Unveiling Vision 2024 - Approved

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ü To get them to know the benefits in fellowship

— Obd. 1:17/21/ Psa. 84:7/Heb. 3:13/ Heb. 10:25

ü To see if any of them has issues calling for
attention spiritually or otherwise — Mak. 10:36/
Mat. 11:28
ü To pray with them on issues of concern —Jam. 5:6
7. A New Phase of WOFBI
We shall be embarking on a 3-day course tagged,
'Kingdom Fundamental Course.' This course is
targeted at connecting members, particularly new
converts and new members to the fundamentals of
the faith, so as to secure their foundation that will
“I the God of Wonder double is visiting you
keep them strong and growing. and will remain in your midst until you don't
Ø For if the foundation be destroyed, the righteous want me again” — Oct. 2015
can do nothing — Psa.11:3/1Cor.3:11-12/2Tim. 2:19 1. Minimum double the current size of every
local assembly this year on or before the end of
Ø What does it mean to be born again? the first half of 2024 - It has happened before,
Ø What are the biblical proofs of new birth? and it will happen again.
Ø What is water baptism and what are the benefits 2. Minimum double the current number of Home
thereof? Cells this year on or before the end of the first
half of 2024 – It has happened before, and it will
Ø What is prayer and how do I pray to get
happen again.
3. Personal engagement shall count the most
Ø How do I feed on the Word?
this year as always
Ø What is faith and how does faith work?
As we all know,
Ø What is sanctification and how can I live a
sanctified life? Ø God does not bless groups, He blesses
individual — Isa. 51:1-3
Ø Who is the Holy Spirit and How can I be filled
with the Holy Spirit? Ø God does not reward groups, he rewards
individual — 1 Cor. 3:8
Ø Why must I be in Church and what does going to
church has to offer? Ø God does not promote groups, He promotes
ØWhat is Kingdom stewardship and how do I serve individual — Jhn 12:24-26
God acceptably and profitably? Ø God is out to bring each one into fortune as we
etc, etc . choose to serve Him in truth and indeed this
Jesus is Lord!
4. Kingdom Care Prophetic Mandate.
Ø As we have opportunity, the bible commands
that we do good to all men, especially they of the
household of faith — Gal. 6:10
Ø As we all know, doing good is good — Jhn.13:34-35 disease today and set at liberty those that are vex
/Gal. 6:2/7 with the devils — Mat. 4:23-24
This was the lifestyle of: I had this unique encounter in June 29, 1992 where
ü Abraham —Gen.13:5-18/Gen.14:14-20/Gen.18:1-8 God said to me,
ü Isaac — Gen. 26:16-30/ Gal. 4:28
ü Joseph — Gen. 45:1-7
ü Paul the Apostle — 2 Cor. 12:12-14
and many more....
Ø Many kingdom giants shall rise as we engage with
this kingdom prophetic mandate, while many
already covenant-made giants shall continue to
scale higher heights in fortune, because we serve a
covenant keeping God — Psa.102:13-15/
Psa. 89:34/Pro. 28:27/1Tim. 6:17-19
5. Healing the Nation Mandate
By the prompting of the Holy Ghost, we shall be
embarking on a special healing miracle service
every Sunday at the Faith Tabernacle to address the
healing needs of men and women around the world.
This is therefore not just a Church programme, but
Because we are in the last days and the wicked is a healing miracle crusade.
out doing more wickedly, a prophetic voice of
restoration is urgently required — Isa. 42:22
There are members on the hospital bed, some in
their homes, who can simply connect to this service
for their healing, because there is no distance in the
world of the spirit — Psa. 19:1-2/ Mat. 8:8-10/13 6. Monthly Membership Establishment
In addition, we have people flying from various
nations desiring the healing touch of Christ. Some Ø This is a special familiarization fellowship
stayed here for days, other for weeks without having scheduled to hold across our local assemblies
opportunity for a touch, mostly because a number of once a month with new converts and new
them has no appointment whatsoever. But with or members.
without appointment, everyone that steps in here Ø This platform is for enhanced integration of our
for healing touch should have access for free. new converts and new members in the Church.
To this end, beginning from January 21, 2024, a Among others, this platform shall be:
Special Healing Miracle service kicks off every ü To enlighten new converts and new members
Sunday at 11.45 am (NGT) on what this Church has to offer them, referring
Because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and to the vision and the impact of the same over the
forever, He still heals all manner of sickness and years — Psa. 65:4/ Eph. 4:8-11/ Rom. 12:4-5

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