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This can be defined as a way of looking at historical events,
personalities, developments, cultures and societies from
different perspective. This means that there is a multitude
of ways by which we can view the world.
The historian decides on what sources to use, what
interpretation to make more apparent, depending on
what his end is.

Historian may misinterpret evidence, attending to those

that suggest that a certain event happened and the
ignore the rest that goes against the evidence. Historian
may omit significant facts about their subject , which
makes interpretation unbalanced.
Historian utilize facts collected from primary sources
of history and then draw their own reading so that
their intended audience may understand the historical
event, a process that in essence “make sense of the
Interpretation of the past vary according to who reads
the primary source when it was read and how it was

The Code of Kalantiaw is a mythical legal code in the

epic history of Maragtas. it was a source of pride for the
people of Aklan. Before it was revealed as a hoax.

In fact, a historical marker was installed in the town

of Batan, Aklan in 1956.
Datu Bendehara Kalantiaw, third chief WHO IS KALANTIAW?
of Panay, born in Aklan.

The supposed creator of the Kalantiaw

Code (1433)

Established his government in the peninsula

of Batang, Aklan and become chief of
Negros until 1435

Considered the First Filipino Lawgiver.

Promulgated in 1433 a penal code now

known as the Code of Kalantiaw, containing
18 articles with their corresponding penalties.
Known as master forger and fabricator of In 1968 it was proved a hoax (then a doctoral
candidate at the University of Sto. Tomas)
He attributed the code to a historical fiction written in defended his research on pre-Hispanic
1913 by Jose Marco titled Las Antiguas Leyendes de sources in Philippine History.
la Isla De Negros (The Ancient of Legends of the
Island of Negros)

Lack of Historical Evidence

Lack of evidence of the existence
of Kalantiaw Code even as legend Uknown Source
or oral history
In 1998 National Historical Institute admitted that Code of Kalantiaw
was a hoax. The NHI under Ambeth Ocampo submitted a resolution
to President Arroyo to revoke the National Shrine Status of the
Kalantiaw Shrine in Aklan.

1. Official affirmation that the Kalantiaw code is a 20th century

fraud work by Jose Marco.

2. The President of the Philippines cease to honor retiring Supreme

Justices and other international dignitaries with Order of Kalantiaw.

3. Revoking E.O. 234 which declared the Municipality of Batan,

Aklan as a National Shrine
A State Honor or decoration created by an executive
order of President Ferdinand Marcos in 1971 known as
the Order of Kalantiaw. Conferred on retiring Supreme
Court justices and visiting international jurists.

In 2003 the order was dropped from the rolls pursuant Kalantiaw has had a long life in our textbooks and we
to Executive Order 236 issued by President Gloria hope that the Code of Kalantiaw is not in the new K to 12
Macapagal-Arroyo in 2003 Makabayan learning materials. Before Kalantiaw was
officially declared a hoax in 2004,
The year 1872 is a historic year of two events

The Cavite Mutiny The Martyrdom of the Three priest


The abolition of privileges enjoyed by the labourers of

the Cavite arsenal from tribute was, the cause of the

In the Beginning of 1872, the authorities received anonymous

communications with information that a great uprising would
break out against the Spaniards. But nobody gave importance to
these notices.
The conspiracy had been going on since the last days
of Governor General Ma. Carlos de La Torre with
utmost secrecy.

He abolished flogging, relaxed media censorship, and

began limited secularization of education. He was also
very close to the ilustrados, a group of Filipinos who
understood the situation of the Philippines under
Spanish rule.
The Principal leaders met either in the house:

The plan was to establish a monarchy or a republic whose head in

Filipino word would be called “hari”.
But it turns out that they would be place at the head of government a
priest.... the head selected would be: Jose Burgos or Jacinto Zamora

Don Joaquin Pardo De Tavera

Jose Burgos Jacinto Zamora


...It seems definite that insurrections was motivated and

prepared by the native clergy, by metizos and native lawyers.
They encourage the rebellion by protesting what they called
the injustice of having obliged the workers in Cavite arsenal
to pay tribute starting Jan. 31 and to render personal service,
from which they are exempted.

In the Spanish accounts, the events of 1872 was

premeditated and was part of a big conspiracy among
educated leaders, meztizos, lawyers.
They allegedly plan to liquidate high ranking Spanish
offices, then kill the friars.

The Signal they identified among the conspirators in

Cavite and Manila were the rockets fired from Intramuros

January 20, 1872 the district of Sampaloc celebrated

the feast of the Virgin of Loreto and came with some
fireworks display. The Caviteno’s mistook this as a
signal to commence attack.
The 200 men led by Sargent Francisco La Madrid attacked
the Spanish officers.

The revolution was easily crushed, leaders of the plot were


Father Burgos, Gomez and Zamora were

Tried and sentenced to be executed

Others implicated such as Joaquin Pardo de Tavera Antonio

Regidor and Jose and Antonio Basa were sentenced to life
imprisonment at the Marianas Island.

“The incident was merely a mutiny of Filipino soldiers and

labourers in Cavite arsenal to the dissatisfaction arising
from the draconian policies of Izquierdo”.

Tavera is of the opinion that the Spanish friars and

Izquierdo used the Cavite mutiny and others issues
by blowing out of proportion.
The Central Government in Madrid was planning to
deprive the friars of all the powers of intervention in
matters of civil government and the direction and
management of educational institutions.

(The friars needed something to justify their

continuing dominance in the country and the
mutiny provided such opportunity.)
The importance of 1872 can be seen just in
its effect on one person:

Though he was only ten years old at that time, 1872

meant for Rizal the childhood trauma of a change of
name - from Mercado to Rizal

Their martyrdom is widely accepted as the dawn of

Philippine Nationalism, with Rizal dedicating his
second novel, El Filibusterismo to their memory
The Government, by enshrouding your trial in
mystery and pardoning your co-accused, has
suggested that some mistake was committed when
your fate was decided;….in paying homage to your
memory and calling you martyrs, totally rejects your
guilt, the Church by refusing to degrade you has put
in doubt the crime charged against you.”
In the book: A question of heroes by Nick Joaquin the
events as follows:

Night of January 20, 1872 the Cavite Mutiny seized the

Fort of San Felipe. News of uprising reached Manila,
reign of terror began. on the night of January 21 Burgos
was arrested along with Father Gomez

Burgos's counsel Captain Fontiviel moved to dismiss the

case for lack of evidence. Burgos landlady testified that
he was a peaceful man, devout to the virgin and no
inkling of gossip.
When sentence was pronounced after a summary
trial. the court bade the Archbishop to proceed with
the “canonical degradation” of the three priest. but
Archbishop Martinez retorted that not enough
evidence of their guilt to justify their unfrocking

Another man who might cleared up the mystery was

Francisco Saldua, the mutineer who turned Judas and
denounced Burgos as the mastermind of the plot.
I know very well that
No leaf on tree may stir
Save the will of the creator.
Since he ask that I die in this place I am innocent!
His hold will be done.
The aged Gomez was erect with

Burgos wept like a child

So was Jesus Christ!

Zamora unstable, having
lost his mind.

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