55;707] Anybody but me!
[000:37:55;707] Doc, Doc, Doc,
[000:37:55;707] snap out of it.
[000:37:57;609] You're the only one
[000:37:57;609] with a nose for the job.
[000:38:00;745] (sneezes)
[000:38:02;279] Ew!
[000:38:03;648] Oh, this is just great!
[000:38:06;818] Okay, I'll give it a whiff.
[000:38:10;488] It can't be done.
[000:38:12;223] Oh, oh, why me?
[000:38:15;426] Wh-What's going on?
[000:38:17;629] We have reports that you're
[000:38:17;629] plotting against sugars.
[000:38:22;199] Me?!
[000:38:23;701] I don't even
[000:38:23;701] have fluoride!
[000:38:25;770] I'm just a whitener!
[000:38:27;906] Well, you know, I myself,
[000:38:27;906] appreciate a good darkener.
[000:38:31;743] (laughing)
[000:38:34;012] (whirring)
[000:38:37;314] NOSE (stammering):
[000:38:37;314] Oh, no, no, that's not right.
[000:38:40;652] That's odd.
[000:38:40;652] That's definitely odd.
[000:38:42;654] My olfactor meter can't,
[000:38:42;654] uh, can't fully identify
[000:38:44;923] the main ingredient.
[000:38:46;257] Oh, no, this I can tell you.
[000:38:48;860] The Brand X Elixir
[000:38:48;860] is toxic to humans.
[000:38:51;328] Toxic?!
[000:38:52;664] Oh, and highly addictive.
[000:38:54;231] Oh, addictive!
[000:38:55;433] (snaps fingers)
[000:38:55;433] Addictive?
[000:38:57;702] Okay, so that explains
[000:38:57;702] why customers
[000:38:58;970] are buying up Brand X
[000:38:58;970] products like crazy.
[000:39:01;205] How can we regular icons compete
[000:39:02;674] against... a-against
[000:39:02;674] this irresistible elixir?
[000:39:05;543] We can't.
[000:39:07;745] Won't be long
[000:39:07;745] and the whole store will be X.
[000:39:09;781] And the rest of us
[000:39:09;781] discontinued.
[000:39:11;315] Oh, but there's so many noses
[000:39:11;315] left to blow!
[000:39:13;952] Oh, man.
[000:39:13;952] I'm too young
[000:39:13;952] to be discontinued.
[000:39:15;519] I never even got a chance
[000:39:16;854] to play Lick the Icing
[000:39:16;854] with Sweet Cakes.
[000:39:18;856] If we could just get
[000:39:18;856] this info
[000:39:20;391] to our market's
[000:39:20;391] corporate headquarters,
[000:39:21;893] they'd have
[000:39:21;893] to recall Brand X.
[000:39:23;728] How could you
[000:39:23;728] possibly reach them?
[000:39:25;262] You couldn't. You...
[000:39:25;262] E-mail.
[000:39:26;464] From Mr. Leonard's computer.
[000:39:27;966] But it's in
[000:39:27;966] the expiration station,
[000:39:29;801] at the other end of the store.
[000:39:31;469] No, you'd never make it there
[000:39:31;469] before the supermarket opens.
[000:39:33;404] You couldn't! You could try,
[000:39:33;404] but you can't reach 'em!
[000:39:36;074] Do you understand
[000:39:36;074] what I'm saying? Impossible!
[000:39:38;542] Then we cross
[000:39:38;542] during the day.
[000:39:40;311] Daytime?!
[000:39:41;512] No one has ever done that.
[000:39:43;014] Are you crazy?!
[000:39:44;115] What about all those humans
[000:39:44;115] out there?
[000:39:45;783] The ones with the big feet.
[000:39:47;619] They're never supposed
[000:39:47;619] to squash...
[000:39:48;886] I mean, see us
[000:39:48;886] during the daytime.
[000:39:51;188] We'll be killed!
[000:39:52;991] But not that I can't handle
[000:39:52;991] that, because I can.
[000:39:54;792] 'Cause I'm a natural ninja.
[000:39:56;260] We won't survive another night
[000:39:56;260] against Brand X.
[000:39:58;730] It's our only shot.
[000:40:03;768] (screaming):
[000:40:03;768] It's daytime...!
[000:40:07;505] Oh, daytime! Oh, this is bad!
[000:40:09;707] We must've lost hundreds
[000:40:09;707] of ikes last night.
[000:40:12;209] Come on, pal.
[000:40:13;511] Let's get going
[000:40:13;511] before we lose any more.
[000:40:15;747] Oh, how the Jell-O
[000:40:15;747] are we supposed to cross
[000:40:18;382] over ten aisles
[000:40:18;382] of that?
[000:40:20;184] If the next thing you hear is,
[000:40:20;184] "Clean up on aisle one,"
[000:40:23;688] you know we blew it.
[000:40:25;489] The next thing
[000:40:25;489] you're going to hear
[000:40:27;759] to be the sound of me
[000:40:27;759] eating you for the lunch.
[000:40:32;329] (mocking);
[000:40:32;329] "The next thing
[000:40:32;329] you're gonna hear
[000:40:33;865] is the sound of me
[000:40:33;865] eating you for lunch."
[000:40:36;300] (laughs)
[000:40:36;300] Look, you overstocked,
[000:40:36;300] overstuffed lunch lizard,
[000:40:39;370] my friend Dex,
[000:40:40;872] he'll make you stutter
[000:40:40;872] with your butter.
[000:40:43;041] You won't survive his chives.
[000:40:45;342] DEX:
[000:40:45;342] Are you crazy?
[000:40:46;477] She's huge!
[000:40:47;679] Let's strawberry
[000:40:47;679] jam out of here.
[000:40:50;314] (screams)
[000:40:55;987] (baby jabbering)
[000:40:58;990] No, Larry,
[000:40:58;990] I am not buying that for you.
[000:41:02;493] (Dan whimpers)
[000:41:04;662] (screams)
[000:41:05;997] (grunts)
[000:41:08;066] Miss me?
[000:41:09;366] (laughs)
[000:41:10;568] Wait, wait, stop.
[000:41:10;568] (stammers)
[000:41:11;836] We could, you know,
[000:41:11;836] maybe try to date a bit.
[000:41:14;672] A... a movie?
[000:41:14;672] A lunch?
[000:41:17;274] I kill you!
[000:41:20;578] Dex! Batter up, fool!
[000:41:22;546] (Dan laughs)
[000:41:24;182] Where you go,
[000:41:24;182] my chipmunk?
[000:41:24;182] DAN: I love you!
[000:41:26;017] Dare the day!
[000:41:27;384] Mayday! Mayday!
[000:41:29;587] (Dan whimpers)
[000:41:35;559] DEX:
[000:41:35;559] Polar!
[000:41:37;661] You need to warn the other ikes.
[000:41:39;396] Brand X is behind the rubout.
[000:41:39;396] (Dan screams)
[000:41:42;333] Bring as many ikes as you
[000:41:42;333] can to the Banana tonight!
[000:41:45;436] And, thanks, Polar!
[000:41:47;105] That's what friends are for.
[000:41:49;440] DAN:
[000:41:49;440] Wait. Wait, okay.
[000:41:50;608] MAN (over P.A.):
[000:41:50;608] The store is now closed.
[000:41:52;243] We ain't gonna make it.
[000:41:52;243] We ain't gonna make it.
[000:41:53;911] Trust me. I mean, I'm no
[000:41:53;911] math major or anything,
[000:41:56;114] but we're going
[000:41:56;114] to hit the door.
[000:41:56;114] We'll be fine.
[000:41:58;515] No way! We're
[000:41:58;515] going to hit!
[000:41:58;515] We'll make it!
[000:42:07;725] I'm here.
[000:42:07;725] My arms, my arms.
[000:42:10;661] (laughing)
[000:42:10;661] Oh, see? See?
[000:42:12;630] I told you we'd make it.
[000:42:12;630] You didn't want to
[000:42:12;630] listen to me, right?
[000:42:14;832] We the bug bomb, bro!
[000:42:16;934] We...
[000:42:18;369] What?
[000:42:21;005] Yo, I never should've
[000:42:21;005] tried to chip-slap Krispy.
[000:42:25;743] You can't blame
[000:42:25;743] yourself, Dan.
[000:42:27;411] It's the...
[000:42:27;411] X-o-byte!
[000:42:28;846] Don't shoot!
[000:42:28;846] Don't shoot!
[000:42:31;182] What, are you crazy?
[000:42:32;349] You hit someone up here!
[000:42:34;451] You think
[000:42:34;451] it's duck season?
[000:42:36;287] Do I look like a mallard?
[000:42:37;488] Hold on, hold the line.
[000:42:39;390] (sniffing)
[000:42:41;558] Is that the enticing scent
[000:42:41;558] of rich, creamy chocolate?
[000:42:46;330] Are you chocolate? Are
[000:42:46;330] you made of chocolate?
[000:42:48;266] Really?
[000:42:49;633] That is so sweet.
[000:42:51;202] Hi. Whoa!
[000:42:53;304] (thud)
[000:42:54;672] Vlad Chocool,
[000:42:54;672] chocolate vampire.
[000:42:56;540] Used to have cards.
[000:42:57;942] (laughs)
[000:42:59;010] Do you work out?
[000:42:59;010] I use the ThighMaster.
[000:43:00;978] You're looking pretty good
[000:43:00;978] for biting it.
[000:43:03;181] Excuse me, but they poisoned me
[000:43:03;181] like the other ikes, okay?
[000:43:06;350] It's not my fault...
[000:43:07;718] Again with this.
[000:43:07;718] What can I tell you?
[000:43:09;486] I am the undead.
[000:43:11;388] All right? The undead.
[000:43:13;390] No, you're not dead,
[000:43:14;792] but you're not exactly living,
[000:43:14;792] either.
[000:43:16;727] Sort of like being
[000:43:16;727] in summer school.
[000:43:18;229] (chuckles)
[000:43:19;563] Oh, come on, that's funny.
[000:43:19;563] Now, that's funny.
[000:43:21;398] Let's not lose our senses
[000:43:21;398] of humor.
[000:43:24;302] (over speakers):
[000:43:24;302] Mandatory security rally,
[000:43:24;302] tonight.
[000:43:26;603] All icons must attend or face
[000:43:26;603] the penalty of elimination!
[000:43:33;978] How can I help?
[000:43:35;746] Upload?
[000:43:37;148] Download?
[000:43:38;382] Scan?
[000:43:39;951] Blue, we're gonna get corporate
[000:43:39;951] to recall Brand X.
[000:43:43;587] Can you bring
[000:43:43;587] up a form?
[000:43:46;123] Wait, don't tell me...
[000:43:46;123] (inhales sharply)
[000:43:48;292] bittersweet.
[000:43:49;293] Do you go out
[000:43:49;293] much, by the way?
[000:43:50;828] 'Cause I like to dance
[000:43:50;828] a little myself.
[000:43:52;029] I dance a bit.
[000:43:52;029] (stammers)
[000:43:53;364] This instant glue
[000:43:53;364] will seal their tomb.
[000:44:02;573] Lovely word, "tomb."
[000:44:06;310] (laughing maniacally)
[000:44:10;447] (glue gurgling)
[000:44:11;815] (sniffs)
[000:44:11;815] Loony Glue.
[000:44:14;151] They're locking us in.
[000:44:16;187] What? In here?
[000:44:17;654] W-With him?
[000:44:18;856] Hey, hey, hey,
[000:44:18;856] hey, back off!
[000:44:20;724] I'll work with Blue,
[000:44:20;724] you fly around
[000:44:22;793] and check for loose vent grates.
[000:44:26;297] DAN:
[000:44:26;297] Have you flipped
[000:44:26;297] your flapjacks?
[000:44:27;999] CHOCOOL:
[000:44:27;999] Anyone have glasses
[000:44:27;999] they don't need?
[000:44:29;533] DAN:
[000:44:29;533] Would you fly straight?!
[000:44:30;634] (both grunt)
[000:44:31;835] Ow!
[000:44:31;835] Ow!
[000:44:33;037] Ow!
[000:44:33;037] Oh, golly, that hurt.
[000:44:35;039] Uh-huh, yeah, good.
[000:44:35;039] (sighs)
[000:44:37;141] Good plan.
[000:44:37;141] (bones cracking)
[000:44:38;509] Maybe we'll just dent
[000:44:38;509] our way out of here.
[000:44:41;078] Ow!
[000:44:42;079] Maybe my eyes aren't that good,
[000:44:43;314] but if you would just
[000:44:43;314] let me lead.
[000:44:45;116] Well, the phrase isn't
[000:44:45;116] "blind as an eagle," is it?
[000:44:47;018] No, it's "blind as a bat."
[000:44:48;585] What do you think I am?
[000:44:49;787] And with you on my back yet.
[000:44:51;122] Not that I mind that.
[000:44:53;724] Scanning forms.
[000:44:55;526] Only two recalls on file.
[000:44:59;196] "Priscilla Pusley's
[000:44:59;196] genetically gigantic prunes."
[000:45:01;532] DAN:
[000:45:01;532] What kinda fool
[000:45:01;532] needs a bigger prune?
[000:45:03;834] CHOCOOL:
[000:45:03;834] We coming up to something?
[000:45:05;903] (both grunting)
[000:45:07;104] Nobody.
[000:45:08;239] Priscilla had the worst sales
[000:45:08;239] in store history.
[000:45:10;408] Okay, I guess I'll be
[000:45:10;408] the bad guy once again
[000:45:13;811] and say
[000:45:13;811] what everyone's thinking.
[000:45:15;947] She's also hideous.
[000:45:17;581] No, I mean, come on, she's
[000:45:17;581] very unattractive because
[000:45:20;884] she-she's a prune.
[000:45:21;953] What do we expect
[000:45:21;953] from her?
[000:45:23;087] Why are we shy
[000:45:23;087] about these things?
[000:45:24;355] Be what you are,
[000:45:24;355] that's what I say.
[000:45:26;424] In her case it's...
[000:45:27;524] horrible.
[000:45:28;625] BLUE:
[000:45:28;625] And here is
[000:45:29;626] the other recall.
[000:45:31;895] S-Sunshine recalled?
[000:45:33;497] Who ordered it?
[000:45:34;531] No name.
[000:45:35;532] Address only.
[000:45:38;102] Same location as
[000:45:38;102] Priscilla Pusley's recall.
[000:45:40;838] That's impossible.
[000:45:42;273] Sunshine and Priscilla had
[000:45:42;273] different manufacturers.
[000:45:45;009] Blue, run a search
[000:45:45;009] on that address
[000:45:46;743] against all
[000:45:46;743] the manufacturers on file.
[000:45:55;186] Brand X ordered
[000:45:55;186] both the recalls.
[000:45:58;755] Dex, I just
[000:45:58;755] don't get it.
[000:46:01;125] Brand X took my Sunshine away.
[000:46:05;796] Easy, easy, bro.
[000:46:07;865] I know how you feel.
[000:46:09;400] No, no one can,
[000:46:09;400] not even you.
[000:46:12;470] Okay, but, look,
[000:46:12;470] you got to stay focused
[000:46:15;272] or Brand X is gonna take
[000:46:15;272] everything else you love, too.
[000:46:19;110] Not while I'm still breathing.
[000:46:21;212] Blue, we have
[000:46:21;212] to send a form
[000:46:22;779] to recall all
[000:46:22;779] of Brand X's products.
[000:46:26;717] Pull the plug on these traitors.
[000:46:31;688] B-Bye, ikes.
[000:46:33;891] (laughs)
[000:46:36;160] BLUE:
[000:46:36;160] Sending now.
[000:46:39;463] What happened?
[000:46:42;299] Do you all see
[000:46:42;299] it get darker, too?
[000:46:44;001] Oh, good, for a second
[000:46:44;001] I thought I was having a...
[000:46:45;903] Whoa, mood lighting,
[000:46:45;903] though.
[000:46:46;904] You devil dog, look at you.
[000:46:49;440] Brand X must have killed
[000:46:49;440] the power.
[000:46:51;175] But, but the e-mail
[000:46:51;175] went through, right?
[000:46:53;177] Maybe, but now
[000:46:53;177] we can't count
[000:46:56;147] on headquarters
[000:46:56;147] coming to save us.
[000:46:58;282] But you said
[000:46:58;282] we ain't gonna survive the night
[000:46:59;616] unless headquarters
[000:46:59;616] gets rid of Brand X.
[000:47:01;452] I don't understand...
[000:47:01;452] I don't get it.
[000:47:04;721] So, what do
[000:47:04;721] we do now?
[000:47:05;989] Fight.
[000:47:07;291] Come on, let's get up
[000:47:07;291] to that vent
[000:47:08;859] and over
[000:47:08;859] to the CopaBanana.
[000:47:10;594] The oven timer
[000:47:10;594] is ticking.
[000:47:19;670] There are only two kinds
[000:47:19;670] of product icons.
[000:47:23;874] Desirable like me...
[000:47:29;746] ...and undesirable.
[000:47:32;149] We must send all the
[000:47:32;149] undesirables where they belong--
[000:47:35;686] the Expiration Station.
[000:47:36;920] (crowd gasps)
[000:47:38;355] Better hope Polar brings
[000:47:38;355] a banana boatload of ikes
[000:47:40;691] to the Copa tonight.
[000:47:41;692] Look around.
[000:47:44;361] Do you see an ike
[000:47:44;361] with an inferior product?
[000:47:49;366] Turn in the undesirables.
[000:47:50;767] Join Brand X
[000:47:52;636] for a better way
[000:47:52;636] of life.
[000:47:56;673] Ah.
[000:47:58;675] (belching)
[000:48:02;546] (echoes)
[000:48:03;914] (cricket chirps)
[000:48:08;652] Kiwi Koala did it.
[000:48:08;652] No, no, I didn't do any...
[000:48:10;821] Jeepers!
[000:48:12;289] There must be
[000:48:12;289] some mistake.
[000:48:13;624] Hey, hey, wait, where
[000:48:13;624] are you taking me?
[000:48:15;692] From this day forward
[000:48:15;692] you must prove
[000:48:18;262] you are desirable.
[000:48:21;098] Soon we will become
[000:48:21;098] the model of excellence
[000:48:25;136] until the entire world
[000:48:25;136] is just like us.
[000:48:29;940] One store, one X!
[000:48:32;042] CROWD:
[000:48:32;042] One store, one X!
[000:48:34;278] One world, one X!
[000:48:36;113] One world, one X!
[000:48:38;249] ALL:
[000:48:38;249] One store, one X!
[000:48:41;718] ("Honor Is Ours" playing)
[000:48:51;128] ♪ Hear the drums
[000:48:51;128] of battle ring ♪
[000:48:55;533] ♪ Like thunder in the night ♪
[000:49:00;304] ♪ Bound with common brothers ♪
[000:49:04;575] ♪ We prepare ourselves
[000:49:04;575] to fight... ♪
[000:49:08;312] Reporting for duty as
[000:49:08;312] instructed by my friend
[000:49:12;115] Dex Dogtective.
[000:49:14;285] I didn't think
[000:49:14;285] it'd be so cold, though.
[000:49:16;520] We wish to join le resistance.
[000:49:20;157] (hamsters speaking
[000:49:20;157] foreign language)
[000:49:21;792] (gibbering)
[000:49:24;595] (screaming)
[000:49:27;531] Well, that's swell, but if
[000:49:27;531] the boss don't get here soon,
[000:49:30;133] we can all...
[000:49:31;134] Dex Dogtective
[000:49:32;670] has been discontinued.
[000:49:35;606] (gasping)
[000:49:37;074] And unless you care to suffer
[000:49:39;310] a long, cruel expiration...
[000:49:43;747] will sing your allegiance
[000:49:45;816] to Brand X.
[000:49:50;221] ♪ Brand X, Brand X,
[000:49:50;221] it's simple and plain ♪
[000:49:53;757] ♪ Brand X, Brand X, it's
[000:49:53;757] different but all the same ♪
[000:49:57;761] ♪ Brand X, Brand X ♪
[000:49:59;563] SOLDIERS:
[000:49:59;563] ♪ It's simple and plain ♪
[000:50:01;131] ♪ Brand X, Brand X ♪
[000:50:03;267] ♪ It's different
[000:50:03;267] but all the same. ♪
[000:50:03;267] We want to hear you sing
[000:50:07;037] with feeling.
[000:50:09;005] I am not ze Brand X icon.
[000:50:11;308] Je suis Francois Fromage.
[000:50:14;511] I shoot le stink at you,
[000:50:14;511] you big weenie-like loser.
[000:50:19;049] Don't get smart, cheeseball,
[000:50:22;052] or I'll shred you alive.
[000:50:27;924] Somebody to be helping me--
[000:50:27;924] le cavalry, le rescue?
[000:50:31;962] No?
[000:50:32;863] Play it.
[000:50:34;931] But, boss...
[000:50:36;099] I said play it.
[000:50:39;270] ("USDA" playing)
[000:50:48;345] ♪ We are the USDA ♪
[000:50:51;482] ♪ We fight for freedom
[000:50:51;482] every day... ♪
[000:50:56;387] ♪ Brand X, Brand X,
[000:50:56;387] it's simple and plain ♪
[000:50:58;889] ♪ Brand X... ♪
[000:51:00;291] ♪ We protect and proudly
[000:51:00;291] serve ourselves ♪
[000:51:04;428] ♪ Our goods sit grandly
[000:51:04;428] on our shelves... ♪
[000:51:08;365] ♪ Brand X, Brand X,
[000:51:08;365] it's simple and plain... ♪
[000:51:12;303] ♪ United we all stand ♪
[000:51:16;106] ♪ All ikes are hand in hand ♪
[000:51:19;976] ♪ Proclaim, proclaim ♪
[000:51:23;414] ♪ Throughout all the land ♪
[000:51:27;584] ♪ We proudly serve ourselves. ♪
[000:51:33;524] Ah,
[000:51:35;326] very touching.
[000:51:37;428] Go tell the lady
[000:51:37;428] this is still my club,
[000:51:40;364] and you and your lousy jingle
[000:51:41;699] aren't welcome.
[000:51:41;699] We will return
[000:51:43;300] to pulverize you all.
[000:51:46;937] (laughing)
[000:51:48;939] Pulverizing!
[000:51:50;073] (laughs)
[000:51:51;274] I love pulverizing.
[000:51:54;611] Dexy, I knew they couldn't
[000:51:54;611] discontinue you.
[000:51:58;048] Not without a fight.
[000:51:59;049] We have the resistance cornered.
[000:52:03;053] We will take no prisoners.
[000:52:09;025] Let's do it.
[000:52:11;428] We will show no mercy.
[000:52:14;698] We've all lost someone--
[000:52:14;698] a friend, a neighbor,
[000:52:17;968] someone we love.
[000:52:25;676] But we can't fight
[000:52:25;676] for the way things were,
[000:52:29;112] only for the way
[000:52:29;112] things should be.
[000:52:31;582] Together we can stop
[000:52:31;582] this tyrant.
[000:52:34;852] Now, who's with us?
[000:52:34;852] POLAR:
[000:52:34;852] I'm with you,
[000:52:37;053] guys, but could somebody
[000:52:38;522] please turn up the heat?
[000:52:40;257] (shudders)
[000:52:41;425] We're with you
[000:52:41;425] all the way, boss.
[000:52:42;926] All right, then, let me show you
[000:52:42;926] what I've got in mind.
[000:52:47;364] We will exterminate them all!
[000:52:51;402] One world, one X!
[000:52:53;771] No Dan, no Dex!
[000:52:55;972] So we'll need all
[000:52:55;972] the aluminum foil in the store,
[000:53:00;076] and that, my friends,
[000:53:00;076] is one-stop shopping.
[000:53:03;914] Le Brand X comes! Le Brand X
[000:53:03;914] comes!
[000:53:06;950] This is it.
[000:53:08;318] We stop Brand X here tonight,
[000:53:11;622] or it's this store, then another
[000:53:13;824] till they spread like mold
[000:53:13;824] around the world.
[000:53:17;761] We have to defend ourselves--
[000:53:17;761] and people-- everywhere.
[000:53:21;932] Remember our oath.
[000:53:22;933] To protect and serve...
[000:53:25;936] ALL:
[000:53:25;936] Ourselves!
[000:53:38;982] I have the dirty dog.
[000:53:40;383] Cookie aisle, go!
[000:53:41;885] Come and get me, baby.
[000:53:43;987] Attack
[000:53:45;456] and annihilate!
[000:53:49;059] (grunts)
[000:53:50;226] (woman screams)
[000:53:53;330] He's on the roof.
[000:53:53;330] Get him!
[000:54:04;140] Here goes.
[000:54:07;210] Food!
[000:54:09;212] Fight!
[000:54:23;326] It's a trap!
[000:54:24;962] Wait.
[000:54:26;429] Marshmallows.
[000:54:30;834] What?
[000:54:32;636] It's hot chocolate.
[000:54:35;205] (grunting)
[000:54:35;205] (grunting)
[000:54:38;174] Aah, hot!
[000:54:52;990] (grunts)
[000:54:56;126] (grunts)
[000:54:58;261] (grunts)
[000:55:01;832] (grunting)
[000:55:23;954] Take that, dear!
[000:55:38;835] Retreat!
[000:55:48;679] Je suis Francois Fromage
[000:55:51;448] and I am not afraid!
[000:55:58;088] Well, maybe a little.
[000:55:59;189] You be attacking now!
[000:56:01;391] Cream them!
[000:56:48;005] (slurps)
[000:56:56;947] (cheering)
[000:57:02;753] Fools!
[000:57:02;753] I'll destroy them all!
[000:57:04;955] (laughs)
[000:57:06;289] (groans)
[000:57:08;491] LADY X:
[000:57:08;491] All units, go!
[000:57:13;396] Armies, attack!
[000:58:11;454] (grunting)
[000:58:13;556] (groaning)
[000:58:50;927] (mechanical whirring)
[000:58:59;569] (groans)
[000:59:18;922] Hey.
[000:59:22;058] Whip them!
[000:59:23;293] Whip them bad!
[000:59:45;448] (grunting)
[000:59:56;693] Run while you can,
[000:59:56;693] Dex Dogtective!
[000:59:59;095] For soon, I'll have you sitting
[000:59:59;095] up and begging for mercy.
[001:00:02;332] X-o-bytes, fly!
[001:00:14;244] We'll see who
[001:00:14;244] rolls over, baby.
[001:00:17;047] Okay, everyone ready?
[001:00:19;316] (chewing)
[001:00:23;320] Then let's gum up
[001:00:25;455] her works!
[001:00:28;258] They're nothing
[001:00:28;258] but overgrown mosquitoes...
[001:00:31;127] with gigantic deadly stingers!
[001:00:33;029] And there's a ton of 'em!
[001:00:34;764] And they wanna kill me!
[001:00:50;580] (explosions)
[001:00:53;683] (hums quietly)
[001:01:00;456] You are getting sleepy.
[001:01:02;658] I am getting...
[001:01:02;658] (thud)
[001:01:07;697] Mm-ma-mana-mac-chocolate...
[001:01:18;541] (explosions)
[001:01:31;587] Dare the day!
[001:01:33;290] (laughs)
[001:01:34;657] (screams)
[001:01:36;026] Run away! Run away!
[001:01:40;763] Holy guacamole, run!
[001:01:43;800] Squash them all!
[001:01:45;969] Pudding and strudel
[001:01:45;969] is what I think about.
[001:01:48;371] That and myself.
[001:01:49;572] LADY X:
[001:01:49;572] Fry their eggs!
[001:02:04;720] (explosions)
[001:02:11;828] (whimpers)
[001:02:16;032] (explosions)
[001:02:16;032] Head for the Banana!
[001:02:20;403] I'm exquisite!
[001:02:22;638] Annihilate them!
[001:02:24;774] Go!
[001:02:26;843] (explosions)
[001:02:31;147] I'm getting hot in here.
[001:02:33;850] Maximillius, phase two, go!
[001:02:36;586] Maybe I shouldn't oughta
[001:02:36;586] eaten that last donut.
[001:02:39;222] Food goes right
[001:02:39;222] to my butt.
[001:02:42;192] It's okay, Maximillius!
[001:02:43;693] Being able to do fun things,
[001:02:43;693] like eating donuts,
[001:02:45;862] is what we are fighting for!
[001:02:48;064] But, you might wanna keep it
[001:02:48;064] under, like, 40 at a time.
[001:02:50;933] But whose are we gonna find
[001:02:52;602] to slithers in filthy
[001:02:52;602] slime through the sewers,
[001:02:55;705] go into enemy territory
[001:02:57;740] and cut the power lines
[001:02:59;242] to starts the lightning storm?
[001:03:01;777] Ah, slither and slime?
[001:03:04;147] It would appear you're in need
[001:03:04;147] of a professional.
[001:03:07;850] How do we know
[001:03:07;850] you're not with Brand X?
[001:03:10;586] According to the lady,
[001:03:12;088] I'm the poster boy
[001:03:12;088] for undesirable icons.
[001:03:14;590] You know, boss,
[001:03:16;326] if you don't mind
[001:03:16;326] the suggestion,
[001:03:18;428] we could fights fire
[001:03:18;428] with fire here.
[001:03:20;997] Welcome to the war, Weasel.
[001:03:23;866] 'Tis a far, far better thing
[001:03:23;866] I do
[001:03:26;802] than I have ever done before.
[001:03:29;005] Well, you got to admit,
[001:03:30;440] that's not saying much.
[001:03:30;440] Whoa!
[001:03:32;542] Note to self:
[001:03:32;542] New friends not working out.
[001:03:41;451] ♪ We will stand
[001:03:41;451] for what is right ♪
[001:03:44;320] ♪ Never back down
[001:03:44;320] from the fight ♪
[001:03:49;759] ♪ Love, it leads the way ♪
[001:03:53;863] ♪ Every step we take ♪
[001:03:56;933] ♪ Feel the drum beat ♪
[001:03:58;601] ♪ In our hearts ♪
[001:04:01;337] ♪ We're fire in the skies ♪
[001:04:04;941] ♪ Tears in our eyes ♪
[001:04:09;045] ♪ A runner never dies ♪
[001:04:11;714] ♪ The moment is here ♪
[001:04:14;817] ♪ To let go of fear ♪
[001:04:17;920] ♪ Knowing ♪
[001:04:19;522] ♪ Our destiny lies ♪
[001:04:23;493] ♪ With fire ♪
[001:04:26;028] ♪ In the skies. ♪
[001:04:36;772] This can't
[001:04:36;772] be happening.
[001:04:39;809] You lied to me!
[001:04:42;412] Lied to you?
[001:04:45;515] That's not true.
[001:04:47;517] I did no more
[001:04:47;517] than you let me do.
[001:04:50;587] You handed me this store
[001:04:51;887] on a party platter.
[001:04:54;157] Frog's legs for dinner?
[001:04:56;792] He knows their plan,
[001:04:59;562] but refuses to talk.
[001:05:01;464] No, that's
[001:05:01;464] gonna hurt!
[001:05:03;065] I'll take that.
[001:05:04;234] Then he won't talk to anyone,
[001:05:06;669] ever again!
[001:05:08;204] Knife coming!
[001:05:09;105] Enough!
[001:05:10;573] I don't like her.
[001:05:10;573] She's very mean!
[001:05:12;041] Careful, Harry,
[001:05:13;510] if you value what little
[001:05:13;510] hair you have left.
[001:05:15;978] What's the point...
[001:05:17;813] of luxurious locks...
[001:05:20;316] if you can't look yourself
[001:05:20;316] in the mirror?
[001:05:26;789] Oh, my goodness!
[001:05:27;690] Let him go.
[001:05:29;759] He'll be exterminated
[001:05:32;262] like the rest of them!
[001:05:53;949] Polar!
[001:05:56;419] I thought I told you
[001:05:56;419] to go to the Banana!
[001:05:56;419] See, Dex,
[001:05:59;455] I can help.
[001:06:01;857] No!
[001:06:07;697] Another pathetic ike
[001:06:07;697] bites the dust.
[001:06:12;602] No one puts Polar
[001:06:12;602] in the freezer.
[001:06:15;771] I'm marking you down,
[001:06:15;771] shrimp toast.
[001:06:19;409] It wasn't my fault!
[001:06:20;810] I was just following orders.
[001:06:23;145] I don't even like her.
[001:06:24;914] Lady X promised she would
[001:06:26;015] make me tall and thin.
[001:06:28;451] DEX:
[001:06:28;451] Then you finally
[001:06:28;451] got your wish.
[001:06:35;291] I'm gonna pop
[001:06:35;291] your corn, lady.
[001:06:38;828] Roll over, Dogtective.
[001:06:40;697] You're mine.
[001:06:53;943] (groans)
[001:06:55;278] Long live la resistance! La...
[001:07:00;916] Adios, my brave
[001:07:00;916] cheese puff ike.
[001:07:17;233] (whimpers)
[001:07:20;102] (sighs)
[001:07:21;671] Hang in there, Polar.
[001:07:23;273] If you're ever
[001:07:25;608] in that big freezer
[001:07:25;608] in the sky,
[001:07:28;478] you got a friend, Dex.
[001:07:31;847] Oh.
[001:07:33;916] Use the whole box.
[001:07:35;285] Polar would have
[001:07:35;285] liked it that way.
[001:07:37;186] DOCTOR:
[001:07:37;186] Dex, Dex!
[001:07:39;021] I ran tests on the poison
[001:07:41;391] liquid the X-o-bytes
[001:07:41;391] are stinging our ike...
[001:07:44;026] (whimpers)
[001:07:44;026] ...ikes with.
[001:07:44;026] Doc, Doc, Doc,
[001:07:44;026] so, what is it?
[001:07:46;429] It's a deservative.
[001:07:47;497] Okay, imagine
[001:07:47;497] the chemical
[001:07:49;499] opposite of a preservative,
[001:07:49;499] huh, yeah?
[001:07:51;434] One dose causes the victim to
[001:07:51;434] spoil in his own unique way.
[001:07:55;271] A cookie crumbles;
[001:07:55;271] ice cream gets freezer burn.
[001:07:58;240] Oh, chips chip,
[001:07:58;240] crackers crack,
[001:08:00;543] aluminum is foiled!
[001:08:00;543] Don't you see?
[001:08:02;845] Snot happens!
[001:08:04;647] This is a big booger
[001:08:04;647] we're bouncing into even!
[001:08:07;183] I get the picture.
[001:08:08;818] We need an antidote, fast!
[001:08:11;354] (cries)
[001:08:11;354] Ham it, Dex!
[001:08:13;356] I'm a nose doctor,
[001:08:13;356] not a miracle worker!
[001:08:15;525] Go!
[001:08:15;525] What is with this guy?
[001:08:15;525] He's always asking me
[001:08:17;694] to do the impossible things. I
[001:08:17;694] can't do the impossible things!
[001:08:20;029] If I could do them, they
[001:08:20;029] wouldn't be possibly impossible!
[001:08:22;865] (panting)
[001:08:24;300] Ow!
[001:08:24;300] (glass breaking)
[001:08:26;035] I'm fine! Nobody
[001:08:26;035] saw that! Ah!
[001:08:28;070] All the lightning rods are
[001:08:28;070] in place, I guarantee it.
[001:08:31;474] Well, pretty guaranteed.
[001:08:33;976] I mean, it's almost guaranteed.
[001:08:35;545] I can't guarantee it.
[001:08:37;814] Well, because...
[001:08:37;814] my eyes aren't that good!
[001:08:39;549] I don't see that well!
[001:08:41;083] But my heart's in
[001:08:41;083] the right place, if I had one.
[001:08:43;519] Now, phase two is up
[001:08:43;519] to Cheasel the Weasel.
[001:08:46;856] That idiot?
[001:08:47;957] I mean, fantastic.
[001:08:47;957] I'll go check again.
[001:08:51;327] Easy, Dan, easy.
[001:08:52;862] (explosions)
[001:08:52;862] Man,
[001:08:54;964] phase two ain't gonna work.
[001:08:56;733] Not with all those
[001:08:56;733] X-o-bytes swarming. There's...
[001:08:59;335] There's just too many of 'em.
[001:09:01;371] They're refueling their poison
[001:09:03;740] inside the
[001:09:03;740] Brand X building.
[001:09:05;742] Can you fly me over
[001:09:05;742] Lady X's aisle?
[001:09:08;344] Oh, yeah, sure. No prob.
[001:09:10;380] Except I don't have
[001:09:10;380] a death wish!
[001:09:12;382] If I can cut off
[001:09:12;382] their poison supply,
[001:09:14;216] maybe we can turn
[001:09:14;216] this thing around!
[001:09:16;018] (explosion)
[001:09:17;553] Dex, suppose you make it in?
[001:09:19;422] There's no way you'll get out.
[001:09:21;424] It's suicide!
[001:09:29;965] (explosion)
[001:09:32;268] Like Sunshine always
[001:09:32;268] used to say,
[001:09:33;870] "When in doubt, just do
[001:09:33;870] the right thing, and you can't
[001:09:36;706] go wrong."
[001:09:36;706] Yeah, man, but
[001:09:36;706] I don't want to lose you, too.
[001:09:39;809] Hey, pal, you're the one
[001:09:39;809] who convinced me
[001:09:42;011] to get back in the game.
[001:09:43;345] You never stopped believing
[001:09:43;345] in me,
[001:09:44;814] even when I stopped
[001:09:44;814] believing in myself.
[001:09:46;816] That's 'cause you're the best.
[001:09:48;584] But if you go in there,
[001:09:48;584] you ain't coming out.
[001:09:51;086] Don't do it, Dex!
[001:09:52;321] You should be here with us.
[001:09:53;723] I should have been
[001:09:53;723] with you the whole time.
[001:09:56;459] But after Sunshine,
[001:09:56;459] I just gave up.
[001:09:59;929] I let you all down.
[001:10:01;297] (explosion)
[001:10:04;400] I know now that
[001:10:04;400] my problems
[001:10:05;902] are just a hill of
[001:10:05;902] coffee beans compared
[001:10:08;404] to our store, our world,
[001:10:10;907] our family.
[001:10:12;575] If I don't make it back,
[001:10:14;009] I'm counting on you
[001:10:14;009] to take my place, pal.
[001:10:16;278] Me? No, I can't.
[001:10:18;781] You can do it, Dan.
[001:10:18;781] I believe in you.
[001:10:21;617] This place won't be
[001:10:21;617] the same without you.
[001:10:23;586] I won't be.
[001:10:25;822] The secret's inside, old buddy.
[001:10:28;390] You'll be just fine. So,
[001:10:30;660] am I flying,
[001:10:30;660] or am I walking?
[001:10:30;660] All right.
[001:10:34;063] Let's win this sucker!
[001:10:48;945] (clanking)
[001:10:50;245] Oh!
[001:10:50;245] (thudding and clinking)
[001:10:53;048] (cat yowling)
[001:10:54;350] (clanking)
[001:10:58;287] (whirring)
[001:10:59;989] (wind whipping)
[001:11:04;760] (sniffing)
[001:11:14;303] (saw buzzing)
[001:11:19;441] (tires screeching)
[001:11:21;110] (wood creaking)
[001:11:23;379] (creaking continues)
[001:11:28;851] Agony.
[001:11:30;520] She's like my loyal beloved.
[001:11:33;188] You got loyal
[001:11:36;225] beloved!
[001:11:38;193] I want you... loyal beloved!
[001:11:42;798] (growling)
[001:11:44;901] (grunts)
[001:11:46;068] Allow me to introduce you.
[001:11:48;170] (grunts)
[001:11:50;139] (creaking and thudding)
[001:11:52;341] (electrical hissing)
[001:11:54;109] (thunderous explosions)
[001:11:56;012] Note to self:
[001:11:56;012] Cheasel T. Weasel rocks.
[001:12:01;116] (engine whining, explosions)
[001:12:03;152] DAN:
[001:12:03;152] Okay, okay.
[001:12:05;655] Hey, Dex, don't worry, bro.
[001:12:08;190] I'm gonna get you closer.
[001:12:09;692] Once more into the
[001:12:09;692] bleach, my friend.
[001:12:11;661] Once more.
[001:12:11;661] (whimpers)
[001:12:13;729] Uh, Dex?
[001:12:15;831] Dex!
[001:12:17;900] (explosions)
[001:12:17;900] Dare the day, Dex.
[001:12:20;269] Dare the day.
[001:12:20;269] (engine revving)
[001:12:24;607] (metallic clank,
[001:12:24;607] low rolling thunder)
[001:12:27;376] Uh, Dex's plan is working!
[001:12:30;546] Duh, but I still
[001:12:30;546] do not know how.
[001:12:32;715] MOOSE:
[001:12:32;715] Like a meatball, this guy!
[001:12:34;550] Cheasel's starting
[001:12:34;550] an electrical lightning storm.
[001:12:37;352] We put lightning rods on all
[001:12:37;352] our buildings to keep 'em safe.
[001:12:41;757] Brand X don't have lightning
[001:12:41;757] rods, so they gets destroyed.
[001:12:44;760] A true spark of genius.
[001:12:47;463] The boss is a regular
[001:12:47;463] Benjamin Franklin!
[001:12:50;132] Yeah. Uh, duh,
[001:12:50;132] who's Benjamin Franklin?
[001:12:54;570] Benjamin Franklin with
[001:12:54;570] the key and the kite,
[001:12:57;039] the lightning, the...
[001:12:57;039] Uh, what aisle is he in?
[001:12:59;609] Ah, forget about it.
[001:13:01;243] (distant explosions)
[001:13:06;616] (whirring, liquid gurgling)
[001:13:10;519] (metallic clinking,
[001:13:10;519] wind whipping)
[001:13:13;455] (wind whipping)
[001:13:15;424] (clang, explosions,
[001:13:15;424] glass breaking)
[001:13:20;195] I'm coming for you, Lady.
[001:13:21;497] (crackling, thudding)
[001:13:24;000] (thunder rumbling)
[001:13:25;601] Sunshine!
[001:13:27;236] Dex!
[001:13:28;337] Hold it right there,
[001:13:29;672] or Blondie gets it.
[001:13:32;241] SUNSHINE:
[001:13:32;241] Watch out!
[001:13:33;575] On your knees, Dog.
[001:13:41;917] (hissing, thunder rumbling)
[001:13:45;154] I always knew you
[001:13:45;154] were damaged goods.
[001:13:48;423] I'm not the one
[001:13:48;423] who's gonna be poppy-whipped,
[001:13:52;094] you cold-farted itch.
[001:13:54;864] Exterminate them both.
[001:13:58;534] Her first.
[001:14:00;169] Make him watch
[001:14:00;169] his Sunshine fade away.
[001:14:04;173] With great pleasure.
[001:14:07;509] (loud thunderclap,
[001:14:07;509] glass breaking)
[001:14:11;747] Okay, then,
[001:14:11;747] I'll just leave you to it.
[001:14:16;152] (thunderclap)
[001:14:19;121] Ow! (groaning)
[001:14:21;123] I thought
[001:14:21;123] that only worked in movies.
[001:14:22;658] (wind whipping)
[001:14:25;928] Raisins, Dex!
[001:14:29;765] (wind whipping,
[001:14:29;765] ricocheting)
[001:14:32;668] (whistling)
[001:14:35;304] (grunts)
[001:14:37;106] Well, this isn't
[001:14:37;106] very much fun, is it?
[001:14:39;274] (groans)
[001:14:40;475] I think I've just wet myself.
[001:14:42;011] (gasps)
[001:14:43;478] It feels rather nice.
[001:14:45;147] Oh!
[001:14:45;147] (thud)
[001:14:46;281] (hissing, thunder rumbling,
[001:14:46;281] explosion)
[001:14:54;857] Oh, Dex.
[001:14:56;258] I knew you'd find me.
[001:14:58;427] I'm sorry. I thought you were...
[001:15:00;596] I'm here.
[001:15:00;596] We're together.
[001:15:03;532] My world is whole
[001:15:03;532] again, kitten.
[001:15:05;634] I never stopped
[001:15:05;634] believing in you, Dex.
[001:15:08;804] And I always kept you
[001:15:08;804] close to my heart.
[001:15:11;207] My big, tough guy.
[001:15:14;877] What have they done to you?
[001:15:16;545] Brand X took my essence.
[001:15:20;116] Of course!
[001:15:21;683] The perfumed smell.
[001:15:23;052] That's why it
[001:15:23;052] was familiar.
[001:15:25;287] The secret ingredient
[001:15:25;287] in their elixir.
[001:15:30;259] The evil X turned your
[001:15:30;259] sweetness, your goodness
[001:15:33;829] into something vile.
[001:15:35;164] (loud rumbling thunder,
[001:15:35;164] wooden creaking)
[001:15:45;174] The whole thing
[001:15:45;174] could go any minute.
[001:15:48;043] As long as I'm with you,
[001:15:48;043] nothing else matters.
[001:15:51;546] (plane engine buzzing)
[001:15:54;449] (hissing, explosion)
[001:15:57;186] Only one way he can
[001:15:57;186] make it in time!
[001:15:57;186] Not the...
[001:16:00;289] Yes, kitten, the loop-de-loop.
[001:16:01;891] He's never pulled it off.
[001:16:03;558] Come on, Dan.
[001:16:03;558] You the man.
[001:16:05;227] (engine revving)
[001:16:05;227] You got to be... for them!
[001:16:07;830] You can do it, pal!
[001:16:07;830] Just believe it!
[001:16:09;799] Believe in yourself!
[001:16:09;799] Come on!
[001:16:11;934] That's it, Dan!
[001:16:11;934] The loop-de-loop!
[001:16:13;903] He'll get it this time;
[001:16:13;903] I know he will.
[001:16:20;542] Oh,
[001:16:22;644] dare the day!
[001:16:31;553] Whoo!
[001:16:33;689] ALL:
[001:16:33;689] Dare the day and fly away.
[001:16:36;458] Yes,
[001:16:37;726] the sun is shining again,
[001:16:37;726] baby!
[001:16:40;662] Whoo! Look at you.
[001:16:41;997] Bring me anything?
[001:16:41;997] Give me a hug.
[001:16:43;498] It's so good to see you.
[001:16:46;068] SUNSHINE:
[001:16:46;068] I just knew you'd do it, Danny.
[001:16:48;070] DEX:
[001:16:48;070] Me too, pal, me too.
[001:16:50;239] SUNSHINE:
[001:16:50;239] Dex, something's wrong.
[001:16:52;842] What's happening?
[001:16:54;443] I understand that somebody
[001:16:57;913] ordered a recall.
[001:17:01;583] Dan, go find Lady X.
[001:17:03;252] I've got a bone to pick
[001:17:03;252] with this guy.
[001:17:05;821] No, Dex, you can't.
[001:17:08;123] Not a human.
[001:17:09;424] You'll be crushed.
[001:17:10;826] I'll be fine.
[001:17:11;693] I have to be,
[001:17:13;262] to make sure nothing bad
[001:17:13;262] ever happens to you.
[001:17:20;269] Maximillius, Lola,
[001:17:20;269] let's bring him down.
[001:17:22;804] You got it, boss.
[001:17:24;006] Mi comprendo big time,
[001:17:24;006] jefe.
[001:17:32;848] Hey, whack job.
[001:17:34;016] It's checkout time.
[001:17:36;385] You pompous pip-squeak.
[001:17:38;254] I'll stomp you into oblivion.
[001:17:41;991] I was hoping you'd say that.
[001:17:43;926] I'll crush
[001:17:45;327] your little friends
[001:17:47;496] into icon stew.
[001:18:05;447] (mechanical hissing)
[001:18:12;554] A robot?
[001:18:14;723] Extraordinary, aren't I?
[001:18:17;426] How the Ho-Ho's
[001:18:17;426] can this be happening?
[001:18:20;129] Don't you recognize me,
[001:18:20;129] Dogtective?
[001:18:22;497] Sunshine's old neighbor?
[001:18:24;166] Priscilla?
[001:18:25;401] From Priscilla Pusley's
[001:18:25;401] Genetically Giant Prunes?
[001:18:28;770] But you were recalled.
[001:18:30;672] And butt-ugly.
[001:18:32;174] Quick trip to Brazil
[001:18:32;174] for a little plastic surgery,
[001:18:35;277] and I'm back for my revenge.
[001:18:37;346] So, you built yourself
[001:18:37;346] a human robot
[001:18:39;949] and recalled Sunshine.
[001:18:41;516] Then you stole her essence
[001:18:41;516] to make your elixir for Brand X?
[001:18:45;620] Why?
[001:18:46;655] All anyone ever wanted
[001:18:47;889] was that sweet
[001:18:47;889] Sunshine Goodness.
[001:18:49;891] Two months I sat on the shelf
[001:18:51;793] next to little Miss Perfect.
[001:18:53;462] No one bought my beautifully,
[001:18:53;462] genetically giant prunes.
[001:18:57;366] But how did you get in
[001:18:57;366] and out of the store?
[001:19:00;369] You're an ike.
[001:19:01;636] Humans.
[001:19:03;105] When you look like this,
[001:19:03;105] you can get them to do anything.
[001:19:05;707] Size only counts for men.
[001:19:07;709] (stammering)
[001:19:09;478] Clever plan, Pus,
[001:19:10;879] but Brand X is being recalled.
[001:19:14;549] You'll never get me.
[001:19:15;884] I still have my elixir;
[001:19:15;884] I'll be back.
[001:19:18;120] But enough about me.
[001:19:18;120] Let's kill you.
[001:19:24;059] DAREDEVIL DAN:
[001:19:24;059] Yo, dog,
[001:19:25;060] put your guard up.
[001:19:26;261] Sugar smack upside
[001:19:26;261] her prune head!
[001:19:28;097] Put your arms...
[001:19:28;097] MAXIMILLIUS:
[001:19:28;097] Forget about it.
[001:19:29;598] Boss'll never, ever hit a dame.
[001:19:31;367] Tell me something.
[001:19:31;367] Uh, are those melons real?
[001:19:37;139] MAXIMILLIUS:
[001:19:37;139] He should Pudding Pop her one.
[001:19:39;574] That ain't his MO.
[001:19:41;010] Forget about it.
[001:19:41;943] He won't hit her.
[001:19:43;612] Not now, not never.
[001:19:45;280] But I will.
[001:19:48;750] The bimbo's mine.
[001:19:50;619] Get ready, Lady,
[001:19:50;619] 'cause I'm gonna kick you
[001:19:52;721] where the sun don't shine.
[001:19:56;258] Bring it on;
[001:19:56;258] let's go.
[001:20:01;063] You're not so tough now.
[001:20:12;107] DAREDEVIL DAN:
[001:20:12;107] Oh, look at you!
[001:20:13;775] Sunshine chip-slapped her
[001:20:15;044] back to ugly.
[001:20:16;245] SUNSHINE:
[001:20:16;245] Gross.
[001:20:18;914] It doesn't have
[001:20:18;914] to end like this.
[001:20:21;850] All I ever really wanted
[001:20:21;850] was you.
[001:20:24;853] Well, you, and world domination.
[001:20:28;190] Frankly, my dear,
[001:20:28;190] I don't give a Spam.
[001:20:31;660] Oh, the indignity of it all!
[001:20:34;663] Dan, wrap her up and take her
[001:20:36;898] to the Expiration Station
[001:20:36;898] for recall
[001:20:39;134] with the rest
[001:20:39;134] of Brand X.
[001:20:41;303] I heard there was a resistance.
[001:20:43;372] (giggles)
[001:20:43;372] Call me fashionably late.
[001:20:46;808] You may be mostly fluff, Harry,
[001:20:49;445] but the rest of you
[001:20:49;445] is pretty strong stuff.
[001:20:49;445] Oh, I'm off
[001:20:52;347] for a quick calm down
[001:20:52;347] and shot of toodly-pip.
[001:20:54;516] Nice work, everybody.
[001:20:56;285] Dex, Dex, Dex, I found
[001:20:56;285] an antidote to the deservative.
[001:20:59;188] It should bring all the ikes
[001:21:00;922] back to life.
[001:21:02;324] Oh, joy.
[001:21:03;325] Let's give it a whiff, huh?
[001:21:06;995] I knew you'd save me, friend.
[001:21:12;901] Oh, my.
[001:21:14;669] But it's still chilly.
[001:21:16;838] Oh, Dex,
[001:21:16;838] I'm so proud of you.
[001:21:19;708] You saved us all.
[001:21:21;310] We saved each other
[001:21:21;310] because the secret is inside.
[001:21:24;946] Inside all of us!
[001:21:26;582] All right, see?
[001:21:28;150] Things really
[001:21:28;150] turned out perfect.
[001:21:30;152] The good old days are back.
[001:21:32;053] With one change, I hope.
[001:21:34;556] Sunshine...
[001:21:38;093] ...will you marry me?
[001:21:40;596] Oh, yes, Dex.
[001:21:51;673] (cheering)
[001:22:00;815] Dex is Jewish?
[001:22:02;951] Yeah, kosher.
[001:22:04;953] Soy vey,
[001:22:04;953] who knew?
[001:22:08;089] ♪ Any time that things
[001:22:08;089] go wrong ♪
[001:22:11;059] ♪ We can work it out ♪
[001:22:15;564] ♪ We've been waiting
[001:22:15;564] for so long... ♪
[001:22:17;166] Now that we're married,
[001:22:18;500] I want to see what's
[001:22:18;500] under that hat.
[001:22:21;036] I love you, kitten.
[001:22:23;238] ♪ We see things
[001:22:23;238] so much clearer ♪
[001:22:27;342] ♪ I'm so glad, now that
[001:22:27;342] we're... ♪
[001:22:31;780] ♪ Here on the bright side... ♪
[001:22:35;584] You know, for a
[001:22:35;584] minute there,
[001:22:37;219] I almost felt a
[001:22:37;219] tear, but, uh,
[001:22:39;188] must've been
[001:22:39;188] that red onion.
[001:22:40;522] Duh, this is all
[001:22:40;522] so beautiful.
[001:22:42;591] Why are you afraid
[001:22:42;591] to express your emotions?
[001:22:47;196] (sobbing)
[001:22:55;003] ♪ Just take a look around you ♪
[001:22:58;873] ♪ You're gonna see ♪
[001:23:01;543] ♪ Lots of love
[001:23:01;543] and smiling faces ♪
[001:23:05;714] ♪ That's all you need ♪
[001:23:08;317] ♪ And I believe... ♪
[001:23:10;085] I'm warm. I'm warm!
[001:23:12;421] ♪ This all happened
[001:23:12;421] like it should ♪
[001:23:14;690] ♪ In a place
[001:23:14;690] where it's all good... ♪
[001:23:14;690] No, wait.
[001:23:17;226] Yeah, no, I'm
[001:23:17;226] still a little cold.
[001:23:19;961] ♪ Here on the bright side ♪
[001:23:23;498] ♪ Everything's right side ♪
[001:23:26;801] ♪ The secret is inside... ♪
[001:23:29;671] Did you really cut the cheese
[001:23:29;671] on that lieutenant, Tex?
[001:23:32;674] Oui, but that
[001:23:32;674] was just Muenster.
[001:23:36;678] I was ready to cut
[001:23:36;678] loose a Limburger.
[001:23:39;715] You got flow.
[001:23:41;617] You got style.
[001:23:43;918] A bueno hombre.
[001:23:46;755] ♪ Like a dream ♪
[001:23:51;293] ♪ Now that we are one... ♪
[001:24:03;171] I can, uh, I can dance
[001:24:03;171] a little, cut a rug.
[001:24:05;574] I'm, uh, very
[001:24:05;574] light on my feet.
[001:24:07;342] It might surprise you.
[001:24:17;386] ("Hava Nagila" plays)
[001:24:40;041] ♪ Here on the bright side ♪
[001:24:43;712] ♪ Everything's right side... ♪
[001:24:46;214] So, I said to Dex,
[001:24:47;982] "Dex, I'll take all the risk
[001:24:50;419] "by flying you
[001:24:50;419] into the belly of the beast.
[001:24:52;387] "Then I'll lead
[001:24:52;387] the troops into battle,
[001:24:54;189] while, you know, you're just
[001:24:54;189] doing whatever you do."
[001:24:56;692] Hey, thanks, baby.
[001:24:57;892] "Then I'll do the thing
[001:24:57;892] with the buildings."
[001:24:59;894] In other words,
[001:24:59;894] it was all me, basically.
[001:25:03;231] (chuckles)
[001:25:04;433] Hey, give me some sugar, sugars.
[001:25:08;169] ♪ We make it through,
[001:25:08;169] together again ♪
[001:25:12;240] ♪ Here on the bright side ♪
[001:25:15;076] ♪ Everything's right side ♪
[001:25:19;147] ♪ The secret's inside. ♪
[001:25:32;594] ♪ It was a day like any other ♪
[001:25:36;297] ♪ From waking in the morning
[001:25:36;297] till the stars were in the sky ♪
[001:25:42;203] ♪ When all at once,
[001:25:42;203] magic happened ♪
[001:25:46;608] ♪ Oh, it took me by surprise ♪
[001:25:51;980] ♪ Now, my heart is beating
[001:25:51;980] like a circus drum ♪
[001:25:57;018] ♪ And this whole world
[001:25:57;018] feels better than it was ♪
[001:26:01;656] ♪ I can't believe
[001:26:01;656] this has happened to me ♪
[001:26:07;262] ♪ I'm in love,
[001:26:07;262] you made me a believer ♪
[001:26:11;433] ♪ It's so much more
[001:26:11;433] than we dreamed it would be ♪
[001:26:17;639] ♪ We're in love,
[001:26:17;639] it couldn't be sweeter ♪
[001:26:23;011] ♪ Oh, you got me believing... ♪
[001:26:35;056] ♪ It's amazing how
[001:26:35;056] a feeling takes you over ♪
[001:26:40;261] ♪ In a moment of forever,
[001:26:40;261] our lives were turned around ♪
[001:26:45;700] ♪ But we're so happy together ♪
[001:26:50;605] ♪ Never gonna
[001:26:50;605] let each other down ♪
[001:26:55;209] ♪ Now I look back and think
[001:26:55;209] about how far we've come ♪
[001:27:00;849] ♪ How this whole world
[001:27:00;849] feels better than it ever was ♪
[001:27:06;755] ♪ I can't believe
[001:27:06;755] this has happened to me ♪
[001:27:11;993] ♪ I'm in love,
[001:27:11;993] you made me a believer ♪
[001:27:16;965] ♪ It's so much more
[001:27:16;965] than we dreamed it would be ♪
[001:27:22;504] ♪ We're in love,
[001:27:22;504] it couldn't be sweeter ♪
[001:27:26;842] ♪ I can't believe
[001:27:26;842] this has happened to be ♪
[001:27:31;746] ♪ I'm in love,
[001:27:31;746] you made me a believer ♪
[001:27:37;686] ♪ It's so much more
[001:27:37;686] than we dreamed it would be ♪
[001:27:42;824] ♪ We're in love,
[001:27:42;824] it couldn't be sweeter ♪
[001:27:48;697] ♪ Oh, you got me believing ♪
[001:27:53;568] ♪ Yes, you got me believing ♪
[001:27:57;572] ♪ I'm a believer ♪
[001:28:00;976] ♪ If you believe it ♪
[001:28:03;678] ♪ Oh, you got me believing. ♪
[001:28:19;628] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:28:23;197] ♪ It's my life ♪
[001:28:26;267] ♪ And the party starts jumping
[001:28:26;267] when we all come out at night ♪
[001:28:30;138] ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
[001:28:32;206] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:28:32;206] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:28:34;409] ♪ That's how it should be ♪
[001:28:37;846] ♪ Nothing gonna stand
[001:28:37;846] in the way of our fantasy ♪
[001:28:42;551] ♪ 'Cause it's our world... ♪
[001:28:48;757] ♪ At the end of each day,
[001:28:48;757] with the fading light ♪
[001:28:52;293] ♪ Me and my friends come out
[001:28:52;293] to greet the night ♪
[001:28:55;496] ♪ We'll show 'em we can take it,
[001:28:55;496] and then you'll see ♪
[001:28:58;667] ♪ A beautiful world made
[001:28:58;667] for you and me ♪
[001:29:01;436] ♪ Don't back up,
[001:29:01;436] don't back down ♪
[001:29:04;439] ♪ We're gonna show this town ♪
[001:29:06;608] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:29:09;644] ♪ It's my life ♪
[001:29:11;980] ♪ And the party starts jumping
[001:29:11;980] when we all come out at night ♪
[001:29:17;151] ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
[001:29:18;587] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:29:18;587] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:29:20;789] ♪ That's how it should be ♪
[001:29:24;092] ♪ Nothing gonna stand
[001:29:24;092] in the way of our fantasy ♪
[001:29:28;964] ♪ 'Cause it's our world ♪
[001:29:33;234] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:29:41;542] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:29:43;544] ♪ It's my life ♪
[001:29:47;215] ♪ And the party starts jumping
[001:29:47;215] when we all come out at night ♪
[001:29:52;087] ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
[001:29:53;387] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:29:53;387] ♪ We are one ♪
[001:29:55;924] ♪ That's how it should be ♪
[001:29:58;259] ♪ Nothing gonna stand
[001:29:58;259] in the way of our fantasy ♪
[001:30:05;133] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:30:06;768] ♪ It's our world ♪
[001:30:08;169] ♪ It's our world. ♪

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