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Submit as the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the bachelor degree

of education at the Faculty of Culture, Management and Business

Mandalika University of Education










“Do not say you cannot do it before you try it”

This thesis is dedicated to:
 The Almighty God, Allah Subhanahuwata’ala for giving health and
opportunity to complete this thesis.
 The last prophet of Islam Nabi Muhammad Sallallahualaihiwasalam
who becomes the best role model of human.
 My beloved parents (alm. H. Ahmad and Nikmah) for giving
uncountable support and love.
 My beloved sisters (Evi Wahyuni and Miftahul Indriana), thank you
for being best advisers in all my complaints and always support me.
 My beloved consultants Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum, and Dr. L. Ari Irawan,
S.E., M.Pd. thank you for your patience and the best guidance and
assistance during the process.
 All of the lecturers in UNDIKMA Mataram thank you for guiding and
teaching me.



WRITING WORK IN THE NEW NORMAL ERA” has been approved to be

developed into thesis.

Mataram, 09 December 2021

First Consultant, Second Consultant,

Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum Dr. L. Ari Irawan, S.E., S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN.0805058301 NIDN. 0818068102

Acknowledged by,

Dean of Faculty of Culture, Management and Business

Muliani, M.Pd
NIK. 495200312



WRITING WORK IN THE NEW NORMAL ERA, has been approved by the
Board of Examiner as the requirements for the bachelor degree in English

Mataram, 09 December 2021

Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum .…………………… (Chairman)


Dr. L. Ari Irawan, S.E., S.Pd.,M.Pd. …………………… (Member)

NIDN. 0818068102

Dira Permana, M.Pd …………………… (Member)

Acknowledged by,

Dean of Faculty of Culture, Management Head of English Language

and Business Education

Muliani, M.Pd. Heri Hidayatullah, M.Pd.

NIK.495200312 NIK.552121016


The Undersigned Below:

Name : Khaerul Fadli Ahmad

Student Number : 17411020
Study Program : English Department
Address : Dusun Lendang Gagak, Desa Sukadana, Kecamatan
Bayan, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Barat

I hereby certify that this thesis entitled: “English Teachers’ Feedback on Students’
Writing Work in the New Normal Era” is my own work submitted as the partial
fulfillment of requirements for bachelor degree of education (S.Pd) at the
Mandalika University of Education (UNDIKMA Mataram) and it has never been
submitted to any university for any other purposes. The works of others cited here
have been properly acknowledged in the bibliography section.

Mataram, 09 December 2021

Khaerul Fadli Ahmad

NIM. 17411020


Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Bismillahirrohmannirrahim, Praise to Allah SWT who has given His grace

and guidance to us, and I do not forget to give thanks to the prophet Muhammad

SAW who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness, so that I can

complete this proposal entitled “English Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Writing

Work In the New Normal Era” in time. The purpose of writing this paper is to

qualify for S-1 at the University of Mandalika Mataram.

I would like to thank to my family who has given me support. I would like

to thank to my first supervisor Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum and second supervisor Dr. L.

Ari Irawan, SE.,S.Pd.,M.Pd who have guided me to finalize this thesis and

provide me with broad insights. Thank you to those who have helped me in

completing the thesis writing. I realized that my thesis is still far from by

perfectness, so I ask for the readers to give me suggestion.

Mataram, 09 December 2021

Khaerul Fadli Ahmad


KHAERUL FADLI AHMAD. English Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Writing

Work in the New Normal Era (supervised by Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum and Dr. L. Ari
Irawan, S.E., S.Pd., M.Pd.)

Feedback is information from the teacher to the students regarding to the students’
error in learning process, and the purpose of feedback given by the teacher could
improve students’ abilities in learning. In learning writing, feedback from the
teacher is needed by the students to improve their writing skills. Writing is a
complex process, arranging several words into a sentence and arranging several
sentences into a paragraph is not an easy thing to do. In addition, in writing a
sentence, the correct words are needed so that the reader can easily understand the
intent written by the author. Thus, this study aims to find out what types of
feedback given by the teacher to students in this new normal era, and what types
of feedback can improve students' writing skills. This research used qualitative
descriptive research. For data collection, researcher used the interview notes,
study document, and observation. This study took two English teachers and eight
students. In this study, the researcher interviewed English teachers and students
regarding the feedback the teacher gave during this new normal era. The
researcher found that the teachers used two types of feedback i.e. oral and written
feedback in correcting students' writing assignments. In addition, the researcher
found that all students experienced improvement after they were given feedback
by the teacher. Most students’ perception about feedback given by the teachers,
oral feedback is very effective and can improve their writing quality.
Keywords: Feedback, Teachers’ Feedback, Writing



MOTTO AND DEDICATION.........................................................................iv

APPROVAL ....................................................................................................v

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY.................................................................vii



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................x

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................1


A. Background of the Study......................................................................1

B. Research Questions...............................................................................4

C. Purpose of the Study.............................................................................5

D. Significant of the Study........................................................................5

E. Scope of the Study................................................................................5

F. Definition of Key Terms.......................................................................5

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................7

REVIEW OF RITERATURE...........................................................................7

A. Teachers’ Feedback..............................................................................7

1. Feedback...................................................................................7

2. Corrective Feedback.................................................................8

a. Written Corrective Feedback........................................10

b. Oral Corrective Feedback.............................................14

3. Effective Feedback...................................................................16

a. Choosing Feedback Strategy.................................................17

b. How to Know Whether Teachers’ Feedback are Good........21

B. Writing.................................................................................................. 22

1. Strategy in Teaching Writing....................................................22

a. Collaborative Writing ..........................................................23

b. Flipped Learning...................................................................24

2. Writing Process.........................................................................26

a. The Steps of Writing Process................................................27

3. Writing Problem.......................................................................28

a. The Internal Problem in Writing...........................................28

b. The External Problem in Writing.........................................30

4. Previous Studies........................................................................31

5. Theoretical Framework.............................................................33

CHAPTER III...................................................................................................35

RESEARCH METHOD...................................................................................35

A. Research Design...................................................................................35

B. Subject of the Study..............................................................................36

C. Data and Source of Data.......................................................................37

D. Research Instruments............................................................................38

E. Technique of Data Collection...............................................................43

F. Technique of Data Analysis..................................................................43

CHAPTER IV...................................................................................................49

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION................................................49

A. Findings................................................................................................49

B. Discussions ..........................................................................................57

CHAPTER V....................................................................................................64

A. Conclusion............................................................................................64

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................65


APPENDIX 1....................................................................................................69

APPENDIX 2....................................................................................................80

APPENDIX 3....................................................................................................84

APPENDIX 4....................................................................................................89

APPENDIX 5....................................................................................................97



A. Background of the Study

In learning process, feedback given by the teachers to the students which

aims to increase students’ motivation in learning is needed. With the feedback

given by the teacher, students’ interest in learning automatically increases. In

learning English for example, EFL teachers are required to provide feedback

to students, although the feedback is written or oral feedback. Oral feedback is

comments made by the teacher directly when the students’ error in their

performance and written feedback is comments made by the teacher in

students’ work sheet. Both oral and written feedbacks are important for

students to increase their knowledge, and this feedback very helpful for

students in learning process. Feedback is information given to students

regarding their abilities in activities towards achieving goals teaching in the

form of test scores, comments in assignments, and answer to questions

(Slameto in Anggraini, 2015; Cole & Chan in Febrianti, 2013). It means

feedback is information from the teacher to the students regarding to the

students’ error in learning process and the purpose of feedback given by the

teacher could improve students’ abilities in learning.

To improves students’ abilities need more feedback from the EFL teacher

in teaching and learning process. In line with this statement, Paul (2011)

expressed the opinion that feedback is to make the decision to identify the

error. The existence of feedback from the teacher can make it easier for

students to find their mistakes in learning activity. In addition, feedback is one

of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact

can be either positive or negative (Hattie & Timperley, 2007: 81).

When the teacher provides positive feedback to their students, they will

automatically be more interested in learning, and can easier to understand the

learning material that the teacher conveyed in classroom, (Hamre & Pianta,

2001; O’Connor & McCartney, 2007). While, negative feedback can make

students lack motivation in learning for reason of being afraid of the teacher

(Brockner, Derr, & Laing, 1987; Weidinger, Spinath, & Steinmayr, 2016).

Furthermore, according to Hattie and Timperley (2007: 81), feedback is

conceptualized as information provided by an agent (e.g., teacher, peer, book,

parent, self, experience) regarding aspects of one performance or

understanding. A teacher and parent can provide corrective information, peer

can provide an alternative strategy, book can provide information to clarify an


From any definition above, it can be concluded that feedback is a

response, stimulus, instruction from the teacher to students, which aim to

increase students’ motivation in learning and to achieve learning goals. To

achieve learning goals, the role of teacher in providing feedback is needed.

Teachers’ feedback is important thing for the students in teaching and learning

process. A good feedback from the teacher gives students about what they

need, so they can understand where they are in the learning and what to do

next (cognitive factor). Once they feel understand about what to do and why,

most the students develop a feeling that they have control over their own

learning (motivational factor), Brookhart (2008). Moreover, in teaching

writing process, feedback is also need by the students because it can be

decrease students’ error in writing and it can help them to make good sentence

or paragraph.

Teachers’ feedback in writing is very useful for students, because it can

make easier to the students to analyze their error in written (Siriluck, 2008).

Even more, writing is most difficult skill to learn and to master, because

writing is an active or productive skill so that students who are learning

writing have to learn how to find the ideas, and express them into writing.

Rechards and Renandya (2002) state that “there is no doubt that writing is the

most difficult skill for L2 learners to master. The difficulty is not only on

generating or organizing the ideas, but also distribute the ideas into

meaningful writing”. In addition, Brown (2004) states that “we also fully

understand the difficulty of learning to write “well” in any language, even in

our own native language. Every educated child in the develop countries learn

the rudiments of writing in his or her native language, but view learn to

express themselves clearly with logical, well-develop organization that

accomplishes an intended purpose”.

In learning writing in senior high school X Bayan, the teachers gave the

students feedback after they finished writing. In addition, the students are

expected to write some texts for example letters, short message, descriptive

text, recount text, procedure text, explanation text, and so on. After the

students finished doing their work, they collected the worksheet to the teacher.

The teacher corrected the students’ work by circling error words, adding or

omitting some words that are wrong and ungrammatical, and gave correct

sentence on the students’ worksheet. After that, the teacher gave the

assignment back to the teacher with purpose that the students would know

their mistake in writing. The students have to follow the writing steps. Harmer

(2004) states, “Process writing in classroom activity consisting of five stages:

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Teachers often plan

appropriate classroom activities that support the learning of specific writing

skills at every stage.” In fact, when the teacher gave the students task, they

hardly follow the writing stages in their writing. They often copied texts from

the other students who were good at English subject. Sometimes, they just

rearranged jumbled sentences given by the teacher or taken from the


B. Research Questions

This study aims to investigate the EFL teachers’ feedback on students’ writing

works at the secondary school (SMA) and students’ perceptions about the

feedback that given by the teacher in their work. To attain the research goal the

following two research questions are formulated:

1. What is the EFL teachers’ feedback on students’ writing works like amidst

Covid-19 pandemic at the senior high schools?

2. What are the EFL teachers’ feedbacks types enabling students to increase

their writing skills amidst Covid-19 at the senior high school.

C. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to identify the feedback that has been given by

the EFL teacher in learning process amidst Covid-19 at the senior high school

X Bayan and to identify the types of feedback that EFL teacher gave to the

students that can increase students’ writing work.

D. Significant of the Study

The result from this research was being benefit to the teachers and schools

about how to give corrective feedback to the students. Because a good

feedback from the teacher can increase students’ motivation in teaching

English writing skill and help students to master writing skill.

E. Scope of the study

This research was mainly focused on the feedback given by the teacher to the

students writing work of senior high school X Bayan. In addition, this research

focused on both teachers and students perceptions about “teachers’ feedback

on students’ writing work in the new normal era” in order to gain understand

of how instructional feedback given by the teacher in teaching writing.

F. Definition of Key Terms

The definitions of key terms divide into 2 types i.e. feedback and writing.

1. Feedback

Feedback is an important thing for improvement and development of

necessary knowledge and skills of the learners. It also raises learning

achievements and performance of learners and teachers. Therefore,

feedback is an important factor to create learning inspiration. Hattie (2007)

defined more complex about feedback. She beliefs feedback as an outlined

idea of information necessary for understanding performance from the

other people such as teacher, parents, book, and experience. The teacher or

parent gives feedback on what is right and wrong to the learners and by

experts to the teacher. Books provide a learners idea, and parents mentally

support to learners.

2. Writing

Writing is one of four skills that must be learn by the students when they

are in primary and secondary school. Writing is activity in arranging words,

phrases, and sentence that is grammatically correct and appropriate with its

purpose. In writing activity, especially in secondary school, students are

should be able to make such as narrative text, recount text, procedure text,

descriptive text, announcement text, explanation text, and storytelling of

their daily activity. From many texts that students should learn, writing is

difficult skill to master by the students, Mastan and Maroof (2014). So, the

role of teacher in learning writing in very needed for achieve learning




A. Teachers’ Feedback

The teacher feedback simply means that the teacher provides the students

with the correct form of their errors or mistakes whether this feedback is

provided orally or written. It shows them what is wrong and how it should be

written, but it is clear that it leaves no work for them to do and chance for them

to think what the errors and the mistakes are. The researcher focused on

explaining feedback, corrective feedback, and effective feedback used by the

teacher in this new normal era.

1. Feedback

The importance and influence of feedback is well-established in

literature. The purpose of feedback is to improve learning by reducing

discrepancies, closing gaps, improving one’s knowledge, and skill

acquisition (Moreno: 2004). Providing feedback on the results of

evaluating students’ learning on an ongoing basis provides stimulation to

students to be more active in learning and trying to fix their mistakes.

When the students study, they often need help finding answer for their

mistakes (Woolfolk, 2008). These may be through effective process such

as increased effort, motivation or engagement. Alternatively, the gap may

be reduced through a number of different cognitive processes including

restricting understanding, confirming to the students that they are correct

or incorrect, indicating that more information is available or needed,

pointing to directions students to purpose, and indicating alternative

strategies to understand particular information.

Harwood (2002) states that feedback is the part of writing program

which is either underused or misunderstood. Feedback need not be limited

to the overt correction of errors and the provision of comments and or

grades by the teacher. Feedback can (and should) be a learning experience,

which provides the link between consecutive writing lesson. During

feedback, learners are invited to identify the merits and shortcomings of

their writing performance, understand the reasons for these shortcomings

and the discussion of possible improvement. When learners have become

familiar with feedback procedures, feedback activities can also be set as


It can be conclude that feedback can be a stimulation or correction

from the teacher to the students which aim to increase students’ motivation

in learning and to achieve learning goals. To achieve learning goals, the

role of teacher is needed. The teachers’ feedback is very important thing

for the students in teaching and learning process. A good feedback from

the teacher can make students less mistakes in their learning process.

2. Corrective Feedback

Corrective feedback is a strategy that can be used to respond to the

result of formative assessment. Through corrective feedback, the students

can be aware of their mistakes and deepen their understanding of the

knowledge gained through learning experiences. So that learning

difficulties can be overcome and in the end, the quality of students’

learning outcomes becomes better. Corrective feedback is a teachers’

response to the students’ error (Dempsey, 1993; Brokly, 2008). In line

with this statement, Zang, at all, (2010) state that corrective feedback is a

teacher treatment in an effort to minimize students’ mistakes in learning

by informing about the fact of these errors. Even more, corrective

feedback is instruction or responses that students receive from the teachers

regarding their wrong assignments. The purpose of corrective feedback is

to minimize students’ error in learning process.

The focus of corrective feedback is on grammatical issues when giving

feedback on their students’ performance (Leyster at all, 2013). In

discussion about feedback on writing, it is common to differentiate

feedback on the content and organization of the writing form feedback on

the language form that have been used. It is generally agreed that feedback

on content is at least as important as feedback on form or accuracy. The

teachers who focused predominantly on grammatical accuracy in their

feedback were well advised to reconsider. The most common feedback

giving by the teacher in classroom action is focused on learners’ error i.e.

written corrective feedback and oral corrective feedback, Hattie &

Timperley (2007).

a. Written Corrective Feedback

Written corrective feedback (WCF) also known as error or

grammar correction in writing (Bitchener & Farris, 2012). WCF can

help students to improving language accuracy in a way that students

pay attention to the WCF that the teachers give. In giving WCF,

teacher should choosing words and phrases to present their feedback. It

is about choosing words and phrases to support students in seeing

themselves with a scholars’ identity (self-efficiency in learning) and as

active strategic in managing that learning (self-regulation) (Brookhart,

2008). Brookhart also mention three ways in choosing words and

phrases to students in giving WCF.

1) Clarity

Clarity is important for the students to understand information

that the teachers intended to the class. Students have different

vocabulary, background, and experience. The criterion for

clarity is whether the writing will be clear to individual


Figure 2.1. Feedback Clarity


 To maximize the chances that students will understand feedback

Example of good feedback clarity Example of bad feedback clarity

 Using simple vocabulary and  Using big words and

sentence structure complicated sentence

 Writing on students  Writing to show what the

developmental level teachers know, not what the

students need

 Checking that students  Assuming the students

understand the feedback understand the feedback

2) Specificity

In writing specific feedback to students writing work not

recommended to use such phrases like “write more and try

harder”. It does not give the students much guidance. What

should the students try to do more of or try to do more

intensively? Students with good attention who want to act on

your feedback may end up doing counter-productive things.

Figure 2.2. Feedback Specificity


 To give guidance but not to do the work for the students

 To give suggestions that are specific enough so that the students can take

concrete next steps

Example of good feedback specificity Example of bad feedback specificity

 Using a lot of nouns and  Using a lot of pronouns (this,

descriptive adjective that)

 Describing concepts or criteria  Copyediting or correcting every


 Describing learning strategies  Making vague suggestion (study

that may be useful harder)

3) Tone

Tone refers to the expressive quality of the feedback message,

and it affects how the message will be hear. Tone of message is

conveyed by word choice and style. Tone can inspire or

discourage. It is important to choose word that implies students

are an agents and active learners.

Figure 2.3. Feedback Tone and Word Choice


 To communicate respect for the students as a learner

 To position students as an agent (active, not passive)

 To inspire though, curiosity, and wondering

Example of good feedback word Example of bad feedback word choice


 Using words and phrases that  using words and phrases that

assume that students an active “lecture” or “boss”


 asking questions  Telling the students what to do

 Sharing what teachers  Assuming that your feedback is

wondering about the last word, the final expert


Ferris and Robbert (2001) mention that there are two ways of

giving written corrective feedback (indirect corrective feedback) to

the students in their worksheets i.e. code and uncoded feedback.

1. Code Feedback

Code feedback is provided to indicate that there is an error,

but it is not corrected, leaving the learner to discover and to

solve it (Bitchener, 2008; Ferris, & Roberts, 2001). Coded

feedback is one that specifies the exact location of an error and

indicates the type of error with a code. Lee’s (2008) survey also

found that the use of a correction code is helpful if symbols are

few in number and all understood by learners.

2. Uncoded Feedback

Uncoded feedback refers to instances when the teacher

underlines or circles an error, or places an error tally in the

margin, but, in each case, leaves the student to diagnose and

correct the error (Bitchener, Young, & Cameron, 2005).

Sampson's (2012) study regarding the effects of

uncoded correction which is writing the correct forms on each

error and coded annotations which is writing symbols for

learners in order to self-correct on EFL learners’ written

accuracy, found that coded feedback seems to be more

effective because of the increased cognitive engagement and

social interaction it affords. In addition, Erel and Bulut's (2007)

study investigated the effects of direct and indirect coded error

feedback on learners' accuracy in writing. According to the

results of the study, learners receiving indirect coded feedback

had fewer errors than the direct ones. It also seems logical that

using a code engages learners in self-editing and cognitive

error processing (Guénette, 2007).

b. Oral Corrective Feedback

Oral corrective feedback is particular type of correction

feedback that is employed by the teachers. Oral feedback is teacher

correction directly when students make mistake and teacher give

information to the students to revise their mistake and make their

work better than before. It also makes the students known where their

mistake they did. According to Brookhart (2008), oral feedback is

interactive feedback which the teacher can talk with the students. It

means that, oral feedback is conversation between teacher and

students about students’ performance. When perform, the teacher give

the feedback about students mistakes. The students can get clear

information about their mistake in their performance.

There are two protocol used by the teacher in giving oral

feedback to the students i.e. individual and group feedback, Brookhart


1. Individual Feedback

A facilitator may choose to provide individual feedback,

either in verbal or written form, which focuses on particular

individuals within a group. The focus of this feedback can relate

to the skills, behaviors, attitudes and knowledge an individual

within a group articulates. The situation where implementing

individual feedback may be useful is where other member within

a group are not being affected by the behavior of one individual

and have no contribution to offer, or when the facilitator wants

to help an individual member to receive group feedback. It can

also help the group to identify issues and motivate them to work

collaboratively in solving interactional problem and improve

performance, Mann (2012).

Brookhart (2017) argues that giving individual feedback

to learners has two benefits for the learners, because they can

be more specific to the student’s certain learning needs and

because it is private. Brookhart (2017) argue that giving

feedback to learners out of the group is more beneficial for


2. Group Feedback

Group feedback is a regular part of instruction in some

kinds of classes, Brookhart (2008). Giving group feedback to

students is expected to be able to help students understand the

learning material presented by the teacher. Brookhart (2008)

also mentions there are 4 ways of deliver oral feedback to

group or classes.

a. At the start of lesson, the teacher should summarizing

observation from the previous lesson.

b. At the beginning of teaching lesson, the teacher should give

explanation about the same learning target again and set a

purpose for the students.

c. During students’ performance, either lives or videotaped.

d. When a test or assignments return, summarizing overall

strengths and weaknesses.

3. Effective Feedback

Giving good feedback should be part of classroom assessment

environment in which students see constructive criticism as a good thing

and understand that learning cannot occur without practice (Brookhart,

2008). The problem of this theory is that not all feedback actually is

effective. To become effective feedback, the teachers should give the

students positive or good feedback in teaching and learning process. By

providing positive feedback on an ongoing basis, students will be able to

understand the material and increase students’ motivation. However, to

give effective feedback from the teachers to the students, Brookhart (2008)

defined three types of feedback that should teachers do in classroom.

a. Choosing Feedback Strategies

Feedback can vary in several dimensions: timing, amount, mode, and


1) Timing

A general principle for gauging the timing of feedback is to

put you in the students’ place. When would students want to hear

your feedback? When they are still thinking about the work, of

course, and when they still do something about it.

Figure 2.4. Feedback Timing


 For the students to get back while they are still mindful of the learning


 For students to get back while they are still time for them to act on it

Example of good feedback Example of bad feedback timing


 Returning a tests or assignments  Returning the tests or

the next day assignments two weeks after it

is completed

 Giving immediate to oral  Ignoring errors or

response or fact misconception

 Giving immediate to students  Giving over a tests or

misconception assignments when the unit is

over and there is no opportunity

to show improvement

Good timing: returning the tests and assignments promptly. A

teacher gave multiple choice tests, scored it later that day, and

returned the tests to students the next day. After the students

handed back the score tests, they spent class time going over the

answer. While, bad timing: delaying the return of tests or


2) Amount

Making judgment about amount feedback requires

considering all three simultaneously. Teachers should give

feedback to the students with clear understanding of what to do

next on a point of they need to work on.

Figure 2.5. Amount of Feedback


 For the students to get enough feedback so that they can understand what

to do but not so much that the work has been done for them (differs case

by case)

 For students to get feedback on “teachable moment” points but not an

overwhelming number

Example of good amounts of Example of bad amounts of feedback


 Selecting two or three main  returning a students’ paper in

points about the paper for every error in mechanic edited


 Giving feedback on important  Writing comment on a paper

learning target that are more voluminous than

the paper itself

 Commenting on at least as many  Writing in voluminous

strengths comment on poor-quality

papers and almost nothing on

good-quality paper

Good amount: using the goldilocks principle. The goldilocks

principle says, ‘not too much, not too little, but just right’. Than the

bad amount: just focus on mechanic. We can see the explanation


3) Mode

Feedback can be delivered in many modalities. Mode is

how the teachers deliver the feedback for the students, whether it is

oral or written. Good choice of mode is taking advantage of a

teachable moment. While bad choice of mode is the teachers

writing things the students cannot comprehend.

Figure 2.6. Feedback Mode


 To communicate the feedback message in the most appropriate way

Example of good feedback Example of bad feedback mode


 Using written feedback for  Speaking to students to save

comments that students need to themselves the trouble of

be able to save and look over writing

 Using oral feedback if there is  writing to students who do not

more information to convey than read well

students would want to read

 demonstrating how to do

something if the students need to

see how to do something or what

something look like

4) Audience

If the same message would benefit for a group of students,

providing feedback to the class or group can save time and also

serve as mini-lesson.

Figure 2.7. Feedback Audience


 to reach the appropriate students with specific feedback

 to communicate, through feedback, that the students learning is valued

Example of good choice of Example of bad choice of audience


 communicating with an  Using the same comments for

individual, giving information all students

specific to the individual


 Giving group or class feedback  Never giving individual

when the same mini-lesson or re- feedback because it takes too

teaching session is required for a much time

number of students

If the teachers speak to the class when only subset needs the

feedback, teachers can use the students who have mastered the

concept as the “more experience peer”, and helping teachers to

demonstrate the concept or skills. A good choice of audience:

using a group approach for a math demonstration. Than bad choice

of audience: math demonstration gone wrong.

b. How to Know Whether Teachers’ Feedback are Good

Teachers’ feedback is good if it is gets the following result:

1) Students do learn their work does improve

2) Students become motivated because they believe they can learn,

they want to learn, and they take more control over their own


3) A classroom become a place where feedback (including

constructive criticism) is valued and viewed as productive

Focus, comparison, function, and valence are choices about

what to say in teachers’ feedback. Teachers also have choices about

how to say things (clarity, specify, and tone).

B. Writing

Among the four language skill, “writing is the most difficult skill for

second or foreign learners to master” (Richards & Renandya, 2002), It is

because writing is considered as a complex process of putting ideas down on

paper to transform thoughts into words (Brown, 2001: 336). Since the idea or

though is an abstract thing which comes from our mind, it is not easy to

transform it into understandable or readable form.

In this study, the researcher will focused on strategy in teaching writing,

writing process, and writing problem.

1. Strategies in Teaching Writing

Teaching strategy is generalized plan for a lesson which includes

structure, instructional objectives and an outline of planed tactics,

necessary to implement the strategies (Stone & Morris, in Issac, 2010).

Furthermore, teaching tactics is the behavior of the teacher which he

manifests in the class i.e., the developments of the teaching strategies,

giving proper stimulus for timely responses, drilling the learner responses,

increasing the responses by extra activities and so on.

a) Collaborative Writing

Collaborative writing (CW) defined by Stroch (2011, p. 275) as

“the joint production or the coauthoring of a text by two or more

writers” is a mean to realizing joint language-related activity. The

focus of collaborative writing is not only on writing outcomes but also

on collective cognition, meaning each member of collaborative writing

process contribute to the others language development. Through

meaningful interaction, students may have opportunities to discuss and

negotiate language use, and this meditational process is expected to

facilitated second language development (Alwaleedi, 2017).

From those definition mentioned above we can conclude that

collaborative writing is a strategy to teach writing skill uses a group of

two or more students which aim to make it easier for the students to

understand about writing. In collaborative writing the role of peer

feedback is very important. Peer feedback can be define as “the use of

learners as sources of information or interaction for each other in such

a way that the learners assume roles and responsibilities normally

taken on by a formally trained teacher, tutor, or editor in commenting

on and critiquing each other’s draft in both written and oral format in

the process of writing” (Liu & Hansen, 2002 in Bijami; Kashef &

Nejad, 2013). It means that students can use peer feedback as a

substitute for a teacher in solve their writing problems. Although, peer

feedback just focus on content, organization, vocabulary and lead to

more reticent for students to accepting peer’s judgment (Gielen,

Peeters, Dochy, Onghena & Struyven, 2010). Therefore, students will

become motivated in writing and increase their writing ability.

b) Flipped Learning

Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct

instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual

learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a

dynamic, interactive learning environment where educator guides

students as the apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject

matter (Flipped Learning Network, 2014). In other words, flipped

learning can be define as an in class activity that is done at home and

homework that is done at school (Hwang, Lai & Wang, 2015, p. 450 in

Fauzan, 2018). Basically, the concept of model flipped classroom,

namely learning activities that usually completed in class now can be

completed at home, and learning activities that are usually done at

home now can be completed in class (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).

Students are read the materials, watch the learning videos before they

come to class and they start to discuss, exchange knowledge, solve the

problems with the help for other students and teachers.

According to Bergmann and Sams (2012) there are four aspects

that must be fulfilled by teachers when they implementing flipped

learning in the classroom.

1) Flexible Environment

a. Designing time and learning space according to the needs of


b. Observe and supervise learners to make appropriate judgments

c. Prepare various ways for students to learn and master content

2) Learning Culture

a. Provide opportunities for students to carry out independent


b. Dividing the material in various stages so that it is easily

understood by all students in different ways

3) Intentional Content

a. Prioritizing the concepts used in direct instruction so that

students can understand it in their own way

b. Develop content according to the needs of the students

c. Provides a variety of content that is easily accessible and

relevant for all students

4) Professional Educator

a. Guide all students both individually or in groups and provide


b. Conduct formative assessments during classroom learning

through observation to inform subsequent instructions

c. Collaborate and reflect with other educators

2. Writing Process

Learning to write is like learning to read. Both follow sequential process.

Writing requires and combines more basic skills than any other subjects.

Taking into account that developmental stage of students, educators teach

writing through a series of steps that build on a students’ learning

experience. Children are usually eager and willing to scribble their ideas

on paper. Even at early developmental stages, they are becoming writers.

Parents encourage the excitement of writing in their child by being interest

and involved with the writing process of their children used in school. The

writing process began with in the early grades by exposing students to

variety of quality books read aloud. Children see and hear the way that

authors used language to created and tell a story. Children use the books

they hear and read as models for their own writing.

As a children watch and listen, the teacher models the writing lesson

and encourages the children to add their idea as well. Sometimes writing

instruction may occur in small groups with a teacher or teaching assistant.

Small group instruction helps the students who may need extra attention

developed strategies needed to become independent writers. Most teachers

in grades as early as kindergarten use a writing process. This process

involves a several steps to guide students from the beginning of writing to

creating a finished peace. Harmer (2004) states, “Process writing in

classroom activity consisting of five stages: prewriting, drafting, revising,

editing, and publishing.

a. The Steps of Writing Process

1) Prewriting: Students brainstorm to generate idea for writing or

preparation process that the students can completed before they

actually write their paper, essay or summery. Students uses charts,

story webs, and graphic organizer to help them develop a word lists

for writing, decides the types of writing, audience, and determine

the purpose of writing.

2) Drafting: After thinking about topic and doing necessary

prewriting, the next steps in the writing process are writing

paragraph. Students put their ideas on paper and make a


3) Revising: The students use suggestion from classmates to make

additions or clarify detail. Students try to improve their writing on

their own paper. In this process, students try to rearranging, adding,

or removing paragraph, sentence, or words. Students may revise

their writing after a draft is complete or during the composing


4) Editing: Students work with the teacher or peers to correct their

mistake in grammar and spelling. In this process, students try to

analyze their own writing whether incorrect on grammar or


5) Publishing: The writing process is finally at its end. Students

publish their writing by making a copy in their neatest handwriting

or using a word processor.

3. Writing Problem

Nunan (2003) states that writing is the process of thinking to invent

ideas, thinking about how to express into good writing, and arranging the

ideas into statement and paragraph clearly. Through writing, people are

capable of sharing ideas, feelings, persuading and convincing others.

People may write for personal enjoyment or for some other purpose.

Beside personal enjoyment, there are some students’ internal and external

problems that commonly occurred in writing based on some expert as


A. The Internal Problems in Writing

1. Grammar Problem

Kharma (1987) in Melese (2007, p.12) states that students

have grammatical problems with subject verb agreement,

pronounce reference, and connectors.

a. Problem of Word Choice

Writing is second language using the appropriate words in

the appropriate place is a problem for students. The effort to

impress the reader leads to a problem of diction.

b. Cognitive Problem

2. Punctuation Problem

According to Byrne (1988), the pact that punctuation has

never been standard to the extent as spelling, makes it is


3. Capitalization Problem

Capital letter is useful for sentence initial, the beginning of

important words, in topics, heading. The problems occur because

the difficulty to classify noun as proper and common nouns

(Gowere at al., 1995)

4. Spelling Problem

Due to, the influence of other languages, variant

pronunciation and other historical reason, the English spelling

system which has become inconsistent is complex for students

(Gowere at al., 1995).

5. Content Problem

Learners of English as second or foreign language also face

problems of exploring ideas and though to communicate with


6. Problem Organization

Learners have problem of structuring the paragraph, topic

development of paragraph structuring the whole discourse and a

theme in a discourse, differentiating a topic, supporting ideas or

generalization, and specific detail.

B. The External Problem in Writing

1. Lack of Knowledge About Writing Stages

Byrne (1988, p.4) classifies the writing complexities into

psychological, linguistic and cognitive problem. It means that the

writing does not come naturally but rather gained through

continuous effort and much practice, it become a complex skills.

2. Lack Learners’ Motivation

Writing task can be developed rapidly when the students

concern and interest are acknowledged, when they are given

numerous opportunities to write and when they are encourage

becoming participants. It means that learners will be encourage

writing if writing task motivates them and keep them interested.

a. Inadequate Time

Learners need time for gathering idea, organization their

ideas, writing drafts, proof reading and re-writing. According

to Guantum and Chackraverty (2000) writing is an important

part of learning, is essentially a reflective activity that requires

enough time to think about the specific topics. It means that

when we write, we need more times to think about what we are

wanted to write in our paper.

b. Lack of Practice

According to Davis (1998), “writing is essentially a

creative process and good writers must learn to communicate

their ideas clearly to an unseen audience. In addition, learners

must take the responsibility for their learning if meaningful

learning is to take place”. Furthermore, to become good writers

a student need to write a lot.

c. Teachers’ Feedback

Byrne (1988, p. 29) thinks that if teachers are to be truly

readers rather than judges, they should perhaps look not so

much what the learners have failed to achieve but rather at what

they actually succeed in doing. This might help students write

to appreciate receiving comments and use them in their


4. Previous Studies

According to (Sattar & Salehi, 2014), strategies do not only

provide the students chance to engage with a text, interact with the

different aspect of the text, and participate in activities that are in higher

level but also to help the students to process the text more rapidly. Here

are the previous studies about teachers’ feedback in writing skill.

The first research was by M Tolkhah Adityas 2008 in English

Language Education Study Program Department of Language and Arts

Education Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma

University, under a title of “The Effect of Teacher’s Feedback in Speaking

Class on Students’ Learning Experience”. It shows that in teaching

speaking skill, the teachers only focused on two feedbacks such as:

informational feedback and affective feedback. The teachers focused more

on giving informational feedback which concerned about the grammatical,

vocabulary, and pronunciation. In addition, the teachers directed affective

feedback to the individuals rather than to the whole class, but delivered

informational feedback to the whole class rather than to the individuals.

The second research was by Devigantari Agusta 2015 in English

Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts State University of

Yogyakarta under a title of “Improving Students’ Ability in Writing

Narrative Texts Using Short Animate Stories”. This research was in

SMPN 2 Sanden Bantul in the academic year of 2013/2014. This action

research was successful to improve writing ability by using short animate

videos. It was successful in several aspects; they were content,

organization, and grammar. This action research consisted of using

animate videos as modeling of the input texts combined with the

implementation of dome supporting actions such as providing narrative

reading text, providing vocabulary and grammar exercise and giving

feedback to them.

5. Theoretical Framework

There are two variables in theoretical framework on this research

consist of teachers feedback and writing work.

Figure 2.13. Theoretical Framework

Teachers’ Feedback Writing Work


Learning Goals

Teachers’ feedback is error correction given by the teacher to the

students. Teachers notifying students mistake about their assignment, it

will make easier for the students to correct their mistakes. Providing

feedback to the students, teachers should give the students corrective

feedback. Based on Zang, at all, (2010), they state that corrective

feedback is a teacher treatment in an effort to minimize students’

mistakes in learning by informing about the fact of these errors. Even

more, corrective feedback is instruction or responses that students receive

from the teachers regarding their wrong assignments. The purpose of

corrective feedback is to minimize students’ error in learning process. In

addition, students should aware about the feedback was given by the

teacher in order to make them understand about the lesson. Paying

attention to the feedback given by the teacher students will easily to

develop their writing skill. Furthermore, in most senior high school,

teachers give corrective feedback to the students after they finished their

work. Teachers give feedback on the students’ writing work, in order to

students can know their mistakes and they can fix their mistake in the

next assignment.

Writing is a complicated process. Recahrds and Renandya (2002:

30), state that “there is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for

L2 learners to master. The difficult lies not only in generating and

organizing the ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text”.

It means that writing is difficult skill to master by the students. In writing

the learners should think about the idea and put the idea to the text.

Students should make a text which has meaning for the readers. In Senior

High School, students expected to write a various number of a texts such

as narrative, descriptive, recount, and procedure text. It makes the writing

skill is most difficult skill to master by the students.

It can be conclude that teachers’ feedback in writing work is

needed by the students to improve their writing skill and achieve learning

goals. To achieve learning goals, the role of teachers in giving corrective

feedback to the students is needed. When giving corrective feedback to

the students correctly, the teachers can automatically handle the learning

process to be more conducive and easy to achieve learning goals



A. Research Design

This researcher employed qualitative research. The reason for using

this method was to know the feedback given by teacher on writing work in the

new normal era. Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and

understanding the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human

problem, Creswll (2009). The process of research involves emerging questions

and procedures, data typically collected in the participant’s setting, data

analysis inductively building from particular to general themes, and the

research making interpretation of the meaning of the data. Qualitative

approach used because this research attempted to describe particular

phenomenon occurring in reality from which qualitative data could be derive.

Phenomenological is type of research aim to describe, explain, and interpret

phenomenon, situation or experience by identifying the meaning of these as

understood by the participant, often at an individual as well as group level

(Marshal & Rossman, 2016). The phenomenon of this research was the

English teachers’ feedback on students’ writing work in the new normal era

and the students. Even more, the research attempted to investigate teachers’

feedback on students’ writing work in senior high school X Bayan.

B. Subject of the Study

This research was in attempted to investigate the EFL English

teachers’ feedback on students’ writing work in the new normal era in senior

high school X Bayan north Lombok and the students’ perception about the

feedback that given by the teacher in writing work. The subject of this study

was the EFL English teachers in senior high schools of Bayan and the


Before conducting research at SMAN X Bayan, the researcher selected

4 teachers who taught English at SMAN X Bayan. After doing the research,

the researcher was took 2 teachers, because 1 teacher was transferred to

sociology and the other teacher did not want to be interviewed. On the other

hand, the researcher has selected 8 students in which 4 students from teacher

W and 4 students from teacher S.

In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling to collect the

data from the subject. Purposive sampling technique also called judgment

sampling is the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities

informant processes. Nonrandom technique does not need underlying theories

or a set number of informants. Simply put, the researcher decides what need to

be known and set out to find people who can and are willing to provide the

information by virtue of knowledge or experience (Bernard, 2002, Lewis &

Sheppard, 2006).

A. The criteria for the teacher

1. Teaching English in SMAN X Bayan

2. Teaching in eleven and ten grade

a. Teacher W teaching in ten grade

b. Teacher S teaching in eleven grade

3. Teaching English more than five years

B. The criteria for students

1. Eleven and ten grade

a. 4 students who taught by teacher W

b. 4 students who taught by teacher S

2. Gender: male and female

a. 4 males

b. 4 females

3. Achievement: low improvement and high improvement

a. 4 students has high improvement

b. 4 students has low improvement

C. Data and Source of Data

The data in this study was used interview notes, observation notes, and

documents. The source of the data was used EFL English teachers’ feedback

on students’ writing work and the students’ perception about the feedback that

given by the teacher in their writing work. In another hand, before conducting

the research, the researcher asked first for the data in the form of student

writing work that had been given feedback by the teachers. Teacher W gave 4

books of students writing work which he had been given feedback. While,

teacher S gave 2 books of students writing work which she had given

feedback. On the other hand, the researcher asked the opinion of the teacher to

direct the researcher to take 4 students who met the criteria listed in the

subject of the study.

D. Research Instruments

1. Interview Sheet

The research instrument of this study was used the form of interview

sheet, observation, and documents. Interview sheet used in this research

was unstructured interview with a model of open-ended questions. The

unstructured interview was an open situation, having greater flexibility and

freedom (Cohen, 2018). In order to answer the research problem, the

researcher divided interview sheet into two types, which is interview sheet

for the teacher and interview sheet for the students.

a) Interview Sheet for Teacher

Figure 3.1. Interview Sheet for Teacher

No Questions Answer
1. What is feedback
type’s do you usually
apply during this new
normal era? Apakah
jenis feedback yang
biasanya diterapkan
pada masa new normal
2. How do you give
feedback to your
students? bagaimana
cara anda menerapkan
feedback kepada
Do students experience
improvement after
being given feedback?
Apakah siswa merasa
ada peningkatan
setelah diberikan
4. Is the improvement

experienced by the
students significantly
or low? Apakah
peningkatan yang
dialami oleh siswa itu
secara significant atau
5. How do you treat
students who do not
have an improvement
in writing
Bagaimana cara anda
memperlakukan siswa
yang tidak memiliki
peningkatan dalam
menulis tugas?
6. How do you know the
improvement that
occurs in students?
bagaimana cara anda
peningkatan yang
dialami oleh siswa?
7. Can the feedback you
give be understood by
students? apakah
feedback yang ada
berikan kepada siswa
bisa dimengerti?

b) Interview Sheet for Students

Figure 3.2. Interview Sheet for Students

No Questions Answer Notes

1. What are the types of

feedback that usually given

by your teacher?/ apakah

tipe feedback yang

biasanya diberikan oleh

guru kepada siswa?

2. What is your opinion about

feedback that given by the

teacher?/ apakah pendapat

anda tentang feedback

yang diberikan oleh guru?

3. Is there any improvement

when your teachers give

you feedback?/ apakah

anda merasa ada

peningkatan ketika guru

memberikan feedback

kepada anda?

4. Did you understand about

feedback given by your

teacher?/ apakah anda

mengerti tentang feedback

yang diberikan oleh guru?

The researcher made two kinds of interview, which are for teacher and

for students. It can make easier for the researcher to collect the data and

can answer the research questions. The researcher made questions into

Indonesia language to make it easier for the researcher.

2. Observation Sheet

Observation is a method of data collection in which researcher

observes within a specific research field. Observation aims to describe an

object or event through observation using the five senses.

Figure 3.3. Observation Sheet

Observation Sheet




Object Observation:


A. Descriptive Part

B. Reflective Part

The researcher took form of observation sheet from Dr. Lalu Ari

Irawan, S,E, S.Pd, M.Pd. It can make easier for the researcher to observe

the feedback given by the teacher and the students’ improvement in

writing work.

3. Document Study

Document is a systematical procedure for reviewing or evaluating

documents both printed and electronic. Documents contain text and image

that have been recorded without researcher’s intervention (Corbin &

Strauss, 2008).

a) Document Correction

Figure 3.4. Document Correction from the Teachers

No Code/symbol Form Meaning Example






The researcher made document correction from the teacher; it

contains any kind of feedback given by the teacher for students in their

worksheet in the new normal era in SMAN X Bayan.

E. Technique of Data Collection

After preparing all instruments to collect the data, the researcher

processes the data collection into three sessions in order to make the process

easier. The first session of data collection is the researcher tries to give the

subject (EFL English teachers and the students) questioner about the feedback

was given by the subject in the teaching writing class. The second session of

data collection is the researcher tries to observation the feedback that given by

the teacher to the students and the students perception about the feedback that

given by the teacher. The last session of data collection is the researcher tries

to take the document in the form of students’ work sheet, which has been

corrected by the teacher.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Researcher adopted a method of data analysis from a book of

qualitative data analysis 3rd edition by (Miles, Huberman & Saldana, 2014 in

Ramli, 2020).

1. Data condensation

It refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and/or transforming the data that appear in the full corpus

(body) of written-up field notes, interview transcripts, documents, and

other empirical materials.

A. The scenario of three-process interview data condensation in this study

will describe in the paragraph bellow.

1) Researcher transcribed data both form teacher and students of

interview sheet and voice recorder.

2) Researcher selected the most important or appropriate data.

3) Researcher will only take the data that connect to two research

questions made before.

B. The scenario of two-process observation data condensation in this

research will describe in the paragraph bellow.

1) Researcher tries to choose the teacher and the students base on the


2) Researcher tries to write the most important thing base on

observation on the teacher and the students

C. The scenario of two-process documents data condensation in this

research will describe in the paragraph bellow.

1) Researcher tries to collect the documents form teacher or students

2) Researcher tries to take only the documents from the students who

have improvement on writing work

2. Data Display

Generically, data display is an organized, compressed assembly of

information that allows conclusion drawing and action. In daily life,

displays vary from gasoline gauges to newspapers to Facebook status

updates. Looking at displays helps us understand what is happening and to

do something either analyze further or take action based on that

understanding. In the process of data display, researcher discussed data

more detail. Researcher displayed data in form of matrix (Ramli, 2020).

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The last step of data analysis is making conclusion. Making

conclusion is a process where researcher interprets data from the start of

data collection along with the explanation. In this last step, researcher

made conclusion towards all data obtained by brief explanation on how the

EFL English teachers give feedback to the students in teaching writing

class, and the students perception about feedback given by the teacher

which increase their writing skill.

Interview with Teacher

Teacher W
No Questions Answer
1. What is feedback There are two types of feedback that were usually
type’s do you usually given by the teacher to the students during the new
apply during this new normal era;
normal era?
Written feedback: The teacher usually gives
written feedback to the students in the students’
Oral feedback: In the next meeting teacher always

gives oral feedback to the students, so that all
students understand the feedback that the teacher
gives in their assignments.

2. How do you give When teacher give feedback in front of the class, he
feedback to your usually choose 3-5 students who has many
students? mistakes in writing. Than call students to write
their work on the whiteboard to explain.
3. Do students During this pandemic, most students who care
experience about their assignments are minimal. In the
improvement after classroom only about 40% of them collect
being given feedback? assignments and understand the material presented.
4. Is the improvement The increase that occurred to students significantly
experienced by the after getting feedback even though it could not be
students significantly 100%.
or low?
5. How do you treat Teacher has 4 ways
students who do not 1. provide opportunities for students to improve
have an improvement their assignments
in writing 2. When the student does not do the first command,
assignments? the teacher will call the student to ask the student's
3. Calling the parents of students to go to school
4. provide standard value
6. How do you know the The teacher always discusses the previous
improvement that material which aims to make students understand.
occurs in students? In addition, teacher also always pay attention to the
developments that occur in his students.
7. Can the feedback you The feedback provided by the teacher is easy for
gibe be understood by students to understand. proven by the significant
students? increase experienced by students

See more data on appendix

Interview with Students

Female (teacher W)
Student N (high achievement)
No Questions Answer
15. What types of feedback do The teacher provides two types of feedback in
teachers usually give to correcting students’ assignments. Teacher
students? gives written feedback in students’
worksheet and the teacher also explains
orally where the error is. It makes students

understand about the feedback given by the
16. What do you think about She can learn where her mistakes are when
the feedback given by the she writes
teacher during this new
normal era?
17. Do you feel any She feels there is a change when given
improvement after the feedback by the teacher
teacher gives feedback?
18. Do you understand about She always forgot about the feedback was
the feedback given by the given by the teacher.
teacher in this new normal
See more data on appendix

Document correction from the teacher

See more data on appendix

Observation on how the teacher gives feedback to the students

No Statements of the Meaning Feedback from the

teacher teacher
82. Students assignment it Error I and my friend almost
does not has any Example: train with my train every afternoon
subject friend almost every
83. Students assignment Error Rosiana learn English
just write phrase Example: learn in in her class

84. Students assignments Error I usually wash my hair
has errors in writing Example: I usuly wash every week
words hair eviry week
85. Students assignments Error Both my finger and
has error in writing Example: but my finger nails look beautiful
word and nails look beautiful

See more data on appendix



A. Findings

Based on the observation and interview, the researcher found the types of

feedback that were given by the teacher on the students’ writing work in the

new normal era in senior high school X Bayan and the students’ responses

about the teachers’ feedback. Each of the findings would be explained in the

following explanation.

1. Types of teachers’ feedback on students’ writing work in the new

normal era in senior high school X Bayan

In this study, the researcher found that the teachers, who taught English in

senior high school X Bayan, used two types of feedback (i.e. written and

oral feedback).

a. Oral Feedback

In this study, the researcher found that the oral feedback that the

teacher gave to students in the new normal in correcting students'

writing was divided into 2 points i.e. practicality and target of


1) Practicality

In practicality, researchers divide it into 2 types i.e.

practical and non-practical.

Teacher W used oral feedback to give explanations clearly

to the written feedback he has given on the students’ worksheets.

He chooses 3-5 students’ writing work to be corrected directly in

front of the class and he gives corrections using the whiteboard.

So, the other students could understand about feedback that given

by the teacher and find the correct answer. Deeper, the researcher

observed with teacher W in the classroom. In given oral feedback,

teacher W calls 4 students to write their assignment on the

whiteboard. After the students finished writing their assignment

teacher W gives feedback in front of the class. See data number

2,82,83,84, and 85

In non-practical, only teacher S does not discuss the written

feedback she has written on student worksheets. Teachers only

provide explanations related to learning materials to students.

Students are given time to ask questions related to the explanation

the teacher gives in front of the class. If there are no students who

ask, the teacher will assume that all students understand the

material that the teacher gives to students. See data number 8

2) Target of Feedback

On the target of feedback, researchers divide it into 2 types

i.e. individual and group feedback.

Teacher W explains the students’ mistakes at the level of

the classroom. He gives feedback in front of the class which

aims to make it easier for students to understand the written

feedback that has been given in their work. See data number 2

and 6

Teacher S used oral feedback at the level of the classroom

to explain the material to students. She gives direct feedback in

front of the class. She gives oral feedback to motivate students

to be more active in learning. See data number 8 and 14

Teacher W provides oral feedback in the form of

suggestions to students who do not do a writing assignment.

With students being advised against in doing their assignments,

it is hoped that students can do their assignments correctly. See

data number 5

Teacher S provides oral feedback in the form of

encouragement and motivates students to learn and correct their

mistakes. The motivation given by the teacher aims to solve the

problems that students experience in learning. See data number

b. Written Feedback

In this study, the researcher found code feedback and

uncoded feedback when observation on Friday, March 26 th, 2021

directly ordered by Mr. Lalu Ari Irawan, S. E, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Written corrective feedback was found by the researcher when the

researcher conducts research. The researcher found that types of

written feedback that are usually given to students during the new

normal era teach writing skills. Teacher S and teacher W used two

types of written feedback (i.e. code feedback and uncoded


1) Code Feedback

Teacher S used code feedback in correcting students’

assignments in the new normal era. In providing code

feedback the teacher only gives the sign in the form of the

correct mark (₰), letter (X), score (0-100), and signature on

the student worksheets that make errors when writing

sentences. See data number 48, 49, 50, 51, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,

80, and 81

Teacher W used oral feedback in correcting students’

assignments in the new normal era. In providing code

feedback, the teacher gives the sign in form of a circle (O), an

arrow (→), underline in students’ error( __ ), signature, and

dash ( --- ). it means the words that circle has the error. See

data number 47, 51, 54, 55, 56, 59, and 70

2) Uncoded Feedback

In using uncoded feedback, teacher W gives

corrections in students’ words or sentence mistakes. The

teacher gives the correct answer to students’ mistakes in

writing assignment with an arrow to easier for students to see

the correct answer and directly write the correct answer on

students’ errors in writing. See data number 52, 53, 64, 65,

and 67

2. The Feedback that Can Improve Students Writing Work

To answer the second research questions, based on interview with

teachers and students in senior high school X Bayan, the researcher

divided into two type i.e. teachers’ perception and students’


a. Teacher Perceptions

In this study, the researcher divides the teacher perspective into

2 i.e. teacher W and teacher S.

Teacher W said, in this new normal era, most students who

care about their assignments are minimal. After the teacher gives

feedback about how they will do the assignments. The students felt

motivated by the teacher and want to collect their assignments. See

data numbers 3, 4, 6, and 7

Teacher S said, in this new normal era, most students who

care about their assignments are a few of them. Besides, after being

given feedback and motivation by the teacher, most of the

improvements experienced by the students are significant. The

teacher knows the improvement experienced by students by paying

attention to each task that has been given. See data number 10, 11,

12, and 13

b. Students Perceptions

In this study, the researcher divided the perspectives of

students who were taught by teacher W and teacher S.

1) Students who taught by teacher W

In this study, the researcher divides the students based on their

learning achievement following what has been written in

chapter III. The researcher gives a code in the form of the letter

F which indicates (female) and the letter M which indicates


a) F1 (female students with high achievement)

From the feedback given by the teacher in the new normal

era, students can learn their mistakes. It makes students feel

improvement when the teacher provides two feedbacks in

correcting students writing work. See data number 15, 16,

and 17

b) F2 (female students with low achievement)

The teacher directly explains the error made by the

students in class. It can make students understand where

their mistakes were. Besides, students felt improvement

after being given feedback by the teacher in class. See

data number 19, 20, and 21

c) M1 (male students with high achievement)

In correcting, students writing work in the new normal

era teacher used two types of feedback. It makes students

understand and make students feel improvement after

being given feedback by the teacher. See data number 23,

24, and 25

d) M2 (male students with low achievement)

The teacher always gives oral feedback in this new

normal era in correcting students writing work. After

being given feedback students felt understood where to

use a capital letter in the sentence. He felt oral feedback

was more effective than written feedback in correcting

students writing work. See data number 27, 28, 29, and


2) Students who taught by teacher S

In this study, the researcher divides the students based

on their learning achievement following what has been

written in chapter III. The researcher gives a code in the form

of the letter F which indicates (female) and the letter M

which indicates (male).

a) F1 (female students with high achievement)

The teacher always gives oral feedback in correcting

students writing work. The explanation of oral feedback

is very lacking from the teacher. From the explanation by

the teacher students felt improvement. Besides, the

teacher rarely comes to class in this new normal era. See

data number 31, 32, and 33

b) F2 (female with low achievement)

The explanations about oral and written feedback in this

new normal era are very lacking from the teacher. The

explanations from the teacher it’s hard to understand.

Besides, after being given feedback by the teacher

students felt improvement. See data number 35, 36, 37,

and 38

c) M1 (male students with high achievement)

The teacher provides oral feedback in correcting students

writing work and rarely gives written feedback. Besides,

the teacher explains oral feedback more clear than written

feedback in correcting students writing work. After given

feedback students felt improvement. See data number 39,

40, and 41

d) M2 (male students with low achievement)

Students felt well understood oral feedback when the

teacher gives oral feedback than written feedback. It

makes students feel improvement in writing assignments.

See data number 43, 44, 45, and 46

B. Discussions

As explained in the findings above, the researcher makes an important

point to explain in detail about the findings. The researcher made 4 points,

namely oral visual feedback, group vs. individual feedback, code and uncoded

feedback, and paradoxical perception of teachers and students.

1. Oral Visual Feedback

The teacher gives written feedback on the student worksheets that have

an error related to the assignments that have been ordered the previous

week. At the next meeting, the teacher discusses the student's assignments

in class to be given oral feedback, Brookhart (2017). Oral feedback that

the teacher gives when teaching writing in the classroom is by using the

whiteboard as a place for delivering the feedback. The teacher focused on

giving oral feedback is on the ungrammatical error made by the students in

their assignments. The teacher calls the students to rewrite their

assignments on the blackboard for correction. The teacher's protocol of

providing oral visual feedback is as follows:

a. Oral Feedback Protocol

1) The teacher identifies errors in student writing

2) Explain error

3) Suggest revision

b. Visual Feedback Protocol

1) Copying students worksheets to the whiteboard

2) Appointing error in the students’ works

3) Suggesting revision

After the students whom the teacher calls on to rewrite their

assignments, the teacher immediately identifies the errors in the student's

writing. Then the teacher explains the location of the student's error by

giving a circle to the writing of the student who has an error in their

writing. After that, the teacher gives suggestions for the correct writing

related to the word circled on the whiteboard. Moreover, the teacher

allows students to identify their friend's writing on the whiteboard. With

the teacher providing opportunities for students to speak their opinions

regarding the writings of their friends who have errors, it will create

confidence in students to express their opinions. The strategy applied by

the teacher is very good for the development of the students.

Even more, the teacher providing oral visual feedback to students in

front of the class can make it easier for students to understand grammar

when writing assignments. In addition, the teacher explains the material in

front of the class using 2 languages i.e. English and Indonesian. The

teacher explains the material to students in the English language and

directly translates it into the Indonesian language. That's why the

explanation that the teacher gives was very easy for students to


On the other hand, students who are asked by the teacher to write their

assignments in front of the class will increase their confidence, even

though the assignments they have written have grammar errors. Students

will not feel ashamed of their writing that has errors, because the teacher

has motivated students so that all students are confident. Moreover, the

teacher forbids all students to laugh at or vilify the results of their friends'

assignments in front of the class. Together with this, all students are not

afraid to do their assignments. Every time a student answers a question or

wants to do an assignment in front of the class, the teacher always gives

appreciation in the form of applause. So, students' motivation to learn will

increase in the future.

Other teachers give feedback to students orally in front of the class,

feedback that the teacher gives regarding the learning material explained

by the teacher. After explaining the learning material, the teacher

immediately asked the students about their understanding of the material

that had been delivered. If there are no students asking questions, the

teacher will give assignments to test the student's understanding. Thus the

teacher can find out whether all students understand related to the learning

material that has been delivered.

2. Group vs. Individual Feedback

Giving group and individual feedback to students is needed by

students to understand the learning material. Group feedback is usually

given by the teacher when transferring learning material in the classroom.

While individual feedback is given by the teacher outside the classroom

which aims to provide a deeper understanding to students who do not

understand the learning material that the teacher conveys in class,

Brookhart (2017). Usually, the teacher gives group feedback to students to

transfer learning material. Giving group feedback aims to make all

students understand the material that has been delivered by the teacher.

Besides that, other teachers provide group feedback to students by

discussing written feedback that has been written on student worksheets

that have an error. Thus, what the teacher has written on the student

worksheets is easy for students to understand. Discussing the previous

material is something that is very rarely done by most teachers in general.

Most teachers want to complete learning materials quickly without

knowing whether their students understand or not.

Besides, the teacher also provides individual feedback to students

who have low motivation in learning. The teacher gives advice and

motivation to students so that they want to learn and do the tasks given by

the teacher. In a lesson, giving individual feedback to students is very

important in increasing students' interest and knowledge. Individual

feedback is believed to be able to give students free time to ask questions

regarding what problems have not been understood by students. Because

students can freely ask the teacher-related learning materials that they do

not understand.

3. Coded and Uncoded Feedback

This research is similar to the research conducted by Ferris and

Roberts (2001) which found that written corrective feedback (WCF) is

classified into 2 type’s i.e. direct and indirect corrective feedback (coded

& uncoded corrective feedback). In this study, the researcher found that

when teachers give coded feedback they tend to use circling, underlining,

or mark it at its location in a text, with or without a verbal rule reminder or

error code. In addition, in this study, each teacher has a different way of

giving code feedback to students. Teachers have their way of providing

code feedback to students. The teacher provides code feedback by circling

the student's writing that has errors, gives underline, and gives dash, and

signature on the student's writing. In contrast to this, other teachers when

giving code feedback to students tend to use a correct mark which

indicates that the student's writing is correct. Besides that, the teacher also

gives a cross out on the writing of students who have an error. Plus the

teacher also gives scores and also signatures on student writing.

This is different from the uncoded feedback that the teacher gave

during this new normal era at SMA X Bayan, in that the teacher gave the

correct answer regarding the word, phrase, or sentence that the teacher had

marked. The teacher gives the correct answer above and below the

student's writing that has an error. If there is no space to fill in the correct

answer, the teacher provides a tool in the form of arrows to show the

location of the correct answer to the students. This is intended for students

who have errors to improve their writing.

4. Paradoxical Perception of Teachers and Students

Paradoxical perception between teachers and students, related to the

problem of providing feedback from teachers which students feel is

lacking in this new normal period. The teacher feels that in this new

normal period, most students are very negligent of the learning provided

by the teacher. In addition, the teacher feels that interest in learning in

students has decreased drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a

result, many students do not want to do the assignments given by the

teacher. The teacher feels that there is nothing wrong with the teaching

method that has been conveyed to students. The explanation given by the

teacher can be understood by all students in the class. Even more, the

teacher provides opportunities for students to ask questions regarding

material that has not been understood after being explained by the teacher.

In addition, the teacher also provides individual feedback to students

who do not understand the learning material or help students solve their

problems. The teacher provides opportunities for students to ask questions

related to learning material that has not been understood outside the

classroom. The purpose of the teacher giving this is so that students have

plenty of time to ask questions related to the problem, Brookhart (2017).

The teacher tries to provide a deeper understanding to students who

experience complaints outside the classroom. After being given feedback

by the teacher, the students felt an improvement. Moreover, to find out the

improvement experienced by students, the teacher always pays attention to

the student worksheets. Thus, the teacher can know that students

experience an increase or decrease during learning.

Meanwhile, some students felt that the feedback that the teacher gave

in this new normal period was very lacking. The explanation given by the

teacher is very difficult for students to understand in the class. The teacher

often imposes assignments on students while the students do not

understand the explanation given by the teacher. Thus, students feel

burdened by assignments that are often given by the teacher. In addition,

teachers also rarely come to class to teach students in this new normal

period. However, all students felt that there was an improvement after

being given feedback by the teacher. Providing feedback from the teacher

is needed to increase student knowledge and help students solve problems.



A. Conclusion

The teacher at senior high school X Bayan have their own way of giving

feedback to students inside and outside the classroom. The teacher provides

feedback on student writing using two types of feedback i.e. written feedback

and oral feedback. The written feedback that the teacher gives uses two types

i.e. code and uncoded. Furthermore, the teacher gives oral feedback to students

by repeating the previous learning material. The teacher also provides feedback

to students outside of class hours which aim to provide motivation so that

students understand the learning provided by the teacher in the classroom.

The teacher provides two types of feedback to students’ i.e. written and

oral feedback, written feedback that the teacher gives to students only applies

code feedback or direct correction. Furthermore, the oral feedback that the

teacher gives to students in class only explains the learning material that aims

to understand students during class hours. Outside of class hours the teacher

also provides feedback by motivating students and assisting students in doing

their assignments. The teacher always pays attention to student assignments to

find out the improvement experienced by all students in the class.

Based on the result of this study, the conclusion can be stated that the

types of teachers’ feedback use by the teachers in senior high school X Bayan

was written and oral feedback. In addition, the feedback that can improve

students writing work based on perception from the teachers and the students

was oral feedback.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestions which can help teachers and schools provide feedback to the


In senior high school X Bayan, it does not have a standard protocol for

providing feedback on students’ worksheets during this new normal era. The

absence of standard feedback on student worksheets makes teachers provide

feedback on students’ writing with their own accord. Each teacher has their

own way of providing feedback on students’ writing work. The feedback given

by the teacher on the students’ worksheets does not require students to make

improvements. Students are not encouraged to make revisions related to the

feedback that the teacher gives on their worksheets. In addition, the

communication pattern that the teacher provides in the classroom was

considered ineffective in provided feedback to students. Some students felt

they do not understand the explanation given by the teacher in class.

Teachers pay less attention to students who do not understand the learning

material in the classroom. That makes it difficult for students to understand the

feedback that has been given by the teacher.

To all teachers and schools, it is hoped that all schools will develop a

standard protocol for providing feedback on students’ writing work. Because of

the schools which do not have a standard feedback protocol, the teacher will

arbitrarily give feedback to students. Thus students will not feel developed by

giving feedback from the teacher. Besides, the teacher is expected to be able to

provide clear feedback to students, by providing a more in-depth explanation

related to the feedback that has been written on the students’ worksheet. Thus,

students will find it helpful to do the assignments that the teacher has given.

When providing feedback in the classroom, the teacher is expected to be

able to make all students understand the feedback that has been given. By

building effective communication with students, all students will feel that they

understand the material or feedback provided by the teacher in the classroom

and outside the classroom.

To the other researchers who want to research the same study, in order to

completed the research by the researcher the researcher hopes the other

researchers can provide input to the researcher.


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Interview with Teacher

Wirebakti S.Pd
No Questions Answer
1. What is feedback There are two types of feedback that were usually
type’s do you usually given by the teacher to the students during the new
apply during this new normal era;
normal era?
Written feedback: The teacher usually gives
written feedback to the students in the students’
Oral feedback: In the next meeting teacher always
gives oral feedback to the students, so that all
students understand the feedback that the teacher
gives in their assignments.

2. How do you give When teacher give feedback in front of the class, he
feedback to your usually choose 3-5 students who has many
students? mistakes in writing. Than call students to write
their work on the whiteboard to explain.
3. Do students During this pandemic, most students who care
experience about their assignments are minimal. In the
improvement after classroom only about 40% of them collect
being given feedback? assignments and understand the material presented.
4. Is the improvement The increase that occurred to students significantly
experienced by the after getting feedback even though it could not be
students significantly 100%.
or low?
5. How do you treat Teacher has 4 ways
students who do not 1. provide opportunities for students to improve
have an improvement their assignments
in writing 2. When the student does not do the first command,
assignments? the teacher will call the student to ask the student's
3. Calling the parents of students to go to school
4. provide standard value
6. How do you know the The teacher always discusses the previous
improvement that material which aims to make students understand.
occurs in students? In addition, teacher also always pay attention to the
developments that occur in his students.
7. Can the feedback you The feedback provided by the teacher is easy for
gibe be understood by students to understand. proven by the significant
students? increase experienced by students

(Interview on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021)

Interview with Teacher

Sri Hartini S.Pd
No Questions Answer
8. What is feedback The teacher always gives oral feedback in
type’s do you usually explaining the material directly in front of the class.
apply during this new The teacher gives oral feedback to make it easier for
normal era? students to understand the material given by the
9. How do you give Teacher gives feedback to students with
feedback to your encouragement and motivation. Thus, it can
students? make students actively study for their mistakes.
10. Do students Any improvement in students writing depends on
experience the students itself. Because most students who
improvement after care about their assignments are very few of them.
being given feedback?
11. Is the improvement Most of the improvements experienced by the
experienced by the students were significant. Because students who
students significantly make mistakes or difficulties will be helped how to
or low? solve the problem. Teacher also provides
instructions in the form of suggestions in oral and
written form.
12. How do you treat The teacher always gives advice and motivation to
students who do not students to correct their mistakes
have an improvement
in writing
13. How do you know the Usually the teacher re-examines the students'
improvement that writing assignments that have been collected and
occurs in students? the teacher can conclude that the students have
increased or decreased
14. Can the feedback you The feedback that the teacher gives in the
gibe be understood by classroom can be understood by students and
students? students can change the wrong writing to be correct
according to the instructions from the teacher

(Interview on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021)

Interview with Students
Female (teacher W)
Nana Fania (high achievement)
No Questions Answer
15. What types of feedback do The teacher provides two types of feedback in
teachers usually give to correcting students’ assignments. Teacher
students? gives written feedback in students’
worksheet and the teacher also explains
orally where the error is. It makes students
understand about the feedback given by the
16. What do you think about She can learn where her mistakes are when
the feedback given by the she writes
teacher during this new
normal era?
17. Do you feel any She feels there is a change when given
improvement after the feedback by the teacher
teacher gives feedback?
18. Do you understand about She always forgot about the feedback was
the feedback given by the given by the teacher.
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students

Female (teacher W)
Desinta (low achievement)
No Questions Answer
19. What types of feedback do The teacher gives oral feedback in correcting
teachers usually give to students’ worksheet. The teacher directly
students? explains the error that the students made in
their writing work.
20. What do you think about She think that feedback from the teacher is
the feedback given by the very good and easy to understand
teacher during this new
normal era?
21. Do you feel any She felt improvement after being given
improvement after the feedback
teacher gives feedback?
22. Do you understand about She do not remember feedback was given by
the feedback given by the the teacher
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students
Male (teacher W)
Irman Sofyan (high achievement)
No Questions Answer
23. What types of feedback do The teacher provides two types of feedback
teachers usually give to which are written feedback and oral
students? feedback in correcting students writing work.
24. What do you think about Teacher used two types of feedback in
the feedback given by the correcting students writing work and make he
teacher during this new felt understand about the feedback
normal era?
25. Do you feel any He felt improvement when he listen carefully
improvement after the explanation from the teacher
teacher gives feedback?
26. Do you understand about He asked about feedback that he do not
the feedback given by the understand when teacher explain the material
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students

Male (teacher W)
Isma Damara (low achievement)
No Questions Answer
27. What types of feedback do In this new normal era teacher always gives
teachers usually give to oral feedback. According to students I D, he
students? feels oral feedback is effective to teach
students in this new normal era.
28. What do you think about When the teacher explains the material he can
the feedback given by the better understand what is meant by the
teacher during this new teacher.
normal era?
29. Do you feel any He knows how to put the capital letter in the
improvement after the sentence
teacher gives feedback?
30. Do you understand about Better understand oral feedback than in
the feedback given by the writing.
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students
Female (teacher S)
Nur Ifta (high achievement)
No Questions Answer
31. What types of feedback do Teacher just gives oral feedback in correcting
teachers usually give to students’ worksheet in this new normal era.
32. What do you think about There is still a lack of feedback given by the
the feedback given by the teacher in this new normal. Because the
teacher during this new teacher rarely comes to class. The thing that
normal era? causes teachers to rarely come to class is
probably because students in the class rarely
pay attention to learning.
33. Do you feel any The improvement she felt after being given
improvement after the feedback by the teacher was very pronounced
teacher gives feedback? for her, because she was able to correct her
34. Do you understand about She do not really remember about feedback
the feedback given by the given by the teacher
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students

Female (teacher S)
Rohyani (low achievement)
No Questions Answer
35. What types of feedback do The feedback given by the teacher in the new
teachers usually give to normal era is very lacking, starting from
students? written feedback and oral feedback. She feels
that she does not understand the explanation
from the teacher regarding the feedback
problem that has been given.
36. What do you think about She compared about feedback was given by
the feedback given by the the teacher in ten grades and eleven grade.
teacher during this new She think that feedback from the teacher is
normal era? lacking
37. Do you feel any She felt improvement after being given
improvement after the feedback
teacher gives feedback?
38. Do you understand about She does not understand because the
the feedback given by the feedback given by the teacher is still minimal.
teacher in this new normal
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students
Male (teacher S)
Firman Wahyudi (high achievement)
No Questions Answer
39. What types of feedback do The teacher provides oral feedback in
teachers usually give to correcting students writing work. He feels
students? better understand oral feedback than written
feedback in this new normal era. Besides,
teacher rarely to gives written feedback to the

40. What do you think about Oral feedback more clear than written
the feedback given by the feedback
teacher during this new
normal era?
41. Do you feel any He prepare oral feedback than written
improvement after the feedback
teacher gives feedback?
42. Do you understand about When the teacher gives oral feedback in front
the feedback given by the of the class. The students have opportunities
teacher in this new normal to ask the question when he do not understand
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Interview with Students

Male (teacher S)
Angga Purnama (low achievement)
No Questions Answer
43. What types of feedback do The teacher provides oral feedback in
teachers usually give to correcting students writing work. He feels
students? understand when the teacher gives oral
feedback than written feedback.
44. What do you think about Teacher always gives students unclear
the feedback given by the explanation and push students to do
teacher during this new assignment
normal era?
45. Do you feel any For improvement here he felt better know
improvement after the where to used punctuation marks and
teacher gives feedback? placement of capital letters in a sentence.
46. Do you understand about He felt embarrassed in asked about the
the feedback given by the feedback given by the teacher because it uses

teacher in this new normal English.
(Interview on Saturday Mei 29th, 2021)

Feedback from the Teachers

No Code/Symbol Form Meaning Example

47. Circling O (word Incorrect & need Eviry, englis,
mistake) to be fixed wiwik, learn in
Indonesian, with,
bet, usuly, studens
48. Correct ₰ (correct correct The milk spanned
mark/cruel sentence) an over the floor,
see Jane get a mop
and cleaned it up
Cause: milk
Effect: Jane moped
49. Score 0-100 Students 80
50 Cross X (incorrect Incorrect and need Siti has planned a
sentence) to be fixed trip to her uncle’s
house because she
loves her consins
Cause: plan a trip
Effect: love her
51. Signature of the Signatures The students’
teachers writing has been
corrected by the
52. Arrow → (pointer) Show the result of →
the teachers’
53. Notes Feedback Give the correct I and my friend
sentence and answer almost train
word football every
afternoon, front,
both, pretty
54. Dash ― (incorrect Incorrect & need Prond
word) to be fixed
55. Underline ꟷ (incorrect Incorrect & need Pretty
word) to be fixed

Documents from teacher W

Documents from teacher S

No Statements of the Meaning Feedback from the
teacher teacher
82. Students assignment itError I and my friend almost
does not has any Example: train with my train every afternoon
subject friend almost every
83. Students assignment Error Rosiana learn English
just write phrase Example: learn in in her class
84. Students assignments Error I usually wash my hair
has errors in writing Example: I usuly wash every week
words hair eviry week
85. Students assignments Error Both my finger and
has error in writing Example: but my finger nails look beautiful
word and nails look beautiful
Observation on how the teacher gives feedback to the students

(Observation on Friday 04th June, 2021)


Observation Sheet

Observation Sheet

Day/date: 22 Mei, 2021

Location: SMAN 1 BAYAN

Observe: Guru Bahasa dan sastar inggris kelas 10

Object Observation: Wirebakti S.Pd

Purpose: melihat cara guru memberikan feedback kepada siswa

A. Descriptive Part

Teacher call students name “Midawan” and the students come to write his

sentence.For all of students look your friend yang menulis hasil kerjanya didepan!

Jika tulisan yang dia kerjakan salah maka kita akan sama-sama memperbaikinya.

All of you look the sentence that Midawan write! “Train with my friend almost

every afternoon” is it correct? It’s wrong right? All of students said “wrong”. In

this sentence “train with my friend almost every afternoon” it does not has

subject. Now how to correct it? I give some example to you “I and my friend

almost train every afternoon”. So it is subject right (the teacher circle the the

words “I and my friend”), but it is not subject (the teacher circle the word “train”).

First we must be understood about the subject firstly, without subject tanpa

subject itu bukan menjadi sebuah kalimat. Lagi sekali, penekanannya sepanjang

apappun kosakata yang anda susun tetapi tidak memiliki subject maka itu bukan

sebuah kalimat. Teacher asks to students “do you understand?” students answer

“yes sir”.

Next teacher call students’ name “Etika Wahyuni” and the students come to write

her sentence. Look your friend write sentence, if has mistakes or error writing we

will discuss it again. Based on assignment “how to write descriptive text by Etika

Wahyuni. Ok, look at it now! “But my finger and nails look beautiful” so what the

meaning about “but”?. Tetapi dia bilang disini ya, it is better how to write

sentence to be use of pararel structure “both my finger and nails look beautiful”.

Ok, what is the different? Apa bedanya sekarang (guru bertanya pada siswa).

Ketika kita menggunakan pararer structure menggambungkan 2 hal keadaan yang

bersamaan maka menggunakan (teacher circle the word “both”) kata “both ini

berarti kedua-duanya. Teacher asks to students (do you understand about it?) and

students answer (yes).

Ok next, Rosiana it so funny sentence but never mind we are still learning and

Rosiana write her sentence. Ok that’s good, thank you Rosiana, she was done by

her assignment (while smiling) but remember Rosdiana and another’s. Rosdiana

menulis “learn in Indonesian” it’s just phrase (while show the sentence that

Rosdiana write). What is phrase? Phrase itu adalah anak kalimat bukan kalimat.

Kenapa dikatakan anak kalimat? Itu hanya terdiri dari beberapa kata, ones again,

without subject a lot of vocabulary that you write tanpa menggunakan subject itu

tidak akan menjadi sebuah kalimat. Sekarang kita perbaiki tulisan Rosdiana

bareng-bareng. “learn” itu hanya sebuah kata kerja dan tidak bisa didalam sebuah

kalimat langsung diawali dengan sebuah kata kerja. Berarti dia bukan sebuah

subject, ok anggap subjectnya adalah Rosdiana. “Rosdiana learn English in her

class”, teacher circle the phrase “learn in Indonesian”. Lagi sekali sepanjang

apapun kosa-kata itu disusun tetapi tidak memiliki subject maka itu bukan

menjadi sebuah kalimat. Teacher show the sentence “Rosdiana learn English in

her class”. Cukup jelaskan “Rosdiana” sebagai subject “learn” sebagai kata kerja.

Cukup jelaskan sampai disini? (teacher asks to students) and students answer


Next Juniati, based on juniati assignment about how to write sentence is it correct

but not almost correct. Look the sentence in the whiteboard is it complete

sentence (I usuly wash hair eviry week) that has subject, predicate, object and kata

keterangan (while show the students juniati’s sentence). Lalu dimana tempat

salahnya anakku? (teacher asks to the students) and students answer (penulisannya

pak). Yes it’s correct, kesalahannya terletak pada penulisan kata-katanya (teacher

circle the words “usully, eviry”. Teacher gives the correct answer on each error

become “I usually wash my hair every week”. It so simple but if you are never to

learn it imposible, lagi sekali, sesuatu yang gampang tetapi anda tidak pernah

melakukannya maka itu akan menjadi sulit. What is the key (teacher asks to

students) tried to learn.

B. Reflective Part

Teacher gives feedback to the students with oral and written in whiteboard.

Feedback that the teacher gives are easy to understand by the students and could

be improves students writing work. Besides, teacher used two languages to gives

feedback to students (i.e. English and Indonesia). It can make students better

understand when the teacher only gives explanation with English language that

most students cannot understand. In another hand, the teacher made mistake when

he was corrected students assignment with smiling and said “funny sentence”

made by Rosdiana. It can make students uncomfortable when the teacher smiles

with their assignment.


Interview Sheet for Teacher

Teacher’s Name: Wirebakti, S.Pd

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah jenis feedback Feedback yang biasanya saya berikan kepada siswa
dimasa new normal ini ada 2 jenis;
yang biasanya di terapkan
Written feedback: yang dimana feedback yang saya
oleh anda kepada siswa
berikan ini langsung saya tulis pada lembar tugas
dimasa new normal? siswa.
Oral feedback: biasanya saya berikan langsung di
depan kelas agar memudahkan semua siswa
mengerti tentang materi pembelajaran.

2. Bagaimanakah cara anda Cara saya memberikan feedback kepada siswa

adalah dengan cara memilih tugas siswa yang
memberikan feedback
memiliki letak kesalahan yang sama. Kemudian
kepada siswa?
memanggil siswa maju ke depan kelas untuk
langsung di koreksi tugas menulisnya. Saya
biasanya memanggil 5 orang siswa yang memiliki
banyak kesalahan untuk di perbaiki.

3. Ketika anda memberikan Dimasa pandemic ini kebanyakan siswa yang
peduli terhadap tugasnya sangat minim. Di dalam
feedback kepada siswa,
kelas hanya sekitar 40% dari meraka yang
apakah ada peningkatan
mengumpulkan tugas dan mengerti terhadap materi
pada tugas menulis siswa? yang disampaikan.

4. Apakah peningkatan yang Peningkatan yang terjadi terhadap siswa secara

significant setelah mendapatkan feedback sekalipun
di alami siswa itu secara
tidak bisa 100%.
significant atau rendah?

5. Bagaimanakah cara anda Disini saya memiliki 4 cara terhadap siswa yang
tidak mengerti terhadap feedback yang saya
memperlakukan siswa
yang tidak memiliki
Biasanya saya memberikan kesempatan untuk
peningkatan dalam tugas mengmpulkan tugas di luar batas yang di tentukan.
Jika sampai batas waktu yang ke-2 diberikan tugas
tidak mengumpulkan maka, yang bersangkutan
akan di panggil secara personal oleh guru bidang
studi terkait alasannya.
Jika sampai yang bersangkutan (siswa) tidak juga
mengumpulkan tugas. Guru bidang studi akan
menghubungi orang tua atau wali siswa tersebut
terkait permasalahannya disekolah.
Pilihan terakhir jika yang bersangkutan masih saja
tidak peduli terhadap tugasnya , maka siswa
tersebut akan diberikan pilihan tidak akan
mendapatkan nilai seperti nilai raport sebelumnya.

6. Bagaimana cara anda Biasanya saya membahas kembali materi
sebelumnya agar mereka bisa menulisnya dengan
mengetahui peningkatan
yang terjadi di dalam tugas

menulis siswa?

7. Apakah feedback yang Tentu saja bisa, terbukti dengan adanya

peningkatan secara significant yang terjadi terhadap
anda berikan bisa
dimengerti oleh siswa?

Interview Sheet for Teacher

Teacher’s Name: Sri Hartini, S.Pd

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah jenis feedback yang Biasanya saya menerapkan jenis feedback

verbal atau secara langsung. Karena
biasanya di terapkan oleh anda
biasanya saya menjelaskan materi di depan
kepada siswa dimasa new
kelas dan memberikan waktu bagi siswa
normal? untuk bertanya terkait materi yang saya
sampaikan. Jikalau tidak ada yang bertanya
maka saya akan memberikan mereka

2. Bagaimanakah cara anda Cara saya memberikan feedback kepada

siswa dengan memberikan dorongan dan
memberikan feedback kepada
motivasi . Memberikan saran dan komentar
kepada siswa agar siswa paham tentang

3. Ketika anda memberikan Ada peningkatan, tapi tergantung dari

siswanya masing2. Sebagian besarnya lebih
feedback kepada siswa, apakah
ada peningkatan.
ada peningkatan pada tugas

menulis siswa?

4. Apakah peningkatan yang di Sebagian besar peningkatan yang dialami

siswa itu secara significant. Karena siswa
alami siswa itu secara significant
yang melakukan kesalahan atau kesulitan itu
atau rendah?
akan dibantu bagaimana cara memecahkan

masalahnya. Saya juga memberikan
petunjuk berupa saran dalam bentuk lisan
maupun tulisan.
5. Bagaimanakah cara anda Saya tetap memberikan dorongan atau
semangat dan motivasi untuk belajar dan
memperlakukan siswa yang
memperbaiki kesalahannya.
tidak memiliki peningkatan

dalam tugas menulis?

6. Bagaimana cara anda Saya biasanya melihan tugas menulis siswa

yang telah di kumpulkan.
mengetahui peningkatan yang

terjadi di dalam tugas menulis


7. Apakah feedback yang anda Bisa dimengerti, karena bisa saya liat dari
tugas yang saya berikan kepada siswa dan
berikan bisa dimengerti oleh
mereka mempuanyai perubahan terhadap
pekerjaannya yang salah kemudian mereka
bisa memperbaikinya dengan baik.


Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Desinta

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Biasanya guru selalu memberikan oral

biasanya diberikan oleh guru feedback kepada kita. Guru selalu

kepada siswa? mengoreksi tugas kita secara langsung

di depan kelas.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Pendapat saya sangat bagus karena bisa

feedback yang diberikan oleh memperbaiki kesalahan kita dan

guru? membuat kita lebih baik kedepannya.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Saya merasa ada peningkatan ketika

peningkatan ketika guru diberikan feedback oleh guru dan

memberikan feedback kepada pengetahuan kita semakin bertambah.


4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Kadang mengerti kadang tidak.

feedback yang diberikan oleh Contohnya dalam menggunakan kata

guru? ganti subject dalam sebuah kalimat.

Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Nana Fania

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Guru memberikan kedua tipe feedback

biasanya diberikan oleh guru tersebut dalam mengoreksi tugas kita.

kepada siswa? Ketika kita melakukan kesalahan pada

tugas menulis, guru memberikan written

feedback pada lembar tugas kita dan

juga guru menjelaskan kepada kita letak


2. Apakah pendapat anda te Dari feedback yang telah diberikan oleh

guru, kita bisa belajar letak kesalahan

kita dimana dan untuk kedepannya bisa

menjadi lebih baik lagi.

ntang feedback yang diberikan

oleh guru?

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Ada peningkatan, misalnya saat kita

peningkatan ketika guru membuat tugas dan melakukan

memberikan feedback kepada kesalahan. Jadi untuk kedepannya kita

anda? bisa belajara tentang kesalahan kita


4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Kadang ingat dan kadang lupa tentang

feedback yang diberikan oleh apa instruksi dari guru kita. Karena

guru? kemungkinan banyak tugas yang

menyibukkan kita.

Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Isma Damara

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Biasanya feedback yang diberikan oleh

biasanya diberikan oleh guru guru pada saat ini adalah secara

kepada siswa? langsung atau oral feedback. Karena

menurut saya feedback oral lebih

effective dibandingkan dengan written.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Pada saat guru menjelaskan materi kita

feedback yang diberikan oleh bisa lebih mengerti apa yang dimaksud

guru? oleh guru.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Saya jadi merasa tahu tentang cara

peningkatan ketika guru penempatan hurup capital pada sebuah

memberikan feedback kepada kalimat.


4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Lebih mengerti feedback secara

feedback yang diberikan oleh langsung dibandingkan dengan tertulis.


Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Roh Yani

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Yang biasanya diberikan oleh guru pada

biasanya diberikan oleh guru saat ini saya merasa kurang. Dari mulai

kepada siswa? feedback secara tertulis maupun secara

langsung. Karena pada saat tatap muka

saja kita tidak mengerti apalagi saat

pembelajaran daring.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Untuk sekarang feedback yang

feedback yang diberikan oleh diberikan oleh guru masih kurang. Beda

guru? dengan dulu waktu kita masih kelas 10,

dimasa itu saya merasa feedback yang

diberikan oleh guru sangat bagus.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Saya merasa ada peningkatan karena

peningkatan ketika guru saya merasa ada pembelajaran yang

memberikan feedback kepada masuk ke otak saya.


4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Saya kurang mengerti karena feedback

feedback yang diberikan oleh yang diberikan oleh guru masih minim.


Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Irman Sopyan

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Untuk tugas tertulis biasanya dijelaskan

biasanya diberikan oleh guru dengan oral dan written. Beda dengan

kepada siswa? saat kita speaking, guru selalu

memberikan feedback secara langsung.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Dalam pembelajaran writing kita lebih

feedback yang diberikan oleh mudah memahami feedback yang

guru? diberikan oleh guru. Karena guru

menggunakan oral dan written feedback

saat mengoreksi tugas siswa.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Tentu saja ada, karena instruksi dari

peningkatan ketika guru guru ketika dalam sebuah pembelajaran.

memberikan feedback kepada Ketika kita mendengarkan secara

anda? seksama pasti kita akan mengerti apa

yang dimaksud oleh guru tersebut.

4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Kalau saya merasa tidak mengerti

feedback yang diberikan oleh dengan maksud guru tersebut saya akan

guru? bertanya dan akan mudah bagi saya

untuk mencernanya dengan kepala.

Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Nur Ifta

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Yang biasanya diberikan oleh guru pada

biasanya diberikan oleh guru saat new normal ini lebih ke sacara

kepada siswa? langsung (oral feedback).

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Masih kurang feedback yang diberikan

feedback yang diberikan oleh oleh guru pada new normal ini.

guru? Dikarenakan guru jarang masuk kelas.

Hal yang menyebabkan guru jarang

masuk kelas kemungkinan karena siswa

di dalam kelas jarang ada yang mau

memperhatikan pembelajaran.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Kalau saya pribadi ada peningkatan.

peningkatan ketika guru Karena feedback yang diberikan oleh

memberikan feedback kepada guru adalah pembelajaran bagi saya.


4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Kadang mengerti kadang juga tidak.

feedback yang diberikan oleh


Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Firman Wahyudi

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Oral feedback. Karena saya merasa

biasanya diberikan oleh guru lebih memahami oral feedback. Dalam

kepada siswa? tugas writing guru biasanya memberikan

feedback secara langsung kepada siswa

dan jarang meberikan written feedback

kepada siswa.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Penjelasan tentang oral feedback lebih

feedback yang diberikan oleh jelas dibandingkan dengan written

guru? feedback.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Lebih cepat paham menggunakan oral

peningkatan ketika guru feedback dalam hal penulisan paragraph

memberikan feedback kepada dan kalimat. Mengerti letak penggunaan

anda? huruf capital pada sebuah kaliamt.

4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Biasanya kalau kita diberikan feedback

feedback yang diberikan oleh secara langsung, kita ada kesempatanm

guru? untuk menanyakan letak kesalahan

dalam penulisan kita dimana

dibandingkan dengan written feedback.

Interview Sheet for Students

Students’ name: Angga Purnama

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apakah tipe feedback yang Oral feedback. Karena saya merasa

biasanya diberikan oleh guru lebih memahami secara langsung

kepada siswa? dibandingkan dengan secara tertulis.

2. Apakah pendapat anda tentang Guru biasanya memberikan penjelasan

feedback yang diberikan oleh kepada siswa masih kurang jelas dan

guru? guru memaksakan langsung

memberikan tugas kepada siswa.

3. Apakah anda merasa ada Dalam pemebelajaran writing kita

peningkatan ketika guru merasa ada peningkatan untuk menulis

memberikan feedback kepada paragraph atau kalimat lebih baikm lagi.

anda? Untuk peningkatan disini kita merasa

lebih tau tempat menggunakan tanda

baca dan penempatan hurup capital pada

sebuah kalimat.

4. Apakah anda mengerti tentang Kita merasa malu dalam bertanya

feedback yang diberikan oleh tentang feedback yang diberikan oleh

guru? guru karena menggunakan Bahasa





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