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Quarter: 2nd Quarter Date: November 29, 2023

Learning Area: English Time: 06:30 PM – 08:00 PM

Grade & Section: 9 Scorpio Teacher’s Name: Jevie C. Cowas

I. Objectives
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American literature and other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also
how to use processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and
conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.
Performance Standard: The learner proficiently plays an active part in a
Chamber Theatre presentation through employing effective verbal and non- verbal
strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions,
Style and Body Movements or Gestures.
Learning Competencies:
EN9OL-IIa-3.7: Employ varied verbal and nonverbal strategies to create
impact on the audience.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
1. Differentiate verbal from non-verbal communication;
2. Apprehend the value of verbal and non-verbal cues in communication; and
3. Perform specific scenes from a particular play or movie using verbal and
non-verbal communication
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Verbal and Nonverbal Strategies
Materials Used: Laptop for PowerPoint presentation, pictures, television.
References: Clovis Community College. (2021). Verbal vs. Nonverbal
Communication. Retrieved from https://cloviscenterviscenter
III. Procedure
1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
Prayer will be led by a student.
b. Reminders
c. Attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
d. Kumustahan
The teacher will ask the students about their current experiences.

2. Review
As a sort of review, the teacher will ask some of the students to recall the
lesson from the previous discussion.
1. What is communication?
2. How does it help us in our daily lives?

3. Motivation
 Debate
The class will be divided into two groups. The teacher will show an image
illustrating two individuals arguing. The two groups will be debating on which
communication strategy is more effective in order to put a stop to an argument. One
group will support Verbal Communication and the other group will support Nonverbal

A. Activity
The teacher will show different pictures to the class. Each picture conveys
different meanings. The students will be asked for their interpretation. Expectedly,
they may have different understandings. Regardless, all answers will be entertained.

B. Analysis
From the student’s different viewpoints, the teacher will explain that just like
when communicating to someone, everything they say and do means something.
Oftentimes, misunderstanding occurs when the message perceived is different from
the intended message. To prevent such, the teacher will discuss verbal and
nonverbal cues.

a. Differentiate verbal from nonverbal communication.

 VERBAL COMMUNICATION – is the use of words to convey a
Message. Some forms of verbal communication are written and oral
 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION – is communication without
words, the use of body language to convey a message. One main
Form of nonverbal communication is body language.

b. Introduce different types of verbal communication: oral and written.

o ORAL COMMUNICATION- the process of verbally transmitting
information and ideas from one individual or group to another.
o WRITTEN COMMUNICATION-any written message that two or more
people exchange.
c. Introduce different types of nonverbal communication
 Facial expressions – The principal source of feedback.
 Eye contact – The most expressive element in face-to-face
 Body movements & posture- The way you stand and hold your body
also sends messages.
 Gestures – The movement that you make with a part of your body,
especially your hands
 Haptics – also known as touching"
 Proxemics - refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally
maintain between each other which communicates meanings.
 Voice - The way in which a message is spoken is as important as
what is said.
C. Abstraction
 Simulated Scenarios
The teacher will conduct an oral activity called Simulated Scenarios. In this
activity, the teacher will create real-life scenarios related to the verbal and nonverbal
communication. Then, the teacher will have the students engage in conversations as
if they were in those situations.

D. Application
 Interactive Roleplay

The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will be required to have
a short scenario to be performed in front. The scenes must come from a play or film.
The groups can only have 4 scenes from a play they chose. Before coming up with
the performance, there must be a script. The script should contain verbal and
nonverbal cues.
For example: “Girl Hi! (waving)”
It is up to the group leaders how they will divide the tasks. As long as all of the
members will participate, a script will be produced, and a short role-play will be
IV. Assessment or Evaluation
Instruction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, the students will answer the following. For
items 1-2, choose the letter of the correct answer that suits the statement. For items
3-10, identify the type of nonverbal communication being described in each
1. This type of communication is wordless.
a. verbal b. nonverbal c. oral d. written
2. This type of communication can be oral or written.
a. verbal b. nonverbal c. oral d. written
3. The principal source of feedback.
4. The most expressive element in face-to-face communication
5. The way in which a message is spoken is as important as what is said.
6. This refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally maintain between
Each other which communicates meanings
7. The way you move and carry yourself.
8. The movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hands.
9. This includes a weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, or a warm bear
10. We wave, point, and use or hands when we are speaking.
V. Assignment
Cut out pictures that represents verbal and nonverbal communication from
magazines or newspapers and make a collage.
IV. Remarks

VII. Reflection

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Course & Year: BSED 2 SECTION 2

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