Hard Gold Plating For Edge Connectors

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Hard Gold Plating for Edge


Edge connectors are commonly used in electronics to make connections

between printed circuit boards (PCBs) and other components. They consist of

multiple contact pads arranged on the edge of a PCB that mate with pins or

sockets on another device. Ensuring quality connections on these pads is

critical for proper functioning of electronic devices.

Hard gold plating is an effective way to enhance the durability and

performance of edge connector contacts. It involves electroplating a layer of

hard gold alloy onto the copper contact pads. Compared to conventional soft

gold plating, hard gold provides increased hardness, wear resistance, and

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reliability under repeated insertion/removal cycles. This makes it well-suited for

high-cycle and harsh environment applications.

Benefits of Hard Gold Plating on Edge Connectors

Improved Durability

Hard gold plating significantly improves connector durability compared to soft

gold or tin finishes. The hardened gold layer is much more resistant to friction

and abrasive wear during repeated mating cycles. This prevents issues like

fretting corrosion and contact fatigue that degrade connection quality over

time. Parts with hard gold contacts maintain low and stable contact resistance

even after 100,000+ insertion cycles.

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Excellent Conductivity

In addition to mechanical robustness, hard gold platings provide high and

stable electrical conductivity similar to pure soft gold. This ensures reliable

signal transmission across contacts without increasing connection resistance.

The excellent conductivity is maintained over prolonged use without


Corrosion Resistance

Hard gold finishes offer exceptional corrosion resistance comparable to

traditional gold surfaces. The material remains largely unaffected by humidity,

industrial atmospheres, salt spray, and other corrosive elements in most

environments. This prevents corrosion issues like dendrite growth or surface

oxidation that gradually destroy connections.

Lead-free Process Compatibility

With the electronics industry moving towards adopting lead-free

manufacturing processes, hard gold platings have adapted to enable

compatibility. Hard gold finishes are now available using tin alloy or palladium

substrates that support lead-free soldering. This allows manufacturers to move

to environmentally safer process while still leveraging benefits of hard gold

edge connectors.

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Cost Effectiveness

Despite significant performance improvements over soft gold, adding hard

gold plating only incrementally increases fabrication costs. And the enhanced

durability results in longer service life along with lower maintenance costs. This

makes hard gold plating a cost-effective option for enhancing connector

performance in challenging application environments. Savings multiply further

in high-volume production runs.

Hard Gold Plating Process Steps

Applying hard gold plating onto edge connector contacts requires specialized

electroplating processes. It involves precisely controlling process chemistry

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and electrical parameters to deposit a specific gold layer matrix. The key steps


Surface Preparation

The contact must first be properly cleaned and microetched to remove oxides

and activate the surface. This roughens up the surface for better plating

adhesion. Specific surface profiles are necessary for certain hard gold platings.

Strike Deposition

A thin pure gold strike layer of 0.05 to 0.1 μin is plated onto the prepared

copper base. This coats the base evenly and also prevents migration of

subsequent gold alloy layers into copper which can form brittle intermetallic


Diffusion Barrier

Selective hard gold processes deposit a nickel or cobalt barrier about 2 μin

thick. This barrier prevents diffusion between the copper base and upper gold

rich alloy coating. The barrier retains temper and hardness properties of the

alloy coating.

Hard Gold Matrix Plating

The main plating step deposits a matrix gold alloy coating like AuCo or AuNi to

desired thickness, typically around 2 to 5 μin. Solution chemistry factors like

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metal ion concentrations and pH determine the platings hardness, wear

resistance and other qualities.

Outermost Pure Gold Layer

Finally a 0.05 to 0.1 μin outer finish layer of pure gold caps off the coating. This

protects the gold alloy matrix beneath and enables effective soldering. The

pure gold matches oxidation potential with upper alloy layer to prevent

galvanic corrosion.

Table: Key Hard Gold Plating Process Steps

Proper process control and plating chemistry enables depositing a layered

gold structure optimized for hardness and performance.

Hardness and Wear Resistance Testing

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Verifying the hardness and durability gains from hard gold plating requires

standardized mechanical testing methods. Two common tests used are:

Knoop Microhardness Testing

This technique uses a pyramidal diamond indenter to make micro-impressions

on plated samples. The resulting impression geometry determines Knoop

hardness number. Hard gold finishes typically measure 300-800 KHN or more

compared to around 100-200 for soft gold. The higher value indicates

enhanced resistance to contact damage.

Cycle Sliding Wear Testing

Here a test pin is repeatedly inserted and withdrawn from plated contact pads

while monitoring electrical resistance changes. The number of cycles until

resistance exceeds set limits determines relative wear life. Hard gold coatings

can endure 100,000+ cycles with minimal resistance effects versus just ~10,000

cycles for common finishes like ENIG or HASL.

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Properly specifying hardness targets and validating through such testing

ensures the hard gold finish provides necessary durability and extended

operation life needed in specific connector applications.

Applications Benefitting from Hard Gold Edge Contacts

With its unique set of advantages, hard gold plating creates value in edge

connectors used in a variety of industries and challenging environments:

Computer Servers and Datacom Hardware

Servers and network switches utilize high density board-to-board

interconnects with edge connectors that endure continual insertion/removal of

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cards for upgrades. Hard gold contacts maintain quality connections despite

such disruption.

Telecom Infrastructure Equipment

Telecom systems employ arrays of PCBs interconnected through connectors

that must survive years of vibration, shock, dust and corrosion during

uninterrupted operation. Hard gold provides necessary durability while

retaining signal integrity.

Automotive Applications

Vehicles incorporate many PCB connections exposed to vibration, moisture

temperature swings and chemical contamination. Hard gold plated connectors

ensure automotive electronics last beyond typical 10-15 year vehicle lifespans.

Military and Aerospace Systems

Defense and avionics electronics operate under intense mechanical and

environmental stresses. Hard gold connector contacts maintain connections

during shock/vibration while resisting corrosion from fuels, salt spray etc. in

these extreme conditions to support mission reliability.

Wherever dependable connections under repeated mechanical disruption or

harsh environments are needed, hard gold plated edge connectors thrive. The

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minor additional cost over conventional finishes more than pays off through

enhanced performance, lifespans and lower maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hard gold plating?

Hard gold plating refers to electroplated gold alloy finishes with hardness

exceeding 200 Knoop that are more durable alternatives to conventional soft

pure gold plating. Specialized plating chemistry and processes deposit gold

alloys like AuCo and AuNi as wear and abrasion resistant surface coatings.

How hard does hard gold plating get?

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Typical hard gold finishes achieve 300-800 Knoop hardness through tuning

factors like alloying percentages, layer thicknesses, and deposition processes.

Coatings exceeding 500 KHN offer substantial gains in wear performance. New

techniques are also extending capabilities beyond 800 KHN.

Is hard gold plating better than soft gold?

For connectors and contacts that endure repeated mechanical disruption like

insertion cycles, hard gold platings significant durability gains justify change

from traditional soft gold. Up to 100X+ increase in lifetime cycles along with

anti-fretting and consistent conductivity gives hard gold edge and header

connectors an advantage.

Can you solder with hard gold plating?

Hard gold processes now support soldering by incorporating final flash

coating of pure gold outer layer. This matches oxidation potential with

underlying hard gold alloy to prevent galvanic corrosion while enabling

effective wetting for lead-free solders. So hard gold is solderable by design.

Is hard gold plating expensive?

While hard gold adds incremental cost over soft gold plating, it remains

economical compared to premium finishes like gold flash over nickel palladium.

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And enhanced reliability, longer lifetimes, and lower maintenance costs offset

the modest additional plating expense - creating better total cost profile.

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